How much do dental plates cost and is it possible to save money on them?

Inflammation processes in the oral cavity in cats negatively affect the entire functioning of the body. The process of chewing and further digestion of food deteriorates significantly, the body's defenses are weakened, and the load on the heart muscle increases.

A responsible, attentive cat owner should be aware of the number of teeth in the pet's mouth, know how to properly care for the pet's oral cavity, and also know when to seek advice from a veterinarian.

The cat's dental system is represented by the following types of teeth: 12 incisors, 4 canines and 14 premolars. The period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth ends on average by the age of eight months. It is important to note that if, when the cat reaches 12 months of age, it has not had a complete replacement of its teeth, the animal will suffer. Congenital anomaly of dental development - oligodontia, has a genetic predisposition, transmitted through generations. Such animals are discarded during breed selection and breeding.

Causes of dental disease in cats

Dental diseases in veterinary medicine have their own classification and vary in severity. There are a number of factors that negatively affect the normal physiological development of teeth in a cat. The main ones are:

  • incorrect position of a row of teeth;
  • dietary disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • lack of timely veterinary care for injuries and other pathologies developing in the cat’s oral cavity;
  • changes in the qualitative composition of saliva and the ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microflora in the animal’s mouth (as a result, there is a risk of developing dangerous diseases);
  • factor of genetic heredity (a number of cat breeds have been identified that have a predisposition to dental diseases).

Taking into account all these main factors, it is recommended to carefully carry out hygienic procedures for the cat’s oral cavity and monitor the diet so that non-soft food predominates in it. Cats with a genetic predisposition need to undergo preventive examinations by veterinarians once every six months.

Find out also about stomatitis in cats >>>

Millums (millet)

This type of bump occurs with equal frequency on the upper and lower eyelids. Millet grains can range in size from a poppy seed to a grain of rice and usually form in groups. Millums are the most harmless of all formations and cause only aesthetic discomfort. At its core, these are whiteheads localized in the eyelid area.

Millet removal should only be done by a cosmetologist. Since they do not carry the risk of complications, they are not considered an ophthalmological disease, but fall within the competence of a dermatologist-cosmetologist.

Prevention of millums includes caring for the eyelids, timely removal of dead epidermal cells, ensuring the cleanliness of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and pores of the skin around the eyes, as well as a balanced diet that excludes excessive consumption of fatty foods.

Symptoms of toothache in cats

The cause of dental disease in cats is a large number of external environmental factors and internal pathologies. Any attentive owner can notice the appearance of characteristic signs of problems in a pet’s teeth or gums. To do this, it is not necessary to look into the animal’s mouth. The main symptoms of the development of diseases in the oral cavity are:

  • pronounced rubbing of the muzzle against furniture and things, while the animal does not show pleasure;
  • the appearance of a repulsive odor from the mouth;
  • gum hyperemia;
  • discoloration of tooth enamel;
  • display of aggression when the owner tries to look into the mouth;
  • refusal to eat due to pain;
  • increased secretion of salivary fluid.

How plates are made and put on

The treatment process begins according to the following algorithm:

  1. The orthodontist makes impressions of one or both jaws.
  2. X-ray control is carried out.
  3. A fitting of the preliminary plaster version is scheduled.
  4. A permanent plate model is made.

It is important that the plastic frame fully displays the relief pattern of the dentition. The metal parts are designed to provide the most reliable fixation.

When the plates are installed on the patient, he does not experience pain. The only difficulty at first may be related to speech, to clearly pronouncing individual sounds. Also at first there is likely to be increased salivation. However, this should pass in just a couple of days.

