Furminator and other cat grooming items

One of the unpleasant problems that cat owners face is tufts of fur all over the apartment: on carpets, furniture, clothes. The situation is aggravated if the cat is a long-haired breed - without proper care, the hair falls off and clumps form, which are very difficult to comb out and often have to be cut, which spoils the appearance of the animal. Short-haired cats also need to be brushed regularly. If an animal takes care of itself exclusively on its own, a large amount of hair regularly gets into the stomach, which can lead to negative consequences and difficult treatment at the veterinarian.

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FURMINATOR FURFLEX CAT DESHEDDING S anti-shedding attachment for small breed cats (1 pc)

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1 678 ₽

1 535 ₽

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The problem is complicated by the fact that many cats do not like the process of combing, and they try to hide when they see a comb in the hands of the owner, or they behave aggressively, bite and scratch. This is due to the fact that when using a regular comb, a person causes unpleasant sensations to the animal. If the fur is long, the process takes a lot of time, and the pet simply gets tired of enduring it.

The solution to the problem will be a furminator - a special cat scratcher with strong metal teeth. The device appeared relatively recently, but many animal owners already use the Furminator and give excellent reviews about it.

Benefits of using a furminator

Combing with a furminator has a number of advantages over using a regular comb or previously popular slicker brushes:

  • there is no pain for the cat, even with an awkward movement there is no risk of damaging the skin or guard hairs;
  • you can comb out the hair in particularly sensitive areas - the stomach, in the genital area;
  • You can comb out up to 90% of dead hair at one time, and by repeating the procedure several times a week, you will be able to avoid disorder in the house;
  • the pet's health improves - it does not swallow large amounts of fur when licking itself;
  • such a comb massages the skin, improves blood circulation and the condition of the coat, as well as the appearance of the animal;
  • from the comb you must constantly manually select the hairs between the teeth, and when using a furminator they do not clog the tool, and it is enough to simply collect them with a damp cloth after the procedure;
  • The tool lasts a long time, the teeth do not break.

Principle of operation

It is not difficult to understand how a regular furminator for cats works; you just need to imagine a human trimmer. Only now he does not shave the cat, but only lifts the top layer of fur so that he can get to the undercoat. In this case, the wool is not cut or pulled out.

The special position of the teeth allows you to remove up to 90% of hair. But for this it will be necessary to carry out at least 3-4 procedures during the animal’s molting period.

Combing procedure

How to choose the right tool?

When choosing a brush, you need to focus on three parameters: the type, type of coat and size of the pet.

There are only two types of furminators available: Deluxe and Classic. Reviews indicate that both are quite comfortable and last a long time. But Deluxe devices have an ergonomic handle and an automatic cleaning function.

The design of devices for long-haired and short-haired animals has some differences. Short-haired breeds include breeds with a coat length of up to 5 cm, and long-haired ones - up to 12 cm. The market offers a large selection of furminators for short-haired breeds, as well as for pets with long fur. They are recommended for use for various breeds: Siberian, Siamese, Maine Coon, Persian, Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest. You should not use this tool only for grooming animals that do not have undercoat. These include breeds such as Tiffany, Angora, and Singapore cats.

Combing short-haired cats is carried out with a furminator with a special design. You can choose the right accessory here:


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FURMINATOR SHORT HAIR LARGE CAT M/L Furminator for short-haired cats of large breeds (1 piece)

1 PC

2 447 ₽

2 240 ₽

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FURMINATOR SHORT HAIR SMALL CAT S Furminator for short-haired cats of small breeds (1 piece)

1 PC

2 270 ₽

2 077 ₽

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Comb-trimmer PerseiLine for short-haired cats with cleaner L 6.5 cm (1 piece)

1 PC

1 639 ₽

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PerseiLine trimmer comb for short-haired cats with cleaner S 4.5 cm (1 piece)

1 PC

1 362 ₽

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Why brushing is important

There are many reasons why brushing is important for cats. These reasons will be different for long-haired and short-haired pets. That is why different products are made. As you can see in the photo of combs for cats, these models have different densities of teeth and different shapes.

Why brushing is important for long-haired pets:

  • This process eliminates the formation of tangles.
  • Stimulates the growth of undercoat and new coat
  • Cats are getting fluffier
  • The comb collects lost hairs
  • Dead hairs and skin particles do not collect in the animal’s stomach and do not spread throughout the apartment

Importance of the process for short-haired animals:

  • The coat becomes smoother and silkier
  • Skin massage occurs
  • Fur and skin particles are removed using a comb.

Important! Many owners of smooth-haired pets think that they do not need to be brushed. This opinion is wrong. These animals also need similar care, like their furry relatives.

