Choosing a kitten - Questions and answers about Maine Coon cats.

Pros and cons of the breed

Maine Coon, like any other breed, has its pros and cons, which it is better to familiarize yourself with before buying a kitten. The positive qualities of these big cats include:

  • flexible character, affection for the owner;
  • complete absence of aggression;
  • cleanliness;
  • interesting appearance, impressive body size, fluffy silky “fur coat”;
  • training opportunity;
  • high level of intelligence.

However, the breed has some disadvantages:

  • high price - from 20 to 80 thousand rubles. per kitten, depending on exhibition qualities;
  • heavy shedding;
  • high maintenance costs - cats of this breed need to be fed high-quality natural food or super-premium food;
  • predisposition to certain diseases - hip dysplasia, polydactyly, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy.

In addition, Maine Coon babies are very active and curious. In the process of exploring the world, they often become the cause of chaos in the house. For example, they climb onto shelves and throw everything out of there, move objects they like, and turn over flower pots.


There is an opinion that ginger cats and calico cats (tortoiseshell colors) are very affectionate and bring happiness to the home. In fact, cats of any color bring well-being, and black ones generally improve comfort and protect against the evil eye. When choosing, color, of course, matters, but only indirectly. When choosing a kitten, it is better to start from other criteria and pay more attention to the health of your furry friend.

It happens that many are looking for a cat that looks like their recently deceased pet in order to somehow brighten up the bitterness of loss. In fact, it is better not to do this, because it will only have the opposite effect and the memory “load” will haunt you for a long time. In this case, it is better to start with a “clean slate”, choose a completely opposite color, and enjoy the new animal as if it were the first long-awaited kitten in your home.

Important! Many people dream of a beautiful white Maine Coon. They are, of course, incredibly beautiful, but if you do not have experience in caring for white colors, then it is better not to rush into making a choice. Firstly, they need very careful care using professional products. Secondly, cats/cats of white colors need special nutrition.

How to choose a kitten

Before buying a kitten, you should carefully study the basic selection criteria. You should focus on the purpose for which the pet is purchased (for example, for breeding, participation in exhibitions or as a regular pet).

What gender

Females and males Maine Coons have several significant differences. The character of boys is more obstinate. They are distinguished by their stubbornness and love of freedom. Girls are more flexible and calm, and demonstrate their affection for family members more clearly. They love to be petted and held.

The appearance of males and females is very different. Cats are much larger. They weigh 10-12 kg, and their body length can reach 120 cm without a tail. Cats are more compact, their weight ranges from 4 to 8 kg. In addition, females are more clean; they lick their fur until it shines clean.

Males are usually chosen for exhibitions. They have a more impressive appearance - large size, lush mane, massive paws and outstanding facial features.

By 7 months, uncastrated males are actively marking their territory. This can be a problem because their urine has a strong, unpleasant odor. It’s also not easy with cats during heat - their mood deteriorates sharply, and in the absence of satisfaction of the reproductive instinct, they “call” the cat very loudly. Sterilized animals behave calmer.

What age

Often, future Maine Coon owners prefer to buy very small kittens, barely two months old. This is not an entirely optimal solution. It is better to wait until the baby reaches the age of 3-3.5 months. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Timing of vaccination. The last vaccination in childhood is given to a kitten up to 3.5 months. If you purchase an animal at an earlier age, you will have to take the animal for vaccination yourself.
  2. Feeding on mother's milk. Maine Coon kittens are breastfed for a long time, which they need for full development.
  3. Psychological state of children. Maine Coon kittens have a fairly strong bond with their mother. Therefore, you should not injure them by taking them away from the cat early.

In addition, by the age of three months, the kitten’s character is already visible. Therefore, the future owner will have the opportunity to evaluate the pet’s temperament.

Which class

All purebred kittens are divided by professional breeders into 3 classes:

  1. Pet. Includes kittens with breed defects. Often they are completely insignificant. For example, an overly defined profile or small tassels on the ears. Moreover, minor imperfections tend to smooth out as the animal grows older. Pets of the Pet class are not allowed to show, and are also required to be spayed or neutered so that their genes are not passed on to future generations of Maine Coons.
  2. This class includes kittens without breed defects, suitable for professional breeding. When buying or selling such an animal, a contract must be drawn up with a detailed description of the breed qualities of the cat.
  3. Kittens with excellent show qualities. Their breed properties are preliminarily assessed by the breeder. The cost of babies for exhibitions can reach 70-80 thousand rubles. for a kitten.

People who do not plan to take Maine Coons to shows or engage in professional breeding should choose Pet class kittens. Despite the presence of minor breed deviations, they are in no way inferior in character to their more prestigious brothers. Therefore, there is no point in overpaying.

What color

When choosing the color of your future pet, you need to focus on your own taste. The coat of cats of this breed is distinguished by a variety of colors: white, black, smoky, gray, red marble). More interesting are animals with “ornament” - with a tortoiseshell or striped color.

