Maine Coon smooth-haired: description of the breed, care features, photos

It is enough to enter the query “Maine Coon” in the search engine, and photos of mustachioed beauties of the most diverse coat colors will immediately appear, which are captured in the hands of the owner. I must say that the photos of a Maine Coon with a person are really impressive.

Photo: Maine Coon in the arms of a person |

The powerful structure of a long body, thick hair, large ears with lynx tassels, intelligent eyes are just some of the external features of Maine Coons that distinguish these cats from many animals of other breeds. Let's try to figure out how Maine Coons themselves feel about their master's hugs. To do this, you will need to find out what the temperament of these large fluffy cats is.

Where did the breed come from?

An unusual and amazing Maine Coon breed. Its description, the name itself, literally translated as Manx cat, are very interesting. According to some data, the weight of the animal can reach as much as 15 kg.

Of all the known breeds, this is one of the largest, but despite this, the large Maine Coon easily gets along in the house and, I must say, gets along well with all its inhabitants. Harmonious relationships are achieved even with dogs. The length of the Maine is coon, the height of an adult is also large.

Popular colors

More often than others, representatives of the smooth-haired breed have a tabby color, which can be brindle or merle. In the first case, an alternation of black and light stripes is visible, in the second, the body is covered with a pattern of dark spots and rosettes. There is also a red tabby color, when the main color becomes red.

A Maine Coon of a solid color, or solid, has a “fur coat” of even black, white, and red colors. A smoky color is often observed when the animal’s undercoat is light and the tips are darker.

A combination is considered popular when two primary colors are visible in equal proportions, for example, black and red or lightened versions. This color is called tortoiseshell.

Mixed combinations have also become widespread, such as tortoiseshell tabby, silver tabby or tortoiseshell, where white becomes the main color.

A little history

These kittens are known for their high intelligence and self-confidence. The very name of this breed translates as “cat raccoons”. Indeed, their coat is very similar to that of raccoons.

Thanks to climatic conditions, Maine Coon kittens have such a thick coat. In the places where representatives of this breed were bred, the main emphasis was on agriculture. And such animals helped in becoming excellent mouse hunters. Therefore, the goal of the breeders was to breed pets that would be huge in size and lead an active lifestyle. This is exactly how these kittens turned out.

Starting from the 50s of the 19th century, Maine Coons began to take part in various cat shows. Thanks to this, such animals have become quite famous in many large and small towns in America. This breed began to compete with other known species. They were as popular as Persian or Angora cats.

But already in the twentieth century, interest in such cats began to gradually fade away. These animals again became helpers in the household. And starting from 1953, the breeding of representatives of this breed began to be actively pursued again. Thus, cats have become popular again not only in the USA, but also in other countries and continents. They again began to take first place in the ranking of furry animals. Many people began to purchase them so that their pets would please their eyes and become friends for all family members.

Maine Coon, the description of the breed, perhaps encourages many animal lovers to find out as much information as possible about the pet. Thus, it is known that the approximate time when people started talking about the breed seriously was no less than half a century ago.

It is quite possible that the Maine Coon, whose video is very popular on the Internet, is the result of a successful crossing of short-haired cats living in New England, in Maine, with imported long-haired cats that came to the territory thanks to the movement of traders. However, this, again, is one of the well-known versions.

It was widespread in America in the nineteenth century. It is worth saying that at that time Maine Coon kittens, whose photos now cause delight among many, did not attract the public attention they deserved. And this lasted until the breed was presented at the exhibition.

It is known that the black Maine Coon received a winner's medal, which has been preserved to this day and is in the CFA club.

With the advent of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, cats with pointy ears again became unpopular, and interest in them fell sharply. What this is connected with is unknown.

But, a few years later, already in the mid-twentieth century, fans of the Maine Coon animal began to correct the situation. Their photos were collected and presented in specialized clubs.

And what pushed them to take such a serious step was the announcement that the breed could be considered extinct... Thanks to considerable efforts, by 1956 it was possible to create a standard for individuals of this breed.

Almost twenty years later, the club was considered a serious organization and was treated with due respect. Currently, the adult Maine Coon ranks third in popularity. At the same time, it is worth adding that the first two places belong to exotic cats, the interest in which is quite obvious.

Breed Features

Representatives of this species have a rather unusual appearance. They have a powerful build, graceful muzzles and tufted ears that make these pets very similar to lynxes.

Also, these cute animals have large and beautiful eyes. Although they are a little askew, this does not detract from the majesty of the representatives of this breed. Typically, their eyes are green, but can also be amber or golden. About Maine Coon cats in the description of the breed it is said that they have a rather powerful chest.

