Thai cat: description of breed and character, care features

Country of originSiam (modern Thailand)
Weight4-8 kg
Lifespan14-15 years old
Other namesOld Siamese, classic, traditional, apple head.

The favorite of kings, the Thai cat has one of the most ancient histories. For her loyalty and protection of her masters from evil spirits, she received sky-colored eyes as a reward. And this is not just one legend about the Thais. There are more than five of them about the origin of the breed alone.

Origin of the breed

These cats are named after their ancient homeland - Thailand.
The oldest images of Thai cats date back to the 14th century. The breed is considered the grandmother of modern Siamese cats and was previously even called the old type. The difference in breeds appeared due to the achievements of selection. Old-type Siamese cats came to Europe at the end of the 19th century, and to America at the beginning of the 20th. Breeders were so carried away by breeding the graceful and sharp-angled Siamese cat that they almost forgot about the original apple-headed appearance of this breed.

It was the lovers of the old type of Siamese cats who saved the situation - the work of enthusiasts returned these round-faced cats to the world. The Thai cat standard was registered 30 years later than the Siamese - in 1990.

History of Tabby Point Breeding

This is one of the youngest colors, but it quickly gained popularity around the world. The appearance of the tabby point in Russia coincided with the development of another remarkable breed - the Neva masquerade cat.

In England, Thai breeding had been going on for a very long time, and by the mid-twentieth century, many of the famous colors were already known. The tabby point was born quite by accident.

In the nineties, work on breeding Thai and Siberian cats was carried out in a nursery in St. Petersburg. As it happened, there was an unplanned mating of different breeds of animals, and as a result, the most interesting kittens were born - some became the beginning of the Neva Masquerade breed, others became the first Thai cats with tabby color.

Advantages and disadvantages

All representatives of the cat world have advantages and disadvantages. The Thai cat is no exception.

Positive features:

  • affectionate, sociable;
  • smart;
  • do not require special care;
  • strong immunity;
  • live long.

Negative points (based on reviews):

  • do not tolerate loneliness well;
  • for some owners - talkativeness, especially during estrus;
  • complex nature;
  • can be vindictive and harmful.

Chocolate point

This name of the Thai cat speaks for itself. But let’s describe it in more detail.

The base has a noble ivory color. The markings are the color of milk chocolate and practically do not change over the years. The combination of these colors looks very impressive. Against the background of ivory and brown, expressive points, the animal’s blue eyes look no less impressive. They can have a pure color or with a violet-colored iris.

The color of the Thai chocolate point cat breed received universal recognition not so long ago - in 1950.


The standard approved in 1991 is currently under revision, so the breed is considered open. This means that any animal similar in phenotype to a Thai cat can be classified as a representative. To confirm such affiliation, it is necessary to have two expert signatures in the registration documents. Such animals are allowed for official breeding.


Round, without pronounced angularities and flat fragments. The forehead is moderately convex, the transition to the nose is clearly marked and is level with the eyes, in no case below the conventional horizontal line running along the level of the lower eyelid. Stop is not observed. The muzzle is clearly marked, the cheeks are round, clearly defined in adult animals. Excessive plumpness is considered a fault. The nose is of medium length, straight.


Thai cats have beautiful, large, almond-shaped eyes. Since childhood, they have been slightly slanted; the shade can vary from soft blue to dark blue. At the same time, a more saturated, deep eye color is valued much higher, and an animal’s eyes that are too round or too slanted exclude it from the breed standards.


They are medium in size, wide at the base and slightly rounded towards the tips. Located widely spaced from each other.


The length is closer to short. It is preferable for a cat to have a short neck.

Muzzle of a Thai cat


The body of the Thai cat is dense, muscular, but not massive. The chest is quite wide.

Legs and paws

The limbs are of medium length, proportional to the size of the body. Strong, muscular. The paws are round and small.


It is slightly wide at the base, but becomes sharper and narrower towards the tip. The length is proportional to the size of the animal's body.


Thai kittens belong to the short-haired category of pets. Their coat is soft and silky. Animals have no undercoat.


