Moving and traveling with a pet. Animal psychologist - on how to transport a cat, dog and other animals to a new place without harming them

Moving is a troublesome and time-consuming process. Especially if your pets are moving with you. Packing and transporting things comes into the background, because the main thing is that the pet is not harmed during the move!

First of all, decide how you will transport the cat - in a carrier or in your arms. For a shy animal, use the first option. A calm cat can be transported in your arms, but it is not worth the risk. After all, in an unfamiliar place, the behavior of animals is unpredictable. According to experts, in half of the cases cats break free and jump out.

If the cat does not go to the litter box

If your pet lived with you for several years, and everything was wonderful, and then he began to go to the toilet throughout the apartment (and this is why you are worried about moving), then, firstly, you need to exclude stress factors, such as -secondly, health factors.
It is quite possible that the cat is afraid to go to the litter box because a child is running along the corridor. Or a neighbor’s cat began to appear on the balcony nearby, your cat became worried and began to mark the territory.

Another possibility is that your pet has developed cystitis, kidney disease or joint problems, and the tray has high sides and is simply uncomfortable for him.

In general, the animal needs to be closely monitored.

And another very important note: ideally there should be several trays at home. One cat has at least two, but if there are two cats, then there should already be three trays. In nature, cats do not go to the toilet in the same place, and they also do not really like to share territory.

The kitten is the second child in the apartment

Food bowlSelect the size of this device depending on the kitten’s characteristics. Remember that they should be easy to clean from dirt and be made of material that does not have foreign odors.
Tray and fillerStudy your baby's preferences before joining your family. You can try to change them, but act gradually, looking at his reaction. Otherwise, you may end up with a toilet in every corner of your apartment, which is completely unsuitable for you.
scratching postIn order not to worry about new furniture and freshly hung wallpaper, this attribute should definitely be purchased. The options are very diverse. You can try to make such an object yourself, or you can purchase it at the same time as a house or a bed. Then, how to accustom a kitten to a new place of residence will not become such a pressing issue for you.
Nail scissorsThey are only needed if the pet does not go outside. Otherwise, you risk depriving your pet of a reliable means of protection from other aggressive animals and the ability to climb trees.
CombWhen you decide to get a furry animal, get ready to knit yourself a sweater from the remnants of the fur obtained after combing it. This must be done regularly to prevent lumps from forming, which cause some inconvenience.
ToysWhen your cat is left at home alone, he needs something to do. Otherwise, he will be bored and, as a result of the resulting stress, susceptible to the possibility of various diseases.
Carrying basketA very convenient thing, necessary when visiting the veterinarian, traveling, or if you are just going to take your cat for a walk. The size of the carrier should be selected taking into account that the small pet will soon increase in size. Think about the fact that he should be quite comfortable and spacious there. Some carriers may be equipped with devices in which you can pour water or put food in case of long absences from home.

Read in more detail: what you need to buy for your pussy.

Ask the previous owners or the cattery what type of food was used for the kitten. At first, you need to use only your usual diet. The baby is already under the impression that he was separated from his mother. He may refuse to eat at all. Calm him and pet him, lightly poking his muzzle into the bowl. Do not use aggressive measures

Attention and affection will help you achieve the desired result and the cat will eventually eat

Dogs, toilet and mind games

The intelligence of dogs is somewhere at the level of a five-year-old child, so in order for dogs to behave well, they must be physically stressed. These should not just be outings for five minutes, after which you wonder why the dog blew your battery, but full-fledged walks.

And you also need to tax your pet mentally - invite the dog to guess which hand the treat is in, or hide a ball during a walk, and then look for it together. If this is done in the morning, the dog will be able to sleep peacefully for the rest of the day. Dogs sleep up to 20 hours a day. Of course, this does not apply to puppies.

But the main thing is walking. You need to go for walks even with a very small dog. Keeping a dog in an apartment for several months without walking it is cruel.

We help you get comfortable

It often happens that furry friends in a new home prefer to sleep with their owners. To wean yourself off this, experts recommend immediately upon arrival that you find a secluded and cozy place for your pet to sleep. You can lure him with catnip from the store.

If renovations in a new home are in full swing, it is better to hold off on transporting your pet. Cats don’t like mess, and will probably be hostile to new, untidy housing.

To make it easier for the animal, you can move some things from the old apartment. They store odors that will help you quickly get used to your new home. It is advisable to transport the old tray, bed and favorite toys. It is necessary to create an atmosphere and conditions in the house that are as similar as possible to the old ones. The ideal option is to arrange the furniture in the same way as in an old house.

