Why cats sleep on their owners: a mystical and scientific explanation

It's helpful for cat parents to know as much as possible about their pet, such as how to best care for a cat, and even what their different behaviors mean—for example, why does a cat lie on a person's chest?

Not many people think about why cats love to lie on people. There are many theories worth discussing when it comes to why your cats like to rest on your chest, limbs, or even your face.

While there are many myths about cats and how they simply use you for room and shelter, they are simply not true. Cats are loving and loyal, and they show their affection in different ways. Some of these include your cat bringing you their toys, following you around, or even, you guessed it, lying on top of you.

Let's dive right into some theories as to why your kitty might want to lay on your chest.

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At the time of purchasing a pet, you need to decide whether it can be on the owner’s bed. Not every person can allow an animal to sleep next to them, citing disgust, allergies, inconvenience and much more. This decision must be made immediately when the kitten first comes into the house. It will be more difficult to retrain an adult cat.

If your pet is allowed to sleep next to family members, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. The animal must be completely domestic (not outside).
  2. You should wash your cat no more than once a month. It is not advisable to skip procedures. It must be clean and well-groomed.
  3. If your pet has long hair, it should be brushed. This will protect the owner's bed from a large amount of wool.
  4. Once every 6 months, antiparasitic treatment with helminth drugs is required.

If a person does not allow the presence of a cat on the bed, they should equip it with a good and warm bed. You can buy it at a pet store or make it yourself. The location for the cat bed should be chosen very carefully. It should not be damp and cold. It is better if the bed is in the bedroom of its beloved owner.

Reason four: the cat proves its superiority

It is known that a dog worships and serves its owner. But the cat doesn’t recognize anyone and considers itself perfect. Therefore, one of the reasons for lying on the owner’s head or on his pillow may be precisely the manifestation of his superiority. The cat's instinct prompts her to prove her dominance and therefore she lies down on the pillow to leave her scent there. The animal, as it were, marks the person, claiming that he belongs to his pack.

The same impulses can move a cat when it climbs onto the owner’s chest and sits there importantly.
Should you allow your pet to behave this way? If you are sure that the cat will not cross boundaries, then you can let him feel like a king. But if you cannot cope with your pet and he has literally subjugated the entire family, then you should not allow him to behave like this. There can be a great many reasons why a cat sleeps on a person, but now we have looked at the main ones. We can conclude that by going to sleep on the chest or stomach of its owner, the animal pursues its own goals and does not care about you. But you shouldn’t scold the cat for this. After all, animals are driven by instincts that are very difficult to cope with. Therefore, do not scold or drive away your furry pet when he, purring comfortably, lies down on the same pillow with you. After all, you like it too. And if you don’t need such a neighborhood at all, then take care of creating a comfortable place for your cat and she will sleep where you show her.

Is it true that cats lie on a sore spot and heal it?

Conducted scientific research and experiments have repeatedly proven the ability of adult representatives of the cat family to heal. The special energy transmitted by animals has a positive effect on human health. There is even such a treatment method in medicine. It has different names: pet therapy, animal therapy or zootherapy. Specifically, cat healing is called feline therapy.

Even official medical institutions around the world use feline therapy. Fluffy “doctors” can lower blood pressure. In clinics and rehabilitation centers in the UK, they help patients after injuries, patients with autism or cerebral palsy.

The pet tries to place itself in the place where the person has unpleasant sensations. Many people note that after the pet lies down on the suffering part of the body, the pain goes away or is significantly reduced. The mustache relieves pain thanks to the warmth and positive energy emanating from it. Massaging the aching joint or muscle with your paws also brings relief to the sufferer.

It has been proven that fluffies emit biocurrents that are created due to the friction of fur hairs. Microcurrents have a beneficial effect on sore joints or injured muscles. For women suffering from inflammation of the appendages or menstrual pain, the influence of such energy is recommended. The furry doctor is placed on the lower abdomen for half an hour. After this, significant relief comes.