The Maine Coon breed standards do not provide for the chocolate and lilac color of the animal.

What else to look for when choosing

Also, when choosing a Maine Coon baby, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • the character of the pet - it all depends on the wishes of the owner, some like calm and affectionate animals, others prefer active and wayward pets;
  • the condition of the mucous membranes (eyes, gums) - they should be moist, pink, without damage or rashes;
  • condition of the fur - the coat should be smooth, shiny, without tangles;
  • odor - if the kitten smells unpleasant, it is most likely sick.

Such signs as lacrimation or nasal discharge in an animal indicate the presence of diseases. In such a situation, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Pros and cons of purchasing

Potential owners most often choose the Maine Coon because of its impressive size and cute ear tufts. Despite their majestic appearance, representatives of the breed are affectionate and sociable. In character they are a bit like dogs.

Maine Coons become very attached to their owner and sense his mood well. They are not capricious or vindictive. Thanks to their high intelligence, these cats quickly get used to relieving themselves in the litter box and sharpening their claws in the right place.

Maine Coons are not aggressive at all. They easily get along with children and other pets. Most cats rarely vocalize and do not harass their owners with heart-rending meows.

However, Maine Coon kittens are quite expensive. An animal that is not suitable for exhibitions and breeding will cost at least 20 thousand rubles. Well, for a pet with excellent breed qualities you will have to pay 70-80 thousand rubles.

Other disadvantages of the breed arise partly from its advantages. Maine Coons have a gorgeous coat - thick and fluffy. They shed quite profusely. This means that the owner who chose this breed will have to put up with a large amount of wool in the apartment.

Large Maine Coons eat quite a lot. But they should not be given food from the human table or economy-class food - this is fraught with serious health problems.

Find out in detail about the large breed - Maine Coon.

The owner must be prepared for the following expenses:

  • purchasing or preparing quality food from fresh ingredients;
  • purchasing vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • payment for appointments with a veterinarian.

When they are young, Maine Coons are very active. Due to excess energy, kittens will climb onto high shelves, throw things off, drop flower pots, and tear off curtains. To avoid destruction, you need to devote a lot of time to your pet and often play outdoor games with him.

How to distinguish the breed

Often outbred kittens or mixed breeds are sold to inexperienced breeders under the guise of Maine Coons. To recognize such tricks, you need to know the characteristics of the breed. The main distinguishing features of Maine Coons are:

  1. Impressive body size. Pedigree kittens are 1.5-2 times larger than usual.
  2. A long fluffy tail that easily reaches the animal's shoulder blades. In some cases it can reach the head.
  3. Ears. In Maine Coons, they are set vertically and have tassels at the tips. Also, horizontal hairs extend from the ears, performing the function of insulation.
  4. Wool. Purebred cats have a thick mane and knickers on their hind legs. The fur itself should be silky and soft to the touch. A characteristic feature is that the head of the Maine Coon is covered with short hair, and the sides and belly are covered with long hair.
  5. Body type. Maine Coon kittens are stocky, strong, and have massive paws with fur between the pads. Compared to outbred cats, they look much more muscular.
  6. Facial features. Thoroughbred babies are distinguished by large faces with clearly defined cheekbones and a square chin. The eyes are set wide apart, the color of the iris matches the color of the animal. The whiskers of kittens are much thicker and longer than those of ordinary kittens.

Interesting: “Weight and size of Maine Coons by month.”

If a kitten lacks at least one of the listed signs, it is better to contact another breeder. Sometimes the seller assures that some characteristic features will appear with age (for example, tufts on the ears or fur between the pads of the paws) - you should not trust such promises.

The look of Maine Coons seems stern and arrogant. However, representatives of this breed are strict only in appearance. They are distinguished by their flexible character and actively show love and affection towards their owner.

Who is better for a family - a cat or a female cat?

If size is what your family especially likes about Maine Coons, then it's probably a cat. Males grow much larger than cats
(this is a property of the breed).
In addition, they are easier to castrate, they are more friendly and easy to communicate with. Cats, in my experience, are more sophisticated and intelligent, cunning and resourceful
. This is not to say that a cat is easier to handle because it is smaller. Cats can be wayward, and huge powerful cats can be obedient, like angels. Perhaps, each animal is individual, everyone is different, and I personally like both cats and cats. However, you need to build relationships with everyone and this is interesting.


A professional breeder will never give away a purebred baby without a set of documents. When purchasing a kitten, the seller must hand over to the buyer:

  1. Contract of sale. It should reflect the main external features of the kitten, information about the state of health, and the price of the transaction. By agreement of the parties, additional clauses can be added to the document.
  2. Pedigree, as well as pedigrees of the baby’s parents with confirmation of their breed status.
  3. Veterinary passport with information about vaccination and other medical procedures.
  4. Detailed instructions for keeping the animal.

