The most expensive dog and the largest cat in the world.

There is an opinion that the fashion for purebred animals appeared relatively recently. It is fundamentally incorrect. The desire to emphasize one’s special status with the help of an animal goes back centuries. But as for cats, they began to be associated with prestige only in the 50s of the twentieth century.

But an animal is not a luxury car or an expensive smartphone; it needs care and love. Unfortunately, the high cost of a kitten is not a guarantee of a happy life.

Before getting a cat, you need to think carefully. When choosing, you should focus not only on external data, but also on character. Animals of different breeds differ in behavior and attitude towards people.

In this article we have compiled the top 10 most expensive cat breeds, look at their photos and see the prices of kittens. You can find out what distinctive features they have.


This is a hybrid breed - a combination of a domestic cat and an African serval. There are 5 types depending on the percentage of wild blood - the highest is the F1 type.

Kittens can cost up to $35,000.

Savannah is large in size. Height at the withers is up to 60 cm, weight is 15 kg. A cat reaches its maximum size by 3 years. The body is oblong with an elongated neck and long legs. The coat is thick and spotted. The ears are large and round, set wide apart, with rounded tips.

The breed is characterized by activity and a calm character. A cat can adapt to any conditions, but room for movement is important to it. The animal likes fresh air and is not afraid of water.

Neapolitan Mastiff

You rarely see this breed here. A massive dog with thick folds of skin two thousand years ago accompanied Roman legionnaires on campaigns and fought in coliseums with other animals and people.

The Mastino Neapolitan is a one-owner dog. He is so devoted to him that, without receiving proper attention, he can become depressed. For the same reason, he may develop aggression towards other members of the household who were not lucky enough to become his chosen ones. Therefore, to avoid incidents, take care of the dog.

Mastino has a territorial personality and would be suitable as a guard dog. Not even a mouse will slip past it, rest assured. Even if the Neapolitan is quietly dozing in the shade, he knows exactly what is currently happening in the territory entrusted to him.

Although the dog has a calm character, it needs a firm and persistent owner. People who are too soft should not have a Neapolitan, because he will make decisions for you.

Video: Mastino Neapolitan


These cats resemble toy tigers.

A kitten can cost $15,000.

The breed is short-haired. The main background is brown, with dark stripes on the back, chest, belly, paws and tail. The fur is plush, the presence of sideburns on the sides of the muzzle is appreciated. The eyes are small, the eyelids droop slightly. The ears are slightly rounded. Not all organizations have yet recognized the breed.

How difficult and expensive is it to keep the most expensive dog breeds?

It is important to understand that the cost of keeping an animal does not depend on fashion. If the high price is due to temporary popularity, but the dog itself is unpretentious, then a lot of money will have to be paid only at the purchase stage.

Three types of four-legged animals are really expensive: large, long-haired and disease-prone. The former need large volumes of food, the latter need expensive groomer care, and the third need regular examination by a veterinarian and periodic treatment of exacerbations. All these points must be taken into account before the purchase, since not every owner can afford ongoing expenses of impressive amounts.

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Housey (chausie)

This breed is the result of crossing a wild jungle cat and an Abyssinian domestic cat, and regularly requires an influx of new wild blood.

The cost of kittens reaches $10,000.

The weight of a cat can reach 10 kg. The body is strong and muscular, the legs are long. Large ears are equipped with tassels (not always). The head is small, the chin is strong, the cheekbones are slightly angular. The eyes are almond-shaped and can be greenish or golden.

It is preferable to keep the Houseie in a spacious enclosure - the animal is active and needs a lot of space to move. The cat loves communication, but will not sit in your arms.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed owes its appearance to the British aristocracy, which, chasing fashion, preferred cheerful, bug-eyed dogs. They testified to the high position of the masters and were kept exclusively as lap dogs, contrary to the decree, which stated that it was forbidden to keep dogs at court.

Subsequently, through selection, the breed underwent significant changes and in 1928 a new variety was approved, which still exists. The breed has gained popularity among many celebrity personalities, which explains its current high cost.

