What does estrus look like in girls? What is estrus in women?



, the stage of arousal in the sexual cycle of female mammals (dogs, cats, etc.).
It is manifested by swelling of the labia, secretion of mucus from the vagina, activation of the female’s sexual behavior (the state of estrus), in which she is ready to mate with a male and fertilize. T.
reflects cyclic changes in the cells of the vaginal mucosa, which physiologically depend on the action of sex hormones (estrogens) secreted by the ovaries.
In dogs T.
, called pustovka, occurs, as a rule, once a year, less often 2 times (in spring and autumn).
The first T.
occurs at 6 months (dachshund) - 10 months (Eastern European husky) of age.
lasts 20-28 days and includes 3 periods: initial (pre-estrus), actual estrus and attenuation (post-estrus).
In the initial period (8-10 days), the external genitalia (loop) noticeably swell and spotting appears (the result of blood leaking from the capillaries of the inner layer of the uterus). The bitch becomes restless, disobedient, willingly flirts with males, but does not allow mounting. During the period of estrus itself (5-7 days), bloody discharge is replaced by mucous, the cervical canal is open, and the vaginal mucosa is hyperemic (reddened). Regardless of the presence or absence of sexual intercourse, from the 9th to the 12th day from the onset of pregnancy
, ovulation occurs every 3 hours: the opening of mature follicles in the ovaries and the release of eggs.
In young females, ovulation begins 6-12 hours after the discharge clears; in old females, this period can last up to 7 days. During this period, the bitch is ready for fertilization; when stroking the rump area and the male approaches, she moves her tail to the side and allows the male to cage (). At this time, mating can be done. During the period of attenuation of T.
(7-10 days), the loop gradually takes on normal dimensions, the secretion of mucus from the vagina decreases, sexual arousal in the female ceases, and she ceases to allow the male to approach.
The changes that occur are a consequence of the fact that in place of the bursting ovarian follicles, corpus luteum is formed, which produces a special hormone that inhibits further ovulation. T.
is observed in bitches , in which the loop swells slightly and a light red discharge appears.
After 2-3 days they disappear and after about 1-1.5 months the real T.
is an abnormal phenomenon associated with disruption of the ovaries, usually found in first-time females.
, mild
, and prolonged
are also associated with disruption of the ovaries. During the entire period
of T.,
the bitch must be kept in a room inaccessible to males, and closely monitored during walks to avoid unplanned matings. The empty bitch is taken for a walk on a leash.

In cats
occurs 2-3 times a year, usually in February, early March and early June.
Lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. In purebred long-haired cats, T.
is very short and usually occurs only once a year.
If fertilization does not occur during T.
, then after 2-3 weeks
may repeat.
During T.,
the cat rubs against objects or a person, arches, raises its butt, sharply twists its tail, and rolls around. At the same time, he meows, stupidly walks around the house, eats little, urinates anywhere (the urine has a strong smell). She is restless, losing weight and screaming unpleasantly. At this time, it is useful to give the cat sedatives (preferably special ones). Valerian does not have a calming effect on cats, but, on the contrary, excites them.

Animals in the house.
— M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. Grebtsova V.G., Tarshis M.G., Fomenko G.I. . 1994. Synonyms

See what “Heat” is in other dictionaries:


    — (estrus), a period of sexual activity in female mammals, by the time eggs mature in the genitals and the body is ready for fertilization. Most animals come into heat once a year, in dogs and cats 2-3 times, in rats and mice... ...Modern encyclopedia


    - HEAT, estrus, many. no, female (specialist.). The period of sexual arousal in mammals. Dogs come into heat several times a year. A cow is in heat. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


    — aunt, menstruation, emission, ejaculation, orgasm, fuck; oven, funnel, estrus, nozzle, bunker Dictionary of Russian synonyms. estrus noun, number of synonyms: 12 bunker (11) ... Dictionary of synonyms

How does arousal manifest in girls? Every man wants to know the answer to this question. After all, it is excitement that indicates whether the girl is ready for further, more frank caresses. By many external signs of arousal, a man can understand how effective his preliminary actions are. Excitement in girls manifests itself at the psychological and physiological levels. Psychological often precedes physiology, although in some cases it happens otherwise.

