Estrus in dogs: signs, duration, frequency

Estrus in dogs is the period when a female dog is able to conceive. This can happen on certain days, from the 7th to the 21st day of estrus, but the dog must be monitored from the first to the last day. She stops listening a few days after the start of estrus, and if she runs away, she will return with puppies. Therefore, if you do not want kids, you need to keep the dog on a leash and keep the males away.

What is estrus

The female reproductive system consists of:

  • Two ovaries - located in the lower back, near the kidneys. Follicles are formed in them, inside which eggs mature. Also, estrogens (hormones that control the animal’s sex life) are synthesized in the ovaries.
  • Two oviducts - connect the ovary to the uterus. Here the egg is fertilized, after which it moves to the uterus.
  • Uterus – located in the abdominal cavity. Fertilized eggs attach to its walls and mature.
  • The vagina is an organ of copulation (sperm enters here) and the birth canal.
  • External genitalia (vulva, loops).

Most bitches mature several eggs at the same time, on average from 5 to 11. The number of puppies that will appear in the litter directly depends on their number. A bitch can become pregnant from several males, so after mating she must be monitored.

When a dog’s egg matures, it reaches the surface of the follicle and begins to stretch its membrane. It bursts and fluid flows out along with the egg - ovulation occurs. This is the name of the period when a bitch can become pregnant.

In place of the burst follicle, a hole appears, which is filled with blood and cells, which subsequently deposit the yellow pigment (body) - lutein. It synthesizes the hormone progesterone, which inhibits the development of eggs in the follicles to ensure a normal pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum dissolves and a new cycle begins.

Dog behavior during heat

The bitch, starting from the first day of the sexual cycle, quickly loses control over her composure. What does the owner need to know first in order to prevent unwanted mating?

  • The dog’s behavior can change exactly the opposite: it is always calm and docile, but on the days of heat it becomes overly energetic;
  • Interest in relatives of the opposite sex also changes in an extraordinary way: sometimes she doesn’t want to see anyone, then suddenly male dogs become the only creatures she needs;
  • Appetite is also unstable, and varies from dog to dog. Some people need as much food as possible, others don’t even look at their bowl;
  • Disturbances in the urinary system are an almost obligatory sign.

Now a little more about these and some other changes in the animal’s behavior. It is necessary to know this at least in order to have an idea of ​​​​what to do when heat begins.

In this context, you immediately need to pay attention to three such facets of the bitch’s behavioral factors:

  • changes in relationships with male dogs;
  • changes in relationships with other females;
  • changes in the relationship with the owner.

In relation to males, the bitch during estrus shows interest depending on the phase of the cycle. At the initial stage (up to 10 days), she does not show much affection and can even run away from annoying suitors. In some cases, he may show aggression towards his gentleman, although he is not averse to making acquaintances.

Only in the peak phase of estrus will the dog be ready to show loyalty and let the suitor approach. Moreover, during this period the female becomes so docile and ready for mating that she even begins to take the initiative.

She can call male dogs to her with drawn-out sounds. Some breeds (such as huskies) are ready for all sorts of tricks just to find a mate. They escape from enclosures, can dig under fences, break off the leash, or simply chew through it.

In the final phase, estrus is accompanied by relative calm. Sometimes emotional outbursts occur under the influence of fading hormones, but they become less common towards the end of the cycle. Males during this period are almost no longer interested.

For other females the situation is more complicated. Often, in all phases of estrus, a dog can show aggression towards its competitors. Moreover, almost nothing stops her - neither her size, nor the number of rivals.

Relationships with the owners are no less tense. No matter how trained a bitch is, heat most often manifests itself as disobedience. She may not even respond to her nickname the first time. In relation to the owner, the dog can react in different ways:

  • show love, friendliness, attention with all your appearance;
  • may ignore commands and be disobedient. This is especially pronounced in the second phase of estrus.

During this period, the animal can voluntarily leave the owner for a walk and (with almost one hundred percent probability!) drag him on a leash to places where other relatives gather. Especially if there is a male there.

Anxiety is one of the important signs in the behavior of a bitch during the onset of heat. The animal is constantly trying to sniff out something, search around the house or enclosure, and howl.