Cavalier is a dog with irrepressible energy. Even if there is only one spaniel in the house, it seems that there are at least three of them - his ability to be in several places at the same time and poke his curious nose everywhere is so developed. Therefore, it is recommended to have gentlemen in very large families, so that the dog does not annoy one with its attention.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will get along with anyone: a cat, a dog, a bird, a reptile, etc. He has absolutely no leadership qualities, but he has one strong quality - boundless charm. They love tactile contact and therefore are crazy about children, who, as usual, love to hug and cuddle animals.

Training must be approached carefully: the slightest rudeness can forever turn the dog away from the desire to do anything. And on a walk, chasing some small living creature (no one has canceled the hunting instincts), the spaniel can get completely lost. Therefore, the most important thing is to clearly learn the commands “come”, “fu” and “near”.

Video: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Thai cat breed with ancient pedigree.

Kittens cost $7,000-10,000.

A distinctive feature of the breed is different eye colors, although this is not necessary; photographers simply prefer this option.

Eyes can be blue, green or amber. The color is white, black and white is possible, but this is rare. The build is average, muscular, height can reach 25-30 cm, weight - 3.5-5 kg. The head is heart-shaped, the ears are large, the eyes are oval.

This breed is characterized by intelligence, curiosity, agility and playfulness. The cat becomes attached to humans and gets along well with children and pets.


This cat with big eyes and long soft fur will captivate you at first sight. Since this breed has problems with the spine, the cat must be handled very gently and carefully. If you do not like to lead an active lifestyle, then a bobtail cat will definitely appeal to you: physical activity and, in principle, sudden movements are contraindicated for them. They say that these cats were once forgotten by travelers on the Kuril Islands. Due to the influence of external factors of nature, the physique of these cats has changed. An adult bobtail should be massive and muscular, despite its passive lifestyle. A unique feature of this breed is its short, broken tail. Bobtails are calm and fearless. They love people, but they tolerate loneliness absolutely calmly. Cats of this breed love to choose their owners themselves; bobtails will be endlessly affectionate and gentle with them. The affection and tenderness of a bobtail costs from 600 to 1000 dollars.

Bengal cat

The breed is a hybrid of a domestic cat and a Bengal (Far Eastern cat).

The average cost of kittens is $5,000.

Bengal cats have an exotic appearance - spotted or marbled in color, strong and muscular body. The short coat is thick, shiny and silky. The ears are small or medium-sized, slightly tilted forward. The eyes are oval and large, set widely apart.

The breed is characterized by a well-developed hunting instinct; the animal loves to play at any age. From childhood, it must be accustomed to handling; if kept in an enclosure, the cat can become wild. The breed is not dangerous for children and other pets.

Devon Rex

Devon rexes are animals with a very unusual, fairy-tale-like appearance. The cats, bred in the 60s of the last century, have very short curly fur that shimmers beautifully in the light. The thin graceful body is decorated with huge ears and large expressive eyes. These hypoallergenic pets have a good mind and easily learn commands and tricks. The price for one animal in different nurseries ranges from 400 to 1200 dollars.

Devon Rex breed description

Persian cat

This is one of the oldest and very popular breeds. Cats are long-haired and can only live indoors.

The cost of kittens reaches $5000.

Persians have about a hundred different color varieties. Cats are white and black, gray and blue, red and red, cream and purple. The nose is small, wide and snub. The legs are short and muscular. Sizes are medium or large - weight can reach 7 kg. Large eyes are open and round.

Persian cats are characterized by willfulness and stubbornness, but at the same time their character is balanced. The breed is calm, the animal rarely speaks, and has a neutral attitude towards children.


This graceful sighthound was bred in the Middle East for unarmed hunting and long-distance racing. The dog is intelligent looking and has the same character. Its nervous system is extremely sensitive, and therefore the dog will not tolerate pokes and pinches from unintelligent children.

And even in relation to adults, a greyhound gets lost if people talk to it in a raised voice. Or even this: if someone sorts things out in her presence. Therefore, if you have a turbulent family life, do not get this breed.

The Persian Greyhound is equally friendly towards all family members, but gives its heart to only one owner. Therefore, households must understand that only one person can command a dog. Forcing her to fulfill the whims of others means shaking her nervous system.

A Saluki can easily get along with dogs, but getting her to stop chasing cats is a real challenge. A hunter, what can you take from him? Therefore, be careful when walking: the slightest provocation and only a trace of the Saluki will disappear.

