Grain-free dry cat food: what are their advantages?

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Why grain-free food is the best for cats Why manufacturers add grains to food
  • What are the benefits of grain-free food?
  • TOP 10 grain-free cat food
  • Description of brands: advantages and disadvantages, reviews
  • Acana
  • AATU
  • Wildcat
  • Optimal
  • Applaws
  • Grandorf
  • Carnilove
  • Baskerville
  • Nutram
  • Rules for choosing a grain-free diet for a cat
  • Conclusion - to give or not to give
  • Commercial grain-free cat food is the best you can offer your pet. Even natural food cannot always provide such a complete, nutritious and balanced composition.

    Yes, they are not cheap, but the health and well-being of your pet is more expensive.

    Why is grain-free food the best? How does this type of ready-made food for cats differ from others? Which brands' food is better? How to choose grain-free cat food?

    We looked at the best grain-free cat food that the pet industry offers and tried to answer all these questions.

    Why grain-free food is best for cats

    The cat is an obligate predator. And obligate carnivores eat proteins only of animal origin. In the diet of obligate carnivores, plant foods make up no more than 5-10%. It can enter the body from the stomachs of killed prey.

    No matter how people domesticate cats, it is useless to argue with nature - this species has a high need for animal proteins and essential amino acids.

    Cats do not need plant foods, they need meat and fish. Yes, a small percentage of plant ingredients may be present in the food, but the rest should be animal proteins.

    Why do manufacturers add grains to feed?

    Grain crops are added to economy, premium and some super-premium brands. This allows manufacturers to reduce the cost of their products. High-quality grain-free feeds of a higher class do not contain grain components.

    The ban on the import of feed and its cancellation is difficult to foresee

    From all that has been said above, we can conclude that situations with each brand of food may be different. The process of establishing and lifting bans on the import of cat and dog food is ongoing. Of course, this creates difficulties for importers, but you need to understand that companies that are seriously involved in this business will solve all problems. It just doesn’t always happen quickly, since additional laboratory tests are required, as well as the preparation of new import documents even from countries listed on the approved list.

    You can find out when the ban on the import of the brand of feed you are interested in will be lifted from the distribution company in Russia, but it is not a fact that you will receive accurate information, since this is an unpredictable process. As a rule, the product does not disappear from sale immediately; for some time you can find remnants of the product in different stores. We advise you to select another food in advance and begin the transition to it gradually.

    When choosing a new diet, it may make sense to pay attention to feed produced in Russia, since not all of them depend on the supply of imported raw materials. To search for food of Russian origin available in our rating, you can use the “Country” filter

    But even in this case, no one can give you a guarantee that the food will never disappear from sale.

    What are the benefits of grain-free food?

    Why are grain-free food formulas considered the best for cats? How are grain-free diets different from cheaper brands that contain grains?

    1. Grain-free diets do not contain ingredients with a high glycemic index: grains and their processed products (flour). The absence of quickly digestible carbohydrates reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes.
    2. Plant components are represented by legumes, fruits and vegetables, which are complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are slowly absorbed by the body and do not cause a sharp release of insulin into the blood.
    3. Grain-free foods do not contain gluten, which is a common allergy in cats.
    4. Formulas based on animal proteins are well absorbed by cats.
    5. The formulas of grain-free brands have a high protein content - when there is a protein deficiency, the cat’s body uses the muscles of the body and tissues of other organs.
    6. Grain-free brands guarantee that they are free of artificial additives and contain healthy, fresh, minimally processed foods.
    7. Formulas that do not contain grains have an expanded composition. They contain vegetables, fruits, berries, medicinal herbs, prebiotics, algae, yeast. This guarantees the presence of all necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements.


    The cat's body is not able to process carbohydrates in large quantities. An excess of grain components in the feed leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs and deterioration in the quality of wool and skin.

    Allergy to vegetable protein

    Celiac disease is the medical term for gluten intolerance.

