10 Best Silica Gel Cat Litters of 2022

Name Rating Nomination
1Fresh Step Crystals4.83Best foreign brand
2Homecat silica gel Lavender4.81The optimum ratio of price and quality
3Smart Cat silica gel without fragrance4.72The largest volume. High absorption rate
4Cat Step silica gel4.68The most popular
5Dr. Elsey's Long Hair 4.66The most practical format
6N1 Crystals Sakura4.63
7Nuzhnik, round silica gel4.62The safest form
8CCKat silica gel4.61
9AromatiCat silica gel Diagnostic4.57Best for health monitoring
10Snowball silica gel4.39Best price

Top 10. Snowball silica gel

Rating (2021): 4.39

133 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, OZON, Otzovik, Online Trade, SberMegamarket

Best price If the basic functions are adequately performed, this filler costs an order of magnitude cheaper than its analogues. The price is comparable to basic clumping solutions.

Absorbent filler Snezhok is one of the best economical solutions. Buyers note the round shape of the granules and the absence of sharp corners. This way the cat will definitely not get hurt and will not refuse to use the toilet due to discomfort on its paws. Most of the inexpensive silica gel litter granules are transparent with a white tint, so it is easy to determine by eye not only the level of contamination, but also whether the cat is healthy. After all, many problems are primarily reflected in the cat's litter box. The filler can also be praised for its lack of dust and adequate performance of its main function - absorption. However, the smell only lasts for a few days and can stick to the paws, especially in long-haired breeds.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Smooth transparent crystals
  • Doesn't generate dust
  • Absorbs well
  • Doesn't last too long
  • Sticks to long fur

Best lists

The presented silica gel fillers are safe for you and your pet. The products are represented by crystalline granules that effectively absorb moisture and neutralize unpleasant odors. Manufacturers claim that the contents of the trays can be left unchanged for up to a month, but I recommend pouring a new portion of filler every 1-2 weeks to maintain hygiene in the house.

The rating presents both budget and expensive options. In both cases, the products are characterized by high quality and effectiveness. Among the representatives of this rating, I have identified the three best silica gel fillers.

The best filler for absorbency - N1 Crystals

Silica gel filler consists of environmentally friendly silicate crystals. The granules contain many tiny pores that reliably absorb excess moisture and unpleasant odors. The product has powerful bactericidal properties and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms released from animal urine and excrement.

The filler is economical, does not create dust, and does not stick to your pet’s fur or paws. The granules do not cause allergic reactions or diseases in the animal, since they do not contain chemicals or hazardous compounds. Do not throw this filler into the toilet.

The best cat litter for cost-effectiveness - Homecat Lavender

The filler is packaged in a durable bag with a plastic handle for easy transportation. Due to its high absorbent properties, the product effectively absorbs liquid and blocks unpleasant odors. The granules are presented as white balls with purple speckles and a lavender scent.

The product is antibacterial and does not cause an allergic reaction. It is quite economical to use, it does not need to be changed daily, you just need to remove solid waste from the tray.

The best litter that doesn't stick to paws - Homecat Standard

The product is packaged in a durable bag with a plastic handle. Due to their absorbent properties, the granules reliably absorb liquid and odors from cat urine and excrement. Silicate balls are completely white and odorless. It is important that they do not stick to the paws and fur of pets.

To evenly distribute the contents of the tray, it is recommended to stir the clean granules every day. The product is antibacterial, economical to use, hypoallergenic, since it does not contain harmful chemicals or other hazardous substances. Do not dispose of used silica gel filler down the drain.

