The first signs of rabies in cats - how to understand that a cat has rabies?

Methods of infection

The best protection against the disease is animal vaccination. Its propaganda today covers different layers of our society, but despite this, animals become infected and die. And the reason for this is the lack of self-awareness of the person who left the pet unvaccinated. It is these cats that are at risk of contracting rabies, even if they go outside once every 5 years.

It has been scientifically proven that the rabies virus can be transmitted by any warm-blooded animal, but in practice it is usually animals such as cats, dogs, rodents (from domestic animals), foxes, hedgehogs, bats and wolves (from wild ones).

An infected creature is dangerous because of its unreasonable aggression; the threshold for self-preservation of such animals is significantly lower than normal. They can not only attack another animal, but also its owner.

The incubation period of rabies in cats (i.e., the time from the moment the animal is infected until the first symptoms of the disease appear) can vary from a week to a year (so long in isolated cases). The average period of agonizing “waiting” is from two to four weeks. This time is enough to make sure that the cat does not pose a threat to others.

Conventionally, there are three main ways of transmitting this dangerous virus:

  • through the bite of an infected animal;
  • after eating the meat of an infected animal;
  • through blood from a wound, microcrack or scratched areas on the skin.

Even a pet is not immune from the rabies virus entering its body. He may encounter a sick animal on the street (the slightest contact is enough), eat a mouse (while the owner is not looking), or the saliva of an infected person will get into a small open wound.


Once inside the body, the virus penetrates connective and muscle tissues, then into nerve fibers. Then it enters the bloodstream, lymph, and reaches the spinal cord and brain. It accumulates in the salivary glands, where it begins to multiply rapidly. At the same time, it destroys nerve nodes and cells and moves to mucous surfaces.

Under the influence of the virus, non-purulent encephalitis develops in the brain, causing excessive excitability. Neurons begin to deteriorate, necrotic changes and paralysis appear. The cat's respiratory system fails, asphyxia and death occur.

The rate of development of the disease greatly depends on the location of the bite. The further it is from the head, the longer the incubation period. The age of the pet is also important - in kittens, elderly, sick animals, infection occurs more rapidly than in healthy ones. The duration of the incubation period is affected by the concentration of the virus, which increases with numerous bites. But the appearance of the first signs of infection always means the imminent death of the pet.

Signs of rabies in cats: symptoms and types of rabies

From the moment of infection until the first signs of the disease appear, it can take several weeks or months. The ill-fated mouse that your cat quietly ate will have time to disappear from your head, and the animal will already be infected, although the disease will not be accompanied by any symptoms.

How quickly does rabies appear in cats? It's different for everyone. The rate at which the virus matures depends on its quantity, intensity, and method of infection.

For example, if rabies is transmitted through a deep bite in the area of ​​the animal's neck or head, near large blood vessels, the first signs of rabies in cats appear very quickly.

As a rule, there are three options for the development of further events.

Violent form

A violent form of the disease with its three stages (prodromal, manic and depressive).

The first stage will last a maximum of three days. At this time, the cat will behave normally, with possible deviations including excessive affection (either licking the owner’s hands and face, or jumping onto his lap).

At the second stage , which lasts 3-5 days, a decrease in appetite or a perverted form will begin with an attempt to eat something completely inedible. In parallel, vomiting, indigestion and other problems with the digestive tract will most likely appear. At this stage, it is already clear that the pet is sick, but without knowledge about rabies, you might think that the four-legged animal was struck down by another disease. At the same time, excessive salivation will appear, the hair will begin to stick together and fall out. The light will make the cat uncomfortable (she will want to hide in a dark corner). She will gradually stop eating and drinking. The cornea may become cloudy, the jaw may sag, and the gait may change. The logic of behavior is lost; the pet may not even recognize the owner and rush at him. Animals that have always lived in the house and have shown a desire to walk outside may begin to ask to go out, and outside the house they will try to run away. They will attack other animals. In this case, the movements will be winding, without any end point in the trajectory.

At the third stage , which lasts only a few days, the animal is already paralyzed (its paws have failed), convulsions and spasms appear. General exhaustion of the body and cessation of breathing lead to the unfortunate creature dying painfully.

Paralytic form

The paralytic form of rabies is characterized by rapidity. Almost immediately the cat loses its appetite and begins to fear the light, it becomes paralyzed - and then death occurs.

Atypical rabies

Atypical rabies is rare. It is not easy to recognize, and this form can last for months. During such a protracted period, characteristic symptoms are either visible or disappear. But, one way or another, the animal dies, since the brain is damaged and the body is poisoned by the virus.

What damage is considered the most dangerous?

The period from the bite to the onset of the disease (latent or incubation period) averages 30-50 days in humans, although it can last 10-90 days, in rare cases - more than 1 year. Moreover, the further the bite site is from the head, the longer the incubation period. Consequently, taking into account the localization (location) of the damage, bites to the head, face, and neck are especially dangerous. The category of severe (dangerous) injuries also includes bites on the fingers, because these parts of the body have many nerve endings. Bites to the forearm, shoulder, and torso are considered less dangerous. The incubation period lasts the longest for a bite on the legs.

What to do at the first suspicion of rabies in your cat?

If there is suspicion of rabies in an animal, it can be dangerous for humans. Even without the appearance of the first symptoms, it is contagious, and the virus can enter the human body, for example, through the saliva of a pet. Therefore, your first action should be to immediately isolate the cat and carefully monitor its behavior and condition. It is impossible to control the situation with the disease on your own; you need to call a veterinarian who will take the animal into quarantine.

