Estrus in British cats - duration, signs, solutions



Estrus in British cats is the first problem that everyone who decides to have this breed faces. In such a situation, pets can easily cope on their own, of course, if there are no deviations.

Estrus for all cats begins at approximately the same period and progresses almost the same. Therefore, you should not panic and just contact your veterinarian for help. He will provide you with advice and recommendations on all issues that interest you.

Signs of heat

Readiness for mating manifests itself not only by a change in the pet’s behavior. When determining the cycle, the owner should also pay attention to physiological symptoms.

The first period of maturation in a young female occurs at the age of six months to a year. Early or late onset of puberty is considered a defect and a reason for withdrawal from breeding.

Physiological signs

Signs of the female’s readiness for reproduction make themselves felt already in the first two days:

Discharge. The pet spends more time than usual on the toilet of the genitals. The discharge has no color or strong odor. There are owners who prefer to put special panties on their pussy. This is an unnecessary precaution - the cat is able to keep itself clean without outside help;

Frequent urge to urinate. The pet goes to the toilet more often than usual, sometimes choosing unusual places. This symptom usually manifests itself when there is a male nearby;

Decreased appetite. Pussy does not show the usual interest in food.

The listed signs do not necessarily indicate readiness for mating. If such symptoms appear that are not related to the breeding season, the animal needs to consult a doctor.

Behavioral signs

The behavior of a female in estrus is imprinted by individual character traits and can change depending on her mood.

Sound signals. The female calls her partner, showing ingenuity, alternating loud heart-rending screams with purring or long tirades with changing tonality. Most of the “concerts” take place (last) in the dark.

Tenderness and sociability. Even a timid creature that hides at the slightest sign of danger becomes a sweet and affectionate animal during the heat period. The cat needs tactile contact, rubs against various objects or rolls on the floor.

Pose with raised tail. The pussy presses its belly to the floor and raises its tail.

The desire for freedom. The female forgets caution and looks for opportunities to go free in search of a cat. You need to vigilantly monitor the cat and block the pet’s escape routes.

Owners must understand that their pet’s behavior is regulated by instincts. It is useless to punish an animal for displaying biological nature; it is better to try to help the pussy get out of an unpleasant state.

Photo - Cat in heat

How to determine pregnancy

The owner will find out whether there was a result during the meeting with the cat in 2-3 weeks. External signs of pregnancy:

  1. The nipples of your teddy pet enlarge, the color changes: the skin becomes bright pink.
  2. In the fifth week, the sides around the ribs become rounded and appetite appears.
  3. The weight of the expectant mother increases: this sign does not always indicate the presence of kittens in the stomach. Your cat may be bloated or gain weight due to an improper diet.

The surest way to determine pregnancy is to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal area. The doctor will tell you whether the fetus is visible and how many kittens a British cat can give birth to for the first time.

Not often, but there are cases of false pregnancy. The girl feels nauseous, loses activity, refuses to eat, or the baby’s taste preferences change. The owner, assessing the behavior of the pet, is confident in the positive outcome of the mating. But at the end of 2 months he will not see the long-awaited kittens. The causes of false pregnancy are stress and hormonal disorders. The doctor will examine the pet and determine the animal’s condition.

Duration of heat

The cat shows the first signs of puberty at about six months. A delay in maturation of up to ten months is considered normal. If a female begins to estrus before six months, the animal must be sterilized to prevent the transmission of such a trait to offspring. Late maturity indicates the presence of physiological problems and is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

The duration of the estrus period changes with age: it increases with growing up, and decreases with old age. On average, sexual hunting lasts 7-8 days. In older cats, the pause between heats is longer (they walk less) than in young cats, and ovulation does not occur.

A cat that has never mated feels the need for intercourse every month. More experienced females ask for a male cat once every 3 months. A regularly mated pussy experiences estrus twice a year. Some breeds (Scottish, British, Bengals) extend the pause to eight months.

Factors influencing the duration and frequency of sexual heat: diet, temperament, proximity to males. An active and energetic animal more often feels the need for a cat than a lethargic and apathetic one.

At what months do you start breeding elite cats? The owners of a breeding cat intended for breeding should plan for their pet to meet her groom long before the onset of estrus. Most breeders consider the optimal time for the first birth to be the beginning of the animal's second year of life. The best age for a first date is ten months.

Stages of sexual hunting

Proestrus . Preliminary stage (1-4 days). The cat's behavior is particularly tender. Slight discharge appears from the swollen external genitalia.

