What do you need to know before purchasing a tick collar for cats?

Despite the fact that cats are exclusively domestic animals, many four-legged cats are used to walking outside with a leash and harness or live with their owners in a country house. Cats are natural hunters, which means that in pursuit of small animals they spend a lot of time in tall grass, where there are a lot of ticks. And communication with other yard animals can cause fleas.

Therefore, it is important to take care of preventing the proliferation of parasites on your cat’s fur in advance. A special flea and tick collar will help with this.

How does a flea collar for cats work?

Fleas and ticks cause discomfort to cats (pain and itching from bites), interfere with sleeping, eating and playing, and can also cause an allergic reaction, infection with worms and dangerous diseases: infectious anemia, tick-borne borreliosis, piroplasmosis, etc.

A flea collar is a flexible plastic strap with a fastener that is impregnated with a special repellent and/or insecticide to repel and/or kill insects. When put on an animal, the collar heats up and slowly begins to “give away” what it is saturated with.

The collar's validity period is limited, but it can be used throughout the warm season. Then you will have to change to a new one so that there is an active effect against insects.

How to use

According to the instructions for use:

  • Carefully unpack the packaging.
  • Remove the product from it.
  • Carefully place the collar around the neck without causing pain to the pet.
  • We check that the product does not squeeze the neck, but sits quite tightly.

If experts recommend wearing the collar only a couple of hours a day, it is necessary to wrap it in plastic each time it is removed from the neck. This will maintain its effectiveness.

Precautionary measures

When wearing, you should not use a large number of additional insecticidal components.
This can lead to pronounced intoxication of the body or provoke the occurrence of an allergic rash. In cases where your pet experiences severe itching when wearing it or its fur falls out in clumps, you should urgently purchase a collar of a different brand . In this case, the cause could be an allergic reaction to the active substances of the device.

The cat's owner may also . In this situation, it is more advisable to remove the collar from the cat at night in order to at least slightly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms.

Product benefits

  • easy to use and comfortable for the animal to wear
  • provide long-lasting protection
  • can be used if the animal is terribly afraid of water
  • active against not only fleas, but also ticks, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking creatures
  • signal that the animal has an owner
  • There are different types available for sale, including for kittens and pregnant cats.

Unfortunately, the collar will not be effective if used incorrectly. Certain active substances can cause the development of allergies and dermatitis. Sometimes cats openly protest against such an accessory and try in every possible way to remove it or chew it. And if your pet is very active, he may accidentally remove it.

Possible negative consequences

As already mentioned, collars have a number of disadvantages and in some situations, for various reasons, can lead to negative consequences, the main ones being:

  1. Poisoning of an animal or an allergic reaction if the cat has an individual intolerance to any components. Most often this happens if the pet manages to lick the device.
  2. Fleas that did not die, but migrated, may lose interest in the pet , but they will settle at home and people will become their target.
  3. The inability of some models to destroy parasites without prior additional treatment.
  4. An overly active cat may fall into a trap if its collar gets caught on a tree, fence or other obstacle.
  5. Getting injured if the cat tries to wriggle out and get rid of the interfering device on its own.

Types of tick and flea collars for cats

  • Insecticidal (destroying parasites) - impregnated with a special substance that disrupts the vital activity of insects or adversely affects the development of their larvae. After putting on such a collar, the owner needs to wash his hands thoroughly so that the substance does not accidentally get on the mucous membranes in the future, and the animal should not be allowed to gnaw or bite it.

The collar will last from 7 to 12 months. The duration of protection may be affected by improper wearing and storage.

  • Repellent - impregnated with a substance that does not kill insects, but repels them from the animal. This type of collar will not help if fleas are already breeding on the fur. First you will have to remove them, and then start using the accessory as a preventive measure against the next relapse.
  • Ultrasonic – the operating principle of the collar is based on the radiation of electromagnetic waves. Special spectrum waves are safe and invisible to cats, but unpleasant to insects. The device runs on batteries. This is the most complex and expensive type of collar.


