Why are white cats deaf and how to determine the degree of hearing loss?

White cats of any breed are aristocratic, rare, and look more spectacular than cats of other colors. That's why they are incredibly popular. Caring for a snow-white coat requires a lot of time, effort, patience and material costs from their owners. Another problem may be the pet’s complete or partial deafness.

Natural selection

Animals with boiling white fur are extremely rare in nature. This makes them vulnerable and reduces their chances of survival due to lack of camouflage. Therefore, today you can buy white cats only thanks to breeders and the interest of buyers in these cats. Worldwide, these animals make up no more than 5% of the total population.

In the past, when the problem was not so obvious, breeders sometimes did not realize that their white cat was deaf. He then sired offspring and the deafness spread further down the family line. Currently, such cats are not used for further breeding, which has significantly reduced the rate of spread of this problem among gray-haired four-legged animals.

Degrees of albinism

This is the basis of true albinos, which are rare. Partial albinism, however, is much more common than you might think. One surprising thing I learned was that some members of the so-called "Oriental" cat family, including the Siamese, Burmese and Tonkinese, each get their distinctive "pointy" coloring from some sort of partial albino genetic heritage.

A colored coat is one in which the color tends to concentrate in certain areas. Color concentration is dependent on heat, with pigmentation developing in cooler areas while warmer areas remain much lighter in comparison. Colored cats, at least those that evolved from the Siamese, including the Thai cat, are born white and develop their color patterns as they age.

Genetics of deafness in cats

Scientists have sufficiently researched and explained the reason for the increase in cases of deafness in white cats. This is an insidious mutant gene.

During embryonic development, a number of melanoblasts begin to form near the neural tube, which produce pigment and distribute it throughout the hair follicle and retina. With normal genetic development, birth occurs at the right time, and multi-colored kittens with green or yellow eyes are born. But as soon as a mutant appears in the blood, everything changes. This seriously slows down the rate of melanoblast formation. They do not reach the skin in time to fill the hair follicles. The same is true for the retina of the eye. It turns out that the pigment does not get into them. Sometimes a small number of melanoblasts reach their targets, and therefore only certain areas of the body may appear white. Or the pigment enters the iris only in limited quantities, so that the kitten is born heterochromatic, when one eye is blue and the other, for example, yellow. This phenomenon occurs not only among cats, but also among other animals and even people.

Kao-mani with blue eyes

Other cells are formed next to the neural tube, which, in particular, are responsible for the proper development of the auditory system. The mutant also suppresses their reproduction. It was discovered that a single dominant allele of the W gene can affect not only hair and eye color, but also cause deafness. The right groups of cells pass into the middle ear when it is already deformed and nothing can be improved.

The effect of this gene is still being researched as it appears that white kittens with congenital ear defects have several other abnormalities: they are less fertile and have a shorter lifespan. It turns out that the mutant affects almost all processes occurring during the formation of the fetus, and is not, as is commonly believed, responsible for only one feature - the presence of pigment.

Mackerel for weight loss: benefit or harm?

When answering this question, it is important to remember that the process of losing weight is not only about losing excess weight and burning excess calories. This is a “restart” of the body’s functioning, when the food consumed is extremely beneficial, saturates with essential substances and microelements, and, as a result, improves well-being and health. This is a “restart” of the body’s functioning, when the food consumed is extremely beneficial, saturates with essential substances and microelements, and, as a result, improves well-being and health.

This is a “restart” of the body’s functioning, when the food consumed is extremely beneficial, saturates with essential substances and microelements, and, as a result, improves well-being and health.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of seafood, due to the high content of such important vitamins for health as vitamins B, A, C, D, E, K and trace elements: phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine.

The fat content of mackerel depends on the place of catch (there are Australian, Atlantic, Far Eastern), as well as on the time - in the fall the fat content of the fish reaches 30% (the value of such fish is much higher for the body), and in the spring - about 4%.

If the protein content, for example, in Atlantic mackerel is on average 20%, and fat - 13%, then the Far Eastern mackerel has higher values ​​(24% and 30%, respectively).

On the positive side, it is worth noting that the proteins contained in mackerel are much easier and faster absorbed by the body, unlike proteins from poultry, beef and pork.

For example, it takes almost 5 hours to digest beef, and only 2-3 hours for fish.

Being a supplier of invaluable Omega fatty acids that help prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, arthritis, mackerel, at the same time, can have a negative impact on metabolism if the product is of poor quality or improperly consumed.

