The Maine Coon cat breed is a friendly giant. Description and photo of the Maine Coon breed

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Maine Coon is a breed of cat from America. This breed is one of the most mysterious, beautiful and unusual. Maine Coon cats are distinguished by their large size, modesty and friendly disposition. The Maine Coon is not only a very beautiful animal that amazes with its chic appearance, but also an animal with a special character. In this article you will find a description of the Maine Coon breed, and also learn a lot of interesting things about the maintenance of the Maine Coon and its character.

History of the origin of the breed

The homeland of cats is the Isle of Man, which belongs to New England, a state in the Northeastern United States. It is from the name of the homeland that the name of the Maine Coon cat breed comes from.

The extraordinary exterior of Maine Coons has given rise to many legends about the origin of the breed. But these mighty cats appeared as a result of natural evolution. The Maine Coon's coat is the result of an adaptation to harsh, snowy winters, just like their voluminous, bushy tails, which they use to cover themselves on particularly cold winter nights.

The ancestors of cats of this breed were excellent hunters. For this purpose, nature endowed them with sharp vision, strong, dexterous and large paws. Maine farmers used these characteristics to protect their farms from rodents. The breed is recognized by the World Cats Federation WCF (World Cats Federation), the American TICA system (The International Cat Association), the French FIFE (Federation International) and a number of other international organizations. The first official breed standard was adopted in 1967.

Attitude towards people

Maine Coons are people-oriented, love communication and playing together.

They get along well with all family members, despite the fact that they choose only one person as their owner.

Cats can hardly stand loneliness and joyfully greet their owners from work, but they never impose themselves and will lie or sit next to them only if the household members do not mind.

Representatives of this breed are also well suited for families with children - they are friendly towards children, do not let out their claws and steadfastly tolerate all the child’s pranks. If a child accidentally hurts a pet while playing, it will simply leave. They are wary of strangers and will never allow strangers to hug or pet them. It takes time for these cats to get used to new people.

Other animals

Thanks to their respectable size, Maine Coons behave with dignity both in front of other cats and dogs. Their character, which is free of aggression, fear, mistrust and selfishness, and their love of communication and games, allow these cats to easily win the affection of all pets and establish friendly relations with them.

This is explained by the fact that Maine Coons are pack animals and expanding the group is a common thing for them.

At the same time, it is better not to have rodents or birds at home - they will probably be perceived by cats, whose love of hunting is fixed at the genetic level, as prey.


In different standards, the description of the exterior and character of the Maine Coon breed is not too different. Let's take the European WCF system as a basis, as the most common.

Description of the breed according to the WCF standard

  • Body. Muscular, elongated and wide. Rectangular.
  • Rib cage. Wide.
  • Head. Medium size. Almost square in shape with high cheekbones.
  • Scull. Massive.
  • Muzzle. With curved profile.
  • Nose. Middle length.
  • Chin. Massive. Located in line with the upper jaw and nose.
  • Ears. Large triangular ones. Planted high and upright. With or without tassels on the tips. The presence of tassels is desirable.
  • Eyes. Slanting, oval, widely spaced. The eye color should be in harmony with the color of the cat.
  • Neck. Middle length.
  • Limbs. Out of proportion to the body, large and muscular.
  • Paws. Large, round. There are tufts of fur between the toes.
  • Tail. Fluffy and big. Wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. The length of the tail can reach at least the cat's shoulders.
  • Wool. Fluffy and very thick. Waterproof. The hair in the head and neck area is of medium length. It is desirable to have a “mane” in the neck area. The “pants” and belly are decorated with long, thick undercoat.
  • Color. Solid colors (black, white, red), merle, tortoiseshell, tabby (brindle), tricolor are allowed. Unacceptable: chocolate, lilac, fawn, cinnamon (cinnamon), color point.
  • Weight. adult cats can reach up to 9-12 kilograms.
  • Height at the withers. From 25 to 45 cm.
  • Average life expectancy. Cats – 14 – 16 years old. Males – 12 – 15 years old.

