Learning how to properly use a cat litter box with a grid

Now that the long-awaited kitten has already bought all the dowry, all that remains is to deal with the most important thing - this is the cat litter. Today there are a huge variety of them in pet stores and you should not get confused when choosing a container. In our article we will look at the most economical and simple option - a tray with a grid.

Features of a tray with a grid

To make the task easier for owners, a special toilet was invented for cats and cats, in which the pet feels free. But why is it so unusual, this tray for a pet?

Most owners choose closed toilets, where pets feel private. On the one hand, this is suitable for shy cats who hide from prying eyes. On the other hand, the litter inside does not spill out and the room where the cat litter is located remains clean. But there is also a drawback: not all cats like to sit in a closed toilet. And that’s why some kitties categorically refuse to visit such a “outhouse”.

What is typical for a tray with a grid?

  1. First of all, it is a lightweight and convenient plastic design that fits in any part of the apartment and can be carried without any problems if necessary.
  2. A tray with a grid differs in that the filler is located at the very bottom, in an area inaccessible to cat paws. And thus allows you to maintain cleanliness while having an animal in the house. It is logical that if you cannot reach it, the cat will not scatter it, because there is nothing to scatter.
  3. A convenient grille, which is installed on top, allows the pet to do its cat “business” without hindrance. After this, he will be able to safely leave the toilet until the next time.

Helpful Tips for Cleaning Your Cat's Potty

  1. Daily cleaning can be done by simply dropping detergent into the tray and then running it under running water to create a foam.
  2. Before pouring the filler into the tray, add half a pack of baking soda to the bottom - this will prolong the freshness of the filler and hide the unpleasant odor.
  3. About once a year, the cat's litter box needs to be replaced with a new one. No matter how thoroughly the cleaning is done, plastic accumulates odors over time. At first, pour the already used filler into the new tray, or place the old mesh in a new tray.
  4. You need to choose a time to wash the litter box at a time when the animal usually does not go to the toilet. There is no need to delay the hygiene procedure for a long time if the cat does not have a second tray - the pet may simply not be able to wait until the end of the cleaning.
  5. Under no circumstances should you use products designed to eliminate animal odor for your cat's potty. A cat can smell an unpleasant or even frightening aroma, and will forever “unlearn” the place reserved for the toilet.

A clean litter box is a must for every cat.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the pleasant things.

  1. It becomes clear that the obvious advantage is maintaining cleanliness. The cat relieves itself directly on the grate and does not touch the inside of the tray with the grate.
  2. Of course, the cat will not get the filler with its teeth and will not be able to taste it.
  3. It is worth noting that the advantage of this design is that the cat easily gets used to it and no longer does his “business” in another place.
  4. Manufacturers made sure that your apartment remains not only clean, but also aesthetically attractive, so they produced trays of various colors. You can choose the one that will be most in harmony with the overall decor in the room and will not be conspicuous by its inappropriate appearance and color.

One of the disadvantages is, perhaps, the fact that you will have to wash the grill every time after the cat poops. Feces left on the grate for a long time can cause an unpleasant odor and, of course, your pet is unlikely to want to go to that toilet again. Meanwhile, even this drawback is covered by the obvious “spoon of honey”: the grille is very easy to clean. It is enough to throw away the feces after the animal poops, and then place the grate under running water. This way it cleans perfectly and there are no problems with cleaning the cat litter.

A cat litter box with a mesh has similar properties. In this case, we can safely say that it is available to any owner, since it is inexpensive. In addition, the kitten will easily get used to it. The mesh will be safe for the baby, providing him with comfort.

As in the case of the grate, it is advisable to wash this structure after each visit by the cat to the toilet, so that the room always remains clean and fresh.

Types of cat toilets

The self-cleaning toilet is a tray with high sides that looks like a cozy house from the outside. Its internal dimensions are large enough for a cat of any breed to relieve itself comfortably: from a dwarf Munchikin to a 6-8 kg Maine Coon. After the pet has done its business, the owner just has to press a button to flush away the waste, and if there is a programming function, the flushing procedure will be performed automatically after a specified time.

Depending on the design and functionality, self-cleaning toilets come in several types:

Sensory. They work according to the “smart home” principle. The water is drained automatically, after the time set on the timer after the “cat has gone” signal from the touch sensor.

Sensory cat litter does not require litter, but it can be used if your cat absolutely refuses to relieve itself without first “digging a hole.”

With a reservoir for collecting excrement. The contents of the tray are emptied using a special device into a reservoir located at the bottom of the toilet, equipped with a bag for excrement.

Cat toilets with a collection system do not require a sewer system, but the collection bag must be replaced approximately once a week to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor. A cat is a very clean animal, and may not want to go into a foul-smelling toilet, preferring another place to relieve itself, for example, your slippers or your favorite carpet.

With separate removal of excrement. The toilet tray is filled with special granules. Urine flows into the drain, and feces are removed there with a rotating scraper.

Terms of use

In order for your pet to use such a tray, you need to prepare it. Since it consists of two main parts, everything is done very simply.

  1. Place filler at the bottom of a dry and clean plastic container.
  2. A mesh or lattice is placed on the top of the cat litter box. It is advisable to leave space between the tray and the grid so that cat urine gets inside, onto the litter. If the pet poops, the feces remain on the grill, which is then removed and thoroughly washed under the tap and dried.
  3. It is necessary to periodically wash the cat litter so that nothing stagnates, and then put in new litter.

Which filler is best to use?

If granules are not used, to avoid urine odor, you will have to wash the entire tray with the grid after each cat “mark”. Using filler under the mesh will relieve the pet from stress and the owner from unnecessary hassle.

