Ready-made dry food for cats: features and varieties

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Many cat owners know that a properly selected diet is the key to good health and a long life for their pet. The menu of furry predators should include proteins, fats and a small amount of carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals play an important role. To provide your pet with everything it needs, the easiest way is to buy ready-made food. You can find them both in supermarkets and in veterinary departments.

  • 1.1 Video: how to choose cat food
  • 1.2 Rules for the use of dry food

    1.2.1 Video: combining dry food with other products

  • 1.3 Features of the drinking regime when eating dry food
    • 2 Types of dry cat food

      2.1 Video: is it possible to mix dry food

  • 3 Rating of dry food

      3.1 Premium class

      3.1.1 Table: premium food

  • 3.2 Super premium class

      3.2.1 Table: super premium food
  • 3.3 Holistic class
      3.3.1 Table: Holistic class food
  • 4 Reviews
  • Cat food rating

    When compiling the rating and selecting nominees, we were guided by responses. They also served as the basis for determining the main characteristics that interested buyers more than others. The most common reviews included the following:

    • Type of food – dry, wet, semi-dry;
    • Class – holistic, super-premium, premium, economy;
    • Granule size – large, small, medium;
    • Composition – natural or mixed.

    The reviews served as the basis not only for choosing the best foods, but also for determining the strengths and weaknesses of each of the nominees.

    The best holistic cat foods

    High quality food. Veterinarians take part in the development. The product does not contain artificially obtained additives, dyes, or flavors. Vegetables, meat and other ingredients are exclusively of organic origin. Three brands meet these requirements.

    Grandorf hypoallergenic, 4 meats with brown rice

    The top is opened by the manufacturer - the company Grandorf (Belgium). Designed for cats that have undergone sterilization. It is a dry low-grain food for animals older than one year. A special feature of the product is the presence of live probiotics: 109 units per kilogram.

    The main component of the product is meat. It accounts for 70%. Among the features one can also highlight a reduced content of fat components against the background of an increased amount of protein. L-carnitine is also present. The substance is responsible for maintaining the pet’s optimal weight.

    Does not contain grains, by-products, chicken meat and fat, eggs, salt, as well as artificial flavors, colors, fillers, genetically modified products and soy.

    The food is enriched with carob flour. The latter is a digestive regulator of natural origin, so your pet will definitely not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The composition also contains a complex of natural antioxidants SYNOX 3D and Antarctic krill - a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 bioelements.

    The manufacturer used natural preservatives - tocopherol and ascorbic acid - as well as careful production. The components were dried at temperatures up to +80°C.


    • Well absorbed;
    • Normalizes the microflora of the intestinal tract;
    • Strengthens immune defense;
    • Reduces the likelihood of developing food allergies;
    • Prevents pathologies of the urinary tract;
    • Improves the condition of the skin and coat.


    • Small granules.

    Animals like it. Buyers note the convenient wide Velcro fastener on the bag. The packaging lasts a long time due to the low daily requirement.

    Summit Three Meats with Salmon, Chicken and Turkey

    Manufacturer: Petcurean Pet Nutrition, Canada. To manufacture the product, high-quality raw materials from our own farms are used. Available in 1.8 and 6.8 kilogram packages. Allowed for feeding young animals (up to one year), as well as adults (from one year old) and aging cats (from seven years old) - this is indicated by the mark “All Life Stages”.

    It is a complete nutrition in dry granule format. There is a choice of taste. The composition, according to customer reviews, is excellent. Dried rosemary is used as a preservative.

    The source of the protein component is dehydrated chicken, salmon and turkey. Several ingredients are responsible for the carbohydrate component: brown rice, peas, potatoes and oatmeal. The manufacturer used high-quality ingredients of animal origin - chicken and salmon fat. These are sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6.

    The food is enriched with additives necessary for the health of the animal. Dried chicory rhizome improves the condition of the gastrointestinal microflora. The manufacturer chose extracted dried yeast to play the role of a prebiotic that strengthens immune defense. Yucca Schidigera extract reduces the unpleasant odor of stool.


    • Absence of corn and wheat, which cause allergies;
    • Balanced vitamin and mineral composition;
    • Use of natural preservatives;
    • Nice smell.


    • The packaging does not close;
    • Large packaging - no possibility to sample.