Frequent urination is another similar characteristic symptom. The dog often marks its path, so sometimes you have to stop literally every 50 meters.

During this period, signs of intelligence and ingenuity are especially pronounced. The dog can demonstrate complete compliance and calmness, as long as it is released from the leash.

During heat, it is better to abandon standard training methods and not teach any new commands. During this period, it is better to repeat previously learned commands, ending the course with already practiced skills and praise.

Symptoms of estrus in a dog

How can you tell if your dog is approaching heat? This can be recognized by the behavior of male dogs. They begin to sniff the bitch 2-3 weeks before the first symptoms appear. Gradually, the bitch's loop swells. She becomes affectionate and hangs around her owner.

Signs of heat in a dog: how to recognize its appearance

The onset of heat in a dog can be determined by the appearance of blood in the loop. The first drops on the floor may not fall immediately, but after a few days, depending on the characteristics of the dog. It very rarely happens that there is no blood at all. In this case, the onset of estrus is determined by the swollen loop and the behavior of the males, who begin to pester the bitch more actively.

The dog's behavior changes 1-2 days after the blood appears. She often stops, sniffs the dogs' marks for a long time, and begins to reach out to them. She follows commands worse, does not follow the first call, but after a while. Poorly trained dogs may not be suitable at all.

If you stroke the animal, especially in the pelvic area, it takes a characteristic stance, freezes, and moves its tail to the side. Many people become aggressive towards other females and can fight. Even a very aggressive dog's attitude towards males improves.

Some dogs have an increased need to be walked due to increased urine production. The appetite of some dogs improves, in others it decreases, and in others it remains unchanged. However, all bitches begin to gain weight after estrus - the body is preparing for childbirth.

Signs of estrus

You can determine when a dog is in heat both before and during it. This will help track the onset of sexual heat and avoid possible troubles.

Before it comes

Signs of estrus in a dog can be physiological and behavioral. The former represent changes within the body, while the latter are expressed in a change in habitual behavior.

Before the heat, the pet becomes playful and active. She asks for walks more often and obeys her owner less and less. Her noose swells, and the first drops of blood appear on her favorite bed.

During estrus

Sexual hunting is accompanied by more significant changes. Obedience disappears completely. The animal begins to react aggressively to the end of the walk and to individuals of the same sex. All the attention goes to the males. A hormonal surge makes everyone equal, so very often a large representative is fascinated by a small dog, and a small breed dog is fascinated by a giant male.

For safety, veterinarians advise walking your pet only on a short leash and wearing special underpants that protect against leaks and annoying suitors. For walking, choose quiet places where there are no concentrations of other animals.

When do dogs come into heat?

The first estrus begins at the age of 6-14 months. Repeated estrus occurs after 5-8 months, if you count from the first day the drops appear.

First heat

When dogs go into their first heat, there is no exact answer. Many bitches have their first blood when they are between 7 and 9 months old. The dog is still a teenager, so changes in behavior are mild. You cannot knit at this age, since the bitch’s body is not yet formed. Pregnancy can have a negative impact on both her and the puppies' health.

Owners often wonder what time dogs come into heat if they don’t bleed until they are a year old. Sometimes estrus can begin at 1.2 years. If it is not present before 2 years of age, consult a doctor. The dog may have a problem.

Until what age do dogs go into heat?

The bitch will go into heat until the end of her life, even if she lives to a very old age (14-16 years). The interval between cycles can either increase or decrease; the estrus itself lasts less. It is not recommended to breed a bitch after 7 years. Pregnancy will undermine the strength of an old dog, shorten its life, and puppies may be born dead or defective.

Cycle timing

Dog menstruation follows a floating schedule. This is because the start and end dates constantly shift throughout the year. Without regular records, it becomes impossible to track the real state of affairs.

How many days does it last

On average, bitches are in heat for 20-22 days. The duration is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Season. In spring and summer the duration is longer than in autumn and winter. This factor loses its relevance if the animal is kept at home and not on the street.
  2. Conditions of detention. If you have several animals of different sexes, then menstruation will be early and long. Sexual maturity occurs early in such cohabitants, so be prepared to protect your pet from unwanted pregnancy.
  3. Breed. The smaller the pet, the shorter the duration of its sexual cycle.
  4. Age. The duration of estrus gradually decreases with age. Despite this, animals give healthy offspring up to 6 years of age.
  5. Activity. Menstruation lasts the longest in dogs that prefer a sofa lifestyle.

