Liquid vitamins for cats: which ones are better, composition, types, reviews from veterinarians

How to choose

So, let's try to figure out together how to choose vitamins for a cat.

  1. We analyze the type of cat's diet: natural feeding or ready-made industrial food.
  2. We clarify the pet's age. Most manufacturers indicate on their products what age it is designed for: for kittens, for older cats, for adult animals.
  3. We take into account the physiological state of the animal. Pregnant, lactating, spayed and neutered animals have their own complexes.
  4. We assess your health status. Vitamins are divided into preventive ones for healthy cats and narrowly targeted ones for animals with certain health problems.
  5. Pay attention to the appearance of the cat. There is a whole list of vitamins for the beauty and health of skin and coat.
  6. Be sure to consult a veterinarian. Only a specialist, after certain studies of the animal, will be able to accurately prescribe a complex or single drug to saturate the cat’s body with certain vitamins and minerals.
  7. We adhere to the animal's taste preferences. Manufacturers produce complexes with various flavors: seafood, chicken, rabbit, beef.
  8. We choose vitamins of the desired structure: tablets, capsules, solutions, pastes, crackers, injections, suspensions, powders.

Vitamin weed

Vitamin herb for cats

Cats living outdoors can often be found doing something as rewarding as eating grass. These animals unmistakably identify useful species by the smell of plants. By the way, scientists believe that from observations of animals eating this or that plant in case of illness, people have formed their own pharmacopoeia of herbs.

At home, you can also provide your pet with the opportunity to improve their health. Place several cute stable pots on the windowsill or loggia and sprout several types of greens in them. Cats prefer young sprouts of wheat, oats, corn, and rye. They are rich not only in vitamins, but also in microelements necessary for animal health.

A wide range of seeds of various cereal herbs for germination, including mixed types, is available in specialized pet stores and regular pharmacies.

Rating of vitamins for cats – manufacturers and brands

The range of fortified products on the pet products market is huge. It is not easy for cat owners to navigate this diversity on their own. Not all vitamins are equally effective, and some may cause harm instead of the expected benefits.

Our rating is based on the recommendations of veterinary specialists and consumer preferences.

  1. Canina (Canina) – Germany;
  2. Beaphar (Beafar) - the Netherlands;
  3. VetExpert (VetExpert) – Poland;
  4. Brewers - USA;
  5. Nutri Vet (Nutri Vet) – USA;
  6. Gimpet (Gimpet) – Germany;
  7. Anivital (Anivital) – Germany;
  8. Polidex (Polideks) – Russia;
  9. Agrovetzaschita (AVZ) – Russia
  10. VEDA (Veda) – Russia;
  11. Astrapharm - Russia;
  12. Titbit (Titbit) – Russia;
  13. Bayer (Bayer) – Germany;
  14. Dreamies (Dreamies) – USA;
  15. Doctor ZOO – Russia.

Data is current as of May 2022.

Types of vitamins by dosage form - tablets, injections, pastes, drops

Manufacturers of vitamin and mineral products for cats try to satisfy all the needs of consumers and develop preparations of various structures and methods of application. The market for veterinary products widely includes both conventional vitamins in the form of tablets and enteric capsules, as well as all kinds of injectable preparations, pastes, crackers and powders.

Vitamins in tablets (crackers)

Complex tablets are often released in the form of crackers, reminiscent of commercial food pellets, to attract the attention of cats. And to reduce problems with taking vitamins, manufacturers make tablets with meat, fish, cheese or milk taste and aroma. Vitamin tablets are convenient to give to adult animals that can chew them. These fortified feed additives are given to kittens in crumbled form, mixed with food. The shape of the tablets can be either round or in the shape of hearts, fish, mice. The color range of the drugs is also extensive. Many manufacturers produce vitamins in tablets (crackers) of different colors, so that you can distinguish them by composition and taste, as well as for convenient division into morning and evening doses.

The best vitamins for cats in tablets:

  1. 8 in 1 Excel Brewer's Yeast (brewer's yeast);
  2. Beaphar Kitty's Mix;
  3. AniVital FeliDerm;
  4. Polidex Immunity up;
  5. Agrovetzaschita Radostin.

Vitamin injections (shots)

Vitamins in the form of injection solutions (injections) are indicated for those cats that, for some reason, cannot take medications orally. It should be borne in mind that the prescription of such vitamin-mineral complexes must be made by a veterinarian. Only he can determine what vitamins an animal needs and in what dosage. It is prohibited to inject cats with vitamins and other medications on your own.

