Can a kitten be fed baby food? Food for Scottish kittens

Veterinarians believe that baby food for cats is healthy if it does not contain flavor enhancers, starch, vegetables or spices that are exotic for the animal. Meat and vegetable gruels, as well as infant formula, are suitable for feeding babies. It should be taken into account that the product for children contains an increased concentration of fats, oils, minerals and vitamins, which can cause obesity or hypervitaminosis in the animal. Therefore, you need to accurately measure the volumes and give your baby food according to a strict schedule.

Situations in which feeding problems arise

Most often, owners ask the question “Is it possible to feed a kitten baby food?” in a situation where, for some reason, the baby is left without a mother at too early an age. As a rule, a cat feeds its cubs with milk for up to two months. But there are cases when the mother abandons the baby, the kitten is taken from the breast early or given away by owners who do not care about the baby’s future. In this case, the new owner has a huge responsibility, because the life of a defenseless baby depends on how correctly the person feeds the kitten.

But even in a situation where a cat feeds its child itself, a caring owner should know that in order to better adapt to nutritious nutrition in the future, the baby should start feeding after three weeks of life. And after two months, when the pet’s milk teeth begin to appear, the mustachioed one will be able to gradually switch to solid food.

There are rare cases when an animal has an allergic reaction to cat food, and it is very difficult to balance the diet. Baby food will also come to the rescue. When feeding this way, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the cat, its stool and behavior. Most often, such complementary foods help restore the intestinal microflora of a pet.

How to feed?

You can give food to your baby using a special bottle, pipette or syringe with the needle removed. Veterinarians recommend pre-wrapping the kitten in a towel so that it does not get dirty and warms up. It is better to feed with the kitten positioned vertically, especially if the sucking reflex is poorly developed, but you can place the pet on its tummy. The mixture from the bottle located at an angle should flow gradually. There is no need to overfeed and forcefully pour in baby food if the baby doesn’t want any more; it’s better to feed more often, but in smaller portions.

When a small kitten has eaten, he definitely needs to knead his tummy with a soft, damp cloth or cotton wool. If you skip the procedure, your pet will develop constipation, which can be fatal.

The frequency of feeding and the optimal volume of formula, calculated based on age indicators, are presented in the table:

Kitten age, daysNumber of meals per day, timesVolume of baby food, ml

Veterinarians' opinion

Is it possible to feed a kitten baby food? Veterinarians disagree on this issue, as well as on many other things. They claim that baby food is formulated for human babies, and babies and kittens have different diets and unique digestive systems.

However, much more important are the reviews of experienced cat owners who have tested the benefits of baby food for kittens in practice. The owners note the excellent health of their four-legged friends, their cheerful, playful mood, good appetite, and all this thanks to such complementary feeding.

Is it possible to feed a kitten baby food? If we take into account the beneficial effects of the product on the health and lifestyle of small pets, it is appropriate to give a positive answer. Kittens can and should be fed baby food.

Features of feeding

It is important for owners to understand what kind of baby food can be given to a kitten. Not every formula is suitable for a baby. It is important to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. You can feed the animal with both vegetable and meat mixture. The main thing is to avoid the following components in the finished product: salt, onion, garlic, starch. These elements are poorly digested and harmful to the cat’s body.

After the owner decides on the choice of complementary foods, the mixture must be diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. The kitten should be fed 3-4 times a day. You can use a pipette, syringe, or a special pacifier sold at a pet store. Simply carefully and slowly introduce the liquid into the animal’s mouth.

This is a painstaking and lengthy process, so the owner must be patient. The baby should be fed for at least 1.5 months. But do not forget that in the future the care shown for the kitten will return a hundredfold.

Tema meat and vegetable puree “Beef with buckwheat” - review

Until recently, I didn’t know that cats simply adore “Tyoma” meat-and-vegetable puree... In fact, they are intended for feeding children from 8 months. But my cats (two) eat exclusively natural food (chicken, beef, turkey) and there is a lot of fuss with preparing their food separately... but there are fewer health problems than those who eat industrial food. So, after an illness, I had a weakened cat (one year old). She is not good at eating meat, because she quickly gets tired of chewing it, and I don’t always have time to process meat into minced meat... While I was treating her, I studied information about nutrition on cat breeder forums and discovered that those who feed animals natural food use nutrition, baby food such as “Tyoma”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Gerber” and others (it is only important that there are no potatoes, no pork and no fish. Important. Make sure that the composition does not contain onions, garlic, soy protein). I decided to try it... I bought “Tyoma” puree with beef and buckwheat. It turned out to be an excellent food for a cat... It’s so mouth-watering that you can’t tear it off. Since it is puree and not a piece of meat, there is no need to chew it, and she does not get tired. Easily digested. Dietary (relatively of course). Goes to the toilet perfectly - without diarrhea, but also without constipation. I just started to recover at a rapid pace (pah-pah). The appetite is wolfish - he eats 2 jars a day, quickly regains the weight lost during illness. She eats it so much that she doesn’t have to persuade her (it’s apparently still hard for her to digest meat after her illness). One jar contains 100 grams of the finished product. And what I like most is that usually I can’t force cats to eat, in addition to meat, vegetables and porridge (cereals - buckwheat, rice, etc.), but in the form of puree they crack “with a bang.” This is important because they also need carbohydrates, not just proteins... especially if the animal has weak or diseased kidneys, then they need less protein. The main thing is that it contains no lactose, preservatives, GMOs, flavors and dyes... and other rubbish. The composition is as follows: beef; buckwheat; sunflower oil, potato starch, table salt (but I tried the taste - the canned food is completely bland, there is very little salt in my opinion... just what is needed for cats); dill extract, water. I think it's a good lineup! However, there is one small inconvenience: after opening the can, the product’s shelf life = 1 day. After this it cannot be used. Mine are great at persuading a whole jar in a day and more than one. So there is no problem with this. The manufacturer also recommends warming it up slightly... There is a catch here: if you heat up a portion and it doesn’t eat it all at once, then reheating it is prohibited - all you have to do is throw it away if you don’t eat it. I can tell you from my own experience - I DO NOT reheat it, it already smells like meat. I leave the jar to sit at room temperature (although these canned foods do not require a refrigerator) and serve it that way. They eat great. After heating in the microwave, these canned foods simply become more flavorful. This does not affect my cats in any way, since they eat it just fine without heating. I highly recommend it to those who have cats on natural food and to those who are recovering from an illness. PS: we also tried the “Babushkino Lukoshko” puree with beef and pumpkin... I (and the cats) personally liked it better, why - I’ll write a separate review. Appearance, consistency, composition are demonstrated in the photo.

