Height and weight of the Maine Coon by month, the size standard for this breed is

The health status of an adult cat is determined by various criteria - from the animal’s behavior to the quality of its fur. But some diseases cannot be detected by external signs. For example, the correct development of a Maine Coon kitten can be judged by how much it weighs. Therefore, a responsible owner must carefully monitor the growth of his pet using special tables.

History of the origin of the Maine Coon cat breed

The origin of the Maine is the most natural: it is an aboriginal cat, which, over the course of many, many years of the population’s existence, in the process of natural selection and adaptation to the surrounding world, acquired certain features. The handsome Maine Coons are Americans, and more specifically, they originally lived in North America, within the state of Maine. Since the climate of those lands was always humid in the summer months, and winter brought with it frosts and constant snowfalls, the fur coat of cats of this breed was very thick and dense, and the body became hardy.

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The history of these catfish getting to Maine remains little studied; only legends are known, one of which is associated with the attempt to escape on the ship of Queen Marie Antoinette at the end of the 17th century to America. The Queen lost her life during execution, but her cats safely reached the shores of America. According to another legend, coons came to the land together with Captain Coon; according to a third, they were brought by the Vikings long before Columbus, which is most likely due to the similarity of Maine Coons with the Norwegian forest cat.

Starting in 1861, the Maine raccoon cat was a clear success from the very first exhibition, but then the giant cats were forgotten until the middle of the 20th century. Today it is a very popular breed, recognized throughout the world.

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Overweight and underweight

If a Maine Coon has an average weight, this is an indicator of its harmonious development. However, some owners make the mistake of overfeeding the animal in an effort to raise a “record holder”. An obese Maine Coon, like any living creature, will soon develop health problems that can lead to early death. If an animal, even without overeating, has a weight that is too high for its sex, this may be one of the symptoms of heart or joint disease.

In this case, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian. If there really is a problem, he will help determine its cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is important to track the development of small Maine Coons month by month. If the size and weight do not correspond to the age of the kitten, you need to review its diet and, if necessary, add more high-calorie foods, vitamins or nutritional supplements to stimulate appetite.

One of the reasons for excessive thinness may be a disease (for example, worms). If, after a certain time after changing the diet, the Maine Coon still does not gain the required weight, it should be shown to a specialist. If symptoms such as lethargy and depression, dull coat, etc. are observed, a visit to the veterinarian should be made immediately. You can also keep a chart of the Maine Coon's growth by month - body length and height at the withers should increase in proportion to body weight.

Why does a Maine Coon kitten not gain weight?

As soon as the owner notices a discrepancy with the body weight table, it is worth seeking help from veterinarians. Insufficient recruitment can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • non-compliance with energy balance;
  • the kitten is stressed;
  • genetic or acquired diseases of the kitten.

If a cat gives birth to small newborn kittens, they may develop more slowly and take longer to reach the required weight and body size. Larger ones develop much faster than their smaller peers. Small size is often due to genetics.

How to raise a furry giant

The weight and developmental characteristics of the Maine Coon are determined by a number of circumstances. Some of them depend only on Mother Nature, others can be influenced by the person caring for the kittens.

What influences the development of the baby coon?

  1. Gender of the kitten. Small cats are born larger than their sisters and gain weight faster.
  2. Weight and dimensions of the mother cat. The larger the mother, the larger her kittens are at birth and the faster they develop.
  3. Condition of the kitten at birth and in infancy. If a baby baby was born weak and prone to illness, it will grow slower than its brothers and will weigh less than them. But this circumstance does not prevent the smallest kittens in the litter from turning into huge cats weighing 10 kilograms.
  4. Number of kittens in the litter. The more kittens are born, the less each of them weighs compared to kittens from a small litter.
  5. Genetics. The length, weight and overall development of a kitten are influenced not only by maternal genes, but also by the heredity of the father. Therefore, kittens of the same cat, born from different cats, may differ in size at birth, and subsequently in the speed of development.
  6. Nutrition for a nursing mother. The more complete and varied the diet of a mother cat, the healthier and larger her kittens will be.
  7. Conditions for keeping a nursing cat family.
  8. Stressful situations. Any disturbances (noise, presence of other animals, change of place of residence) can affect the development of kittens. A stressed female may stop feeding her offspring, which leads to a change in the diet of growing animals, causing them to gain weight more slowly. A hormonal surge during stress also leads to the same consequences, and this applies to both cats and kittens.

