Cat specialist: the most important thing about the profession of felinologist

Author: ProfGid

From lat. felinus - feline and other Greek. logos - word, teaching. By the way, in 2022, the ProfGid career guidance center developed an accurate career guidance test. He himself will tell you which professions are suitable for you, and give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence.

  • Examples of companies with vacancies for felinologist
  • A felinologist is a specialist in domestic cats.

    Features of the profession

    Felinology is a branch of zoology. Many people love cats and know how to care for them. But first of all, the word “felinologist” means owners of catteries (breeders), leaders of purebred cat clubs and, of course, experts working at cat shows.

    An ordinary owner of a cat with a good pedigree can become a breeder.

    The head of the nursery is, in theory, a specialist in the breeding and selection of cats.

    An expert felinologist is an expert in cat breed standards.

    Also, felinologists include specialists in the pet industry who produce food, vitamins for cats and care products for them (shampoos, medications, etc.).

    Initially, cats were assigned the role of protectors of the house from mice and rats. And many of them are still doing this successfully, and not only in villages. For example, mustachioed guards protect Hermitage exhibits from rodents. The mousecatcher watches over the peace of the British Prime Minister at his residence on Downing Street.

    However, most modern domestic cats, both purebred and mongrel, have never seen a mouse. Their main role is to delight their owners with their presence.

    So, unlike dogs, the role of cats in the national economy is small. But the more purebred the cat, the more promising it is for an exhibition career. Many cat lovers are actively involved in the exhibition “game”: they show off their cats and collect diplomas.

    Success requires a cat that meets the standards with a good pedigree and a competent judge. The higher a cat’s ratings at various shows, the more promising it is for breeding. And the higher the reputation of the breeder who raised her. The higher the reputation, the more valuable the kittens from his cat (or cats).

    On the other hand, a certified show judge is constantly under the close attention of breeders and ambitious owners of participating cats. Every owner knows perfectly well the breed standards of his pet, and an expert has no right to make mistakes.

    In a word, this is a system of mutual regulation. However, can felinology be called a profession? Opinions differ on this issue.

    Hobby or profession?

    In terms of the amount of labor invested, this is undoubtedly a profession.

    For example, an expert felinologist (felinologist judge) must know in detail the characteristics of the breeds that he judges. The right to judge at exhibitions is given by a license. To get it, you need to have experience as a breeder and take many paid courses. Moreover, different breeds require separate training and licenses.

    Breed standards are developed by the World Cat Federation (WCF). They describe in detail the characteristics (articles) of the breeds: features of the head, ears, body, paws, tail, coat. A point scale is given for each article. The felinologist judge must be well aware of these standards.

    But, as the experts themselves say, you cannot live on the fees of a felinologist judge. “Payment for refereeing is not the most important part of our work,” they explain.

    Therefore, a felinologist expert is most often an additional profession that can develop into a hobby.

    At the same time, as Danish expert felinologist of international category Thomas Andersen says, the work of an expert felinologist opens up new horizons for a person: “I had been breeding cats for 15 years, when I suddenly realized that with such experience you can not only take care of your cats, but and judge others. No sooner said than done. I went to study. Then, when I started working as a judge, I discovered so many joys that I didn’t even know about! For example, the opportunity to travel. Experts travel around the world for free, and I like to say that my cats “carry me around.” (Magazine "Friend")

    Breeding cats can bring significant income . Therefore, every year the number of people opening their own nurseries, clubs and associations is growing.

    This is already animal husbandry (the so-called unproductive animal husbandry, which also includes cynology). But as already said, the breeder’s income depends on the quality of the kittens and the demand for them. And also from the inevitable overhead costs associated with the purchase and maintenance of breeding kittens.

    The problem with this business is also that the higher the demand for the breed, the higher the competition. At the same time, breed fashion is changing, and this also affects commercial success.

    The second problem is lack of knowledge. It is obvious if breeding work is carried out by yesterday's amateur. Pedigree breeding requires serious preparation.