The most common dental diseases in cats

Pathological conditions of the cat's oral cavity are manifested by inflammatory processes in the gums, and also affect the tooth itself. The causes may be tooth decay, for example due to caries, as well as trauma to the muzzle and jaws. The most commonly diagnosed diseases of the teeth and gums are:

  1. Tartar . Tartar is a layer with a porous structure. Pathology occurs when there are disturbances in feeding and untimely cleaning of plaque. As a rule, the stone forms in the base area, affecting the root and gum structures. The started process is characterized by complete coverage of the tooth body with a dense layer. resulting from untimely removal of dental plaque. Characteristic signs of the disease are a repulsive odor from the mouth, bleeding and itching in the gum area. The animal tries to make less effort when chewing solid particles of food due to the feeling of discomfort.
  2. Plaque. A grayish-yellow film formed under the influence of a large number of bacterial microorganisms in the mouth, food residues and salivary fluid. At the first stages, it is not noticeable to the owner and is determined exclusively by a veterinarian using special diagnostic methods. With the development of the pathological process, the film thickens, plaque covers the entire area of ​​the tooth surface and, in the absence of hygienic procedures, turns into tartar. The formation of plaque on a cat’s teeth is determined by both genetic predisposition and an incorrect approach to feeding.
  3. Caries . The process of decay, as a result of which parts of the tooth, and especially the enamel, are destroyed, forming a through cavity. There are many reasons for the appearance of pathology, but the main ones are a lack of mineral nutrients due to an unbalanced diet or disturbances in metabolic processes in the body. Various mechanical injuries with the formation of a wound surface and infection lead to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and the development of putrefactive processes in the core of the tooth.
  4. Odontogenic osteomyelitis . An inflammatory disease that damages the tooth, the soft tissue around it, the alveoli and even the bone marrow. The main cause of dental osteomyelitis in cats is advanced pulpitis, a complication of purulent processes (caries or periodontitis). Odontogenic osteomyelitis is characterized by hyperemia of the gums, pain when chewing food, edema and swelling of the muzzle. Often neglected odontogenic osteomyelitis is accompanied by the development of an abscess, with the further formation of fistulas through which purulent exudate can be released, and regional lymph nodes enlarge.
  5. Periodontitis . A common disease often diagnosed in the clinical practice of veterinarians. With the development of periodontitis, the upper part of the tooth root is affected. It is diagnosed in cats after two years of age and often becomes chronic. The development of periodontitis occurs when plaque, caries, removal of molars, blows to the crown of the tooth, foreign objects stuck in the gums and not removed in a timely manner are not removed.
  6. Gingivitis . An inflammatory process of a chronic nature that develops on the mucous membrane of the gums. The primary manifestations of the disease appear as a yellowish coating on the hard part of the tooth. This happens when food particles get stuck between the teeth. The tissue structures begin to become inflamed, hyperemic, bleeding and ulcerative lesions appear on the gums.
  7. Tooth resorption . Pathology leading to gradual tooth loss and degenerative processes in the tissue structures around them. In veterinary sources, resorption is called odontoblastic resorptive lesion, developing from the gum area, destroying tooth tissue and replacing it with bone tissue. As a rule, premolars are affected, and then other teeth may be damaged. Resorption is not a contagious pathology, but when a tooth is lost, an infection of bacterial or fungal etiology can occur, which leads to purulent tissue lesions.


Cones of this type are quite common. They develop from a sebaceous gland whose duct is blocked. This formation is also called a “grading lump” or “cold barley.” The continued production of sebaceous gland secretion leads to the accumulation of a viscous mass in the capsule, which stretches and thickens, taking the form of a dense lump. On palpation, the contents under the skin feel like a moving ball.

Cold barley develops at a slow pace, so it does not cause pain. Only a formed hard capsule can cause pain when squeezed. If a chalazion is not treated, it can develop into a cyst. As the lump develops, the risk of complications increases: inflammation, formation of a purulent fistula, granulation.

Treatment of dental disease in cats

As a result of what has become the leading cause of dental disease in cats, the veterinarian selects individual treatment suitable exclusively for a particular animal.

If the cause of a cat’s dental problems is tartar, therapy is based on its complete removal. The optimal method of cleaning damaged tissue is selected, based on the severity and neglect of the degenerative process.

In the first stages of tartar formation, it is possible to eliminate it with the help of special gels or ointments. Advanced cases of plaque and tartar require anesthesia and removal of growths using ultrasonic equipment or a chisel.

Treatment for spotty and superficial caries involves treating the affected tooth with a special solution of sodium fluoride or silver nitrate. It is quite problematic to give a pet a full-fledged filling, so in the vast majority of cases of advanced caries, they are treated by removing the diseased tooth.