Big things don't tolerate fuss

Strictly speaking, Maine Coon cats show a very restrained character.
However, any owner can notice the distinctive features of a raccoon cat's temperament. So, in particular, the Maine Coon is a fairly reserved animal that knows its worth. They have patience and simplicity. A large cat by nature is devoid of fuss, and all the habits of the Maine Coon are proof of this. An animal carries genetic inherited behavior throughout the centuries.

The Maine Coon is distinguished by its extreme endurance. Living in the harsh conditions of the American winter taught me this. However, despite the external severity, this animal is extremely sweet, and its funny habits are a gift to its owners.

Let's look at some of them.

Maine Coons developed a thirst for water, probably from their ancestors who roamed the American forests leading to lakes. This is why raccoon cats love to wash themselves. Moreover, they love to drink tap water. In addition, they diligently “dig” it.

Maybe that's why Maine Coons often sleep in shells. True, seals also find other unusual places to spend the night.

Sometimes it seems that Maine Coons have learned their habits from dogs. This can include the habit of “rummaging” through the owners’ pockets, and at the same time bringing their own toys, or happily running after a thrown ball.

From the same “opera” the habit is to hide uneaten food in reserve. It gets to the point where Maine Coons try to bury their bowl!

Photos and colors of Maine Coon cats

In addition to the standard solid colors, photos of which are shown above (white, red, black), Maine Coons can also have colors such as:

Marble, the shades of which can be in various combinations (2 colors).

Tortoiseshell, like merle, can be in different color combinations (tricolor).

Tabby (brindle) colored kittens look incredibly beautiful. The main distinguishing feature of this color is the presence of stripes on the animal’s body.

Blue is a rather rare color and very unusual, since the blue cat is very beautiful. But, this type of color is not recognized by the breed standard.

Maintenance and care

Inexperienced owners may find the large “domestic lynx” very difficult to maintain. But that's not true. The main thing is to study the habits of Maine Coons and follow simple rules of care.

What you need to keep a Maine Coon

The first thing that needs to be said is that small-sized apartments are not suitable for large active cats. They need a living space that matches the size of the animal and a place for outdoor games.

Secondly, the owner of a big cat must have free time to communicate with the pet. Maine Coons are companion cats. They happily follow on the heels of a person, carefully observing everything that happens in the house.

Third, you need to be prepared for the fact that maintaining and caring for a Maine Coon will require a certain budget. And this budget will not be the smallest.

If all these three conditions do not scare you, let’s say that representatives of the Maine Coon breed are quite unpretentious in care. In addition, they are very flexible cats - this is an important condition that makes caring for the animal easier.

What is care?

A shaggy mane, a big fluffy tail, charming “pants” - all this not only evokes admiring glances, but also requires care. Nature rewarded the breed with a luxurious coat so that the cats could survive in the harsh island conditions of the northeast of America. To make the Maine Coon's thick coat look beautiful, you will have to work a little.

Maine Coons are brushed 1-2 times a week. During seasonal molting (spring and autumn), you need to comb the animals daily, thoroughly clean the room and clean the bedding from wool. Before combing, cats are examined; tangled fur must be untangled to prevent tangles from forming. Particular care should be taken to inspect the pet’s “pants”, “collar” and sides. It is more difficult to deal with tangles: they are untangled or carefully cut off.

To comb Maine Coons you will need: a sparse and frequent comb and a brush. All these objects should be metal so that the cat's fur does not become electrified and have rounded ends. The procedure begins with a wide-toothed comb, continues with a fine-toothed comb, and ends with a brush. The slicker can only be used during shedding, but not all cats take it well.

Maine Coons love to play with water, some like to swim, but not all bathe willingly. Cats of this breed should be bathed in case of heavy soiling, before exhibitions, and for prevention once every 3-4 months.

