How to quickly get rid of worms in a cat using tablets or folk remedies

Helminthiasis is a serious parasitic disease that affects not only people, but also animals. Helminth eggs hide in places that people and animals do not avoid: grass, food (especially poultry, animals and fish), soil. Even air and water can be enriched with parasite eggs. To eliminate the possibility of infection, you need to monitor not only the health of your body, but also the health of your pets. In particular, cats. It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms and know what to give your cat for worms.

The best drugs for worms in cats

You can choose a medicine for preventive or symptomatic treatment of helminthiasis yourself.
For this purpose, veterinary networks offer a wide range of drugs, which are divided according to the form of administration:

  • Drops that are applied to the cat’s withers;
  • Suspension for oral administration;
  • Sugar cubes soaked in a medicinal substance;
  • Solutions for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection;
  • Pills.

Among anthelmintic drugs, a stable rating has already been determined, in which veterinarians identify the three best drugs.

Top 1. Milbemax

Combined broad-spectrum anthelmintic agent. Contains a combination of praziquantel (40 mg) and milbemycin oxime (16 mg) as active ingredients. It is recommended to use for therapeutic and preventive purposes. It is used for the treatment of nematodes and cestodes, as well as for mixed infections.

Top 2. Drontal®

Positioned as a targeted remedy for the prevention and treatment of nematodes and cestodes, it does an excellent job of removing roundworms and tapeworms from the body. It contains a combination of praziquantel (20 mg) and pyrantel embonate (230 mg). Can be used universally for animals of any breed.

Top 3. Prazicide® Plus

The veterinary drug contains three active ingredients - pyrantelapamoate (15 mg), febantel (15 mg) and praziquantel (1.5 mg). Due to this combination, an effective preventive or therapeutic effect on helminth infections of nematode or cestode origin is achieved. Suitable for all breeds and all ages.

Let us next consider the most popular and effective drugs, presented in various release forms.

The effect of helminths on the kitten’s body

Unfortunately, worms in kittens can cause serious complications. When helminths are in the baby’s body, they poison him with the products of their vital activity, thereby causing poisoning. Symptoms of intoxication may appear due to the disintegration of worms after death.

Worms, parasitizing various organs, mechanically disrupt their integrity. As a result, bleeding surfaces appear in the liver, lungs, and gall bladder, in which pathogenic microorganisms quickly develop.

Worms in kittens can lead to intestinal blockage, and sometimes this causes intestinal rupture. In addition, the baby’s body is not strong enough, due to the negative influence of parasites, his immunity decreases.

The best anti-worm drops for cats

The most significant advantage of an anthelmintic drug in the form of drops on the withers is its ease of use. Often, due to the pet's temperament, it is difficult to use tablets or suspensions. When using drops, they are absorbed through the skin and, entering the bloodstream, have a targeted effect on helminths throughout the body.

Helmintal K

In first place is Helmintal K , which is produced by the German company Neoterica GmbH. The drug contains praziquantel (40 mg) and moxidectin (10 mg). Release form: transparent plastic ampoules of 1 ml. Inside there is a liquid of an oily consistency, transparent or with a yellow tint.

Application is made by drop method on clean, dry skin. The least accessible area for the animal is chosen as the injection site - the base of the neck at the junction with the skull (withers). It should be applied to 1 point, but if the animal is large, then it can be applied to 2-3 points. The drug should be used at the rate of 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight.

Scheme of application - for medicinal purposes in the treatment of nematodes or cestodes, it is used once. For preventative purposes, apply strictly once a month, observing frequency. If the frequency is violated, the product loses its effectiveness. Minor side effects may occur - redness and itching at the injection site. In this case, you should wash the affected area with warm water and soap.

Advantage of Helmintal K:

  • An effective remedy;
  • Convenient release form;
  • Also helps against fleas and skin ticks;
  • Low cost.


In second place is Profender® , which is produced by the German company BAYER. A combination drug that combines 2 components – praziquantel (85.75 mg) and emodepside (21.43 mg). Available in the form of 0.35 ml polymer tubes with a reusable cap. Inside is a colorless liquid with a characteristic oily consistency. The dosage is calculated based on 0.14 ml per 1 kg of pet weight.