The first signs of arousal may appear in a woman simply by contemplating her partner. Moreover, this can happen even in those moments when there is no talk of sexual overtones. A woman’s fantasy can give her a myriad of images, provided that she really wants a man, even, for example, over dinner in a restaurant. And rest assured, if a woman has already made some plans for you while eating food or having an innocent conversation, then the continuation of the date most likely promises to be stormy. Behavioral signs of arousal include light flirting, rolling eyes, biting lips and subtle hints uttered by a representative of the fairer sex. Of course, you shouldn’t immediately jump to conclusions that she’s incredibly excited and wants to immediately drag you into bed. Perhaps she just likes to monitor your reaction to her overtly provocative behavior.

Intimacy that occurs already in bed is often divided into two stages: foreplay and sexual intercourse itself. It is during foreplay that a man’s calling is to properly arouse a woman, so that in the future the act of love will be as comfortable as possible for her. It has been proven that it is much more difficult for a woman who has not received a portion of stimulating tenderness before sex to achieve orgasm. Women warm up much longer than men, so it is very important to give your beloved 10-15 minutes of your precious attention, treat her with a kind of dessert and only then move on to the main course.

What are they - genuine signs of sexual arousal in girls? Women are given genitals and nipples. On the eve of sexual intercourse, the nipples may swell; when touched, the skin of some girls becomes covered with small pimples, as if it were frozen. There is also a rush of blood in the pelvic organs. A man caressing a woman can feel his beloved’s clitoris enlarge and the labia swell. Enlargement of the clitoris is somewhat reminiscent of an erection in men. For some women, the treasured button responsible for pleasure may peek out from under the hood. At this moment, you need to caress him very carefully, since this part of the female body is very sensitive. Excessive rubbing or strong pressure can provoke pain, so be careful when caressing your chosen one’s clitoris. The skin of some women during strong arousal may also become covered with a dotted blush, often occurring in the cheeks, chest and neck. There is rapid breathing, an increase in heart rate, and an increase in the amount of natural lubrication, which signals that the woman is ready for full sexual intercourse. Some girls, when excited, make forward movements towards their partner, as if signaling that they are ready for sexual intercourse, at the same time, anticipation of upcoming sex appears in their head, the entrance to the vagina widens a little and the girl is ready to accept a partner.

How to determine a girl's orgasm?

Arousal alone is not enough; any sexual intercourse must end in release. The female orgasm is a big mystery for men; some simply do not know how to distinguish a simulation from a real orgasm. However, here, as in arousal, there are several main signs: 1. A woman can arch towards her partner during orgasm. 2. The woman’s internal vaginal muscles begin to contract rhythmically. 3. After orgasm, a lady can soften in the arms of her lover. 4. Sometimes women after orgasm become very sensitive to subsequent caresses, they can even irritate them, therefore, if a woman pushes away a man who continues to caress her, then most likely an orgasm has occurred. 5. Also, at the peak of arousal, a woman may break out uncharacteristic moans or even screams, pulsation can be felt in the lower abdomen, breathing and heartbeat become more frequent. Some women claim that they are quite capable of simulating all these manifestations, but experienced men can often accurately determine an orgasm by the shine of their beloved’s eyes and the contractions occurring inside her.

Today, probably every first grader knows that girls and women have periods.

But often the knowledge about this process, even among much older people, is far from complete and very vague. Girls who have recently started or are about to start do not always imagine the nature of menstruation, although they are interested in this issue.

What is menstruation in girls?

Why do almost all representatives of the fair sex from approximately 14 to 50 years old, several days a month - literally - bleed?

Features of caring for a bitch in heat

During their first heat, dogs may not be careful and leave bloody spots everywhere. If the dog does not lick itself thoroughly, you can put on special hygiene panties for the first time. They resemble baby panties and are sold in pet stores. But you shouldn’t abuse wearing panties - it’s important that the dog immediately gets used to licking itself. For the same purpose, it is recommended to remove carpets in the house.