It is important to note that only fresh or freshly frozen fish will retain all the value of the beneficial elements it contains. If the fish has been subjected to repeated freezing or temperature changes, the fats in it quickly oxidize and turn from beneficial to harmful. If the fish has been subjected to repeated freezing or temperature changes, the fats in it quickly oxidize and turn from beneficial to harmful

If the fish has been subjected to repeated freezing or temperature changes, the fats in it quickly oxidize and turn from beneficial to harmful.

So, how to properly present this product to the body, preserving valuable substances as much as possible?

You should always remember that eating mackerel is not recommended for people who suffer from liver and pancreas diseases

They should pay attention to low-fat fish varieties, such as pollock, cod

If there are no health problems, the main attention should be paid to the method of preparing mackerel dishes

Factors that increase the likelihood of deafness in white cats

The figure shows the likelihood of a cat being deaf depending on the color of its fur and iris. Hearing loss can affect both ears or just one.

Among the entire cat population, no more than 1.5% are found to have white fur and blue eyes, one or both. Their geographical distribution is uneven.

Studies have shown that long-haired white cats are more likely to suffer from hearing loss than their short-haired counterparts. In addition, blue-eyed cats are 5 times more likely to suffer from middle ear degeneration than cats with other eye colors. Having only one blue eye increases the risk of developing deafness twice as much as in cats that have both eyes that are not blue.

White plates

As a result of natural selection, gray cats have virtually no chance of surviving in the wild for several reasons:

  • Due to the possibility of deafness, the ability to lead a normal life and hunt successfully is limited.
  • There is a risk of developing photophobia, which may make it difficult for you to be in the sun.
  • Blue-eyed animals have difficulty seeing in the dark.

But people fell in love with white cats so much that today the demand for such kittens is very high. This type of color is found in almost every breed, and breeders have learned to test a cat for deafness using the BAER test, which can be done at any veterinary clinic. In case of a defect, such a cat will not take part in the further continuation of the breed.

White Foryn-White.

Don't be afraid

Cat discharge: bloody, white, purulent

But don't be so afraid! In fact, the risk is not that great. According to statistics, 18-20% of snow-white cats that do not have blue eyes are still born deaf, no one is immune from this! Cats with different eye colors (heterochromia), if one of their eyes is blue, are born deaf in 40% of cases, most often deafness occurs in the ear on the side of which the blue eye is located. But white cats, which also have blue eyes in both eyes, sad as it may be, are deaf from birth in 80% of cases.

Identifying the problem of deafness in a cat or kitten

Congenital deafness may not appear immediately. It happens that kittens are born hard of hearing, but due to a defect, less and less blood flows into the deformed ear and it completely stops hearing. This usually occurs at 3-4 weeks of life.

If only one ear is damaged, sometimes the owner may not even be aware of it. The kitten quickly adapts to life with restrictions and begins to behave in the most normal way.

A short examination at a veterinary clinic will help identify the problem. But you can also do it yourself at home. To do this, you need to do several things with the kitten and monitor his reaction:

  • Take a piece of paper and tear it.
  • The rustle of foil.
  • Tap on a hard surface.
  • Make hissing sounds.

For the reaction to be reliable, the cat does not see you. Ideally, he should take a nap with his back to you. If he hears you, he will respond to the noise. However, if there is no reaction, a more thorough examination by a veterinarian is necessary.

Sometimes signs of deafness include purring too loudly and restless sleep.

White Persian cat

Caring for a special pet

Albinos are not recommended to be kept with other pets due to the high likelihood of infection and possible harassment from cats with normal colors. Such pets require a lot of attention, so it is much calmer not to be torn between several pets.


Due to frequent allergies and gastrointestinal problems, the best feeding option is ready-made dry food for cats with sensitive digestion. On such a diet, the animal will receive all the necessary elements without harm to health.

Mating or castration?

Serious congenital anomalies appear only in kittens that received the mutant gene from both mother and father at the same time. With a standard set of genes in at least one of the parents, all offspring are born with normal color.

It is acceptable to breed an albino cat with a regular cat, but it is better to neuter an albino cat immediately. Due to weak immunity, the pet may not survive childbirth and die.

What to do if the cat is deaf, how to ensure safety

When deafness occurs in normal cats, it is usually due to a specific medical condition that can be treated. It's a different story with white kittens. Their defect is congenital. Therefore, this too is incurable. However, this does not mean that such a pet will be liked less. He will certainly become a universal pet, but such a kitten will require special care:

Even without hearing, the kitten will soon begin to distinguish family members by the different vibrations of their steps. Deaf cats love their owners just as much as hearing cats. The most important thing is to keep their environment safe because they don't hear many signs of impending danger - pet dogs or cars.

Features of character and subtleties of care

White fur requires careful care. Basically, this is done by the pet itself. A neatly licked fur coat shines and makes a pleasant impression.