Consider the characteristics of your pet to plan or avoid future mating. Fluctuations in the cycle until the bitch is 1.5-2 years old are normal and should not cause concern.

What is the frequency

Responsible owners need to know how often dogs go into heat. This helps to protect against damage to furniture and other unpleasant consequences.

“The average frequency of estrus in dogs is once every six months. In native northern breeds, menstruation occurs once a year, and in shepherd dogs and Rottweilers - every 4 months. For domestic animals, pustovka occurs during the cold seasons, while for those living on the street, it occurs only in the summer.

Deviations include situations when the period between the end and the beginning of discharge lasts more than 8 months or is less than 4 months. At this frequency, it is recommended to be examined at a veterinary clinic.

First heat and its features

A dog's first heat begins at 6-12 months. The exact time depends on the breed of the animal. In rare cases, it occurs for 1.5-2 years. If by this time the discharge has not appeared, contact the veterinary clinic.

The duration of the first empty space is the shortest and can be about a week. In representatives of large breeds, the signs are weakly expressed, and ovulation may not occur. Also, in young animals, a small amount of purulent discharge is allowed. This phenomenon is called juvenile vaginitis and goes away on its own after the end of menstruation.

Stages of estrus in dogs

How long a dog goes into heat depends on its physiology. There are 4 stages of estrus in bitches:

  • proestrus – preparatory;
  • estrus - estrus;
  • metaestrus - end of estrus;
  • Anestrus is the period between estrus.


Proestrus begins long before the first symptoms, when the hypothalamus, one of the parts of the brain, gives the order to the follicles to grow. As they mature, they begin to synthesize the hormone estrogen, which prepares the uterus for conception.

During preparation, the vulva swells, the bitches develop a faint odor, which warns the males of an imminent heat. Particularly sensitive dogs may even pursue the bitch for a while, but most do not bother her.


Estrus begins when the first drops of blood appear. The dog's body begins to actively produce pheromones to attract the attention of males. They are excreted in urine, blood, and mucus.

Estrus can be divided into 2 stages:

  • initial phase;
  • period of sexual hunting.

Initial phase

How many days does the initial phase of estrus last in dogs? No more than ten, average 7.

When blood appears, the bitch's behavior changes and she flirts with male dogs. On days 2-4 of estrus, the female begins to take a characteristic pose, which indicates readiness to mate. She still doesn’t allow male dogs and avoids mating. However, the owner should not let his guard down and let her off the leash. If the bitch runs away, she may disappear; in the best case, she will return pregnant after estrus.

The period of sexual hunting

The level of pheromones reaches its maximum concentration, but there is less blood, and the color of the discharge becomes lighter. Many females begin to let males in on the 7th day of estrus, but the optimal time for conception is 10-14 days. However, if mating occurs 17-18 days after the start of estrus, she can also become pregnant.

The sperm of a male dog after mating remains active for a week, so for a healthy female to conceive, one mating is enough. This means that if you are not planning on having puppies, the dog should not be allowed in at all. Also, do not relax after mating, as a dog can become pregnant from different males within a few days of each other.


The duration of estrus in dogs depends on many reasons. Most owners have no fear of pregnancy on the 22nd day after the appearance of blood. The loop decreases in size and the amount of discharge decreases. The bitch stops letting males in. The estrus itself ends at this stage.

If mating has occurred, the embryos are fixed in the uterus and begin to develop. If there is no conception, the bitch often develops a false pregnancy. 2 months after estrus, her breasts may sag and milk may appear. Within a month everything will be back to normal. During this period, dogs behave differently. Some have no health or mental problems, others suffer from pain and are looking for puppies.


Anestrus is the period between real/false labor and before the onset of proestrus. If the bitch does not feed the puppies, she behaves normally and has no behavioral problems.

How is estrus going?