Estrus . All characteristic symptoms are fully manifested. The cat makes screams (screams, yells), clings to people and objects. From the third to the fifth day of estrus, ovulation occurs. The highest intensity of signs of heat is observed in February and March.

Interestrus . During the period following heat, the pussy calms down. A sign that a cat is fertilized is aggression towards the male. Failure to conceive can lead to negative consequences - false pregnancy. Failure of hormone production will cause the animal to begin looking for an object for adoption. In this case, you should seek the help of a doctor.

Anestrus . This period is not marked by anything special. The animal calmly leads its usual way of life.


You can confidently determine the time when estrus begins using the following signs:

  • Uterine loud disgusting meow, which can last the entire time of estrus. Moreover, it is possible that these sounds will be noticed not only by household members, but also by neighbors. However, it all starts quite harmlessly - with purring.
  • Your gait will change. While this state lasts in the animal, the feeling is always created that it is in search of someone.
  • The cat will begin to be near the owner more often, constantly demanding his attention. However, it is worth keeping in mind that a British pet will not suffer from constant mood. Therefore, one should not be surprised by either aggression and sullenness or affection from the pet during festivities.
  • It is also worth preparing for the fact that while the amorous period lasts, the animal will often begin to rub its head against everything. Often on the floor, rolling there from one side to the other.
  • The most unpleasant thing: as long as the heat lasts, the tendency to mark corners can last. Attracting a partner during this period is the most important thing for a pet, even if she was previously very well-mannered and litter-trained.

What to do during sexual heat

The symptoms that accompany estrus are unpleasant not only for the owners, but also for the animal itself. Measures should be taken to alleviate the pet's suffering. It is better to sterilize an animal not intended for breeding at an early age. For a breeding cat, early estrus is an unlucky sign and is also considered an indication for castration. If the ability to reproduce must be preserved for subsequent breeding of the breed, the breeder can normalize the hormonal levels of the young pussy using moderate means.


The need to use sedatives is associated with hormonal imbalances in the animal’s body. To alleviate your pet’s condition, veterinarians recommend the following list of remedies:

  • suprastin - daily for 3 days, one quarter of a tablet for every 5 kg of body weight;
  • motherwort – 4-5 drops twice a day;
  • ovariovit – used to regulate the frequency of sexual heat, can be used for young and elderly individuals;
  • “Stopstress” drops – one drop per kilogram of body weight twice a day (no more than two weeks);
  • “Cat Bayun” - two milliliters 3-4 times a day, half an hour before or 1 hour after meals.

We should not forget that valerian drops, which are soothing for humans, have the opposite effect on cats. Medicines in solid form must first be crushed and the powder diluted in water; liquid medicines should be dropped from a pipette or added to food.

You should not get carried away with hormonal drugs, since the use of such drugs increases the risk of cancer. These medications have a short-term positive effect, and then accumulate in the animal’s body and only cause harm.

There is a way to regulate hormonal levels through a course of injections. Such treatment should be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor and during the pause between heats.

Alternative ways to calm your cat

To calm down and distract attention, you can:

  • Play with your pet. Running and jumping will release pent-up energy.
  • Get a massage. To do this, you need to lay the cat on the floor and press down on its back with your palm. At the same time, the other hand squeezes the base of the tail. Meowing and growling is a signal that the massage is being carried out correctly. When the pet begins to struggle, the massage can be completed. Subsequently, the pussy may ask the owner to repeat the procedure.
  • Talk and pet. The sounds of calm speech, alternating with stroking, will bring the animal into a state of relaxation.
  • Perform water procedures. Bathing will distract the cat's attention.
  • Don't let your pet get a good night's sleep before the night concert. Tired in the middle of the day, the animal will sleep at night

To achieve a reliable effect, it is better to combine physical activities with taking medications.

Surgical intervention

In order to solve the problem once and for all, it is recommended to carry out a castration procedure by removing the female’s ovaries. If you limit yourself to sterilization (tubal ligation), the cat will not become pregnant, but periods of sexual heat will continue.

How to calm a British cat during heat

If your cat is in heat, you should be prepared for absolutely anything. This period is very difficult for the British breed, both emotionally and physically. An animal may simply not give life to its owners, so to avoid this, you need to prepare in advance.

A British cat can mark absolutely everything that comes its way with its urine. They do this in order to attract a male. But if there are male cats nearby, then hold on, the serenades of suitors will be added to the songs of your beauty.