    GO! Carnivore, grain-free, chicken, turkey, duck

    Manufacturer: GO brand. The product is part of the Carnivore line, represented by high-protein foods consisting of 70–89% animal protein and optimal fat content. Available in 1.36, 3.63 or 7.26 kilogram bags. Designed for all periods of a pet's life.

    The product is completely grain-free, i.e. does not contain grains. This type of food is recommended for animals with individual food intolerance.

    The composition is represented by dehydrated meat of chicken, turkey, trout, salmon and duck. The vegetables and fruits included in it contain a large amount of natural antioxidants, which are responsible for the quality of the immune system.

    Taurine helps preserve the animal's vision and also improves heart function. Pro- and prebiotics included in the diet improve intestinal health and normalize digestive processes. A small percentage of carbohydrates prevents your pet from gaining weight.

    The manufacturer maintains the “holistic” status, so the product does not contain by-products, growth hormones, artificial preservatives, as well as corn, soy, wheat, and gluten.


    • Minimum carbohydrate components;
    • Improves the functioning of the digestive system and brain;
    • Prevents obesity;
    • Does not contain hormones, grains;
    • Strengthens immune defense.


    • The granules are small in size, which is inconvenient for adult cats;
    • A specific smell that your pet may not like.

    Buyers in reviews indicate that cats like the taste. The condition of the skin and coat improves. Animals become more active and cheerful.

    The best super premium cat foods

    Includes a large percentage of meat components. Vegetable protein is minimal, but it is allowed. The content of cereals is also acceptable, but in small quantities. Based on the reviews, the VyborExpert team selected three nominees.

    Royal Canin 37, prevention of excess weight

    Manufacturer: Royal Canin. Dry food is developed taking into account the needs of castrated and sterilized animals. Age – from one to six years. Available in packs of 0.4, 1.2, 2, 4 or 10 kilograms. Cat-friendly kibble size.

    Neutered pets do not need excessively high-calorie nutrition, as they quickly gain excess weight. Royal Canin food helps reduce it due to its reduced fat content. Properly selected BJU will not allow the development of obesity, but will preserve the required amount of muscle mass and support the health of the urinary system.

    The manufacturer has increased the content of protein components in the product, which helps maintain muscle tone. The optimal mineral composition improves kidney function, reducing the likelihood of stone formation. Due to the L-carnitine included in it, the animal’s body actively processes fat reserves.

    If a mixed diet is practiced, then feeding standards must be strictly taken into account.


    • Appetizing smell;
    • Does not cause allergies;
    • Prevents the formation of kidney stones;
    • Easily digestible;
    • High-quality mineral composition.


    • There is no zipper on the bag.

    According to customer feedback, animals like the product and eat it with pleasure. Improves the condition of the coat, removes the symptoms of urolithiasis.

    Hill's Science Plan, with chicken

    Manufacturer: Hill's. Food for sterilized cats is designed taking into account the characteristics of the body. Available in packages weighing 0.3, 1.5, 3 and 10 kilograms. Designed for feeding pets aged one to six years.

    It's part of the Science Plan line, which means it contains tasty, easy-to-digest ingredients and high-quality protein. The formula maintains healthy skin, improves coat condition and normalizes stool. It also contains natural antioxidants that enhance the animal’s immune defense.

    Hill's Science Plan helps keep your pet's weight under control due to the presence of L-carnitine, and thanks to its balanced vitamin and mineral formula, supports the health of the genitourinary system. Reduced fat content and increased L-lysine content make the pet more active.


    • Easy to digest ingredients;
    • Contains L-carnitine, L-lysine;
    • Maintaining ideal weight;
    • Balanced set of minerals;
    • Low fat content;
    • Normalizes digestion;
    • Convenient snake clasp.


    • Low calorie content.

    Berkley grain-free, with poultry, with wild berries

    The rating of dry and wet cat food includes the manufacturer - Berkley. The products of this brand belong to the super-premium group, so they contain only high-quality natural ingredients. Canned food is intended for kittens under one year of age and fully satisfies the needs of a growing organism. Available in 200 gram cans.

    The food consists of 70% poultry meat and is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Cereal and vegetable proteins are absent. A special feature of the product is the presence of forest berries: cranberries and blueberries.