To fully understand the process, the owner needs to know how estrus occurs in dogs, from the physiological side of the issue. This knowledge reduces the risk of unwanted pregnancy in breeding pets, which eliminates culling from breeding.

Basic information

There is no exact answer to the question of when dogs go into their first heat. Puberty is experienced in different ways. Its onset time depends on the conditions of detention and the breed. Most often this happens after a complete change of teeth.

Despite the appearance of the first menstruation, the pet is allowed to be bred only during the third. Until this moment, she is not ready for the birth of offspring, either morally or physically. Early matings lead to the death of puppies and their mother, as well as the birth of defective individuals with dangerous abnormalities.

The total duration of estrus in dogs is their entire life. It has periodicity and is divided into several stages. With age, the stage of possible conception shortens, and the resting period increases. Despite the ability to conceive and give birth, older pets are excluded from breeding, as the likelihood of losing offspring and the mother herself returns.

Stages (cycle)

The menstrual cycle consists of 4 stages, distinguished by physiological nuances and behavioral characteristics. The duration of estrus in dogs of different breeds differs slightly, but within the established periods:

1. Proestrus (precursor)

The duration of the very first stage, which prepares the body for conception and pregnancy, is no more than 9 days. At this stage:

  • habitual behavior changes (it is more difficult for the animal to concentrate due to increased excitability);
  • a playful attitude appears towards unfamiliar males (the ban remains only on too close contacts with an attempt to mount);
  • the first drops of blood are released from the swollen loop;
  • the number of urinations increases when going outside (this is used to mark the territory and attract male dogs).

2. Estrus (sexual heat)

During this period of estrus in dogs, ovulation occurs. The bitch stops chasing four-legged suitors on days 11-15 of the menstrual cycle. The full stage takes up to 10 days. It’s easy to find out when a dog is ready for mating. This is accompanied by:

  • lightening to soft pink or complete disappearance of bleeding;
  • strong swelling of the loop;
  • by lifting the pelvis and retracting the tail after stroking the back at its base.

3. Metaestrus

. The shortest stage, no more than 3 days. Once the discharge stops, normal behavior returns. The interest shown in four-legged suitors disappears, so any attempts at contact are immediately stopped. Thanks to the stabilization of hormonal levels, the animal again adequately responds to the commands of its beloved owner.

4. Anestrus

. The longest stage, lasting from 4 months to 1 year. It tracks the period until the dog's next heat. Note the duration of anestrus, as significant fluctuations are associated with pathologies. A gradual increase in the period occurs after 6-8 years.

“ Put the days of your sexual cycle on your calendar to avoid accidental pregnancy.

The end of discharge may occur during estrus - the most ideal time for successful conception. If you do not plan to babysit puppies, keep your pet on a short leash until anestrus occurs.

How to walk during heat

During estrus, never let your bitch walk on her own. Walk her only on a leash. If you live in a village where uncastrated male dogs roam unattended, so as not to take risks, take the bitch out for a short time during heat, don’t let her go outside, let her sit at home.

If you live in a city, to ensure normal physical activity during estrus, you can walk your dog for 2-3 hours. In this case, you need to walk long distances, and not under the house. Even if you come across an unattended male, he conventionally sticks to one territory and usually does not go into someone else’s. But you shouldn’t relax, and there are exceptions.

If a male dog appears nearby, you must drive him away. Unfortunately, few women listen to them, so it is advisable for a man to walk the dog. They respond better to his orders. If the woman is alone, and the male dog is pestering and does not lag behind, you need to hide in the entrance and return home. If he is too active and the size of the dog allows it, pick him up and return to the apartment. He won't leave on his own.

There are products on sale that mask the smell of a female dog in heat. They do not completely cope with the task, but the intensity of the aroma decreases. Therefore, if the male dog obeys the owner, the estrus spray will help. However, if a male dog has a good sense of smell and does not pay attention to the owner’s commands, they will not help.

Anti-estrus medications in dogs

There is such a solution as drug intervention. There are medications for dog estrus: hormonal ones disrupt the process, and non-hormonal ones reduce sexual arousal and desire.

Hormonal drugs against estrus

These products are designed to interrupt and prevent estrus. Uncontrolled use is unacceptable, as is constant use. Only a veterinarian prescribes such tablets according to a strict administration regimen.

