Cat collar: varieties and areas of use

Many owners buy collars for their cats. They are used not only for decoration purposes. Modern pet collars come with a variety of features that can be beneficial for the pet and its owner. The range is quite large, so before making a choice, we recommend studying the features of different models.

In the article we will look at what types of collars there are for cats, their varieties, an overview of collars for walking, special and therapeutic, how to put on a collar correctly and accustom your pet to it.

Cat collars: essentials

  • A collar for cats should have an easily detachable carabiner or buttons; a strong fastener is not suitable, as it can choke;
  • The optimal collar width for a cat is 1.5-2 cm;
  • The kitten can wear its first collar no earlier than 6 months;
  • Choose a collar made of quality materials, with a soft interior and round edges;
  • Do not tighten the collar too tightly: two of your fingers should fit comfortably between the neck and the collar;
  • Your pet may be allergic to the material or impregnation of the collar.

Why do cats need a collar?

  • To protect your cat from fleas and ticks. For this purpose, there are collars impregnated against insects, which protect the animal for several months.
  • To protect your cat from other people and cars while walking. A collar on a cat is a clearly visible element that tells other people that the cat is a domestic cat, it has owners, so you shouldn’t feed it or take it in with you. Collars with reflective elements will also protect your cat from motorists and cyclists at night.
  • To find a cat if it is lost. To do this, you can hang a keychain with a phone number or address on the collar. If the cat is found, people will immediately pay attention to the owner’s coordinates and, most likely, will immediately contact you.
  • In order not to have a chip implanted and not to have identification tattoos on the ear. A chip is a useful device that contains all the information about an animal, including owner and vaccination data. But this chip can only be seen at a veterinarian, while a collar with an address immediately catches the eye.
  • To keep your cat's movements under control. Collars with bells help owners hear the cat without seeing it. Collars with a luminous element help you see your cat in the dark, at a great distance or in dense thickets. There are also GPS collars that allow you to track your pet’s movements using your smartphone.
  • To calm your pet. These collars are saturated with pheromones that cats like and calm them down during periods of stress or aggression.
  • For beauty. Some owners just like to decorate their pet. And there is nothing wrong with this, considering that most cats do not feel the collar at all.

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Why does a cat need a collar?

Modern collars for kittens are needed in the following cases:

  • provides a quick process of animal training;
  • protects against insects;
  • helps the kitten to be found faster if lost;
  • provides the pet with a beautiful appearance - the range of collars today is large: from rhinestones to a built-in GPS system.

Pet collar

Important! In addition to their main actions, collars have a calming effect, help animals come to their senses and reduce the percentage of anxiety.

How to choose a collar for a cat?

A self-release carabiner is a must for cat collars. It is needed so that the cat can free itself if the collar accidentally gets caught on some object. It is for this reason that you should not buy durable dog collars for cats. Also, you should not hang collars on cats that can only be removed with scissors.

Size. To choose the right collar in a store, measure your cat's neck at home with a soft tape or tape measure. Add 1.5-2 cm to the girth. This will be the ideal size for the collar. It shouldn't fit too tightly. Otherwise, it will rub, or the pet will have difficulty breathing. In the worst case scenario, this could result in damage to the cervical vertebrae. The ideal size is when you can fit two fingers between your neck and collar.

Quality materials and finished edges. Pay attention to the inside of the collar - it should be soft. Run your finger along the edge of the collar - there should be no painful sensations. Ideally, the edges will be rounded.

If you have a hairless cat, it is especially important to choose a collar with soft edges to avoid chafing the skin.

If you have a fluffy cat, pay attention to the clasp. There should be no sharp edges in which the fur can get tangled.

The width of the collar is about 1.5-2 cm. Wider ones may be uncomfortable.

Some collars have rings so you can hang a keychain or bell on them. Do not use this ring for a leash under any circumstances, as cats can only be walked on a harness.

Do not buy collars for kittens under 6 months old.

Do not buy collars for animals that have had neck injuries.

How to accustom an animal to a collar

The straps are intended for kittens older than 4-6 months. Until this age, their musculoskeletal system is just beginning to form, and wearing such an accessory can negatively affect the condition of their fragile bones.