How old do Maine Coons grow?

Maine Coons grow up to 5 years old. In some individuals, this process is completed earlier - it all depends on the conditions of detention, nutrition and genetic data of the cat. For example, the table indicates that at 3 months a Maine Coon should weigh 2-2.4 kg, but the scales show the owner other, lower numbers. If the baby is healthy, then there is no need to worry - over time, the Maine Coon will gain the missing kilograms.

In Maine Coon cats, monthly weight gain may also differ from the data indicated in the table. Most often this happens closer to the year, when females enter the puberty phase. At this time, all efforts are devoted to the formation of internal organs, and growth slows down. Later, after the first mating, the cat can quickly recover and even grow.

Important! An indirect indicator of how big a Maine Coon will grow is its parents. Large offspring are always born from equally tall and heavy male cats.

Why is my cat not growing or losing weight?

The main reasons that affect weight loss or slow growth of a Maine Coon include:

  1. Small Maine Coon kittens, which are the last born in the litter, usually weigh less and cannot compete for mother's milk on an equal basis with the rest - owners have to carefully monitor that each cub receives its portion of food.
  2. The weight of a Maine Coon may differ by 10-20% from the weight indicated in the tables and there is nothing to worry about. But if the situation does not change over a long period of time, then you should contact a veterinarian.
  3. Timely treatment for external and internal parasites reduces the risk of weight loss in Maine Coons.
  4. In the formation of a Maine Coon, its lifestyle plays an important role - active games and appropriate physical activity help improve the growth of the animal.

A healthy Maine Coon always grows to 5-8 kg, and further weight gain will depend on the conditions of the cat’s keeping and nutrition.

Maine Coon kitten sizes

Maine Coon kittens are born larger than representatives of other breeds, the average weight of babies is 120-170 g. For comparison, Siberian kittens are born weighing from 60 to 130 g. In general, the size of Maine Coon kittens depends on many factors:

  • the number of newborns in the litter - the more kittens, the less their weight;
  • gender of the baby - boys develop faster and reach larger sizes;
  • genetic characteristics, etc.

Maine Coon kittens are born larger than representatives of other breeds / Yandex Collections
The rate of growth and development of kittens is determined by environmental conditions, as well as the health of the mother cat. To give birth to healthy and strong babies, a pregnant cat requires balanced nutrition, calm, warmth, peace and quiet.

The development of Maine Coon kittens occurs unevenly, but faster than in babies of other breeds. The average daily weight gain of Maine Coons is 10-11 g, and in the first month of life their size increases almost five times.

Body weight at different stages of development

From the moment of birth to the peak stage of growth, the development of the Maine Coon is divided into four main stages:

  • Stage one: neonatal. It lasts for the first four days. Average daily weight gain is directly related to the condition of the baby after birth.
  • Stage two: sucking. The stage continues for the next 4 weeks. Body weight increases steadily and evenly: the average increase is from 20 to 50 g. By the end of the first month of life, kittens of the same litter level out, and prenatally underdeveloped babies are restored to a normal state. The weight of a one-month-old kitten should be from 0.5 to 0.8 kg, and that of a two-month-old kitten should be from 0.9 to 1.5 kg.
  • Stage three: transitional. The stage continues until seven weeks of age. It is characterized by a change in the type of feeding. In the fifth week, due to the transition to solid food, a slowdown in weight gain is acceptable. But by the seventh week this transition ends and body weight should rise again. Kittens begin to gain weight, as the new diet includes almost all the required vitamins and nutrients.
  • Stage four: post-suction stage. The period lasts from the eighth week until the animal completes its growth. These are the kitten’s first steps towards an existence independent from its parent. Growth stops by the age of three, and the final formation of the body ends at 4–5 years of life.