    A felinologist with a higher education who has graduated from the zootechnical or veterinary faculty can advise amateur felinologists. At the same time, he can head a club of any breed or association.

    Mustachioed story

    The domestic cat as we know it today is descended from the African wild cat, which has only recently been definitively established by scientists. The animal was domesticated by humans 10 thousand years ago. The reason was probably that cats hunted rodents, thus preserving grain reserves. From Ancient Egypt and the Middle Eastern countries, the cat came to Europe about 4400 years ago. As a result of natural crossing with wild representatives of the feline family, different breeds began to appear.

    It must be said that cats were not always close to humans. For example, in Ancient Egypt they were considered a sacred animal, but in medieval Europe, mustachioed pets were associated with witchcraft and witches, and therefore were not approved by the church and were persecuted. In the 18th-19th centuries, cats were again in favor and became a fashionable hobby. It was at the end of the 19th century that the first selection work began. Already in 1871, the first cat exhibition took place in London.

    Today cats are rightfully one of the most popular pets. Mustachioed pets do not require special care or large financial expenses, they feel great in an apartment and give a lot of positive emotions to their owners.

    Training to become a felinologist


    • Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev (RGAU-MS Agricultural University named after K. A. Timiryazev)

    Faculty of Zoological Engineering,

    Department of Zoology,

    Specialization "felinology".

    • Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University

    Faculty of Zoological Engineering,

    Specialization "felinology".

    As well as regional universities in the agricultural sector:

    • Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after. P.A. Kostycheva

    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

    Specialty: Animal Science,

    Specialization: cynology and felinology.

    And other universities

    Courses, seminars

    • Courses and seminars on felinology can be taken at felinological clubs and federations.

    For example, under the Russian Felinological Federation (RFF), the Felinological Association "Ros" (FAR), the International Association of Cat Fanciers Assolux, etc.

    • The International Board of Expert Felinologists of the IFF also deals with improving the qualifications of judges and conducts seminars.


    • Institute of Life Sciences and Biomedicine FEFU Food Biotechnology
      4 years

      200,000 ₽/year

      20 budget places

    • Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, National Research University Higher School of Economics Cellular and molecular biotechnology

      4 years

      400,000 ₽/year

      30 budget places

    • Faculty of Biological and Medical Physics MIPT Biotechnology

      4 years

      15 budget places

    • Faculty of Science Biology

      4 years

      80,780 ₽/year

      10 budget places

    Domestic cat specialist: what is his name and what does he do?

    A person who studies the behavior of domestic cats and cats is a felinologist. How to learn this profession, and what knowledge should a specialist have? Where do felinologists work and is there a high demand for them?

    Felinology is a science that studies the physiology, anatomy of domestic cats, their behavior, as well as the nuances of breeding and keeping. A specialist in this field, usually either a club owner or an expert at a show, sometimes these are professional cat breeders. The animal care industry cannot do without felinologists. Developers of food, pet products and medicines also belong to this profession.

    The main tasks that felinologists solve when uniting in associations:

    development and improvement of breed standards;

    determination of the rules of exhibitions, requirements for them and cat clubs;

    regulation of the activities of clubs, nurseries, breed registration rules;

    development of training programs for experts at exhibitions that evaluate animals.

    The most famous world associations:

    The 12 largest organizations operate at the global level.

    Some of them adhere to the European grading system, and some to the American one. The European system is more closed, the judge fills out the assessment sheet without witnesses, in a separate room. American is a show where the audience is present, and the judge evaluates openly.


    Cat shows are held not only among purebred animals, but also among outbred ones. In this case, the external beauty of pets, their character, and harmonious build are assessed. Each criterion is assessed in points, and the participant who scores the maximum number wins.

    The depth of knowledge that felinologists require to perform their functions suggests that this is not a hobby, but a real profession. But where are domestic cat specialists trained?

    Where are specialists trained?

    A specialist with a higher education can apply himself as an animal engineer in a laboratory, a judge at a competition, manage a nursery or club, or give consultations. Without a higher education, a person who deeply studies domestic cats most often becomes a professional breeder. After the courses they work in a nursery.