A distinctive feature of the breed is its color-point color. This means that the cat’s paws, tail, muzzle and ears are necessarily painted in a color contrasting with the rest of the body. The color of the main coat should be light - from cream to snow-white. The standard allows 10 color variations:

  • Blue point . The blue color of the markings combines with the cool shade of the body;
  • Seal Point. The most common color. Points are dark brown, almost black;

  • Cream point. A cat with creamy markings reminiscent of baked milk;

  • Red point. Thai cats with markings the color of boiled condensed milk, the body is snow-white;

  • Chocolate point. Pronounced dark chocolate markings, the base color is often darkened;

  • Torty point. Exotic spotted color of three colors: red, black and white;

  • Tabby point. The muzzle, paws and tail are painted with cute stripes. One of the rarest colors;

  • Lilac Point. Light gray-blue spots with a milky color to the rest of the body.

The rarest colors - caramel point (light red with white) and fawn point (light gray with a bluish tint to the coat) are especially valuable.

Thai cat: description

Thai cats are medium-sized cats with compact and elegant body proportions, while being well developed, muscular and quite flexible. The weight of adult individuals averages about 5 kilograms, although females are somewhat smaller in size and at the same time distinguished by their elegance.

Breed standards

  • The head shape is rounded, teardrop-shaped, with the American version of the standard noting an apple-shaped head shape. Her silhouette is soft with smooth transitions, regardless of which side the gaze is directed at her.
  • The length of the muzzle is average in size with the presence of round outlines and the convexity of its profile. The chin is strong, while in adults the cheek areas are well defined. From the forehead to the nose you can see a well-defined transition, which is located at eye level. The nose is straight and equally small, of medium size.
  • The ears are the same, medium in size, with rounded ends, and the ears are set relatively wide. If you draw a line from the tips of your ears to your nose, you should form a regular triangle.
  • The shape of the eyes resembles apricot kernels, with the upper line being almond-shaped and the lower line more rounded. The color of the iris of the eyes can take shades from bright azure to rich sapphire blue.
  • The neck is quite powerful, of medium size, although somewhat shorter in males.
  • The body is well developed and strong, with a very wide chest area.
  • The limbs are also strong and muscular, and they end in rounded paws.
  • The tail is small, but not small; at the same time, it is thicker at the base.
  • The nature of the coat is soft, with short guard hairs lying close to the body, while there is also a well-developed undercoat.

Individuals with a seal-point color are widely popular, which is characterized by the presence of a basic soft fawn shade, as well as the presence of almost black markings present on the muzzle, on the paws, on the ears and on the tip of the tail. Breed standards allow the presence of other color options for the coat of a Thai cat:

  • Blue point with bright gray, almost blue markings, while the nose is characterized by the presence of an asphalt tint, and the color of the paw pads is gray.
  • Chocolate point, the presence of chocolate markings on the main pure white coat color.
  • Lilac point, when on a pure white background there are light purple markings, while the paw pads are light pink, and the nose is soft lilac.
  • Red point is characterized by the presence of bright red markings present on the base light cream color
  • Creme point represents a color when there are markings in the tone of creme brulee on the main white background.
  • Torti (tortoiseshell).
  • Tabby, with various patterns.

Interesting fact! Kittens of the Thai breed are born completely white, so the characteristic coloring is acquired gradually, over the course of 1 year, or even more.

It should also be noted that there are individuals characterized by a rare body color, such as cinnamon, caramel, silver, apricot, etc.

Personality of the Thai cat

Kittens of the Thai breed are characterized as sociable and playful, as well as cunning and surprisingly inquisitive. This behavior continues even after reaching adulthood. The animal’s curiosity is considered especially characteristic of the breed, so any actions of its owner cannot take place without the active participation of such a pet. This is due to the fact that the Thai cat prefers to spend its time in the company of a person.

Thai cats are also distinguished by the fact that they amazingly combine tireless energy, which allows them to take an active part in outdoor games, as well as their good nature as true gentlemen. They never refuse to communicate with a person, trying to convey everything that the cat experienced while taking part in various events. At the same time, she can gently purr or scream loudly if she sees that the person is not making contact.

Females are distinguished by a more flexible and gentle nature of behavior, and they will always choose to relax on the sofa if they need to make a choice between noisy events and oriental bliss. Naturally, these “ladies” also take part in various entertainments, but at the same time they always stop on time, without bringing the entertainment to the point of absurdity.