Get used to the product gradually:

  1. First, let your pet sniff everything so that he can make sure that the object is safe and play a little.
  2. Having eliminated the feeling of fear, try putting on the accessory for a couple of minutes. There is a high probability that the cat will try to remove it. This is completely normal. Do not scold your pet for this and help him remove everything after the designated time has passed.
  3. Next time, increase the wearing time and be sure to praise the cat if he stops struggling.

Remember that the collar has a number of contraindications. After putting it on, carefully monitor your pet's well-being.

With GPS navigator

Tractive GPS tracker for cats, white

Price at the time of publication: 3990 rub.

This could be a collar with a built-in navigator or a small beacon that is attached to the collar. It is quite light and does not interfere with the animal. Before going for a walk, be sure to check the charge of your device. These collars have “virtual leash” functions: your beacon starts to sound an alarm if the cat has wandered too far. Such collars allow you to track the path of the animal, monitor where the pet goes most often, measure the speed of movement, and mark on the map the places where the pet slept. In addition to being a useful feature, it is also very educational. Surely you will learn a lot of new things about your pet.

Precautionary measures

The substances in the collar are safe for humans. But some components may

cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin. At the first sign of irritation, you should consult a doctor. It is important to ensure that the collar does not fall into the hands of small children who like to taste everything. Otherwise, this may threaten the babies with serious poisoning.

Do not eat or smoke while working with the cat collar. After putting the product on your pet, you should immediately wash your hands with soap. This accessory must be stored separately from food. Children and animals should not have access to the collar.

As you can see, an anti-flea cat collar is an effective remedy that requires a serious and responsible attitude. The slightest disregard for operating rules can lead to negative consequences. However, making the right choice to take care of your pet will help you get rid of fleas for a long time, or even forever.

Flea or antiparasitic

Foresto. Collar against fleas, lice and ticks

Price at the time of publication: 1606 rub.

These are collars that are a long rubber strap. They are the same standard length, and their size is adjusted simply with scissors - the extra piece is cut off. These collars are not used all the time, but during periods of tick and flea activity. There are collars with repellents (they smell like substances that repel insects) and with insecticides (impregnated with substances that are absorbed into the skin and fur of the animal and are poisonous to insects). When wearing a collar, it is almost impossible for insecticides to get into the animal’s mouth; the active substance is not washed off (which happens with drops). Before purchasing any anti-parasitic collar, you should know that the animal may be allergic to its active substance. If the cat begins to itch or the skin turns red, you need to change the collar and find an alternative with a different active substance. You can hang a beacon, keychain with an address, or a bell on the anti-parasitic collar.


Contraindications include young age, pregnancy and lactation, the presence of chronic diseases and allergies. In the first four cases, special precautions are explained by weakened immunity, and in the last two - by too sensitive skin or intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Most often, negative reactions are caused by anti-flea models. This method of protection against parasites is strictly contraindicated for babies under 2 months of age, and products with weak substances are recommended for all other animals at risk.

Allergic reactions occur to any model as a result of individual intolerance to the incoming components and due to overly sensitive skin. If alarming symptoms occur (runny nose, red eyes, hair loss), be sure to remove the accessory.


Staywell Magnetic Deluxe Door with Magnetic Key

Price at the time of publication: 4600 rub.

These collars come complete with a small door for the animal. When the owner animal approaches its door wearing such a collar, the magnet is triggered and the door opens easily. This helps the animal to freely go outside and enter the home, while guest animals will not be able to enter. You can make such a door in a private house or in the door that leads to the toilet.

How to put a collar on a cat

If you have not accustomed your kitten to a collar from a young age, then it is quite difficult to “restrain” an adult cat.

That's why:

  • Trim your pet's claws, but not on the day of trying on the collar, but the day before, to give him the opportunity to avoid double stress;
  • Play with the collar in front of the cat's face, let her take part in the game, sniff and touch the new product;
  • Put the collar on the cat. Quickly and decisively. This is the key to success. At first, the cat will be outraged by your arbitrariness, but after a couple of hours it will stop noticing the new thing.