    Gluten or gluten is a group of proteins found in grain plants. The body of predatory animals is not adapted to the normal absorption of gluten. The sticky protein destroys the villi in the intestines and disrupts the entire digestive system of the animal. The intestines stop absorbing the necessary substances, and excess gluten causes skin, joint and ear diseases. Regular intake of vegetable protein ensures the chronic manifestation of celiac disease.

    How does a gluten allergy manifest?

    Celiac disease has the following symptoms:

    • Heartburn;
    • Stomach upsets;
    • Drowsiness and lethargy;
    • Reluctance to move;
    • Obesity;
    • Skin irritation;
    • Itching.

    Intolerance to plant protein can cause constant muscle pain, causing your pet to lose the desire to move, drowsiness and fatigue. Skin irritation may be accompanied by itching. Sometimes an animal may scratch its skin until blood appears.

    Description of brands: advantages and disadvantages, reviews

    Let's take a closer look at the formulas of the best grain-free cat food, their quality characteristics, and highlight the pros and cons of the brands.


    The best grain-free food from the Canadian company Champion Petfoods. Production facilities are located in Canada and the USA. The entire line produced belongs to the highest class - holistic. The formula of the food is as close as possible to the natural diet of a cat as a predator. The formula contains fresh and dehydrated meat and fish products.

    All foods contain by-products, cartilage, vegetables, legumes and fruits with a low glycemic index, berries, medicinal herbs and other healthy additives. Raw materials are carefully selected and tested; only products that can be consumed by humans are used in production. The share of animal raw materials is 85-90%.


    • complete, suitable for daily feeding of cats of all breeds and ages;
    • local fresh and raw materials are used;
    • the share of plant raw materials is less than 15%;
    • There is a formula for overweight kittens and cats.


    • there are no brands for pregnant, spayed or neutered animals;
    • high price;
    • not always freely available.

    Price: pack 1.8 kg. – 1900 rub./1150 UAH.


    Elena, owner of a Persian cat: “My Thomson is already 7 years old. He is a castrato. We experimented with food for a long time, choosing the right one. As a result, he developed a food allergy to chicken meat. The doctor recommended that we switch to Orijen Regional Red.

    I was surprised by the composition. The formula contains several types of meat: beef, lamb, wild boar, bison, pork. In addition to meat, offal and fish of three types are included. Plus vegetables, herbs, seaweed and berries. The result appeared within a month - the cat’s dandruff disappeared and he began to itch less. After 1.5 months, the appearance of the fur changed, it began to shine.”

    Andrey Zakharovich, veterinarian: “After the sterilization operation, I advise my clients to switch to Orijen Cat Fit & Trim Grain Free food, which helps control the pet’s weight. By the way, we recommend this same brand for obese cats. It has more protein and less fat.

    The food consists of almost only meat and fish. The only thing I always warn about is that this diet may not be suitable for allergic cats and animals with food intolerance. There are too many different sources of protein in it.”

    Read more about Orijen food.

    Video review:


    Another high-quality grain-free holistic product produced by Champion Petfoods (Canada). The composition of the food fully satisfies the physiological needs of the cat.

    The food is produced according to the “whole extraction” principle: the composition includes meat, entrails, cartilage, and bone marrow. Plant components are represented by “slow carbohydrates”.


    • all feeds are complete;
    • containing 75% meat and fish raw materials;
    • quickly saturate the cat and maintain a sufficient level of energy;
    • do not contain potatoes, GMO products, artificial additives.


    • limited range of flavors;
    • there are no medicinal or specialized feeds;
    • high price.

    Price: pack 1.8 kg. – 1800 rub./1100 UAH.


    Sofia, Maine Coon owner: “When Timosha came into our family, everyone loved him. He's so cute! We decided to buy the best food for our pet so that he could live long and make us happy. We were choosing between two brands from the same manufacturer and decided to take Acana. This is a very good diet.

    Everything in the composition is only fresh and natural. A lot of meat. There are no components that cause cats to gain excess weight. The cat likes it and eats with pleasure.”

    Roman Aleksandrovich, veterinarian: “The only brand of food about which I can’t say anything bad. The only downside is the price. But how can quality be cheap?

    All the animals to whom I have recommended this food are in good health, excellent physical shape and activity.”