Teeth are regularly examined for the presence of tartar. Naturally fed cats have their teeth brushed monthly. For those who receive dry food, once every 2 months is enough.

The eyes are cleaned weekly with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or a very weak solution of boric acid. You should not use chamomile infusion for cleansing; it can cause Maine Coons to lose hair around their eyes. If any discharge appears from the eyes, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian. Eye drops are used only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

The pet's large ears are cleaned 2 times a year. They are carefully wiped with a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water. Then Bars ear drops are instilled into the ear, 5-7 drops in each ear. After this, massage the ears at the base for 1-2 minutes. Accumulated sulfur is removed with a cotton swab or disk. Cotton swabs are not suitable for this; they can injure your pet's ear.

To grind down claws, you need to purchase a scratching post. If the claws are too long, they are shortened with special tweezers or a nail clipper. The procedure is carried out when the cat is in a calm state. It is best to do this with an assistant. You need to be especially careful with pigmented claws on which blood vessels are not visible.

How much money do you need for care and maintenance?

We mentioned that caring for a Maine Coon will require some money from you.

What to buy for a kitten

Required set:

  1. Two bowls (for water and food) on a ceramic or metal stand. Volume 1-2 liters. You can buy these for 400 -1500 rubles.
  2. Large tray. Depending on the model: 800 – 3500 rub.
  3. Combs and brush for combing: 250 – 500 rubles.
  4. Scratching post for large cats: 1050 – 4500 rub.
  5. Toys (so you don’t get bored in your absence). Price: 600 – 2000 rub.

Additional products:

  1. Stable, large cathouse. With a place where the cat can hide and a high shelf from where he can watch what is happening. The base of the house should have weighted posts wrapped in sisal. Such a “house” will cost 12-16 thousand rubles.
  2. Durable plastic carrier with iron door and iron locks. Models for medium breed dogs are best suited. You can buy one for 3-10 thousand rubles.
  3. Claw cutter. Price: 300 – 500 rub.
  4. Harness with leash (if you plan to take it out for a walk). Price: 800 – 1500 rub.
  5. Anti-cat bars (if you open windows). Price: 1800-2500 rub.
  6. Bed. For Maine Coons, dog ones are suitable. Price: 800 – 2000 rub.
  7. Game tunnel (you can make it yourself). Price: 800 – 3000 rub.

Without taking into account the initial investment, annual care for a Maine Coon may require an average of 45 to 80 thousand rubles.

The amount will depend on the brand of litter, cosmetics used (shampoo, conditioner), type and brand of food, prescribed vitamins and the number of visits to the veterinarian.

Maine Coon care video:

Health and illness

The breed is distinguished by its endurance and unpretentiousness. Maine Coons are generally in good health, but like other purebred cats, they are prone to developing a number of genetic diseases.

It is important to carefully choose a kitten. Buy from trusted breeders with a good reputation. Require all documents for the kitten and tests for genetic diseases before purchasing. Be sure to take an interest in the health of his parents.

Hereditary pathologies:

  1. Hip dysplasia . Can be passed on through several generations. Maine Coons with dysplasia avoid jumping and walk slowly. In severe cases it can lead to lameness. The disease can occur in a mild form, without causing pain or discomfort in the animal. To prevent the disease from progressing, you need to monitor your cat’s diet and avoid obesity and rickets. It is important to minimize the risk of limb injuries and avoid early sterilization of the animal. Low physical activity and lack of calcium in the diet contribute to the development of pathology.
  2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . Heart pathology. The cause is a gene mutation. Detected by DNA tests. The dangerous disease can cause heart attacks and cause death. Factors that provoke the progression of the pathology: hypertension, endocrine diseases, oncology, intoxication of the cat’s body and lack of taurine in the diet. Some cats develop it due to the use of anesthesia.
  3. Spinal muscular atrophy . It is characterized by muscle weakness that develops due to the death of neurons in the spinal cord. The disease is not fatal. Cats with this condition have difficulty walking and jumping. Detected by DNA tests. To alleviate the cat's condition, you need to keep it in safe rooms, do not walk with them. Be sure to monitor your diet so as not to cause obesity. Overweight cats have a harder time moving around.
  4. Polycystic kidney disease . Hereditary pathology. Progresses slowly. Characterized by the proliferation of cysts in the kidneys. This can lead to kidney failure. Males and cats with this disease must be sterilized. Sick animals require constant veterinary care. The diet should consist of feed with reduced levels of protein and phosphorus.