Many owners of domestic cats have already used various collars designed to combat parasites and are now ready to share their opinions and impressions of the use of such products:

  1. Maria: “Every year I take my cat to the dacha, he doesn’t go outside, he lives exclusively at home, but he still starts to itch almost immediately - this is our first sign of the appearance of fleas. I’ve been buying Hartz collars for a long time, they help a lot, but at first I have to keep the cat exclusively on the terrace: I’m afraid that the fleas that escaped from him will spread throughout the room where I live.”
  2. Margarita: “I purchased a Beaphar collar, it is really very effective and helped get rid of all parasites in the shortest possible time. However, a severe allergic reaction began, not in the cat, but in me. Persistent runny nose and red rashes on the skin. Unfortunately, I didn’t immediately take into account that this could happen, so I advise all allergy sufferers to be more careful and attentive when choosing anti-flea products.”
  3. Inna: “Since we know first-hand about fleas, we have already tried a large number of different remedies. The penultimate time, the choice fell on Beaphar collars, and I bought the most expensive models, but in the end I didn’t like them very much. They had an effect, but they fizzle out very quickly, so at the moment I don’t recognize anything other than Hartz. So far this is the highest quality type of collar that I have come across.”
  4. Alexandra: “I work in a nursery, we always buy Hartz collars for cats, the highest quality product I’ve ever tried. The only problem is that they are not suitable for Sphynxes, their skin is too sensitive, but they are still tormented by fleas, despite the lack of hair. This breed becomes allergic to Hartz and Bolfo and scratches even more. We already wanted to try other methods to combat parasites, but Beapher collars became a real salvation, which were ideal for these cats - no fleas, no allergies.”

What to look for when purchasing a flea and tick collar?

  • Buy products only from official pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. This will prevent you from stumbling upon a low-quality product or a fake.
  • The packaging must be completely sealed. If it is broken, the active substances begin to quickly disappear, and the effect of the collar is significantly reduced. Also, do not forget to check the expiration date of the product.
  • It is important to clarify information about which animal the collar is suitable or not suitable for (for example, kittens, weakened animals, pregnant cats, etc.).
  • Buy tick collars only for cats. Accessories for dogs can be saturated with substances that are harmful to cats.

Criterias of choice

One of the most important points is the process of selecting the purchased anti-parasitic accessory; it should be significantly influenced by the following factors:

  1. Price range. It is not recommended to purchase models that are unreasonably cheap, as they may turn out to be fake or simply of low quality, which is unsafe for your pet.
  2. The selected product must be in a sealed foil package that protects it from direct contact with oxygen and exposure to sunlight, otherwise its effectiveness may be extremely insignificant.
  3. The orientation of the device is not suitable for accessories intended for other types of animals, such as dogs or rabbits. Also, a specific model must be selected depending on the age and condition of the pet.
  4. The product must not be expired, otherwise it may be ineffective or harmful to the cat's health.
  5. The brand of the product and the reputation of the seller are also significant factors. It is best to make a purchase at a specialized point of sale and choose products from trusted brands that have managed to prove themselves on the positive side.
  6. Components included. It is necessary to check the device for the absence of amitraz, permethrin and organic phosphates. All of the compounds listed are harmful and dangerous for cats.

Collar "Bars" for cats

Bars products for protecting pets from parasites occupy a special place among similar drugs. Domestic made sure that the drugs were highly effective and accessible to all segments of the population.

The product contains an active ingredient – ​​fipronil. It inhibits the functioning of the nervous system of parasites, resulting in paralysis and death of the insect. The accessory also provides a protective barrier for 4-5 months.

The inside of the Bars collar is coated with a chemical composition. Upon contact with the skin of an animal, the release of active substances begins, which negatively affect parasites and are safe for a cat or dog.


For cats

  • Fitodoc repellent collar.
    It has a protective effect against insects for up to 3 months, and against ticks for up to 5 weeks. Active ingredients: essential oils of lavender, margosa, eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella.
  • Insectoacaricidal collar "Bars".
    Has a protective effect for up to 4 months. Active ingredients: diflubenzuron and fipronil.
  • Repellent collar "Four with a tail".
    It has a protective effect against insects for up to 3 months, and against ticks for up to 4 weeks. Active ingredients: peppermint, lavender, geranium, citronella, eucalyptus oils.