The filler used is:

  • wood pellets;
  • silica gel;
  • balls of water-absorbing zeolites and clay;
  • pieces of toilet paper and newspaper;
  • coarse river sand.

Granules from pressed wood waste are removed when they become wet, without adding new ones. How much filler is required depends on the material. Wood shavings and crushed pine needles absorb moisture differently than crushed corn cobs, but 1 kg of a hygienic mixture of wood and corn absorbs an average of 4 liters of liquid.

Silica gel swells from moisture, but does not form strong large lumps. The entire tray filler is replaced. Disadvantage: silicate gel is toxic. If a kitten swallows a ball, it may get sick. In addition, when wet, the filler hisses, which not every pet will like.

When using aluminas, moisture causes lumps to form, which can only be removed with a spatula. The filler is added as the amount in the tray decreases. Disadvantage: mineral dust, which causes respiratory diseases.

Paper is more of a one-time “express” method for travel containers. In everyday life, it only absorbs water without eliminating the smell. On the contrary, it serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. The lead in printing ink reacts with urine, gradually corroding the coating and plastic walls of the cat litter box. It is not recommended to use such fillers.

Sand also absorbs moisture. If you mix it with an odorant, the smell can be avoided. You need to have time to remove wet lumps; dry lumps (remain a source of odor) are more difficult to remove.

Used litter is thrown into a trash bag. You can throw it down the toilet only when the package is marked with a non-crossed-out toilet mark. The cat tray itself must be washed along with the grill and it is ready for subsequent use.


How to train a pet?

Preparing the toilet is only half the battle, since the other half comes from teaching your cat to go there to do its “business”. This works best when you have a small kitten.

  1. So, first of all, select a secluded place for the tray where the animal will feel comfortable.
  2. After this, you can put the cat in the tray several times a day. At the same time, make digging movements with its paws. Whenever you have the opportunity, watch the kitten and if you notice that the baby is acting restless, you can put it in the tray. If the kitten did his business there, be sure to reward him. Well, if the little cat did go the “wrong way,” you need to show the puddle to the baby and say something like: “Ugh” or “No way.” Gradually he will understand that he needs to go to the toilet in a certain place.
  3. If you have an adult cat, toilet training will be a little more difficult. Usually an animal that already has established habits has difficulty unlearning them. But even so, the situation is not hopeless. A cat is trained in much the same way, however, there are times when a pet, for some reason, purposefully relieves itself in another place. You can try to move the cat litter to where the cat does her business, and, quite possibly, the problem will be solved.

The main thing is not to frighten your pet and do not scold too much if the cat or kitten suddenly does something wrong. In the end, the pet will learn to use such a wonderful technique.


Clumping: what are the features?

Bentonite clay and minerals are used to make these cat litter products. This hygiene product is widely known among cat owners and is often used. With its help, it is easy to absorb excess moisture, which turns into a lump. Using a spatula, the owner can easily remove used lumps of cat urine or feces from the toilet. It is recommended to buy clumping litter for a cat litter box if there is only one animal in the house, since if there are a large number of pets, the owner will have to remove the clumps throughout the day.

How is wood different?

Compressed sawdust granules retain odor well and are hypoallergenic, so they are suitable for both adults and small animals.

It is most profitable to fill a cat's litter box with this type of litter, since it is inexpensive and only a small amount of it needs to be placed on the bottom of the litter box. The product is compressed granules of sawdust, which become soaked upon contact with urine. A special feature of this litter intended for cat litter is its ability to retain odor well. Suitable not only for kittens, but the hygiene product is also used for adult cats. Since wood is a natural component, this filler almost never causes an allergic reaction in a cat.

Silica gel

Although this product is one of the most expensive, it does not require filling the cat's entire litter box. The filler consists of synthetic crystals of a transparent shade that absorb moisture well. The advantage of this product is the possibility of infrequent cleaning. If you fill the tray with a large layer of silica gel, then you will need to dispose of your cat’s litter box no more often than once every 2-3 weeks. The disadvantages of the litter are the sharp edges of the crystals and the loud rustling sound when the cat visits the litter box.

Features of mineral

The Fresh Step filler is a mineral filler, and when moisture gets in, it forms a lump, which makes it easy to clean the tray.

The composition includes clayey bentonite and palygorskite rocks. Popular brands of similar fillers:

  • "Fresh step";
  • "Murka";
  • "Leopard";
  • "Katsan";
  • Jimpet Biocats;
  • Vitacraft Compact Ultra.

After urination, a lump forms in the tray, which can be easily removed with a spatula. The main advantage of the hygiene product is that it is easy to clean, and it does not stick to the animal’s paws and does not spread around the house. It is possible to purchase filler with granules of different sizes. Experts do not recommend buying it for kittens who can swallow it. The disadvantage of mineral hygiene products is that they cannot be disposed of in the sewer.

Video “The Right Choice”

In this video you will learn how to choose a toilet for your pet.

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Where to put it in the apartment

This issue should be resolved on the first day the cat is in the house. The pet must be accustomed to one place for excrement, so that later the owner does not find “surprises” throughout the apartment.

Ideal areas are those that have low traffic and those that have virtually no noise. These are the most comfortable conditions under which the pet will agree to relieve itself and feel safe. Otherwise, “there will be trouble.”

If the choice falls on the toilet, make sure that the ward always has access to it.
Residents will have to put up with an open door, or constantly come running when their pet calls. Advice! Do not change the location of the tray. Cats are very conservative creatures and cannot tolerate any changes in their lives without stress. More temperamental individuals will declare “war” and continue to go where they went before.

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