By regularly measuring the weight of a Maine Coon, you can understand whether the formation of offspring is proceeding normally, and give a forecast of what it will be like. The table below shows weight from the first week of life to the age of three.

AgeCat body weight, gCat body weight, g
7 days240 — 260240 — 290
14 days320 — 410340 — 420
1 month550 — 740640 – 820
2 months1000 — 14001100 — 1500
3 months1600 — 22001800 — 2400
4 months2600 — 35003000 — 3800
5 months2800 — 43003200 — 5500
Six months3200 — 45003900 — 6000
7 months3400 — 49004200 — 6500
8 months3700 — 52004500 — 6900
9 months4000 — 54005000- 7000
10 months4100 — 58005200 — 7700
11 months4200 — 61005700 — 8000
Year4500 — 68005700 — 9000
1.5 years4500 — 70006000 — 9500
2 years4500 — 720010000
2.5 years4500 — 720012000
3 years4500 — 750013000 – 15000(neutered)

The ideal average weight of a healthy Maine Coon reaches 10 kg, but there are also slightly larger individuals up to 12 - 13 kg. But this is rather an exception, typical of neutered cats aged three to five years.

Excess weight is also observed in artificially fed kittens, since a large number of biological additives cause disruption of the endocrine system. Maine Coons should not be overfed.

A young kitten that has already gained more than 10 kg will have health problems, since obesity causes severe diseases of the pulmonary, cardiovascular system and other internal organs.

No matter how strong and resilient a kitten is, it is also prone to hip dysplasia and other serious, difficult-to-treat diseases, the possibility of developing which increases with every extra kilogram. Such animals must be constantly under the supervision of a veterinarian.

There is no need to believe in the existence of mythical 20-kilogram cats and chase records, achieving the maximum body weight of your pet in every conceivable and inconceivable way. After all, the handsome Maine Coon is not raised for slaughter. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for your pet, provide a high level of quality of life, maintain his health, and not strive to raise a giant.

Maine Coon growth chart by month by age

AgeCat (weight in grams)Cat (weight in grams)
After birth170120
One week230190
Two weeks380340
One month700600
Two month13501250
Three months22001850
Four months34003000
Five months45003500
Six months50003800
Seven months55004300
Eight months60004800
Nine month63005000
Ten months69005300
Eleven months74005700
Twelve months80006000
Two years100006800
Two and a half years125007300
Three years140008000

Maine Coon weight by month

Newborn Maine Coon kittens weigh from 120 to 180 grams, although very small (80 g) animals are often viable. Experts distinguish 2 initial stages of kitten growth:

  1. Neonatal cycle – first 4 days. At this time, development is highly dependent on the complexity of labor and birth order.
  2. Sucking month. The only food for the baby is mother's milk and in any case adds at least 10 g to the baby's weight every day. But the normal value is 5-8 times more (50-80 g/day).

Girls weight

The average weight of a newborn cat is 100-150 g.

How to choose a kitten?

To choose the right Maine Coon kitten, you should first study the breed standards according to the European and American versions of the systems, and also visit several exhibitions. After this, you can confidently go to the nurseries that you like.

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How to distinguish it from an ordinary cat?

It is sometimes difficult for a non-professional to distinguish a purebred animal from a mongrel cat. What to pay attention to in this case, here are the characteristic features of the breed:

  1. Maine Coons are larger than regular kittens. On average, a newborn weighs 100-150 grams, and regular kittens weigh 80-100 grams.
  2. The Maine Coon kitten is more active and stronger than ordinary cats.
  3. By three months, an animal of this breed already weighs on average about 2 kilograms for girls and 2.5 for boys. Simple cats at this age weigh no more than one and a half kilograms.
  4. The coat is thicker and fluffier than that of ordinary kittens.
  5. The body is large, the head is massive.
  6. The tail is thick, the paws are impressive, sometimes even at a young age you can see tufts of hair between the toes - a characteristic feature of Maine Coons.
  7. A purebred kitten has at least 4 generations of ancestors in its pedigree.