Milk for kittens

According to most veterinarians, kittens should not be fed any milk other than cat milk. The baby's body produces a special enzyme that allows it to digest the mother's product - lactase. With age, the secretion of the enzyme is reduced to a minimum, and for the baby, milk becomes a heavy food.

If the mother cannot feed the kitten, it would be best to find a cat who is ready to raise someone else's cub. If this is not possible, the owner will have to find a worthy replacement for breast milk.

If the kitten has to be fed artificially, then store-bought dairy products are definitely not suitable for this. It contains many harmful substances that negatively affect the health of cats.

Cow's milk is one of the best substitutes for store-bought products, but it is not nutritious enough and is not rich in the vitamins and minerals necessary for the cat's body.

Goat milk for kittens will be the best option for feeding. It is more nutritious, the composition is enriched with microelements necessary for a growing pet. Goat's milk is absorbed faster by the cat's body than cow's milk. An additional advantage for the animal is that the product is low-allergenic. To feed a kitten, goat milk must be diluted a little with water.

Cat food developers also came to the rescue. In the pet store you can find special mixtures that are milk substitutes. The composition of such products fully corresponds to the composition of the milk of a nursing cat and will allow the baby to fully develop without feeling any discomfort from the substitution.

Composition and properties of baby food

Formulas for babies contain the optimal ratio of whey proteins, vegetable oils and amino acids. Most often, the dairy component is represented by demineralized whey and skim milk. The components are easily absorbed by the child's body and lead to rapid weight gain. Vegetable oils promote the development of the brain and central nervous system. The content of minerals and vitamin complex in a quality product is 18-20% higher than in natural breast milk, therefore excessive consumption is fraught with hypervitaminosis and gastrointestinal disorders for cats. Glucose syrup, obtained from starch, is often used to add a sweet taste. Probiotics normalize intestinal microflora and stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What food is suitable for Scottish kittens?

Are you the proud owner of a Scottish kitten and are wondering what food is best for your pet? The fact is that for the harmonious development of a baby of any breed, the features of choosing food are the same.

Today there are many developers of food for cats. Store shelves are bursting with an abundance of products. In such conditions it is easy to get lost. But the choice of manufacturer should be taken extremely seriously. Ready-made food for Scottish kittens must be balanced and contain all useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements. To do this, before purchasing a product, you need to study its composition. The main condition for high quality feed is the meat content in it. This ingredient should be in the first place in the composition. If everything is in order with this, then we study the vitamin content.

It is recommended to choose super-premium and holistic food for Scottish kittens. Each manufacturer's product line includes products in this category, but the developers themselves are different. In any case, your cat should evaluate the food you choose. If he feels good after eating, then the product is suitable for him.

Caring for a newborn kitten without a cat

Caring for a newborn kitten is not just about feeding it regularly. In addition, full care is required, starting from the moment the umbilical cord connecting the tiny body to the mother was cut. If it so happens that the cat is not nearby, then the babies will need to be provided with warmth and food. It is important to feed the babies earlier - the baby will not die without food for several hours after birth, but there may be problems with the underdevelopment of the sucking reflex, and the digestive functions will not begin to work as they should.

In the nest with kittens, the temperature is maintained at 28-30°C. An excellent choice would be a cardboard box measuring 50 by 50 cm. Up to 14 days - until the eyes begin to open, the box is closed. After this, the lid is not needed, but you should not immediately take the babies into bright light.

If the kittens are not located in the center of the box, but in the corners, it means they are cold, and heating pads with boiling water are placed around the nest.

You also need to regularly inspect and wipe with a linen rag, symbolizing washing by the mother. With such care and attention, future cats will grow up healthy and affectionate.

Meat in Scottish kitten food

Like all kittens, Scots are ready to eat meat products by 1.5–2 months. Meat baby food for a Scottish kitten - meat puree, canned food, stew. When purchasing a product, you should also pay attention to the composition. Naturally, the food should contain a large amount of meat. But dry formulations containing meat can be consumed by a kitten after 6 months. In any case, no matter what product the pet owner chooses, the animal should like the food. It is important that it does not cause allergic reactions. Then the kitten will grow up strong, healthy and will delight its owner for many years.

When is it recommended?

Formulas for children can be given to the following representatives of the cat family, which will benefit from a soft puree-like structure and a high concentration of minerals:

This food is suitable for older animals.

  • babies from 0 to 6 months left without a mother;
  • a pet weakened by illness;
  • old cats with poor condition of fangs;
  • pets switching from one food to another;
  • cats during pregnancy and lactation.
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