TOP vitamins in injections:

  1. Vittri-1 (Agrovetzaschita);
  2. Vittri-3 (Agrovetzaschita);
  3. Gamavit (GamaVetFarm);
  4. Multivitamin (Norbrook);
  5. Cyanocobalamin B12 (Mosagrogen).


Ingredients : brewer's yeast, garlic, glycerin, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, tuna fat, vitamins: A, D3, B1, B2, B6, biotin, omega-3. The basis of the vitamins is brewer's yeast and garlic. Does not contain dyes or preservatives.

Benefit : vitamins serve to improve the condition of the immune and digestive systems, wool, and skin. Regulates blood sugar levels.

Can be used on kittens older than 2 weeks.

Dosage : 1 tablet per 4 kg of animal weight.

Types of vitamins by purpose - age, health status, functional characteristics

Vitamin and mineral complexes for cats differ not only in the form of release, their main gradation is in purpose. There are general strengthening multivitamin preparations, combined and single preparations for certain painful conditions, as well as vitamins for pregnant, lactating, castrated and sterilized animals. Age is another important condition for choosing vitamin supplements. It is known that the growing body of a kitten needs a completely different set of microelements than the body of an elderly, inactive animal.

Multivitamins (multivitamins)

The most common group of medications that is most popular among cat owners are multivitamin complexes. As a rule, they contain a full range of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal growth and development of the animal. Available for all age groups: kittens, adult animals, aging cats. They have a general strengthening and health-improving effect. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis.

The best multivitamins for cats:

  1. Beaphar Top 10;
  2. Gimpet Multi-Vitamin Paste Extra;
  3. VetAminex;
  4. Radostin for adult cats up to 8 years old;
  5. Biorhythm with the taste of seafood.

Vitamins to strengthen the immune system (general strengthening)

Immunostimulants are complexes for strengthening the immune system of cats, which increase the animal’s body’s resistance to diseases and negative environmental influences. Vitamins for strengthening the immune system necessarily contain antioxidants, essential amino acids, adaptogens and essential macro- and microelements. Immunostimulants can be given to cats only as prescribed by a veterinarian. When using this type of medication, you must make sure that the animals do not have parasites. Parasites significantly reduce the immunity of cats.

TOP vitamins for immunity:

  1. Gimpet Topinis;
  2. Nutri-Vet Multi-Vite Paw-Gel;
  3. VetoMune VetExpert;
  4. Omega Neo for cats with biotin and taurine;
  5. Phytomines for immunity.

Vitamins for removing hair from the stomach

During the daily washing of cats, some of the hairs enter the animal’s stomach, thereby creating “hairballs” in the stomach. As these lumps accumulate, they negatively affect the mood and health of the pet. Hair removal vitamins help remove hairballs from the animal’s stomach easily and painlessly. Modern products contain plant fibers and special phytocomplexes that not only remove hair, but also prevent the formation of new hairballs.

List of the best vitamins for removing hair from the stomach:

  1. Beaphar Malt Paste;
  2. Gimpet Malt-Soft Paste Extra;
  3. Hairball Soft Chews for Cats;
  4. Beaphar Bits Mix;
  5. Cliny Ag+.

Vitamins for healthy skin and beautiful coat

“Shedding” not according to schedule, dull fur, combed skin - all these are signs that the animal lacks vitamins B and H, taurine and biotin. Complex preparations for the skin and coat are prescribed to animals by veterinarians, and they can also be given before cat shows to improve the appearance of the animal. Vitamins of this group prevent premature shedding and reduce its time, improve the quality of the coat.

The best vitamins for skin and coat:

  1. FeliDerm (AniVital);
  2. 8 in 1 Excel Brewer's Yeast;
  3. Gimpet Beauty-Kiss;
  4. Doctor Zoo "Skin and Coat Health" with biotin and taurine;
  5. Farmavit Active for cats “Beauty and health of fur.”

What is the difference between castrated cats?

Before considering proper nutrition for neutered cats, it is necessary to understand how they differ from non-neutered pets. The fact is that after a cat’s testes are removed, its hormonal levels undergo significant changes. This is how they completely cease to be interested in the opposite sex. In addition to the fact that cats stop meowing menacingly and constantly marking their territory, they become more docile and calm. By the way, their interest in cats, as a rule, is replaced by an incredible passion for food. This is why neutered pets often have a tendency to become obese. The main rule in this case is not to overfeed, because too much food is not good for the cat’s health.