Choosing a small Maine Coon

  • If you wish, you have the right to look at the kitten’s parents and ask about their veterinary passports and pedigrees.
  • If the cattery has other popular cat breeds, breeders may offer mixed breeds or crossbreeds. Of course, they can be wonderful and cute, but they will no longer be considered real Maine Coons.
  • If you are offered a show class kitten with no breeding restrictions, then most likely you are again being offered a cross between two breeds.
  • Pay attention to the character of the Maine Coon. He should not be intimidated or aggressive.
  • You can buy a kitten only after 3 months, when the mother cat has passed on the necessary animal skills to it.


Maine Coons have two genetic colors - red (red) and black. The rest are their shades or lightened versions. The documents use a special EMS color coding.

In the photo there is a Maine Coon cat: black color

Maine Coons are divided into several groups based on color: those with a pattern (tabby), without a pattern (solid), tortoiseshell, silver and smoky.

Components of a tabby pattern:

  • the letter "M" on the forehead;
  • the mirror of the nose and eyes are outlined in dark;
  • horizontal stripes on the paws, and small spots on the stomach;
  • “necklace” on the chest made of stripes.

Tabby types:

  • Classic (marble): stripes are drawn along the spine, there is often a “butterfly” between the shoulder blades, and rounded marks on the sides;
  • Spotted: dotted stripes or small spots;
  • Brindle: dark stripe on the back, vertical lines along the sides;
  • Ticked: an atypical color found in more eastern breeds. The pattern is marked only on the muzzle, the tip of each hair is painted in a dark color.

The color of solids can be: red, red, black, blue, cream, white. Tortoiseshell: torti (cream) or toby (black, brown, red).

In the photo there is a Maine Coon cat: red color

Record holders

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest cat is the Maine Coon Stewie, whose full name is Stuart Gilligan. Its length was 123 cm. The record was set in the USA on August 28, 2010. Stewie died in 2013. The current record holder for length is another Maine Coon cat named Ludo, whose length is 118.33 cm.

Appearance Features

It is worth knowing that at a young age it is quite difficult to notice the difference between animals. Thoroughbreds have similarities to ordinary ones, but they still have unique features. When inspecting, pay attention to:

  • Ears. They are noticeably larger than those of ordinary pets, set almost at a right angle to the head, there is no forward bend, like in a Siberian cat. They are wide at the base and then gradually narrow. They end with a tassel - a unique external feature. The kitten can be born with it, more often it grows later, but by a maximum of 3 months there should already be a tassel on its ears. For this reason, it is better to select a pet at this age.
  • Head. It is slightly elongated, since the length is slightly greater than the width. All features are clear, and the whisker pads form a “box”, making the muzzle square. The cheekbones protrude noticeably, which is not typical for ordinary domestic kittens.
  • Eyes. They are slightly slanted and almond-shaped, unlike the rounded ones of other cats.
  • Paws. Firstly, they are quite large even in babies, and secondly, tassels also grow on them - between the claws.
  • Tail. This part of the body in purebred animals is long, about 2 times longer than in their domestic relatives. It is worth noting that selling Maine Coons is a profitable business, and there is a high risk of fraud. The breeder can tell that the tassels have not yet grown, the shape of the face sometimes seems similar, but the length of the tail can reveal the truth. Therefore, it is better to cooperate with reliable nurseries, where they will provide you with all the necessary documents.
  • Wool. Even in kittens it is of medium length and thick.
  • Dimensions. At the age of five weeks, Maine Coons are already comparable in size to a six-month-old ordinary kitten; at 4-5 months they “catch up” with an adult.
  • Body type. It should be strong, the chest should be wide, the bones should be massive.

Also, purebred representatives of the breed are much more active and mobile than their ordinary counterparts, they develop faster and switch to food earlier.