Many people wonder how to help cats and thereby make their lives easier. If your girl is still early or you don’t want to have kittens yet, then you shouldn’t let her sleep during the day, otherwise she will disturb you at night. Give less food during the day and more in the evening, play more with your British cat.

If these recommendations do not help, then contact a specialist who will prescribe a drug that will calm your pet. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies and are given with food or drink. As a rule, after taking such drugs the animal immediately calms down.

You should know that the British cat must go through this period three times without sexual contact. After which she urgently needs to be brought together with the cat. This is necessary not only to keep the cat calm, but also for her body as a whole.

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Negative consequences

The pussy cannot tell its owner about its problems. Therefore, the owner must be extremely attentive to symptoms that may indicate the onset or worsening of the disease.

Idle cats in heat are fraught with purulent inflammation of the uterus, leading to rapid death. If there is a hormonal imbalance, it is better to have the pussy castrated immediately, even at an early age.

The increased duration of the period of sexual heat (longer than a week) cannot be stopped by taking hormonal drugs. Menstruation in cats, unlike menstruation in women, is not painful. There are only two ways out of this situation: mating or castration.

Painful discharge or vomiting is a real reason to seek help from a doctor.

What to do if there is no heat

In order to breed a purebred cat, you need to ensure that the female is ready for fertilization. Measures that breeders recommend to prepare a cat for mating:

  • make a girlfriend. Pussies often show readiness to mate at the same time.
  • invite a cat to visit. The smell of a sexually mature cat awakens the reproductive instinct.
  • Use homeopathic remedies and vitamins. You can induce a healthy female to mate by including drugs in the diet: vitamin E, catozal, gamavit, ovariovit, ortilin.

How should the owner of a British cat behave?

The British, like any other breed, is, of course, capable of coping with this period of its life on its own. But still, one should not underestimate the correct behavior of the owners:

  • The most common way to solve the problem that owners of smaller furry brothers resort to is sterilization. Naturally, it is relevant if the animal is not planned to be used for breeding. In this case, the further problem of estrus will be solved with one trip to the veterinarian.
  • If you need offspring, you will have to endure all the whims. However, you can make sure that the animal realizes them at least during the daytime. To do this, you will have to entertain your pet during the day, and move food intake closer to the evening - with this combination, the cat will sleep at night without its hind legs.
  • If this does not help, you can try treating the British woman with a sedative for animals. A veterinarian can prescribe it, and you can purchase it without any problems at any veterinary pharmacy.
  • As mentioned above, you should not pair your cat with her partner during her first heat. To maintain her health, it is worthwhile to endure at least three amorous periods - only then can you go to visit the groom.
  • You definitely need to learn to control yourself - no shouting, no assault! Of course, constant roulades and attempts to mark territory will drive anyone crazy, but the animal will certainly remember the negativity in its direction. Moreover, it will not solve the problem in any way.
  • If there are disturbances such as too early, too long a heat or its absence, it is worth choosing a suitable remedy. For example, you can opt for “Ovariovit”. But, of course, it is better to first consult with a specialist.

Any breed of our smaller brothers sooner or later faces heat. Beginning cat owners wait for this time in the depths of their souls with horror, anticipating a lot of problems. In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance! The most important thing is to familiarize yourself in advance with information about when the period begins, how long it can last and how it manifests itself.


Sterilization and ovariohysterectomy

Nowadays, sterilization is used extremely rarely, since ligation of the fallopian tubes does not inhibit sexual desire and does not guarantee protection against pathological inflammation of the uterus. A more reliable operation is ovariohysterectomy - removal of the uterus and ovaries at the same time.

The time for sterilization is outside the heat period, two weeks before or after the onset of estrus.

When does puberty begin in cats?

The onset of puberty usually occurs at 6-8 months. At this point, the first heat is often observed. At the same time, there can be no question of any mating. Although, if you don’t have a good cat in mind yet, then it’s worth starting an active search. In order to bear and give birth to healthy offspring, the cat must become stronger and “formed”. This is possible no earlier than the animal is one to one and a half years old . Some owners rush, but in vain, because then dead kittens are born, and the cat begins to get very sick.

It is better to skip the first 4-5 heats in British cats and only after that think about offspring.

As for cats, their puberty period is 7-8 months. Although the male feline will also not be ready for fatherhood at this age. It is recommended to wait at least up to a year.