Female Thai cats are very dedicated to raising their offspring, and they easily part with older offspring. The cat experiences real maternal feelings for all family members, including children, as well as other animals. This is expressed in the desire to educate, patronize, patronize, lead, etc.

The Thai cat is an animal with a strong nervous system, as well as a cheerful character, so they easily get used to new living conditions. The only exception is the mating season, which is characterized by the appearance of a high temperament, along with loud sounds that indicate a desire to find a partner.

✔ Thai cat. How is the Thai cat breed different from the Siamese?

How long do Thai cats live?

The advantage of this breed also lies in the fact that their life expectancy is within 17 years, so the Thai cat can safely be called a long-liver. Despite the excellent genes, the lifespan of such a pet depends on many factors. The most important are the conditions of detention, the organization of a balanced diet, as well as regular visits to the veterinarian.

Important point! Considering the fact that Thai cats are characterized by a high degree of mobility, it is very important for her to provide safe living conditions.

What do I need to do:

  • Securely secure all interior elements, especially heavy ones.
  • Close windows and doors so that the cat cannot open them.
  • Securely hide all household items that could harm the animal in one way or another.

Free walking of the Thai cat is also questionable, since this is a direct threat to the health of the pet. If you follow these very simple rules, you can really extend the life of a pet to almost 3 decades.


Looking into the deep and soulful eyes of a Thai cat, you can conclude how smart and intelligent she is. These animals are very attached to humans, but at the same time they are independent and freedom-loving. The character of the Thai cat is a real mystery. Thais are children's favorites and excellent nannies. They can be very active, which is perfect for playing with a child.

In general, they have the following qualities:

  • attachment;
  • aggressiveness (toward strangers);
  • excessive cleanliness;
  • playfulness;
  • activity;
  • independence.

The Thai cat is good because it will definitely become your best friend. He will cheer you up and play, and will not let despondency take over. Can also be affectionate and gentle. These animals are easy to train and can easily remember commands.

Thai cats demand respect, and if their owner allows himself to offend the animal at least once, he will remember it for the rest of his life. Thais are not vindictive, but they remember evil, and it will no longer be possible to create a trusting relationship with this cat.


Thai cats get along well with other animals. These are sociable and friendly pets. They find a common language with dogs and cats of other breeds or relatives.

Thai cats and children

The breed can be called active; Thai cats are not averse to playing with children. Pets happily run after the light pointer and play outdoor games. Like all cats, they do not like excessive attention - the Thai will not allow himself to be cuddled and stroked against the grain.

Relationship with the owner

The devotion of Thai cats to their owner is comparable to the devotion of dogs. These are loyal pets that recognize their owner. They are waiting for a person, they miss him.

Thai cats love to be near their owner and try to respond to his remarks. The voice of Thai cats has several timbres and therefore it seems that it is conducting a dialogue with a person.

Thais are touchy and do not tolerate coercion. They react aggressively to anger and are able to stand up for themselves. They remember grievances and after an insult has been caused, it is difficult to restore the previous relationship with them.

Such a pet's commands should be taught patiently and lovingly. The Thai cat loves to be the center of attention, she likes when the owner talks to her, strokes her, and spends time near the pet.

Thai cats love to be held. They happily sleep on their laps. If the owner needs an affectionate and devoted cat, the Thai is an excellent choice.

Possible problems

There are no serious problems with this breed, but when buying such a pet you should consider a number of points:

  • Cats are very attached to their owner, and at first they will follow on his heels.
  • Since childhood, kittens are very talkative, and this does not go away with age.
  • Since the breed was bred in Thailand, the pets do not tolerate cold climates well.
  • Animals are very curious, so it is better to close doors and windows tightly, as cats are able to escape.

Description and standard

The Thai breed has medium compact size and well-developed muscles. At the same time it looks graceful and elegant.