If a kitten is purchased for participation in exhibitions or for professional breeding, it is necessary to request documents confirming its registration in felinological systems.

Will the kitten grow up big?

Maine Coons are very large animals, but no one can say for sure how this or that kitten will grow up. If the breeder claims that the cat will grow up to be a huge giant, it is better not to delude yourself too much.

Much depends on the parents, as well as on nutrition. To understand approximately what a kitten can become, you need to look at mom and dad. This is not always a guarantee, but if there is a genetic predisposition, then most often Maine Coons grow up to be the same as their parents.

It would be a good idea to ask to see photographs of graduates from this breeding couple. Also, in addition to the fact that size is influenced by genetics, it is also worth paying attention to the kitten’s food. The better the food, the larger it will grow.

Where can I buy

The surest option is to buy Maine Coon babies from trusted breeders who have a certificate for breeding cats of this breed. At the same time, the seller should not interfere with a personal visit to the nursery to meet the future pet and its parents, as well as, upon first request, present the appropriate documents for the kitten.

However, professional breeders are difficult to find, especially in provincial cities. Therefore, buyers are looking for Maine Coons on the following trading platforms:

  • At poultry markets. Not the best option. Meeting a purebred Maine Coon in such places is a rare success. Under the guise of purebred babies, they usually sell mestizos with fake documents.
  • Avito, Yula and other online platforms. Here the chance of purchasing a purebred baby is slightly higher. To avoid becoming a victim of deception, you need to study the seller’s profile - registration date, number of successful transactions, reviews.
  • Online nurseries. Not a bad option, although you can also stumble upon deception. Photos of kittens are often photoshopped and documents are forged.
  • Exhibitions. Kittens are not sold directly at such events. But there you can meet professional breeders, as well as look at the parents of the babies.

To avoid fraud, it is also necessary to take into account the purchase price. A purebred Maine Coon cannot be cheap. The cost of representatives of the Pet class starts from 20 thousand rubles.