    Read more about Acana food.


    Dry holistic product from the UK, based on free-range poultry meat. The range of flavors is represented by several dry and wet rations.

    Among them there are formulas with one type of protein (duck and chicken), which is important for cats with allergies. Poultry and fish (fresh and dry) make up 85% of the formula. The remaining 15% is represented by legumes, fruits, vegetables, berries, healthy herbs and spices. Salmon is used as a source of fat.


    • eat dry and wet food;
    • monoprotein formula;
    • balanced protein (34%) and fat (18%) content;
    • High-quality fresh meat is used in production.


    • There is no formula for kittens and pregnant cats that have been spayed or neutered;
    • high price.

    Price: packaging 3 kg. – 2500 rub./1050 UAH.


    Alexey, owner of the Abyssinian: “In the advertisement for the eternal Energizer battery, it was necessary to film not a hare, but my cat. He doesn't sit still! This is a real bundle of energy. To restore these strengths, he needs high-calorie and highly digestible food. He and I found our brand - this is the AATU grain-free diet.

    Yes, he's expensive. But the consumption is very economical. And what does my smart handsome boy look like! All my friends are delighted with the cat."

    Zinaida Nikolaevna, veterinarian: “What attracts me most is that the manufacturer produces monoprotein formulas. For cats with allergies, this is a real salvation. I always recommend a single protein diet for these patients."

    Read more about AATU food.


    The name of the German holistic food is translated as “wild cat”. The manufacturer has tried to create a formula that satisfies the natural needs of the cat.

    The product line is represented by several types of dry food and canned food. The share of meat ingredients in all types of food of this brand is 70-80%. Jerusalem artichoke is used as carbohydrates.


    • does not contain grain, soy, potatoes or legumes;
    • there is food with exotic types of protein: horse meat, pheasant, deer meat;
    • enriched with berry-herbal mixture and prebiotics.


    • there are no medicinal or specialized feeds;
    • not always available for free sale;
    • high price.

    Price: packaging 3 kg. – 2200 rub./910 UAH.


    Taras, owner of a Bengal cat: “Bengals need a lot of meat. Meat is all these nimble, athletic and sociable cats need. I can’t feed him natural food; I have neither the energy nor the time to cook.

    I feed dry food and holistic food. Wildcat food contains up to 80% meat and meat products. As much as my active cat needs. This type of nutrition suits him perfectly. The cat looks luxurious and spends his days storming closets, climbing his tree, and running around the house.”

    Denis Rodionovich, veterinarian: “Wildcat is a very high-quality food made in Germany. It is confidently one of the top five best cat foods. Decent composition, excellent tolerability by cats. There have been no cases of allergic reactions in my practice.”


    Grain-free dry diet super-premium food Optimeal is produced using Swiss technology. All raw materials used in production undergo strict selection and laboratory testing. The finished products have received high marks from the Dutch Institute of Animal Nutrition (KENNEL DE MORGENSTOND), the Warsaw Institute of Veterinary Medicine and the Institute of Animal Nutrition in France.

    The line of flavors is presented in two formulas: with duck and vegetables, with turkey and vegetables. Dehydrated poultry meat is used as the protein component.

    The main source of carbohydrates is potatoes. The formula is enriched with a proprietary immune complex - Immunity Support Mix, which consists of prebiotics, natural antioxidants and beta-glucans - components that have a direct effect on the cat's immune system.


    • does not contain gluten (cereal gluten), suitable for feeding cats with gluten allergies;
    • the absence of grain crops in the composition and the presence of berries and vegetables helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
    • high content of vegetables – a source of “slow carbohydrates”, prevents the development of diabetes;
    • low price;
    • exported to 16 countries;
    • strengthens the cat's immunity.


    • limited range of flavors;
    • no grain-free formula for kittens, pregnant or neutered animals;
    • It is not always available for free sale outside Ukraine, but is exported to 16 countries around the world.

    Price: packaging 4 kg. – 650 UAH.

    Read more about Optimeal food.