    The salaries of specialists vary from 20 to 80 thousand rubles on average. It depends on the place of work and level of education. Often people engage in felinology as a hobby and are employed in other places.

    Several universities teach professions in Russia, for example:

    RGAU-MSHA named after. K.A.Timiryazev at the Department of Zoology.

    RGAZU trains felinologists at the animal engineering faculty.

    RSATU im. P.A. Kostycheva. Here specialists are trained at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology.

    Students receive a specialization in cynology and felinology.

    Feline clubs conduct courses and seminars. You can obtain a certificate in the following institutions:

    Russian Felinological Federation (RFF);

    Felinological Association "Ros" (FAR); International Association of Cat Lovers Assolux and others.

    Some organizations offer year-round correspondence courses

    Who else studies cats?

    Another specialist in the behavior of animals, including domestic cats, is called a zoopsychologist. A professional in this field understands how mental processes occur in an animal, how it perceives the world around it, and how its intelligence develops.

    Often, the services of an animal psychologist are used when they want to find out the nature of an anomaly in an animal’s behavior: aggression, fear. After all, the reasons for this can be both diseases of the nervous system and a reaction to stress. An animal psychologist is able to understand a situation that the owner is powerless to understand.

    Such specialists deal not only with domestic animals, but also with wild animals. They work in scientific laboratories, clubs, and provide private consultations.

    To learn a profession, you can enroll in a university, for example, the Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev, or another institution where psychology is taught, as a rule, there is also a separate department of zoopsychology. At Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Psychology, there is a laboratory of zoopsychology. Not only practical research is conducted, but lectures are also given to students.


    Who is this and what can he be like?

    There are different subtypes of this profession.


    A person of such a profession is closest to a general veterinarian who works in related fields of science (felinology and, possibly, some other field of biology).

    Such specialists work in the pet industry, for example, they help produce ready-made food, medicinal preparations and cat care products; in zoos; in large nurseries as hired personnel.


    A specialist who deals exclusively with breeding cats, most of them work in professional catteries.

    These people study felinology in order to have a higher status in a professional environment, to make their nursery successful, and to better understand the assessments and requirements of judges at animal competitions.


    Only a specialist who has devoted considerable time to studying the subject, as well as mastering all the new data in this science, can be called this. It is not enough to read a textbook or two to be called an expert - such felinologists go a long way to sit on the jury of competitions and manage the breeding process.

    In order to become a professional expert judge, simple felinological courses are not enough. These people, after completing many training programs, receive a special license.

    You will have to invest a lot of physical and emotional strength, as well as financial resources, into this education. But the horizons open wide for the expert felinologist. In addition to good wages, “cat judges” travel around the world for free, and their work at exhibition competitions is paid separately.

    Where can you learn to study cats?

    Higher education in the specialty “Felinology” can be obtained at universities of agricultural and veterinary fields. You can complete felinologist courses at any cat lovers club or felinological organization.

    A felinologist must have knowledge in the following areas:

    • how the cat’s body works;
    • what functions do individual organs perform?
    • how animal breeding occurs;
    • basics of selection and genetics;
    • types of cat breeds and requirements for standards;
    • how to prepare a cat for an exhibition;
    • rules for holding exhibitions;
    • how to organize an exhibition;
    • basics of veterinary medicine;
    • how to care for cat fur;
    • how to feed a cat correctly;
    • how to conduct a breed examination;
    • features of caring for certain breeds of cats;
    • how to examine the litter (certify the kittens);
    • and other areas of knowledge related to cats.

    Animal psychologist

    People go to psychologists and psychotherapists to share their fears and talk about their mental trauma and problems. Animals cannot do this. Therefore, the task of a zoopsychologist is to understand and decipher the behavior of the animal, find the cause of the problem and do everything possible to eliminate it.

    This profession is more often chosen by girls. An animal psychologist works on the following issues:

    • aggressive behavior of the animal;
    • problems with urination;
    • fears;
    • stress suffered by the pet.