Beaphar calming collar

Price at the time of publication: 830 rub.

These collars are treated with a compound that contains pheromones. They calm animals that are stressed, too active or aggressive. Before purchasing, you should consult a veterinarian to ensure that your pet does not have allergies. You should also remember that these collars may not work on your pet. After opening the package, the calming effect lasts about a month.


Choker collar with buttons

Price at the time of publication: 566 rub.

With beads, stones, embroidery. Fur, rubber, leather, beads or floss. This collar decorates the pet and demonstrates that the cat is a domestic cat. Some owners use a collar to emphasize the animal's pedigree and breed.


Collar with bell

Price at the time of publication: 116 rub.

With a bell or signal. When the cat leaves your field of vision, you continue to hear and control it. Helps visually impaired owners. Can also be used to correct the behavior of cats. Collars with bells are called “stop hunting” and are used to prevent a cat from attacking other animals in the house: for example, if you have a bird or a second cat that is sometimes bullied. The “victim” will be able to hear the approach of his offender and run away in time. However, “hunters” can adapt to the bell and learn to move silently. Then you will have to change the bell periodically.

What types of collars are there?

There are many types of collars for cats, each of which is designed for specific purposes.


These neck straps serve a purely decorative function. They are made from various materials - fabric, leather, nylon, leatherette. They are decorations and are often inlaid with stones, embroidery, beads, and jewelry.

Despite the apparent practical uselessness of this accessory, it still plays a useful role, clearly demonstrating that the cat is not a street animal, but has owners and lives in the house. For some owners, such decoration can also be a status item, showing that the cat has a noble pedigree and lives in a wealthy family.

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Such collars are not used constantly, but only for preventive purposes during periods of peak flea and tick activity. They are impregnated with a special poisonous composition, which with its smell repels parasites on the one hand, and on the other hand, is absorbed into the skin and fur of the animal and kills insects if they do stick.

This method of pest control can be used in combination with other antiparasitic agents, for example, sprays or drops on the withers. The action of such a strap is short-lived - only a few months, so it needs to be replaced periodically.

To combat fleas and ticks in cats, you can also use insectoacaricides such as: Ivermectin, Frontline, Ivermec, Otodectin, Dana Ultra, Stronghold, Bars, Advocate and Advantage "

For walking (self-unfastening)

This device can hardly be called a collar, since it is put on the cat’s body and is more like a harness fastened between the shoulder blades, to which a leash is attached. The peculiarity of such a harness is that the load is distributed evenly over the cat’s body, which is why there is no risk of damaging the animal’s fragile neck.

The clasp here is self-unfastening. The relevance of this mechanism is due to the fact that cats often behave actively, climb trees, and therefore can accidentally get stuck somewhere or get caught on something. A regular strap in this situation has a high risk of strangulation. But with a safety collar, the clasp simply unfastens due to the animal’s stronger resistance, so the pet can simply slip out of the “vice.”

Important! Please note that some animals may be allergic to the anti-parasitic composition of the collar. Observe your pet's reaction and remove the strap at the first symptoms of an allergy.

Personal with address

These neck straps are necessary in case the cat gets lost. Usually they look stylish and they always have a keychain, tag or capsule with the contact details of the owners (this could be a residential address or telephone number).

If the lost animal had such an accessory, then, most likely, it will be quickly returned home, unless, of course, someone on the street notices an ownerless cat with a collar.

GPS collars

This attribute is quite rare due to its significant cost. The strap is equipped with a GPS tracker, so it’s easy to track your pet’s movements when he leaves home, and easy to find him if he doesn’t return for a long time.

The principle of operation of a GPS beacon is similar to a navigator in a car or smartphone: the beacon sends a signal to a satellite, thanks to which you can track your pet’s location through a special mobile application. The GPS device is small in size and light weight, so it does not interfere with the cat’s activities and movements. Successful operation depends on the level of charge of the device, which must be checked before your pet goes for a walk, and on the absence of interference in the surrounding area.

Did you know? In Talkeetna, Alaska, for 20 years the mayor was a cat named Stubbs.