    The canned food contains no soy, artificial flavors, chemical preservatives or dyes. The nutrition is characterized by a thoughtful, balanced formula, which was developed by a team of professional nutritionists and veterinarians.

    The product belongs to the grain-free group, so it can be recommended for pets intolerant to grains.


    • High quality ingredients;
    • Natural composition, does not contain grains;
    • Fragrant;
    • 70% meat composition.


    • A bit expensive;
    • Big expense.

    All food is fresh and safe. Almost


    During the inspection of wet cat food, no violations were identified in terms of chemical and microbiological safety. All studied products comply with mandatory safety requirements, namely Veterinary and Sanitary Standards and requirements for the quality of feed for non-productive animals (approved by the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on July 15, 1997 No. 13-7-2/1010).

    However, there are no legal standards for the content of antibiotics and pesticides for cat food. Roskachestvo has established advanced requirements for these indicators. Isolated cases have been identified.

    Fedor Borisov

    Executive Director of the Pet Food Manufacturers Association

    – The manufacturing company audits each supplier of raw materials for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the pet food industry. Suppliers use pesticides in accordance with Russian regulations. The residual content of pesticides is checked by chemical analyzes of raw materials. This ensures that the residual level of pesticides in raw materials complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    • The antibiotic chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) was detected in one feed in an amount of 4.71 mcg/kg (or 0.00471 mg/kg). It is not standardized in feed, so we can only talk about trace amounts of this antibiotic.

    However, according to TR CU 021/2011, in food products for humans, in particular in meat, milk, meat and dairy products, this antibiotic is allowed only in trace quantities - less than 0.0003 mg/kg. Thus, the amount of antibiotic found in the feed exceeds the permissible “human norms” by 16 times. However, we repeat, this antibiotic is not legally regulated for cat food. And the requirements of TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products” apply only to food products for people.

    Sergei Kolomiets

    veterinarian, head of the department of feeding and feed production of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K. I. Scriabin" (FSBEI HE MGAVMiB - MBA named after K. I. Scriabin), Doctor of Biological Sciences

    – Pesticides can get into food from cereals, vegetables, and grains. The manufacturer must check incoming raw materials to ensure that pesticides do not end up in the finished product. As for food with an antibiotic: if a cat constantly eats such food, then hypothetically its body may develop resistance to the antibiotic, and subsequently the treatment prescribed by the veterinarian may be ineffective. And inexpensive chloramphenicol is often used in the treatment of animals.

    Let us remind you that only those products that do not contain any traces of antibiotics or pesticides can apply for the Russian Quality Mark.

    – Meat raw materials used for the production of canned food are either classified as food raw materials, or are purchased from manufacturers who supply food enterprises with raw materials. Thus, raw meat producers monitor the content of antibiotics, the level of which complies with legal requirements, adds Fedor Borisov

    . – – The manufacturer of high-quality wet cat food, in turn, on an ongoing basis carries out the necessary measures to check and monitor the reliability of its suppliers, including with regard to the quality and safety of the supplied raw materials.

    The discovery of an antibiotic (and one that is not legally regulated) is an isolated case; overall, the study confirms the high quality of the raw materials used to make pet food. (No traces of antibiotics were found in the products of 19 brands. – Ed.)


    Whether the food is fresh or rancid, spoiled - indicators such as acid (mg KOH per 1 g of fat) and peroxide value of fat (1/2O mmol/kg), as well as histamine content can tell this. Again, there are no legal restrictions. The requirements for these indicators are established by the Roskachestvo standard: the acid number of fat is no more than 30, and the peroxide number is no more than 23.6. For all products, these numbers were very low, which indicates the freshness of the products.

    No histamine was detected in the feed (at the detection limit).

    The best premium cat foods

    Premium cat food contains natural meat components - most often chicken - and high-quality by-products. The food is easy to digest and safe. The downside is the presence of chemical preservatives.

    Brit Premium Family Plate

    Manufacturer: Brit. The product is a complete wet food in the format of a set of 12 spiders with different flavors - pieces of chicken, turkey, beef, cod, salmon and trout, filled with delicious jelly. Total weight – 1200 grams, each – 100 grams. Designed for feeding pets aged one to six years.

    A serving contains up to 82% meat components. Wet food contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the animal. Additionally, taurine is included, which is responsible for maintaining vision and a healthy heart and blood vessels. Pauchi can be considered as a complement to a dry diet.