The table provides a description of the breed:

HeadHas no sharp corners, rounded. The cheeks are well defined. The muzzle is marked with clearly smooth outlines. The chin is wedge-shaped.
The eyes are almond-shaped, large, slightly slanted. The color is blue, blue, the richer the better. It cannot be green or yellow.
The ears have rounded tips and a wide base, located on the sides of the head.
BodyMedium length, muscular, strong bones. The body is flexible, for which Thais are compared in grace to panthers.
LegsMuscular, set in proportion. The paws are round and small.
TailThick at the base and tapering towards the tip. The length is average.
WoolThe undercoat is insignificant. The hairs are short, silky, and fit tightly to the body.
ColorsThermodependent (acromelanic). Preference is given to light fawn. The body should be colored evenly and contrast with the markings. Tail, paws, ears, muzzle are the same color.

Who are they suitable for?

The breed will be an excellent choice for both single people and large families with children. The main thing is that the cat is given enough attention - without it he will be bored and mischievous. For such pets, the presence of other cats in the house will not be a disadvantage.

Thai cats are not suitable for workaholics and busy people who are often not at home. Communication with their beloved owner is very important for these pets. It will be especially bad for your cat if you are often sent on business trips.

Do not take such a cat if there are already birds or rodents living at home - the cat will view them as prey, and the acquaintance may end in tragedy. Also, Thai cats are not recommended for allergy sufferers: it is better to look for a hairless cat. It is possible that you will get used to your pet, but no one can guarantee this.

Seal Point

The color of the Thai seal point cat is standard, classic and is very common. The main color of a cat's coat is light cream, which softly fades into a light shade of brown. The points are often dark brown and sometimes almost black in color, the markings are contrasting, so this color of the Thai cat is often found at exhibitions.

As already mentioned, the eyes should have a sky blue color, and if a green iris is noticeable on them, then this is a huge minus, as is the presence of light hairs on the paws.


Thai cats are clean and can lick their fur for several hours. Even due to increased activity, pets do not damage furniture. But a small kitten still needs to be accustomed to a scratching post and a tray.

A warm climate is very important for a pet. Since keeping them in cold conditions, in addition to colds and other diseases, can cause color changes.

It is imperative to provide the cat with free space where she can play and frolic.


Like any other short-haired breed, it is enough to brush the coat 1-2 times a week. You can also remove lost hair from the body by simply running a wet hand over the cat’s body several times; the excess hair will remain on your hands.

If the cat is a participant in exhibitions, then it is advisable to bathe it. This should be done in warm, but not hot water, and use a special shampoo for animals so that the fur remains soft and silky. This procedure is performed once a month.


Immediately after purchasing a cat, you need to make a decision regarding the type of pet food: natural food or special dry food.

Attention! Combining two types of food is strictly prohibited.

In the case of industrial feed, you just need to choose a suitable brand, at least premium.

If the decision has been made to feed the cat natural food, their menu should be balanced and nutritious. Food should be served slightly warmed.

Adult cats need to be fed 2-3 times a day, and kittens 5 to 6 times (this is explained by the fact that they are more active).

Be sure to add to the diet:

  • chicken and beef meat;
  • yolk of chicken or quail eggs;
  • fermented milk products with reduced fat content;
  • boiled fish;
  • low fat pork.

It is strictly forbidden to pamper your cat with food such as:

  • products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats and spices;
  • coloring vegetables.

Caring for ears, eyes and claws

When caring for a Thai cat, you need to pay attention to the following parts of the body:

  1. Eyes. Thai cats normally have moderate discharge from the eyes, so this can be removed with a damp cloth. If your cat has a lot of discharge from the eyes or no discharge at all, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian.
  2. Ears. Despite the fact that the ears of Thai cats are small, they also need to be cleaned of dust and dirt. To do this, use cotton swabs and liquid for wetting. But do not clean too deeply, as there is a risk of damaging the ear.
  3. Teeth. It is recommended to clean with a toothbrush and a special paste for cats. If it is not possible to purchase such a paste, then you can simply wipe your teeth with wet and dry gauze. It is recommended to do this regularly, several times a week.
  4. Claws. They need to be trimmed to avoid injuries that the cat can inflict on itself by getting caught on furniture and clothes. For the procedure, scissors or nail clippers are used. It is necessary to cut off the transparent part without touching the vessels and living tissue.


The Thai cat is characterized by increased cleanliness. To make it convenient for her to relieve herself, they buy a spacious and deep tray. There are no special requirements for the filler. The main thing is that it fulfills its functions and the cat likes it.

