What are the best clippers for cats with thick hair and how much do they cost?

Grooming a domestic cat on your own is a very difficult and responsible task. For a handsome furry cat, such an event, conducted illiterately and unprofessionally, can turn into real stress. If you still decide to do the haircut yourself, without the help of a professional hairdresser and at home, then you should first familiarize yourself with the recommendations of professionals so as not to harm your pet.

Why do you need to cut your pet's hair short from time to time?

Grooming, or trimming a cat's fur, is necessary for many reasons. These include keeping a person’s home clean, caring for a pet, preventing intestinal diseases, allergies and maintaining hygiene.

Owners of long-haired cats should be aware that their pet loses hair all the time, and not just during the shedding season. Therefore, it is advisable to periodically cut your pet's hair short to maintain its health and cleanliness in the house.

For your information! Grooming also helps to avoid tangles, which cause suffering to the cat, provoke the growth of bacteria, and disrupt blood flow and heat exchange.

The frequency of haircuts is affected by the breed and the rate of fur growth. Long-haired pets should be trimmed more often, for example, British chinchillas, Maine Coons and Redgalls should be trimmed once every five months. To begin with, the wool must be washed, dried, combed with brushes, and then trimmed. You can do this yourself or in a specialized salon.

Grooming a cat with thick, long hair

Hygienic grooming

Hairdressing and hygiene procedures for animals are the most practical care option, which consists of general cleaning of the surface of the pet’s body, shortening claws, cleaning ears and teeth, combing and cutting off matted fur. Hygienic grooming is relevant for Siberian, Norwegian, Himalayan, Angora and Persian cats, and in addition for breeds such as Maine Coon, Burmilla, Laperm, Selkirk Rex, Munchkin, Highland Fold, Lowlander (British Longhair) and some other representatives of the cat family.

Reasons for the procedure

Hygienic grooming relieves long-haired cats from clogging their stomachs with lint during the molting period, and relieves owners from fluffy deposits on clothes and interior items. The growth and loss of fur in cats is a continuous process, but once or twice a year, when shedding begins, the fur falls out intensively. This is the only inconvenience associated with long-haired felines that hairdressing services can successfully solve.

The reasons for carrying out hygienic grooming in the salon or at home are the following reasons:

  • Too voluminous and long hair in the summer or at high room temperatures contributes to overheating of the pet’s body.
  • An aged animal cannot cope on its own with maintaining its coat in perfect condition.
  • If there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then ingestion of a large number of hairs by a cat, especially during the molting period, can aggravate its health condition or negatively affect treatment.
  • Increased secretion of substances of specific action (secrets) by the endocrine glands.
  • Skin diseases, the treatment of which is hampered by long hair.
  • Clumped and tangled pile, which is a symptom of various diseases.
  • Mats and matted fur.

Pros of grooming:

  • No wool deposits on upholstered furniture and clothing.
  • It is easier to wash your pet and there is no need to dry it with a hairdryer.
  • In summer, the cat does not languish from the heat.

The protests of cat owners who express a negative position regarding visiting pet hairdressing establishments are understandable. And they are based, first of all, on the fear of harming a defenseless creature. But you need to approach any event sensibly: if you eliminate all possible risks when carrying out grooming, then if the need arises, you can do a pet haircut.


  • Stress for a pet that is unaccustomed to interference in its life from strangers.
  • Possible abrasions on the cat’s body if hairdressing manipulations are performed by an unprofessional master.
  • Undesirable consequences of using anesthesia in case of an allergic reaction.

What it is

Externally, the device looks like a regular electric device for cutting people's hair. The difference between them is minimal, since a cat can be trimmed with a regular clipper.

But provided that it is very powerful, it has sharp blades, and the power comes from the network. However, long-haired pets cannot be cut with conventional devices.

When choosing a model, you should take into account the breed and structure of the coat: in cats it is soft and thick. Special machines do their job well and do not cause discomfort to the pet. The following types are used for grooming cats:

  • automatic - they work thanks to a vibration or rotary motor, powered by batteries or mains;
  • manual - mechanical design similar to scissors, but with cutting blades.

Mechanical devices are silent, do not create vibration, and therefore do not frighten the cat. They also have their drawbacks - the length of the process, the inability to achieve an ideal result.

What clippers and trimmers are needed to care for a cat's claws and what is their price?

Machines are divided by engine type: pendulum, vibration and rotary. The former have average power and are used for home use. The second ones are low-power and produce minimal sound. Ideal for cutting short-haired pets, such as Ocicat. Rotary devices are professional, they are powerful and reliable.

There are also electric trimmers that are used to trim hair on the face, under the tail, on the paws, and on the belly.

A professional machine is the best assistant for a novice groomer

The choice of different tools for cutting wool is huge. The temptation to save money is great: why pay 5,000 rubles when you can buy the same thing, but five times cheaper? This is the main mistake that owners make. It is almost impossible to carefully trim a resisting pet if the cat trimmer pulls hairs, scratches or burns the skin.

The following brands of machines have proven themselves well on the Russian market: Mozer, Andis, Oster, Thrive, Rex. Most groomers prefer the time-tested Mozer trimmers. A hairdresser's tool and a clipper for cutting long-haired cats differ in the way they sharpen the blades and other parameters, so when working with hair, you should not buy a clipper designed for human hair.

A small cat trimmer with a blade surface of up to two centimeters is used in hard-to-reach places and areas of anatomical curves. With such a machine it is easy to shape the hair on the face and ears, shorten the hair on the paws, trim the hair on the elbows and armpits, and remove excess hair under the tail. This is rather an auxiliary but necessary tool, especially when it comes to exhibition preparation.

Cons: low power, difficult to cut hair on the body, blades quickly become clogged with hair, makes noise or heats up. Pros: low cost, does not take up much space in your bag, can be used where there are no outlets (as a rule, a cat trimmer runs on batteries or a battery).

Stroke the back and sides of the cat with the machine turned off. There is no need to bury the blades in the fur: move in the opposite direction so that the hairs do not catch on the teeth of the blades. After turning on the clipper, you should not immediately cut the hair on the belly, head, inner thighs - these are places that frighten the cat when touched; first let it get used to the vibration of the tool.

there are wounds, scratches, allergic manifestations, any rash on the skin;

the cat is pregnant or seriously ill (to avoid stress);

the coat is damp and/or very dirty.