    Anton Dmitrievich, veterinarian: “This is the first domestic food that I confidently recommend to my visitors. Yes, it is slightly inferior to elite foreign brands from Canada and the USA, but its cost and availability justifies everything.

    Pets who eat Optimeal are often brought to me, and I can observe how they change. All cats who receive this food look great, they are in good physical shape, without obesity or malnutrition.”

    Lesya, Persian’s owner: “My Persian is so picky - terribly picky about food! And I started eating the new grain-free food right away. As if he guessed that it was healthy and locally produced.

    I was attracted by the inscription on the packaging that the food increases immunity. And, indeed, the cat is healthy and looks luxurious. The manufacturer did not disappoint my expectations.”

    Video review:


    A quality British grain-free cat diet contains 80% meat ingredients. Available in the form of dry food and wet canned food.

    The manufacturer offers several types of flavors and specialized brands of food: for kittens, for older cats, hypoallergenic food. Potatoes are used as a source of carbohydrates. Enriched with vitamins, minerals and prebiotics.


    • high percentage of animal protein;
    • natural preservatives (rosemary, mixed tocopherol);
    • no corn, soy or gluten;
    • wide range.


    • difficult to buy in Ukraine;

    Price: pack 2 kg. – 1150 rub./480 UAH.


    Anton, owner of the Sphynx: “My cat is already an old man. I was looking for a brand of diet for senior pets and found British grain-free food Applaws Senior Cat Chicken. The formula is based on chicken and vegetables. Chicken makes up 80%. I think this is an excellent indicator!

    It does not contain grains; sweet potatoes are used as carbohydrates, but there is very little of it (6%). For that kind of money, the composition is excellent!”

    Valentina Romanovna, veterinarian: “In Ukraine, this brand is not very common because of the difficulty of purchasing it. However, some of my clients say that they order food through online stores.

    I cannot speak about the brand objectively because I have no personal experience of using it. But the composition of the diet and the detailed description of the ingredients on the packaging inspire confidence in me.”

    Learn more about Applaws food.


    This is a Russian brand, but production facilities are located in Belgium and Italy, so the food is of true European quality. The manufacturer indicates that meat ingredients make up 70% of the formula.

    The brand is positioned as hypoallergenic. Grain-free diets for cats include: dry food “White fish with sweet potato” and canned food in several flavors: “Tuna fillet with crab meat”, “Chicken breast with shrimp”, “Chicken breast with salmon”, “Chicken breast with duck fillet”, “ Tuna fillet”, “Tuna fillet with shrimp”.


    • high-quality varieties of dietary meat and fish are used in production;
    • maintains physiological acidity of urine;
    • does not contain flavorings, dyes or preservatives.


    • the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of components;
    • There are no fresh or raw ingredients in the composition; the meat is used in dried form.

    Price: pack 2 kg. – 1400 rub./850 UAH.


    Valeria, owner of a Maine Coon: “When we first took Marcel into the house, the veterinarian advised us to introduce him to healthy holistic-grade food. We chose the Grandorf brand with white fish. Why this one? Firstly, the food is made from high-quality raw materials that can be eaten by humans. Of course, we didn’t try the granules ourselves.

    Secondly, it does not contain grain, soy and gluten - which means it is healthy and there is an unlikely risk of allergies to food components. Now about the result - the kitten is growing by leaps and bounds. Well-fed, cheerful, satisfied. Wool is the envy of everyone. The tail is a sight for sore eyes. This brand is probably right for us.”

    Anastasia Viktorovna, veterinarian: “Grandorf food is produced in Europe. This is an indicator of quality. I recommend this company's grain-free brand to my clients along with market leaders in holistic foods: ACANA and ORIJEN. Grandorf is cheaper, but does not differ very much from more expensive brands in composition and quality characteristics.”


    The Czech-made grain-free diet comes in several flavors; there is special food for kittens, sterilized and neutered animals, and large breed cats.

    Various types of meat (boar, lamb, deer), poultry (duck, pheasant, turkey) and fish (salmon) are used as protein components. Protein products make up up to 60% of the formula. Source of plant carbohydrates - peas, beans.