    • Excellent price-quality ratio;
    • Taste variety;
    • Pleasant aroma;
    • Natural composition without preservatives.


    • Not suitable for all cats.

    The food reacts very sensitively to violation of storage conditions. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

    Bozita with chopped chicken

    Manufacturer: Bozita. Complete wet food with chicken flavor in the “meat pieces in jelly” format. Available in convenient Tetra Recart packaging from Tetra Pak weighing 370 grams. Designed for feeding pets aged 1 – 6 years.

    The product is designed taking into account the needs of the animal during the most active period of its life. The food is satisfying: the pieces contain up to 93% natural meat. The raw materials are produced on the company’s farms and are not pre-frozen.

    The pieces contain a small amount of fat, so your pet will maintain optimal weight, even against the background of decreased physical activity. But he will receive the full amount of fatty acids he needs. Taurine strengthens and protects the nervous system, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and visual analyzer.

    The product contains the natural immunostimulant MacroGard. It helps improve your pet's immunity and stress resistance. Vitamin A is a natural antioxidant that improves the quality of vision. The food is additionally enriched with vitamins D and E.


    • Fresh, unfrozen meat is used;
    • Content of meat components up to 93%;
    • Does not contain chemical components, sugar, wheat gluten;
    • Includes a natural immunostimulating complex;
    • Low fat content;
    • Contains taurine.


    • Not all cats like it.

    Cat owners indicate in their reviews that the animals like the food. Although sometimes cats refuse it. Does not cause intestinal upset, satisfying. The variety of flavors offered is noted. On average, a package is enough to feed a pet of average weight and size for two days.


    Manufacturer: ProBalance. Complete dry food intended for sterilized animals. Since the nutrition is balanced, it is suitable for daily feeding. Available in 0.4, 1.8 or 10 kilogram packages. Designed for pets aged 1 – 6 years.

    Practicing veterinarians took part in the development of the food formula, so it fully takes into account the characteristics of the body of sterilized cats. After the loss of reproductive function, animals become lazy, eat a lot and move little. This causes weight gain and the formation of kidney stones.

    Among the features of Probalance Sterilized, it is worth highlighting the optimal nutritional and calorie levels. The product includes the herbal collection “Fitocare for cat” - a patented development of the manufacturer - that strengthens the immune system and improves overall tone.

    Contains L-carnitine, which accelerates fat burning processes. Lysine helps strengthen the immune system, and taurine maintains the cat’s vision at a decent level. The food does not contain artificial additives or preservatives that are dangerous to animals.

    The source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that cats need are flax seeds. The substances ensure the pet’s good physical well-being.


    • Complete, suitable for daily feeding;
    • Reduces the unpleasant odor of feces;
    • Good, balanced composition;
    • Medium size granules;
    • Improves the condition of the coat.


    • There is no fastener to ensure the packaging is sealed;
    • Strong specific aroma.

    The best economy class cat foods

    The content of meat components is no more than 4%. There must be aromatic additives and artificial colors. It is better not to use for constant feeding. Based on numerous positive responses, the VyborExpert team selected three nominees.

    Friskies prevention of ICD, with chicken, with liver, with meat

    Manufacturer: Purina. Inexpensive food for cats, it is a balanced complete diet in dry granule format. Sold in packages weighing 0.4, 2 or 10 kilograms. Designed for feeding adult pets aged 1 – 6 years. Prevents the development of urolithiasis.

    The packaging is designed in eye-catching yellow tones. The overall design is recognizable - a ginger cat happy with life from different angles.

    The composition for economy class food is not bad. Includes meat and meat products. But the main component - this is confirmed by the order of its location - is cereals. Additionally, it includes proteins of plant origin, artificial preservatives, dyes, thickeners, and antioxidants.


    • Low price;
    • Good volume;
    • Average granule size;
    • Prevention of the development of urolithiasis.


    • Strong smell of feces;
    • Flatulence.

    Cats like the food. Reviews of dry cat food indicate that the cat's coat improves. Pets do not have problems with digestion and stool. Adequate price-quality ratio for economy-class food. Even purebred cats like it.