How to cut a cat's hair with a clipper without damaging its delicate skin? To do this, you need to hold the tool correctly - the blades should be parallel to the surface and not stick into the skin

To minimize the risk, the skin should be pulled lightly with your free hand - very carefully, without causing any discomfort to the cat. If you move in the direction of hair growth, it is almost impossible to pinch or cut the skin, but the loose hair will be longer

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To keep your cat trimmer working properly for many years, be sure to clean the blades of hair after each use. To do this, use a special brush - do not wash the blades with water or rub with a rag. If the stroke becomes intermittent, the clipper gets stuck or the hair is cut unevenly, lubricate the blades with special oil. Before disassembling, carefully read the instructions to avoid damage and difficulties with assembly.

When purchasing a pet clipper, you should carefully study the instructions so as not to break the device and not scare your pet:

  • place the operating device near the animal so that the cat or dog gets used to the sound of buzzing;
  • Dirty hair contributes to faster wear of the cutting parts of the device, so it is recommended to bathe the animal, dry it and comb the hair before cutting;
  • check the sharpness of the blades before each haircut;
  • You should not turn over or move your pet during the grooming process; it is better to look for a comfortable position for work yourself.

Attention! You should buy a clipper taking into account the manufacturer’s recommendations and which animal the device is designed for. You should not use devices for cutting a person: hair and wool have different thicknesses and coarseness, so a “human” unit is not suitable for processing animal fur

If you take a responsible approach to choosing and using a clipper for cats and dogs, the device will last a long time, and your four-legged friend will always look well-groomed.

Most famous brands

Choosing a suitable device that will last a long time sometimes becomes an overwhelming task. Many foreign brands produce devices that have earned respect from customers. Product quality, price, appearance, type, specificity - all this influences the choice.



A German brand that produces specialized devices for grooming pets. The Moser set consists of a machine, attachments, and tools.

The advantage of the brand is that the devices are convenient to use and store. Currently it is the most popular brand producing such instruments in Russia. The design of the cars is classic, the average price is 4,000 rubles.



The brand produces products in the budget segment. The models make minimal noise, thereby reducing the cat's anxiety.

The devices use the latest battery; they operate on mains power and batteries. The blade is made of stainless steel, the kit includes attachments, a cleaning brush, and a charger.



The American brand creates professional clippers for cats and dogs, which include removable knives. They operate quietly, the body is durable, and the blades are made of carbon steel. Price – from 9000 rub.



The brand produces professional clippers; models can be powered by batteries or mains power. The battery life is six hours. The device is suitable for cats of all breeds. Price – from 6000 rubles.

Very convenient gadget Baorun


A popular manufacturer known for quality products. The devices are equipped with a powerful motor and sharp blades, which allows you to work at high speed, cutting any type of wool. There are some drawbacks, like other designs, but the price is budget - from 1,500 rubles.

Beautiful Wahl


Devices from this brand belong to the expensive and professional segment. The appearance is stylish and convenient to use. The devices have two speed modes and can operate almost silently. Nozzles are not included. Price – from 11,000 rubles.

How to choose

Choose a haircut device taking into account your personal needs. Nozzles should be selected based on the type of pet’s coat, as well as its length. An important role is played by the popularity of the manufacturer and the price of the device. Cheap models are usually made of low-quality plastic, which reduces the service life of the product.

The flimsy body will become unusable over time, and the attachments will quickly fail. Inexpensive devices look the part but may not cut hair well, causing discomfort to your pet. It makes sense to buy an expensive clipper if a haircut is needed to prepare a cat for an exhibition, for aesthetics, or for complete care of long-haired breeds.

What to do if you accidentally hurt your cat?

Sometimes even the most careful actions can lead to injury. What to do if the cat is still injured? You should have iodine or hydrogen peroxide with cotton swabs on hand. Apply a small amount of antiseptic solution to cotton wool and gently rub the skin around the cut to stop bleeding, you can press a dry cotton swab against the wound for a few minutes.

Please note: in such an unpleasant situation, you should not panic. It is advisable to calm the animal by telling it in a quiet voice the kind words that you are used to saying in a normal situation. While grooming, you should under no circumstances raise your voice to the cat or speak in a raised voice with your partner, make sudden movements, and especially not use physical force (we are talking about hitting, pinching and other actions).

Thus, grooming a cat at home using clippers and scissors is, first of all, a hygienic event aimed at maintaining a neat appearance of the pet. If you are going to prepare your cat for a show or other important event, it is recommended to schedule a decorative haircut with a professional groomer. In clinics, decorative haircuts for cats are done using light anesthesia or sedatives. However, it should be remembered that constant exposure to such medications can adversely affect the health of your pet.

The difference between professional models

Professional cat clippers are equipped with a powerful motor, many attachments, blades and knives. The equipment is extensive, and in terms of quality, amateur models are significantly inferior to professional ones. Simple models are inexpensive, easy to operate and designed for home use.

Warning! Inexpensive devices can quickly overheat and the blades become dull more often. Professional devices have much wider functionality, and the quality of the blade is higher.

Machines are often made of ceramic, as it heats up slightly, and the blades are made of durable stainless metal. The weight of the device should not be very heavy or light.

Ergonomics is the main difference between a good device, regardless of its purpose. The device should lie comfortably in your hand and not emit strong vibration. Expensive models have a wide range of settings; there are replaceable attachments for different areas of the body, as well as fur lengths. They require skills to use.

Criteria for choosing a cat clipper

To choose the right device for cutting, you need to decide how the device will be used. For home use, when work will be done sporadically, the requirements for the device are not too high. A professional groomer will need a much more reliable and powerful tool for constant work.

