The healthiest cat breeds: such pets are the dream of every “cat lover”

Singapura cat

Among the officially recognized breeds, the Singaporean cat is one of the smallest, but at the same time has excellent health. Experts attribute this to the origin of animals. They started breeding them in the 70s of the last century, taking street cats in Singapore.

Singapura cats do not have any diseases specific to this breed. The only problem is the possibility of catching a cold in a draft or when standing on a cold surface for a long time. This risk is associated with the animals’ short and thin hair, lack of undercoat and heat-loving nature - Singapore is located almost on the equator. At the same time, this is also a plus - the pet is easy to care for, although it is recommended to comb it daily for smoothness and shine of the coat.

The average lifespan of Singapura cats is 12-15 years. One of the advantages of the breed is omnivory. The animal is happy to eat even vegetables. Representatives of the breed do not need a specialized diet. You can give your pet natural products or switch him to specialized food.

Detailed description of the Singapura breed »

British Shorthair

The modern representative is a well-built animal with a powerful body and strong immunity. The breed is quite ancient. All that is known about it is that its ancestors adapted to life in conditions of high humidity.

When in other climatic conditions, a cat may develop colds and infectious diseases. Therefore, British owners should not neglect vaccination.


To obtain this breed, a Siamese and a bicolor American Shorthair cat were crossed. This origin did not bring any serious genetic abnormalities or specific diseases to the snowshoe. With proper care, life expectancy is 14-19 years.

Experts believe that snowshoes received good health from American shorthair cats. The Siamese ancestors spoiled the overall picture a little. Due to this relationship, the Snowshu may develop cross-eyed eyes or tail defects. Such deficiencies are transmitted by special genes. They do not affect the animal’s well-being, but they are important at exhibitions.

To maintain good health, Snowshoes require standard measures, including timely vaccinations and deworming. The breed is rare and expensive, so the diet is based on natural products or premium food. When choosing the first option, the diet must include:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • offal;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery.

Detailed description of the Snowshoe breed »


Known for their unique coat with a bluish tint, Chartreux cats are highly adapted to indoor life. They do not require special care and are not known to suffer from any genetic diseases.

When planning to get a cat for living in an apartment, it’s a good idea to clarify one more thing in advance - how well they are adapted for full-fledged existence in a limited space: some cat breeds are ideal for keeping in a small home.


Representatives of this breed have an unusual appearance due to their long wavy hair. Laperms have good health. The average life expectancy is 15-17 years.

Laperms as a breed do not have characteristic genetic diseases. Health problems can arise from common illnesses, but these are common to all cats.

The health of the laperma largely depends on the owner. This breed tends to overeat, so it is important to feed them in portions and weigh them regularly. If the animal is overweight, it should be provided with a diet. Outside of this, the pet’s diet should be represented by natural products with an emphasis on animal protein or dry food (at least super-premium class). With a natural diet, periodic use of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements is necessary.

Kittens in their first year of life sometimes lose all their fur. This is not a sign of illness, so owners should not worry. The animal's fur will grow back and become even more beautiful.

A Laperm's curly coat means there is an increased risk of fleas or ticks. It is not so easy to detect them in the thick fur of an animal, so a thorough examination is necessary. There will be no problems if you keep your pet properly.

The health of Laperms is influenced by their origin. If you take kittens from a female who gives birth several times a year, this risks weakened immunity or the non-viability of her offspring.

Detailed description of the Laperm breed »

Maine Coon

This breed comes from the American continent. Each representative has wild blood flowing in it, which stores the reserve of ancestral immunity for these healthy cats. High resistance to disease is explained by the fact that the breed appeared through natural selection.

However, Maine Coons still have minor weaknesses - a genetic predisposition to cardiac dysfunction, namely cardiomyopathy. Therefore, owners are advised to carefully monitor their pet’s diet, organize moderate physical activity and regular visits to the veterinarian.

Thai cat

Representatives of this breed are relatives of the Siamese cat. Thais are long-lived. The average lifespan is 10-14 years, but it is not uncommon for pets to reach their 20th birthday.

Thai cats have good health. To maintain it, it is important to carry out vaccination and deworming in a timely manner.

The good health of Thai cats does not mean a complete absence of disease. Like other breeds, they can suffer from problems with the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, heart, and teeth.

One of the features of Thai cats is early puberty. Readiness for mating is possible already by 4-5 months, but mating cannot be done so early. This can have a negative impact on the health of the animal itself and its offspring. Reproduction is expected at least until the age of one year.

Thai cats are characterized by a point color. If the animal’s diet is based on natural products, then seafood and liver must be excluded from it. Because of them, the body may darken. This factor does not affect the pet’s health in any way, but is important for exhibitions. The body may also darken if the animal is kept in an insufficiently warm room.

Among the genetic defects in Thai cats are strabismus and tail defects. This problem does not affect health. Strabismus in kittens is temporary. It can also appear in adult cats as a reaction to severe stress.

