Can neutered cats mate with cats: why sexual heat remains, what to do

A neutered cat wants a cat: reasons

If a cat was castrated at a young age before he had sexual experience, he does not walk on the street and there are no females in the apartment, then in most males the sexual desire disappears after sterilization. But when surgery occurs after the male cat has been bred, the habits can last a lifetime.

For some time, testosterone produced by the testes circulates in the blood, and if a month after the operation the cat smells a leaking female, he becomes excited. Even in most adult males, the desire to cover cats disappears after several months and sometimes years.

Sexual desire and castration

The main purpose of this surgical operation is to deprive the cat of reproductive function and relieve its owners from the discomfort that its behavior causes. Removing the testes of an animal relieves it of natural instincts, including sexual desire. But this does not always happen, and the owners of some castrated males complain that the cat still continues to show interest in individuals of the opposite sex, but less clearly than it was before. The owners are perplexed and don’t understand what’s going on. And the reason may be that pets that were mated before surgery (either on purpose or by accident) developed sex hormones. Not only the reproductive organs, but also the cat’s pituitary gland and adrenal glands are responsible for this process. So the sexual instinct was memorized, which even after castration makes itself felt, only less pronounced. To prevent this from happening, castration should be carried out on males who have not had mating experience. In this case, the problem arises because the cat owner chose the wrong age period for the intervention.

This is why it is important to correctly calculate the time to castrate your pet. It is recommended to do this after 10 months of life, and not to breed the cat before that.

By the way, some breeders deliberately keep untimely neutered males with preserved symptoms of estrus for pets that are not allowed to give birth. For them, such males are a specific sedative.

Responsible owners should know that castration too early is dangerous. It is fraught with the development of pathologies, for example, the pet’s urethra may be underdeveloped, and inflammatory processes may occur. And another danger of early castration is that the surgeon may leave a small particle of the testis, which will secrete sex hormones in small quantities. They can become another reason that after castration the cat shows signs of sexual behavior.

Another reason why a cat behaves as before after surgery is a mistake by the veterinarian. He may not inform the owner that the animal's second testicle remains in the abdominal cavity. A good specialist will not make such a mistake. Therefore, you should not skimp on the procedure and trust your cat’s health to amateurs.

Some owners prefer chemical castration of their ward or a vasectomy procedure. The latter does not involve removing the testes, but ligating the spermatic cords. Yes, it is less traumatic, but also less effective. Most veterinarians call this procedure half-hearted. After all, it gives an unstable result. And this will manifest itself in the fact that the animal retains its sexual instincts. Who is to blame in this case? Surely, the owner is unprepared, insufficiently informed about what exactly the cat is facing and what the risks may be. In this case, there is only one way out - repeat surgery and complete castration of the pet.

What to do if a cat wants a cat after castration

The situation arises when several animals of the opposite sex live in the same room. If the owner does not like that the castrato is trying to cage and there are several rooms allocated for the needs of cats, the animals are seated. If a male who has recently been castrated shows interest, hormonal contraception is used. A veterinarian will help you choose the right remedy. If the layout of the apartment allows, animals of different sexes are seated during estrus.

Be sure to read:

How to care for a cat after sterilization: blanket, diet, treatment and removal of sutures

Despite the fact that the pet’s behavior does not suit the owner, the pet cannot be punished. Otherwise, a stressful situation will arise in which the animal becomes aggressive.

To distract the animal from acquired habits, it is occupied in the following ways:

  1. Expansion of vertical territory. The cat wants to have safe places for rest and entertainment. Beds are placed on the window, shelves are attached to the walls, as well as hammocks. The cat climbs on a hill and feels comfortable.
  2. Using a scratching post will protect upholstered furniture, allow the cat to relax and relieve stress.
  3. Interactive toys increase physical activity and distract from other activities.
  4. If there are several cats in the apartment, you need to place a feeder and tray for each in different places.

In some situations, the owners themselves provoke the cat into inappropriate behavior. Stroking and squeezing the animal affects the erogenous zones, and the pet becomes excited. At such moments you should stop communicating.

How does castration affect a cat's behavior?

Castration is the only guaranteed method that allows you to eliminate a cat’s sexual desire and reduce the intensity of behavioral factors associated with this instinct. In order to understand what exactly will change in the cat’s behavior, the easiest way is to consider the habits that the cat exhibits against the background of sexual arousal.

Marks are the most obvious signal from a male to attract a female. The marks are traces of special liquids (secrets) with an individual odor. Secrets may contain:

  • In urine.
  • In feces.
  • In sweat secretions between the fingers.