Such straps have a reflective band that can run along the entire product, or consist entirely of reflective material, or they have a reflective keychain.

The main purpose of this accessory is to protect the cat at night from collisions with cars on the road, making it visible. Reflective elements begin to glow in the dark if they are hit by a beam of light, for example from car headlights, and the driver is more likely to be able to notice the animal and avoid a collision. Although, of course, the most reliable way to save your pet’s life is not to let him walk in the dark.

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Sound with bells

These collars are also known as stop-hunt collars. A bell or bell is attached to the strap, which rings with every movement of the animal. This sound is a warning to birds and small rodents that the small tiger may prey on.

The purpose of this accessory is to avoid the cat from attacking other animals, which the bell should scare away when a predator approaches. In practice, this is not always effective, since small hunters quickly adapt to moving silently even with such a bell. Alternatively, you can periodically change collars with different ringing objects so that the cat does not have time to get used to it.


This product usually comes with a cat door. Most common in private homes in the West. The essence of the product is that it contains a special magnetic key that fits the cat door. When the cat approaches the door, it responds to the key and opens. This mechanism helps prevent other animals from entering the house.


This collar is treated with a special calming composition containing pheromones.

It is recommended for wearing by restive and pugnacious animals, however, before use, you should consult a veterinarian, as your pet may have allergies.

Important! Regardless of what type of collar you choose for your cat, it is recommended that it be equipped with a safety clasp or have an elastic band insert. This design of the neck strap will help avoid suffocation of the animal.



Price at the time of publication: 131 rub.

This is a collar and straps that go around the cat's front paws. Only in this design can a cat be walked on a leash. You cannot lead a cat on a leash and only a collar, as they have a very delicate neck and you can accidentally damage it.

At what age is it best to teach

Veterinarians agree that it is necessary to accustom a cat to a leash at an early age, then resistance to training is less and the animal quickly gets used to the new accessory. However, you cannot put a collar on kittens that have not yet reached six months of age. In childhood, cats have a very fragile skeleton, the cervical vertebrae are weak, so even an accidental careless action by the kitten in the strap can cause a neck injury and even lead to death.

Thus, the best time to accustom your pet to a collar is from the age of six months. It’s also not worth delaying training, since adult individuals are more zealous in resisting training and do not want to accept a new accessory for a long time.

Find out in more detail how to make your own scratching post, house and toy for your pet, as well as how to sew a blanket, choose a carrier and clothes for your cat.

How to put on a collar?

The cat should be in a relaxed state. Hold the collar in your hands, let your pet smell it and play with it. Leave it for a while. You can then open the collar and put it on your cat. When tightening the strap, always keep two fingers between the strap and the cat's neck. This will help you control the size of the collar and prevent it from being too tight. The distance from the neck to the collar should be 1-2 cm, that is, two fingers should fit freely under the strap. Then find the carabiner, remove the fur from it and snap it into place. If you are wearing a flea collar, then after fixing it, cut off the remaining long tip with scissors. Usually the collar does not interfere or bother cats in any way. If your cat is constantly itching, you may have tightened the collar too tightly or your cat may be allergic to the material.

The best collars for cats against ticks and fleas

The problem with cats is ticks and fleas. A walk in the fresh air can be marred by a parasite bite. To protect your four-legged friend from them, you should purchase a special collar. Such products are not too expensive. You can verify this by getting acquainted with the participants in the first category of the rating.

Insectoacaricidal flea and tick collar for cats and kittens Foresto (Bayer)

Rating: 4.9

In first place is a collar for cats and kittens from the German brand Bayer. The accessory contains two active components - flumethrin and imidacloprid. In a small dose, they spread throughout the animal's body, creating an invisible protective layer that is harmful to fleas and ticks.

The product helps reduce the risk of developing vector-borne diseases. The product is completely safe for humans and pets. A cat wearing a collar can be immediately petted and picked up. If you need to bathe an animal, you do not need to remove the model.

According to online reviews, the product is very light. It looks stylish. The collar does not restrict the animal's movements. The kit also includes reflective clips. The device is valid for up to 8 months. During this time, it does not lose its appearance. Price – from 1400 rubles.