Application is standard - the cat needs to be cleaned of dirt and the skin between the shoulder blades is dried. Absorption time is 2 hours, it is recommended not to wash your pet during this time. After use, the drug is absorbed into the blood, effectively destroying helminths. Works for both treatment and prevention.

Recommended for use in animals over 8 weeks of age (or weighing 500 g). For preventive treatment, it is recommended to use Profender once every 3 months. After use, the area where the drop was applied may slightly redden. There is no need to do anything with this drug; this phenomenon will go away on its own.

Advantages of Profender:

  • High dosage of active ingredients, safe and effective against helminths;
  • Convenient packaging form for repeated use;
  • Fast acting;
  • Does not cause side effects.


DANA® SPOT-ON from the Russian company Apicenna closes the rating This is a single drug containing the only active ingredient fipronil in a dosage of 50 mg. The release form is an oily liquid with an opalescent effect, dark yellow in color. Packaging - in plastic bottles with a built-in dispenser of 0.5 - 1.5 ml. There is a large package of 15 ml.

The drug has a predominantly insectoacaricidal effect (aimed at combating skin parasites and fleas). It is practically not absorbed into the blood, but accumulates in the hair and sebaceous glands. For large pets (over 3 kg) use a dosage of 1 ml. Apply to the withers area on clean, dry skin.

For therapy and prevention, the product is applied to the skin in a calculated dosage, reaching its peak effect after 12-24 hours. Repeated (preventive) treatment should be carried out no later than 6 weeks later. In case of overdose, it can cause increased salivation and trembling - in this case, the drug should be washed off the body immediately.

Advantages of DANA® SPOT-ON:

  • Maximum effectiveness against skin parasites;
  • Convenient packaging for multiple administrations;
  • Low cost.

Scheme for using drops on the withers for the treatment of helminthic infestation

Active substanceDosage for weight 5 kgFrequency of processingWhat is it effective for?average cost
Helmintal KPraziquantel + moxidectin0.5 mlmonthlyNematodes, cestodes270 rub.
Profender®Praziquantel + emodepside0.7 mlOnce every 3-4 monthsNematodes, cestodes819 RUR
DANA® SPOT-ONFipronil1.0 mlOnce every 4-6 weeksSkin parasites102 rub.

Signs of infection

Evidence of helminthiasis is vomiting and rapid weight loss. This is a consequence of damage to the intestinal mucosa, as well as other organs of the animal.

All this, combined with toxic secretions, leads to weakened health of the animal, and in especially severe cases, to death due to blockage or rupture of the intestines.

A person can easily become infected even from a domestic cat. Their bodies are susceptible to infection by more than 82 types of worms, 32 of which can be transmitted to humans.

Most often, the transmission of parasites occurs due to insufficient hygiene rules. The routes of infection can be different, in particular through human skin or through fleas.

The invasion manifests itself with a number of symptoms depending on how many parasites and what helminths have proliferated in the animal’s body. If there are not many worms, then the infection may not manifest any symptoms at all.

Most often, helminthiasis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea or constipation or their alternation;
  • vomiting, and in case of severe damage - vomiting with blood;
  • severe itching in the anus, which causes cats to rub this area on the floor;
  • the appearance of individual segments or fragments of worms or whole worms in the feces or on the fur in the anal area;
  • the appearance of blood or mucus in the stool;
  • bloating of the abdomen, which becomes round;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • weak or, conversely, increased appetite;
  • difficulty breathing and cough;
  • hair loss;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • retarded growth and development in kittens;;
  • on the mucous membranes – yellowness or pallor;
  • In pregnant cats, worms can cause spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

In some cases, convulsions and paralysis of the hind limbs are possible.

The best deworming suspensions for cats

Compositions against helminth infections in the form of a suspension are a suspension of the active substance in a liquid with the addition of flavorings. The convenience of using this dosage form lies in the accuracy of dosing, which is carried out using a special measuring syringe included in the kit. In addition, administering the drug orally greatly increases its effectiveness.