If the dog howls when the owner leaves

Neighbors may be unhappy if they sit at home during the day, you go to work, and the dog howls until you return. This happens when a dog becomes too fixated on one family member. In this case, it is worth showing the animal that it is no less healthy to have contact with other people. When she understands this, she will be emotionally discharged. Otherwise, things can turn into disaster: if something happens to the person whom the dog considers closest, the animal may refuse food and water, and then die altogether.

Another reason for howling is the pet’s low self-esteem.

In this case, various activities that raise this self-esteem will help: the same search tricks - “in which hand is the treat?”, or you can put two jars, in one of which we hide the treat; first we show the dog how to find it, then we praise and give an additional treat for each successful attempt. As a result, the dog realizes its eating behavior and asserts itself - that is, it understands that if something happens, it can handle it itself, it can get food, and it will not die of hunger.

Dogs learn through play, and learning for dogs is as basic a need as the need for food and nourishment. In the last five years, intelligent dog toys have become very popular, most of them based on the principle of food reward. The dog must do something to get food. You can buy such toys, or you can make them yourself. For example, some people take an egg from a kinder, drill holes in it, put a treat inside, and the dog must open the egg. This way, all family members can play with her, so that she can see that they are all at least worthy of attention.

Cat and newborn baby

If there's anything worse than moving, it's moving with your cat. However, with proper planning of this process, everything should go smoothly. Cats develop strong attachments to their environment, so moving is a potentially stressful situation. Planning ahead will ensure that the move from your previous home to your new one goes smoothly. After all, it's stressful for you first and foremost, so it's good to have one less thing to worry about.

Moving day

· Before the van arrives, it is recommended to lock the cat in a room - preferably in the bedroom.

· Bring the cat carrier, bed, food and water bowls, and litter box into this room and make sure all windows and door are tightly closed.

· Post a notice on the room door warning movers and family members not to leave the door open.

· Furniture and belongings from the bedroom should be loaded into the van last, after everything has been removed from other rooms. Before moving furniture out of the bedroom, place your cat in a carrier and carry it to the car. The journey to a new home has begun!

When transporting your pet, follow the tips below:

· First of all, you need to move the furniture from the bedroom to your new home.

· In the room where your pet will temporarily stay, place an automatic cat pheromone sprayer at floor level (you can buy Feliway replacement units at your veterinary clinic). Once the room is ready, you can place the cat, her bed, food and water bowls and a litter box there, and then close the door tightly. If possible, have one of your family members stay in the room with your pet while he explores the new area.

· Offer your cat some food.

· Once the move is complete, you can let your pet explore the new home little by little, room by room.

· It is important to remain as calm as possible yourself so that your cat feels safe.

· Make sure all exterior windows and doors are closed.

· Make sure that your cat does not sneak into the kitchen or utility room unnoticed - especially impressionable animals seek refuge in narrow crevices behind household appliances.

· If your cat is particularly sensitive, it is recommended that you place her in a cat hotel the day before moving and pick her up the day after you have settled into her new home.

How to transport your cat

· If your cat is not prone to travel, talk to your veterinarian in advance - they may prescribe a mild sedative.

· Feed your pet as usual, but make sure he eats at least three hours before travel on the day of your move.

· Transport your cat in a secure container - a basket or a special carrier.

· Spray the inside of the carrier with synthetic cat pheromones (Feliway, Ceva - you can get these from your veterinarian) half an hour before placing the cat in it.

· Place the carrier on the seat and secure it with the seat belt, behind the seat or in the back seat, securing it securely so that it cannot tip over.

· Do not transport your cat in a cargo van or car trunk.

· If the journey is long, you can stop and offer your pet water or the opportunity to use the litter box, although most cats will not need this.

· If you are traveling on a hot day, make sure the car is well ventilated, and never leave your cat inside a hot car while stopping along the way.

How to Help Your Cat Get Accustomed to a New Home

· Keep your cat indoors for at least two weeks until she gets used to her new environment.

· Feed your pet small, frequent meals.

· Maintain your previous daily routine to ensure your pet is comfortable in his new home.

· Try to make your cat feel safe in her new home. This can be achieved by spreading its scent throughout the house: take a soft cotton towel (or thin cotton gloves) and rub it on the cat's cheeks and head - this will increase the activity of the glands located on the face. Use this towel or gloves to rub the corners of door frames, walls, and furniture at your cat's height to help her learn new territory faster. Do this daily until you notice that the cat is rubbing itself against objects in the house.