How to choose tool size?

The choice of comb width depends on the size of the cat:

  • 3.2 cm - suitable for medium-sized kittens aged 2-3 months;
  • 4.5 cm - for adult pets of small breeds whose weight is not more than 5 kg - Siamese, Balinese, mongrel;
  • 6.8 cm - for cats of large breeds weighing more than 5 kg - Siberian, Angora, Maine Coon and others, as well as outbred cats, which delight the owners with a large article.

It is important to choose the right size. You should not buy a comb “for growth” and try to comb an animal weighing 2 kg with a tool for large animals. Significant areas of the body will remain untreated. If you use a furminator for kittens for an adult cat, the duration of the combing process will increase several times, and the efficiency will decrease.

How to use it correctly?

You can only comb dry and clean wool. It is often necessary, before combing long-haired cats or short-haired cats that walk outside on their own, to bathe them and allow them to dry and lick themselves. The tool is not used to remove tangles - they must first be untangled or cut out.

The animal should be combed by running a comb along the hair growth. Movements should be careful and leisurely. Start correctly from the head, then work on the back, and then on the paws, belly, tail and panties between the hind legs.

Dealing with shedding is easy if you have a quality tool. In our online store you can purchase a slicker for your beloved pet:


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FURMINATOR FURFLEX CAT DESHEDDING L anti-shedding attachment for large breed cats (1 pc)

1 PC

1 812 ₽

1 659 ₽

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FURMINATOR FURFLEX CAT DESHEDDING S anti-shedding attachment for small breed cats (1 pc)

1 PC

1 678 ₽

1 535 ₽

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If your cat is restless, take a short break, pet it, give it the opportunity to assume a comfortable position, and then gently turn it as you treat one or another area of ​​the body.

Before brushing your pet for the first time, read the instructions for the device - where the manufacturer describes in detail how to use a specific model.

Criterias of choice

By comparing all the available types of tools with the characteristics of your pet, you can confidently make a choice. What you need to determine before purchasing:

  • pet's hair length - it is better to measure with a ruler;
  • weight and dimensions - if in doubt, choose a furminator with a narrower blade to reach the lint in hard-to-reach places;
  • how much money are you willing to spend - the Deluxe class costs one and a half times more, but it is incomparably more convenient.

Pay attention to the country of origin. Do not buy questionable products - they may be of poor quality and therefore dangerous for your pet.

How often can you use a furminator for cats?

The frequency of use of the device is determined individually for each animal. It depends on how long and thick his fur is, and whether he has a tendency to form tangles. It is usually sufficient to brush short-haired cats 6-7 times a year, mainly during shedding, and only with a brush for the corresponding breeds. Luxurious long fur requires more attention - the procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a week during shedding, and use a brush once a week in the summer. In winter, you should not unnecessarily pick up a brush in order to preserve as much as possible the undercoat, which protects your pet from the cold, even if he lives in an apartment.

If you have doubts about what care regimen will be optimal for your pet, you need to ask your veterinarian.

To make caring for a long-haired pet easier and to get rid of hairballs flying around the house, look for a furminator or trimmer in a specialized online store:


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FURMINATOR LONG HAIR LARGE CAT M/L Furminator for long-haired cats of large breeds (1 piece)

1 PC

2 447 ₽

2 240 ₽

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FURMINATOR LONG HAIR SMALL CAT S Furminator for long-haired cats of small breeds (1 piece)

1 PC

2 270 ₽

2 077 ₽

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PerseiLine trimmer comb for long-haired cats with cleaner L 6.5 cm (1 piece)

1 PC

1 639 ₽

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PerseiLine trimmer comb for long-haired cats with cleaner S 4.5 cm (1 piece)

1 PC

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Care depending on color

Depending on the color of the Scottish cat, coat care may vary. So, for example, black cats are given certain shampoos to enhance their color, while white cats are given different shampoos, and so on.

There are also some nuances in combing. It is highly not recommended for smoky cats to use slicker brushes with furminators, because... they damage the undercoat - as a result, the color deteriorates.

In addition, if you comb a solid-colored cat (white, black, blue, etc.) at the wrong time, causing it to develop tangles, they can be cut out. But cats of smoky and point colors cannot do this, because... leads to the formation of spots of a different color. For such cats, you can only carefully separate the hairs in the mat so that it disappears.

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Precautionary measures

In order not to cause discomfort to the cat or damage the skin and fur, the tool should be used in compliance with the following measures:

  • do not try to untangle long pile tangles with it;
  • use only brushes of the appropriate size;
  • Do not use for combing wet and dirty wool;
  • do not use if there are wounds, scratches, or inflammatory processes on your pet’s skin - you must first consult a veterinarian and follow his recommendations;
  • Do not use for grooming animals of breeds that do not have undercoat.

