9 cool ways to keep your pet occupied while you're away

A bored cat cannot be happy. Stimulating your pet's brain activity and keeping him interested through play will make him happier. This is especially true if the cat is prone to destructive behavior, such as tearing up curtains or digging up flower pots. She may also show that she is bored by being aggressive or showing signs of depression. If you are concerned about this behavior, the first step is to take her to your veterinarian to rule out underlying medical conditions that may be causing the problem behavior. If the veterinarian doesn't find anything serious, it's most likely because she's just bored. How to entertain your pet while the owner is not at home? Here are some simple ideas to help keep your cat's mind occupied, whether you're at home or not:

What needs to be done to prevent your domestic cat from getting bored alone?

Many animal owners have faced and continue to face this everyday situation, when all household members go about their business in different directions, and the pet is left alone for a long time. Of course, you are worried about what your pet might be doing all this time when left to its own devices. You probably won't be surprised to learn that boredom is a very bad motivator for animals, including cats. It is fraught with a transition to a whole range of aggressive behavior patterns - aggression, territory marking, etc. If you suddenly come home and find your new shoes torn to shreds, know: this is also out of boredom!

Views from the windows of your apartment. One simple but effective way to prevent destructive behavior in your cat is to give her the opportunity to spend time on the windowsills, where she can have a good look at what is happening there, outside the window. You should, of course, choose windows where the view is more interesting. It’s great if the window sill is large, and you can arrange a bedding or crib there; even better is to purchase and place a so-called cat tree, they are sold in large pet stores. Domesticated cats have moved from the rank of kings of the jungle to the rank of majordomos. And they would prefer to rule the house from as high as possible. This is nature. Plus, you need to satisfy the eternal passion of cats for sniffing and examining - give them this opportunity. A cat tree has all the benefits: it can be quite tall and include additional secret corners that cats adore. And one more tip: place something outside the window that constantly attracts the attention of your pet: a bird feeder, a mobile, a weather vane, a pinwheel, etc.

There is also a way to diversify a cat’s leisure time, as they say, with little blood: when leaving to do your business, close the doors to all rooms. Then, one by one, day after day, give your pet access to one of them. The effect of novelty will work, and the cat will be happy to discover this room again.

Give her a chance to climb

Cat trees and houses are great for stimulating your pet's mental and physical activity. Encoded in the DNA of cats is an innate desire to climb higher, where they are less vulnerable to predators. In addition, this makes it easier for them to track their prey. Cat trees and houses allow the cat to climb and sharpen its claws, just as its ancestors did. These fixtures come in all shapes and sizes - find the ones that your pet will love and also distract her from your home decor. You'll definitely love watching her climb up and play with her new toy. This will also reduce her destructive behavior in the house, since she will be able to sharpen her claws and climb her tree, leaving your furniture alone.

Games with box

When thinking about how to entertain a cat, remember that these animals are very curious. They like to explore new things and look for prey. Many owners have noticed that their pets are partial to cardboard boxes, of all sizes. For example, you just need to put a box on the floor and the cat will immediately settle into it. There she will play, chew the edges. Why is this happening? No one knows the answer to this question, except the cat herself, who won’t tell. If you are thinking about how to entertain your cat, then place boxes around the house. This way you will keep your pet occupied for a long time. To diversify your animal's leisure time, you can take several large boxes in which the pet fits freely, fasten them together, then make holes in the places where they are connected. The result is a real labyrinth that your pet will definitely appreciate. If you throw a tennis ball into this maze, the cat will actively start looking for it.

Let lunch be the spoils

Instead of just filling your cat's bowl, offer her a puzzle feeder. Then she will first have to figure out how to get food from the maze, or get around a series of obstacles to eat it. You can buy a puzzle feeder or make one yourself. Take a clean plastic bottle or other container and cut holes for the food pellets to fit through. Another educational game for cats that is easy to implement is hiding food throughout the house. Finding items for cats is a great and easy-to-implement way to keep your pet occupied while you're away, as well as stimulate her physical activity. Try hiding small amounts of food in different places around the house, using cells cut from an egg container.

Games with packages

Not only boxes, but also bags are very attractive to cats. Moreover, it doesn’t matter to the pet whether it is made of plastic or paper. To start the game, place the bag on the floor and then attract the cat's attention. Although, most likely, she herself will notice an interesting object. The cat will definitely get into the bag. During the game, keep her interested by rustling. You can put a tennis ball inside. When the pet takes it out, the bag, of course, will rustle. The cat will simply be delighted with such fun.

Find a dog sitter

It’s easy to find a pet sitter abroad, but this is unusual for us. However, if there is a pet hotel in the city, then you can find out about a specialist there who is ready to walk and feed the dog in your absence, but, naturally, this will not be cheap. You can also try looking for a nanny on the Internet.

Now you know what to do with your pet in your absence, so that the furniture and walls remain intact, and the animal does not get too bored. And when leaving for a long time, it is still better to take your pet with you, so as not to risk its health once again by leaving it with strangers.