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I. Choosing a kitten

I. You are buying a kitten: What you need to know about the kitten you want to buy

1. Why do you need a kitten? OPTION answer 1. For yourself - for the soul. Great. Let's not repeat the costs of decent food and vitamins, veterinary care and toys. Let's fast forward mentally to the 10-month-old age of your future teenager. He/she will want to get married - get married, and have kids. If you do not allow your teenager to see his other half, you will torture both him (nature demands) and yourself (the teenager will scream loudly or start shitting in the wrong places - not because he is bad, but because he will be Badly). There are two ways out of this situation: castrate (sterilize) or not castrate. A) Usually, the first reaction to this dilemma is: “No, no, just don’t castrate.” Let us note, by the way, that this attitude towards castration is primarily characteristic of men. In addition, Europeans and Americans view the issue of castration much more simply than the majority of Russians (we do not know the view of Australians and people from Eastern countries). Solving the problem of “to castrate or not to castrate” is mainly a problem of overcoming existing HUMAN stereotypes, and not cat stereotypes. After all, the cat won’t even know that he needs a girl if his hormones stop tormenting him. The same applies to the cat. However, the issues of castration, all the pros and cons, a person’s psychological doubts on this matter, we will consider all this in the chapter “Castration - Sterilization”. Here we believe that you are ready for a simple operation in the future. In this case, you will not have to think about the quality of your pet’s potential offspring. And the quality of the purchased kitten is not burdened by its productive characteristics. Accordingly, its cost will, as a rule, be lower than the cost of the same kitten purchased for breeding. Understand that when you are going to have offspring from your pet, the breeder of your kitten tries to provide high quality litters - this is a matter of his honor, his reputation (I am talking, of course, about conscientious breeders). OPTION answer 2 or B) You are not ready for future castration/sterilization of the kitten: For breeding. In this case, you must warn the breeder that you may be breeding your child in the future. I repeat: the breeder of your kitten will try (as far as possible and as experience allows) to provide for the high quality of future litters. Please note that even if your kitten is a super-show class, he will not necessarily become an excellent producer. Now think about it: will you be able to exhibit your “child” at exhibitions (this involves material, time, and psychological expenses)? Will you be able to bear the burden of club expenses: after all, no one is obliged to work for your pussy for free: selecting brides and grooms, preparing club documents (activations, pedigrees, championship certificates and other office supplies)? Are you ready to pay for matings (if you have a girl) or accept other people's girls (if you have a boy)? Are you ready to care for your cat's kittens or advertise for your cat's kittens? In a word, are you ready to embark on the difficult but interesting path of a “divorcee”? That is, a person who breeds real purebred kittens. If you are not ready for all this, then once again return to thinking about castration. If you are not ready for either one or the other, then refuse to buy a kitten at all. Because you don’t need to entertain yourself with the illusion that everything will somehow work out on its own. Not formed. You are the person who must be responsible for the fate of YOUR “child”. If you are ready to take the path of a breeder, then when buying a kitten, talk in detail with the breeder, ask him all the questions that interest you, even if they may seem stupid. Ask questions not only about the current care of the kitten, but also about its parents, about necessary vaccinations, about possible future matings, brides and grooms, about competitors - cats, and everything that you think may be related to the future of your “child” " Please note that the cost of a kitten intended for breeding is usually SIGNIFICANTLY higher than that of one sold for castration. You must be prepared for this. But you can also count on significantly greater attention from the breeder selling such a kitten. And finally, OPTION 3 - For yourself, for the soul, but definitely for show quality: show it to your neighbors and brag to your friends. In this case, very similar to Option 1 (that is, the kitten is purchased with the intention of neutering it in the future). The only difference with the first option is that you want to have a HIGH BREED animal in your home, and therefore expensive to buy and care for, an animal. Be prepared financially. And study everything else according to OPTION 1.. 2. Who to buy A) Boy or girl? As a rule, the buyer knows the answer to this question himself. If not, then you must still form it for yourself. We will give only a few considerations that can help this formation. Listen to yourself personally: who is closer to you in your everyday life - boys or girls? (I, of course, do not mean your sexual orientation). In your life, boys are preferable to you, which means that a cat will be closer to you than a cat. If you purchase a kitten for castration, then this is perhaps the only consideration on the basis of which you can make a decision about the kitten’s sexual preference. All other arguments, such as: · Who is more affectionate - boys or girls? Answer: Neutered animals are more affectionate than non-castrated animals, the rest depends on the particular animal and its upbringing, and not on its gender. · Who is easier to castrate/sterilize? Answer: The difference is not big: for boys the whole procedure takes 15 minutes, and for girls it takes 35-45. It is much more difficult to determine the sex of a kitten if you are going to do breeding work. Let's look at what pitfalls await you in each of the two options. You are buying a cat for breeding. You must immediately anticipate your boy's future sexual needs. That is, to ensure the supply of the required number of brides. How much is the required amount? Don't know. It depends on the breed, sometimes on the color, sometimes on the living conditions, but, most of all, on the cat itself and its bloodlines. Are you ready to go to exhibitions with him? Are you ready to provide a place for mating? Host “young guys”? And their owners? Are you ready to go to these owners later to choose