Walking your pet

Thai cats take walks very well.

Recommendations for walking an animal:

  • It is better to take the cat out on a leash so that it cannot run away and get lost;
  • Before walking, you should put on a flea collar and treat the fur with insect repellent;
  • the walk should take place in a place where there are no dogs;
  • Do not walk during estrus.

On the street, a cat is more interested in warmth rather than vitamin D, since this is genetically embedded in them.

Similarities and differences in character

But talk about similarities and confusion with these breeds did not arise out of nowhere, and they concern not only their appearance. In terms of character, these cats have retained much more in common than can be said about their appearance.

Be sure to read:

Breed of cats with big ears: features of appearance and character, review, wild cats

Firstly, both Siamese and Thai cats have a so-called “dog-like” character. This means that they constantly need the company of their owners. All descendants of Siamese cats always accompany them throughout the apartment, often get under their feet and hands, and are also curious about what their beloved owner is doing at a given specific moment in time.

And finally, both Thais and Siamese are born hunters with an ineradicable predatory instinct. That’s why owners of summer cottages and houses like to have them. Just a few days after the animal appears there, you can forget about pests like mice and even rats.

However, there is one rather important difference. Siamese cats have an explosive temperament, which makes them wonderful playmates, but also requires them to learn to keep their claws sheathed. This same temperament makes them real berserkers during fights with other cats.

But the Thais in this regard differ radically from their brothers. By nature, these cats are samurai, calm and reserved. Combined with a dog's devotion, this makes for quite a fun combination. However, this trait in its own way helps Thai cats in fights with cats. They are calculating and self-possessed, so they only strike for sure and very quickly.


Thai cats have strong immunity. Representatives of the breed may exhibit defects such as squint, crease (not correction) of the tip of the tail. But flaws in appearance do not affect health at all.

However, there are a number of diseases that are most common in Thai and Siamese cats:

  • bowel cancer;
  • baldness;
  • dysfunction of the esophagus;
  • asthma;
  • heart defect (congenital);
  • increased pain sensitivity;
  • glaucoma;
  • breast cancer.

Thais are temperamental in matters of love. When a cat is in heat, she behaves inappropriately and screams loudly. And high hormonal levels are the cause of cancer of the uterus, mammary glands, and inflammation of the ovaries. Sterilization is considered the best disease prevention. Castration reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis.


Most pets lead a domestic lifestyle, but they also need vaccinations.


  • 8-12 weeks – first vaccination. A month later, revaccination. Then they are vaccinated every year.
  • If the mother cat has been vaccinated, then the kitten is vaccinated at 12 weeks; if not, at 8.
  • 10 days before vaccination, the animal is dewormed.

In practice, doctors use complex vaccines against several diseases at once. These are the drugs Novibak, Quadrikat, Multifel, Felovax.

How long do Thai cats live at home?

Thai cats are long-lived. On average they live 14-15 years. However, it is not uncommon for them to live up to 20 or even 28 years. This largely depends on the conditions created, what to feed the pet, and genetic factors.

Diseases and possible defects

Like all purebred representatives of the cat family, Thais have specific diseases. They will not give them rest:

  • Asthma. The pathogen for a Thai can be tobacco smoke, deodorants, air fresheners, and ordinary dust.
  • Congenital heart defect. Causes developmental delays, reduces activity, and makes breathing difficult.
  • Subluxation of the sternum. A cosmetic hereditary disease that will only prevent the pet from receiving a certificate under the WCF system. It does not bring physical suffering.
  • Porphyria. A hereditary disease of both a dominant and recessive gene, causing a disruption in the synthesis of red blood cells.
  • Strabismus. Strabismus, desynchronization of the muscles that control the position of the cat's eyeballs. It may go away on its own with age.


By the time they move to a new home, Thai kittens have already mastered the basic rules of behavior well and know how to use a scratching post and litter box. To make the process of getting used to a new place of residence quick and painless, try to create an environment for your baby that is similar to the one in which he spent the first months of his life.

Talk to your pet calmly, without raising your voice unnecessarily. A Thai will quickly understand that if they are dissatisfied with him and loudly scold him, then he has really done something wrong. Keep the use of harsh measures to a minimum. Aggression can only breed aggression. You can calm an overly angry cat with a stream of cool water. This is not painful or humiliating for the royal cat, unlike physical punishment.