The health status of Maine Coons is influenced by: timely vaccination according to age, regular antiparasitic and anthelmintic treatment, a balanced diet and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. It is also necessary to regularly show the animal to a veterinarian for preventive purposes.

On average, all therapeutic and preventive measures to care for a cat’s health may require from 4 to 5 thousand rubles per year.


In the first year of life, the cost of castration/sterilization surgery must be added to this amount: 1800 – 4500 rubles.


Everything is much more interesting here. Cats will not show character; they are quite flexible in their upbringing. They get along well with all family members and love communication. They are careful and careful with strangers. They don’t like to be cuddled by strangers; such luxury is allowed only to owners.

Giants love affection and attention, they feel the mood of the owner.

Advice! When thinking about getting a Maine Coon, you should take into account that a cat and a male cat differ in character.

Cats are much more affectionate from a cat. They are self-sufficient and independent. They have an excellent hunting instinct.

The cat's character is different, they are a little lazy and like to sleep. They really don't like to be alone. They strive to stay close to the owner, while being very careful and unobtrusive in communication.


It has already been mentioned about the insane craving for water, but what can you do if the animal loves it. An interesting habit that is common to all Maines is the ritual of drinking. Before drinking from the water bowl, Main soaks his paw in it, licks the water and only then begins to drink. An incredibly wonderful creature, isn't it?

It should be noted that this breed loves walks where you can hunt.

The process of training these cats brings true pleasure to both the owner and the animal.

Parenting does not require a huge amount of effort to raise a Maine Coon. The animals make excellent contact and understand the owner’s dissatisfaction the first time. Easy to communicate, but do not like raised voices. Very sensitive and vulnerable, they can be offended.

Giant cats are capable of learning. With the right approach, commands can be easily taught.


You can feed the Maine Coon like other purebred cats. The only caveat is that Maine Coons are large and active animals, they need a high-calorie diet. And the daily feeding rate will be greater than for small and medium breeds of cats.

Both natural food and ready-made food are suitable for feeding Maine Coons. What to feed is up to you, but do not forget about the basic requirements: the diet must be balanced, contain vitamins and essential minerals.

Natural nutrition

If you choose to feed with natural products, you need to create a balanced diet of meat, fish, meat products, vegetables, dairy products, and vegetable oil.

The basis of the diet (80%) should be meat products:

  • beef (peritoneum, cuts from the head);
  • rabbit;
  • turkey;
  • chicken drumsticks and thighs;
  • heart;
  • chicken liver;
  • chicken heads (without beak);
  • chicken necks (without skin);
  • stomachs;
  • tripe (beef);
  • lung;
  • cockscomb;
  • pork nickels;
  • fish (salmon, trout, mackerel);
  • seafood (squid, shrimp).

The remaining 20% ​​comes from additives:

  • vegetables: cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin;
  • quail eggs;
  • hard cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • bran;
  • olive oil;
  • dried kelp.

Experienced Maine Coon owners prepare a meat and vegetable mix from these products, package it in bags and place it in the freezer. One package – for one day. The daily norm is 250-300 grams.


With this method of feeding, you will need from 3200 to 5500 rubles for a month.