Top 9. AromatiCat silica gel Diagnostic

Rating (2021): 4.57

45 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, OZON, Wildberries, SberMegamarket

Best for health monitoring Representative of unique diagnostic fillers. Thanks to pH indicators, it can detect signs of urolithiasis and other urinary tract diseases.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 350 rub. for 3 l

  • Country: Russia (manufactured in China)
  • Volume, l: 3
  • Weight, kg: 1.3
  • Granules: small, crushed
  • Antibacterial: no
  • Flavoring: no

This silica gel litter is designed to provide not only cleanliness and freshness in the toilet, but also help in monitoring the health of your beloved cat. Special colored indicator granules often indicate the need to contact a veterinarian long before your pet becomes unwell, which helps to take control of the situation in the early stages. This is especially true for the breeds most prone to urolithiasis, as well as sterilized and older cats. At the same time, the filler copes with basic tasks perfectly. According to reviews, AromatiCat does not generate dust, reliably blocks odors and absorbs better than a number of analogues. It is also quite economical, but is available only in 3-liter packages.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Absorbs well
  • Reliably blocks odor
  • No dust
  • Economical
  • No large packages
  • May stick

How to use silica gel

The gel filler is very easy to use. Recommendations for use may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so you should read the instructions on the package.

Silica gel cat litter must be poured into a clean and dry tray. The layer should be thick, at least 5 cm. Usually, half a bag weighing 4 kg is poured out. The remaining half is gradually poured into the tray as needed. This method helps the mixture work for a month, or after two weeks you can completely replace the filler. Feces are removed using a mesh spatula.

It is important to choose the right composition. For long-haired cats, it is better to choose large granules. Silica gel litter for kittens must be purchased with a special safety note for babies.

Some cats are calm about changing litter. For other pets, a sudden change of filler is stressful. In this case, it is better to gradually replace it with a silica gel composition. This will allow the pet to gradually get used to the new option.

Used silica gel litter should not be flushed down the toilet. The synthetic mixture can clog the clearance of sewer pipes.

Top 8. CCKat silica gel

Rating (2021): 4.61

1178 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, OZON, IRecommend, Zoosphere, Wildberries

SiSiCat is a common cheap silica gel filler, available in almost every store. It features a recognizable design and quickly eliminates traces of a cat's presence in the toilet. It absorbs and locks in odor well, but not for very long. Requires more frequent replacement than more expensive competitors, especially if there are several cats in the house. In this case, it may stick to the paws and pull apart a little, but this can be easily fixed by placing a special mat under the toilet.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Inexpensive
  • Locks in the smell
  • Absorbs quickly
  • Widely spread
  • Sticks to paws
  • Doesn't last long

Which tray is best for silica gel?

The number of trays for cats is amazing in its diversity. Among them you can see open and closed, deep and shallow, with and without bars. And there are also trays created in the form of houses, snail shells, etc. But in order not to get confused when choosing a tray, it is very important to remember its intended purpose - it must have not only aesthetic properties, but also practical ones. The animal should have free access to the tray, it should feel calm in it. And it is important for the owner that he can easily wash it if necessary and replace the filler.

When choosing the depth of the tray and its shape, it is recommended to focus on the size of the pet and its behavior. So, if the cat likes to rummage through the litter, then it is better to take a tray deeper, with high sides or even a roof, otherwise silica gel crystals will then have to be collected throughout the apartment.

For cats who like to sit on the edge of the tray, a flatter tray is suitable so that it does not tip over under the weight of the animal.

The toilet for a cat is an individual matter, and it is better to choose it so that both the pet and its owner do not experience any feeling of discomfort.

Top 7. Nuzhnik, round silica gel

Rating (2021): 4.62

The safest form The granules are perfectly smooth and round. The absence of sharp corners makes the filler non-sharp and prevents cuts.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 744 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume, l: 5
  • Weight, kg: 1.8
  • Granules: large, round
  • Antibacterial: yes
  • Flavoring: no

Some cats are literally contraindicated for silica gel litter due to the compulsive need to rummage through the litter box, which can damage the paw pads. The domestic novelty “Nuzhnik” allows you to avoid wounds, because it is impossible to get scratched with such smooth granules. This feature is also convenient for owners who walk around the bathtub barefoot. Even if the cat digs up a few balls, they will not create the Lego effect. It's not scary to step on. At the same time, the filler is ideal for both sensitive Sphynx cats and long-haired cats. On the one hand, it is hypoallergenic and smooth, on the other hand, it is not sticky. But for such a price, a transparent ziplock bag is very simple packaging.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Doesn't hurt paws
  • Suitable for those who like to rummage
  • Suitable for long hair
  • New
  • Very basic packaging
  • Price is above average