The owner must also monitor the hygiene of his pet, comb out excess hair using gloves and other devices, and ensure that it does not get tangled.

On the eve of the exhibition, he needs to be bathed. To do this, you need to use a special hypoallergenic shampoo that does not irritate delicate skin. You just shouldn’t do this often; sometimes you can get by with dry shampoo.

There are some other nuances that need to be taken into account when keeping a white cat:

  1. Deaf white cats have highly developed other senses. With their whiskers (vibrissae), they easily recognize the voices of their owners, which is why many people have no idea that their pet is completely deaf.
  2. White pets should not be exposed to the sun for long periods of time. Their ears are very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. A strong tan can not only cause injury, but also cancer.
  3. The owner needs to be careful when walking. A deaf cat can become a victim of dogs or get hit by a moving vehicle.
  4. You should not include boiled carrots, liver, and other offal in your diet. The fur may gradually turn from white to beige or take on a yellow tint.
  5. After the bath, your pet's coat should be dried with a hairdryer. Don't forget to pre-set the hot air temperature. Dry hairs are more slippery and will stay clean much longer.

Diagnosis of the disease

If symptoms of deafness appear, you should show your pet to a veterinarian; only he will be able to professionally determine the presence of deafness, its level, and the cause. The following methods exist for this:

  1. Examination of the auricle and inner ear (using a special device - an otoscope). This allows you to determine the presence of injuries, infections, and ear parasites.
  2. If an infection is detected, an additional cytological examination is performed.
  3. The presence of genetically determined deafness can be verified using a special instrumental study that allows one to determine the auditory potential of the brain stem when the hearing organ is irritated by sound vibrations.
  4. If the presence of neoplasms is suspected, magnetic resonance or computed tomography is used.

Are there such representatives among other breeds or outbreds?

Scottish Fold Cat
In the listed breeds, heterochromia is more common, but in other animals the appearance of this feature is also possible. Kittens with different colored eyes are found among:

  • Scots;
  • British Shorthair;
  • Canadian sphinxes;
  • Maine Coons;
  • Persian cats.

Even a mongrel pet may have different eyes; they will be caused by a genetic mutation or changes that have occurred during life. From an esoteric point of view, such cats are considered carriers of pure energy and good luck, and therefore are highly valued.

Symptoms of the disease

Cats adapt well to their condition at the expense of their other senses. There is a certain belief that their sensitivity is so heightened that they hear by perceiving sound vibrations in the bones of the skeleton and vibrissae. They sense movement behind them by vibrations in the air.

And yet, the onset of deafness can be determined. It is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • meowing too loudly;
  • lack of reaction to opening the refrigerator door or to the rustling of a bag of food;
  • loss of orientation, frequent looking around;
  • shaking the head, rubbing the ears with a paw;
  • in case of an infectious disease or sulfur plugs, an unpleasant odor may be felt;
  • The old cat doesn't respond to his name.

To confirm your suspicions, you need to make some sound at some distance from the animal. A well-hearing cat will react by turning its ears. A louder sound will cause fear and a reaction from the whole body. If these signs are not present, it means that the fears have been confirmed, and the cat cannot hear at all.

Albino mating

Due to various health problems, mating albinos is a very dubious idea. However, breeders often ignore possible diseases of future offspring and cross albinos with representatives of different breeds.

A mutation at the gene level is inherited only if both parents are carriers of the W gene. However, due to the rarity of such individuals, matings occur infrequently. Breeders do not recommend breeding two albinos: there is a high probability of offspring being born with numerous disabilities (hearing loss, vision loss, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc.).

Mating among albinos is not encouraged, but it is possible to breed an albino with ordinary cats

Mating with an ordinary cat is quite possible, since in this case, due to the recessiveness of the albinism gene, normal kittens with some color are born.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment methods for deafness vary depending on the causes that cause it:

We can say that congenital deafness is not a pathology, but a feature of the white color. Since the animal is born deaf, it does not adapt, but lives, from birth actively including the other senses (vision, touch and smell). Therefore, caring for such kittens is practically no different from caring for their healthy counterparts.

White cats are extremely popular among cat lovers, so they are bred despite the risks. But this process should be controlled by an experienced breeder. Errors in the selection of pairs threaten that deafness, as a genetic trait, may manifest itself in the offspring. In addition, there is a high probability that sickly and non-viable offspring will be obtained.

There are several specific features of keeping deaf pets:

  1. One of the main conditions is that such cats should not be allowed outside alone, as they are more exposed to various dangers than others.
  2. You should not approach the cat from behind, so as not to scare it. As a last resort, when entering, you can slam the door louder or stomp, creating vibrations that are clearly felt by the animal.
  3. They can read lips, so it is necessary to address her in such a way that she sees the owner’s face.
  4. You need to be extremely careful when being in the same room with a deaf pet so as not to step on it.