For a professional haircut you need a powerful and reliable tool

When choosing, the following important points are taken into account:

  1. Power. Here you should focus on the length of your pet’s fur. For grooming cats with medium-length fur, a power of 15–20 kW is sufficient; for long-haired cats with thick fur, professional units with a power of 35 kW (preferably 45 kW or more) will be required.
  2. Method of fastening knives (replaceable or stationary) and the possibility of sharpening For home use, you can take a model with stationary cutting edges. For frequent salon use, devices with replaceable knives are more suitable, which additionally allow you to adjust the length of the cutting blades and sharpen them.
  3. Multiple speeds available. For a professional haircut, it is better to choose a model with several speed modes, while for rare use at home, one speed will be enough.
  4. Ergonomics and convenience. The tool should be held well in the hand and not slip out.
  5. Weight. Experts prefer lighter devices so that their hands get less tired.
  6. Engine's type. Professional groomers mainly use machines with rotary engines, as they are more powerful and reliable.
  7. Blade width. The larger this size, the more efficient the work.
  8. Equipment. Some models are equipped with a large selection of different attachments that allow you to cut different types of wool and implement all kinds of haircut options.
  9. The material from which the cutting attachments are made. Preference should be given to ceramic knives as they heat up less.
  10. Noisy operation. The character of the pet is taken into account. Some shy individuals will have to be cut with a mechanical device.
  11. Price. The higher the power and more functionality, the higher the price.

For a professional haircut, it is better to use a clipper with various attachments.

When choosing a device with batteries, you should pay attention to the presence of a remaining battery charge indicator. This will avoid unnecessary stress for the cat, because you will have to conduct a second session after recharging.

You may need to purchase an additional set of replacement batteries. If you plan to work with a long-haired animal, then it is better to immediately abandon battery models and use network units.

From personal experience. One girl I know, the owner of an extremely fluffy and capricious cat, called a groomer to her house. The specialist completed the job in an hour, as he had very good equipment. We tormented the cat at home for three hours and the result of the haircut left much to be desired. But we didn’t have to exhibit anywhere, so we were okay with some unevenness.


All pet grooming devices are divided by type of operation. They are electrical and mechanical. The former are divided into the following types.


Convenient to use, as they operate on batteries or mains. Use only when fully charged. Functional, suitable for non-professional grooming.


Low power devices, ideal for amateur use. Not suitable for cats with long hair. Often used to trim a cat's hair.


The device is suitable for grooming pets at home. Outwardly it looks like scissors, which have a spring in the middle. The advantage of a mechanical device is its quiet operation. It does not require any power supply and can be used anywhere.

The mechanical machine is universal and does not require attachments. Easy to clean, inexpensive. Disadvantages include the need for practice. In addition, it is difficult to cut the fur evenly with this device.


High-power, they are not cheap, so they are used for professional purposes. The advantages of rotary models include versatility and easier blade movement. Different attachments allow you to trim any type of fur. The disadvantages include high noise and strong vibration during operation.

Types of cat clippers

Hair clippers themselves can also be divided by type of work. In particular, any machine can be mechanical or electric, and electric machines themselves are divided into different types.

Mechanical Animal Hair Clipper

This plier-like device is great for cutting hair at home. These are, in essence, ordinary scissors with a spring in the center. This device has several obvious advantages:

  • The mechanical device operates silently, which means your pet will not be alarmed. You can trim your pet while he is sleeping or quietly perched on your lap;
  • The device does not require batteries or a power source. This makes the hair clipper very convenient and allows you to use it anywhere;
  • the versatility of the device allows it to be used with any breed of cat, since due to its simplicity no special attachments are required;
  • Such scissors are easy to clean, since the device can be easily wetted, and access to parts of the device is not difficult. The mechanical device is easy to clean due to its simple design

At the same time, mechanical devices also have some disadvantages:

  • Some skill is required to use such scissors - cutting a haircut can be quite difficult if you are not used to it. And uncertain actions can cause unpleasant sensations for your pets if you pull the animal’s fur instead of cutting it straight;
  • With such a device you will not be able to provide an even hairstyle for an animal - trimming the fur or making it shorter is one thing, but it is almost impossible to cut the fur evenly with it.
    Without proper skill, it is very difficult to cut hair evenly with a mechanical device.

Electric trimmers for cutting cats

Hair clippers that operate on electricity can also be divided into several types. Typically the following are distinguished:

  • vibration - low-power models that are well suited for home use, but not suitable for professional use.
    They are not suitable for cats with long hair, but they will cope well with soft, medium-length hair. Breeds such as the British or Kurilian bobtail can be trimmed with a machine that operates on a vibrating principle; Vibrating clippers work well with medium-length wool
  • Pendulum devices are more powerful than vibration devices, so they can handle tougher hair. Such trimmers are also intended for home use and beyond, and their cost is not too high. But today, pendulum trimmers for cats are considered obsolete and are not used due to unpleasant sensations in animals;
  • Rotary devices are distinguished by their high power and price, and today they are used everywhere for professional cat grooming. The main advantages of such a device are the easy movement of the blades and versatility - with the help of various attachments, the rotary device can be adapted to any type of fur. Unfortunately, loud operation and strong vibration can cause inconvenience to animals and put them in a stressful state.

Each type of electric machine can operate either from the mains or from a battery. This does not affect the price too much, but each type has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • rechargeable - you can use them anywhere and perform a haircut without worrying about wires. The main thing is to make sure that the battery charge is enough to carry out a full haircut, since an interrupted haircut process will only result in additional stress for the animal in the future;
  • powered by the mains - you don’t have to worry about charging the battery, but the wire may distract or even frighten your animal.
    Additionally, you should make sure that there is an electrical outlet close to where you are getting your haircut. Machines that only operate on mains power are usually more powerful

Size differences

Small devices that are easy to carry and hold in your hand are in demand among hobbyists. With their help, it is easy to shape the fur in hard-to-reach places on the pet’s body. Miniature models are often used in the armpits and joints. Freely trim any parts of the body, trim the muzzle perfectly.

The advantage is that small devices have blades up to two centimeters long. Ergonomics is another advantage. The disadvantages include the noise made during operation. Small clippers are not suitable for a full haircut, and the blades quickly become dull. They cost up to 3000 rubles.

Large devices are considered professional. For example, the most famous models of the Moser brand. They are reliable, powerful, the design is equipped with replaceable blocks and attachments, and they perfectly remove hair from curves and any parts of the body. Price – up to 4000 rubles. Large models also include Oster, a high-speed model. Price – up to 6500 rub.

Is it possible to cut regular cats?

Veterinary experts do not approve of cutting and shaving cats unless absolutely necessary. According to their recommendations, indications for haircuts may include: Tangles that cannot be combed out. If tangles are not removed, they will lead to skin diseases: diaper rash and eczema, and if infected, they can become a breeding ground for fleas.