How to choose silica gel cat litter

If you decide to give preference to this filler, you should pay attention to a number of important parameters:

DustThere should be a minimum of silicate dust inside the pack.
ColorIt is advisable to choose completely transparent, colorless granules, since they are characterized by the least toxicity.
VolumeThe size of the package is chosen based on the needs of the pet. For kittens, a small pack size is sufficient; for adult cats, the opposite is true.
Granule sizeFor kittens, it is preferable to choose a finely granulated filler; for adult pets, medium or large granules.

Regardless of the brand of silica gel filler you choose, it is important that it is poured into a tray with high sides. This will prevent the cat from scattering the contents around. It is worth paying attention to the pet’s comfort. If you notice that the cat does not go to the new toilet for a couple of days, urgently change the litter to another one.

Top 6. N1 Crystals Sakura

Rating (2021): 4.63

3608 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, OZON, SberMegamarket, Unizoo

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 581 rub. for 5 l

  • Country Russia
  • Volume, l: 5
  • Weight, kg: 2
  • Granules: large, crushed
  • Antibacterial: no
  • Flavor: sakura

Stylish absorbent filler with a light scent of sakura flowers and a cute packaging design. It is distinguished by its ability not only to remove the smell of cat litter, but also to create a spring-summer mood without scaring off the cat. The flavor is very light, not strong. Separately, N1 filler is praised for its non-sharp granules, slightly rounded and, as a rule, quite large. However, according to reviews, sizes may vary from batch to batch, which is not always convenient. Crystals have also been criticized for sticking to long fur. However, this is not uncommon for such inexpensive fillers.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Non-sharp crystals
  • Flower smell
  • Bright design
  • Reasonable price
  • Sticks to long fur
  • Granules vary


Desiccants are divided according to various criteria: shape (lumpy, granular), grain size (small, large), pore size (fine-porous, large-porous). According to GOST 3956-76, a four-letter designation of their brands is accepted:

  • the first letter is the size of the granules (M - small, K - large, Sh - charge, A - activated);
  • the second is the name of the material (C – Silica gel);
  • third - pore size (M - fine-porous, K - large-porous);
  • the fourth is the shape of the particles (K - lumpy, G - granular).

There are also special-purpose dehumidifiers: indicator dehumidifiers, for household refrigerators, double-glazed windows, chromatography and a number of other brands.

Top 5. Dr. Elsey's Long Hair

Rating (2021): 4.66

The most practical format Unlike analogues, this filler is not packaged in a bag, but in a convenient container with a handle and a hermetically sealed lid.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: RUB 2,577. for 3.6 kg

  • Country: USA
  • Volume, l: —
  • Weight, kg: 3.6
  • Granules: medium, crushed
  • Antibacterial: no
  • Flavouring: hydrolyzed herbs

As is clear from the name and photo on the packaging, this silica gel was created specifically for long-haired cats. The filler has a smooth texture that does not cling to the fur and literally slides off the paws. The cat will not drag it around the house, no matter how long and thick its fur is. In addition, the litter is suitable for all breeds, including large ones. Dr. Elsey's pleases with its excellent absorbent properties and successfully removes odor. It has practically no smell to humans, but the cat will know where to look for the toilet, thanks to a natural herbal extract designed to attract the attention of cats. The price is high, but you can save energy on cleaning.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Best for Longhairs
  • Doesn't come apart
  • Natural herbal flavor
  • Expensive

Comparison of the best products

I have summarized the main parameters of cat silica gel litters in a table. It’s so convenient to compare different toilets for cats and choose the best option for your pet.

