Maine Coon weight by month: table, sizes of an adult cat

The health status of an adult cat is determined by various criteria - from the animal’s behavior to the quality of its fur. But some diseases cannot be detected by external signs. For example, the correct development of a Maine Coon kitten can be judged by how much it weighs. Therefore, a responsible owner must carefully monitor the growth of his pet using special tables.

Size standards and maximum weight

These animals are rightfully considered the largest domestic cats among those breeds that are able to live with humans without any problems. All four-legged champions and record holders for weight and height are Maine Coons. They have significantly outgrown the rest of their competitors. The average weight of representatives of this breed is 8-10 kg for males and 4-7 kg for females.

Like other native species, big Manx cats mature late. They enter a sexually mature state quite quickly - females can give birth to offspring already at the age of 7-9 months, but Maine Coons grow up to 4-5 years.

At the age of 5 years, the weight of a Maine Coon cat remains almost unchanged. As soon as a pet loses its appetite, loses weight and becomes lethargic (even in the absence of other signs of illness), it needs to be shown to a veterinarian in order to exclude the development of diseases, which often pass in a latent chronic form, but necessarily manifest themselves in later stages.

This is interesting! A cat named Omar became a contender for entry into the Guinness Book of Records. By the end of the first year of his life, he had already gained 10 kg, and later each year he added one more. Now the title candidate is 4 years old, the actual body length of this Maine Coon is 1.2 meters and, standing on his hind legs, he can easily take food from the dinner table.

What is the weight of an adult Maine Coon: the difference between a cat and a cat

In adult Maine Coons, there are significant differences between the weight and height of male and female cats:

  1. Cats are heavier and longer. A 3-month-old Maine Coon should weigh more than 2 kg, a one-year-old - from 6 to 8.5 kg. Castrated males traditionally exceed the average by another 2-3 kg. This is due to the lack of sexual activity.
  2. Cats are always smaller and more graceful than males. At 3 months they should weigh about 2 kg, and by the year they gain on average up to 5 kg. As adults, sterilized cats “eat” another 3 kg.

Most often, the weight of an adult Maine Coon cat is around 6-7 kg. Veterinarians do not recommend going beyond these averages, and in case of overeating or weight gain for other reasons, the animal is prescribed a gentle diet or fasting days.

Other differences between a cat and a female cat are in the area of ​​external characteristics that do not depend on the size to which the Maine Coon grows.

Important! Felinologists have compiled a special monthly weight table for Maine Coons. Deviation from it means the presence of problems with health and general development.

Factors influencing growth

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of all the weight standards of Maine Coons, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of the main factors that influence the growth of these amazing animals.

  • Floor. This is one of the most important factors affecting the development of purebred kittens. Boy kittens will always be larger than girls.
  • Genes. Genetics plays an important role in the growth of kittens. In large individuals, the kittens will be born large. As a rule, they grow larger and heavier, along with their closest relatives.
  • The physical condition of a newly born kitten. Babies who are born weak will grow less rapidly and are unlikely to grow very large.
  • Large litter size. Kittens that come from a small litter are born larger and stronger. If the litter is numerous, then the babies are unlikely to be large.
  • The conditions in which a mother cat is kept during the period of bearing and feeding her offspring. If a cat eats balanced feeds and products throughout the days of gestation and feeding, and is kept in optimal and comfortable conditions for her, then she will definitely produce healthy and high-quality offspring. These kids will grow up as they should.
  • Stressful situations. If the house where cats are kept is constantly in a rather restless environment, if the owners often shout and swear, or make noisy repairs, then the changed habitual rhythm of life of Maine Coons can lead to severe stress. As a result, a purebred kitten can grow much slower than in calm conditions.
  • Past illnesses. Kittens that have suffered various types of illnesses grow many times worse than their healthy counterparts who have not suffered from anything. In some cases, growth not only slows down, but stops altogether.
  • Feeding. In order for a pet to grow well in accordance with its age, it is necessary to provide it with proper, balanced and nutritious nutrition. There is no need to buy cheap economy-class food for your kitten or give food from the human table.

Only if you keep in mind all the listed factors that influence the growth of a Maine Coon kitten, can you expect normal development from it in accordance with all existing standards. If there are any shortcomings, for example, problems with the baby’s health, then they must be resolved quickly by contacting a veterinarian.