In terms of training, the Persian will also not please you much, because from time immemorial the dog’s task was to run and hunt, and here someone is trying to achieve something incomprehensible... But with due diligence and good contact with the dog, the Saluki can still be taught something .

Salukis are also incredibly stubborn. As a puppy, your dog will test your patience more than once, but you must remember that only kindness, affection and justice will help you raise an adequate greyhound. However, when the Persian grows up, these habits will disappear into oblivion on their own.

Practice with Salukis. Go to film theaters, train her in running and hunting. Contrary to popular belief, a greyhound will not become wild and uncontrollable from training. Quite the opposite: it contains enormous energy that just needs to be put somewhere.

Video: Saluki

Singapura cat

Short-haired breed.

A kitten can cost up to $5,000.

Singapore is characterized by its small size. It reaches 2-3 kg and is the smallest officially recognized cat.

The only color allowed is sepia agouti (golden cream). It appears by the age of six months, and eye color is finally formed only by 1.5 years. The body is compact and strong. Rounded chest, slightly arched back. The tip of the tail is slightly rounded, the paws are small and oval. The ears are very large with a wide base, the eyes are also very large and round.

The Singapura is very affectionate and active, and is easy to train. She becomes attached to her owner and can be intrusive.

Egyptian Mau

An ancient cat breed that was highly revered in Ancient Egypt.

Today, the cost of kittens can reach $5,000.

The breed is short-haired, medium size. The color is spotted, and there are spots not only on the coat, but also on the skin. The color can be silver, bronze or smoky. 2 lines are required under the eyes and on the cheekbones, there should be an M-shaped pattern above the eyes, and a W-shaped pattern at the level of the ears. Almond-shaped eyes should have a green color; up to 1.5 years, a yellow tint is allowed.

The cat is active and sociable; loneliness is not for her. The breed is characterized by excellent vision, smell, hearing and high speed - up to 58 km/h. The cat is very clean and loves water.

Tibetan mastiff

This is one of the most expensive and oldest dog breeds in the world. Excavations confirm that mastiffs were with people already in the Stone Age. Due to the geographical remoteness of Tibet, the characteristics of the breed have not changed for many millennia, and interest in these powerful dogs arose relatively recently.

The Tibetan Mastiff is an animal with a sense of self-esteem. He has a strong and indestructible character. He will not bark over trifles and demands to be treated as an equal.

Surprisingly, the mastiff is active in the evening and at night. This is explained by the fact that in the past, dogs slept during the day so that by night they would be ready to perform guard duty and protect villages and monasteries from attacks by people and wild animals. So get used to your dog barking at night.

A Tibetan will never be the first to attack a person (unless he violates established boundaries). But at the same time, a dog has what people call intuition, and if your dog grumbles displeasedly at a friend he knows well, then perhaps you should take a closer look at this person.

Mastiffs do not like noise and fuss. Therefore, he will do well in a family where there are no very small children and the house does not look like a walk-through yard due to the numerous guests.

If the Tibetan Mastiff grew up with any animal, then in the future it will be a member of his gang, over which there is no need to establish dominance. But if you get someone else with an adult dog, then conflicts are unlikely to be avoided.

If the mastiff does not recognize your dominance, training him will be a difficult task. But even if you are the alpha, you need to treat the dog tactfully and patiently, without allowing even a hint that the pet might lose trust in you.

Video: Tibetan Mastiff


This breed is very unusual. Due to their appearance, such cats are sometimes called dachshunds.

The cost of kittens can reach $4000.

The Munchkin has a body of medium length, but its paws are 2-3 times shorter than usual. The head is proportional to the body, the contour is rounded, high cheekbones protrude. The ears are medium or large, proportional to the head, have a wide base, and the tips are slightly rounded. Almond-shaped eyes are large or medium, the color is not related to color. The coat can be short or long.

The munchkin does not stand on its hind legs, but sits on its seat, resting its tail. The cat can spend a long time in this position; it looks like a kangaroo.


This is a relatively rare breed originally from Germany. The cute, shaggy, big guy is very kind to children as an adult, but as a puppy this breed is a little slow-witted and can claw.

Despite its size, the Leonberger is not a watchman or a bodyguard. Seeing a two-legged enemy is nonsense, but a dog can bark, after which people, as a rule, lose the desire to take offensive actions.