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Rating of the best gadgets for working at home and what the price is

Not all amateur designs are inexpensive. The same applies to versatility, as well as other parameters. There are many devices on the market that can be used at home.

For home use Brofa 206B2

Brofa 206B2

Inexpensive network model with two speeds. The set includes replaceable blades; the device is suitable for cutting cats with medium-length fur. Disadvantage: Frequent sharpening of the blades is required. Price – 2000.



Corrective trimmer with a lithium-ion battery, including a hair trimmer, two attachments, an oiler, a brush, and a charger. The device is convenient for adjusting the length of fur on the paws, muzzle, tail, and ears. Price – 1700 rubles.

Small but comfortable Oster Cordless mini

Oster Cordless mini

Machine with nozzle 1 -1.5 mm. The kit includes an oil can and a brush. Designed for pets with short hair.

Battery operated. Designed for trimming and cutting hair in hard-to-reach parts of the body. Not used for basic haircuts. Cost – 1100 rubles.

Wireless GTS CW 301

GTS CW 301

A vibrating trimmer that runs on mains power and a battery. Power 5 W. Available with 30, 40 and 8 mm blades. The device has a reduced noise and vibration level, a powerful motor, a comb with four positions, and a charging indicator. Price – 1150 rubles.

Popular models

An informative review of popular devices will help you choose the appropriate machine model for gentle and effective grooming of cat hair.

Rating of the TOP 8 best models for grooming cats based on customer reviews and ratings.

Ziver Ziver-214 barracuda (20.ZV.067), white

A compact trimmer that deserves close attention from owners of cats with fairly thick hair.

The highly efficient electrical appliance, presented in a sophisticated white casing, has a powerful rotary motor - guarantees long-term operation in a stable mode.

The device operates using a lithium-ion battery. The machine also has a well-thought-out overcharge protection system.

An important advantage of the tool is the ability to use the machine as an electric toothbrush and a safe nail grinder.


  • device power - 10 W;
  • number of fixed ridges - 2 (6 and 9 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 3000;
  • possible haircut length - 0.6-9 mm;
  • knife width - 46 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • attractive appearance;
  • there is a voltage surge protection system;
  • quick elimination of light fluff;
  • quality of materials used;
  • reasonable cost of the device.


  • difficulty removing the knife;
  • The device heats up a little during operation;
  • uncomplicated configuration.

Ziver ZIVER-210 (20.ZV.055), white

An ergonomic, battery-powered tool designed for flawless grooming of pets.

A feature of the device is a low-noise rotary engine and the latest battery protection system from overcharging.

The electrical device is equipped with a removable cutting ceramic knife, which allows you to remove excess vegetation in a matter of seconds and instantly bring the animal’s fur into full order.

The device also includes double-sided nozzles for thorough processing.

The equipment will be able to work without problems for 60 minutes on a single charge - this is enough for thorough processing.


  • device power - 10 W;
  • number of fixed combs - 2 (3/6 and 9/12 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 2800;
  • possible haircut length - 0.6-9 mm;
  • knife width - 46 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • low noise level of the instrument;
  • comfortable grip for long-term work;
  • the vibration level does not exceed the norm;
  • there are elements made of stainless steel;
  • eliminating vegetation without discomfort.


  • many similar models are cheaper;
  • medium capacity battery;
  • information content of the instructions.

MOSER Rex Mini 1411-0062, black

A miniature trimmer at an affordable price, with a durable vibration motor and a special attachment.

This attachment is useful not only for grooming cats, but also for processing the hair of dogs, rabbits, and other small animals at home.

The electronic assistant guarantees perfect accuracy when caring for your pet's face, ears, paws and other edging work.

The body of the device is made of durable and safe plastic - it shows attractive white paw marks.

Operation with a low sound power level is ensured by a polarized anchor motor. The model also has a small eyelet for hanging in any convenient place.


  • device power - 5 W;
  • number of fixed ridges - 2 (6 and 9 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 3000;
  • possible haircut length - 0.6-9 mm;
  • knife width - 46 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • work with minimal vibration;
  • universal device suitable for many breeds;
  • the presence of an innovative motor;
  • The device is comfortable to hold in your hand;
  • noise indicator.


  • the price is a little high;
  • Difficulties may arise when installing the nozzle;
  • The case gets dirty quickly.

MOSER Max 45 1245-0070, black

A cat hair trimmer with a long, flexible electrical cord and a cleverly designed clipper that won't cause any discomfort to even the smallest breeds.

The equipment is equipped with a fairly quiet high-power rotary engine, can operate in three modes and has an overheating protection system, which guarantees a long service life.

The dimensions of the instrument and the power of the engine will allow the procedure to be carried out with maximum comfort for the owner and the animal.


  • device power - 45 W;
  • number of fixed ridges - 2 (6 and 9 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 3000;
  • possible haircut length - 0.6-9 mm;
  • knife width - 48 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • extremely simple control system;
  • ergonomics and sophistication of design;
  • light weight of the tool;
  • high quality of all components;
  • processing speed.


  • detailed instructions;
  • there is slight vibration;
  • equipment.

Ziver Ziver-213 Katran (20.ZV.068), black

A noteworthy model with a built-in length adjustment regulator, equipped with four professional attachments to achieve excellent results.

The network tool is presented in a rather attractive, but at the same time unobtrusive design - a plastic case in a strict black color, it does not have unnecessary decorative elements and looks decent.

The device will definitely appeal to both beginners who have not yet worked with such equipment, and professionals - it has many functions that will not leave you indifferent.


  • device power - 18 W;
  • number of fixed combs - 4 (3, 6, 9 and 12 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 3000;
  • possible haircut length - 0.8-3 mm;
  • knife width - 46 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • work without unnecessary stress;
  • fast work;
  • impressive power;
  • the model is suitable for different breeds;
  • Blade level adjustment is smooth.


  • weak overheat protection system;
  • traces and prints remain on the body;
  • you need to figure out the controls.

MOSER Arco 1854-0086, black

A premium gadget for effective grooming of domestic cats, complemented by two replaceable batteries for efficient operation.

Among the variety of devices with similar functionality, the device stands out due to the presence of a practical and durable blade.