After the cessation of action, the animal’s natural estrous cycle is restored. This approach cannot in any way be called an alternative to sterilization. The recommendations will definitely say about caution in the use of such medications, since there is always a risk of complications.

Hormonal medication is a reversible contraception, but this solution can only be used in certain cases. For example, the empty space occurs during a move or other unsuitable time for the owners. This is a convenient way of canine contraception when competitions or a long trip are coming up. The veterinarian also prescribes a hormonal drug for some medicinal purposes.

Attention, if estrus has already begun, then taking a hormonal drug is unacceptable

Now let's look at medications that prevent estrus:


(Netherlands). This is contraception in the form of injections, which is prescribed both to prevent pregnancy and to treat false pregnancy. It works due to the steroid hormone. The cost varies between 1850-2250 rubles.

Sex Control

(Russia). Tablets or drops act on the basis of the hormonal substance megestrol acetate. The remedy must be prescribed by a veterinarian, calculating the dosage and course of administration. Tablets cost about 130 rubles, and drops (5 ml) cost 100-120 rubles.

Sex Barrier

(Russia). Canine contraceptive in the form of drops or tablets to interrupt sexual heat and normalize the animal’s behavior. Tablets cost 160-175 rubles, and drops (3 ml) cost 240-255 rubles.

Stop Intimate
Api San
(Russia). Thanks to this drug in the form of tablets, the female's sexual desire is regulated. The medicine costs about 180-200 rubles.

CounterSex Neo

(Russia). The contraceptive is available in tablets and drops and is intended to suppress reproductive function and regulate sexual desire. Drops (2 ml) cost 130-140 rubles, tablets 75-85 rubles.

You should carefully read the instructions, especially the section with contraindications

Owners should understand that the hormonal drug can have a side effect: the mammary glands may swell, lethargy, apathy appear, appetite increases, obesity, and sexual pathologies occur.

Drugs that reduce sexual arousal

The drugs are not intended to stop estrus, but taking them significantly reduces the bitch's arousal. Thus, the empty space is transferred much easier and calmer.

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Hormone Balancer Flower Essence Drops

(Australia). A drug based on herbal ingredients costs about 2650-2720 rubles.

Da-ba Relax Plus

(Latvia). The product will calm the nervous system, preventing the dog from experiencing stress. The price is about 500 rubles per package.

Stop Stress Api San

(Russia). The drops reduce sexual arousal and cost 250-265 rubles.

There are products that neutralize the odor, which leads to a decrease in interest from male dogs. This is Canina Dog-Stop Spray (Germany), Anticobelin. (Russia), DOG STOP FORTE (Germany).

A folk remedy - a concentrated decoction of bay leaves - also neutralizes the smell of heat.

Caring for your pet during estrus

The main problem owners of bitches face during heat is blood on the floor. During this period, it is better to remove all carpets and buy a cleaning product for animals. If the dog lives in an apartment and often jumps on the sofa or bed, dog handlers recommend buying special underpants.

There is no need to bathe your dog every day, but it is better to wash the genitals regularly during heat, especially if the dog has long, light hair. Otherwise she will walk around in blood. This not only looks unaesthetic, but will also attract male dogs.

Briefs for dogs

Opinions about underpants for dogs are mixed. Bitches are used to taking care of themselves during heat, but panties do not give them this opportunity. That's why they pick them, chew them, eat them. At the same time, you have to wash your panties often; you won’t be able to limit yourself to just a few models.

And yet, you can’t do without panties during estrus if the pet sleeps on the sofa, chair, or bed. The model must be selected taking into account the size of the dog and the strength of the material. It is advisable to take natural fabric. Short products will slide down, and high-waisted ones will form folds. Also, panties should not be tight or interfere with walking, otherwise the bitch will get rid of them.

Underpants can be replaced with dog diapers, but they will have to be changed frequently. In addition, diapers can float, disturb the bitch, and she will take them off.

If you want to walk your dog in shorts on the street, you need to buy special shorts. The simple option will not work - the bitch will either not be able to do her job, or she will wet the fabric. There is no need to rely on panties as protection from male dogs. If you don't drive the dog away, panties won't help.