  1. does not cause itching;
  2. The kit includes reflective clips;
  3. moisture resistance;
  4. does not cause discomfort;
  5. high efficiency;
  6. nice appearance;
  7. long service life.


  1. No.

Beaphar Flea & Tick Collar for Cats

Rating: 4.8

The second position in the rating belongs to the collar, which is suitable for kittens from 6 months and adult cats. The model destroys parasites and provides protection against re-infection for six months. The product contains diazinon, which is released from the surface of the tape and accumulates in the epidermal tissues, sebaceous glands and animal hair. As a result of the release of gland secretions, the substance has a detrimental effect on fleas and ticks that parasitize cats.

The length of the accessory is 35 cm. It is made of soft and lightweight silicone. The material doesn't smell very nice. Cat owners claim that cats stop itching during the first three months. Fleas and ticks do not bother the animal. From about the fifth month the situation worsens. Cost – from 350 rubles. Models available in black, blue, red, green, orange and purple.


  1. optimal length;
  2. does not create problems for the cat;
  3. copes with its task;
  4. 6 colors to choose from;
  5. great price.


  1. the active substance is valid for no more than 6 months;
  2. not a very pleasant smell.

Collar against fleas, ticks and helminths for cats and small breed dogs Inspector

Rating: 4.8

The Inspector collar is reliable and effective protection against parasites. Unlike the previous participant in the rating, it has no smell. The product has special notches that make the model more elastic. They also help avoid injury if your cat gets caught on something while walking.

The active ingredients are fipronil, pyriproxyfen, ivermectin. These components disrupt the physical functions of harmful insects and parasites. Gradually released from the tape, they accumulate on the pet’s skin and hair. The accessory is well tolerated by cats. It protects the animal for 3-4 months. The device is also effective against lice, nematodes, lice and helminths.

The collar is produced in sealed foil bags, which are placed individually in cardboard packs with instructions. It is recommended to immediately cut off the excess length of the collar to avoid an overdose of active substances. The model costs about 350 rubles.


  1. without smell;
  2. effective against various types of parasites;
  3. safe;
  4. reasonable cost;
  5. easy to find on sale.


  1. short period of validity;
  2. Allergy may occur due to an overdose of active substances.

3D anti-tick and flea collar for cats 40 cm RolfСlub

Rating: 4.7

The rating continues with the RolfСlub collar. It was created specifically for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by ticks, lice and fleas. The composition includes fipronil, cyphenothrin, pyriproxyfen. Protection against blood-sucking parasites will last up to 6 months. The knockdown effect is achieved in 2 minutes. During this short time, the insect does not have time to choose a place to bite.

Buyers consider the advantages of the model to be a reliable lock, an affordable price tag, and no odor. The product really gets rid of parasites and solves many problems. It is easy and convenient to use.

The manufacturer advises removing the collar before washing and putting it on after the fur is dry. There is information that the hair in the collar area becomes stiff and begins to fall out. The price varies between 280-400 rubles.


  1. three levels of protection;
  2. effective removal of fleas;
  3. without smell;
  4. affordable price;
  5. strong castle.


  1. not moisture resistant;
  2. The fur in the collar area deteriorates.

Apicenna Dana Ultra flea and tick collar for cats and kittens 1 pc. in pack

Rating: 4.7

The first category of the rating is completed by a cat collar from Apicenna. The antiparasitic agent is suitable for the treatment and prevention of arachnoenthomosis, which is caused by fleas, ticks and lice. It is approved for the prevention of gastrointestinal nematodes. The product looks like a polymer tape impregnated with fipronil, ivermectin, and pyriproxyfen.

According to cat owners, the collar lasts only 3 months. Therefore, the accessory is ideal for owners who take their animals to the countryside during the summer. Four-legged animals practically do not react to the device. It has no smell.

The cost starts from 200 rubles. The model is produced in seven color options, but you can rarely find more than one shade in stores.


  1. no pungent odor;
  2. pleasant appearance;
  3. decent quality for the price offered;
  4. visible effect.


  1. only lasts for 3 months.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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