It is made of stainless steel and can be adjusted in height in five stages - this allows for flawless processing of wool. The low-noise motor was also a significant advantage.

The set includes a special stand for charging batteries.


  • device power - 20 W;
  • number of fixed ridges - 2 (6 and 9 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 3000;
  • possible haircut length - 0.7-3 mm;
  • knife width - 46 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • long warranty period;
  • trimmer ergonomics;
  • obtaining an impeccable result;
  • simple self-adjustment of cut length;
  • high-quality materials and components.


  • the cost is slightly higher than average;
  • clear instructions for use;
  • The device requires special maintenance.

Codos CP-3880

A high-quality battery gadget in a white case, complemented by interesting decorative elements.

The charge of the device will be enough to remove excess vegetation in 50 minutes.

This model is attractive not only for its presentable external design, but also for its light weight, excellent ergonomics and compactness - the device will be convenient to take with you on various trips.

It will take four hours to charge the power tool. The equipment is suitable for both long-term home use and veterinary purposes.


  • device power - 18 W;
  • number of fixed combs - 4 (3.6, 9 and 12 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 3000;
  • possible haircut length - 0.6-9 mm;
  • knife width - 46 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • miniature sizes;
  • strength and reliability of the case;
  • trimming thick fur in a few seconds;
  • maximum operational safety;
  • aesthetes will appreciate the appearance.


  • slight vibration possible;
  • product warranty period;
  • basic equipment.

MOSER Max 50 1250-0052, black

Updated model with sharpened chrome-plated stainless steel blade set, rotary motor and long electrical cord with mains adapter.

The tool from the professional line is distinguished by impressive performance, minimal sound during the procedure for removing excess vegetation, and impressive ergonomics.

The device has an anti-slip coating, thanks to which the machine fits comfortably in your hand. The control system is intuitive.


  • device power - 50 W;
  • number of fixed ridges - 2 (6 and 9 mm);
  • motor revolutions per minute - 3300;
  • possible haircut length - 0.6-9 mm;
  • knife width - 49 mm;
  • It is possible to adjust the length of the knife.


  • reliable protection system;
  • work in several modes;
  • versatility of the tool;
  • simple and convenient cleaning of the device;
  • noise level is acceptable.


  • complex instructions for use;
  • scant additional functionality;
  • price.

Rating of the best professional tools and how much they cost

Professional devices are distinguished by the fact that grooming specialists can handle them. Skillful handling of the device is the key to a quality haircut. There are various models on the market both in cost and functionality. By power they are divided as follows:

  • 15 W – soft-haired breeds;
  • 15 – 30 W – for cats with thick fur;
  • more than 45 W – coarse and fluffy wool.

Professional devices can be networked, battery operated, or have a combined power supply. The types of motors also differ: it can be vibration and rotary.

Elegant and strict Moser 1400-0075

Moser 1400-0075

The device is from a German manufacturer. The set includes tools and attachments. The device is convenient to use and store. The machine has a classic design, powerful and high quality. Price – 4000 rubles.

Professional tool OSTER Grooming Kit 220 W

OSTER Grooming Kit 220 W

The device is designed for grooming cats with short hair. It is used not only in salons, but also at home. Despite the relatively high price, it is quite popular. Price – 5500 rubles.

Excellent ZIVER-209


The device operates autonomously on mains power and on battery power for up to six hours. The advantage is that it is used for all types of fur, so it is universal. Cost – 6000 rubles.

The choice of many professionals WAHL 1247-0477

WAHL 1247-0477

The machine works from the network. Easy to use, stylish appearance. There are two speed modes, it can work silently. The downside is that you will have to buy attachments separately. Price - 11,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Buying a clipper is beneficial for ordinary animal lovers, owners of purebred cats, breeders and groomers. But this technique also has a number of disadvantages associated with the characteristics of its individual varieties and the quality of inexpensive models. For ease of comparison, all the pros and cons are summarized in a table.

Positive aspects Negative nuances Saving on professional services. You can cut your pet's hair yourself and completely free. This is especially important if there is more than one four-legged family member in the house. Some animals are very afraid of even the quietest appliances, which forces owners to switch to mechanical machines. Reducing stress. At home, animals are less nervous and resist, so the result will be better: smooth, short hair, no injuries on the pet’s skin and human hands. You need to adapt to manual models so that the haircut is smooth and the process does not take too much time. Autonomy The wireless battery model can be taken on a trip, for example, to an exhibition. The cable of a wired clipper may be too short, interfere with the hairdresser, or distract the cat. Quality of haircut. With scissors it is difficult to achieve the same effect that any machine, even a manual one, can give. If the kit only includes basic attachments, additional attachments will have to be purchased separately, which will significantly increase costs. Safety

The special device will not harm the cat if the instructions and precautions are followed. A human clipper can cause pain to an animal, even if used very carefully. Cheap devices pull and pull hairs, injure the skin, their blades quickly become dull, and the devices themselves can fail after several haircuts. High-quality machines are not cheap. The battery charge may not be enough for the entire procedure

Why can't they be used on people?

Cat clippers are more powerful and aggressive, as they are designed for a different level of hair density. If in some cases it is acceptable to use ordinary devices for pets, then it is not possible for a person to cut their hair with a device intended for our little brothers. Knives, attachments and blades are made taking into account the anatomical features of cats.

It is unacceptable to use machines that have already been in use, even if they are cleaned after the procedure. There is a possibility of infection from a cut; such actions are dangerous and can lead to serious consequences.

Is it necessary and possible to have a haircut?

If we exclude the owner's pursuit of his aesthetic interests, then in some circumstances it is not only possible, but also necessary to trim the cat.

Grooming cats is advisable for long-haired breeds. They are characterized by such features as the formation of matted tangles and regular contamination in the tray when performing natural needs.

However, they are not the only ones who suffer from too rich fur coats. The reason for cutting any breed can be:

  • summer heat. Even short-haired cats can hardly tolerate it;
  • heavy shedding. A haircut has its own benefits for the owner: less hated hair in the house and no need for combing. For a cat, this is a guarantee that lumps will not form in the stomach and everything will be fine with digestion.

So, there are many reasons to get a haircut. Even if we do not take into account the aesthetic side of the problem. The only question that remains is: how to cut and how much hair to leave on the body?