Customer reviews about vitamins for cats

Arina: “After castration, the veterinarian advised us to give the cat special vitamins for such animals. We bought Famavit NEO for castrated people. The cat refused to eat the whole tablet, so we had to mix it into his food. She feels good, we don’t see any problems with urination or obesity, her tests are all normal. I don’t know how the vitamins affected the cat’s well-being, but we continue to take them.”

Leonid: “I treat the manufacturer Gimpet with respect, so when our Scottish mother gave birth to kittens and they grew up a little, I chose vitamins for babies without a doubt. I bought “Gimpet BabyTabs” at the pharmacy – a jar of special vitamins for kittens. These are three-color round tablets with different flavors and additives. The manufacturer recommends giving up to 10 pieces per day, but I give from 5 to 7. This is enough. The tablets are large in size and must be crushed before giving to kittens. Both the kids and their mother liked the taste of the vitamins.”

Nadezhda: “I bought the fortified treat “Kitty’s + Taurin-Biotin” with taurine and biotin on the advice of a veterinarian when my beauty’s fur began to fade and shed heavily. The crackers are made in the shape of cream-colored hearts. The cat literally begs me for vitamins when he sees the box. I don’t know why they attract her so much! It’s too early to talk about the effect, we only drank half the package, but the fur began to come out noticeably less, and a gloss appeared on the fur.”

Renat: “I bought 8 in 1 Excel Brewers vitamins for skin and coat after reading reviews from veterinarians on the Internet and did not regret it. The composition is very good and balanced. But the main thing is that I immediately noticed the effect - my Persian went through all three summer months and did not shed! This is an achievement for him. Of course, I attribute this effect to taking vitamins; my veterinarian confirmed my assumptions.”

Irina: “I’m not one of those cat owners who chase expensive food and feed additives. Why overpay? There are many inexpensive domestic drugs that are high quality and have been proven over the years. Radostin is one of these; it is available in every veterinary stall and pharmacy. The price for it is very affordable. I bought Radostin for adult animals, for kittens and for pregnant cats. Both I and my animals were satisfied with all the drugs. The cats are healthy and active, and my wallet has not suffered.”


Ingredients : omega-3 fatty acids, yeast, taurine, biotin. Vitamins are based on omega 3 fatty acids. Because of their taste, cats eat these vitamins with pleasure.

Benefit : improves the condition of the coat and skin. Preservation of visual acuity. Normalization of the cardiovascular system. Fighting stress.

The line of omega vitamins also includes products for kittens, which can be given immediately after the baby has stopped feeding on mother's milk. Allergies in cats are extremely rare.

Reviews of vitamins for cats – veterinarian’s opinion and advice

Oleg, veterinarian: “I always tell my clients that they need to select food and vitamins for cats individually and depending on many factors. Today we have in our arsenal a variety of imported and domestic drugs that are highly effective. So, I advise giving kittens, pregnant and lactating cats Radostin or Farmavit Neo; for older animals - Beaphar Kitty's Mix; if the condition of the skin and coat worsens - FeliDerm; to remove hair from the stomach - Gimpet Malt paste. You can independently select a complex of vitamins, taking into account the age of the animal and its physiological state. But, remember that individual intolerance can manifest itself to any drug, so at the first sign of poisoning or allergy, you should immediately contact your veterinarian!”

Maria, veterinarian: “The main rule is to consult a doctor! This is what I instill in my clients. You cannot buy vitamin-mineral complexes thoughtlessly, succumbing to advertising or beautiful packaging. When choosing vitamins, take into account the age, functional state, health of the pet and its individual characteristics. Take a preliminary blood test for biochemistry and get recommendations from a veterinarian. Only after this can you go to the pharmacy. Do not buy vitamins as treats or for appetite, choose only those that are indicated for the animal’s health.”

Finally, I would like to say that both a deficiency and an excess of vitamins are harmful to the health of your pet. You should not buy vitamins based on your own considerations without first consulting with a veterinarian. Also keep in mind that good vitamins for kittens are not cheap.

I hope now you understand what vitamins to give your cat. If you liked the article, be sure to share it on social networks.

Features of the use of drugs

Vitamins for older cats are given in double dosage - from 2 to 6 tablets or 10–20 g of powder per day. They are taken morning and evening with food or treats. If the cat refuses the drug, it must be replaced with a more palatable one. The course lasts on average 1–1.5 months, after which a two-month break is taken, and the therapy is repeated again.

If any adverse reactions occur on the part of the body, supplements should be discontinued. Side effects include allergies, rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Contraindications to taking vitamins include intolerance to the components of the composition, intestinal obstruction, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

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