How to keep a bitch and a dog in the same room when the bitch is in heat

Safely keeping a dog and a bitch in the same room during the emptying period is a difficult and troublesome task. For a bitch, you need to stock up on a large number of special panties that are securely fixed on her body and prevent unscheduled mating. The use of sprays can reduce the intensity of the odor and partially alleviate the condition of the dog.

Manufacturers of veterinary drugs also offer sedatives that will help the pet survive the most dangerous period of emptying. How safe are these medications? Of course, they are not beneficial for the dog’s health. Should I use sedatives on my dog ​​if the bitch is in heat? The answer to this question must be decided by the animal owner himself.

One of the most effective and efficient methods is to separate dogs during estrus. It is necessary to place the animals in different rooms to minimize the risk of unwanted mating. Also, some breeders practice "vacation". During the period of heat, the male is simply sent to close friends or relatives.

False and hidden estrus

Sometimes dogs experience atypical types of heat. For example, false estrus is a rare pathology in which all the symptoms of estrus are present, but ovulation is absent. Take your dog to the doctor. Serious health problems can provoke false estrus.

Another option is hidden estrus. It proceeds as usual, but without symptoms - no blood, no discharge. The only sign is that male dogs are showing interest in the dog, and if she is actually in heat, the female dog may become pregnant. Therefore, if your dog is not bleeding, but the male dog is hanging around, take him to the veterinarian, who will determine his condition.

Hidden heat is not dangerous for a dog. It is believed that it is inherited and an attentive owner will identify it in the first year of the bitch’s life. If you plan to breed a dog, the time of estrus and ovulation will have to be determined in the laboratory.

Periodicity of estrus

Seasonality does not in any way affect hormonal surges in a dog’s body, but each individual has certain months and even times of year for estrus. Since each bitch walks twice a year (in rare cases, perhaps 3 times a year, due to hormonal imbalances and inflammatory processes), the frequency between the first and second heat is usually 4-6 months. The exception is older dogs and representatives of certain breeds: for example, huskies, huskies, basenjis. Their interval between each cycle can be one year.

In addition, estrus occurs once a year in some service dogs that are subject to increased physical stress. Many animals kept in enclosures also come into estrus once a year.

Estrus ends at the age of 10–14 years, but this figure is approximate and depends on what breed the bitch is, how often she had cycles throughout her life, and how many times she was whelped. In general, estrus occurs for as many years as physiology allows for bearing offspring. Therefore, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question at what age estrus stops.

Next, we'll look at the heat phases and how long they last.


If you do not plan to breed a dog, let it out on its own, or cannot monitor it during heat, veterinarians recommend sterilization. There are several options:

  • Tubal ligation is not the best solution. She will continue to be in heat, but she will not be able to get pregnant.
  • Removal of the uterus or ovaries. In this case, there will be no estrus and associated problems at all.

Sterilization carried out before 1 heat, but not earlier than 6 months, can prevent mammary cancer in the future. And, of course, if the dog does not have a uterus and ovaries, or pyometra, it will also not develop genital cancer.

Are dogs spayed while in heat?

A dog cannot be spayed during heat unless there are medical indications. For example, if a dog goes into heat every month and for a long time. It is possible that she has pyometra (inflammation of the uterus), and surgery should be performed immediately.

When are dogs spayed after being in heat?

If you did not have time to sterilize your dog before the heat, the procedure must be done 2 months after its end.

Complications after sterilization

The main problem that owners of bitches face after sterilization is the leakage of urine in drops during sleep or rest (20% of cases). The problem develops within 3 years after surgery.

The exact reasons are unknown. Scientists point to a complex interaction mechanism:

  • low estrogen levels;
  • deterioration of urethral sensitivity;
  • displacement of the bladder from the abdominal to the pelvic region.

At risk are bitches whose weight exceeds 20 kg. Also, purebred dogs and their mestizos are more likely to encounter the problem than mongrels - Doberman, Labrador, Boxer, Rottweiler, etc.

The problem can be solved with medication. The prognosis is favorable.

Hormonal drugs and estrus

There are hormonal medications on sale that help:

  • control the onset of estrus;
  • stop the development of follicles;
  • interrupt ovulation;
  • calm the animal.