· Continue using synthetic cat ferromone by placing the sprayer in different corners of the house, room by room.

· Indoor cats need extra attention as new surroundings will make them anxious.

Letting the cat go outside

· Keep your cat indoors for a couple of weeks to allow her to adapt to her new surroundings.

· Make sure that your cat has some kind of identification tag (a collar with an easily detachable part so that your pet cannot get caught) that contains information about the animal's name, as well as your address and telephone number.

· Instead (or in addition to this), you can purchase a microchip, which will ensure that if your cat gets lost, it can always be found. If your pet is already microchipped, notify the registrar company promptly of any changes in address or phone number.

· Make sure your vaccinations have not expired.

· As your cat adapts to its new surroundings, you can install a special small cat door on the door so that it can go outside in your absence. Make sure that this device is equipped with an electronic or magnetic system that controls entry into the house - it will not allow stray cats to enter the house.

· Drive away all cats that enter your garden - your pet needs your help to secure its territory, because it is a “newbie”.

· Let your pet gradually master the space outside the house. First, open the door for him yourself and go out into the yard with him.

· If your cat is used to being on a leash, it can be helpful to take her for a walk around the garden while leading her on a leash.

· Do not carry your pet outside in your arms - let him decide for himself whether he wants to explore the territory.

· Always keep the door open at first so that your cat can return to the house if something scares her.

· Cats that are used to living outdoors and have a lot of experience with changes in life usually cope well with any situation; Shy cats may need some time to adapt to new surroundings; they should be accompanied outside until they feel confident.

How to prevent your cat from returning to its previous home

If your new home is not far from the previous one, your pet, while exploring the territory, may stumble upon familiar travel routes that will lead him straight to his previous home. You should warn new residents that your cat may return to the previous home and ask them to contact you if they see her. It is important that new residents do not feed or reward your pet in any way - this will confuse him. If you are not far from your previous place of residence, it is better to keep the cat at home for as long as possible. However, this is rarely possible because cats, which tend to return to their previous hunting grounds, will not tolerate confinement in the house for such a long time. Follow the tips above to help your cat adjust to his new environment. Synthetic and natural aromas will also help you cope with this task, which will make the environment more familiar. It may take several months after leaving the previous home for your pet to fully get used to the new home. If this process causes a lot of stress for your cat, if she keeps returning to her previous home or crosses busy roads to get there, it may be more humane and safer for her to ask new residents or neighbors you are friends with to take her in.

Lifestyle changes

It is not recommended to accustom a cat, accustomed to a free life, to live exclusively at home. However, sometimes it is necessary, and moving to a new home is exactly such a case. If your cat spends most of its time outside, it may be wiser to find another home for it. If, on the other hand, your pet spends little time outside, he can safely be kept indoors in the future. Indoor cats require more effort from the owner to provide adequate exercise and prevent your pet from becoming bored. Below are some tips on how to improve your pet cat's environment:

· Hide portions of dry food in different corners of the house so that your cat can “hunt.”

· Provide several places for your pet to sit high off the floor and provide scratching posts for him to climb on.

· Regularly, at least once a day, play games with your cat that stimulate its hunting instinct.

Sometimes cat owners are so successful in choosing a new home that they can immediately allow their pet to go outside. Changing your cat's lifestyle from indoor to outdoor, if done smoothly, can improve her emotional well-being and provide a more natural life.

Follow our tips when training your cat to be outdoors, but remember that this should happen gradually. Many cats, under such circumstances, will prefer to go outside only if accompanied by you in order to feel safe.

Moving to a smaller home

If you have several cats, you need to keep in mind that each of them is used to having a certain living space in their previous home. Moving to a smaller home can cause conflict between animals. You must reduce the risk of confrontation between your pets by ensuring sufficient resources:

· Beds

· Trays

· Scratching posts

· Food bowls

Water bowls

· Highly located places for rest (cabinets, cupboards, shelves)

· Secluded corners where each animal could hide (under the bed or closet).

Moving to a new home is perhaps one of the most stressful situations in life. help your cat quickly get used to new living conditions, make sure that this period passes more calmly and with a minimum of problems - and peace and harmony will come to your home faster.

How to prepare an animal for moving

Preparation measures depend on the individual animal. It's generally easier with dogs because most dogs are human-oriented. If your pet has good contact with a person, then he won’t care where you go. They also treat carrying very calmly. All you have to do is put a treat there and they will come in.

A dog carrier is not a prison, but a hole, and dogs love holes.