Features of caring for a dog during heat:

  1. Walk your dog on a leash throughout the entire period of heat. It is advisable to abandon the roulette leash at this time and switch to a short leash.
  2. Walk in places where there are no males or other females. Females become aggressive and may behave inappropriately towards dogs of both sexes.
  3. Limit walking outside in cold weather. The current bitch's body is susceptible to hypothermia and infections.
  4. Do not allow your dog to swim in ponds. During the period of estrus, the animal's vulnerability to the genitourinary system increases.
  5. You cannot approach male dogs even on a leash. Mating can happen in a matter of seconds.

How to ensure cleanliness

The issue of hygiene is one of the most important during the estrous cycle. A walking female will leave blood stains on the floor, furniture, and carpets. What should owners do to ensure cleanliness?

  • Remove all fabric and carpeting from the floor.
  • Cover all the upholstered furniture on which the dog is used to lying and sleeping with old towels or blankets. There is no need to drive the dog away from these places - this will negatively affect its psyche.
  • Carry out daily wet cleaning. It is advisable to remove stains as they arise.
  • Use special underpants for dogs.

Briefs for heat

The pet industry offers many models of pet panties of varying quality and size. Panties help keep the house clean and protect the animal from bacteria and infections. The product is convenient because it can be worn at home, on a walk, or while traveling on public transport. Wearing underpants during emptying is especially important for pets sleeping in the owner's bed.

Types of panties:

  • disposable (diapers);
  • reusable fabric (with a pocket for padding).


  • protect furniture and floor surfaces from stains;
  • interfere with random mating;
  • protect against infections and bacteria.


  • cannot be worn constantly;
  • not all pets can relieve themselves in them;
  • dogs may experience discomfort.

What are they needed for?

At 11–14 years old, a girl’s body reaches such a level of maturity that every month it begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy. The lining of the uterus - the endometrium - under the influence of hormones thickens and swells so that it can accept the future embryo. In the middle of the cycle (somewhere on the 14th day from the start of menstruation), the egg matures. If at this time she was fertilized by a sperm, i.e. conception occurs, the embryo (future child) takes root in the uterus. Well, what if conception does not occur? Then all this nutrient medium turns out to be unnecessary and is rejected (again under the influence of hormones) out. This occurs in the form of bleeding, which is called menstruation.

Until what age does sexual estrus last in females?

The female's estrous cycle does not stop throughout her life. In older bitches, signs of heat may be less pronounced and occur less frequently. However, the dog retains reproductive capacity. Therefore, the owner needs to keep an eye on the animal: walk the pet on a leash, keep male dogs away, and use means of protection against unwanted mating.

The complete cessation of estrus in an “aged” female indicates the presence of pathologies of the thyroid gland or genitourinary system.

Do animals have them?

The vast majority of our little brothers do not have any menstruation (estrus, or estrus, is completely different). They are present only in great apes, some bats, and long-eared jumpers.

Considering what menstruation is in girls, we noted that the human uterus prepares the lining in advance for the implantation of the embryo. So, in animals there is no preliminary preparation. The endometrium of the uterus thickens only after conception.

According to many biologists, the reason here is that the human embryo grows very tightly into the wall of the uterus, breaking through the maternal blood vessels. But in animals, the connection between the embryo and the uterus is superficial. In addition, they can conceive 1-2 times a year.

Is this normal and can I breed or is the heat over? My dog's heat always goes quite normally. How estrus occurs in dogs mainly depends on the breed of the animal, but here everything can be individual. Hello! My dog ​​is 8 months old, Pete. Her first heat started today, she is vomiting and diarrhea a lot, is this somehow connected?

Estrus in dogs (or estrus) is a natural process that indicates that the female has reached puberty and is completely ready to mate and bear puppies. Frequency – 1-2 times a year. If estrus occurs more frequently, there is a risk of hormonal imbalances.

False and hidden estrus

Sometimes dogs experience atypical types of heat. For example, false estrus is a rare pathology in which all the symptoms of estrus are present, but ovulation is absent. Take your dog to the doctor. Serious health problems can provoke false estrus.

Another option is hidden estrus. It proceeds as usual, but without symptoms - no blood, no discharge. The only sign is that male dogs are showing interest in the dog, and if she is actually in heat, the female dog may become pregnant. Therefore, if your dog is not bleeding, but the male dog is hanging around, take him to the veterinarian, who will determine his condition.