Terms of use

Before using the machine, you must first carefully study the instructions, which are always included in the package. It is recommended to turn on the device, check the operation of the speeds and attachments. It is important to ensure that the machine does not get too hot during the process. Cats have sensitive skin, and hot blades can frighten them.

Advice! When cutting the wool with a device, the skin is stretched. They do this carefully, preferably with outside help. The machine moves in the direction of hair growth. You cannot bring the device too close to the skin, there is a risk of touching it and causing an inflammatory process.

You should not cut your hair with the device yourself in dangerous places. For partial cutting, use size 10 blades. How to trim a cat completely, but leave the fur on its head? It is necessary to perform a set of actions.

  1. They start from the back. First cut the base of the tail using a size ten blade. In this case, move the machine against the growth of the fur. Hair is cut to the scalp.
  2. Next they move to the chest. They cut it up to the belly, moving the device in the direction of growth, then turn the device around and move against it.
  3. While keeping the hair on the head, you can leave the tip on the tail or trim it completely. The clipper is passed to the base of the tail, alternately cutting off the fur on all sides.
  4. Then the armpits and paws are trimmed. They are pulled out, the skin is stretched. They cut according to hair growth, and then against it.
  5. Remove fur from the hind legs, moving down and up.
  6. Finally, the hairs on the neck are removed against the direction of their growth.

After completing the procedure, the device is cleaned and the blades are disinfected with alcohol. Store in packaging.

How to trim a cat's hair at home: instructions

Below is the sequence of actions that you need to follow:

  • First of all, shorten your cat's claws using special pliers. Tools should be disinfected first. Afterwards, lightly press on the pet’s paw pad and carefully and at the same time quickly remove the claws without touching the skin. Thanks to this, you will be able to protect yourself from pet aggression and scratches during a haircut.

  • If the haircut is being done for the first time, it is advisable to use the help of a second person who will gently hold the cat from the sides. Some animals will behave quite aggressively. For such individuals, veterinary clinics sell special plastic collars that allow you to fix the cat's head in one position and prevent it from biting. As for the limbs, you still have to hold them.

  • After the animal is laid on its side and its paws are securely fixed, the machine can be used. Start removing hair from the sides, being careful and leisurely. If the cat feels the owners' anxiety, it will also experience stress and begin to break out and scratch.
  • After the sides you need to move on to the back and stomach. Particular attention is paid to cats with mammary glands: if you use scissors, it is important not to injure this sensitive area, so try to relax the animal as much as possible. You can move both with the growth of the fur and against it.
  • It is recommended to remove the remaining hairs with small scissors, since sliding the machine over the animal’s skin is not worth it: this causes discomfort and microtrauma.
  • During the procedure, lightly pull the animal's skin, especially if the cutting is done with scissors. This will prevent cuts.
  • At home, the tail and paws are usually left untouched, but if you wish, you can shave the hair off the tail with a clipper, leaving a small brush at the end (this is an excellent option for show breeds).
  • At the end of the procedure, the cat should be washed in warm water; if desired, a small amount of mild animal shampoo should be added to the water. Next, the pet is dried with a hairdryer, which is set to the most silent setting.

What should you use to cut your hair with - a machine or scissors? If you want your pet to look really attractive and neat, it is recommended to alternate the use of scissors and clippers. With scissors, you simply trim what the automatic device could not remove. Grooming long-haired animals exclusively with scissors will be long, dangerous, and the result may not be neat enough.

Is it possible to cut wet wool? If you use a machine, it can be used on dry animal skin. Decided to make do with scissors? In this case, it is recommended to slightly wet the fur and comb it thoroughly: this way it will be easier for you to remove unnecessary hair. Regardless of the breed, you should not cut the animal too short (it is better to leave a couple of millimeters of fur). Thanks to this, you will ensure normal thermoregulation and, in addition, avoid injury to the skin.


The machine does not require special care. The main requirement for long service is cleanliness.

  1. After every six haircuts, the cooled device is turned off and cleaned with a damp cloth.
  2. Before grooming the cat, you need to wash it, then the clipper will last longer and will not become clogged with dirt.
  3. It is recommended to purchase cleaning solutions for the device and attachments.
  4. Trimmer blades and knives are sharpened in a salon; this should not be done at home due to the high probability of damaging the device.

The steps are as simple as possible, but will help extend the life of the device.

How often

Experts recommend cutting your hair several times a year.
For ordinary cats, 1-2 times a year is enough, for long-haired cats 3-4 times. Haircutting largely depends on the formation of tangles. The influence of the owner who decided to win with the help of a cat at an exhibition is decisive. But veterinarians do not recommend abusing the procedure. Long-haired cats can be trimmed before the start of summer to improve heat exchange. For medicinal purposes, the hair is shaved as needed. Let us note some of the nuances that accompany any haircut:

  • You cannot cut your head, the hair on your paw pads, and especially your mustache. The fur in the ears performs a protective function. You can't touch her either. Without it, dirt and dust will accumulate in the ears.
  • Haircuts often cause the fur to change color after it grows back. It is not recommended to cut cats with kolopoit and tipping. The fur becomes noticeably darker on the back and belly.
  • The fur grows back up to six months. Frequent haircuts can cause hair to not grow to the desired length. The coat will become thinner, which is fraught with potential diseases during the winter.
  • To be safe, you should trim your cat's claws first. It is worth carrying out the procedure with an assistant.
  • Getting a haircut, especially for the first time, is not a quick process. They last at least 2-2.5 hours.

In specialized hairdressing salons, specialists use mild anesthesia. But its frequent use has a negative impact on the pet’s health. It is possible to do a haircut at home without anesthesia.


Professional models are equipped with different types of attachments and blades. Tools are available in different lengths, starting from 1 mm. Knives can be ceramic or metal, made of stainless steel. Their specificity is that the manufacturer produces blades for a specific model.

Warning! Knife blocks, regardless of price, need proper care. Regular lubrication reduces friction, wear and heat, reducing stress on the device, motor and battery.

Most models have a quick-release blade block. It is easy to care for. After the procedure, it is cleaned with a brush, lubricated with oil, and then installed back. If the device does not have such a block, then the knives can be unscrewed independently using a screwdriver.