This breed is considered one of the few species of natural origin. Therefore, it cannot be said about these kittens that they were individually bred. Due to the fact that in the state where they were bred it is quite cold, such animals have a warm coat that protects their body well in the cold season.

Since such cats often walked in the snow, their paws are rough with fur between the toes, which also warms them.

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed can reach up to 110 centimeters in height. Their weight can be up to 4-8 kilograms if they are cats, and from 8 to 12 if they are cats. A purebred pet's head is slightly elongated, with raised cheekbones near the muzzle. They can live from 15 to 20 years.

When talking about representatives of a particular breed, it is extremely important to note their characteristics. The Big Maine Coon is also no exception and certainly attracts attention. Indeed, the peculiarity of the cat lies in its incredibly large size, long hair and muscular, strong body.

The shape of the animal's chest is rectangular. The animal's head is large, and its muzzle features are expressive. A powerful neck of medium length only adds to the animal's stature.

The characteristic features of a cat are its ears, which are pointed at the ends. It is by these that the Maine Coon breed is most often recognized. Black, red or any other color of this animal does not go unnoticed.

What else can you say about the favorite of many pets? Perhaps the fact is that the Maine Coon, videos of which are presented in large numbers on the Internet, has very beautiful, expressive eyes.

Their color is usually green or golden. And their peculiarity is a slight slant.

Paws, when it comes to Maine Coon, the description of this breed also deserves attention. Cats have them - long and strong, incredibly strong, such that they can definitely withstand the weight of an adult.

The hair tufts located between the toes are also a kind of feature of the presented animal.

It is quite possible that its development is a consequence of adaptation to the harsh Russian winters (as well as long hair). The Maine Coon's tail is very fluffy and also large, conical in shape. Its peculiarity is its pointed end.

Interesting fact about animal fur. Long in the main part, on the shoulders and head it is, on the contrary, very short. The longest hairs are observed in the abdomen, on the back and sides. The undershort also has a dense pile that does not allow cold wind to pass through.


There are several versions about the origin of the Maine Coon. According to one of them, the ancestors of the breed are an ordinary cat and a raccoon. The second option says: the mother of the first kittens was a lynx, the father was a jungle cat. The legends are beautiful, but implausible, because we are talking about interspecific crossing. Regarding these particular animals, it is impossible.

It happened like this: more than a century ago in North America, kittens were born to a simple farm cat. The older the kids got, the more striking their differences from standard cats became. Starting from tassels on the ears, ending with large sizes. Subsequent litters inherited the exterior of their parents; the breed was not selected for the purpose of special breeding. Over time, some amendments were made to consolidate the best exterior features, but in general, Maine Coons can be considered an American aboriginal breed.


Representatives of this breed become favorite pets for many people. Thanks to their huge shape and long hair, they have an attractive appearance. The character of such pets is flexible. They treat quite well both all members of the family in which they live, and other animals that live with them under the same roof.

If you want to buy a Maine Coon, then you should remember that they are quite calm. Kittens can simply sleep peacefully for a long time or lie next to their owner. They also love to play with all family members. These animals are prone to aggression in very rare cases.

Cats of this breed have a high level of intelligence. So, according to the owners of such pets, they will not steal food from the table or chew furniture. These animals clearly understand where the limit is between what they can do and what they can do, and what they cannot do at all.

Maine Coons, although they love to spend time with people, do not require special care or treatment. But, like many other pets, they cannot stand being alone, so leaving them alone for a long time is not recommended.

What do Maine Coons get sick with?

Cats of this breed are strong and in good health, but they also have a genetic predisposition to certain diseases. What Are The Common Maine Coon Health Problems (Full Guide) .

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a heart disease in which the walls of the ventricles thicken and, accordingly, their internal volume decreases.
  • Hip dysplasia is a musculoskeletal disorder that sometimes causes lameness and other problems with walking.
  • Polycystic kidney disease is a slowly progressive, inherited kidney disease that can lead to kidney failure.
  • Spinal muscular atrophy is an inherited neuromuscular disease that affects the nerve cells of the spinal cord, resulting in muscle weakness and muscle atrophy.

And one more nuance. Maine Coons sometimes have polydactyly, that is, extra toes on their paws. This does not affect the health of the animals in any way, and they can participate in Maine Coon Polydactyl Breeders, WCF EMS CODE exhibitions.

If you suspect your pet has health problems, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Wavebreakmedia/

There are also common diseases that depend not on the breed, but on the characteristics of their care, nutrition and other factors. Maine Coons are just as susceptible to them as any other domestic cat. These include diseases of the genitourinary system, infectious diseases, skin diseases and more.


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