ModelAntibacterialVolume, lWeight, kgPeculiaritiesPrice, rub
Cat StepNo15,27,2Odor-resistant, hypoallergenic1194-1455
N1 CrystalsNo30Odor-resistant, hypoallergenic2417-3018
SnowballYes42,5With odor protection255-1096
Homecat StandardYes30Hypoallergenic2546-3024
Kotyara ExtraNo3Has a granulometric composition with a ball size of no more than 8 mm469-589
MurzikNo4Small granules, fillers made from a mixture of fine-porous and large-porous silica gels299-1204
Homecat LavenderYes12,5Flavored938-1373
CCKatYes3,8With odor protection345-668
Fresh Step CrystalsYes3,62Small granules1469-2112

Let's highlight the favorites of this rating.

Top 4. Cat Step silica gel

Rating (2021): 4.68

5287 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, OZON, Otzovik, IRecommend

The most popular The most recognizable brand of relatively inexpensive absorbent fillers. Thanks to its effectiveness and reasonable price, Cat Step has earned thousands of reviews.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1,615 rub. for 15.2 l

  • Country: Russia (manufactured in China)
  • Volume, l: 3; 3.8; 7.6; 15.2 and 26.6
  • Weight, kg: 1.4; 1.8; 3.6, 6.7 and 11.7
  • Granules: large, crushed
  • Antibacterial: no
  • Fragrance: fragrance-free, hypoallergenic

One of the best inexpensive cat litters. Despite its reasonable price, Cat Step perfectly absorbs even large amounts of liquid and can be recommended for large cats and a large number of animals. Also, review authors note that odor neutralization takes up to several weeks, that is, many times longer than analogues. The filler is easy to clean and does not spread too much due to the large size of the granules. But their shape is not suitable for every cat. Like most silica gel fillers, Cat Step has chipped crystals with edges that can cause discomfort to short-haired and hairless breeds with sensitive skin. At the same time, there are complaints about fakes.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Adequate price
  • Excellent absorption
  • Odor neutralization
  • Easy to clean
  • Some batches are dusty
  • There are fakes

See also:

  • 10 Best Dewormers for Dogs and Cats

Advantages and disadvantages

Granules with a porous structure are so effective that they absorb not only cat urine that gets on them, but also moisture from the air. But, like any product, this type of filler has strengths and weaknesses, which are described in the table below:

Due to the high porosity of silicate beads, the filler has high absorbent properties and can significantly reduce the level of humidity in the area where the tray is located.If your kitten accidentally eats particles of silica gel litter, he may experience stomach problems.
These are chemically inactive materials that are not exposed to high temperatures.Can't be flushed down the toilet.
The occurrence of mold and pathogenic bacteria is excluded.Hard, sharp crystals provoke injuries to the animal's paws.
Effectively combat and neutralize unpleasant odors.When liquid gets on the silica gel filler, it begins to hiss. This sound can frighten the cat and she may not want to go to such a litter box anymore.
The filler does not stick to the pet's paws and fur.
The granules absorb a sufficient amount of liquid, so there is no need to change the contents of the tray daily.

It is worth noting that this type of cat litter is expensive. But, at the same time, it is characterized by incredible efficiency and low consumption.

Top 3. Smart Cat silica gel without fragrance

Rating (2021): 4.72

257 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, OZON, Petshop, IRecommend

Largest volume The brand offers bags of record volume. 35 liters, as a rule, is enough for several cats for 2-3 months, and for one – for six months or more. But such a bag weighs about 15 kg.

High absorption rate According to reviews, Smart Cat removes moisture almost instantly, so no surprises form under the filler. But sometimes it’s still worth mixing.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: RUB 3,952. for 35 l

  • Country: Russia (manufactured in China)
  • Volume, l: 3.8; 7.6; 10; 16 and 35
  • Weight, kg: 1.66; 3.32; 4.37; 7 and 15.29
  • Granules: medium, mixed
  • Antibacterial: no
  • Fragrance: fragrance-free, hypoallergenic