Before the first combing, you need to understand how the device works and how to use it correctly. After use, the Furminator should be cleaned and capped.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Before using a furminator for cats, you need to remember that this is a device that has contraindications and some disadvantages. It is best to consult a professional before using it on your pet. In some cases it can cause harm:

  1. The Furminator should not be used if the cat has lesions on the skin, as well as subcutaneous mites, dermatitis or fungal infections.
  2. Some “hairless” breeds do not need to be combed with a furminator (Canadian Sphynx, Don Sphynx, Peterbald, Ukrainian Levkoy, elf and others).
  3. In addition to short-haired breeds, there are breeds for which combing with a furminator is contraindicated due to the almost complete or complete absence of undercoat (Burmese, Laperm, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Oriental and others).

If any doubt arises, you should consult a specialist. Damage to a cat's skin takes a long time and is difficult to treat, so it is better to protect her from this trouble.

How to distinguish an original instrument from a fake?

It is important to know how to choose a good quality furminator. Sometimes stores offer very cheap devices. You won’t be able to save money on such a purchase - the tool practically doesn’t work, which is why negative reviews about furminators often appear.

You can choose an original device and distinguish it from a fake by the following criteria:

  • the blades between the teeth should be slightly curved, not straight;
  • at the top of the package there should be the inscription “anti-shedding tool” in 4 languages;
  • the handle has a metal base with a rubber lining; in cheap counterfeit devices it is most often made entirely of rubber.

Before purchasing in a store, you can select and compare several products - the original ones will have different numbers on the blades, while the fake ones will have the same numbers. You can also see the distributor's sticker on the original packaging.

Opinions from cat owners

Cat owners highly appreciate the performance characteristics of Furminators. A brush for combing out the undercoat really makes caring for pets easier, helps to avoid the appearance of tangles, and improves the quality of the fur, as clearly demonstrated by the photos before and after its use. The relationship with the pet also improves: he does not hiss, does not hide or scratch when he sees a new brush in the hands of the owner, but calmly endures the procedure. The tool is easy to use, does not require complicated maintenance, and most importantly, unlike conventional brushes, it lasts for a long time, fully recouping its cost.

According to veterinarians, such care with massage has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the animal. The undercoat becomes thicker and the coat becomes shiny and healthy. It is only important to choose the right model that matches the characteristics of the breed and size of the cat.

Review of popular models

Among the many models, the main thing is to choose the most suitable furminator for cats, because this device will serve for many years. It should be convenient for the owner and safe for the pet.

Manufacturers and models

The most common manufacturer of furminators for cats is FURminator, because it is the first company to produce such accessories for cats and dogs.

There are other models from various manufacturers:

  • Hello PET trimmer brush;
  • FoOlee One Medium trimmer brush;
  • furminator for cats and dogs of different sizes PetComb;
  • Xiaomi Pawbby Anti-Hair Cutter Comb;
  • furminator DeLIGHT;
  • furminator for dogs and cats TRIXIE;
  • furminator for cats Zolux.

It is better to select a model in accordance with the breed and characteristics of the pet. If you are doing this for the first time, enlist the support of experienced friends or trust a consultant at a veterinary pharmacy.

How to avoid buying counterfeits

If you buy a furminator for cats on the Internet, it is not a fact that it will be a successful purchase. The photo may show one product, but they will bring you a completely different one.

To avoid buying a fake, it is better to buy a furminator at a veterinary pharmacy or specialized pet stores. You should always check the packaging, manufacturer and availability of the warranty card.

The Furminator is a great product for owners of short-haired and long-haired cats. It saves during heavy molting and preserves the beauty and health of the pet.

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Device rating

Based on reviews from cat owners and sales levels, we can make a rating of the most successful models, easy to use and with a good combination of price and quality.

  1. The first place in the ranking is taken by FURMINATOR FURFLEX - this is a professional tool. It is chosen by cat owners for whom their appearance is very important, used for caring for show animals, as well as by those who like to photograph their pets and display their photos on social networks. The price of the tool is quite high, but it also serves for many years, maintaining the teeth and sharpness of the blades.
  2. Second place in the ranking goes to DELIGHT - its price is lower, but it works no worse. Models are available with different numbers of teeth.
  3. The rating continues with HelloPet brand products.
  4. Fourth place in the ranking is shared by the brands TRIXIE and Dele - they are much cheaper, but their service life is shorter. In Dele products the handle is made of plastic.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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