How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat and how to calm it down?



People often get cats, but not everyone can imagine what problems they will have to face. And teaching them to go to the litter box is not the most important task for the owner. Even a cat at a very young age can cause a lot of problems when she begins puberty.

At what age do cats start walking? Every owner should know the answer to this question. And you must be prepared for this period in order to know how to proceed. After all, the task of every owner is to make the life of their pet happy and comfortable. He must do everything to ensure that the pet grows up healthy.

What is estrus

The period during which the behavior of an animal changes dramatically is called estrus, or estrus. At this moment, the process of ovulation begins in the eggs, and conception becomes real.
The following signs signal the beginning of the cat's walking period:

  • There are sudden changes in mood. The cat can be overly affectionate, and a few minutes later aggressive;
  • The pet meows loudly, calling for a male;
  • Transparent discharge appears, the cat licks itself more often;
  • Goes to the toilet more;
  • Appetite decreases, some cats may refuse food altogether;
  • Due to the reproductive instinct, many cats strive to get out of the room, so during the period of heat it is important to close all doors and windows;
  • Gait changes appear. The cat bends its front paws and lifts its tail high.

The listed signs during estrus can be observed individually or in combination.

How to recognize that your pet is asking for a cat?

It is clear at what age cats begin to walk. But how to recognize this period? It's actually very simple. The owner will not be able to confuse this with anything else. The greatest sexual activity of cats is observed in the first months of the year: from February to April. But in October-November, the cat shows less pronounced readiness to mate. You can understand that a cat is asking for a cat based on certain signs.

How a cat behaves when it wants a cat is described below:

  1. Often, representatives of the cat family have a decrease in appetite during this period. And some individuals completely lose interest in food. Of course, this may also indicate that the pet is sick. Therefore, this sign should not be considered separately as an indicator that the animal is walking. Estrus is necessarily accompanied by other symptoms.
  2. The pet begins to scream and meow loudly. At first it may look very unusual. Therefore, when a cat starts asking for a cat for the first time, it may seem strange to the owner. But this is all natural - the cat's instinct kicks in. Thus, the pet attracts a potential cat to mate.
  3. The animal begins to leave marks throughout the house. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether cats mark territory like cats is a resounding “yes.” During the period of estrus, the pet begins to have special discharge. Some people believe that a cat leaves marks on the floor involuntarily. Others are convinced that in this way she attracts a male. But there is also an opinion that a cat during estrus marks the boundaries in this way, fearing that the cats will lay claim to her territory. Regardless of the actual cause, discharge in a cat during heat is normal.
  4. The pet becomes overly affectionate: it purrs loudly and rubs against the owner’s legs. True, in some cases aggression may be observed in her behavior.
  5. The pet begins to go to the toilet often in small ways. But why did the cat start peeing anywhere during her heat? This is due to physiological changes in the body.
  6. The animal begins to take characteristic positions for mating: it lowers itself on its front legs, and raises the back of its body, moving its tail to the side. Thus, the cat makes it clear to the male that she is ready for mating.

All these signs indicate that the pet has begun to walk. This is why a cat meows for no reason, rubs its legs and eats poorly. But soon this period will end, and the pet will become calm again.

You can simply determine the duration of estrus by observing your cat. But, as a rule, this process lasts about 10 days. Of course, some factors can also influence this period, reducing or increasing the time of estrus. It should be noted that if you do not breed the cat or do not take measures to calm her down, after 2 weeks the estrus may happen again. Read the article “How many days does a cat ask for a cat and how to calm her down?”

When cats start walking

The main question that worries cat breeders is at what age does a pet go into heat for the first time?

Several factors influence when a cat matures:

  • Breed;
  • Finding a male nearby;
  • Dimensions of the animal;
  • Cat color;
  • Season.

On average, a cat begins to go into heat for the first time at 6-8 months . However, the process is quite individual and may not start for longer. The start of estrus before one year is considered the norm.

If your pet does not go into heat before the age of 1 year, this is a deviation and you should immediately seek the help of a veterinarian.

The phenomenon known as “erased estrus” is common. In this case, the process of sexual interest is almost not manifested. Most often occurs in unhealthy cats.

Recommendations for owners when the cat is walking

The owners' actions during estrus should be aimed at ensuring the cat's comfort and maintaining her health.

Mating with a male

This event is the most beneficial for the cat. However, it should be remembered that earlier fertilization can result in complications and deterioration in health. It is recommended to breed a pet no earlier than a year.

