Why do cats leave home and never return? Signs, explanation

» Signs » A cat or cat left home - what signs promise



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Cats have long been considered sacred animals. There are many signs associated with them, for example, they say that they leave home when they are preparing to die. However, not all superstitions are so gloomy. Let's consider how to correctly interpret such a situation.

Reasons for leaving

According to the superstition, pets leave home when they foresee their death or feel that some kind of misfortune is about to happen.

However, there is another meaning: animals do not run away from trouble, but take the misfortune with them and thereby save the residents.

If a cat leaves the house where a seriously ill person is located, this means a quick healing - she took the illness and death with her.

Other beliefs:

  1. The cats are leaving to make room for a new tenant. Perhaps the family will soon be expecting a new addition.
  2. The animal runs away from negativity. If there are often scandals and conflicts in the house, people are used to sorting things out with shouts and fists, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the animal left the home in such an atmosphere.
  3. The cat completed its mission. According to one of the esoteric theories, cats and cats live with people for a reason, they themselves choose the owner in order to help him with something. This can be in different areas: love, health, wealth. When the cat decides that he has completed his mission, he leaves.
  4. The cat is not pleasant to the brownie. It happens that not a single animal takes root in one house: they either leave or die. If the owners take good care of the pet, then it is worth thinking about mystical reasons. Probably the fact is that the domestic spirit is waiting for a cat of a particular color, while others survive.

It is believed that a black cat protects against negativity, a red cat attracts happiness and money, and a white cat harmonizes family relationships. Because of this, some people think that leaving a cat of a certain color will lead to trouble in the area for which it is responsible. This is not so, the interpretations are the same for all cats.

Signs about brownie hatred

Why cats do not take root in the house, folk signs associate this phenomenon with the presence of the Brownie in it. He, in turn, prefers a pet whose coat color matches the color of his hair. Superstitious people try to have tricolor pets in order to please the “owner of the house.”

If the animal has left home, signs suggest that the Brownie (Domozhil, Velesa, Bestiaria, Dobrokhot, Susedko) does not want to accept it. It is worth getting a pet of a different color (black, red or gray).

There is an interesting story where a representative of the cat breed can be possessed by the spirit of a witch, whose energy is aimed at destroying the family hearth. Therefore, the Brownie, who is generally friendly towards cats, can drive away the fluffy one in order to protect him from evil.

If you are sure that your cat has nothing to do with dark forces and its coloring completely suits the mystical creature, then the reason may be some other object planted in the house by envious people. There are times when a brownie, angry with the owner of the house, tries to survive all its inhabitants, starting with the cat.

Logical explanations

The departure of a cat is not always associated with mysticism. Sometimes there is a logical explanation. For example, she could go on a spree.

Perhaps the pet was so carried away by the pursuit of prey that it did not notice how it ran far from home. Not all cats can find their home by smell.

Other explanations:

  1. A pregnant cat may leave to give birth. In this case, the pet will soon return and bring new “tenants” with it.
  2. People treated the cat badly, and he decided that it was better to live on the street. Or the children in the house squeezed the poor animal.
  3. A new pet or family member has appeared in the house and has stolen all the attention.
  4. The pet went in search of love from other cats and cats, and therefore went on a long spree.
  5. Stress or mental disorder. Cats, like people, can experience mental health problems and psychological distress. For example, the death of the owner can be a real trauma.


No matter how trivial the reasons why cats leave home may sometimes be, folklore is full of signs that often contradict each other and are always interpreted as the owner wants. Here are the most famous and widespread of them:

  • The cat takes the disease upon itself and takes it with it from the house, but if the cat itself cannot overcome it, then it leaves so as not to see death.
  • The cat leaves to be replaced by a new family member. In the old days, it was believed that if a cat suddenly disappeared, a baby would soon be born into the family. At the same time, the cat will be extremely affectionate for several days before leaving; even wild yard cats will try to cuddle with the owner before leaving.
  • The cat takes with it damage, a slander and averts the misfortune coming to the house.
  • The cat left because it had a fight with the brownie. Most often they say this about black, white and red cats. Only tortoiseshell cats are always at peace with the house essence.

In addition to signs about a cat leaving home, there are beliefs and rituals for its magical return. Most Popular:

  • Ask the brownie to help return the cat. To do this, wrap a rope or twine clockwise around all the legs of the dining table. When a knot is made on the legs, they say - brownie, take the cat home.
  • The cat's favorite food is placed in a bowl, and a white candle is placed next to it. While the candle is burning, you should make a wish and clearly state your request to return the lost one home. The candle should burn out entirely, but its size is not important.

How to prevent escape

It is important to remember logical reasons and their neutralization. You need to take good care of your pet, take care of it, and monitor the general atmosphere in the house. If your pet is lost and found, then perhaps you should think about keeping it at home and installing bars on the windows.