Mating of elite breed cats

Elite cats with low temperament first show readiness to mate at the age of about a year. More active creatures or pets with hormonal imbalances can enter puberty by 4-5 months. Early estrus is extremely undesirable, as it leads to complications leading to the development of cancer.

At what age can you breed a Scottish, British, Bengal cat, in how many months, on whose territory? The first rendezvous with the groom at the pussy of the British breed should take place at the age of 12 – 16 months. The breeder needs to wait until the second or third day from the start of estrus, take the lady on a date and leave her with her partner for two to three days (the cat is bred at home). It is left to the master of the British groom to control the marriage games.

How long can a British cat go into heat?

In order to determine how long the period of festivities for a given breed can last, it is worth taking a closer look at the chronology of this event:

  • When talking about how long a British cat’s estrus can last, they most often start from the moment of obvious signs such as uterine cries. In fact, it’s worth taking a closer look at the animal from the moment it eats more than usual, cuddles up to its owner, and often worries. In the British breed, like any other, this period usually does not last long - about a day or two.
  • The next stage lasts on average 5-7 days. It was during this period that all the “heavy artillery” described above fell.

However, it should also be mentioned how long the very first heat lasts. It can be only 4-5 days. Therefore, in this case there is no need to worry - everything is within normal limits.

Preparing for mating

An experienced cat owner is looking for a mate through an organization of felinologists. If the bride is purebred, the lady’s owner should check the groom’s package of documents: titles, judge’s scores, medical reports on the absence of infections and genetic pathologies. The bride must have permission to breed and have a vaccination record (at least a month before the date of the meeting with the groom). If you vaccinate the pussy immediately before fertilization, this can lead to the birth of sick offspring. Preventative treatment against worms should be carried out and the tips of the claws should be trimmed to avoid injury. Bathing procedures should not be carried out.

The process of communicating with a cat

If the date took place on the second or third day of a Bengal, Scottish, or British cat’s heat, the acquaintance will be fruitful. Usually at this time the cat seeks contact and releases a scent that attracts the groom. The stress factor when moving can play a negative role and slow down the dating process. The cat's owner should stimulate the process by stroking the cat. If you run your hand along the pussy's back, the animal will relax, and then the reproductive instinct will do its job.

If the bride shows character: hisses and does not make contact, you should leave the animals alone for a short time so that the couple gets used to each other, and the cat gets comfortable in an unusual place. It happens that a cat doesn’t want a guest: it won’t work to excite him or force him to make love, it’s worth introducing him to another partner.

Settling the cat

Experienced breeders control all stages of the female’s fertilization process. The ritual of interaction in a couple is such that the British man holds the cat by the scruff of the neck during intercourse (rutting in cats). A young cat may grab the partner's fur above or below the optimal position. The partner may also lean to the side and avoid proper mounting. The cat owner must monitor signs of deviations and help the animal choose the right position. In this case, you need to maintain silence so as not to disturb the intimate atmosphere and not alienate the partners from each other.

How does a cat behave after mating? If the mating was productive, the female will fall to the side, purr and spin on her back. Before returning the cat to the owner, the cat's owner must make sure that at least three boardings have been carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Pain syndrome. Why do cats scream during sex with a cat? The cat's penis entering the partner's vagina causes pain because it is covered with many hard teeth with points. Such sensations are inextricably linked with ovulation, and therefore are an indispensable condition for a fruitful union.

Duration of mating

How long do British cats have intercourse, how many days do they copulate? Direct contact, the act of a male and a female, takes a matter of minutes. It takes five to ten seconds for a cat to ejaculate. During the day, the couple makes several such contacts, mating at intervals of 15-20 minutes.

The optimal duration of communication between a parent couple (how long to knit, bring together) is two or three days. A long period of intercourse can lead to the birth of kittens, the time of conception of which varies greatly, so that part of the litter will be born prematurely. A short period of communication will upset the female, who will continue to call for the male, even after being fertilized.

Mating problems

  • The difference is in the size of the partners. If the bride is larger than the groom, then the cat will not be able to hold her friend by the withers and at the same time get his penis into the vagina. The owner can hold the partner, provided that the kitty is sufficiently phlegmatic.
  • If the cat has not sufficiently mastered the function of grabbing a friend (poorly untied), the owner can help with choosing the right direction;
  • When the pussy falls to the side, the owner of the groom will have to immobilize and support the lady in an upright position;
  • In the case where the bride categorically does not accept the gentleman (does not let him in), the owners will have to look for a new partner. If there is an urgent need to breed a particular pair, you should leave the animals together for a certain period of time or invite a veterinarian for a medical solution to the problem.
  • The stressful state of the partner can lead to the stopping of the symptoms of sexual heat (does not want a cat). To correct the situation, you need to give the animals time to get used to each other.