a kitten from the litter? Will you be able to provide your future child with new owners? Will you be able to give your boy a decent career? From early childhood, your pet needs good nutrition, excellent vitamins, fresh air (possibly in an apartment), excellent upbringing, and so on. Otherwise, you will not be able to provide the future sire with excellent health, which is so necessary for breeding, for the future children of your cat, and for trips to exhibitions. And your boy will need exhibitions from the very beginning: the boy must learn to behave at exhibitions, learn to be an advertisement for himself and his children. If you are not able to provide your cat with all of the above, for example, due to lack of time or desire to go to exhibitions, then it is better to think about his timely castration. Remember that the bride chooses the groom, and not vice versa. At the same time, the groom must apply all his Kotovsky abilities to “producing” excellent children. The better the kids turn out, the faster the fame of your cat will spread among breeders who have brides of your breed. Therefore, try to learn and figure out what matings can lead to culling and in what quantities. Brides will go to a sire that produces weak litters only as a last resort. And your wonderful cat will be undeservedly forgotten and undeservedly suffer from the absence of brides. You are buying a cat for breeding. Of course, the requirements for the show qualities of a cat are somewhat lower than for a cat. This is due to the fact that the bride chooses the groom, and not vice versa. And in this case, for mating you can choose an animal with stronger show indicators. However, keep in mind that it is up to you, not “daddy,” to raise and sell the pussy’s children. The better your cat is, the richer the choice of grooms you will have. And the greater the likelihood of high quality future kittens. And not only will it be easier for you personally to sell good kittens, but you can also expect help from the club with greater hope. As a rule, cat owners, when the time comes to take her to the groom, are divided into two categories. The first, the most numerous, says that she wants to breed her cat only for her health. Excuse me, I object, but will you drown the kittens? So what are you doing? How is it possible? — I hear an indignant voice on the phone. We don't need them, but we will raise them and give them away. But WHY, pardon the expression, “make kittens”, which then need to be placed, imposed? This usually ends with the fact that, having raised kittens, the owners become attached to them and, having invested a lot of work, time and money in them, forget about their intention to “give them away for free.” Having given 1-2 kittens from a litter, the cat's owners discover that the circle of friends who want to receive a kitten as a gift is too narrow. The second category of cat owners is “would-be businessmen.” They believe that each kitten costs so many rubles/dollars/euros, etc. Quickly multiply by 5 or some other kittens. And they very quickly calculate what crazy amounts of money can be earned from each litter. I don’t want and won’t talk about the breeding qualities of kittens obtained from such “merchants”. So, if you want to buy a cat for breeding, then buy either a VERY GOOD kitty, or just a good one, of breeding (or, as they say, breed) quality, but listening to the advice of a mentor: how to grow your kitty, with whom and when to breed it , how to raise her kittens and how to sell them later. That is, you can buy a cat of breed quality ONLY if there is a person whom you trust (in his felinological knowledge) and whose advice you are ready to follow. 3. How much? The price level for a kitten depends on a huge number of factors. First of all, naturally, on the demand for a particular breed in a particular area. The cost increases in places where raising a kitten is more expensive. Another more or less obvious reason for the impact on cost is the popularity and prevalence of the breed in a particular place. For example, the Maine Coon breed... - this breed is now experiencing a real boom in Europe. Accordingly, the demand for it is high and the cost sometimes reaches 1,500 - 2,000 dollars. And this is in Europe, where prices for animals are 1.5 - 2 times lower than in the US! Other breeds, for example, the Persian, on the contrary, have already experienced their boom. And yet in Spain it is quite common. Its excellent representatives cost 700-800 dollars there. The sweet Scottish Fold breed, not recognized by one of the main European associations FIFe, still wins the hearts of Europeans. And due to the fact that show-quality kittens of this breed are born very rarely (this breed is too difficult to breed), the cost of such a kitten sometimes reaches $2000. And the cost of an average or breed-quality kitten of the same breed is $300-500. The assessment of kittens may also depend on their color. Let’s take the color point color for consideration. The breeder who deals with this color knows well that, being born almost completely white, these cats darken in body color with age. And yet, when buying such a kitten at a young age, you cannot be absolutely sure of the brightness of the blue eyes of an adult animal. Realizing that luck does not come to a breeder’s street every day, he (the breeder) values ​​it (luck) dearly. And I am ready to sell the average copies of luck at a lower price. The last reason that we will name here is the fame-reputation-popularity of the nursery. Agree that they are expensive. And not only because it is prestigious to have a kitten from the cattery “named after Louis XIV” (although, in my opinion, vanity in small sizes is a completely acceptable vice, and even cute). And also because a well-known nursery with a solid reputation, as a rule, tries to maintain this reputation at a high level. This means that he invests a lot of effort, time, energy and money in the “production” of kittens not for the sake of replication, in excellent veterinary care, in excellent raising of kittens (starting from the pregnancy of the mother cat), in the care and education of the new generation and much more so that the future buyer will like the kittens. Thus, you, dear buyer, have some guarantees of the high quality of the kitten purchased from such a nursery. And, even if failures occur in such a nursery, that is, the buyer did not receive exactly what he was promised (no one is immune from mistakes), then the owner of the nursery will try to improve the situation in a civilized way - this leaves his reputation at a high level.