Features of the breed's exterior

The exterior of the Maine Coon is unique; there are no exact analogues of such a cat anywhere in the world (see the largest Maine Coon in the world).

Description of the Maine Coon breed:

  • The body is elongated and large. The neck and chest are wide.
  • The tail is approximately equal to the length of the body.
  • The head is large, high-set ears with tufts at the tips, a sharp convex chin, narrow, relatively small “live” eyes (compared to the large head).
  • The eyes are located close to each other on a wide muzzle. Some lovers of the breed jokingly call the face of these cats a “felt boot face,” since the nose and jaw are noticeably pushed forward from the base of the head.
  • The eye color is predominantly golden. Sometimes greenish, amber, light orange, or yellowish colors are found, extremely rarely - blue or light blue.
  • The coat is thick, long, growing along the body.
  • The areas of the body with the longest hair are the back, belly, and sides of the hind legs. Short hair grows mainly on the head, neck, and shoulders.

Weight table by age

The development of the animal occurs quite evenly, but a jump in growth processes, as a rule, occurs in the fourth or fifth month of a pet’s life:

AgeMale weightFemale weight
a week240-280 g240-260 g
two weeks250-350 g300-400 g
month630-820 g560-740 g
two month1.23-1.50 kg1.1-1.4 kg
three months1.8-2.3 kg1.7-2.3 kg
four months3.0-3.8 kg2.7-3.6 kg
five months3.2-5.5 kg2.9-4.3 kg
six months3.5-5.8 kg3.0-4.5 kg
seven months4.2-6.5 kg3.5-4.9 kg
eight months4.4-6.8 kg3.8-5.2 kg
nine month5.1-7.2 kg4.1-5.5 kg
ten months5.3-7.6 kg4.2-5.8 kg
eleven months5.6-8.1 kg4.3-6.1 kg
twelve months5.7-9.0 kg4.5-6.8 kg
one and half year6.0-9.5 kg4.5-7.0 kg
two years10.0 kg4.7-7.3 kg
two and a half years12.0 kg7.5 kg
three years13.0-16.0 kg7.5-8.0 kg

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They don't like loneliness

Maine Coons always strive for the room where there is a person; without attention, they suffer greatly. They, as a rule, choose one owner and remain devoted to him for life. If your cat chose you out of all the family members, then you are very lucky, but there are disadvantages: he is unlikely to give you privacy in the toilet or shower. The doors in the room you are in should always be open. These animals generally hate loneliness: even if you leave the house for just a couple of hours, the Maine Coon will greet you with violent screams. But cats of this breed are easy to teach dog tricks. Our pet always comes when called and knows how to fetch. Some owners even boast that they taught their pet the “sit” command. It’s better for you to always be close, otherwise they may be offended by you and will never let you caress them again. Therefore, either take it with you always or don’t start it at all.

What to do if your pet is obese

If your pet is obese, it is first important to determine the cause. Some foods are contraindicated for kittens and adult animals, such as chicken and fish bones, which can damage the esophagus. You should not give your pet raw meat, especially pork. Meat products without heat treatment can become a carrier of infection and worms. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, can cause diarrhea, so you shouldn't give them to your pet. Legumes have a negative impact on the digestive tract. Smoked meats, pickles, spicy and fatty foods are harmful to cats. After identifying the cause, it is necessary to develop a diet, but the pet should not be very hungry. It is better to seek a decision from a specialist who will accurately describe the entire menu, taking into account the necessary vitamins and microelements for the pet.

A healthy, large pet is the result of good care and love from the owner. It is important to pay due attention to the cat, then it will delight you for many years.

What affects the growth of Maine Coons

The growth of the Maine Coon Cat is directly influenced by many internal and external factors . The first category includes determined breed characteristics. Also, as the animal grows older, there is a clearly visible difference in the rate of weight gain in males and females, as a result of which cats become significantly heavier than females by the age of three months.