How to determine whether mating was successful

It is impossible to assess the success of the event immediately after mating. A week after intercourse, the pet will show the following signs:

  • Feels sleepy;
  • Aggression towards cats;
  • Preference for liquid foods.

After three weeks after mating, the fertilized female's nipples will swell and turn pink and her belly will begin to grow.

Reasons for unsuccessful mating:

  • sexual failure of the male;
  • overweight or underweight;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • stressful state;
  • viral infection;
  • avitaminosis;
  • mineral deficiency;
  • error when choosing the time for mating.

How to relieve symptoms of estrus

No cat owner, even the most patient, can like the fact that both day and night his pet, who has entered the breeding age, howls, bites and is overly active and aggressive. At such moments, the question arises of what to do with a cat whose antics can no longer be tolerated.

The easiest way to resolve the issue is to arrange a “date” for the tailed brawler with a suitable cat.

It should be taken into account that you need to choose the most suitable time for mating. The peak of sexual activity in animals whose age allows them to reproduce occurs between February and March. It is at this time that it is more advisable to have offspring, guided by the simplest logic. In the coming summer months there will be no problems with obtaining food for the babies, the cubs do not need to be protected from the cold, and by the first serious frost they will already have reached adulthood.

This path is suitable for owners of purebred animals and those whose cats, having entered adulthood, walk on their own and live in the courtyard of a private house. In a city apartment, a low-bred wild animal can hardly become a prominent and sought-after gentleman . In this case, it is necessary to consider other ways to resolve the issue.

Recovery period between births

To prepare for the next pregnancy and bearing offspring, the animal’s body must recover after childbirth. A purebred cat can give birth no more often than once or twice in a year to a year and a half; at least 6 months must pass between litters. Yard cats breed every time they come into heat, and intercourse is very frequent. The first two months after giving birth, the mother cat devotes herself entirely to feeding her kittens. At the end of this period, the cat is again ready for mating. The following cases are exceptions:

  • previous births were complicated;
  • the pet’s body is exhausted;
  • pussy suffered a serious illness;
  • the last litter included stillborn babies.

In healthy cats, all biological processes occur regularly, so the owner can prepare in advance for the pregnancy of his furry pet. A potential father of the family must be found long before mating begins. During an empty heat, the cat should take sedatives and receive attention in the form of a massage or play. Females not intended for breeding should be neutered.

Download the cat mating agreement with the act of mutual settlement in Word

Caring for a pregnant cat

A pregnant British woman requires increased attention from all family members. Knowing the reason why British cats do not like to be held, you can learn how to communicate with the animal during pregnancy. An aristocratic person in ordinary times does not always accept signs of attention from the owner. But while waiting for the babies, she becomes more affectionate, sometimes following on their heels, making loud rumbling sounds.

Proper nutrition

During pregnancy, it is especially important to provide adequate nutrition. The menu is more nutritious and varied. Divide the amount of food intake into 5 times. They use industrial food specifically for pregnant British cats, containing a vitamin and mineral complex. What to feed a pregnant British cat on natural food: be sure to include in the diet:

  1. Lean meat.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Cereal porridge.
  4. Fish (no more than 1-2 times a week).
  5. Additionally, they buy a complex of vitamins.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Cartilages.

What do we have to do

For a successful result, for the appearance of healthy kittens and support for the animal, a number of measures are carried out:

  • monitor the health of your pet: if there is diarrhea, increased body temperature, or the appearance of discharge, you should urgently contact a veterinary hospital;
  • control the weight of the British: it is important not to overfeed the animal.
  • arrange a convenient place for childbirth: a box, a crate. The cat is shown a place and placed on a bed;

What not to do

  • do not pick up the baby. If the girl herself unexpectedly wants to be closer to the person, stroke carefully, without pressing on the abdominal area;
  • do not allow the expectant mother to climb high, limit access to objects near the ceiling;
  • do not allow yourself to arrange a place for childbirth: the animal will ruin linen and clothes;
  • Do not prescribe medications to your pet; use medications only as prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • exclude factors that traumatize the animal’s psyche: loud music, noisy outdoor games.
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