For dogs

  • Fitodoc repellent collar.
    It has a protective effect against fleas for up to 3 months, against ticks for up to 5 weeks. Active ingredients: essential oils of lavender, margosa, eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella.
  • Insectoacaricidal collar "Bars".
    Has a protective effect for up to 4 months. Active ingredients: diflubenzuron and fipronil.
  • Repellent collar "Four with a tail".
    It has a protective effect against insects for up to 3 months, and against ticks for up to 4 weeks. Active ingredients: peppermint, lavender, geranium, citronella, eucalyptus oils.

Model descriptions and reviews: which is the best?

It would be difficult to name the best collar model and the best manufacturer of these products. The fact is that everything here is very individual and depends on the individual characteristics of each animal. And it may turn out that a collar that is ideal for one cat is completely unsuitable for another. Therefore, when choosing a collar, you must first of all take into account the personal characteristics of the pet, focusing on its age, physical condition and breed.

Doctor Zoo

Produced by the Russian company Zooklub. These collars contain diazinon. The product itself is effective and at the same time completely safe for cats, as it does not even cause allergies. Its cost is low, but it is suitable for use for only 3-4 months (and in reality it can be two - it all depends on the conditions of use).

“Our Marquis is a domestic cat, but when we first took him to the dacha, on the very first day he went to examine all the surroundings, and there were fleas - apparently and invisible. Naturally, the question of protection arose and we decided to choose a collar from Doctor Zoo. Put it on the cat. And, guess what? We haven't seen a single flea on it all season. Good collar, reliable. The only thing I didn’t like too much was that immediately after we took it out of the box, it smelled too strong, but, however, after a couple of days the smell had already noticeably dissipated...” (Daria, 28 years old, Togliatti).


Produced in Russia (Moscow). Fipronil is used as an active substance, which makes this collar an effective protective agent not only against fleas and ticks, but also against lice and mosquitoes.

This collar is waterproof, so you can even bathe your pet in it if necessary. According to reviews, Bars collars are in no way inferior to their imported counterparts, but cost noticeably less. Their effect lasts for about 120 days, and you can start using it from two months.


The Bars collar is not recommended for sick or weakened animals, and it is completely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating cats.

“This spring, children brought a grown-up female kitten from the street and persuaded her to keep her. And the question immediately arose about how to protect against fleas. No, they were on our Bus before, but we washed off the old ones with shampoo, and what should we do to prevent the new ones from starting? We decided to consult with friends who have had a cat in their house for a long time, and they recommended the Bars collar to us. I can’t say that Busya was delighted when we put it on her, but she quickly got used to it. And now she really doesn’t catch fleas and ticks anymore...” (Margarita, 36 years old, Novorossiysk)


These products are manufactured by the German company of the same name. The active ingredient in this collar is diazinon. It can be used on adult purrs and kittens starting from the age of six months. It is effective against both fleas and ticks for 5 months.


This collar should not be used on cats suffering from infections, animals recovering from illness, pregnant or lactating females, and kittens under six months of age.

“That year there were more ticks in our village than ever before. And then the cat brings them into the house, it’s clear that he didn’t do this on purpose, but it’s still unpleasant to find them later, say, in his bed or on the carpet. We went to the store at the veterinary clinic and, on the recommendation of specialists, bought our Smoky a red Beaphar collar. When we arrived home, we put it on the cat. Dymok was somewhat wary of him at first, but then it was okay, he got used to it. For two days, it seemed to us, the collar did not work. But, as it turned out, it works, and how, it just took time for the concentration of the substance to be sufficient. But then we didn’t see a single tick on Dymka, not to mention fleas, they probably bypassed it completely…” (Larisa, 42 years old, Nizhny Novgorod)


These collars, which are produced in several modifications, are produced by an American company. They are very effective in controlling blood-sucking insects. Thus, Hartz 2 in 1, valid for 5 months, contains tetrachlorvinphos. Hartz Control also contains methoprene, so it successfully fights all forms of flea development: from their eggs to adult insects.