Leonberger is very easy-going. He will not chase cats and other small fry, and he is unlikely to start a fight with his relatives. But naturally, any bully can give a worthy rebuff.

This is an excellent companion, affectionate and loving, although looking at the dog you wouldn’t immediately think about it. It is clear that you are unlikely to have such a dog in an apartment. A private house with a plot of land is intended for it. Moreover, to put this shaggy bear on a chain means to spoil his psyche.

If you want a loyal dog, you should have one Leon. When two puppies are adopted, the dogs are so carried away by each other that bipeds fade into the background for them.

Our climate is perfect for the Leonberger. This dog does not do well in hot weather and this is not surprising, because it has such thick, long hair!

Video: Leonberger


The breed is also called Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx. It is hairless, although light fluff or short hair is allowed.

The cost of kittens reaches $3500.

The Peterbald has several skin types. The cat may even lack whiskers and eyebrows. The breed is characterized by a special elegance: the cats are slender, the head is long and narrow, and the profile is straight. Peterbalds have almond-shaped eyes and ears that are large and set to the sides.

This breed does not tolerate loneliness. The cat becomes attached to its owner, is easy to train, and is very affectionate towards people and other animals.

Akita Inu

Few of us have not watched the film about the faithful dog Hachiko. This is the Akita Inu - a Japanese breed of dog that has become a symbol of love and loyalty to its owner.

At the same time, Akita does not tolerate other dogs, especially those of the same sex. Therefore, an Inu should always be the one and only in the family. They also do not like strangers, although they do not rush. Akita barks rarely, if necessary.

As for character, the breed is quite diverse. Dogs are able to make their own decisions and obey their owner unquestioningly. But only if the owner is strong in spirit and unshakable, like a rock. With a soft person, the Akita will immediately take control and it will be extremely difficult to cope with him.

Akita picks up everything on the fly, so training doesn’t seem to be a problem. However, very often owners are faced with the fact that the dog does not want to follow orders. Such situations happen if the dog is not “explained” why it needs to carry out this or that order. With Akita Inu, you need to work on motivation from childhood.

Essentially, this is a child with whom you need to work all the time. And if you don’t give the dog the necessary relief and leave it at home alone, it is quite possible that when you return, instead of a sofa you will see rags.

You need to be careful: the Akita Inu has no fear of heights. Both puppies and adult dogs can perform incredible pirouettes without caring at all about where they land.

Video: Akita Inu

Yorkie chocolate cat

The breed was brought to the USA by accident.

Prices for kittens start from $3000.

The Yorkie has a long, slightly ragged, soft, chocolate-colored coat that may be uneven, spotted or striped as a child. The breed is semi-longhaired. Weight can reach 7-8 kg. The body is medium or large, the muscles are strong, the legs are slender and long. The ears are large and moderately pointed, the eyes are medium-sized and oval in shape, sloping towards the nose. The coloring is uniform.

The breed is sociable and friendly, and is in good health. The cat gets along well with children and becomes attached not to a place, but to a person.

What is the price based on?

Don’t think that raising animals in nurseries is very easy. Breeders spend a lot of effort and money finding a suitable (preferably titled) pair for mating, getting the necessary vaccinations, and filling out the documents. That is why it is impossible to determine which is the most expensive cat in the world, relying only on the popularity of the breed in society. The price of a pet depends on a number of conditions:

  • elitism and title of the club;
  • rarity of the breed;
  • services of a veterinarian;
  • rarity and color features;
  • compliance with the standards of international felinological organizations;
  • sometimes the sex of the animal;
  • personal achievements of the cat (participation in exhibitions of various levels);
  • character;
  • age.

Attention! Among the 10 most expensive cats you can find not only representatives of “old” breeds, but also completely “new” ones.


One of the controversial breeds - some people like it crazy, while others find the appearance of the animals unpleasant.

The cost of kittens reaches $3000.

Sphynxes have no fur - this is a consequence of a natural mutation. The skin is folded, the ears are very large with a wide base, open and erect. The arches of the cheekbones are rounded and strongly pronounced. The eyes are large and lemon-shaped.