Provide your baby with enough toys. This will distract him from mischief and protect your things from damage. Keep valuable items and papers out of reach of the animal.

Having a cat in the house is both a great joy and a huge responsibility. And this responsibility lies with the individual.

Tips for choosing a kitten

The points of Thai kittens are less pronounced than those of their parents. The final color appears no earlier than 1 year. When meeting your baby, pay attention to the color of his markings. There should be no white spots on them. It is also not recommended to take a pet with strabismus and a crooked tail.

Choose the most active kitten, boldly running towards you. Gently pick him up and check his reaction. It will be easier for a sociable and courageous child to adapt to a new home.

It is safer to purchase an animal from a nursery or from a breeder who is a member of a felinological club. All their wards have a basic set of documents, so you can be sure of their origin.

Sterilization and castration

If a Thai cat does not have breeding value, it is recommended to sterilize it. It is advisable to carry out the operation no earlier than 7-9 months, but before the first mating. It will help prevent the development of serious diseases of the genitourinary system and will avoid the appearance of behavioral problems associated with the instinct of procreation.

Rare colors

We looked at many varieties of “fur coats” of Thai cats, but we left the rarest and most expensive ones for last. Experts have identified the following variations:

  1. Cinnamon Point. This is a handsome guy with white fur without shades. The points are a cinnamon color, and the contrast of warm and cold looks very impressive.
  2. Caramel point. The fur is white, with a tint reminiscent of magnolia flowers. Caramel points (brown-gray). Stripes on marks are not welcome, but they do happen.
  3. Fawn point is a magical color! The base is like white magnolia, but shaded with soft tones of beige or pink-lilac. The points are also unique - pastel pink.
  4. Gray-brown point. This color is stunning in its contrast. The base is a pure white coat, without any shades, with clear markings of brownish-gray color, with a pink or purple tint.

How to choose a kitten

The best time to take a kitten home is at least 2 months old. Exhibition animals are sold after 5-6 months, when the teeth have completely changed. And the best age when you can evaluate the baby’s exterior and exhibition future is 4 months.

The main criteria for choosing a kitten are simple: it must be healthy, be able to go to the toilet on its own, and preferably use a scratching post.

Gender doesn't matter. An uncastrated cat will mark where he likes, and an unsterilized cat will meow loudly and demand love. And such characteristics of the breed as cunning, cunning, and stubbornness are characteristic of both boys and girls. The only cats are more affectionate and careful than cats.

Each Thai breeder has his own price for a kitten. The determining factor of how much a purebred Thai kitten costs is class. For show class pets the highest price is from 25 thousand rubles, breed class – 10 thousand rubles, pet class can be purchased from 5 thousand rubles.

Features of feeding and diet

Maintain balance when feeding. The animal's diet must contain enough vitamins and nutrients. With a natural diet, this is very difficult to track on your own. To avoid possible problems, it is recommended to check with your veterinarian in advance about how and what to feed your pet.

The doctor will help develop guidelines for feeding a kitten or adult animal, based on their health. You will also have to add vitamins to natural products to bring their amount in the body to the recommended level. Food will have to be prepared daily, as a stale dish can cause stomach problems.

Most often, owners choose ready-made dry food. Their packages are already printed with tables explaining how many times to feed the cat depending on its size. To avoid a negative reaction from the cat’s body, do not be fooled by advertising and buy only high-quality food of at least premium class. Otherwise, your pet risks developing problems with the gastrointestinal tract or more serious pathologies.

How to name a kitten

The character of Thai cats and the history of the breed provide the owner with many options for choosing a name for his pet.

You can choose from Thai names that are pronounced with the emphasis on the last syllable:

Nickname for a boy kittenNickname for a girl's kitten
Aron, Vaen, Det, Kosum, Kitty Krysi, Chris, Mai, Manoj, Nai, Nok, Phen, Khan, Mongkut, Narong, Niran, Thaksin, Lek, Dao, Nok, Kai, Samon, Kosum, Apple, YuAgum, Dara, Dao, Spark, Kama, Mali, Bunsi, Buppa, Mali, Vaen, Nari, Num

These nicknames are just hints. They say that all you have to do is look into the sky-blue eyes of a kitten, and he will come up with an idea.