Cat clipper with replaceable working blades

Clean the top and bottom parts and lubricate the blades. After cleaning, turn on the machine for ten seconds. The device uses standard and thinning knives of A5 size, as well as attachments with a comb.

You cannot sharpen knives yourself; this is done by professionals. You can buy tools in specialized stores and on the Internet, taking into account the model of the device you are using.

How is it going?

If a haircut is necessary, it begins after treating the claws and injecting a special preparation.

For cutting, use a clipper and scissors, paying special attention to the armpits and abdomen. At the end of the haircut, the animal is bathed, its fur is dried, after which it is combed out.

You need to wash your cat well so that there are no cut hairs left on his body.

The specialist selects a washing shampoo and begins bathing the cat. After bathing, he wraps her in a towel to dry her fur. Other masters use a hairdryer to speed up the procedure. If necessary, a haircut is performed, which is selected based on the length of the coat and the preferences of the owner.

Sometimes pets need trimming, which involves comprehensive hair care with the removal of old hair and cutting out specific hairs. For example, some individuals have the hair between their toes trimmed.

This should be done carefully so as not to injure the animal. When doing ear and eye hygiene, the master will tell the owner that this needs to be done daily

If the cat has diseased organs, antiparasitic treatment is performed to remove purulent discharge. If the wool is matted, they are removed, the wool is combed for a long time, using different combs and brushes

If the cat does not have hair (hairless breed), instead of cutting and combing the fur, the master pays attention to places where dirt may accumulate in the folds of the skin. These cats need frequent baths

As for the ears and eyes, they are cleaned using chamomile infusion or boiled water. Earwax discharge is removed using a damp cotton swab or disk. Get rid of dust particles and dirt in the corners of the eyes using wet wipes soaked in boiled water. The claws are trimmed with a nail clipper to no more than 1.5 mm.

As for removing tartar, this should only be done by a specialist. Ideally, you need to brush your cat’s teeth with a special paste and brush every day. However, it is rare that a breeder can do this on their own, and not everyone knows that the paste for cleaning cats’ teeth is different from the one that people use.

For information on the features of cat grooming, watch the following video:

Haircut options

You need to choose a clipper and type of haircut taking into account the characteristics of your pet: its coat, breed, behavior. Many owners believe that it is best to cut the fur short all over the body. Grooming experts note the popularity of this haircut option. In this case, the fur is left on the paws and head, including the tassels on the tail. They cut it with a machine, and then trim the hair with scissors.

Average length

The best option for medium length wool is to make it shorter. As a result, the cat is left with a length of one to three centimeters. The fur is not shaved, but trimmed; a special attachment is used for this.

The peculiarity of the haircut is that it reduces the number of hairs falling out and is a prevention of intestinal diseases. Before the procedure, a restrictor is put on the clipper, then the hair is cut behind the ears, on the back to the tail, shoulders and sides, belly and paws.

Long thick coat

Pets with long hair need special care. It often forms tangles due to the fact that cats wash themselves. As already mentioned, such tangles cause a lot of discomfort and can negatively affect health.

If you missed something and tangles appear on your pet’s fur, a special tangle cutter tool will help you. It is with its help that you need to remove the tangles and only then start cutting with a clipper.

Simply brushing your cat with a comb can help ease your cat's condition. For overweight cats and long-haired breeds, a partial haircut is suitable, for example, on the stomach to the armpits of the front legs and around the anus.


If the coat is smooth, the cat may not need a full haircut. To do this, restrictive nozzles are used to remove tangles. You can also do a hygienic haircut, leaving a few millimeters of hair all over the body.

What toothpaste and brush are required for cats, their price and how often should you brush your teeth?


Wire-haired cats have three types of hairs. The fur of such pets is different in that it is not only hard to the touch, but also dense. In this case, an amateur haircut “puss in boots”, “lion’s mane”, that is, the whole body except the head, is suitable.


If the coat is atypical and there are bald patches, then it is necessary to find out their cause. In the absence of skin diseases, a specialist should decide how best to trim the animal.

Why does a cat need a haircut?

Grooming domestic cats is an element of grooming, which is a set of procedures for caring for the skin of an animal. Since hairdressing services for purrs in our country are just gaining popularity, many owners of furry pets are wondering about the harmlessness of such a procedure. But zoologists assure that haircuts are not only allowed, but sometimes even beneficial for the health of cats. This cannot but please the owners of cats, especially those living in private houses and having access to the outdoors.

Grooming for long-haired cats is a physical necessity

Giving purr fur unusual shapes is becoming popular for two reasons - hygiene and originality. In the first case, a haircut is necessary for long-haired representatives of the cat family - Persian and Angora cats, Siberian and Norwegian forest cats. Otherwise, tangles and sticky pellets will form on pets’ fur coats, causing itching and irritation of the skin. In addition, without proper care, long and thick hair can cause gastrointestinal diseases and constipation.

To create an unusual image, the cat is given a model haircut, characterized by a variety of variations. In this case, the owner of the animal is guided not by the needs of the animal, but by his own ambitions and the desire to emphasize the cat’s individuality.

Other reasons to trim your furry pet's hair may be:

  • seasonal increase in air temperature - it becomes difficult for a cat with a thick fur coat to tolerate heat of 35–40 degrees;
  • increased work of the endocrine glands - a pet with such dysfunction needs careful hygiene and care;
  • intensive molting - the purr still needs to be shown to a veterinarian to identify the cause of excessive hair loss;
  • receding hairline in certain areas of the body - a haircut will not solve the problem, so the help of a veterinarian is required.

Despite the apparent benefits of hairdressing procedures for cats, especially those with thick, long hair, haircuts also have disadvantages. Since nature has provided for the natural conditioning of animal skin in all weather conditions (due to cavities in the hairs), unless absolutely necessary, it is better not to get carried away with such a fashionable trend. After all, after removing the fur, the cat’s body temperature also changes, which is why the animal becomes vulnerable to the slightest drafts or exposure to direct sunlight.

If we talk about the frequency of image changes for a domestic cat, then you need to take into account the breed of the animal and the age of the purr. On average, the fur of felines grows within 5 months from the moment of cutting. Therefore, it is best to carry out hairdressing procedures with your pet no more than two to three times a year. And remove tangles as matted wool appears.