4. Where? You can buy a kitten from friends, at the market or from your grandmother in a passage, at an exhibition, in a nursery, in a store. In any case, you should think about the following questions. Is the place where the kitten is from clean? Are there any sick animals in that house? And are there many of them? Is the kitten seller ready to provide you with some kind of “warranty” service? Is he able to give you qualified advice? All responsibility for your decision to buy a kitten or not, whether the seller is honest with you or is cunning, whether he is qualified enough or whether you need to talk to other breeders right there at the exhibition and put the kitten up for evaluation by the judges - the responsibility for all these decisions lies only with YOU. A kitten is a future member of your family, much more helpless than your human children, and therefore requiring more attention. A kitten is not a toy! Therefore, carefully weigh all the pros and cons before choosing where to buy it. If you have any doubts about the place and living conditions of the kitten, then do not be afraid to seem intrusive and ask for a visit. Or, no matter how sorry you are for the little creature, refuse to purchase it.

5. How? Let's assume that you have decided to purchase a specific kitten (gender, breed, purpose - for castration or breeding, place of purchase). What to do next? Consider the case when you come to the home of a kitten seller. First of all, when you come to visit, change your shoes, wash your hands and ask the hosts for a clean towel. Please note that you definitely should not become a carrier of any infection. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the apartment/house, tray (toilet) and dishes from which cats and kittens eat, as well as the quality of this food. Look at how the kittens run (do they limp, drag their paws, etc.). Play with the child you like the most. Is he cheerful and active? No matter what breed he is, he is still a child, and therefore must be playful. It is important not to frighten kittens with noisy toys and voices and sudden movements. Otherwise, even the most curious and playful of them will hide or shrink. And it will not show itself in all its glory. If you are most attracted to one of the proposed kittens, talk with the owner about the nature of the breed in general and about this particular kitten in particular. About its features in development and nutrition. In a word, start learning. But the breeder may not tell you about who and how to breed your chosen one in the future until you finally decide. It `s naturally. Before making a decision, look under the kitten’s tail: is the child’s bottom clean and not irritated, that is, does he have diarrhea? Is his fur shiny? Is there any black discharge in the ears - a sign of possible ear mites. Is there a strong, unpleasant odor from the mouth - a possible sign of stomatitis or even a sore throat. A faint unpleasant odor is a sign of an unbalanced diet. Everything else is little things that any normal person can handle: dandruff is a sign of a possibly unbalanced diet, slightly leaking eyes are perhaps a sign of the structure of the lacrimal duct (it is important that these discharges are not purulent and that the eyes are inflamed). All this is your personal preventive veterinary examination. This is followed by a felinological examination. That is, examining the kitten for its breed qualities. You respected the standards by choosing, say, a Turkish Angora. The standard states that the animal should be light and elegant. And you see a fat guy in front of you - a chubby little guy. Well, most likely, the breeder feeds your chosen one with all his heart. And, most likely, this is the problem. But, just in case, check with the breeder about the elegance of mom and dad. But if the standard of the same breed says that the ears should be large, high and vertical, but you see small ears set almost on the sides of the head, then this is unlikely to change over time. Of course, you need a lot of knowledge and experience to evaluate the breed qualities of a particular kitten. Even the most experienced judge will be able to give you such an assessment only for the current moment, and not with a forecast for the future. But, if you seriously want to take a kitten for exhibitions and breeding, you must listen to both the breeder and the judges, and also look at the father, mother, their documents and descriptions of the judges, and find out what titles the parents have. If you take a kitten “for yourself, for the soul,” then be more interested in the character and characteristics of the kitten. All! The choice is made! Draw up an agreement with the breeder. Carefully read all its points, think, discuss with the owner, make corrections if you mutually agree. And when signing, remember: the kitten is YOURS, along with the responsibility for it.

6. Age of the kitten. From 1 to 1.5 months, kittens switch from breastfeeding to natural nutrition. Therefore, their intestines must be rebuilt in this short period. Even if the child’s stomach has difficulty accepting some food, then sucking in mother’s milk stabilizes all the problems that have occurred in the child’s body. From 1.5 months, kittens, as a rule, are independent, trained by their mother to use the toilet, and by their owners to natural food. At the same time, the kittens undergo club certification, that is, expert felinologists evaluate the kittens, record information about them in the stud book and issue the first documents for the kittens. In these documents, which are called metrics (or “kitten cards”), the following must be written down: The name (or the first letter of the name) of the kitten, its breed, color, gender, date of birth, a brief description of its felinological parameters, the title and nickname of the father and mothers, their breeds, colors and pedigree numbers. It is very important that the “kitten” bears the seal of the club, the signature of the felinologist who carried out the registration, and his telephone number (otherwise where will you then contact to obtain a pedigree or for some other club issues) . Does everything just written mean that the kitten needs to be adopted urgently, at exactly 1.5 months? No, no and NO! Much depends on you, your lifestyle, your regime. A small kitten will require your care and attention - especially if it is small. And you need to feed him more often, and play more, and communicate longer. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the sooner you adopt a kitten, the more “to suit you”, that is, to suit your character, to suit your daily routine, you can raise your miracle child. Americans and many Europeans believe that kittens can be adopted into a new family no earlier than 3 months, explaining that the kitten must be fully developed and vaccinated. By the way, vaccinations for kittens can begin at two months. But according to international rules, vaccinations are required only from 3 months. In light of this, albeit small contradiction, the motivation of the Americans becomes not very clear. Do not think that I am a supporter of selling kittens that are a few days old. I'm trying to explain the pros and cons of relocating a kitten more or less early. If you want to take a kitten for serious breeding work, then try to take a completely grown-up one (from 6 months and older). However, not a single breeder will wait and raise a kitten especially for you. If you really want to keep your child in the parent’s house longer, then negotiate with the breeder early, leave a deposit, sign an agreement and... wait. So, the age of the kitten, as well as the breed, gender, color - all this is up to you to choose. Remember that you are not taking a kitten for a day or a month, so a six-month or one-and-a-half-month-old kitten, from the height of its overall life span, does not play any role at all. Much more important is your personal ability to give warmth, time and care - to a greater or lesser extent.

Article written

Sofia Petrovna Krasnoselskaya

WCF international category expert on all cat breeds

II. Maine Coon kitten in a new home. I. The very first days of a kitten in your home. 1. As soon as you bring the kitten home, immediately take it to the litter box. Place on the tray and pet, even holding lightly, for 3-5 minutes. Then you can pick it up and carry it to a bowl of food and water. 2. On the same first day, let the kitten get used to it for 0.5 - 1 hour. Then play with him (with a wand or a small ball or mouse) for about 15 minutes. And after the game, bring him to the scratching post, and then scratch one front paw, then the other on the scratching post. 3. On the same day, bring the kitten to the tray and scratching post several times. On the scratching post, do the same movements with the kitten’s paws. 4. If you do not want your pussy to lie in bed with you in the future, jump on the table or go into some place in your apartment, then from the FIRST day do not allow the kitten to do all this! Despite all his requests and pitiful eyes.