The category of internal factors includes the body weight of the mother and the genotypic characteristics of the parents - when the parental genotypes are combined, an organism with unique parameters appears with special development of the skeleton and muscular system.

The most significant external factors influencing the growth of the Maine Coon are presented:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards when keeping a cat and its offspring;
  • the presence or absence of stress factors or unfavorable conditions;
  • quality food characteristics.

Some individual factors that do not belong to the category of external or internal parameters can also affect the growth and weight gain of an animal.

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Breed records

Online statements that Maine Coons weigh 20 kg or more should be taken as a myth. Excess weight relative to the standard is either a fiction or the result of a disease: diabetes, obesity, teriosis, etc.

The breed is characterized by the phenomenon of sexual dimorphism - sharp differences in the appearance of males and females. Maine Coon cats are much smaller and sleeker, but at the same time they have a strong, wide body and well-developed muscles. An adult Maine Coon cat, of course, inspires respect with its considerable size.

The biggest cat

There is no officially registered weight record for the breed yet. A beefy "maikun" can weigh up to 20 kg. But the breed still holds one real record in the cat world - length. The largest cat measured 123 cm in length from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail. His nickname is Stewie.

A cat named Omar is very famous on the Internet; his weight has already reached 14 kilograms and his body length is 120 centimeters. Considering that this pet is still young, he has every chance of becoming the owner of a new world record.

Popular Maine Coon colors

Colors based on primary colors are black (also known as black marbled), red (or its common name is red), cream and blue Maine Coon (common name is grey). However, solid colors are rare in these cats, and they usually have a brindle pattern or spots.

Based on this, all Maine Coon colors are usually divided into four categories:

  • Solid (from the English solid) – solid color;
  • Tabby (from English tabby) – striped color;
  • Smoky;
  • Tortoiseshell spotted.

The classic tabby (also known as marbled tabby) is characterized by wide spiral stripes that are located on the sides of the animal. Sometimes these stripes are very similar to marble stains. Very common are Maine Coons with the brindle tabby color, which got its name because it resembles the color of a tiger - the stripes are located vertically and parallel to each other. Some cats have a ticked tabby, a color in which there are no stripes or spots on the skin, but there is a pattern on the animal's face, or on its chest or paws.

The smoky color in its visible appearance resembles creeping smoke. The hair may be gray or even distinctly white at the roots, but the ends may be blue or black. This color looks very beautiful, especially when the animal is moving, when the movement of the fur creates a shimmering effect. Only cats have a tortoiseshell color, that is, with multi-colored spots, since cats cannot have more than two colors with very rare exceptions due to genetics.

Useful tips and tricks

If you have a small Maine Coon and are monitoring its proper development, then you should listen to some useful tips.

  • Do not give Maine Coon kittens dietary supplements or medicated foods without consulting your veterinarian first. Any drugs or means to increase body weight taken without a specialist's indications can seriously harm these animals.
  • If you feed your Maine Coon with special ready-made food, then you must give it in the quantities and sizes specified by the manufacturer.
  • Don't overfeed your Maine Coon to help it grow faster. Such actions, of course, will lead to weight gain, but these will be unhealthy changes. The animal may suffer from obesity, and this is a serious problem for its health.
  • It is advisable to keep the maximum weight of an adult Maine Coon within 11-13 kg, no more.
  • Choose only high-quality food for your pets with plenty of vitamins and other nutrients. Without proper nutrition, the Maine Coon will not grow as it should.

Education and training

Observation post

Despite the fact that modern coons no longer chase mice through the pine clearings of Maine, the genes of wild ancestors in the representatives of the breed will definitely remind you of themselves. Accordingly, by adopting a Maine Coon, you have the added bonus of the opportunity to practice self-discipline.

In general, “Manx raccoons” are easy to train: they have a phenomenal memory, allowing cats to easily and quickly remember commands. Difficulties with the correct operation of the tray and the use of sofa upholstery instead of a scratching post are definitely not about Maine Coons; the furry giants easily master these wisdom even at a very young age. From time to time, cats need to give vent to their emotions and hunting instincts, so it is very advisable to take part in the pet’s games. Buy your Maine Coon a special ball, a toy mouse, or tease him with a laser pointer, thereby provoking the animal’s hunting excitement.