Sphinxes are distinguished by intelligence and playfulness, they become strongly attached to their owners and get along well with other animals. Health problems are not typical for the breed. The disadvantage is the need for special care for the skin, since due to the lack of wool it quickly becomes dirty.

Afghan Hound

It is not surprising that this dog is one of the most expensive in the world. The Afghan Hound is truly very beautiful. And at the same time, oh how contradictory. If a dog is ready to play at least 24 hours a day as a puppy, then as an adult you won’t just play with it. Yes, she certainly doesn’t mind frolicking, but only when she wants it.

Please note that these greyhounds are quite touchy. And if you punish the dog for something that, in his opinion, he did not do, expect an appropriate reaction. For the same reason, you should not get an Afghan hound if you have small children in the house. Violence on their part can drive your beauty to the brink.

Afghans are individualists, and because of this there is an opinion about them that they are an uncontrollable and obstinate dog. However, everything is much simpler than it seems. The Afghan Hound is somewhat similar in character to cats. One individual can be affectionate and shy, while another can be capricious and capricious. It is impossible to guess which dog you will get.

Afghans are no longer the same shepherd dogs that once guarded flocks. Selection has done its job and now it is more of an image breed. However, the greyhound will never compete with the owner for the right to be the alpha. They are already self-sufficient and see no reason to prove anything to anyone.

Grooming is a different story. The beautiful “hair” of the Afghan requires daily care, and for show-class dogs, life has its own challenges in store. And the sooner you teach your dog to comb and groom, the better for everyone.

It is possible and necessary to train an Afghan. However, be prepared that sometimes your orders may be ignored. Therefore, it is very important to establish a trusting relationship with your pet from puppyhood.

In order for a dog to be able to release its energy, it needs a lot of exercise, which not every owner can do. Sign up for coursing - in most cases this will be enough.

Video: Afghan Hound

Turkish van

One of the oldest domestic breeds.

The cost of kittens starts from $3000.

The breed is semi-longhaired. The classic colors are red and white and creamy white. The physique is average, the muscles are pronounced. The head has the shape of a truncated triangle, the ears are large with a wide base, the tips are slightly rounded. The large eyes are oval-shaped, set slightly obliquely, and can be light amber, blue or of different colors with pink edging.

The Turkish Van is energetic and sociable, with a melodious voice. The cat loves to run and jump, is not afraid of water at all and loves to swim.


The breed was obtained by crossing the South American wild cat Geoffroy with a short-haired domestic cat - Bengal or Siamese. It is not included in the official list of breeds because it is considered experimental.

This is a very large animal that can easily compete with Maine Coons:

  • the female weighs about 8 kg;
  • males are much larger and reach 13-16 kg.

The muscular body with smooth lines gives the cat a graceful appearance. The head is triangular with a narrow lower jaw and a long nose.

The short coat is water-repellent and dense with a dense undercoat. It is colored amber and, depending on the second parent, can cast:

  • silver or gold (if crossed with a Siamese cat);
  • dark brown or reddish tint (if the second parent is “Bengali”).

The pattern consists of rings and rosettes on the tail, and dots and spots are scattered throughout the body.

Representatives of this breed have inherited only very interesting colors from their wild relatives. They themselves have a calm and peaceful disposition.

The average cost of a safari kitten is 315,000 rubles.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

A distinctive feature of the breed are small ears that are curved forward and downward. This consequence of a gene mutation is also a disadvantage, since the animal may have problems with the joints.

The cost of a Scottish Fold kitten can reach $3,000.

Scottish Folds are of medium size and have a strong and harmonious build. The coat is short, but very soft and thick. The eyes are large and round, set wide apart.

Scottish Folds are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and sociability, their character is balanced. Such cats become strongly attached to people and home. This breed is able to stand easily on its hind legs and has a raspy voice.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke is among the top most expensive dogs, if only because it is the favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain. And the desire to have what the people of the royal court have is, as it were, obligatory.

Corgis are very friendly shepherds. They will never attack a person, although clashes do occur with representatives of their tribe. There is another variety: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is practically one breed with some differences.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Despite their indoor appearance, Pembrokes are originally herding dogs. They are very active and are always busy with something: they play, run, frolic on their short legs and smile tenderly, invariably bringing those around them into indescribable delight.