Smart Cat litter received some of the best ratings from cat lovers for key characteristics. Most people rate its absorbency as 4.9 out of 5. According to reviews, the filler absorbs almost lightning fast and to the maximum. The discharge does not flow under it, but is locked into granules, as is the smell. Their resource lasts on average 2-3 weeks. Next, wash the tray and add fresh litter. This is easy and convenient to do, because Smart Cat does not generate dust and the owner does not have to hold his breath during the process. It also helps keep the house clean, as do the granules that aren't too sticky. However, they are angular and not everyone likes to step on them, and the package, despite not the lowest price, does not have a ziplock.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Doesn't spread around the house
  • Almost no dust
  • The scent lasts up to a couple of weeks
  • Excellent absorption
  • Crushed granules with corners
  • Bag without ziplock

See also:

  • 10 online pet supply stores


These varieties differ slightly in their scope of use. Silica gel KSMG (GOST 3956-76) is a universal sorbent suitable for almost any area where it is necessary to get rid of excess air humidity.

Silica gel KSKG (GOST 3956-76) is preferable when planning long-term work in open spaces: for laying in CCTV cameras, electrical panels. Both varieties are distinguished by a highly developed internal surface, porous structure and the ability to absorb large volumes of moisture in a minimum time.

These drugs are also capable of absorbing vapors of organic compounds (toluene, gasoline, benzene, acetone, ether), gases from gaseous and liquid media. They are characterized by high mechanical strength - they are almost impossible to crush or grind.

Top 2. Homecat silica gel Lavender

Rating (2021): 4.81

2040 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, OZON, Review-review, IRecommend, Sidex, SberMegamarket

Optimal price-quality ratio At a price below average, Homecat litter is not inferior to Cat Step and other analogues in locking out moisture and odors. A great opportunity to save money without losing quality.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: RUB 1,262. for 12.5 l

  • Country: Russia (manufactured in China)
  • Volume, l: 3.8; 7.6; 12.5 and 30
  • Weight, kg: 1.6; 3.3; 5.07 and 12.09
  • Granules: large, randomly shaped
  • Antibacterial: yes
  • Flavor: lavender

Homecat will not only prevent the powerful cat odor from spreading throughout the apartment, but will also fill the toilet with an unobtrusive floral-woody aroma. Lavender is associated with calm and relaxation, helps relieve stress and, unlike many other scents, does not deter cats from the litter box. At the same time, the inexpensive filler actually locks in and does not mask the odor, does not generate dust and absorbs without problems even after 2 weeks of use. Thanks to its large granules and rapid moisture removal, Homecat can be used under gratings. The corners of the crystals are smoothed and do not chip. But if you have dogs in the house, it is important to consider that they can sometimes mistake this litter for food.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Light soothing aroma
  • Suitable for tray with grid
  • No dust
  • Smoothed granules
  • Dogs like it too much

See also:

  • 20 Best Cat Litters

Features of using cat litter

Using silica gel is easy for both owners and pets. Animals adapt to the new filler within a day or two. If the cat categorically refuses to use the litter tray with new contents, mix sorbent balls with a known filler. Also try a different brand before going back to clay litter.

How to use

Unlike conventional fillers, the wetted portion does not need to be removed.

How to use:

  • Place a layer of at least three cm thick into the litter tray.
  • Wait until the animal goes to the toilet.
  • For better drying, stir with a silica gel spatula.

Simply remove solid waste using the slotted handle. Throw out the entire contents of the tray and refill it about once a week. Yellow or cloudy crystals will be a signal for change.

It is recommended to stir the contents of the bath at least once a day. If this is not done, the liquid will seep to the bottom and harden there in the form of a sticky mass. This will not prevent odor formation.

Is it dangerous for a child?

Silica gel is non-toxic and safe for pets and children. If your child eats some silica gel, nothing will happen. The substance is inert and does not react with most compounds. The particles behave like activated carbon in the stomach and are eliminated from the body naturally.

The only recommendation is to give plenty of fluids.

How to recycle

Although it is environmentally friendly, do not flush silica gel down the toilet. It swells with water and accumulates in the pipes and clogs the drains. The garbage bag is recyclable. Place the used liner in it, bandage it and throw it away.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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