How can you tell if your cat is in heat? How long does a cat's heat last?

All about the symptoms and course of estrus. What to do with a cat during heat?

All cats are designed in such a way that several times a year they have a period when they are ready to mate. This process is called estrus or estrus. Experienced cat lovers can easily determine if a cat is in heat. In principle, over time they already know the approximate dates of its annual onset.

But what should ignorant owners who got a cat for the first time do? How can you tell if your cat is in heat? How to behave with her during this period? When can you breed a cat to breed kittens? Our article will try to answer all these questions.

How can you tell if your cat is in heat? Symptoms of estrus in a cat

The position of a cat during estrus
If estrus in dogs is difficult to miss, since it is accompanied by bloody discharge, then the period of sexual activity in cats is not distinguished by the presence of such obvious signs.

But there are a number of factors indicating that the cat has started to come into heat.:

  1. A cat's genitals may become somewhat swollen during estrus.
  2. There may be discharge, but it has a transparent viscous structure
  3. The cat constantly meows and purrs. At the same time, even the timbre of her voice may change. If usually a cat's voice is thin and shrill, then during estrus it can become rough and hoarse, as if sexual
  4. The cat constantly demands affection, rubs against legs, furniture and rolls on the floor
  5. If you run your hand along her fluffy back closer to her tail, she will immediately bend and fall on her front paws. At the same time, your pet will actively finger with its hind paws
  6. Many cats experience decreased or no appetite during estrus.
  7. Pussy begins to visit her tray quite often. At the same time, she will defecate very little
  8. The cat constantly strives to run away in order to find a partner. If you live in an apartment, then your pet will rub itself near the front door or on the balcony - closer to the street and street cats
  9. Very often, such animals during the period of estrus experience a change in temperament. If previously the cat was docile and affectionate, then it can turn into an evil and untamed cat. Or, on the contrary, the freedom-loving, wayward pussy will suddenly become “white and fluffy”

Such symptoms of estrus in a cat very often cause a lot of inconvenience and irritation to its owners. After all, meowing and squeaking do not stop day or night.

Stages of sexual hunting

Having understood the physiological characteristics of cats, you can find out which date will be most favorable for mating. Estrus is divided into several phases:

  • Proestrus . This is a preparatory stage, the duration of which is from 1 to 4 days. At this time, the animal may behave unusually: roll on the floor, ask for affection. The female is not yet ready for fertilization, so she will not allow the cat to approach her.
  • Estrus . Lasts from 5 to 10 days. The cat screams loudly and takes a characteristic pose when touched. This is the right time for mating.
  • Metestrus . If fertilization has occurred, kittens are born after 60-70 days. A false pregnancy may also occur, which in all respects resembles a real one and goes away in 1-1.5 months. If the pet has not had contact with males, aggression towards the opposite sex begins to appear within 2-15 days.
  • Anestrus . This is a period of rest, lasting from 21 days to several months.

At what age does a cat start to go into heat for the first time?

When do cats go into heat for the first time?
Owners need to prepare for a cat’s first heat from the very beginning. After all, it can begin as early as six months, and time flies so unnoticed.

The onset of estrus in a cat is determined by its breed, development, nutrition and care. The fact is that the first heat can begin in those pussies that by this moment have already gained eighty percent of the body weight of an adult animal.

Therefore, cats that eat poorly, but are very active, mature much later than their peers. They may begin estrus between seven and ten months.

The breed of cat also plays an important role in the timing of the first heat. As a rule, in representatives of oriental breeds and shorthairs, estrus begins at five months. In turn, longhairs and Europeans are slower in this regard.


When purchasing a small female kitten, you must understand that at some point this fluffy ball will turn into an ever-screaming, restless creature.

You can use methods to calm your cat at home without drugs. The veterinary pharmacy and pet store Homeovet will provide an assortment of special medications, thereby protecting the cat from stressful situations. Or you can resort to a last resort - sterilization.

In any case, before making any fateful decision for your cat, you should consult a veterinarian.

How long do cats go into heat?