How to give natural products correctly

  • Chicken necks are beaten with a hammer.
  • Grind by-products in a meat grinder.
  • Cut the meat into thin strips or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Vegetables are grated on a fine grater. Served raw or stewed.
  • Cheese is grated.
  • The fish is cut into small strips.
  • All meat and fish products are mixed, cheese, vegetables, a little kelp, bran, and cottage cheese are added. The resulting mixture is frozen in portions.
  • Before serving, defrost the meat and vegetable mix and add olive oil.
  • Fermented milk products can be added to a serving of food or poured into a separate container.
  • Fish and seafood are given once every 5 days.
  • Eggs 1 time every 3 days.

Feeding with industrial feed

The brand of industrial feed is selected individually. The only requirement is that the food must be for large breed cats. Preference should be given to feed of the premium, super-premium and holistic classes.

The daily feeding rate is calculated in accordance with the markings on the original packaging and depends on the age of the animal, its weight and activity. The average adult Maine Coon weighs between 7 and 10 kg. 65 -100 g required. feed per day.

The pet industry produces special brands of food for large cats that are best suited for feeding Maine Coons.

The best brands of feed:

  1. Orijen Cat Six Fish Grain Free;
  2. Acana Regionals Grasslands Cat Grain-Free;
  3. Carnilove Adult Cat Large Breed Duck & Turkey Grain-Free;
  4. Brit Care Tobby I'm a Large Cat – Duck & Chicken Grain-Free Hypoallergenic;
  5. Royal Canin Maine Coon.


With this method of feeding, you will need from 3100 to 6500 rubles. monthly.

Read about food:

  • list of top cat food manufacturers;
  • Hills cat food reviews;
  • reviews about Royal Canin for Maine Coons;
  • reviews of Akana cat food.


Many owners are wondering what to feed their Maine Coon. After all, these cats are probably very picky when choosing food. In general, they can be fed in the same way as other members of the cat family. In any case, such issues are up to you to decide. The main thing is that the diet is balanced, and the food contains all the necessary microelements and vitamins. If you know the general rules for feeding cats, then the question of what to feed your Maine Coon disappears by itself.

If you want your pet’s food to be natural, then it should be based on meat and offal. In no case should the diet consist only of meat or only dry food. In the first case, his fur will suffer, and in the second, his growth. All this should be given either boiled or pre-frozen in order to prevent possible infection by helminths.

Maine Coons benefit from chicken, including chicken heads, hearts, stomachs and liver. They will like veal, turkey and beef.

You can add variety to your Maine Coon's diet by giving your pet peeled shrimp, natural yogurt and cottage cheese. Once a week you can give boiled quail eggs. Kittens can be treated to cream.

The Maine Coon's diet should not contain lamb and pork, whole milk and tubular bones, which can injure the animal's stomach. Raw fish is strictly prohibited.

Also, your pet should not be limited in water - make sure that its bowl of liquid is always full and the water in it is fresh. It must be changed three times a day. If there is such an opportunity, then it is generally better to take a small fountain for water, since pets often have the habit of dragging their bowl around the room and drowning toys in it.

How much does a Maine Coon eat? The description of the breed has repeatedly indicated the large size of these cats, which means they should eat accordingly? Calm! He eats the same amount as other domestic felines.

You should not cut food for your pet too finely, because by chewing it develops its jaws and protects itself from the occurrence of various gastrointestinal diseases.

The bowl must be chosen either from stainless steel or ceramic. It is desirable that it has a rubber rim and a fairly wide bottom. The diameter of your pet's cup should not be less than 15-20 centimeters.


We tried to find answers to questions that most often interest Maine Coon owners and those who are just looking at the breed.

How many live at home?

With proper care, cats can reach the age of 13-16 years, females - 16-19 years. Proper balanced nutrition, compliance with vaccinations and treatment against parasites, an active lifestyle - all this will extend the life of your pet.

What is the weight of an adult and a kitten?