II. What should be ready to welcome your new family member. 1. Large tray. Maine Coons are big cats, so it’s better to buy a large tray right away, otherwise your baby will very quickly no longer fit in a regular tray. We use clumping clay filler, but if you want to use wood or silica gel, then after a while you can switch to any other. 2. Scratching post (preferably with a smell that attracts the attention of cats - catnip). 3. Two bowls for food and water. It is better to buy large ceramic bowls for water (coons love to have a lot of water). The bowl should be heavy. Maine Coons often turn over light bowls. 4. A large number of toys: fur mice, balls, a wand - a wand. 5. Food: meat (beef), cream (10%), dry food (for example, Sanabel kitten, Go & No, Eukanuba for kittens), some canned food (for example, Royal Canin Kitten, Recovery, Iams). As a rule, kittens enjoy eating Agusha curd (creamy!), cheese (NOT spicy or salty), or processed cheese. It’s very good if your kitten, and then an adult child, eats the yolk of a quail egg! This dish improves your pet's immunity. And to let him taste this dish, smear his mouth with the yolk itself. If quail eggs are not to your child’s taste, give him a raw chicken egg yolk a couple of times a week. Cats usually love the yolk, but they have to taste it first. .6. Vitamins. Cat Mineral Tabs are calcium-containing vitamins, they are necessary for the proper growth of the small Maine Coon’s bones. Brevers for kittens are the best today. "Gimpet" for kittens - vitamins that kittens eat with pleasure. But it often happens that their eyes begin to water. The fact is that these vitamins are sweet and can cause a slight allergy. If your eyes start to water, immediately stop taking these vitamins.

7. Medicines. (Maine Coon first aid kit) Ear cleaning sticks Syringes for 2 and 10 ml. (2 ml for injections, and 10 ml for pouring something into the mouth, if necessary). A pair of pipettes. More from the human pharmacy: Margatsovka, Iodinol and nystatin (for stomatitis), 5% glucose for injection.

Enterosgel is a sorbent if you eat something extra or have diarrhea. From a veterinary pharmacy: Vitafel-globulin (2 ampoules). Store in the REFRIGERATOR ONLY! Use if suspected or as a prophylaxis against viral diseases.

Diamond Eyes ” - eye drops for washing the eyes with small discharge.

Odin is a lotion for cleaning ears.

Oridermil is a gel against ear mites and otitis, used if a mite is suspected and for inflammation of the middle ear.

Mucosa - (1 ampoule). Simply store in a dark place. (Homeopathy. Use according to the attached instructions for stomatitis and conjunctivitis). Traumeel and Trauma gel - Simply store in a dark place. (Homeopathy. Use according to the attached instructions for bruises, sprains, fractures).

Linex or Bifiform - to strengthen the intestines and create healthy microflora. 8. Soft bedding for the kitten to sleep. Better in some kind of house or box.

IV. Maine Coon bathing. You can bathe a child from 3-4 months, every month. Prepare a jug of water, 38-39 degrees. Pour warm, pleasant water into a basin, 38 degrees. Turn off the shower (or tap) water so as not to frighten the child with the noise of the water. Place the kitten in a basin and thoroughly wet the fur with your hand. Then lather with kitten shampoo, rinse the coat (be careful not to get any soapy water in the eyes) and rinse with water from a jug. Squeeze out the kitten's fur with your hands. Which shampoo to use depends on the circumstances and is discussed with the breeder. Dry the wet baby thoroughly with a soft towel. Try drying it with a hairdryer (although many people are scared. But the earlier, according to the age of the kitten, you start this procedure, the more tolerant your pussy will be towards it in the future). When drying your pussy, comb it with a brush. This procedure massages, stimulates coat change and helps get rid of excess guard hair. In the same way, you will minimize wool on your carpets and on furniture in your apartment. For exhibitions you also need special show cosmetics. But this is a topic for another discussion.

V. Maine Coon nail trimming. It is advisable to trim the claws as they grow, but only their “white” ends. You can use regular scissors or special nail clippers (sold in pet stores). But before swimming, you must cut your nails. So that the pussy does not have the opportunity to get out of the basin. This is done a couple of days before bathing so that the pores of the claw have time to close, otherwise the water that gets into them will make the claw loose and pores.

VI. Maine Coon kitten's first meal. The first thing you need to understand is that not only are you stressed (maybe joyful), but so is your new baby. Everything has changed for him: his mother, brothers and sisters are not around, the environment is completely foreign and does not smell like his mother, the voices are strangers, the food and water are different, even the bowls are not his own. And he (the child) is still so small! How can he adapt to all this at once? In the first days, try not to change the child’s diet and routine compared to the mother’s home. Even if you have a completely different view on cat nutrition. Ask the breeder for some of the food your kitten used to eat. Remember that he should ALWAYS have fresh water available (even if it seems to you that he doesn’t drink it). I think that in a couple of days the kitten will begin to eat normally.