Hidden heat is not dangerous for a dog. It is believed that it is inherited and an attentive owner will identify it in the first year of the bitch’s life. If you plan to breed a dog, the time of estrus and ovulation will have to be determined in the laboratory.

What if there is a lot of lubrication during intercourse?

In fact, there is nothing wrong here. Basically, only severe tightness occurs if women have much more discharge than necessary. In some cases, for this reason, the girl refuses sexual contact. Men, on the other hand, regard excessive moisture in the female vagina as a sign of promiscuity and a constant change of sexual partner, which is considered absolutely incorrect. Each girl is individual in her own way, and strong fluid secretion only indicates that the libido is completely healthy. You can, of course, consult a doctor, but he will say the same thing: the main thing is that there is no dryness, and the body and sexual organ are completely normal.

Discharge when excited with an unpleasant sour odor

White fluid, vaginal irritation and endless itching are very bad. Despite the fact that this unpleasant symptom bothers the girl from time to time, it must be dealt with immediately. Typically, this may be thrush, lack of proper self-care (i.e. hygiene), constant use of intimate hygiene gels with fragrances, daily stressful situations, sudden climate change, abnormal unhealthy diet, uncomfortable underwear, constant douching. In all these described moments, the discharge will have an unpleasant sour odor. As soon as this is noticed, it is important to immediately consult a gynecologist in order to purchase all effective medications.

Tips for a dog owner

It is very important for the owner to try to understand the condition of his dog during the period of heat.

In order for her to be more or less obedient at this time, you need to carefully train her in the early period of her life - after the puppy’s first month.

During walks during the dog's heat, it is necessary to treat her with her favorite treat, distracting her from the males' attention.

Also, no important events should occur during the period of estrus:

  • education,
  • exhibitions and so on.

Train your dog to wear panties during heat. It is best not to take them off while walking.

In addition, it is necessary to keep a special calendar in which to mark the beginning and end of each estrus of your beloved dog - this information is necessary for planning the birth of healthy offspring.

The biggest nuisance from the onset of heat is the unplanned pregnancy of your pet.

In order for this trouble to remain imaginary, the owner of the bitch must adhere to all the points described above.

If you take the health of your beloved dog seriously - take him to the veterinarian regularly, and also monitor his periods of heat, then the appearance of healthy and purebred puppies will give you a lot of positive experiences and, possibly, some material profit.

Pathological causes

In all other cases, if discharge from a pet’s loop is detected, it must be urgently shown to a veterinarian, as this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the internal organs. All diseases in this group are similar in symptoms; an accurate diagnosis can only be made after a doctor’s examination, ultrasound and tests. Discharge in a cat can be a symptom of life-threatening conditions, primarily inflammation of the uterus. Pyometra, hematometra and hydrometer differ in the type of substance accumulating in the uterine cavity.


– purulent inflammation of the uterus. Discharge is observed in the open form of pyometra.

  • The appearance of the discharge can be purulent, or cream, brown, yellow, green, sometimes bloody (with pus).
  • Danger for the cat - without timely treatment - death (from 2 days to 5 weeks after the start of discharge).

Treatment can be conservative (without surgical removal of the uterus), but only if the pathology is detected in a timely manner, before pus begins to be released. Most often, removal of the uterus is necessary. The closed form of pyometra is very dangerous - when no discharge is observed, and the cat may end up in the veterinary clinic too late.


– accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, due to bleeding caused by changes in the endometrium or injury.

  • The appearance of the discharge is bloody, there can be both drops of blood and clots.
  • Danger for the cat - without timely treatment - death (from 2 days to 1 week after the start of discharge).

Remember that estrus in cats is NOT accompanied by bloody discharge (unlike dogs), so such discharge clearly indicates illness!


– accumulation of serous fluid in the uterine cavity. May be a consequence of chronic endometritis.

  • The appearance of the discharge is scanty, smearing or droplets of liquid.
  • Danger for the cat - without timely treatment - death (from 2 days to 2 weeks after the start of discharge).


– inflammation of the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus). It can be chronic and acute, and can develop a few days after birth.