The vibration from purring also has healing powers - research is still being conducted on this matter. But there are already versions that cats purr precisely at those frequencies that relieve pain and spasms.

The emotional background created by furry couch potatoes has a beneficial effect on an upset and sick person. The feeling of warmth and calm transmitted from a cat sleeping next to you relaxes and creates a positive mood.

Older people who own a pet are believed to live longer and stay active longer. This is not surprising: caring for a cat is not difficult, and the pleasure from communicating with her is always abundant.

Reason two: a cat warms itself near a person

It was already mentioned above that cats can simply use a person as a large heating pad. Often the animal lies down at the feet or on the stomach of one of the family members and begins to purr comfortably. Many people think that a furry pet seeks to warm or heal its owner, but the reason may be trivial - the animal only cares about itself, about its comfort. Cats love warmth very much and, lying on the chest or at the feet of the owner, she just wants to warm herself. In winter, the purr often crawls under the blanket with a person. Sometimes a cat can lie on its owner’s head, and there is also an explanation for this. The fact is that the brain, which is the most important and vulnerable organ in the human body, is constantly warmed by the body. During sleep, blood flow increases and radiates the body, which is so attractive to the cat.

The meaning of the cat's actions. Translation from cat language to human

If an animal bites or scratches you, it means that the animal is attached to you.

Gentle purring with squinting eyes, always only for the owner.

If a cat rolls from side to side and shows his belly, then he trusts you recklessly.

If a cat butts and pushes with its head, this expresses love for the person.

Trampling with paws on the owner’s body is complete trust.

Gifts brought for you: a strangled mouse or a caught bird - the cat adores you and is ready to give you everything.

If the cat lies down on its lap, the animal loves and trusts the person.

A long, squinting cat gaze can be interpreted as a declaration of love.

Presents his fluffy butt to the owner - demonstrates love and trust. (Kittens always turn their backs to their mother when they meet).

Meows at you - wants to talk or asks for food. A fluffy tail raised up is a joy from meeting you.

Biting hands - adoration. Cats mark things, sharpen their claws on furniture and wallpaper - they are comfortable and safe in the house. It is useless to scold or punish a cat for this, he does not understand why he is being scolded, he needs to be weaned differently.

Sucking clothes, blankets, and so on - the kitten was separated from its mother early, it is better to take the kitten when it is 2.5 - 3.5 months old.

The cat's tail is straight, its fur is bristling - it is frightened, tense and preparing to repel the attack.

The tail is slightly raised, hitting the sides - the cat is irritated and wants to leave

The tip of the tail is trembling - interest.

The tail moves frequently, but not much, from side to side - friendliness, joy.

Attacks the legs or arms of a lying owner, attacks from around the corner - calling to play with him.

Such games cause pain to the owners of young kittens. Kittens do not yet know how to control their claws and teeth and bite and scratch very painfully. Play with a kitten with a ball or a regular piece of paper on a string and the kitten will stop throwing itself at your legs and arms.

Evening running around the apartment - all cat breeds are nocturnal and sleep during the day. This is why cats naturally have an evening/night burst of activity and a burst of energy.

The ears stand vertical to the skull - the cat is curious.

He spreads his ears to the sides, pressing them to his head, inviting him to play.

He dropped his ears to the bottom - he was sick, upset, guilty.

Purrs softly and quietly - a feeling of satisfaction, a good mood. He growls loudly in his gut - he is offended, dissatisfied, complaining.

He screams loudly and protractedly - something hurts, asks for help. Wildly, furiously screaming - scared, angry.

Loud, rough purring is the highest pleasure. A plaintive purr means pain, poor health.

Hissing is a warning of an attack. Grumbling, with a howl - the female is in heat. A soft purr made by a mother cat is a warning to kittens.

The loud purring of the mother cat is a reaction to people approaching the kittens.

A cat licking you is quite normal, you are a member of his feline family.

Cats also love to lick places where humans sweat. Most likely, cats do not have enough salt.

Fluffy sleeps a lot - the animal is not sick, as some owners think, cats can sleep up to 20 hours a day. The cat immediately takes your place as soon as you get up - he wants to show you his superiority over you. Move it to another location.