    The responsibilities of a zoopsychologist include the following:

    1. Eliminating conflict between the owner and the animal, establishing contact.
    2. Finding the cause of your pet's strange behavior.
    3. Behavior adjustment and support during the period of social adaptation.
    4. Consulting the animal owner on the proper care and maintenance of the pet to eliminate any problems that may arise.

    Interesting details in the video:

    Methods for breeding new breeds

    Felinology is the science of cats, which also studies the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the domestic cat.

    All the diversity of breeds arises in the process of many years of selection work. The main methods of carrying out breeding work remain the method of selection and selection.

    Selection is the process of retaining for later breeding animals of a certain type with a set of desired characteristics and properties.

    In order for selection to be possible, it is necessary to identify the direction in which it will be carried out by determining the required types and characteristic features, and then select from the offspring the specimens most suitable for these characteristics.

    Selection is a method of crossing selected pairs of animals in order to produce offspring with approximately expected characteristics.

    It is impossible not to note the fact that, in fact, recruitment and selection methods are stages of one path to breeding a new breed. Established traits have to be selected from previously selected individuals.

    Felinology is the science of our furry pets. Do this science and become better owners for your cats.

    A person who studies the behavior of domestic cats and cats is a felinologist. How to learn this profession, and what knowledge should a specialist have? Where do felinologists work and is there a high demand for them?

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    How much do researchers earn abroad?

    Let's see how much scientists earn in America and Germany.

    Salaries of scientists in the USA

    To compare the income levels of Russian and American scientists, let’s look at specific data:

    1. A laboratory assistant at a US research university who has some experience earns about $40,000 a year, and about $3,000 a month. For the American average, this is not that much money, but it is enough to more than solve all your everyday problems.
    2. Young and inexperienced scientists in the United States are offered a salary of 18 thousand dollars a year. This amount is not enough for living, but the state fully provides them with medical insurance and provides budget housing at reasonable prices.
    3. Physicists, astronomers and engineers with experience in the USA receive more than 4 thousand dollars a month; if we talk about the same specialists in Russia for the same period, it is about 600 dollars. Is it possible to compare these values?

    Salaries in Germany

    Let's give data on the incomes of German servants of science (from the newspaper Der Der Spiegel):

    1. The average salary of experienced professors of fundamental science is 41.5 thousand euros per year, young specialists in the same science - from 34.6 thousand euros per year.
    2. Scientists in pharmaceuticals receive 52.5 thousand euros per year.
    3. Chemists - 55 thousand euros per year.
    4. Experienced scientists working in the field of mechanical engineering earn 56 thousand euros per year, young specialists - 44.5 thousand euros per year.

    Highest earnings in the world

    Results of research by the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College in the field of income levels of scientists in all leading countries of the world (the sample included countries in Africa, Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand):

    1. The average monthly income of academics, averaged across all countries, is $4.05 thousand.
    2. The countries that can boast of the most decent salaries are: South Africa, Malaysia, Argentina and Colombia. Scientists in China have the smallest salaries.
    3. At the initial stage of their career (on average for all countries), young professionals receive 2.8 thousand dollars per month. The lowest rate is in Saudi Arabia.
    4. The average monthly salary for professors is $5.3 thousand per month. The highest rate is in Saudi Arabia, as well as Canada and the USA.

    Variety of felinology profiles

    Despite the fact that all felinologists study cats and have knowledge in the field of zoology and selection, there is a clear structure of profiles among specialists:

    • Felinologist-zootechnician. A specialist who graduated from an agricultural or agricultural university. He can work in cat clubs, but most often he does research in special laboratories and scientific institutes.
    • Breeder-felinologist. A person who has a certificate of completion of full-time or correspondence courses in felinology. The received document makes it possible to open your own nursery and engage in breeding of cats of one or more breeds.
    • Expert felinologist. Felinologist breeder who has completed many courses and seminars. Can conduct examinations, act as a judge at cat shows and give them grades.

    Everyone who has a cat will undoubtedly say that they love him, because it is impossible not to love these affectionate purring creatures, just as it is impossible not to forgive them for their little pranks and whims. We are trying to understand them: how they feel, what they want from us, whether they are sick, how to provide them with the best conditions and achieve all the requirements for appearance. It turns out that there have been people doing this specifically for many years.