Duration of estrus in cats
The duration of such an intimate period in felines can vary from five days to three weeks. The fact is that each cat’s body is individual, and it is impossible to predict how it will behave in a given situation.

You can only get your bearings and prepare for the next heat after the first one. It will make it clear how long this period will take specifically for your cat.

Normally, estrus should last about a week . However, sometimes it drags on for a couple of weeks.

Its duration will depend on the cat's breed, its health, its age and the frequency of mating.

As mentioned above, oriental breeds (for example, Siamese) are more loving, and their estrus lasts quite a long time and often,

but the representative of the British breed is calmer in this regard - they experience estrus less often than others and generally it is quite fleeting.

Anestria, acyclia and other disorders

Anestria is the absence of cycles in cats. However, this condition is different from seasonal non-estrus, which lasts from October to December. There are many reasons for this: improper feeding or care, hormonal imbalances, etc.

Veterinarians identify a number of factors that increase the risk of anestrus:

  • lack of daylight (usually growing days contribute to a surge in sexual activity);
  • absence of other cats in the house;
  • hypothyroidism - insufficiency of thyroid function;
  • underdevelopment of the ovaries or the absence of this organ (if the cat was taken from the street, it could have been sterilized by the previous owner).

Acyclia is primary anestheria. This is the name for a disorder in which the cat has not come into heat by the second year of life. Veterinary medicine explains this by true and false hermaphroditism, the absence of one X chromosome.

Crowded nursery conditions cause sexual dysfunction

Young individuals are characterized by false pregnancies that develop even without mating. The condition can be triggered by the owner’s caresses or simply the smell of the cat. The fact that a cat has a false pregnancy is indicated by a delay in estrus after 40–50 days. Laboratory tests in this case show elevated progesterone levels in the absence of other pregnancy symptoms.

How to reduce the time and frequency of estrus in cats?

You can reduce the duration and frequency of your cat's estrus by knitting her.

When the cat is untied and given the opportunity to give birth to kittens and feed them with milk, the time of the next estrus is significantly delayed. And its duration may also be reduced.

Another factor that influences the duration of estrus in cats is their age. The older the cat, the less and less it is drawn to adventure. Over the years, estrus in cats becomes a rare and short-lived occurrence, and it can occur without ovulation at all.

How long does heat last and what is the break?

The duration of estrus is purely individual, 5-10 days is considered the norm. If the cat does not recover from this state for more than 12 days, it requires the help of a veterinarian. Such cases are a deviation from the norm and indicate hormonal imbalances.

The period of sexual desire can begin regardless of the time of year. It occurs steadily in the spring, between February and March. The rest of the time it depends on the production of progesterone; it is not possible to create a schedule here. Cats that have already given birth usually come into heat every 2-3 months. Those who have not walked may have them more often - 1-2 times a month. In cats that mate regularly, the break (interestrus) can increase to 5 months.

Frequency and duration are influenced by age - aging cats have shorter and less frequent heats. Also, some breeds have individual hormonal characteristics. For example, a British cat leaks less often, while a Siamese cat, on the contrary, flows more often.

How does a cat feel during heat?

Feelings of a cat during estrus
Many owners, during the estrus of their pet, try to protect themselves from her constant screams and friction. However, they must understand that the animal is not to blame for its condition.

A cat, especially one that is not mated, does not understand what is happening to it..

She simply feels an irresistible desire for affection and love. Her genitals are overexcited and send strange signals to the brain. Perhaps she herself would like not to feel all these incomprehensible things, but nature came up with everything just like that.

Shows of affection

Your cat may become unusually affectionate. She may move around and rub her rear end against furniture, stuffed animals, other cats, and maybe even you. You can tell this behavior from pure anxiety (a sign that she may be in pain and needs to see a vet) by the way she raises her tail or even sometimes assumes a mating position.

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How many times a year do cats come into heat?

How often do cats go into heat?

In the wild, cats come into heat a couple of times a year. In domestic pets, it sometimes exceeds four times a year.

The fact is that it is almost impossible for wild cats to avoid fertilization, so they have to bear kittens for some time, and then feed them milk for several more months. All this delays the onset of the next egg maturation.