    Whiskas with chicken, with turkey

    Manufacturer: Whiskas. Available in the format of crispy pillows filled with delicate pate. Sold in bags weighing 0.35, 0.8, 1.9, 5 and 13.8 kilograms. Intended for feeding adults aged 1 – 6 years. The manufacturer recommends combining dry food with wet spiders from the same line.

    The product formula is well optimized. Offers a good combination of nutritional components and nutrients, which ensures the maintenance of metabolic processes at the required level. As in other economy-class feeds, the main ingredients are cereals. In second place on the list of ingredients is chicken and turkey flour.

    The composition includes tocopherol and zinc to support immunity, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids for a beautiful coat and healthy skin. Vitamin A and taurine are responsible for the quality of vision, and the incoming fiber improves the digestion process.


    • Possibility to select packaging volume;
    • Nice smell;
    • Improved digestion;
    • Normal composition.


    • Contains many chemical components.

    Animals generally like the food. The smell is pleasant, not aggressive. The packaging, if you take a large volume, lasts a long time.

    Kitekat Meat Feast

    Manufacturer: Kitekat. The manufacturer positions the food as complete. Designed for feeding adult cats during the most active period of their life - from the first to the sixth year inclusive. Available in bags of different weights - 0.35, 0.8, 1.9 or 15 kilograms.

    The composition is not bad, it includes all the components necessary for the animal - meat components, vegetables, vegetable oils, cereals. Contains taurine, which is responsible for vigilance and also supports good functioning of the heart muscle. The manufacturer refused to use flavorings and flavor enhancers.

    Feed is given on demand. To ensure that the recommendation is followed, the daily amount is poured into a bowl. The cat eats itself when it has an appetite. With this feeding option, the animal must have free access to water.


    • Improves the condition of the coat;
    • Inexpensive;
    • Possibility to select packaging volume;
    • Does not contain flavorings or flavor enhancers.


    • Sometimes causes indigestion.

    Expectations - reality: about discrepancies with labeling

    A study by Roskachestvo revealed a very important problem: the actual composition of feed does not partially coincide with what is indicated in the product labeling. In most samples, deviations of the actual composition of feed from the information stated on the product labeling were recorded. We are talking about deviations:

    • by the amount of crude fat;
    • by the amount of crude protein;
    • by the amount of iron;
    • by the amount of manganese;
    • by the amount of selenium;
    • by the amount of phosphorus;
    • by the amount of raw ash;
    • by the amount of potassium;
    • by the amount of zinc.

    The legislation of the Russian Federation and the treaties of the European Union do not establish mandatory requirements for feed labeling, as well as permissible deviations of the actual composition of products from the information stated on the label. This legal gap contributes to a) misleading consumers, b) incorrect formation of animal diets.

    It is for this reason that in 2022 Roskachestvo sent proposals to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture to establish mandatory requirements for food and other products. In particular, proposals to include in the draft technical regulation “On the safety of feed and feed additives” being developed, requirements for the reliability of labeling for the content of individual components and their range in pet food.

    It was proposed to include the relevant provisions in a separate section of the draft regulation “Requirements for pet food”, in which it was planned to establish permissible deviations from the declared values ​​of complete nutrition indicators, indicators of nutritional value and safety of food for cats and dogs.

    Subsequently, in 2022, the Russian side supported the proposal to exclude feed for non-productive animals from the draft regulations and the advisability of developing a separate technical regulation of the EEC “On the safety of feed for non-productive animals.”

    The project is still under development

    In July 2022, the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in response to a request from Roskachestvo, reported that the draft regulations, finalized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (project developer), have not yet been submitted to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture for consideration.

    How to choose cat food

    Studying reviews when choosing the best feed manufacturer, experts identified several characteristics that were most often mentioned by customers. They are the ones who act as leaders when purchasing a product. This is the class and type of food, the age of the cat, composition, and the special needs of the animal.

    Feed class

    Classes of cat food differ in the percentage of meat or fish components.

    The product classification is as follows:

    • Economy The basis is by-products, cereals, soybeans. Low-calorie food. The percentage of meat components is up to 4%.
    • Premium It has a close to optimal ratio of macro- and microelements. Minimum vegetable protein.
    • Super premium. Balanced product. Contains only ingredients of natural origin - meat fillet, vegetables, eggs, rice.
    • Holistic. Completely natural composition, including substances necessary for full growth and development. The share of meat components accounts for more than 50%.