Any medications can be given to a bitch only on the recommendation of a doctor if there are medical indications. They cannot be given uncontrolled and on an ongoing basis, since various complications are possible that will shorten the dog’s life. If you do not plan to breed your dog, it is better to sterilize it.


The period of peak activity, when the bitch is ready for mating. She not only shows interest in male dogs, but is also ready to let them approach her. The estrus phase lasts 6–9 days, depending on the breed (as we remember, the duration of estrus in large, medium and small breeds of dogs can vary, which also affects the phases). And at this time, the discharge takes on a translucent appearance with a pink tint. This is the best period for mating. The dog often whines, squats, constantly lies on its stomach, and moves its tail to the side.

Veterinarian advice

Estrus is a normal physiological process, so there is no need to panic. How the dog will go into heat depends on the correct behavior of the owner, the absence of panic and nervousness.

Veterinarians recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • The standard frequency of estrus in dogs is 1-2 times a year. If it happens more often, consult a doctor.
  • Do not let your dog walk on its own.
  • Walk with a bitch on a leash.
  • Do not leave your dog alone with males, unattended.
  • If the bitch is a breeding dog, after mating, keep an eye on her so that she doesn’t get carried away by other dogs.
  • If possible, do not wear panties on your dog so that he can groom himself naturally.
  • Hormonal medications and behavior correction agents should be given only after a doctor’s recommendation.

Buy medicines and panties for estrus only in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores that have quality certificates and store products correctly. Avoid bazaars and second hand purchases. If you give your dog a fake, you could seriously harm the animal.

Popular questions and answers

We asked our experts – practicing veterinarians – our current questions about dog estrus.

On what day of heat can a dog be bred?

“Usually dogs are bred on the 9th – 13th day of estrus, but it’s better to look at their behavior or do a vaginal smear (there are other methods for determining the optimal day),” says veterinarian Anastasia Kalinina. – Control mating – after 1 – 2 days. In older dogs, estrus may be prolonged and fertilization is possible even after the 20th day.

Can a dog be spayed while in heat?

“Sometimes dogs have to be sterilized during estrus due to uterine pathology and inflammatory processes,” explains veterinarian Alexander Alekseenkov. – But surgery during estrus can lead to mastitis and dysfunction of the pituitary-hypotolamic system. But fortunately, this is all being corrected.

Can a dog be vaccinated while in heat?

- Yes, you can. Neither in the instructions for vaccines, nor in modern recommendations for vaccination of cats and dogs, is estrus a reason for refusing vaccination, explains veterinarian Elena Timofeeva.

Can a spayed dog go into heat?

“If the dog’s sterilization was carried out correctly, then the answer is clear – it can’t,” says veterinarian Elena Timofeeva. – Symptoms of estrus in dogs that have been spayed may occur if the organs of the reproductive system are not completely removed. This can lead to inflammatory processes. If your neutered dog is showing signs of being in heat, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Are there any characteristics of estrus in different dog breeds?

– Estrus in dogs of different breeds and sizes is mostly the same – once every 6 months. However, in dogs of northern breeds they can only occur once every 10–12 months. This is due to the short warm period in the North, explains veterinarian Alexey Prokopyev.

Are there any peculiarities of estrus in small breed dogs?

“Small dogs have “silent” estrus,” says veterinarian Alexander Alekseenkov, “not noticeable at all, and only an owner who knows the habits of his dog can understand from his behavior that estrus has occurred.

Are there any peculiarities of estrus in medium breed dogs?

“The frequency of estrus is not a dogma at all,” says Natalya Gridchina, a specialist in veterinary medicines, food and cosmetics for animals. – There are small dogs that rarely flow, or large ones that flow 3 times a year. To understand whether this is normal or pathological, you need to contact a veterinarian for an in-person appointment.

Are there any peculiarities of estrus in large breed dogs?

– Some veterinarians note the dependence of the frequency of estrus on the size of the dog and believe that small breeds usually have estrus 2 times a year, and large and medium breeds estrus once a year. But this is absolutely not true. “Everything is individual,” says Natalya Gridchina.

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