Prazicide® Plus

The rating of suspensions against helminth infections opens with Prazitsid® Suspension from the domestic manufacturer Apicenna. The composition contains three active components - pyrantelapamoate (15 mg), febantel (15 mg) and praziquantel (1.5 mg). The release form is a yellowish suspension in packages from 5 to 15 ml in a plastic bottle. It has a characteristic taste and smell of milk chocolate.

The therapeutic effect is based on the simultaneous action of three components in the composition. The drug is effective against helminths of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cestodes. Used in a dosage of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight. It should be used in the morning, after meals. Mixing with food or forced administration using a syringe is allowed.

When performing preventive treatment against helminthiases in cats, it is necessary to use Prazicide® Suspension quarterly. When treating helminths of the gastrointestinal tract - twice with an interval of 2 weeks. If helminthiasis is of a mixed type, then the suspension is administered sequentially for 3 days in a row. In case of an overdose, general lethargy of the animal is observed; the use of enterosorbent is necessary.

Advantages of Prazicide® Suspension:

  • Effective as a broad-spectrum agent against helminths;
  • Does not cause addiction among parasites;
  • Due to the taste of milk chocolate, it is easily accepted by animals.

Helminthal Syrup

In second place is Helminthal Syrup , which is produced by the German company Neoterica GmbH. The composition contains 2 active substances - praziquantel (10 mg) and moxidectin (0.6 mg). The release form is a suspension (a viscous suspension that separates during long-term storage) with a characteristic sweetish smell and taste. Packaging: dark polymer plastic bottles with a screw cap.

This suspension is well tolerated by adult cats and young kittens. Indications for use: infection with nematode worms in the gastrointestinal tract, infection with cestodoses, as well as combined helminthiases. It is also used for prevention. To calculate the therapeutic dose, the ratio of 1 ml per 2 kg of pet weight is used. Before use, shake the bottle, and the suspension is injected with a syringe into the oral cavity or mixed into the food.

Frequency of administration - for medicinal purposes once, but in case of severe infection, re-treatment is carried out after 2 weeks. For prophylaxis, a suspension is given once every 3 months.

Benefits of Helminthal Syrup:

  • Effective against round and tapeworms;
  • The kit includes a dosing syringe;
  • Pleasant taste for cats.

Dirofen® Suspension 60

The last suspension rating is Dirofen® Suspension 60 from the Russian manufacturer Apicenna. The active ingredients in the composition are pyrantelapamoate (45 mg) and praziquantel (15 mg). Appearance – a viscous yellow syrup, in which the inclusion of small particles is visible to the naked eye. The kit includes a dispenser syringe, as well as stickers for a veterinary passport.

The combination of two active components shows itself to be effective against round and tape helminths inhabiting the stomach and intestines. It is characterized by a minimal amount of toxic effects for the body and is well tolerated. Dosage calculation: 1 ml of suspension per 3 kg of pet’s weight. Be sure to shake the bottle vigorously and administer only with a syringe.

Can be used from the age of 4 weeks. For primary treatment against helminths, the suspension is administered twice with an interval of 10 days. For preventive treatment, one dose for 3 months is sufficient.

Advantages of Dirofen® Suspension 60:

  • Effective against most common roundworms and tapeworms;
  • Additionally, the composition contains pumpkin oil, which accelerates intestinal healing;
  • Convenient dosage.

Scheme for using suspensions against worms

Active substanceDosage for weight 5 kgFrequency of processingWhat is it effective for?average cost
Prazicide® SuspensionPyrantelapamoate + febantel + praziquantel5 ml1 time every 3 monthsTapeworms and roundworms137 RUR
Helminthal SyrupPraziquantel + moxidectin2.5 ml1 time every 3 monthsTapeworms and roundworms184 RUR
Dirofen® Suspension 60Pyrantelapamoate + praziquantel1.75 ml1 time every 3 monthsTapeworms and roundworms198 RUR

Why is deworming necessary?