    Type of feed

    Depending on the consistency of the feed, they are divided into three groups. This:

    • Canned. It has a long shelf life and a large selection of flavors. Contains less carbohydrates and almost 70% water. Recommended for convalescent and aging pets.
    • Dry. Allows you to feed your cat on a flexible schedule. Prevents the formation of dental plaque. Sold in bags and boxes of various sizes. Provided the packaging is sealed, it can be stored for several months. Contains a large amount of sugar and only 10% water.
    • Semi-dry. Available in the form of multi-colored pieces of soft consistency. The smell is less pronounced compared to canned ones. Contains more sugars than all other foods.

    Animal age

    When choosing food, it is necessary to take into account the age of the pet. The recommendations are as follows:

    • For kittens, it is necessary to choose food whose formula takes into account the needs of a growing organism.
    • Inactive cats that are prone to gaining excess weight are given foods with a light composition.
    • Pregnant and lactating women need to buy food that takes into account the characteristics of their current condition.
    • Aging cats need senior food.


    Before purchasing, study the composition of the product. The components are listed in descending order. The food may include meat - natural or dehydrated - by-products, and also have a mixed composition.

    In holistic and premium foods, only natural meat or fish is allowed. A prerequisite is to indicate the percentage of the product on the packaging.

    The first to be listed in the food composition is the base product – meat or fish. Natural meat can be replaced with dehydrated meat, i.e. devoid of liquid. Added to feed in ground form. The quality is not inferior to natural.

    The composition may contain by-products. The specific type of the latter must be indicated. You should refuse to purchase if the composition does not contain specific ingredients.

    Economy class food has the poorest composition. It does not contain pure meat, so the animal will need to be supplemented.

    Special Needs

    When choosing food, you need to take into account not only the period of your pet’s life, but also the individual characteristics of the body. Depending on this, food can be of the following varieties:

    • lightweight;
    • everyday;
    • medicinal;
    • for pregnant / lactating women;
    • for sterilized ones.

    Best choice for adult and older fussy cats

    Royal Canin Savor Exigent

    The best dry food for picky cats includes two types of kibble, varying in shape, taste and texture. It is ideal for satisfying the natural needs of picky cats that require variety in food and a change in taste sensations.

    Optimal caloric intake maintains your pet's ideal weight and meets his individual preferences. When choosing food, cats rely on taste variety, aroma or amount of protein. Depending on this, there are three recipes that will suit even the most fastidious animals.


    • animal age: elderly (7+), adults (1-6 years)
    • premium: yes

    Which cat food is best?

    You can determine which cat food is the best, but only after purchasing and taking a “sample” from your pet. The animal will either start eating with pleasure or refuse. And it is impossible to predict in advance what kind of reaction it will give.

    The team would like to draw your attention – as a recommendation only – to the following nominees:

    • Grandorf hypoallergenic, 4 meats with brown rice - holistic for sterilized cats, does not cause allergies;
    • Berkley grain-free, with poultry, with wild berries - canned food for kittens, does not contain grain components;
    • Brit Premium Family Plate – complete wet cat food, a set of 12 pouches with different flavors in the format of pieces in jelly;
    • Whiskas with chicken and turkey - economy class dry food in the form of pillows with pate inside.

    You decide for yourself which dry cat food to choose and buy. But during the search process, it is necessary to take into account the special needs of the pet, as well as the age.

    Let's look at the packaging

    You can sit at home for a long time and look at ratings of high-quality dry cat food, but when you come to the store, you either won’t see what you initially liked, or you’ll simply get lost in the variety of choices.

    The choice becomes even more difficult if the store or veterinary pharmacy simply has large bags of food from which you can pick out what you want.

    Always look at the food packaging label. First of all, we talk about the country in which the feed is produced. It can be of three types, in most cases - Chinese, European and Russian production.

    For the most part, food of Russian origin is normal, although there are some exceptions. Dry food that was made in the EU will always be of high quality, but it is difficult to find, and the price is quite high.

    Be especially careful with dry food made in China. Thanks to local laws that apply in China, they can mix literally anything into such products.

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    • What to feed a sterilized cat: video tips on how to properly, what and when to feed a cat after sterilization (125 photos + video)

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