But the Long Life model is effective only for 3 months of use, and therefore it should be used only in those months when tick activity is especially high. Hartz Ultra Guard lasts for 7 months, which in itself is very convenient: I bought one collar and forgot about the need to replace it with another for the entire season of tick activity.

“After moving to a private house, our cat Peach began bringing fleas. We bought him a Hartz collar, and when we bought it, we were told that it would destroy not only the fleas themselves, but also their larvae and even eggs. We didn't believe it at first, but it turned out to be true. We are very pleased with this collar, we are especially pleased that the manufacturers have provided for everything in its design, and even the fact that the cat can get caught on something. In this case, the collar will simply unfasten, since there is a special button at the bottom... (Anton, 24 years old, Yekaterinburg)


Celandine collars are available in several modifications, including products with permethrin, with diazinon, bio-collars that do not contain insecticides and special collars for kittens.

  • With permethrin. It contains pine fragrance, and permethrin acts as the active component. This substance does not penetrate into the animal’s blood, but accumulates in the hair follicles, upper layers of the skin and sebaceous glands. This collar protects against fleas for 4 months and against ticks for 3 months. But it cannot be used for sick and weakened animals, for pregnant and lactating females and for kittens under 4 months of age.
  • With diazinon. This substance, accumulating in the upper layer of the cat's skin, poisons blood-sucking insects and paralyzes them. It provides reliable protection for four months from fleas, lice and lice and protects the cat from ticks for three months. This collar can be worn by adult cats and cats and kittens over 4 months old.
  • For puppies and kittens. The active substances are permethrin (1%) and fipronil (5%). These substances are not dangerous for warm-blooded animals, but for blood-sucking insects and arachnids, to which ticks belong, they are simply destructive. Kittens can wear these collars starting from the age of two months.
  • Bio-collars. They do not contain insecticides; instead they use citronella oil, which repels but does not kill fleas, lice and mosquitoes. But a bio-collar cannot protect an animal from ticks. A huge advantage of bio-collars is that they can be used for sick and weakened animals, as well as for cats during pregnancy, nursing offspring and kittens over 4 weeks old.

“We bought our Mia from breeders when she was 2.5 months old. And, since we live outside the city, the question immediately arose about protecting our cat from fleas and ticks. The saleswoman in the store advised us to take a Celandine collar for kittens, she said that it was completely harmless and that they could wear it from two months onwards. Our Mia carried it all summer. We didn’t find a single flea on her during this time, even though she walked in the yard all day long in the summer...” (Svetlana, 32 years old, Moscow region)

Pros and cons of safety collars

Safety collars have long occupied their niche in the veterinary market. They have not lost their popularity for several decades. The undeniable advantages of their use are:

  • ease of use;
  • cheapness;
  • hygiene.

The remedy also has opponents who cite the following arguments in their favor:

  • the real effect is observed only for 2–3 months , although manufacturers promise six months;
  • not all tapes are resistant to moisture , so they are not suitable for dogs participating in hunting;
  • a pungent odor that permeates the entire house;
  • chemical components are strong allergens.

REFERENCE ! A pet in a collar will definitely not harm the furniture upholstery by lying on it, unlike anti-parasitic aerosols, drops.

Directions for use and precautions

In order to eliminate as much as possible the possibility of harm to the cat’s health, you need to follow the following recommendations from manufacturers and veterinarians:

  • Do not put a flea collar designed for dogs on your cat, even if it is the right size.
  • You cannot cut it into two parts, as it may seem, the collar is too long. The fact is that one product is designed for one animal, taking into account its size and weight.
  • The collar should neither hang around the cat's neck like a necklace, nor should it be too tight on the cat's throat.
  • With different poses, the diameter of the cat’s neck may change, so to avoid the collar squeezing its throat too much, you need to leave a gap of about one or two centimeters between the strap and the body.
  • If the collar is removed from time to time, then it is necessary to store it in a tightly closed bag or cling film until it is put on the cat’s neck, so that no air gets in there.
  • It is highly undesirable to combine this protective device with other insecticides, such as spray, anti-parasite shampoo or drops. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the pet may be poisoned.
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