Deworming is a set of actions and measures that are aimed at ridding an animal of worms and preventing its re-infection. Secondary invasion is more than likely because the development cycle of helminths from egg to adult is about 4 months.

During cat hygiene procedures, the possibility of infection with worms is 100%. Therefore, it is necessary to deworm a cat often - at least 3-4 times a year.

Infection with worms is the most “popular nuisance” even among domestic cats. In fact, this serious problem can cause significant damage to your pet's health.

In the process of development and reproduction, worms feed on the tissues of internal organs, the blood of the animal, disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and undermine the immune system.

An infected cat becomes a source of danger for family members. Children are especially defenseless against helminthic infestations. To protect the family from infection, a domestic cat should be dewormed regularly and not wait for obvious manifestations of the disease.

A few more reasons why it is necessary to worm your pets systematically:

  • cats are constantly infected with worms: when they eat raw meat, fish, offal, pick up pieces of food from the floor, and also during cat washing;
  • waste from worms poisons the body of an infected cat and undermines its health;
  • some worms are able to overcome the placental barrier and infect kittens in utero, this often leads to the birth of weakened offspring or their death;
  • infected cats are emaciated, stunted, and suffer from anemia.

Sugar cubes for worms in cats

The most common problem with using deworming medications is getting your cat to take it. Despite the pleasant taste of many forms, it is quite difficult. The problem is solved by sugar cubes soaked in the active substance. The pet will eat this medicine on its own.


Polyvercan - sugar cubes from the French manufacturer Ceva Sante Animale. The drug is a combination of two active substances - oxybendazole (40 mg) and niclosamide (200 mg). Release form: blister of 8 light yellow sugar cubes.

Due to the two-component combination, the drug provides an effective effect on tape and round helminths. The course provides complete deworming and does not cause side effects. For a pet weighing 1-5 kg, half a cube is used. Can be dissolved in liquid and mixed into food.

For the treatment of mild forms of helminthiasis, it is used once; in case of severe helminthiasis, it is used twice with an interval of 10 days. Preventive appointment - once a quarter.

Advantages of Polyvercan:

  • Convenient release form, the animal will take the medicine itself;
  • Effective against 90% of helminths;
  • Harmless.

Unfortunately, this is the only drug against helminths in cats presented on the domestic market. Most cat owners characterize him exclusively on the positive side.

Active substanceDosage for weight 5 kgFrequency of processingWhat is it effective for?average cost
PoliverkanOxibendazole (40 mg) + Niclosamide (200 mg)1/2 cubeQuarterlyRoundworms and tapeworms in the gastrointestinal tract587 RUR

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

To speed up your kitten’s treatment and avoid possible complications, it is recommended to immediately come to the doctor for a stool test. If an animal has been constipated for a long time, then a sample of its vomit will be suitable to identify worms. Also at the clinic, the doctor must take blood for analysis. These measures determine whether the animal has worms and determine their type.

Next, based on the research, the doctor prescribes special medications, a diet and sets the date for the next examination.

Injections against worms in cats

Injections against helminthiasis should be used as a last resort. However, these drugs show the maximum speed of action and the most complete deworming. For your pet, this will result in stress and unpleasant sensations, but it will allow effective treatment to be carried out within a short time.


The rating opens with Brovermectin from the Ukrainian manufacturer Brovapharma. The drug is one-component, contains the active ingredient ivermectin (10 mg). Available in a dark glass bottle containing a sterile solution for injection of a light yellow color. Volume of 1 package – 50 ml.

It is effective not only against roundworms and tapeworms, but will also help cope with skin parasites (ticks and lice). The drug is injected under the skin, into the area of ​​the shoulder blade. A single dosage for treatment purposes is 0.1 ml for an animal weighing 4-5 kg.

For prevention, you can use Brovermectin at intervals of 1 time every six months. Therapeutic use is only one time.

Benefits of Brovermectin:

  • Effective against most tape and round helminths;
  • The addiction of parasites is excluded;
  • Not painful.


In second place is AVERSECT® K & C , produced domestically. A monocomponent drug containing 0.2% aversectin C1. Sterile packaging - in a dark glass bottle of 5 ml. Appearance: mobile, yellowish liquid.