Then wait for his first stool. Sometimes, after the excitement associated with the move, as well as with changing food and water, the kitten may retain feces for up to 5 days for the first time. Only after the 2nd - 3rd bowel movement, when you are convinced that everything has returned to normal with this process, can you start experimenting with food little by little: replacing and adding. But gradually! Carefully monitor your child's stool, mood and physical condition when serving each new dish. It will be easier later.

Kitten aged 2.5-3 to 4 months 4-5 times a day; from 4 to 6 months 3-4 times a day; from 6 to 10 months 2-3 times a day; from 10 months and older, 2 times a day.

We do not restrict our cats’ diet; they always have food.

Further nutrition of the Maine Coon kitten. After 10-14 days of the kitten staying at your home, you can try to diversify its food. But give each new product a little at a time to observe the reaction of the child’s body. Remember that a kitten, like people, may have a food intolerance, allergies, etc. You can give cottage cheese, bifidok, fermented baked milk, cheese, processed cheese, rolled oats porridge, rice porridge (with a small amount of butter), slightly boiled or stewed vegetables, but without beets, beans, peas. It is good to give lightly cooked chicken (white meat). The rest is all logical: NOT fatty, NOT salty, NOT spicy, DO NOT add spices (so as not to dull the pussy’s sense of smell), etc.

Please call the breeder with any questions. Natalia.

Love and pamper your child!

Features of the breed

Buying a kitten is the beginning of a long, painstaking journey to raising a healthy and cheerful pet. Its appearance, well-being and mood depend on the conditions in which the animal is located. There are several basic rules for keeping Maine Coons:

  1. The pet needs to be provided with quality nutrition. You need to feed him lean meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, sea fish and seafood, chicken and quail eggs, and fermented milk products. Feeding with high-quality dry and wet industrial food is also allowed.
  2. Maine Coons are very active. Therefore, they will need to organize conditions for outdoor games and walks in the fresh air. Breeders recommend installing special play complexes for representatives of this breed. You can also purchase cat toys and scratching posts.
  3. Maine Coons are prone to certain diseases (such as hip dysplasia). Therefore, they must be shown to the veterinarian regularly.
  4. It is necessary to organize timely vaccination of the animal, as well as treatment against external and internal parasites.
  5. The kitten should have its own corner - a place where it can rest peacefully, so that no one will disturb it.

Moving a baby to a new home is a kind of stress. To smooth out the adaptation, you need to find out from the previous owner what conditions the kitten was kept in, what food it ate, and what litter it was used to.

How to choose a Maine Coon kitten is a difficult question. In addition to the listed signs, it is necessary to take into account your own feelings and impressions of a personal meeting with your baby. The main thing is that the pet evokes a smile and warm emotions, then the choice will be the right one in any case.

Where to buy a Maine Coon

Demand creates supply, which is why quite a lot of people breed Maine Coons. However, choosing a good baby is not so easy. Not all kittens are purebred representatives of the breed. Some of them are mestizos, others have health problems.

You should not choose kittens from advertisements on the Internet or at bird markets. Of course, pets are much cheaper there. But breeding animals is a lot of work, a big investment of time and effort. No responsible breeder will give away babies at a low price.

To avoid becoming a victim of an unscrupulous seller, you need to choose a trusted nursery. You should first study the reviews and talk to owners who have already purchased Maine Coon kittens there.

For your information. Large nurseries are usually registered with felinological organizations and have their own website on the Internet, where they post information about the breed, their pets and planned matings, and photographs from exhibitions.

To choose a Maine Coon kitten, you need to personally visit the nursery, talk to the breeder and see in what conditions the animals are kept. Cats should be clean, move freely, and appear well-fed and happy.

A responsible seller can be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Gives complete information about the breed, indicates the advantages and disadvantages of each kitten.
  2. Asks a lot of questions: where they plan to keep the Maine Coon, does the potential owner have experience caring for cats, etc.
  3. I am ready to help in the future, give contacts of a good groomer and veterinarian.

You should choose a Maine Coon kitten with a metric that confirms that it was born from purebred parents. The second important document is a veterinary passport. It contains notes about vaccinations and preventive treatments.

Important. It is advisable to choose a monobreed nursery. Where several types of cats are bred, there is a higher chance of purchasing a mixed-breed kitten.

A conscientious breeder will not refuse to show the kitten's parents. Defects in appearance, as well as in temperament, are inherited. If adult Maine Coons are too lethargic or aggressive, you should choose another litter.

The fact of purchasing a kitten is recorded in a sales contract, which is drawn up according to the rules of felinological systems. It stipulates the conditions for keeping the Maine Coon, the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the opportunity to return the pet if it has health problems.

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