Maine Coons are a large breed. The weight of a three-month-old kitten is 1.5 – 2.5 kg. By 7 months they weigh 4–6 kg. Per year – 5 – 9 kg. Adult males reach 9-12 kg, females 7-8 kg.

Is it easy to hold?

Representatives of this breed prefer to be nearby and are reluctant to be handled. But, they will happily stretch out next to you on the sofa.

Can I keep it outside?

Maine Coons can be walked like dogs with a harness. It is allowed to let cats of this breed outside into an enclosure at the dacha or in the yard of your house during the warm season. Constantly being kept on the street is unacceptable.

How aggressive is the breed?

Many people believe that Maine Coons can be offensive, but this is not true. Impressive size, strong and muscular body, serious look - can frighten those who meet such a cat for the first time. But these large animals never release their claws unnecessarily; they are friendly, affectionate and very gentle.

Do they like to claw/climb?

Maine Coons need a multi-level house. They love to climb. The claws are actively pulled. In order not to worry about the integrity of your furniture, you need to accustom your kitten to a scratching post from the first days of its life. It should not be very small, but should be the size of a large animal.

Is this breed hypoallergenic?

There are no completely hypoallergenic cat breeds. Therefore, allergic people need to test their reaction to the Maine Coon before adopting a cat of this breed.

Do you need to take care of your fur?

The breed has long and thick hair that requires regular grooming. Coons need to be combed several times a week to prevent tangles from appearing.

What color are eyes?

Eye color varies from yellow to green. There are yellow, amber, yellow-green, gray-green, green and turquoise eyes. White Maine Coons can have blue eyes.

Is the breed prone to heart disease?

Cats of this breed have a genetic predisposition to serious heart disease - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Animals suffering from this disease are at high risk of premature mortality from heart failure or pulmonary edema.

At what age do they stop growing?

The Maine Coon's body is fully formed by about 3-5 years of age. Until this age, the animal can behave like a kitten.


Cats of this breed come in many colors, which makes them even more beautiful in appearance.

The Maine Coon's head is large and more square in shape. Large beautiful ears with thin tassels at the tips, and long thick fur. This is the minimum that catches your eye at the first meeting. In fact, there are many more features and interesting facts, read below.

Weight and size

Weight and size fluctuate and depend on many factors, with genetics playing a big role.

Approximate size and weight figures are shown below:

  1. The length of the animal can reach more than 110 cm. Weight up to 8 kg in cats and up to 12 kg in males.
  2. Kittens are born quite large, about 150 g.
  3. While cats of other breeds weigh from 70 to 120 g.
  4. Closer to a year, a Maine Coon can weigh up to 5 kg.


Maine Coons are amazing animals. They have their own character, habits and habits that are unique to them.

For example, when there is a new addition to the Maine family, the cat dad strives to actively participate in raising the kittens. There is absolutely no need to separate the animals, but on the contrary, you need to allow the cat to teach the kids cat habits and pass on their skills.

Interesting! Maines love water. They swim well and can even take a shower with their owner.

And if you live near bodies of water and your cat goes outside, he can easily plop into the water for a swim.

An interesting and incredible feature is the unique sounds that the giants make, which are not like ordinary cats.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

Elena Georgievna, veterinarian : “I tell all Maine Coon owners that the breed was formed almost naturally. She has many habits and habits left over from wild cats. At night, maines can lead an active lifestyle. Not all cats quickly get used to the litter box; it will take some work.

Most individuals have habits similar to those of dogs. They can chew furniture, wires, and corners of the room. They love to climb tables, window sills and cabinets. They also have this left over from wild animals. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the animal so that it does not injure itself. It is best to get a Maine Coon cat for those people who are often or constantly at home. Cats love the company of people very much.”

Anton, owner : “If you are not ready to spend a lot of money and time on your cat, get another breed. Maine Coons need human contact. They get bored and suffer when they are alone at home. Because of this, they can damage curtains, furniture, walls, chew toys, pens and anything else they can get their teeth into.