Games for the home hunter

How to entertain a cat who loves to hunt? Now let's look at this issue. As you know, cats are carnivores. Even if your pet doesn't go outside, give her toys that will help her use her natural hunting skills. Purchased products are suitable for such games. For example, it could be a small squeaking squirrel, animals filled with catnip, or a plastic ball with a bell. If it is not possible to purchase such things now, then you can use the items that are on hand. For example, these could be bottle caps (plastic or wooden), paper balls, etc. These items can be great toys for your pet.

Mouse Hunt

Hunting mice is one of the most favorite pastimes of cats. For this game you will need to purchase a toy mouse from a pet store. There are edible and groovy mice. Choose any of them and show it to your pet. If he likes the new toy, he will not let it out of his clutches for a long time.

Games with laser

How to entertain a cat if he is bored? A laser pointer will help you in this matter. Many cats are partial to a beam of light that moves chaotically. It is advisable that the room in which you plan to play is dark (at least semi-dark).

How to play with a pet with a laser? Very simple. You need to move the beam of light around the room and walls. Watch as your pet tries to catch the light phantom. It is advisable to direct the laser to a place where the cat can run without problems, without causing damage to itself or objects in the room.

How often and when should you play?

At a minimum, an adult cat should have at least one structured play session per day. That being said, if you have some extra time to play with your cat before leaving for work or school, they will definitely appreciate it. The younger the cat, the more energy she has will determine whether you need additional activities to tire her out and maintain a workable sleep schedule.

I highly recommend that you have the last play session of the day right before you feed your cat dinner because this will play on their instincts and they will be more likely to follow the standard routine of hunting, eating, grooming and sleeping.

Tennis ball game

Cats really like table tennis balls. You can come up with many games with it. Cats really like the sound that the ball makes when it hits the floor. Such an item will not damage furniture or harm the cat. At night, it is better to put it in the closet, since the sound of a tennis ball can wake up a person even in a deep sleep. But what about playing with a cat? Everything is very simple. The ball can be rolled around the room or thrown. It is especially interesting to watch a pet roll a ball on a hard surface. During the game, the pet makes sounds and bounces funny.

Send the animal to a pet hotel

If you are planning to go on vacation abroad for a long time and have no one to leave your pet with, then it is better to send it to a special pet hotel.

Moving for an animal is stressful, which can be reduced if you follow some rules:

  1. Shortly before and on the day of relocation, you need to treat your pet kindly.
  2. Try not to be nervous, because animals feel everything.
  3. You should not overfeed your pet, worrying that he will go hungry in your absence, because severe overeating can undermine his health and cause vomiting, which will only add stress.
  4. It is advisable to bring your pet's favorite toy and bed so that he can sleep comfortably and feel at home.

What should you be wary of when choosing things for your cat to play with?

Those who are interested in how to entertain a cat at home should learn about dangerous objects for fun. Of course, it is convenient to play with a cat with ordinary objects. But there are things that can harm an animal. During the process, make sure that the cat does not swallow the small product. This can lead to intestinal problems and even death. What items should you hide so your cat doesn't get them? This category includes: feathers, paper clips, wire, New Year's tinsel, beads and sequins, needles, pins, etc.

Make her a friend

A second cat could be just what the doctor ordered for your bored pet, says Companion Animal Psychology. Two cats can keep each other company during your absence, play and lick each other. However, before you get a second pet, consider the additional costs and hassle. You should not do this if you are not sure that you are ready for double responsibility. But if you decide, introduce the animals to each other slowly, since such an experience can become a very strong experience for both cats.

Just like people, pets can get bored sitting at home all day. But with these simple tips, you can help your cat fight boredom and stay alert, engaged, active and happy for years to come!

Is kitty being capricious? Or what to do with a cat in a city apartment.

Good afternoon, dear accomplices! I have a question about the behavior of a cat and its entertainment in a city apartment. Lyrical introduction. My husband and I are novice cat owners; our parents’ families had and still have cats, but they are still your parents’, that is, not exactly yours. So we decided to adopt a kitten. It was then that I found a community with its rich elite and realized that the cat of my husband’s family, the cat of my parents, “does not count” for many, many reasons, ranging from the complete lack of any idea about vaccinations to the feeding regime. So thanks to everyone, they turned one unreasonable cat lover into a responsible cat owner - they decided to raise, feed, vaccinate and sterilize theirs according to the latest word in enlightened cat education :). They named the kitty Masyanya - all sorts of cunning names prepared in advance did not fit at all, but the simple Masya stuck right away. Now, at 5 months old, she responds perfectly to her name. And not so long ago, in addition to her name and already a fair list of tender nicknames, she acquired another nickname - Sverchella, Cricket. The fact is that just the other day she discovered a new way of making sounds - this is such a gentle, very quiet - or, on the contrary, such a demanding and loud - purring, which, when repeated many times, one after another, resembles the chirping of a real cricket. It is observed during periods when the kitten really wants to play, but the owners can’t right now - they are sleeping, urgently working on the computer, getting ready to leave or prepare food, etc. He may sit in the morning (early!) on the bed, look at me and chatter while I won't wake up completely. My husband leaves for work very early, I often wake up to say goodbye, this is a direct signal for her. He leaves, and she sees that I seem to have woken up too and let’s whine

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