Detailed description of the Thai breed »

General rules

The basic requirements for keeping cats are the same for all breeds. To make the cat comfortable, the apartment or house must have the following minimum set:

  • large deep bowl for water. The plate should be of such a size that it includes the “span of the whiskers” - this is important for the cat’s psychological comfort. Water needs to be changed regularly;
  • food bowl;
  • two trays for one animal in different places of the apartment. If there are two animals - four trays, three - six. Why so many? “Imagine that there is only one tray and it is in the bathroom that you have occupied. The cat most likely will not go to the toilet in front of you. That's why a second tray is needed where there is no one. This includes the prevention of urolithiasis,” explains the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • scratching post and scratcher;
  • cat lock Simply put, a high structure where an animal can climb at any time to feel safe.

Cat food is chosen based on the needs and condition of the animal. Common Whiskas, Friskies, Kitekat are also suitable if the cat that eats them is not getting fat, is active, has a shiny coat, and has good teeth. Then experts advise staying with the chosen brand and using only it, without adding foods from the home table to your diet - especially sausage and other semi-finished products.

If you are not sure about the food you have chosen, continue to look for a suitable option yourself or consult a veterinarian.

Every year, each cat needs two vaccinations - a comprehensive vaccine and an additional one against rabies. In addition, it is advisable to undergo regular medical examinations : take general and chemical blood and urine tests, do ultrasound and other procedures at the discretion of the veterinarian.

Visits to a zoopsychologist are not included in the mandatory program, but some owners may need them. Such specialists solve problems with aggression and other behavioral disorders (when a cat forces you to feed it at 4 am). If an animal tries to bite and scratch, you need, firstly, to protect yourself, and secondly, to find a possible reason for the cat’s dissatisfaction: it could be anything - from a reaction to pain to revenge for an insult suffered. Physical punishment in this case will only make the problem worse. It is not necessary to hit the animal (even lightly with a slipper) under any circumstances.

According to the Assembly of Professional Cat Fancier Clubs (PCA), in 2022 the most popular breeds in Russia were the Sacred Burmese, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold and Canadian Sphynx. 66.RU added to the list several more breeds that most often come to veterinary clinics with, and asked veterinarian Natalya Cheremitsyna to talk about the features of each of them.

Burmese cat (sacred burmese)

To obtain this breed, Siamese and American cats were crossed. This pedigree provided the animals with good health. Genetic diseases are not typical for the breed. Routine vaccinations, deworming, balanced nutrition and proper care will keep your pet in excellent health.

Burmese cats live on average 12-14 years. Among the representatives of the breed, the cat Lady Catalina especially distinguished herself. She was born in 1977 and lived for 35 years. This record was included in the Guinness Book.

Very rarely, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the most common feline heart disease, is found in sacred birmeses. Another possible problem is corneal dermoid. The disease is hereditary, but if detected early, it can be treated with antibiotics.

When purchasing a Burmese cat for breeding, you should consider its incredible fertility. There are up to 10 kittens in a litter. A record was documented when 19 babies were born.

The Burmese cat has a pointing color. To keep it contrasting, you cannot keep the animal in a cold room for a long time. You should remove foods high in iodine and copper from your diet.

Detailed description of the Burmese breed »

Bengal cat

This breed is descended from a wild Bengal cat that was crossed with a domestic cat. This pedigree ensured the animal good health. Over the decades of the breed's existence, hereditary diseases specific to it have not been identified.

The only problem that is typical for Bengal cats is the possibility of stomach upset. This can be avoided by providing your pet with a balanced diet. The Bengal cat needs premium industrial food. Another option is natural nutrition. 80-85% of the diet in this case should be represented by meat and offal. You need to choose low-fat types - chicken, rabbit, veal, lamb. Feeding an animal human food is unacceptable.

To ensure your Bengal lives a long, healthy and happy life, take the time to take him to the veterinarian at least once a year. From childhood, get all the necessary vaccinations, this way you will protect the animal from many diseases.

Detailed description of the Bengal breed »

List of annual minimum expenses for a cat (pedigreed and not so purebred)

66.RU has already published a similar list, designed for owners and those who want to get a dog. An approximate calculation for a cat shows that over the course of a year, expenses for a pet can take away 30 thousand or more from the family budget. Here are the main expenses:

  • food: 2-5 thousand rubles monthly;
  • vaccinations: from 1.5 thousand rubles annually;
  • medical examinations: from 3 thousand rubles annually;
  • nail trimming: 200 rubles per procedure , twice a month;
  • haircut: from 1000 rubles per procedure.

Total: at least 30 thousand rubles per year, not including the purchase of bowls, carriers, harnesses, toys, as well as treatment of diseases.

The editors of 66.RU would like to thank veterinarian Natalya Cheremitsyna and the volunteers of the Animal Rehabilitation Center of the Ural State Agrarian University for their assistance in preparing the material.