    This is the science that studies domestic cats. It represents the branch of biology that studies animals (called zoology). In particular, the subject of felinology is:

    • structure of the cat's body;
    • organism's functions;
    • processes occurring in cat organs;
    • cat breeds, their standards;
    • breeding new breeds;
    • breed improvement;
    • study of living conditions for animals.

    The science of cats is called felinology from the Latin word felinus (translated as “feline”) and the ancient Greek λόγος (translated as “science”). Did you know? The origin of domestic cats is associated with animals that huddled in trees almost 40 million years ago; they were called

    The first description of characteristic features, the creation of a standard of cats, a description of signs that exempt animals from participating in exhibitions, appeared after the first cat exhibition was held in 1871 in Great Britain. It was organized by Harrison Weir. Later he headed the first cat lovers club.

    In modern conditions, cat specialists have united into various felinological associations that deal with:

    • holding exhibitions;
    • describe standards for felines;
    • register clubs, nurseries, breeds, cats;
    • train and register experts;
    • exercise control over the activities of experts, clubs, nurseries.

    Felinological organizations operate in two types:

    1. Open (American) - with open judging. This includes breeders.
    2. Closed (European) - with closed judging. This includes cat owners.

    The first organization of felinologists on the territory of the USSR was created in Moscow in 1989, and since 1992 it became a member of the international organization WCF (World Cat Federation). Now it is called the Felinological Association of Russia.

    Veterinarian, livestock breeder



    The most in-demand profession in this field today is considered to be a veterinarian. And this is not surprising - today in Russia, millions of dogs and cats are kept in homes. For most people, this activity is associated exclusively with the treatment of animals, however, this is not entirely true. A veterinarian is also involved in sanitary control and prevention of the spread of dangerous diseases transmitted from animals to humans.

    A veterinary assistant can work either independently or assist a doctor. He performs many medical procedures: vaccination, sterilization, etc. In addition, his responsibilities include monitoring the hygienic condition of nurseries and preventing diseases among animals.

    A veterinarian is an interesting, highly paid, but rather hectic job in different, sometimes difficult conditions.

    Livestock breeder

    Livestock breeder

    Unlike a veterinarian, an animal engineer or livestock specialist (otherwise known as an animal breeder) specializes in agriculture, fisheries, and beekeeping. His responsibilities include animal selection, disease prevention, feed selection and productivity monitoring. The qualification requirements for a technician and an engineer are similar, but the scope of the latter’s responsibilities is noticeably wider. These professions are also among the most in demand, but, unfortunately, far from the most profitable.

    Where is felinological knowledge used?

    Now, while receiving a felinological education, a student acquires general knowledge in zoology, breeding, etc. However, at the same time, he also masters a narrow specialization. In modern “cat science” there are several main directions. So, a felinologist can become:

    • Livestock specialist. He studies issues of physiology and selection of cats in a specialized scientific institute or laboratory. At the same time, he can give practical advice on keeping and breeding animals.
    • Breeder. A specialist with the appropriate education has the right not only to breed purebred animals on his territory, but also to officially establish a nursery for rare cats.
    • An expert. These high-class professionals are mainly involved in evaluating participants at cat shows.

    It is worth noting that each of the listed specialties requires a different level of education. How to get this or that specific profession?

    Stop the fall!

    The elasticity and mobility of the intervertebral joints, the cat’s lack of a strong connection between the front legs and the skeleton, and the presence of the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear help the “owner of nine lives” to coordinate her actions and land on all four.

    When a cat unexpectedly falls from a great height, the first thing it does is straighten its head, pull its paws closer to its head and rotate as it falls, slowing it down.

    In most cases, the cat rolls over to the right, approaching the ground, trying to extend its paws

    During the last turn, the cat arches its back, and when landing, it puts out its front paws.

    Fact: If a cat dives like a soldier from a height, it is unlikely to be able to land on its feet.

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