Cats need to be fed a lot, fed with high-quality expensive food or natural meat. It costs money! Yes, they are beautiful. Yes, they are flexible and smart. But taking such a big cat is a responsibility.”

Tatyana : “Of course, like every breed, Maine cats have their pros and cons. I'll tell you about my handsome man. His disadvantages: he sleeps little, wakes us up early, eats and drinks sloppily, is clumsy (may accidentally drop something), sheds a lot, is too inquisitive and eats a lot. But I adore my Marquis because he doesn’t leave me alone for a minute, he follows me around, never marks his territory, he’s very kind and affectionate. My cat is also very playful. He is already 5 years old and plays like a child.”


Character of the breed and habits, characteristic features

Affectionate and calm, Maine Coons have a gentle disposition and a balanced character.

The Maine Coon breed standard allows for many colors

They maintain their independence, are restrained in expressing violent feelings, but are not averse to playing and frolicking.

Adult animals are independent and active , they do not like to bother or beg. They get along well with other pets, cats of other breeds and dogs, are patient and affectionate with children, delicate and sensitive to the mood swings of their owners.

The friendliness and good nature of Maine Coons will allow them to be kept in families with small children. Cats of this breed are not prone to aggression, are not jealous and are rarely in a bad mood.

They are neat and clean, and easily master the scratching post and litter box. The purr is more like a rough growl. They only speak up when they are unhappy or annoyed.

They easily tolerate the absence of people in the house; they will find something to do while the owners are at work.

Maine Coons are excellent hunters and rat catchers.


The price of a Maine Coon kitten varies from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles (9,000-45,000 hryvnia).

What determines the price of a kitten?

The cost of a kitten depends on the availability of documents, pedigree and membership in a certain class. Depending on the purpose of the acquisition, the class is selected:

  • SHOW (show) – animals for breeding and exhibitions. The price for such pets starts from 50,000 rubles;
  • BREED – healthy kittens with good pedigree for breeding. Cost from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles;
  • PET (pet) – pets that are sold with the mandatory requirement of further sterilization. Such a Maine Coon can be bought for 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Where to buy a Maine Coon kitten?

Of course, you can buy a Maine Coon at the market or through an advertisement. This way you can save money. But, if you want to purchase a 100% purebred pet with a pedigree and documents, contact one of the nurseries.

Maine Coon nurseries

in Moscow and the Moscow region;

  • Absolute effect –

in St. Petersburg (SPB):

  • Lynx's Trail –

in Kyiv:


In Minsk:


More popular in Russia:

  • Country of Gullivers –
  • Crystal Orchid –


Diseases and pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system are hereditary for coons.
The breed should be bred by professionals in specialized nurseries.

Pedigree animals require careful selection of a pair, veterinary care, felinological education, communication with breeders and enormous material resources.

It is much easier to become the owner of a breeding cat as part of a cattery. The nursery will help you gain access to good quality animals for breeding and will assist in the sale of kittens.

Mating and partner selection

It is much easier to become the owner of a breeding cat as part of a cattery.
The search for a partner and mating of a breeding animal is carried out through specialized clubs. For regular mating, you can look for a partner at an exhibition or through an advertisement.

Animals younger than one year old should not be allowed to breed; it is optimal to postpone this until the third year of life.

Basic rules of mating:

  • Mating takes place on the cat's territory, which gives him more confidence.
  • It is advisable to trim the animal's claws.
  • The cat should not be washed before mating.
  • Both animals must have all necessary vaccinations.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy in large cats is longer than in other breeds, lasting 9-10 weeks. Its duration depends on the number of kittens in the litter: the fewer kittens, the longer the cat bears them.

Coons usually give birth to offspring once a year, with babies in a litter ranging from 1 to 6.

If the owners do not have experience in giving birth to a cat, then it is best to negotiate with a veterinarian about the delivery.

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