    • no artificial additives;
    • contains natural sources of glucosamine and chondroitin (crustacean shells, cartilage extract);
    • contains prebiotics;
    • There is a detailed breakdown of the composition on the packaging.


    • does not contain fresh or raw meat, dried flour is used;

    Price: pack 2 kg. – 1440 rub./510 UAH.


    Regina, owner of a Siamese kitten: “When I decided to switch the kitten to holistic food, I came across a pack of interesting design. Maine Coon kittens or small lynx cubs were drawn on it. It was Carnilove brand food with salmon and turkey.

    I liked the granules - they do not have a strong smell and are the optimal size for a kitten. The kitten did not immediately begin to eat. They say that this happens when you switch to “holistic” pets who are already accustomed to cheap brands with flavors and taste enhancers.”

    Anton Vyacheslavovich: “When cat owners contact me who are worried about the pet swallowing its own fur, I recommend special food and malt pastes. Carnilove Cat Duck & Pheasant Hairball Control is one such food.

    If you constantly feed your pet this food, the animal’s stomach and intestines will spontaneously cleanse themselves. This composition is especially suitable for long-haired breeds during the shedding season.”


    The line of super-premium food produced in Germany is represented by dry brands and a wide range of canned foods. The dry grain-free menu includes chicken-based food for adult cats. The protein content in the dry formula is 36%. Carbohydrates are represented by sweet potatoes.

    Various types of meat, fish, poultry, and offal are used in the production of canned food. The meat component in canned food is 70%. The entire line is enriched with vitamins and minerals.


    • does not contain dyes or preservatives;
    • full-featured.


    • sold through online stores;
    • widespread only in Ukraine.

    Price: packaging 1.5 kg. – 322 UAH.


    Rodion: “I have a cat from a shelter, a noble noble breed. When I first got her, she ate everything. Then I got used to the fact that there was always food and became picky. He loves canned food from jars as a treat. Pauchi doesn't really like it. I offered her different brands until I settled on Baskerville products.

    My cat and I love that the company makes so many different flavors. You can always try something new. There is a lot of meat in canned food. There's just meat, broth and jelly. No grains or other additives. For this I give the brand a solid A.”

    Nina Sergeevna, veterinarian: “The line of grain-free food from this company from Germany is represented by only one diet. All other foods contain grains. Therefore, I always tell my clients to carefully read both the name of the food and its detailed composition.

    Of course, grain-free formula is better for cats. I always recommend grain-free menus. Cats don't need grain! Producers put grain in to save money.”


    The Canadian company's grain-free line for cats is represented by the Nutram Total Grain Free brand, which is available in two flavors: “Salmon and Trout”, “Turkey, Chicken and Duck”. The food belongs to the “holistic” class. The manufacturer positions its product as suitable for feeding cats of all breeds and ages.

    The protein component accounts for 36% of the composition. There are no soy, grains or GMOs listed in the ingredients list. Legumes are used as a source of carbohydrates.


    • fresh meat is used in production;
    • the food is enriched with vitamins and minerals.


    • poor assortment;
    • small granule size;
    • the volume fraction of legumes in the formula exceeds 40%;
    • It is not specified what flavoring is used.

    Price: package 1.8 kg. – 1500 rub./660 UAH.


    Olesya, owner of a British cat: “I accidentally saw this food in our store. I was attracted by its price. Canadian production and grain-free composition inspired confidence. My cat didn’t eat right away. For some reason she didn’t like him, she had to accustom him gradually.

    Over time, she got used to it and now we only eat Nutram Total Grain Free. The disadvantages of the brand include very thin packaging and the absence of an internal reflective coating. I think that the food may deteriorate from the penetrating light, so I pour it into an airtight iron jar.”

    Vasily Nikolaevich, veterinarian: “When they ask me for advice about this brand of food, I don’t dissuade clients. The food is good. Of course, it would be a stretch to call it a full-fledged holistic remedy, but there are no harmful ingredients in it.

    Most animals tolerate it well. No one has contacted me personally with an allergy to this brand. There is an opportunity to buy more expensive food - buy it. No – this is also a good option for feeding.”