Main news on the topic

American Curl

This breed is represented by short-haired and semi-long-haired cats. Their main feature is the unusual shape of their ears, which are straight at birth and begin to curl a few days after it. This symptom is a consequence of a natural mutation. The Fd gene is responsible for the unusual shape of the ears. This does not affect the health of the animal in any way, unlike Scottish Fold cats, which suffer from a tendency to degenerative joint diseases.

American Curls have good immunity. Viruses rarely affect representatives of this breed, and hereditary diseases are no more common than in other cats. The average life expectancy is 9-13 years.

American Curls have a special love for food, so the pet can pass on or happily gobble up human food. Such whims cannot be indulged; it will have a bad effect on the animal’s digestive system. His diet is based on super-premium food or natural products. In the second case, the emphasis is on lean meat and offal. The base is supplemented with oatmeal or rice porridge in broth, low-fat kefir or cottage cheese. Vegetables are given only boiled or stewed. If the animal is on a natural diet, then it is necessary to give it additional vitamins. Calcium is especially important.

American Curls are fed 4-5 times a day for up to six months. Then they are provided with 4 meals a day for up to a year, and after that they are given food 3 times a day. From 1.5 years you can switch to 2 meals a day.

Detailed description of the American Curl breed »

Scottish straight cat

This breed is also called Scottish Straight. The only difference from Scottish Fold cats is their straight ears. This means that the animal did not inherit the main gene, and therefore there are no hereditary diseases associated with it.

Scottish Straight cats are distinguished by good health. With proper care, life expectancy is 15-20 years.

Scottish Straights may suffer from problems with the digestive or genitourinary system, but in most cases this is due to poor diet. The animal's diet should contain industrial premium or super-premium (holistic) food or natural food. In the second case, you need to give additional vitamins. You should not include bones, river fish, bread and raw eggs in your diet. If the animal is on dry food, then the composition must contain at least 25% protein.

From 3 to 6 months, Scottish Straight kittens are fed 5-6 times a day, then until 9 months they switch to 5 meals a day. Before a year, 4 meals are provided, and after 2-3.


Photo: Anastasia Keda, 66.RU

The weak point of sphinxes is their eyes. A kitten whose tears are constantly flowing may require plastic surgery, because Sphynx cats suffer from entropion : in this case, the eyelashes grow inward rather than outward and injure the cornea. In advanced cases, this pathology leads to blindness. A surgeon can fix it. The intervention costs up to 5 thousand rubles.

The skin of sphinxes is also vulnerable - comedones and blackheads form on it . However, there is no point in treating them; it is not fatal for a cat. Fighting them with special shampoos is also redundant - on average, each cat devotes 6 hours a day to its hygiene and copes well without additional baths. You need to wash your cat specially if it rolled around in the mud while walking in the fresh air.

Chausie (housey)

The pedigree of this large beauty includes an Abyssinian cat and a wild jungle cat. The ancestors endowed the Chausie with not only a muscular body and attractive appearance, but also good health. Their average lifespan is 12-14 years, but with proper care, a cat can exceed the 20-year mark.

The first two generations of Chausie males do not produce offspring. This is not considered a health problem but a genetic trait.

Among the few disadvantages of Chausie is a tendency to obesity. There will be no problems if you provide the animal with a balanced diet and do not overfeed. In hybrids with shortened intestinal tracts, fiber and plant foods are not fully digested. You should not keep your cat on premium dry food.

The best option for chausie is natural food. Wild ancestors in the family tree ensured a love of raw meat. Preference is given to rabbit and beef. Cats should not be frequently fed river fish, liver, raw or boiled pork, or milk (the ban does not apply to kittens).

Feed chausie 1-2 times a day. Adult animals benefit from fasting days.

Playful and active: cats for families with children

The choice of a kitten for a family with small children should be approached with special responsibility. Firstly, the pet should not be aggressive - children love to drag animals by the tail, squeeze them and carry them from place to place. Some breeds, such as Siamese cats, are very sensitive to their own person and will not tolerate such treatment, taking revenge on the “offender” with a scratch or bite.

Secondly, for a family with a small child it is better to take a pet of a hairless or short-haired breed, such as a Sphynx. These pets are very loyal to children's pranks and extremely rarely respond to harassment with an attack.

It is important that the cat in the family loves to play and is not overly lethargic and apathetic. The most active and playful cat breeds:

Maine Coon

  • Scottish Fold - easy to train, willing to interact with children, unpretentious in care;
  • Maine Coon - a large and sociable cat with an easy-going character, high activity and good intelligence will become a faithful friend to a child;
  • Abyssinian is a hyperactive cat, ready to play and frolic all day long, characterized by curiosity and a cheerful disposition, cannot stand loneliness and silence;
  • The Bengal is active, playful and very smart, has a developed hunting instinct, loves games of tag, loves to swim and is not at all afraid of water.
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