If your pet bites or scratches you, wash the wounds under running hot water using soap that contains as much alkali as possible (for example, laundry soap), and then immediately go to the hospital.

During the quarantine period, the cat is examined and the disease is diagnosed to accurately identify the presence or absence of rabies. It must be said that veterinarians can test for the rabies virus, but it is difficult to take it from an inadequate animal. If the disease is confirmed, the doctor will definitely advise the owner of the animal and all household members who have been in contact with the pet to undergo a special course of anti-rabies treatment. If there is no confirmation of rabies, the animal will be treated and sent home.

How to avoid being bitten or salivated by unknown animals?

Children are more likely to suffer from animal bites, so it is necessary to constantly educate them and try to avoid unnecessary contact with animals, especially wild and/or stray ones:

  • You should not play with unfamiliar dogs, cats and other animals; it is better to stay at a safe distance from them;
  • should not be picked up at the dacha, in the forest, etc. wild animals. Hedgehogs and small rodents can also carry rabies. Incorrect or inappropriate behavior of a child who, due to his age, will not be able to correctly assess the situation, can lead to aggression in any animal, especially a sick animal;
  • It is better not to pick up homeless stray or sick animals, but if you do, then find an opportunity to quickly vaccinate the animal and show it to a veterinarian;
  • You should not take an animal “for the summer holiday season”: by throwing it away, you increase the risk of rabies in the given region. It is better not to send children under 12-14 years of age to walk a dog on their own, especially if it is a large and/or aggressive breed of animal. The child may not be able to cope with it, and in the event of a non-standard situation, he may not be able to adequately explain the essence of what happened.

About rabies vaccinations

In our country, as in most civilized countries of the world, vaccination against rabies is mandatory to prevent the disease in a domestic animal. A pet without vaccination will not be allowed to leave the country (restrictions will also be imposed when transporting by public transport), and it will not be able to participate in exhibitions. But despite this, we still have outbreaks of rabies among our four-legged pets. Even the fact that, according to a number of programs, vaccination against rabies is free of charge (in state veterinary clinics or special vaccination points) does not help.

What do you do with an animal that has bitten you?

It is very important to indicate that simultaneously with contacting a doctor about a bite, it is necessary to take measures regarding the bitten animal (it must be tied up, isolated) and call a veterinarian for consultation. Appearingly healthy pets (dogs or cats) are subject to veterinary supervision for 10 days from the date of the bite.

A sick animal must be euthanized. It is impossible to save him. As the disease progresses, the behavior of such an animal is uncontrollable. It is important to prevent human infection.

Is there a cure for rabies in cats?

No matter how painful it is to watch an animal suffer, it is impossible to help the cat. There is no treatment for rabies. In veterinary medicine, it is prohibited to treat infected animals, since the probability of a positive outcome tends to zero, and the risk of contracting the virus to those who come into contact with the pet is high. Regarding people, medicine is also powerless . When the first signs of rabies appear, a person can rarely be helped.

Development of the disease

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When faced with cats, cats that show aggressiveness or unnatural, active behavior, we assume that this is a rabid animal. But it is not always the case. The disease in cats has different symptoms. Back in the 5th century BC. Democritus was the first to characterize rabies, the symptoms that occur after being bitten by infected dogs. Cauterizing the bite site with hot metal to destroy the effects of the poison was a panacea in those days (the virus dies only at an unfavorable temperature of 100 degrees C).

Only at the end of the 19th century did L. Pasteur develop a vaccine against a dangerous, deadly virus.

In sick cats, damage to the nervous system occurs, which often leads to death. The same fate can befall a person bitten by an infected animal whose saliva contains the virus if measures are not taken in time. Only urgent vaccination can prevent the development of signs of the disease and contribute to a person’s recovery.

The causative agent of the disease is considered to be Rabies lysavirus. The majority of cats affected by it will die within 1-2 weeks from the day of infection, when the virus enters the body through saliva.

The incubation period for the disease varies among animals. Its duration is influenced by factors such as:

  • volume of virus infiltrated;
  • the area of ​​the bite, its location (if the wound is located on the head, neck, the virus quickly approaches the brain).

Preventing rabies in cats

Any animal owner knows that the health of a pet is in the hands of a person. Therefore, vaccination for a cat is mandatory, even if the four-legged creature lives exclusively at home and never leaves its home. You can learn more about the rules for vaccinating cats and the vaccine itself at your veterinary clinic. The animal must be vaccinated every year, starting from the age of three months. Before the vaccine is administered, the animal is prepared (how - ask your veterinarian). It must be healthy, the worms must be treated. You should not vaccinate a nursing or pregnant cat.

When choosing a vaccine, veterinarians prefer Nobivak Rabies, but other drugs that have proven themselves to be effective include Rabican, Quadriket, and Leucorifelin. Fears of infecting an animal with rabies from an injection during vaccination are unfounded, because infection occurs in a different way, and the vaccine, on the contrary, can reduce the risk of contracting this terrible disease.

It is important not to forget to ensure that your pet does not come into contact with questionable animals, especially homeless ones, and does not eat on the street. Then you won’t have to be nervous and remember the behavior of a cat with rabies, looking for similarities with the behavior of your pet.

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