  • The appearance of the discharge is cloudy, yellowish, sometimes bloody, with an unpleasant odor. With chronic endometritis, the discharge is light.
  • Danger for the cat - endometritis does not directly threaten the life of the pet, however, in advanced cases of vaginal discharge in a cat or with improper treatment it turns into pyometra, and hydrometra can become a consequence of chronic endometritis.

The main method of preventing such pathologies is timely removal of the uterus in all cats that do not have breeding value (sterilization).

Video of taking a smear from a cat.

Varshavskoe highway 125 building 1. tel.

Brief abstracts about estrus in cats: everything you need to know

A reminder for anyone who adopts a female kitten:

  1. Puberty occurs at 6-9 months.
  2. On average, estrus lasts a week and, in the absence of mating, repeats every 2-3 weeks.
  3. The only way to calm a cat is to induce ovulation with a special massage that simulates sexual intercourse.
  4. The use of hormonal agents or surgical sterilization should be considered before the onset of estrus.
  5. Repeated “empty” periods of sexual heat cause diseases of the genital organs - ovarian cysts, pyometra, hydrometra.

Now that you know how long a cat’s heat lasts and how difficult it is to calm a pet, let’s move on to the main thing. Sterilization is the most favorable option if you do not plan to regularly breed a cat and get kittens from her. Read about this operation in a separate article.

When is white discharge considered normal?

Liquid in the form of mucus is typical for all girls. This is the most reliable indicator of a healthy body and stable physiological activity of the female body. Here are the main signs when female white discharge is considered normal:

  • jelly-like consistency;
  • a small amount of;
  • unusual smell, but without putrefactive impurities;
  • There is no irritation or itching inside the vagina.

A girl releases much more fluid after intercourse. It is worth remembering that this is the most common process that should always occur after contact. This suggests that the woman is very aroused and experiencing emotions after a sexual experience. This process cannot be controlled; the release of lubrication after sexual intercourse is absolutely normal, and most importantly, it is an indicator of excellent women’s health.

As for the amount of discharge, it all depends on the period of ovulation. So, if menstruation has just passed, then there will be much less mucus than in the middle of the ovulation cycle.

Google has announced a competition for the best photo taken on the Moon

The American Internet portal Google is ready to pay $30 million to private companies that will be able to land a lunar rover on the surface of our planet’s satellite, capable of transmitting one gigabyte of photographic images and video information to Earth. This was announced in California by representatives of one of the world's largest Internet enterprises.

The grand prize will be $20 million if a privately owned lunar rover achieves its goal by 2012, and $15 million if this happens within the next two years. If by the end of 2014 none of the “private participants” manages to send a robot to the Moon, the competition will be considered completed without a winner.

But there is also a prize for second place. The “silver” will be $5 million, Google clarified.

This step by the Internet portal is aimed at accelerating space exploration by private companies, the corporation noted. If the competition results in a winner whose lunar rover actually transmits information to the earth base, this will mean a significant breakthrough in this area, experts say.

Such a venture will not only have to raise sufficient investment, but also develop a self-propelled robot that can survive a hard landing, withstand the harsh conditions on the Moon, and at the same time be “smart” enough to perform a number of difficult tasks.

In accordance with the rules, the lunar rover must cover at least 40 cm on the surface of our satellite, transmit a series of photographs, including a “self-portrait on the Moon” and a panoramic shot, and also transmit a video image in real time. Participants will also have to ensure that the robot is launched. To do this, they can develop the launcher and rocket themselves, or use the services of existing satellite launch companies.

Proper intimate hygiene

These are 4 rules of intimate hygiene, very easy to apply:

  • A woman's wash should be done with a special product that contains lactic acid, which has the effect of normalizing the acid-base balance.
  • Regular soap, scented shower gel and intimate hygiene bottles are strictly for permanent use.
  • It is very important to constantly change panty liners, as that is what they are made for.
  • A woman should wash her face at least 2 times a day, i.e. in the morning and in the evening. It is also recommended to wash yourself before sexual intercourse.
  • No matter how attractive artificial fabric underwear may be, you should not wear it. You should give this up for the sake of your health.
  • Unpleasant vaginal discharge with a fishy odor

If the acidity in the body is impaired, then the discharge will be curd-shaped with a fishy smell. Such strong-smelling, curd-like lumps may indicate a lack of healthy female health and an excess of bacteria. Also, a similar disease is called thrush, which must be treated immediately and not neglected.