It has an inhibitory effect on roundworms and tapeworms, and helps in ridding the body of cats of skin worms and lice. Both subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are allowed. The dosage is calculated from the ratio of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of live weight. Only a 0.2% solution can be administered to cats.

For surgical treatment of helminthiasis, 2 injections are given with a time gap of 10 days. Additionally, therapy should include antifungal and antimicrobial agents. Not used for prophylaxis.

Advantages of AVERSECT® K&C:

  • Convenient release form;
  • Does not cause complications in the body;
  • Low cost.


At the end of the rating of injection drugs against helminth infections in cats is Novomek , produced by. This is a colorless injection solution containing 1% ivermectin. Sterile, ready to use.

Effective against skin parasites and nematodes. It causes a quick effect in the body, is safe and does not cause side effects. Dosage – 0.1 ml, injected subcutaneously into the scapula area.

It is used only for the rapid treatment of helminthiasis; it is not intended for prevention. Cannot be used if the cat is malnourished or pregnant.

Advantages of Novomek:

  • Quick effect on skin parasites and helminths;
  • Low cost.

Scheme for using injections against cat worms

Active substanceDosage for weight 5 kgFrequency of processingWhat is it effective for?average cost
Brovermectininvermectin0.1 mlRoundworms, tapeworms, skin parasites193 RUR
AVERSECT® K&CAversectin C10.5 mlRound and tapeworms186 RUR
Novomekinvermectin0.1 mlRoundworms, tapeworms, skin parasites90 rub

Routes of infection

Helminths are the causative agents of helminthiasis in humans and animals, which are worms of various species.

There are several ways to become infected with parasites. The first and most common is through the eggs of these worms, which can remain viable for a long time in the external environment.

In addition, raw fish and meat, unwashed vegetables are sources of infection with worms. The carriers of their eggs are flies, cockroaches and bedbugs, so worm eggs can end up on bread and cooked food if left uncovered.

Many are sure that their pets cannot become infected, because they do not leave the house. And how many infections that are waiting in the wings in the ground, grass, water, we ourselves bring home on our shoes!

Remember how curious animals, and especially kittens, always explore our shoes and then lick themselves - this is the source of infection. By the way, kittens can become infected with helminths through the milk of a nursing mother.

Tablets for deworming in cats

The most common form of anthelmintic drugs is tablets. This can be difficult because often the pet does not want to take the pill, which ultimately leads to stress. Manufacturers try to compensate for this by adding flavorings and flavorings.


This time the leader of the rating is Drontal® from the German manufacturer BAYER. The blister pack contains 2 tablets containing praziquantel (20 mg) and pyrantel embonate (230 mg).

It has a good effect against helminthiasis caused by tape and round nematodes. Due to the combination of active substances, it is not addictive to parasites. Dosage – 1 tablet per 4 kg of weight.

The tablet can be mixed into food or administered separately. It is not necessary to limit your pet's food intake. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and weight up to 1 kg. For prevention, use once every 3 months.

Advantages of Drontal®:

  • Targeted action on helminths, eliminating addiction;
  • Low cost.


In second place is MILBEMAX ® in the form of tablets, from the Swedish concern Novartis. The tablet contains a combination of praziquantel (40 mg) and milbemycin oxime (16 mg). Packaging of 2 tablets.

Used for the treatment of confirmed helminthiasis in adult cats, as well as in kittens starting from the 6th week of life. The pet should be given it during the morning meal. You can mix the tablet with food or forcefully inject it into the oral cavity.

The minimum effective dosage is half a tablet based on the average weight of an animal of 4-5 kg. Cannot be used on emaciated cats or pregnant animals.

Advantages of MILBEMAX®:

  • The high concentration of active ingredients copes well with helminths;
  • Convenient release form.


Prazitel®, , closes the rating . Packaging: 2 tablets, each containing praziquantel (3 mg) and pyrantelpamoate (30 mg).