    Ash content of feed: what it affects and what it leads to

    First of all, the suspicion of scientists was caused by the sweeping accusation of ash in general, because this “ash,” as we remember, includes all the microelements contained in organic matter. Researchers tried to isolate those that contribute to the formation of stones in the urinary system of cats, and found the culprit.

    Ambiguous magnesium

    It turned out to be magnesium, which is not only directly involved in the formation of struvite crystals (ammonium phosphates), but also contributes to the alkalinization of urine, increasing its pH (> 7.0), which we will talk about in more detail a little later.

    However, it soon turned out that it was impossible to significantly reduce the level of magnesium in the feed, since it is an essential trace element that is involved in the activation of enzymes, as well as muscle and nervous activity.

    For example, it has been experimentally proven that reducing magnesium to 50 mg per 1 kg of dry matter of food in 16-week-old kittens led to muscle weakness, increased irritability, seizures and anorexia (1). In addition, it turned out that the need for magnesium varies depending on the condition of the body.

    Optimal dose

    In experiments on adult cats, the dose of the substance in the food was gradually increased, observing the formation of crystals in the urine, and thus the optimal magnesium content in dry food was established, which was accepted by the industry and is now about 1000 mg/kg (0.1%) (2 ).

    This dose is considered to be the best for maintaining healthy cats, and is very far from the upper threshold of magnesium content (identified experimentally), exceeding which almost inevitably leads to KSD.

    This limit is 3500 mg/kg (0.35%) - as they say, feel the difference (3). Never and under no circumstances, in the case of legal production, will the level of magnesium in dry food even come close to this threshold, and no raw material of organic origin contains such an amount of this microelement.

    Calcium and phosphorus

    In addition, studies have shown that not only the level of magnesium is important, but also the ratio of two other important elements - calcium and phosphorus, which should average 1.2: 1 with an acceptable range from 1.17: 1 to 1.4 :1. The ratio was determined by analyzing these components in the bodies of small animals that are the natural prey of cats - rats, mice and rabbits (4).

    According to FEDIAF, the minimum acceptable ratio of Ca to P in cat food should be 1:1. It is stated that this parameter for kittens (during the growth period) should not exceed 1.5:1, and for adult cats a ratio of up to 2:1 is allowed.

    Manufacturers do not always indicate the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the food (dry or wet) on the packaging, but you can calculate it yourself. To do this, you need to divide the amount of calcium by the amount of phosphorus, indicated in the same units of measurement (milligrams or percentages). For example, 1.15% calcium and 0.98% phosphorus is 1.17:1.

    And one more nuance

    Finally, experiments showed that even a very significant increase in dietary magnesium did not lead to the formation of stones if the urine was maintained in an acidic environment (5). Conversely, if the pH level exceeded 7.5, then even with low magnesium content, struvite crystals formed.

    It was this fact that revolutionized the understanding of the causes of stone formation in the urinary system of cats and overturned the verdict on the level of magnesium and ash content in general. It has been proven that whatever the ash content of the feed, which is influenced, as we have already said, by its composition, a high urine pH level is one of the main risk factors. Let's look into it in more detail.

    Rules for choosing a grain-free diet for a cat

    Choosing a grain-free diet is no different from choosing any other food. So, how to choose grain-free cat food:

    1. Consider age. Manufacturers offer brands of food for kittens, adults and older animals.
    2. Consider your physiological state. There are brands for pregnant and lactating, spayed and neutered pets.
    3. Don't forget about your physical activity level. For sedentary animals and cats prone to gaining excess weight, there are their own diets.
    4. Be especially careful when selecting menus for cats with allergies. Mono-protein formulas are best suited for such pets.
    5. Consider your taste preferences. Manufacturers have taken care of a varied diet for your cats; choose the one that your pet will like the most.
    6. Be sure to consult your veterinarian. Any food, even the most expensive and good one, must be approved by a veterinarian.


    If an animal is diagnosed with an allergic reaction to gluten, an exclusively grain-free diet is recommended. All the others are not suitable for a cat!