What diseases can be detected

A haircut can help identify various diseases that the pet owner didn’t even know about. Skin diseases (lichen, eczema and others), an abundance of parasites are often discovered after the grooming procedure. It helps to get rid of many problems; in addition, short hair is better washed with medicated shampoos.

The appearance of bald patches, peeling of the skin, redness, high body temperature are symptoms that grooming specialists pay attention to. The most common diseases include problems associated with hair and skin. If your pet intensively combs, licks, or bites its fur, it is worth shortening it and examining the skin.

Bald spots and rashes can be caused by ticks, lice, and fleas. Ringworm, mycosis, is dangerous not only for cats, but also for humans. A haircut allows you to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment. Cats are also susceptible to cancer, the symptoms of which may include dull fur, spots on the skin, and swelling.

Purpose of haircut

In fact, grooming is not such a useful procedure at all; ideally, owners of cats of any breed should not experiment with it. Cats are able to independently process their fur through the process of licking, which allows them to distribute their scent throughout their body. This natural grooming also helps them relieve stress.

Cat after haircut

It is enough to brush your pet several times a week; if he has long hair, then at least three times; If it’s short, once will be enough. They also bathe the pet as the fur becomes dirty, but it is better to accustom him to this process as early as possible.

Cats are clipped only in two special cases:

  1. In the presence of skin diseases accompanied by weeping ulcers and wounds. In such a situation, the hairs on the affected areas are shaved off with a clipper so that all medicinal ointments and products are absorbed into the skin without problems. The cat should be cut by a groomer or veterinarian so as not to accidentally damage the skin.
  2. If the wool has been felted before tangles have formed. This happens in cases where owners do not care about timely grooming. Mats form in several places and can cover the entire coat, creating a greenhouse effect and causing discomfort to the animal.

Is it possible to shave bald?

Sometimes the question arises whether it is possible to shave a cat's head; it is controversial and depends on the situation. The purpose of wool is to protect the animal from hypothermia, exposure to sunlight and accidental damage.

Shaving bald is a last resort; it is used if there are substances on the animal’s fur that cannot be washed off, or before surgery. In other cases, shaving can be harmful and even cause colds.

Attention! It is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you shave the head, where the whiskers, which are vital for the cat, are located.

Model haircut

Is it possible to cut my hair in summer?

Caring owners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to trim a cat in the summer to make his life easier in the heat. Even in this case, a long-haired or regular cat should not be cut; it is better to provide it with constant access to water and move its sleeping place to a cooler corner. This could be a bathroom or a place under air conditioning, in the shade, in the yard near a pond or a barrel of water.

Important! The apartment should have air humidifiers; they are useful both for the owners themselves and for their pets. These measures will help keep your cat warm and reduce exposure to high temperatures.

Main reasons for getting a haircut

When asked whether cats can be shaved, experts give a clear negative answer. But in what cases is it still necessary to get a haircut? It is by the condition of the coat that one can assess the general well-being and health of the animal, because shiny coat indicates that everything is fine. If it is dull and matted, or tangles have formed on it, most likely the animal needs treatment, strengthening the immune system and changing the diet. For this reason, shaving the hair should only be done in the most extreme cases.

According to the owners, rare haircuts are useful because they help get rid of excess hair in the house, help with seasonal shedding and prevent allergic reactions in family members. Also, with the help of haircuts, you can solve problems with parasites, including fleas and ticks, and prevent the animal from overheating in the hot season. But experts believe that these reasons are not compelling. Haircutting is permissible only for the purpose of cutting tangles or in preparation for surgery.

Important! A cat or kitten of any breed, for example, a British Fold, should never have its whiskers and hairs sticking out on its tail, face and paws trimmed. These are sensory hairs that help the animal navigate in space.

Combing out mats

Harm of a haircut

Before grooming cats, you need to weigh the pros and cons, because removing hair can lead to negative consequences for the animal. Cats that are cut bald or half-haired face problems with thermoregulation, because the fur of animals performs the same functions as clothing for humans. In the cold season, wool protects from cold, and in hot weather from overheating. If it is not there, the animal may get a burn or heatstroke, catch a cold, or develop a dermatological disease.

When asking the question of whether a cat needs to be cut, it is worth remembering another problem, which is the accidental removal of whiskers during the cutting process. With their help, the animal orients itself in space both during the day and at night. A trimmed cat may experience bouts of insecurity, excessive aggression and caution. She begins to hide in dark places, for example, under cabinets. Pets have a negative attitude towards such an invasion of space and begin to mark the territory of the house.

Expert advice

Before you cut your cat's hair, you need to decide whether it's worth doing at all. This is the first advice that a grooming master gives. If your pet's hairs have become tangled, it makes sense to perform this procedure. It is also indicated for allergies, vomiting hair, and severe shedding. Elderly, aggressive and sick cats should not be clipped due to the likelihood of stress and the risk of cuts.

The specialist reminds:

  • You cannot use a clipper intended for humans for haircuts;
  • It is forbidden to use a regular razor;
  • if the procedure takes place at home, you need to find an assistant;
  • choose a place for a haircut;
  • comb your pet;
  • decide how you will cut your hair.

During the procedure, it is important to ensure that the device does not heat up too much. It's better to take breaks. It is recommended to use a special lubricant for the blades, which facilitates the process. To cut the hair correctly, the skin is gently pulled. The movements of the device should be in the direction of hair growth.

Hold the machine so as to avoid contact with the skin. There is no need to put pressure on the device, nor do you need to bring it close to the skin - the ideal distance is two to three millimeters. Do not cut wool in dangerous places: in the area of ​​tendons, pads, ligaments. It is not recommended to touch the fur on the front legs, muzzle, or above the eyes.

How often should you get a haircut?

The frequency of grooming cats, photos of which can be offered at a pet salon, depends on the structure and length of the animal’s fur.

If you want to cut your cat's hair less often, you need to brush it more often. The areas where mats most often form are the armpits, the area between the hind legs, behind the ears, on the neck and tail.

Some people believe that grooming is not necessary, just cutting off the tangles in time is enough. Yes, you can do this, but then the aesthetics of the animal’s appearance will leave much to be desired. It is also dangerous because tangles form in areas where the skin is very delicate, and cutting them off can injure the animal. After all, sometimes it is quite difficult to distinguish where the skin fold ends and the tangle begins.

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