Its use is advisable for the treatment of confirmed helminthiasis and cestodiasis. 1 tablet is prescribed per 4 kg of animal body weight. It is added to food during the morning meal or forcefully introduced into the stomach. For prevention, use quarterly.

Use is not recommended in case of pregnancy or if the pet is extremely exhausted. Also not recommended for kittens weighing less than 0.5 kg or younger than 6 weeks of age.

Advantages of Prazitel®:

  • An effective remedy;
  • Minimum side effects.
Active substanceDosage for weight 5 kgFrequency of processingWhat is it effective for?average cost
Drontal®Praziquantel + pyrantel embonate1 tabletQuarterlyHelminthiases of mixed type284 RUR
MILBEMAX®Praziquantel + milbemycin oxime1/2 tabletQuarterlyHelminthiases of mixed type534 RUR
Prazitel®Praziquantel + pyrantelapamoate1 tabletQuarterlyHelminthiases of mixed type84 RUR

Carrot enema

If you don’t like giving your pet various decoctions and tinctures that he doesn’t like, then you can use this effective folk remedy. Its beauty lies in the fact that just one procedure will be enough to completely get rid of annoying parasites. Although this is only possible if you have prepared the enema composition correctly:

  1. Take a few fresh carrots and wash them thoroughly.
  2. Chop the product on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice thoroughly.
  3. Dilute 15 milliliters of carrot juice with 10 milliliters of water.

This composition is suitable for use on individuals whose weight ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms. For larger individuals, you will have to add another 5 milliliters of juice for each extra kilogram. The course of therapy should not exceed seven days, but if the owner of the animal does everything correctly, he will see parasites after the first bowel movement of his cat.

Folk remedies for worms for cats

If you don’t want to stuff your beloved cat with chemicals, then you should pay attention to some folk remedies that allow you to get rid of helminthiasis. Of course, they are not as effective, but in mild cases of the disease they will also help:

  • Onion tincture. Finely chop the onion and leave in warm filtered water for at least 12 hours. After this, give the tincture three times a day for a week;
  • Fennel and chamomile decoction. 1-2 tablespoons of dry herb are mixed in a container and kept for 15 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees. The broth is cooled, filtered and the cat is given water three times a day;
  • Alcohol tincture of wormwood. Therapy for 3 days, three times a day, strictly before meals;
  • Ground pumpkin seeds mixed with pork fat. The substance is prepared at a weight of 1 to 1. The cat should be fed the resulting mixture for 2-3 days.

Neither indoor nor outdoor cats are immune from helminthiasis. Try to look closely at your pet to identify symptoms of infection in time. Do not forget that if the cat is domestic, then after its treatment, antihelmintic therapy should be administered to all family members.

Is deworming necessary before vaccination and sterilization?

If a healthy animal has to undergo a planned surgical intervention (sterilization or castration), it is necessary to provide him with conditions for a speedy recovery. The body of a cat affected by worms is weakened, so the risk of postoperative complications is high.

Worming your pet before surgery is a necessary and mandatory measure to protect its health.

Vaccination is also carried out only for absolutely healthy cats. Worm infestation is one of the contraindications to vaccinations. Regardless of whether symptoms of worms are present or not, it is necessary to worm your pet before vaccination.

If a young cat is to be sterilized, the presented scheme of prevention, routine worming and vaccination will be very useful:

  • at the age of 2–3 months, kittens receive their first vaccination; the cat should be dewormed at least 10 days before vaccination;
  • After about a month, re-vaccination is carried out;
  • after changing teeth, kittens are again supposed to be dewormed, and after 10 days they undergo a routine vaccination;
  • after 2–3 weeks, if the animal is in good health, a sterilization operation is performed.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds can also be a very effective remedy against worms. You will be surprised, but some pets are quite willing to eat them even in their pure form. However, if your cat does not show such a desire, you can crush them using a mortar and pestle, and then mix them into food.

It is best to use something meaty as food so that the animal does not suspect a dirty trick when it smells the seeds. However, if you don’t have such treats at home, then mix the powder with regular milk. The liquid perfectly masks the smell and taste of the folk remedy.

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