Urine marks are left in a particularly demonstrative manner - the cat lifts its tail and splashes urine. Feces marks are the same piles, only more fragrant. Even when you remove everything, the smell will remain. Very often, marks with feces are misunderstood, thinking that the cat is shitting in the house. Scratching walls, wallpaper, curtains and doors is also a way to leave marks.

Heart-rending screams, especially at night, are also a manifestation of sexual desire. The cat waits until night and begins to scream heart-rendingly so that the cat hears his call and answers. Castration solves this problem almost immediately. If the cat was mated before castration, the process of balancing the hormonal levels can take up to 6-9 months.

The defiant behavior and aggression that the cat began to show during sexual hunting is a natural consequence of dissatisfaction. Just don’t confuse the concepts; the cat does not experience satisfaction from mating, but it becomes very stressful if he has nowhere to throw out his accumulated energy.

After castration, the cat becomes more affectionate, and mood swings disappear over time. Again, activity peaks and mood swings should not be compared. The peak of activity is when a calm cat begins to rush around, jump, and true discouragement is visible on his face. After 10–15 minutes, the pet calms down and behaves as if nothing had happened. Peaks of activity are a kind of release or a way to let off steam.

The most popular and recommended cat food brands

Sterilization radically changes the life of a pet and its habits. If earlier your cat urgently demanded a walk and was looking for a cat, now he is only interested in food. A cat that eats excessively high-calorie foods will begin to gain weight, and this is already a bad sign for the animal. To keep his figure normal, choose the right food!

The range of cat products includes two main types of food: dry and wet. They differ in composition and cost. If the owner chooses the first option, it is necessary to provide the animal with constant access to drinking water.

Which food is better, dry or wet, is up to you to decide; there is no clear answer to this question. The main thing is to choose a fresh composition of proven quality with mandatory certification, giving preference to reliable brands. Experts do not recommend choosing budget food. Such savings can negatively affect the health of the animal.

Premium class food

Experienced breeders recommend giving preference to the following brands:

  • Hills – a large assortment of therapeutic and prophylactic products that help prevent obesity in animals;
  • Royal Canin - nutritional composition rich in vitamins;
  • Purina PRO PLAN is a balanced food with pribiotics that improve intestinal function.

These feeds have a balanced composition of useful elements: protein, vitamin and mineral complexes, pribiotics, enzymes, carbohydrates and proteins.

Super Premium class food

The best brands according to consumer reviews:

  • Leonardo – based on natural ingredients;
  • 1st Choice – hypoallergenic composition;
  • Brit Care is a complex of nutritional components that replenish the animal’s body with all the necessary elements.

Other popular brands that produce high-quality food for cats after sterilization: “Orijen Cat & kitten”, “Natural balance”, “Our brand” and “Hollistic”.

"Hollistic" - the highest balanced class of feed

As already mentioned, proper care after castration of a domestic cat is based on dietary nutrition. If your pet prefers artificial food, pay attention to products from the Holistics line.

Holistic food has been appreciated by thousands of domestic cat lovers who choose only the best for their furry family members. The products are characterized by a high-quality composition of ingredients without the addition of harmful preservatives and flavors.

The holistic food contains 70-95% natural meat and fish of selected varieties in combination with vitamin complexes and other useful ingredients of natural origin.

The Holistic line includes a large selection of cat food from different global manufacturers:

  • Golden Eagle;
  • Acana;
  • GO!;
  • Almo Nature Holistik;
  • Innova Evo;
  • Holistik Blend, etc.

General information about castration

The operation to remove the testes cannot be performed on animals weakened by diseases. Therefore, before implementing it, you will have to visit the veterinarian, perhaps more than once. In addition to the external examination, he may prescribe tests. They will help identify all internal pathologies and diseases. Inexperienced owners ask: at what age are cats castrated? There is no specific criterion in this case. Typically, castration is recommended between the ages of 7 months and one year. But these terms are very arbitrary and largely depend on the development and general condition of the pet.

Many people are also interested in whether it is possible to castrate a cat after a year. In the absence of any contraindications, surgery can be performed at an older age. But it should be taken into account that the expected effect from it may not be. There remains a possibility that the cat will still leave marks and scream at night.

The operation itself also requires preliminary preparation. Typically, preparing a cat for castration involves fasting. To do this, 12 hours before the planned date, the animal stops feeding; some doctors recommend using a laxative to empty the intestines. If this point is neglected, there may be some difficulties when the animal enters and exits anesthesia. This will prevent vomiting in the future. And it will alleviate the already unpleasant condition after anesthesia. In this case, you can give water to drink as usual.