What should you consider when choosing a kitten?

A real, purebred Maine Coon kitten is not cheap, and therefore it is worth taking the choice seriously, so as not to be deceived and not to buy a crossbreed, there is a lot to consider.

It is best, of course, to take a pet from professionals with documents and a contract, but even if you decide to take a kitten simply from the hands of amateurs, then you should do the following:

  • Draw up a contract and print it out;
  • Ask the seller to sign the contract;
  • Look at the kitten's parents;
  • Define metrics;
  • Examine the kitten for signs of disease;
  • A true Maine Coon is not shy or aggressive;
  • A Maine Coon kitten at 4 months is 5 times larger than a regular kitten!
  • A true purebred Maine Coon has thick, long, dense and fluffy fur;
  • They have a wide, long nose with a large jaw;
  • The tail of a purebred Maine Coon is always longer than the spine;
  • Maine Coons are very calm, they never climb into corners, under sofas or hide.

Important: A cross with another breed will be very noticeable by 4 months, so you should not adopt a kitten earlier.

How much does a Maine Coon cost?

The main rule that applies to Maine Coon kittens is: a cheap Maine Coon is not a Maine Coon. Today, the cost of a Maine Coon kitten ranges from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles, and this is not the limit. The established price range is not a whim of nursery owners, but a strict necessity, since the establishment spends up to 20,000 rubles on the maintenance of one animal from the moment of its birth until it reaches three months of age.

The highest price tags are put on breed-class individuals (future successors of the Maine Coon family), as well as cats of fashionable and rare colors. Of the representatives of the pet category (sterilized animals), male animals are more expensive.

You should only buy Maine Coon kittens in trusted places. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of establishments positioning themselves as serious nurseries, not all of them keep animals in the right conditions and receive the necessary veterinary care. The most unsuitable places to buy a kitten are bird markets and virtual bulletin boards, where animals that are very distantly related to representatives of this breed are sold under the guise of Maine Coons.

No artificial records

Most often, a weight of over 10 kilograms is observed in “artificial” cats: their diet contained a lot of dietary supplements, which caused metabolic disorders. Under no circumstances should you believe the myths about cats weighing 20 kilograms and chasing weight “records” - this is a sure path to illness and premature death of the animal.

Maine Coons should not be overfed: excess weight provokes diseases of the heart, lungs, internal organs and joints. Representatives of this cat breed are distinguished by good health and endurance, but they also have an innate tendency to cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy, and hip dysplasia. Excess weight increases the likelihood of developing these difficult-to-treat ailments.


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Linear growth rates

Mostly cat lovers are interested in information about the fatness of Maine cats. Therefore, participants began to be weighed at exhibitions.

However, the data on how long Maine Coons are is no less interesting; it’s not for nothing that they occupy first place in the ranking of the largest domestic cats. Moreover, in many photos, owners try to demonstrate the size of the pet, taking pictures when it is stretched out in length.

The average height and length are as follows (in cm):

  • The body is rectangular, elongated. Body length – 95 +/- 5
  • The tail is long and very fluffy. Length – 35 +/-2
  • Height at withers – 32.5. There is information about a height of 40 centimeters.
  • Waist and chest girth – 32.

It also takes a Maine Coon 3-4 years to reach its full length. The largest representative of the breed listed in the Guinness Book is the cat Stewie. The length of his body from the tip of his tail to his nose was 123.2 cm.

What to feed a Maine Coon: kitten, adult cat

Is it possible to cut a Maine Coon's hair?

How to name a Maine Coon: nicknames for cats and cats

How to distinguish a Maine Coon from an ordinary cat: 5 signs of thoroughbred

Maine Coon Polydact: a little larger than usual

Sterilization and castration of Maine Coons: features


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