Maine Coon weight by month

Newborn Maine Coon kittens weigh from 120 to 180 grams, although very small (80 g) animals are often viable. Experts distinguish 2 initial stages of kitten growth:

  1. Neonatal cycle – first 4 days. At this time, development is highly dependent on the complexity of labor and birth order.
  2. Sucking month. The only food for the baby is mother's milk and in any case adds at least 10 g to the baby's weight every day. But the normal value is 5-8 times more (50-80 g/day).

Girls weight

The average weight of a newborn cat is 100-150 g.

  1. In the first month of life, this figure reaches 600-700 g. Small cats can weigh 0.55 kg, and larger individuals can weigh up to 0.75 kg.
  2. At 2 months the values ​​double again - 1.0-1.55 kg.
  3. At 3 months, a Maine Coon (girl) should already weigh 1.5 - 2.3 kg and then add about 40% of total body weight every 30 days.

By 6 months (3-4 kg), active weight gain stops - now before a year, cats will gain another half weight and should weigh from 4.5 to 6 kg. At this age, Maine Coon girls grow more slowly than boys.

Boys weight

The average weight of a newborn male is 150 g. In the first weeks of life, the baby should gain about 40% in weight. At the age of 1 month, a Maine Coon kitten should weigh 0.7-0.8 kg.

Then the cat’s body weight increases evenly. At 4 months the weight of a Maine Coon is about 4 kg. Every next 30 days brings an additional kilogram. It's very easy to remember. At 5 months, the Maine Coon weighs 5-6 kg, at 6 months – 6-7 kg, and at 7 months, the Maine Coon should still weigh the same 6-7 kg (or a little more), because the period of active growth has ended.

By the year the cat will add a couple more kilograms, and all further records will be set only closer to the stage of full adulthood - after 3 years.


Maine Coon weight by month (feline and male development chart):

AgeBoys (kg)Girls (kg)
At birth0,15-0,180,12-0,15
1 Week0,2-0,250,2-0,25
2 weeks0,3-0,350,3-0,35
3 weeks0,45-0,50,4-0,45
1 month0,65-0,80,55-0,65
2 months1,2-1,51,0-1,3
3 months1,9-2,41,5-2,0
4 months3,3-3,82,8-3,3
5 months4,0-5,53,5-4,0
6 months5,0-6,54,0-4,5
1 year6,0-9,05,0-6,5
2 yearsup to 10.0up to 7
3 years12,0-13,07,5-8,0

*All data on the weight of small Maine Coon kittens should be considered as an example only. The development of animals depends on the conditions of detention, nutrition, physical activity, health and other factors.

What do they look like?

Since this breed is quite famous, lovers of such pets often communicate on forums, share experiences, ask something, and tell something themselves. They also post photos of their pets by month, including photos of one-month-old kittens. So, if you decide to adopt a kitten at this age, then finding out approximately what he will look like is not a problem.

Maine Coon height and weight by month

Unlike the table of a kitten’s weekly (monthly) weight gain, none of the experts describes the growth of the Maine Coon in detail. In fact, the development of the animal occurs unevenly - during the first weeks the cat really quickly increases in size and overtakes its outbred peers.

Also, a lot depends on the conditions of detention - an active Maine Coon, not limited in movement and games, always develops better than pets who live in more modest conditions. But later nature will put everything in its place.

The dimensions of an adult Maine Coon are approximately the same. Its length is about 1 m, and its height at the withers is 30-35 cm. Giants grow up to 40 cm or more, but these are truly rare specimens. Sometimes they try to compare the size of an adult cat with the height of a person (child), but this is completely wrong. The length of the Maine Coon takes into account the parameters “from tip to tip” (nose to tail), and its body is not so impressive. At 8 months, the Maine Coon's weight approaches 7-8 kg, and its height already allows it to rise on its hind legs and take food from the table.

This is interesting! Champion Maine Coons allegedly grew up to 1.35 m in length, but such rumors have not been officially recorded anywhere. And the current record holder has impressive dimensions - his height of 123 cm is confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records.

How old do Maine Coons grow?

Maine Coons grow up to 5 years old. In some individuals, this process is completed earlier - it all depends on the conditions of detention, nutrition and genetic data of the cat. For example, the table indicates that at 3 months a Maine Coon should weigh 2-2.4 kg, but the scales show the owner other, lower numbers. If the baby is healthy, then there is no need to worry - over time, the Maine Coon will gain the missing kilograms.

In Maine Coon cats, monthly weight gain may also differ from the data indicated in the table. Most often this happens closer to the year, when females enter the puberty phase. At this time, all efforts are devoted to the formation of internal organs, and growth slows down. Later, after the first mating, the cat can quickly recover and even grow.