The operation to remove the testes is performed under general anesthesia. Its duration, as a rule, does not exceed 20-30 minutes. After the operation, the doctor will listen to the cat’s heartbeat, after which you can go home. With the correct dose of anesthesia and compliance with all care recommendations, there are almost no complications after castration.

Caring for your cat after surgery is as follows:

  1. The animal is placed in a warm place with dim light, preferably on the floor.
  2. After waking up, the tray is placed as close to the animal as possible. In this case, it is desirable that there is no filler in it.
  3. Due to stress, a cat may relieve itself in the wrong place for the first time. You can’t scold him at this moment. After the pain subsides, he will return to his litter box on his own.

In the absence of complications, rehabilitation of the animal does not exceed 2-3 days. During it, caring for him should be especially careful.

In this case, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Temperature. Even a short-term increase is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Fever is the main sign of an infection that has begun to develop.
  2. Refusal of water and food. Forced fasting for more than a day will lead to dehydration and significantly increase the rehabilitation period.
  3. Condition of the wounds. Their surface should be dry and clean without signs of suppuration. The owner should also be wary if the wound is still bleeding after a day. Normally, this should only occur in the first hours after surgery.

Recovery of a cat after castration in the absence of complications lasts no more than a week. He usually sleeps a lot during this time, especially in the first days. Also, in the postoperative period, it is necessary to provide careful wound care

It is very important to prevent them from festering. To do this, the cat must be kept in a clean room, and the tray must be washed after each use.

Some veterinarians recommend additional wound care to ensure faster recovery of damaged tissue. It involves applying brilliant green to the surrounding tissue. In this case, you should avoid getting it directly on the incision. In some cases, doctors also prescribe ointments containing antibiotics.

In total, cats recover from anesthesia within 24 hours. During this period, their condition should be closely monitored. They should not be allowed to lick the wound, otherwise bleeding may occur and infection may occur.

Find out also about the features of castrating a cat at home.

What should pet owners do?

If a cat wants a cat after castration, he must be provided with:

  • rational, balanced nutrition;
  • motor and mental activity (games, walks);
  • separate keeping with cats (2-3 months);
  • avoiding excessive, overstimulating caresses.

Prevention of stress:

  • do not punish the cat;
  • spend time communicating;
  • create a comfort zone (hammocks, play sets, scratching posts).

You can adopt a new cat after 2-3 months, gradually accustoming the animals to each other. Each person should have an individual tray, a feeding container, and a place to sleep.

At what age does a cat ask for a cat for the first time?

At a certain age, the cat’s body begins to prepare for reproduction; females begin to go into heat. At this moment, follicles mature in the ovaries. The animal's hormonal background changes. The hormone estrogen is released in large quantities, as a result of which the blood supply to the genital organs increases and clear vaginal discharge appears.

Puberty of a cat

The scientific name for estrus in cats is estrus. On average, it begins at the age of 6–8 months. However, this process is individual and depends on many factors, so in some females the first estrus occurs at 4 months, while in others the reproductive system matures closer to 12 months.

If your one-year-old cat still hasn't come into heat, she should be seen by a veterinarian. Sometimes during estrus, the pet exhibits almost no changes in behavior characteristic of sexual heat. This condition is called “erased estrus.” In this case, you also need to consult a specialist, since such conditions may indicate health problems.

If a female begins to walk, this does not mean that she is ready to reproduce. The first estrus is a symptom of the physiological maturity of the cat. Actual sexual maturity in cats is formed only at 18 months.

What determines the timing of the first estrus?

At what age does a teenage cat begin to ask for a cat depends on the individual characteristics of the body and some external conditions. The following factors have the strongest influence on puberty:

Oriental cat

  1. Breed. It has been found that females of some breeds reach sexual maturity at an earlier age than most domestic cats. An early onset of estrus is observed in Thai, Siamese, Burmese and Oriental cats, and St. Petersburg Sphynxes. Late maturation is often observed in females of the Persian breed, Neva Masquerade, and Maine Coons.
  2. Body features. More graceful and graceful females with thin bones mature faster than their stocky and large relatives.
  3. The time of year when the cat was born. In females that are born in winter or spring, estrus begins in spring or summer. In animals born in the summer or autumn months, maturation takes longer.
  4. Living conditions. Pets living in an apartment mature more slowly than outdoor cats.
  5. Features of temperament. Mobile active cats reach sexual maturity at an earlier date. In slow, sedentary, calm females, estrus begins later.
  6. Heredity. The ability to reproduce and timing of maturation also depend on genetic predisposition.
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