The corgi will follow you everywhere and from time to time touch you with its paw as if to say: “master, pay attention to me.” And of course, this breed is crazy about children. No matter what the pranksters do, the shepherd dog will stoically endure and will never show the slightest aggression.

Corgis have two habits left over from their time as a shepherd: biting people on the back of their legs and eating well. Since the dog is unlikely to herd geese, all people in its family become geese. Hence the nipping: the corgi simply points you in the direction in which you need to move. It won't be difficult to wean your dog off of this. And the habit of filling the stomach tightly was also inherited from the times of shepherds, when it was unknown whether they would be able to eat next time. But this can also be easily controlled.

Video: Welsh Corgi


The breed appeared quite recently (2006) and is a hybrid of the Canadian Sphynx and the American Curl, occupying an intermediate place between them in terms of cost.

For a kitten you will have to pay an average of $2000.

The elf is a hairless cat; any color of the skin and even a pattern on it are possible. The main feature of the breed is the ears with a wide base, they are narrowed at the top, and at the tips they smoothly bend into an arc. The build is average, the body is flexible, there are a lot of folds. Eyebrows and mustaches are represented by single hairs and may be completely absent.

Elves are affectionate and friendly and get along well with children. Cats are sociable and love attention; they get along well with other animals.

Pharaoh Hound

This is also a very rare and quite expensive dog. Malta is considered to be its homeland, and the profile of the pharaohs is very reminiscent of the Egyptian god of the other world, Anubis. The second name of the breed is the Maltese rabbit greyhound, which clearly indicates its specialization.

But today everything is different and the Pharaoh Hound has become an image breed, the possession of which shows the high social status of its owner.

This is a very kind, calm and affectionate animal, which cannot be embarrassed by either playful children or crowds of guests. A dog with equal dignity will give a rebuff if necessary and will not bother the owner with his attention if he is not inclined to communicate.

Surprisingly, if this greyhound is hyperactive on a walk or in class, then at home she will not turn everything upside down.

Pharaohs do not single out any one person among their owners. They treat all members of the household with an equal degree of adoration, and they do it so tactfully that it’s a sin to be offended. They also accept other dogs on their territory. Quarrels and conflicts are alien to them.

It can take years to train a Pharaoh Hound. And not because greyhounds are stupid. They are distinguished by their phenomenal memory and will never forget what they have learned once. It’s just that a general training course is not their element at all. The breed was bred for hunting and companionship, so you need to think about more simplified training methods.

Video: Pharaoh Hound

Which breed from this list would you choose?


The breed is a hybrid. The basis was Bengal cats; Abyssinian, Oriental, European cats and Maine Coon were also used.

The cost of Serengeti kittens can reach $2000.

The breed is large, weight can reach 15 kg (in cats - up to 10 kg). The Serengeti has the longest legs and a long and muscular body. The color is spotted, with ring stripes on the tail. The ears are large, as long as the muzzle or slightly less. The eyes are large and round, set close together, always rich in color and in harmony with the color.

The Serengeti is characterized by activity, curiosity and a love of outdoor games. The cat does not tolerate loneliness and lack of attention well; it may not get along with other pets.

Irish Wolfhound

The name of the breed itself suggests what kind of activity this dog is engaged in. But the Irish are absolutely safe for people (if you behave appropriately with them, of course).

This dog combines such qualities as love for the owner and his family (but not servile worship), the ability to control his emotions and intolerance towards other animals. Therefore, proximity to the same cat can end very sadly for the latter.

An Irish wolfhound is unlikely to become a bodyguard. His character is not the same. But injuring an enemy who has entered the dog’s territory is always welcome. Therefore, from early puppyhood, the dog needs to be socialized - you don’t live among the Irish mountains.

It is possible and necessary to train an Irishman, but training must be based on mutual trust and respect. Remember - these dogs are very touchy and hate it when they are told the same thing 100,500 times. And of course, never hit a wolfhound: you will get a nervous and unhappy dog, and this is dangerous for both you and others.

Video: Irish Wolfhound

Russian blue

There are 4 types of breed: European, Scandinavian, English and North American. Each type meets certain standards. The classic option is a silver-blue coat and green eyes.

The cost of kittens of this breed averages $1,500.