To prevent the animal from running away due to intimate needs, you need to sterilize the cat and neuter the male. Under no circumstances should you scold or punish your pet.

As for mystical reasons, it is not easy to come up with and organize prevention, because no one knows what troubles may await the residents of the house. However, it is important to monitor the health of your household and undergo timely treatment. You cannot deprive the purr of attention or switch to a new pet. It is important to be careful about who you invite into your home.

It is recommended to carry out protective rituals so that ill-wishers do not cause damage and, accordingly, so that the cat does not have to leave home to save its owners.

Why don't animals stay in the house?

In some houses, not a single living creature stays for long - cats leave the house, small kittens begin to get sick, dogs run away and get lost, and flowers dry out and die. There are also explanations for this, based on folk experience.

The most ominous sign says that such a house may be cursed . Damage caused even several generations ago can not only ruin the life of the owners, but also interfere with the peaceful existence of animals. Those who suspect this should be advised to contact a priest to consecrate the apartment or perform energy cleansing themselves.

Even without damage or the evil eye, bad energy can accumulate in a home, which is very difficult for pets to tolerate , since they are much more sensitive than people. In this case, it’s better to start with yourself - bring peace to your home, try to maintain good relationships with your household, make compromises more often and fight bad thoughts.

How to return

If the search for the missing animal does not bring results, you can turn to rituals.

  1. Place your cat's favorite food in his bowl. Then you need to light a white candle, place it next to the bowl and leave it overnight. After this, you need to turn to the Universe and ask it to return your pet safe and sound.
  2. Take a full glass of clean or holy water and place it next to the front door. Then imagine as vividly as possible how the pet returns and crosses the threshold of the house, and say: “Name of the cat, come to me, visit me.”
  3. Tie all four legs of the dining table with rope. The result will be something like a magical bait trap. All we have to do is wait.
  4. You will need a candle. At midnight you need to light it, stand at the open window and shout: “Smoke free, my cat to the house.”

If cats disappear because the brownie kicks them out, then you need to appease the latter. Make an offering - a piece of sugar and a glass of milk. And when you bring the cat into the house, say:

“Brownie, brownie, here’s a new friend for you. Please accept him, love him.” Then turn to the cat: “And you protect the brownie, don’t offend him.”

If the pet came into the house on its own, then this is a good sign. However, only in the sense that the pet returned to the house. There is nothing mystical here, although if the cat left because of negativity in the house, then the return of the pet may mean that the atmosphere in the home has returned to normal, and its residents are no longer in danger of trouble.

Whenever the cat returns, you should never think that the fluffy one brought something bad with him - this does not happen. This sign has only good meaning.

If a lot of time has passed and the animal has not returned, then you need to release it. This is necessary to calm his soul. Thank your pet and say goodbye to him.

What does it mean if a cat leaves home often: signs and mysticism

  • You can get one cat after another, but for some reason they all leave home. If you adhere to mystical beliefs, then it can be argued that the brownie does not allow all these furry creatures to take root.
  • In ancient times, they said in such cases that the cat was “out of place” , that is, the brownie did not like the color of the animal. Our ancestors believed that he could only accept cats with fur of the color he liked into the house; he simply expelled all others.
  • There are ways to appease the brownie. First, get a cat of a different color - what if this is the one he likes?
  • When you first bring your new pet into your home, place your right hand on his head, and then say in a loud voice:

Conspiracy for a brownie

  • And at the same time, please the invisible owner with some delicacy and a glass of good wine - let it all sit on the table at night.
  • And the brownie will treat your request with understanding, if, of course, he likes the treat and is treated with respect. You can also give parting words to the cat herself.
  • Every time you leave home, tell her:

Parting words for the cat

  • In this case, you can hope that they will find a common language with each other, and the cat will finally take root with you.
  • However, brownies are not the only reason why young cats leave home. One of the most frightening signs is the curse hanging over the family.
  • Dark forces can harm health and even take the lives of entire generations. Many of them, living in a cursed house for decades, do not even suspect what kind of sins cause an endless series of misfortunes and troubles .
  • Unlike cats, these sensitive creatures instantly pick up the negativity spilling everywhere in the house, and therefore try to leave this unfortunate place as quickly as possible.
  • If the impact of negative energy is very strong, then you need to act in this case without any hesitation or delay. In this case, only a priest can help expel dark forces from the house by consecrating the home.

Dreams about black cats

Dream interpreters say that a black cat in a dream is a bad omen. But every little detail of an animal’s behavior is important.

Seeing a cat with black fur in a dream is a general interpretation.

  1. Quarrels, swearing, and discord are possible among loved ones. One of the enemies pretends to be a friend.
  2. Problems will not be solved correctly, the situation will not improve.
  3. The sleeper sees many cats in a dream - useless fuss awaits. The person will lose something important.
  4. An angry, warlike animal will torment the conscience; the sleeper will regret what he has done.