The initial stages of osteomyelitis can be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, sulfonamide medications and immunomodulatory drugs. More advanced cases of the development of dental osteomyelitis include surgical intervention under local or general anesthesia, opening of the resulting fistula, removal of purulent contents from the cavity and treatment with special antibacterial solutions.

Periodontitis can be treated by spraying the cat's mouth with disinfectant solutions. In the affected area, the tooth is treated with iodine-glycerin or a 5% alum solution. Treatment for gingivitis depends directly on the stage of neglect of the pathological process. Sick animals must undergo daily cleaning and treat the affected gums with medicinal ointments. Advanced cases require antimicrobial and hormonal therapy.


This type of eyelid bump looks more like a flat plaque. A connection between the development of such formations and chronic metabolic disorders has been revealed. Most often, xanthelasmas appear in women suffering from diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and pathologies of the endocrine system.

These flat formations only partially rise above the skin and have a yellowish tint. They can be located not only on the eyelid, but also in the area around the eyes. In most cases, xanthelasmas appear on the skin in groups. They do not resolve on their own. Cosmetic removal is possible, but it should be understood that if the cause of their formation is not eliminated, it can lead to the appearance of new plaques. You should focus on treating the underlying disease, and only after that seek cosmetic help.

Prevention of gingivitis

The best way to prevent the development of the inflammatory process is to regularly brush your teeth. The kitten must be accustomed to this procedure immediately. The procedure does not take much time and helps prevent caries, stomatitis, and periodontitis.

For treatment, it is better to buy special dental gels that do not contain menthol - these are Tropiclin, Radiance, Elgidum. In veterinary pharmacies you can find products in the form of powders. Brushing your teeth once a week is enough.

Pet stores have special sticks that you need to chew on. This is how the cat independently cleanses its teeth of plaque and massages its gums. For this purpose, chewing toys made of molded rubber are used.

A nutritious balanced diet allows you to maintain a high level of immunity . Therefore, you need to feed the animal with high-quality food. A natural diet consists of raw meat and a small amount of vegetables. Each option has its supporters and opponents, so each owner decides for himself what to choose.

The cat should be taken to the veterinarian once a year for preventive examinations. He will check the condition of the animal and prescribe tests. This will allow the disease to be detected at an early stage, which will shorten the treatment time.


The causative agent of benign formations called “papillomas” is human papillomavirus. Most often, infection with this virus occurs during birth from mother to child, but the disease can also be acquired during life through contact with infected people. The virus can appear on almost any area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes in the form of round growths. Papilloma is usually painless. However, it can hardly be called “aesthetically attractive”, so it causes significant discomfort.

You can distinguish papilloma from other types of formations by the following characteristics:

  1. the cone is more like a ball on a stalk or has a mushroom-like shape;
  2. the wart-like growth has a rough surface that resembles the surface of cauliflower to the touch.

It is worth noting that a growth with a smooth surface is not a papilloma, and it must be examined by an oncologist.

Treatment of papillomas should be comprehensive. Surgical removal is performed by a dermatologist. He also examines the type of virus and prescribes drug treatment. The fact is that the manifestation of a disease at one point does not mean that the entire body is not infected. The virus is suppressed by the immune system, but travels through the bloodstream. Some types of human papillomavirus are very dangerous with a high probability of degeneration of skin formations. Only an experienced dermatologist can prescribe adequate treatment based on diagnostic results. Measures to improve overall immune status are essential in the treatment of papillomas.

What to do at home

The owner must provide his pet with the most comfortable living conditions and strictly follow the veterinarian’s instructions. You should not self-medicate, as this can aggravate the situation and cause irreparable harm to the cat’s health.

You can alleviate the suffering of a fluffy by using a soda solution or decoctions of medicinal herbs that have a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect. However, traditional methods cannot replace traditional treatment and are used as additional measures.

A decoction of chamomile, oregano, and strawberry leaves has worked well. You need to boil 1 teaspoon of the dried plant, pour a glass of boiling water, and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then strain the broth, cool and use to wipe the animal’s mouth.

During gingivitis, a cat usually refuses to eat, since even a small, barely chewed piece causes her pain. However, to defeat pathology, the body needs strength. Your four-legged pet should be fed with special soft food intended for weakened cats, pureed meat and vegetables, meat or chicken broth.

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