Key facts

The name of the breed comes from its country of origin – Thailand. The key characteristics of the Thai cat, including intelligence and peacefulness, have led to the creation of many legends. These animals were revered in Buddhist monasteries, believing that they ward off evil spirits and bring peace to the monks.

The description of the Thai cat includes blue eyes and acromelanic coloring, which is fully consistent with the Siamese. In the USSR, these cats were often confused with each other, although the Siamese has a slimmer figure and a distinct alien appearance.

Thai owners note their talkativeness and affection for people. This is a rare breed of cat that does not become attached to the house - but only to its inhabitants. The blue-eyed pet tries to be friendly towards the four-legged inhabitants of the house, but she always seizes power, showing her dominant character.

The average life expectancy of a Thai cat is 10-14 years. With quality care and the absence of chronic diseases, an animal can live up to 20 years.

Siamese and Thai: who is smarter?

Oddly enough, the more ancient and seasoned Siamese have a significant amount of stubbornness and childish spontaneity, which force the owner to adapt to the character of his pet. Their intellectual abilities are not flexible, although they are intelligent and curious by nature. But the independence of the Siamese is often stronger than the desire to learn and, even more so, to obey.

Thai cats are more flexible, they are free artists and explorers. They will be happy to bring their owner a small toy in their teeth; they easily understand simple commands and deftly open any doors. It follows from this that the two breeds have high intellectual abilities, but the specific character affects them differently.

The Thai cat will definitely get used to getting into hard-to-reach places and closed doors

How to organize feeding?

Some Thai owners believe that when preparing food themselves, it is impossible to take into account the metabolism of a particular animal, its physiological characteristics, and age. Others do not feed dry food because some ready-made diets make the animals darker. Everyone chooses what is most convenient for them. What you should not do is mix dry and natural food.

Diet of adult cats

Animals must be fed in the same place. Do this before you start eating. Do not train your cat to beg for treats and do not give her food from the table. Otherwise she will become picky about food.

The basis of the diet is protein foods. However, you should not give your pet only meat. Such a menu can lead to diseases of the genitourinary system. Of the by-products, liver and seafood are given very sparingly. They “darken” the pet’s fur. Fish is given no more than 1-2 times a week. The menu includes porridge, fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products, and egg yolks.

When choosing dry food, it is important to choose a diet suitable for Thais. The vitamin and mineral composition of the feed is important for this breed.

An excess of individual elements negatively affects the color of the purr. However, their shortage leads to premature aging of all systems.

Kitten diet

The smaller the kitten, the more often it needs to be fed. Until 4 months of age, he is fed 4–5 times. Babies are first given baby food porridge. At 5–6 weeks, scraped lean meat (veal, chicken) and offal scalded with boiling water (heart, some liver) are included in the diet. At the age of 7–8 weeks, chopped vegetables and fruits are added.

Indoor cats need fresh grass. If they don't go outside, you need to sow grass at home. Green turf is needed during active molting. By eating grass, cats get rid of fur in their stomach, which they swallow while caring for their fur coat.

How many years do they live?

Thai cats are cats that live a long life - on average, its duration is 17 years. Of course, the natural longevity of this breed must be supported by comfortable living conditions and good nutrition. To ensure that these active minxes do not get injured during the games that they love to indulge in so much, you need to follow some safety rules:

  • secure shelves and other heavy interior elements well so that they do not fall on your purr;
  • place anti-cat nets on the windows;
  • keep cutting objects, needles, fragile dishes, and threads in which she can become entangled, away from your curious pet;
  • hide things from your cat that she might ingest: bags, toxic detergents, medications and dangerous plants such as ivy;
  • It is recommended to walk your dog on a leash.

Attitude towards children

Both breeds are tolerant of children: they quickly adapt to living in a large family and tolerate children's pranks well. Nevertheless, Thais are more friendly towards children, as they are not jealous and get along well with other family members.

Siamese become attached to one owner and will be jealous of everyone else - this also applies to children. In addition, Siamese cats are characterized by touchiness, after which it is difficult for them to make contact with anyone other than the owner.

A wayward Siamese may be jealous of his owner's child

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