Important! An indirect indicator of how big a Maine Coon will grow is its parents. Large offspring are always born from equally tall and heavy male cats.

The first days of a kitten in the house

When moving a kitten to a new home, you need to take into account the main points that the migrant will encounter in the first days. Owners are advised to gradually and persistently accustom their Maine to unusual conditions and procedures:

  1. In a large house, so that the baby does not get lost, let him get comfortable in one room for several days. They also place bowls with water, food and a scratching post with a litter tray. Introduce them to the pet.
  2. Family members in the house are introduced one by one. Everyone needs to caress the baby, talk to them, and play with them.
  3. The maine kitten is introduced to other animals in the house in the presence of the owner. By observing them, he controls and suppresses aggressive moods, and tries not to arouse jealousy between them.
  4. From the first day they begin raising a pet. They strictly, consistently and unswervingly instill in him what not to do in the house. For example: climbing on the table, riding on the curtains, using only a litter tray for the toilet, or other prohibitions typical of the routine in the house.
  5. It is impossible to switch the baby to another type of food in the first months. After adaptation to the new home, he is transferred to a different diet gradually, without causing irritation to the housing and communal services.

Why is my cat not growing or losing weight?

The main reasons that affect weight loss or slow growth of a Maine Coon include:

  1. Small Maine Coon kittens, which are the last born in the litter, usually weigh less and cannot compete for mother's milk on an equal basis with the rest - owners have to carefully monitor that each cub receives its portion of food.
  2. The weight of a Maine Coon may differ by 10-20% from the weight indicated in the tables and there is nothing to worry about. But if the situation does not change over a long period of time, then you should contact a veterinarian.
  3. Timely treatment for external and internal parasites reduces the risk of weight loss in Maine Coons.
  4. In the formation of a Maine Coon, its lifestyle plays an important role - active games and appropriate physical activity help improve the growth of the animal.

A healthy Maine Coon always grows to 5-8 kg, and further weight gain will depend on the conditions of the cat’s keeping and nutrition.

Choosing a name for a kitten.

Many people find it very difficult to choose a name for a kitten, or one that is too long in the pedigree or simply doesn’t like it. It is worth paying attention that it is best to choose a name for the baby, paying attention to the external characteristics, color, and behavior of the little Maine Coon.

Important: No matter how cute and small your pet is, do not call him with very gentle, diminutive nicknames like “Muska”, “Kroshka”, “Small”. Or ridiculous nicknames - “Pig”, “Red”, “Crow”, etc. Remember that the pet will grow up, become big and will visit exhibitions, a veterinarian, matings and a beautiful, suitable name will become an adornment for a chic Maine Coon .

What to do if your cat is not gaining weight

During the first two months of life, a young Maine Coon's weight should be monitored weekly. Any prolonged deviation from the norm becomes a reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

Throughout each year of an adult Maine Coon's life, its weight is monitored. At the same time, excess weight is also dangerous for the health of the animal.

The big cat sometimes becomes capricious, refuses food and even loses weight. If it comes to the nature of the Maine Coon, then you can give the cat fasting days, and after that gradually change the diet. However, a prolonged departure from the weight gain schedule is an alarming sign that may indicate the development of a serious pathology in the animal’s body. In this case, the cat needs to be taken to the vet immediately.

But most often, representatives of the Maine Coon breed have good health, excellent genetics and powerful immunity. They are sociable and do not require special conditions. All the future giant needs is the love and attention of its owner, and the strong cat will definitely gain weight.


In the first months of life, kittens need milk in large quantities; the mixture can be purchased at pet stores.

Goat milk is allowed. In the first month, the kitten should eat about six times a day, in small portions.

It is better to ask the cattery what kind of food the cats eat and stick to that diet. Grown-up kittens are fed meat and vegetables.

Adult cats - from one year old - are fed with specialized food:

  1. "Royal Canin" for Maine Coons.
  2. "Bosch Sanabelle Grande" for large breeds.


The best set of vitamins for cats of this breed is found in fish oil, eggs, dairy products, and tomatoes. For healthy skin, give cabbage, liver, and yeast products. Vegetables and fruits will boost your cat's immunity. With the help of natural vitamins, you can balance your pet’s diet so that he gets the maximum benefit from his food.

But to maintain health, you also need special products that contain zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. Pet stores offer vitamin complexes with taurine. They improve vision and digestion. For good skin and coat condition, vitamin complexes with biotin are given. The animal also needs calcium, vitamin B6, A, B and D.

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