Deafness is not a reason to throw your furry pet out onto the street or euthanize it. With careful attention, love and care, this deficiency will not be noticeable to either the owner or his pet.

By human standards, deafness in a cat is the same disadvantage as in a person, but it is not so. Deaf cats can adapt well to life using their other senses, and are not much different from cats with good hearing.

The lack of hearing in cats does not prevent them from feeling all surrounding sounds: people’s steps, sound vibrations and other vibrations indoors and outdoors. Cats live well and do not feel inferior.

Deafness in cats causes them to stop meowing or pronounce “meow” too quietly. This is because deafness extends not only to the outside world, but also to the inner world; cats stop hearing themselves. A small kitten with deafness will not be able to understand why it is necessary to sneak up on the object of the hunt quietly and unnoticed, because he lives in a world of silence.

There are times when cats can meow a lot and not always for the purpose. They cannot hear themselves and do not control their sounds, which come out involuntarily.

Cats need ears to monitor their surroundings. Ears are constantly “in motion” when cats listen. Deaf cats also have ears that move, but only due to natural instincts. Cats with deafness communicate with their owners and other family members by moving their ears. It is through the ears that you can learn to understand what is on your cat’s mind.

Even though your pet is deaf, sudden fluctuations in sounds or sudden silent appearances can frighten him. To save the cat’s nerves, before approaching the cat, try to start stomping from afar.

Deaf cats behave the same way as cats with normal hearing. The favorite pastime of all cats is to conquer heights, this is how they feel safe (natural instincts). Provide your furry pet with a secure, high-level shelter.

To attract your cat's attention, you need to learn to communicate using sounds. For example, attract the cat with a loud clap or knock on the floor, because cats perfectly perceive vibration in objects. It is possible that the cat may ignore you, but he will definitely hear it.

Each cat is a separate study guide; it is impossible to apply the same method of communication with deaf cats. It all depends on the degree of mutual understanding between the cat and the owner, but nothing is impossible. Form your own body language, sounds and gestures so that nothing overshadows the communication with your beloved cat.

Come up with special signals that will help establish contact. Signals and gestures can be different, it all depends on your ingenuity and the cat’s abilities (do not forget that cats are very smart and quick-witted). Each family member can have their own way of communicating, the main thing is to love your cat.

Try to use more hissing, growling and whistling sounds when addressing your cat, combine them with tactile movements. This way the cat will remember everything faster and learn to understand you. Don't forget to carefully study the response movements and behavior to learn how to understand your cat.

If there is only one deaf cat in the house, it is easier with her, but it is more difficult when cats with hearing live with her. Cats do not understand the illness of their relative and may react ambiguously.

From the above it is clear that deafness is not a hindrance for cats, and such a cat will become a loving and affectionate member of the family!

With the help of hearing, animals navigate in space and sense the distance to the source of noise or a hypothetical thunderstorm. Hearing loss in a domestic cat is unpleasant, but not fatal. A deaf cat is quite capable of living a full life, after some adaptation. If we consider the issue globally, hearing loss can be explained by several factors - genetic disorders, diseases or injuries, abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Elderly pets partially or completely lose their hearing due to degenerative processes and atrophy of nerve endings. Most often, the process of hearing loss is irreversible, but against the background of decreased activity, animals adapt well to deafness. Teach your cat in advance basic gestures that will help you communicate with a deaf cat with age-related hearing loss. If your cat has become deaf from old age, she needs to provide appropriate living conditions and minimize the need to take care of her own safety:

  • Isolate the animal from the street.
  • Buy a collar with a bell so you can find your pet if he is hiding.
  • Always say hello, goodbye and encourage your pet tactilely.
  • Do not appear suddenly, wait until the pet sees you or create a vibration that the cat will feel, for example, by stomping on the floor.

Congenital deafness in cats is not necessarily associated with color or heredity. Any disturbances in the development of fetuses during the 1st week of pregnancy can lead to atrophy of auditory receptors. The causes of degenerative processes in the development of fetuses are most often associated with disruption of the nervous system of a pregnant cat - intoxication, acute viral and infectious diseases.

Are everyone deaf? - No, not all. Are all blue-eyed cats deaf? - Again - no! The “stigma” about the deafness of white cats has certain grounds if the animal’s family included Angora cats, which have a risk of gene damage, as a result, improper formation of the inner ear. And again, not all Angora cats are deaf; if the kitten is purchased from responsible breeders, it has documents confirming the absence of genetic “gaps” in both parents.

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