Fishy smell

- the first sign that the vagina needs to be checked by a gynecologist with clear instructions on what to do next for a full recovery. During arousal, the discharge may be the same as always, but the smell will be completely different, specific, repulsive and unpleasant, and a huge amount of cheesy discharge will remain on the penis upon entry.

Discharge when excited is normal.

The main thing is that they are a healthy indicator of a woman's condition. If you experience any unpleasant sensation, it is better to consult a doctor, because the reproductive system is one of the most important organs that needs to be treated first, without delay.

What if there is not enough lubrication?

A girl may experience some discomfort, feeling a slight appearance of natural lubricant, and sometimes it is not there at all. Dryness during sexual intercourse is very bad for the body of two people, since it is quite possible to damage the genitals. Lack of discharge is usually caused by the following:

  • daily use of strong hormonal drugs by a woman;
  • constant stress, agitation, physical and emotional overload;
  • use of latex-coated condoms during contact;
  • serious immune system disorders;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • smoking;
  • infectious or venereal diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance, severe imbalance;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • lack of arousal due to insufficient duration of foreplay;
  • problems with blood circulation, impaired blood circulation;
  • breast-feeding;
  • problems with the nervous system, pathology.

Copious discharge will never occur before sexual intercourse if there is at least one sign of vaginal dryness. In this case, it is best to go to a gynecologist and not delay your treatment, since this is all very serious. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-treatment; consultation with a doctor is extremely important. You can use lubricants that are sold in pharmacies only if the natural lubricant is constantly secreted in small quantities, and the woman is completely healthy.

E-generator created a social network for “special assignments”

The original idea was brought to life by creatives from E-generator.ru.
The new project is called the Agency of Special Assignments. We are talking about a unique service for Russia, with the help of which users can find an assistant for any case, except criminal cases. The essence of the concept is outsourcing of any services, within the framework of legislation and ethical standards. Get help on some issue, visit a person or organization, arrange a meeting at a train station or airport, check information, buy products, create a regional branch of a company, develop a new technology, etc.

Agents execute orders in the service. This status can only be obtained by recommendation. At the same time, the agent provides a lot of information about himself, right down to his passport details. At the moment, the pool of agency employees is formed from users of the interactive creative system E-generator.ru. Today, Porucheno.ru has 303 agents at its disposal, operating in 138 cities around the world. Of course, at this stage, Russian settlements predominate, but Guangzhou and London are already on the list.

To use the Agency’s services, you must register on its website as a customer, fill out an order form and pay for the order, the cost of which is determined by a special calculator program and depends on urgency, complexity and other parameters. The average price for a standard assignment (for example, meeting a person at a train station and escorting him to a hotel) hovers around $30.

“The authors of E-generator.ru have very great potential, which can and should be used using new methods,” says Igor Vargaftik, author of the idea and project manager. “Thinking about this, I came up with the idea of ​​the Agency for Special Assignments.” It is important that the participants of Porucheno.ru are not strangers who cannot be entrusted with any important matter, they are the authors of E-generator.ru, who live in different cities and countries, but are united by one idea and are well known to the project management. We placed two test orders, the idea turned out to be workable - the agents took a very responsible approach to completing tasks. Now the project has been presented to a wider audience.”

“The concept of Porucheno.ru combines two ideas. On the one hand, it is a social network that provides its participants with the opportunity to earn money by providing certain services, both online and in real life. On the other hand, this is an outstaffing project that allows an interested customer to find a reliable assistant for a particular job, the duration of which can last from a few seconds to several years. We can say that we have transferred the ideology of E-generator.ru to a new segment, or rather, we are creating it,” says General Director of E-generator.ru Yuri Belousov.

A white discharge - a woman can observe every time she gets aroused - is called vaginal lubrication or fluid. This mucus is unusual in its composition: it contains cellular components, leukocytes and other microorganisms produced by the glands. Mostly, vaginal discharge is clear or has no color at all. In another case, if bad mucus appears, this is the very first sign of some disease. In this article, you need to understand what discharge is considered normal and learn more about female lubrication during arousal.

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