The cat drinks water from the toilet - the water in the toilet is constantly renewed, and it is fresher and tastier than in a drinking bowl that has stood for half a day.

The four-legged friend loves to drink water from the tap - for him it is not only to quench his thirst, but also to play and hunt. And the sound of dripping or flowing water arouses great interest among cats.

Walking on tables is a favorite pastime of cats; they are exploring a new territory, and if there is a tasty treat there, the cat will be doubly pleased, but the kitten needs to be weaned off this as early as possible. I weaned it quickly - I laid a rustling film on the table, and at the very first jump the cat was so scared that now not only does it not jump on the tables, but when it hears any rustling of the package, it runs away in fear. The cat climbed into a bag or bag - the desire to find something tasty, this is inherent in your pet by nature. But if the cat stops showing interest in the owner’s bags, then either she is full or is depressed.

He buries his poop intensively - this indicates the cat’s cleanliness. It also means an instinctive action - so that other animals do not find the cat by smell.

The cat throws off various objects - hunts and plays.

The cat hides in a secluded place and does not respond - this is a natural desire to retire and be in peace and quiet. We, too, sometimes get tired of the hustle and bustle.

The cat constantly begs for food - it's your fault. Apparently one day you succumbed to her persuasion, pitying look, pleading meow. Now the cat will beg constantly.

A cat buries and hides food - this is a natural instinct; this is how supplies are made just in case, or the cat does not like the food.

The cat moves, twitches, runs in its sleep, twitches its tail, bares its teeth - it has been scientifically proven that cats dream, so perhaps she dreams that she is catching prey or running away from predators.

The cat constantly licks itself - this indicates cleanliness and the desire to preserve its own smell - the cat’s rough tongue stimulates the work of the endocrine glands, which are responsible for the release of a specific cat’s smell.

A cat chews wool balls - it’s one thing when a cat plays with a ball, but if he starts eating, gnawing, tearing threads - this is a manifestation of aggression. The cat is lying on the aisle - it shows who is boss in the house, it is better not to go around and coo with the cat at this moment, but to drive it away from the place and pass, otherwise the cat will then sit on your neck. Or, if you are a gentle person, move the cat to another location.

Cats love to lie down on clean linen - they are so clean, they love the smell of washed things, although they themselves may be dirty at that moment. All that remains is to hide the clean linen immediately in the closet. The cat is offended - he turns away, sits with his back to you, does not respond to your call, or goes into your slippers instead of the tray. Do you remember how you offended your friend? They pushed him and didn’t play with him? There can be many reasons for resentment - cats are touchy by nature.

The cat lay down on the computer or keyboard - it’s either warming up or wants to play and took over your workplace so that you would pay attention to it.

Of course, each cat is individual and you need to observe its habits yourself. And even then it is impossible to say with certainty - I know my cat 100%.

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Desire to find a safe place

Some owners buy their pets a separate bed, but they often climb onto the bed and lie down on them. Most likely, they do this out of a desire to find a secluded place.

Since many cats associate their owners with their mother, they go to bed closer to them in order to sleep peacefully and feel safe.

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses?

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses?
The cat has long been the keeper of the hearth. She must not be frightened, pulled by the tail or offended. Cats are always near us. But is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses? A few answers that have come to our time from the distant past:

  • A sleeping cat between spouses interferes with their libation on an energetic level. If a husband and wife sleep together, they feed off each other’s energy and this helps them to always be together and feel each other even at a distance. The cat takes away some of the energy, and the husband and wife will have a gap in this regard.
  • A cat can quarrel between people. If a man does not love her, then she will take revenge and will do everything so that he does not interfere with her living in this house.
  • A cat may mark its territory with foul-smelling secretions , especially if it feels jealous of one of its mates.

Advice: How many people, so many opinions. Some ancient beliefs claim that a cat can separate, while others say that a cat strengthens the union between spouses. Therefore, it is up to each person individually to believe or not to believe.

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