Pets that regularly go to mating and give birth may go into heat no more than once or twice a year.

Those cats who live in apartments and whose owners do not allow them to bring kittens, sometimes have to endure torment during estrus almost every month.

Medicines against estrus

Manufacturers of veterinary drugs have developed a number of products that affect sexual heat in cats.

Hormonal veterinary medications are used to interrupt sexual heat.

Attention! Veterinarians warn that none of these drugs are completely safe. To one degree or another, they harm the animal.

  • Covinan . The medicine is produced by the Dutch company Intervet International BV. The formula is based on an artificially created analogue of progesterone - the substance prolygestone. It reduces the production of gonadotropic hormones, thereby preventing the development of estrus. If the drug is used during the anestrus phase, a contraceptive effect is achieved. The product is available in the form of a solution for subcutaneous injection. The recommended dosage is 1-1.5 ml (depending on the size of the cat) once or repeatedly, depending on the desired result. Before using the product, you should consult a veterinarian. The drug does not exhibit androgenic effects and is indicated for animals over 5 years of age.


  • CounterSex Neo. The active ingredients of the product are acetobumedone and ethinyl estradiol. The drug works similar to Covinan, but is available in tablet form. They begin to give it at the first symptoms of excitement. Dosage: 1 tablet for 3–5 days.

CounterSex Neo

  • Stop-Intim drops 2 . Due to the content of megestrol acetate, estrogen production is inhibited, which prevents morphological and psychophysical changes in cats. Stop-Intim is a low-hazard substance and does not produce a mutagenic effect. It is given during the period between heats or to interrupt sexual heat.

Stop-Intim drops 2

  • Suprastin . The direct purpose of the drug is the treatment of allergies in people. However, it is also used to calm a cat during sexual arousal. Dosage - ¼ tablet for every 5 kg of weight. However, when using Suprastin, extreme caution should be used: even the slightest overdose will cause the death of the pet. The drug is hormonal and also leads to disturbances in the body. Veterinarians do not recommend the use of human treatments for pets.


Attention! The constant use of hormonal drugs to interrupt sexual heat in cats causes serious diseases of the genitourinary system - pyometritis, ovarian cysts, endometritis, cancer and others.

How to make your cat go into heat easier?

How to help a cat during heat?
The best cure for obvious signs of estrus is mating the animal. After sexual intercourse, the cat stops freaking out and comes to its senses. However, cat owners' plans do not always include breeding kittens. What to do in this case?

In order to make it at least a little easier for a cat to go through such a difficult period in her life , it is necessary to surround her with as much care and affection as possible. It is advisable to stroke her more often and talk to her in a gentle voice. Under no circumstances should you lock your cat in a closed, dark space (closet).

To avoid midnight chants, owners should try not to let their pet sleep during the day - it is better to play with her at this time. This way, the pussy will be exhausted and will rest at night.

Also, the best option would be to feed her a hearty dinner in the evening before bed.

Veterinary pharmacies sell a large number of drugs that help to subside estrus.

These medications must be taken with a prescription and under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. This is especially true for hormonal drugs. While herbal remedies are less harmful, those that contain hormones can cause a severe blow to the cat’s genitourinary system and overall health.

If the owners do not intend to breed kittens, then it is better for them to simply sterilize the cat. This will ease the suffering of their pet and themselves.

Who's in danger

Regardless of the reason for the absence of symptoms in an infected person, all people around him, especially those at risk, are at risk. Let's look at it with an example.

Even if an infected person has no symptoms, all the people around him are still at risk.

A young man “caught” the virus at work and brought it home. His children may get sick in a mild/asymptomatic form, but elderly parents and relatives with chronic diseases, especially diabetes, obesity, heart and vascular diseases have every chance of getting a detailed picture of the disease with serious consequences.

Infection can occur even if the older generation lives alone. They just brought their grandchildren for the weekend. In appearance, the children are completely healthy, so grandparents do not suspect anything that during hugs and games, children release viral particles into the air with saliva.

Therefore, it is so important to remember that the incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks. With an asymptomatic course, the release of the virus from the body when talking, coughing, sneezing can also last up to several weeks.