The Russian Blue has a gentle character, the animal is tactful and obedient, but at the same time loves to demonstrate its temper. This breed has a good reaction to human speech, tone and gestures. She has a certain aristocratic quality, but the cat willingly plays with children. May not get along with the dog.


Initially, this is a hound breed, which, judging by the translation of the name of the breed, follows a “blood trail”. Today, Bloodhounds are primarily used as bloodhounds. But the breed is so rare that it deservedly made it onto our list.

Bloodhound is a phlegmatic good-natured person. But this does not mean that you can treat him as you please. In the company of its own kind, the Belgian Hound will not start fights, and among cats it will not bully everyone indiscriminately.

If you often invite guests to your house, be sure that your dog will never attack any of them. The dog will be happy to join human company and take the most sincere part in all the entertainment.

The Bloodhound cannot be called an apartment dog. He's too big and clumsy for that. Moreover, the hound will strive to significantly damage your property. The best option for keeping a dog is a private house with a garden plot.

Although the Bloodhound is not a stupid dog, training it can bring some surprises. The fact is that bloods sometimes do not see the point in practicing, and therefore are in no hurry to complete them. There is another distracting factor: hounds have a phenomenal sense of smell and are often distracted by the smell that interests them. They follow the trail stubbornly and senilely, so you need to take this fact into account.

Video: bloodhound

American Curl

The breed is characterized by an unusual appearance. Cats come in short and semi-long hair, the second option is more popular.

The average cost of a kitten is $1200.

The American Curl has a medium size and proportional build. The coat is silky, the hairs lie tightly to the body. Eye color varies, but must match coat color.

A distinctive feature of the breed are the ears - they are curled back, wide at the base, and rounded at the tips. The rotation angle should be within 90-180 degrees. The American Curl's ear feature is a genetic mutation.

The breed attracts with its friendliness, high life expectancy and minimum requirements. American Curls are playful, but families with small children are not recommended to have them - the cat may be injured.

Cloned Labrador Sir Lancelot Bis

Cost: $155,000

One day, a misfortune happened to the family of Florida retirees Nina and Edgar Otto: their beloved Labrador Sir Lancelot died of cancer. To ease the pain of the loss, they decided to revive the pet by cloning it from frozen DNA.

The South Korean company Sooam Biotech was able to grow a clone of the pet, which was no different from the original. Even the tendency towards oncology remained the same. For the service, the puppy’s owners gave the scientific center $155,000.

Maine Coon

Recently, the popularity of this breed has increased.

The cost of a kitten is about $1000.

The main feature of the breed is its impressive size - length with tail can reach 1.35 m (35 cm tail), and weight - 8 kg (for castrated males - up to 12 kg). The height at the withers of an adult can be 25-40 cm. If ordinary cats grow up to a year, then the growth of a Maine Coon continues up to 3-5 years.

The breed is long-haired. The coloration is similar to domestic cats, most often brown and smoky tabby. The eyes are expressive, the ears are large, the fur is tousled, the tail is fluffy.

Along with their large size, Maine Coons have a kind and friendly character. They get along well with children and get along with dogs.

English bulldog

English bulldogs are unique dogs in every way. In addition to its charming appearance, the breed has powerful muscles and at the same time an amazingly lazy character. He would lie on the couch for days, occasionally switching to food and playing with the kids, but they simply need a daily walk, if only for reasons of maintaining health.

The English Bulldog is also stubborn. Combined with laziness, this quality seems completely catastrophic, but you just need to find the key to the dog. And of course, it is absolutely impossible to force this aristocrat to do anything. Only love, affection and strength of character can move this little giant from a dead point.

Despite their menacing appearance, bulldogs are very kind people at heart who are not averse to making friends with any domestic animal.

Protect your Englishman from the heat. Summer with high temperatures and humidity can be unbearable torture for an animal. Due to the special structure of the muzzle, the dog snores and can often be susceptible to respiratory diseases. And do not overfeed your pet. His natural laziness and breed characteristics make it easy to gain weight, from which the dog then suffers.

If you thought that the English bulldog is a gentle and spineless creature, then I hasten to refute your thoughts. If the slightest danger arises, this seemingly clumsy dog ​​will boldly come to the owner’s defense. And given his considerable weight and famous bulldog jaw, one can only feel sorry for the offender.

Video: English bulldog

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