Taking hormonal drugs

If the owner does not plan to breed a cat with a male, hormonal medications prescribed by a veterinarian can be used. Such remedies help regulate sexual desire for six months, weaken it, and avoid unwanted pregnancy in cats.

It should be remembered that the use of potent drugs is only possible for healthy pets, as side effects are possible. Hormonal medications also significantly increase cats' appetite.

This method involves removing the ovaries and uterus and has an irreversible effect. Older and unhealthy cats should not be spayed. A sterilized pet is no longer able to become pregnant, but some cats continue to walk after the procedure. This may be due to the fact that the operation was performed on a grown cat during estrus. To avoid such complications, it is recommended to sterilize your pet before puberty.

The period of estrus is a natural process indicating that a cat has reached puberty. As soon as the pet begins to walk, it is important to monitor it and in case of any deviations (long and frequent estrus, their absence for a long time) immediately contact a veterinarian.

Stages of estrus in cats

There are 4 stages of estrus in cats, each of which is characterized by specific behavior. It should be remembered that it is advisable to match a cat with a male at the second stage, that is, 5-7 days from the start of estrus.

  1. Proestrus . The initial stage, characterized by restless behavior of the animal (it begins to rub against furniture, bend its front paws). Duration is up to 3 days.
  2. Estrus . Actually the estrus itself, which can last up to 10 days. During this period, all signs of estrus appear, sexual hunting occurs and the search for a male for fertilization occurs.
  3. Interestrus . At this stage, there is a decrease in sexual activity, especially if mating has occurred. The cat has a neutral attitude towards cats, perhaps even with aggression. In some cases, a false pregnancy may occur due to the physiological characteristics of the female.
  4. Anestrus . The final stage, when the instincts fade and the cat returns to its previous life.

Estrus frequency

How often does a cat go into heat? This is the question asked by every lover of four-legged friends who monitors its development and health. As a rule, the frequency of estrus depends on the characteristics of the breed. If you take the British Shorthair and the Siamese purr. The first is distinguished by infrequent estrus, unlike the second breed.

  • Basically, under normal living conditions, a cat comes into heat once every three months.
  • Another thing is a pet giving birth. The first estrus begins at 4-6 months after the kittens are born.
  • But, you need to take into account this fact if the kittens died or were taken away. The cat will be ready for mating before the time indicated above.

How many days does a cat walk?

One of the main questions that arises for cat owners is how long do they walk? There is no clear answer to this question, since many factors influence the duration of estrus .

The duration of the period depends on:

  • Age;
  • Time spent without a cat;
  • Living conditions;
  • Environment, weather, time of year;
  • Nutritional features;
  • The physical condition of the cat;
  • The nature of the pet's body.

In pets, estrus most often lasts from 5 to 10 days. The first estrus may be short-lived . With age, the duration increases, as the pet’s hormonal background forms and changes. In different breeds, a duration of up to 20 days can be observed.

Estrus requires constant monitoring by the breeder. You need to know how long your pet normally goes into heat.

If deviations occur and the heat lasts too long, this may indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst or tumor. A visit to the veterinarian is required to undergo an ultrasound examination.


A pet during the “hunt” can cause a lot of inconvenience to its household members - the animal does not let you sleep and screams at night. And in the future, if it is not planned to breed her regularly, empty heats can greatly harm the cat’s health: such animals often develop various inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, neoplasms and cancerous tumors.

You should not use chemicals that regulate sexual desire - they will do much more harm than good. Various herbal remedies can come to the aid of owners, however, the effect of their use is quite short-lived - furry beauties quickly get used to them and stop reacting.

With the help of modern methods, the operation is carried out quickly and almost unnoticeably for the animal itself.

In rare cases, it happens that a cat walks after sterilization. This happens in a situation where the animal has not completely removed all the ovarian tissue or left the uterus, and the necessary hormones continue to be released. To determine the cause, you need to take hormone tests - the animal may need another operation.

How many times a year does a cat walk?

The frequency of estrus depends on whether the cat has given birth or not. As a rule, cats after giving birth go for walks once every two months, and sometimes once a year. It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of how long after giving birth the estrus will begin. As a rule, this happens after a month, but it all depends on the specific breed and the nature of the birth.

If the cat has not given birth, estrus occurs quite often - once every two weeks or month. If the owner wants to reduce the frequency of festivities, you can allow the animal to reproduce, or contact a veterinarian to prescribe hormonal medications.