It is important to follow the rules of wearing a mask and washing your hands, even for seemingly healthy people. So they care first of all not only about themselves, but also about others.

On what day of heat can a cat be bred?

When can you breed a cat?
Firstly , it is worth saying that

Experienced cat breeders recommend skipping the first two heats and breeding the cat for the third.

Many people ignore this rule and end up with animals already in their second estrus. However, this only happens if the pussy has grown enough, meets the necessary parameters and is ready to bear good offspring.

The second rule for a successful mating is that the female cat must be delivered to the cat on the second day of estrus. At the same time, it is recommended to leave her with the groom for about three days. This time should be enough for fertilization.

Need to run

During heat, instinct - again - causes the cat to rush to the door when it opens. There are potential suitors outside, and her need to attract them and connect with them becomes obvious. During this time, it is likely that the indoor cat will run away for more than a day and up to a week, or even longer. Be sure to close all escape routes and keep a close watch. You might even want to distract her with a game to take her mind off the task at hand.

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What to do if a cat marks during heat?

What to do with a cat if she marks during heat?
Some cats during estrus may mark their territory - that is, defecate in the wrong place in small or large volumes. It is almost impossible to fight such a manifestation, because during estrus the cat has practically no control over itself .

There are two ways to eliminate this problem - sterilization or mating.

As an option to combat cat marking of territory, special cat diapers are sometimes used . They also protect against discharge during estrus.


One of the safest ways to stop estrus is sterilization, after which sexual desire and the ability to breed disappear. It is carried out using medication, radiation or surgery. The latter has proven itself to be the most reliable.

Sterilization will relieve the inconvenience associated with estrus

The most appropriate age for the operation is 5–8 months, before the onset of the first estrus. Previously, surgery was not performed because the body was not developed enough.

Video - Sterilizing a cat

Do spayed cats go into heat?

Do spayed cats go into heat?
As a rule, after a cat is spayed, she will no longer show obvious symptoms of estrus. She doesn't scream at night and doesn't rub herself against men. And that's okay.

However, it also happens that all of the above signs of estrus are present even after the process of removing part of the genital organs. It's very difficult to explain, but it happens.

In this case, you can let the cat surrender to the call of nature and take her to the cat. Such mating will certainly not give any result, and there will be no kittens.

Discharge during estrus

During sexual heat, it is necessary to monitor the nature of the discharge. As already said, they should be transparent and insignificant. You should consult a doctor if the secretion has acquired a red or white tint. This is how some diseases of the reproductive system manifest themselves - vaginitis, pyometra, hydrometra, endometritis and even malignant processes.

Discharge may indicate diseases of internal organs

How to determine a cat's heat: tips and reviews

Tips regarding estrus in cats

As experienced cat breeders note: “If you are not going to breed your cat regularly, then let her give birth at least once, and then sterilize her.”

This scheme will relieve the pet’s owners from the unpleasant manifestations of estrus and will help maintain the cat’s health.

After all, it is believed that a pussy must give birth at least once before becoming infertile.

If for some reason it is not possible to sterilize a cat (I feel sorry for the animal), then it is better to follow all the above tips and try to make this period easier, both for yourself and for her.

If you nevertheless decide to breed kittens, then having discovered the first signs of strange behavior of the animal, you need to transport it to a potential inseminator. If you miss even a couple of days, you risk missing ovulation.


Bed owners are required to know what happens to their pet before the onset of estrus. What to expect from a cat, how to behave yourself. Before estrus, scanty, clear vaginal discharge is observed. During this period, the animal requires increased attention to itself, rubbing against its legs and objects located nearby. When stroking, the female moves her tail to the side. He trembles, and the female dances.

The cat is trying to leave the apartment, and if it is located high, you need to make sure that the animal does not get out through an open window or balcony.

If signs of the first heat are detected, you should not rush to breed in order to avoid complications during lambing. If a cat that has not completed its growth and has not gained optimal weight becomes pregnant, there is a high probability of weak or dead kittens. There is a rule for the third heat, before which mating is contraindicated. The optimal age for first mating is 12 months.

Licking during heat

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