    Where are the most minerals?

    Meat, fish and other meat components contain quite a lot of minerals, but there are still less of them in muscle tissue than, for example, in bones. If meat with bones or meat-and-bone meal is used to produce feed, the ash content of the product will be higher than when using “naked” pulp.

    Grains and other plant components are even lower in mineral content, so feeds that consist primarily of grains or other plants will have less ash.

    Until the 1980s, ash content in cat food, or more precisely its level, was strongly associated with the risk of developing urolithiasis, but a number of large-scale studies of both the disease itself and the influence of nutrition on its development, in particular feeding cats with dry diets, have convincingly proven that this connection is not so obvious and even erroneous.

    Let's walk together along the path trodden by scientists and see what reasons they give to prove their conclusions.

    Question No. 2: can manufacturers be trusted?

    Companies are chasing production volumes: more feed for less money. One way to save money is to use starch and grains instead of animal products, that is, replace animal proteins with plant proteins.

    As a result, the food often turns out to be carbohydrate rather than protein. Is this food healthy for cats? No! Carbohydrate foods threaten cats with a whole list of degenerative diseases: diabetes, kidney and intestinal diseases.

    There are also animal products in cat food. But there are often fewer of them than needed, and, as a rule, these are meat products or even low-quality offal. In addition, during the production of dry food, all ingredients undergo double heat treatment. After this, the nutritional value of the meat components in the feed (already not very high quality) becomes even lower.

    The catch is that it is difficult for the buyer to check the quality of the feed. Of course, you can seek advice from a veterinarian, but...

    What is ash?

    Despite the rather strange name of this component, which can not always be found on the label of dry and wet food, we are talking only about the content of inorganic components or, in everyday life, minerals in the diet. And the name comes from the method of measuring ash content.

    To do this, a feed sample is burned to the ground in a furnace at a temperature of +500°C, organic matter is completely destroyed, and inorganic substances remain in the form of ash or ash. They are measured and thus the ash content of the feed is determined.

    Let us emphasize once again that ash is not some kind of harmful residue, not an additive, not a product of metabolism - it is a natural content of minerals in the raw materials, not only dry, but also wet food. Minerals are simply necessary for every living organism for normal functioning, and therefore must be consumed with food. The only question is their quantity and source.



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    Purina One – Purina One

    The price of a pack of dry food 0.75 kg is from 219 rubles.

    Purina, founded in the late 19th century, has been producing pet food since the 20s of the 20th century. Today it is part of the Nestle corporation and produces several brands of cat food, such as Friskies, Felix and Purina One.

    The Purina One line is created in accordance with the characteristics of the age periods of cats. All products are divided into three categories: for kittens, for adults over 1 year old and for cats over 11 years old. In addition, the feed formulation is tailored to meet special needs:

    • Sensitive digestion requires a light menu, so rice and turkey are included;
    • Food containing grains is recommended for domestic cats;
    • After castration, cats should buy special food with beef or salmon;
    • The best coat and skin care will be provided by a diet containing chicken and grains.

    The protein, fat and fiber content, as well as the ash content of the Purina One series are normal.

    Purina Pro Plan – Purina Pro Plan

    The price of dry food in a pack of 0.4 kg (for kittens) is from 192 rubles.

    The Pro Plan brand is owned by Purina, which is part of the Nestle corporation.

    Proplan food is included in the premium segment because it contains the ideal amount of nutrients and a balanced amount of vitamins that pets need for an active and healthy life.

    The range of Proplan lines can satisfy the needs of any cat. All products are divided into three age categories:

    • Kittens up to 1 year;
    • Adult cats from one year to 6 years inclusive;
    • Elderly pets.

    It is worth choosing a variety based on the individual needs of the cat. Purina Pro Plan offers special series - dietary, therapeutic and preventive, as well as series for sterilized cats. The line also includes a special food for sedentary cats, as well as a special offer for overweight cats, which are recommended to control their weight.

    The basis is chicken meat, to which rice, prebiotics and enzymes are added, which improve digestion. The composition also contains minerals, vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for cats of a certain age.

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