It's more difficult with cats. Of course, there are very social cats that are not afraid of anything and love contact with people and other animals, but this is a very rare case, one in a hundred thousand. For most cats, the territory in which they have become accustomed is important, so moving is a big stress for them, as is carrying. So the carrier needs to be set up several weeks in advance. Open the door, put the cat's toy in there, place bowls of food and water nearby, and wait for the cat to go in there on her own, so that she gets used to it and understands that the carrier is an ordinary object. A cat that has mastered the carrier is more than half the success.

The rest will depend on the pet's life experience. If the animal was transported incorrectly before, it will panic. Therefore, it is important that the first move of a small cat is as comfortable as possible. If you took a kitten in a very tight carrier, he was hot, he sat there for a long time without the opportunity to drink water, then he will most likely remember this and will project the difficult experience onto subsequent trips.

Classification of shelter cats

All cats in shelters can be divided into two categories:

  • cats that previously had owners (the so-called “formerly domestic”);
  • cats caught on the street.

The first category includes cats:

  • who were kicked out of their home;
  • were able to escape and were unable to return;
  • whose owner died.

The second category should include cats that live on the street, but not far from people, and semi-wild cats (they avoid people and are aggressive towards them).

A separate category should include kittens whose character has not yet been formed, but they copy their behavior from their mother, if she has one.

This classification is very conditional, but must be taken into account when choosing a cat.

For example, a semi-wild cat is unlikely to spend the night in the same bed with its owner, and will graciously allow affection rather than demand it. Former domestic cats adapt to a new home faster. But their immunity is reduced due to the sudden change in lifestyle that they had to endure.

Anti-anxiety medications

For cats that experience travel pain, many people buy sedatives. The simplest thing is pheromones. Sometimes they are sold in a bottle, sometimes, as a mosquito repellent, in the form of a device with a plate that is inserted into an outlet. The animal smells the plant components and becomes calmer. But you still need to consult a veterinarian before doing this.

In general, before moving, it’s worth consulting in any case, because if the animal has health problems, after the stress it has experienced, they will manifest themselves more strongly, and you should at least have a first aid kit with you in this case.

I myself don’t like giving animals any medications, because any drugs, even vitamins, can cause side effects.

So you give an animal a sedative, ordinary chamomile - but he has an individual intolerance to chamomile, an allergy appears, then anaphylactic shock begins - and there is a high probability that the animal will not be pumped out. Or his gastritis will simply worsen, for example, which is also problematic.

It is possible that a pet who travels on a train for an hour and a half without a sedative will refuse to eat that day. But this is not very scary, the next day he will eat calmly.

Raising a kitten

First of all, this concerns begging. You cannot accustom a kitten to treats from the table. He must understand that food for him is only in a bowl and it is forbidden to beg for goodies during the hosts' meal.

Another important point is cat litter. The easiest way to accustom a kitten to a new place for natural needs is to use litter of the same brand as the previous owner. And if trouble happens past the tray, then do not scream or scold the baby. He hasn't had time to learn everything yet. A rude attitude can only slow down adaptation and increase stress in the animal.

The fear that a kitten experiences in a new place will pass. But the owner needs to be patient. And over time, the furry pet will truly be able to thank him for this with his contented purring and affection.

Rodents, birds and lizards

For small animals such as rats and hamsters, the principle is simple: I don’t see anything - and that’s great. So you just need to cover their carrier with a towel. All that remains is to make sure that rodents do not eat this towel.

It's more difficult with birds.

Mostly, owners try to transport birds in a cage, and this is a mistake, because on the road they hit the bars and often damage the wings. Birds should also be placed in carriers - small, darkened and with holes for air.

If it’s cold, the carrier should be heated, that is, we take an ordinary heating pad, wrap it in a towel and put the box with the bird on it.

Cold-blooded animals must be warmed, best of all - with your own warmth, just sit them on your body: on your knees, neck, stomach. Thermal mats sometimes overheat, and if they turn off on the road, the lizard, snake, or spider will die.

Moving a kitten to a new home

Today the cat industry is developed to such an extent that carrying a kitten down the street or in a car in your hands is not comme il faut. Buy a large carrier that will later fit for an adult animal. That is, the carrier should be spacious enough so that your, then adult, pet can be there at full height. This carrier will serve you well, because you will use it to carry your animal to the veterinarian, and perhaps even travel together.

If you are bringing a kitten to your home during the cold season, make sure that the carrier is warm, for example, put a warm towel in it (you can carry it to the breeder’s house in your bosom to warm it up). And if it’s really cold outside, you need to go by car.