Important! If the black pet is a pet, the explanation of the dreams does not apply to the owners.

A coal-colored cat that comes to a sleeping unmarried woman does not foretell meetings with her future husband. Dating and romantic dates will soon bring disappointment and despair.

Meeting a black cat in a dream does not promise anything good

Signs about a cat coming into the house

Cats have been accompanying humans since time immemorial. People believed that they had a special connection with the other world, so they could warn of impending danger, natural disasters, failures, or bring happiness. This applies not only to pets who have already become family members. The case when a strange cat came into the house is also interpreted by signs and superstitions as an important event.

Cats are surrounded by superstitions

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Decoding the signs

Often people meet a lost cat on their doorstep and do not know how to understand this sign of fate. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the appearance of a cat on the threshold of a home means the following:

  • positive changes that will bring good luck: you cannot drive the cat away, as this can scare away luck;
  • if a cat accidentally ran into your apartment, you should expect an improvement in your financial situation or a new addition to the family in the near future;
  • There is another interpretation, which says that the cat’s mission is to save a person from impending disaster or even death: according to legend, cats have the ability to ward off death from a person by sacrificing their lives.

The meaning of the sign depending on the color

To more accurately interpret the reason for the cat’s arrival, it is important to pay attention to the color of its fur. It has long been believed that each color has a certain energy: positive or negative.

Interpretation by month

In addition to the color of the cat, you need to pay attention to the time of year, as well as the month when the uninvited guest visited you. The significance of the four-legged visit is broken down by month.

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Video (click to play).

In January, cats come to lonely people


Signs associated with cats date back to ancient times, the interpretation of their meanings depends on certain factors, therefore, if a cat has come to you, pay attention to what time the four-legged one arrived, since the meaning of the sign is determined by month.

Don't forget to pay attention to the coat color.

How folk signs suggest returning something lost

If traditional methods of finding an escaped cat, such as notices on poles or walking through nearby basements, do not give any results, you can resort to folk rituals. With their help you can return the cat back home.

  1. They place a bowl of clean water near the threshold of the house, pronounce the spell three times : “To my house, and to my threshold,” after which they turn their backs and go into the house. The water should not be removed until the pet returns home.
  2. Take a new white candle (necessarily never used before), light it near the window and say “Smoke up the mountain, and (cat’s name) towards the house.” After this, the extinguished candle can be placed near the pet’s bowl, where its food is first poured.
  3. You can ask the brownie for the return of the cat; it is believed that this spirit is friends with cats . To do this, at midnight in the kitchen you need to put a saucer with milk, respectfully turn to the mystical owner of the home, clearly pronouncing your request.
  4. It is better for the Orthodox to refrain from performing rituals, not to follow signs and superstitions, but there are ways for them. It’s worth going to church and turning to God with sincere prayer. Saint Tryphon also helps in finding lost pets - you can pray in front of his icon.

Be that as it may, there is no need to despair after your pet leaves - there are cases when cats came home after several months and even years. The loss of a pet can be considered a warning from higher powers that you should start changing yourself and your own life for the better.

What to do if the cat died at home

If your pet behaves unnaturally and wants to go outside, let him go. He doesn't necessarily want to run away to die; it's quite possible he'll return renewed and full of strength. It often happens that after throwing off negativity, an animal returns renewed, which is why they say that a cat has 9 lives.

If you come home and find your cat dead, be sure to bury it. Taking a new cat home for at least three months is highly discouraged.

If an animal has died of old age, you should not carry out home cleansing procedures, but if the animal’s death occurs unexpectedly, analyze the situation and if you find any problems, it is better to contact the church.

Finally, you should remember that having a kitten at home is extremely useful, it neutralizes negativity and indicates problems at home. The death of a cat indicates possible negativity and problems at home.

Superstitions about returning home a runaway cat

For supporters of the superstition that if a cat leaves home, it will bring trouble with it, the unexpected return of the pet is alarming. In fact, why does the cat come back? Maybe she brought back on her tail the bad things she carried away? Definitely not! According to signs, the return of the furry creature does not bode well. Be happy that the animal found its way home.

If beliefs and thoughts about mysticism haunt you, think this way: the cat left home and took your misfortune with it, why does it need to drag this burden back? She won't do this. Most likely, the loving cat took a walk somewhere, had fun in the company of her relatives, and has now returned to her usual place to which she is attached.

Not only signs, but also objective data indicate that cats are attached to the house, and not to the owner. This is how meowing tailed animals differ from dogs that are devoted to humans.

How to find a cat

If the animal still runs away, a search should be organized immediately. If this is a dacha or cottage community, then advertisements posted in places where almost all residents visit - near the store or the office - usually help you find a cat.

In the city, online advertisements on special websites and social networks will help you find a fugitive.

A cat that is allowed to walk outside on its own must be microchipped. Although the best option would be a collar with a tag that shows the owner's phone number and name.

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