Duration of estrus in different cat breeds

The duration of estrus directly depends on the breed of the pet.
British women are known for the rarest periods of festivities. The first heat occurs at the age of 7 months. Over time, the regularity of ovulation and its duration are disrupted;

Scottish women are famous for their early puberty - at 5 months. The duration of estrus is up to 6 days, the frequency is several times a year.

How to relieve a cat's suffering?

Currently, there are many drugs on the veterinary market that stop and stop the estrus phase.

These are the means:

  1. Kowinan;
  2. contra-Sex;
  3. sex barrier;
  4. top-Intimate;
  5. the ex.

There are often situations when consultants in veterinary pharmacies advise owners who are tormented by the screams of their pets, hormonal drugs that occupy a certain place on the market. They can easily and quickly prevent or stop the phase of sexual arousal.

Their main disadvantage is the negative consequences of use. Hormones negatively affect the condition of internal organs, disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland, and lead to an imbalance of organic minerals and enzymes.

Due to the use of hormonal drugs for estrus, the following diseases occur more often than others:

  1. pyometra - purulent inflammation of the uterus;
  2. malignant neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries;
  3. breast cancer.

Veterinarians do not recommend the use of such drugs. Sterilization is rightly considered an analogue of hormonal “treatment”. This is a surgical operation that involves removing the reproductive organs - the ovaries and uterus.

In the future, the cat stops “walking” without harm to health, life expectancy increases due to the absence of estrus stress factors in life. The animal becomes more sociable and affectionate, the need for male attention disappears completely.

Veterinarians and breeders around the world urge owners to sterilize females that are unsuitable for reproduction and breeding work. This will extend and improve the life of a particular female, control the number of stray animals, and create clean lines in breeding.

Females are traditionally sterilized before or after their first heat. The operation can be performed at an older age, but by then many contraindications arise. Before the operation, the animal must be examined by a veterinarian. He takes the necessary tests (biochemical and general blood tests), makes a cardiogram and, in rare cases, performs ultrasound diagnostics.

What to do if your cat doesn't walk

One of the deviations is the absence of estrus in a mature cat. Besides a visit to the veterinarian, there are several ways to help your pet:

  • If there is a pet in the neighborhood who is in heat, he needs to be housed. As a rule, cats leak at the same time.
  • If there is a cat nearby, it is also advisable to bring the animals closer together. If there is a male, the maturation of the egg will occur faster.
  • If the cat is healthy, you can give vitamins and homeopathic remedies.

Mating cats

It is important to know how to properly match a cat with a cat so that the whole process is successful. First you need to find a partner. It is advisable to do this in advance, and it is better to introduce the animals in advance. You can find a suitable cat in a cat club, by visiting an exhibition or by advertising in a newspaper or on the Internet. To prevent mating from causing harm, it should be carried out after reaching a certain age, and both animals should be checked for the presence of fungal, viral, infectious and other diseases. Also, before mating - 2 weeks - experts advise deworming.

Before introducing a cat to a cat for the first time, it is recommended to trim its claws. This is necessary so that she does not cause injury during the mating process. You should not bathe the animal before mating. Because this can wash away the natural scent of the bride, which is so attractive to the cat. It is better to pair your pet with a male on the 3-5th day of estrus.

It is advisable to carry out the mating on the cat’s territory, because if the environment is unfamiliar to her, the pet may become frightened and behave aggressively.

It happens that a cat does not allow the male to approach her. And this is not surprising, because these creatures are very capricious and capricious. If the situation or the male is not to your liking, problems with mating are guaranteed. There are also individuals that never allow males to approach them. Most likely the reason for this behavior lies in an incorrectly formed sexual instinct. But this may also be due to problems with the uterus or ovaries. If your pet likes the cat, it is better not to change it. After all, representatives of the cat family are monogamous. It is recommended that a cat give birth no more than 3 times every 2 years.

Many expert felinologists, if the cat does not let the cat near during mating, advise:

  • Pour the mint solution into a bowl. Or scatter mint herb around the room.
  • If mating is planned on the cat's territory, leave the cat in a carrier or cage for a couple of days. This is necessary for the pet to get used to the cat and begin to communicate with him. In this case, it is advisable to sometimes take the groom out of the room.
  • Aggressive cats should look for cats with similar personalities.
  • Give your cat a drug that induces ovulation.
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