Carrying will minimize the kitten's stress, because it will be protected from all sides and will not have to sit in the arms of a stranger.

How to introduce a pet to the apartment owner

You need to know your pet well. If you know that an animal has behavioral problems, it is better to say so right away and add that you will compensate for all damage, if any. In any case, you can’t lie, especially you can’t say that you don’t have an animal. When the truth is revealed, the situation will not be simple.

If behavioral problems appeared when you just moved, then they need to be addressed immediately. And it’s better, of course, with the help of a specialist, because every day the pattern of behavior will be reinforced. If the animal has only recently begun to behave inappropriately, then, for example, a dog handler will solve this problem in one or two sessions, but he (and you along with him) will have to spend several months on an old problem.

But under no circumstances read forums. Forums are the biggest evil. If you don't have specialized knowledge, you won't be able to distinguish between helpful advice and advice that will only make the problem worse.

On forums, it is only reasonable to read about games with animals: search and food.

First acquaintance with new housing

Kittens are usually brought in special pet carriers, boxes, and sometimes just in their bosom.
This does not change the essence of the matter. As soon as the owner crosses the threshold of his home, the first rule comes into force - do not force the kitten out of its secluded place. You can put your baby in a box or a special house designed just for him, where he will feel safe. The second rule is that the kitten should start getting acquainted with its new place of residence in one room: bedroom, living room, kitchen. The carrier or house just needs to be placed on the floor. Once the baby calms down and makes sure that he is not in danger, natural cat curiosity will take over and he will risk going outside. If he does not see anything, in his opinion, suspicious and frightening, then he will boldly go explore the new territory.

At the same time, owners and their children should try not to make sudden movements or scream with delight, so as not to scare the brave baby. Otherwise, it will quickly hide in a corner or under furniture.

But even if this happens, you cannot force the kitten out, this will only worsen the situation. The time will come, the pet will calm down and crawl out on its own.

How to stabilize an animal in the first days after moving

First, take as many of your pet’s old things as possible into the new apartment: beds, toys, bowls. And try to put them the way they were in your previous apartment, that is, imitate the old environment. At the same time, it is better to keep cats in one of the rooms or only in the kitchen for a couple of days - limit their space for moving.

In case your cat is used to walking outside, but this is not possible in your new apartment, there is a very cool thing - a cat walking net. This is a large box that fits onto the window from the outside; all sorts of twigs, sticks and toys are stuffed into it.

The boxes are quite inexpensive, and driftwood can be found in the nearest forest. And then the cat seems to be walking, but it seems to be at home. If a cat is neutered, he is usually satisfied with this. If not, then you should deprive him of his motivation to go outside - the center of motivation for traveling is mainly under his tail.

With dogs, problems can arise during a walk: there are no familiar smells and familiar paths, no familiar animals - all this is stress. Stress is also caused by aggressive dogs, who can jump up to a new person and start bullying him. But the dogs get used to the apartment very quickly.

Some advise giving animals more attention after moving: petting them more often, taking more walks, etc. They enjoy attention, but they quickly get used to it. If you come to a new place and start walking your dog not twice a day, but three times, then don’t be surprised when she continues to demand to walk her three times.

How to help reduce anxiety?

It is quite easy to identify anxiety in a cat. An anxious cat will arch its back, press its ears back to its head, hiss or growl, and even urinate in an inappropriate place.

To reduce your pet's anxiety on moving day, consult your veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe sedatives if necessary. The components included in the contents of sedatives will help reduce anxiety and normalize the animal’s psychological well-being. As a rule, they act gently.

In some cases, cats do not tolerate sedatives well. Some representatives of the cat breed may experience allergies. It is usually accompanied by excessive drowsiness, nausea, and impaired coordination of movements. If these symptoms are observed, it is necessary to lavage the cat's stomach at a veterinary clinic. For pets who are hypersensitive to sedatives, you can purchase a sedative collar. The ring product is suitable for pets of all ages. It resembles a regular anti-parasitic accessory, but emits a specific smell around itself.

Can be used as a sedative and catnip. Catnip is a weak herbal infusion that has a gentle effect on your pet's condition. It should be taken into account that not all cats love mint: some adore it, while others are completely indifferent to it.

Why does the cat have to go in first?

The connection of cats with invisible matters and energies could not escape the vigilant gaze of man. It was from this connection that the tradition of being the first to let the animal into a new home arose. Our ancestors believed that if there is negative energy or a destructive program in the house, then the entire family, or even the entire clan, will sooner or later simply disappear.

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