Why I dreamed about a lot of cats: interpretation features

Why do you dream about so many cats and how can you understand a dream with these fluffy animals, divine in some countries? A cat is a symbol of home and comfort, at the same time independent and affectionate, able to be selfless and playful. If a cat dislikes someone, its revenge will be sophisticated and eternal. Cats do not forgive mistakes, indifference, betrayal, and are not in a hurry to carry out commands or happily serve, like dogs.

At the same time, cats can be faithful, devoted, and sincere. Cats protect their own - people and other members of the pack, even at the cost of their own lives, and are ready to fight. They also hunt, kill mice, rats and happily share their catch - a mouse from the dacha or a neighbor's rabbit.

The intelligence of these small animals is greatly underestimated - a person is usually ready to consider only direct obedience and strict adherence to commands as a sign of intelligence. Which does no good to humans, but suits cats just fine. Do not be surprised if the dream does not have a clear interpretation.

General interpretation of dreams with cats

The cat has always been considered a mysterious creature associated with otherworldly forces.

Most dream books usually interpret dreams involving these animals negatively, although a lot depends on the nuances. The actions of the sleeper or other people are also important. When certain details are combined, the interpretation of dreams becomes positive.

The famous soothsayer Vanga believed that a cat in real life is a harbinger of dark forces, and its appearance in a dream promises failure on all fronts - personal, love, professional.

The famous psychoanalyst Freud, on the contrary, interpreted such dreams as a promise of an intimate date, since for him these pets were the embodiment of everything that was sexy. Only one single dream is unconditionally considered good - a cat catching a mouse.

Basic values

  • Cats follow you on your heels, look into your eyes and deftly dodge your touch - a warning of serious danger.
  • You are comfortable among many cats and kittens - a streak of luck has begun, woe to anyone who now decides to cross your path or even just be insufficiently respectful.
  • Red cats dream of money. A big red cat means exceptional health.
  • Black cat - recovery from a deadly disease.
  • A white cat means vulnerability in the face of danger. A white cat means a faithful friend or a deceased family member. Spend the evening remembering only the good things your loved ones have done to you.
  • Gray purrs, if they are benevolent and disposed towards you, are naughty and thieves by nature. They will steal valuables from enemies and bring them to you. Just for fun.
  • Drowning kittens in a dream is an extremely ambiguous action. This means that you are ready for cruelty and sacrifice, especially at the expense of others. You will achieve success in business, but pay for it with the absence of real emotional connections, friendship, and family feelings. Do not rush to agree to these conditions; now friendship and love seem to you to be a low-value asset that is worth sacrificing for the sake of real gain. The day will come when you will be ready to give up everything material just to try to reverse this decision. Unfortunately, acquiring material goods is much easier.
  • You hear cats, but don’t see them, you follow the sound, search, it seems to you that cats or kittens are calling for help. Be careful, there is an experienced manipulator in your environment who will force you to do whatever he wants. In this case, you will be almost sure that this is your own decision. Stay away from charity, social welfare, special deals, loans and installment purchases. Check all financial details when traveling and hiking with friends in advance. Find out who pays for lunch, do not agree to shelter a friend with many children out of pity. You will be surprised, as a result of your refusal, your authority will only increase.

Number of dreamed animals

The number of cats in a dream is interpreted ambiguously. If cats fight or are simply hostile, this is bad.

When they are friendly, everything depends on their actions:

  • Meowing cats are a warning of impending problems according to the gypsy dream book.
  • The British believe that if you see a lot of moving cats, this is a signal to a woman about her partner’s repeated infidelities.
  • If many cats are in the attic in a dream, a person should understand his internal problems.
  • Sick and hungry, even mangy cats, dreamed of by a sick person, indicate his speedy recovery.
  • Animals of different colors, gathered together, promise success and good luck in business.

Why photograph cats according to Freud's dream book

The famous psychologist believed that the image of a cat is the sexual side of human consciousness. The cat symbolizes sensuality and desires for bodily pleasure. If a cat caresses your legs or sits down next to you and purrs, it means an intimate evening will soon take place.

It may also mean that the desire to feel sexual pleasure has become too great and through self-awareness the body gives a signal.

If a cat is aggressive and scratches in a dream, it means that there is a hidden desire for a little sadomasochism, as well as a desire to cause physical pain to a partner during an intimate relationship. If a person sees himself in a dream, at the moment when he is stroking a cat, this means a desire to feel the same emotions on himself.

Interpretation by color

The color of the dreamed animal is also interpreted differently.


This color almost always carries a negative message:

  • We must wait for a friend's betrayal. At the same time, the comrade believes that he is the party who suffered from the malice.
  • Such a dream could be a warning about some kind of threat from an unknown enemy. Moreover, Grishina’s dream book says that if you dream of a female, there are external ill-wishers, and a cat - there is something dark in the sleeping person.
  • Interpretation of Nostradamus - a black cat with red eyes warns of a quarrel that will end in bloodshed.
  • If a coal cat crossed the road in a dream, there is a meeting with a person ahead, which will cause a lot of trouble.
  • Killing a black kitten in a dream means losing a good chance in life.
  • To destroy an adult cat means to triumph over the enemy or some dark forces within yourself.
  • If your pet cat is killed in a dream, this is a bad sign; there is an enemy nearby.
  • A cat scratches you in a dream - someone is slandering the sleeping person.
  • A sick animal signals a serious illness in one of your friends.
  • Two individuals of this color indicate a doubling of the problem, but if they were driven away, then the troubles will be overcome.
  • Coal animals in the rut warn of imminent problems with a partner.
  • A female with kittens is a sign of betrayal; if she feeds the cubs, independent decisions about life are ahead; if she takes away the kittens, a change of place of residence should be expected.
  • According to the Assyrians, catching such a cat in a dream means your wishes will come true.
  • A Chinese manuscript says that a coal cat catching a mouse in a dream promises untold riches.
  • An animal walking towards you is a signal of an impending illness.


Despite the angelic hue, this color is also interpreted unfavorably.

Usually this is also a warning about betrayal; the enemy’s intentions are still hidden and the sleeper also has enough strength to cope with them.

If a person holds an animal in his arms, it means he is being drawn into some kind of business that will not end well.

Black and white

A dream involving such an animal warns of threats to business, work, but also suggests that there is still time to correct the situation.


Usually this vision speaks of internal depression and accumulated fatigue. Such a dream serves as a signal that it is urgently necessary to relax and rest, so as not to enter a dark period in life.


Signals that there is a deceiver next to the sleeping person. You need to analyze your surroundings and find a woman who is lying.

Another interpretation says that this is the most dangerous color - global troubles, unsuccessful love and suffering, treason or betrayal await the sleeper.


Informs about a dangerous rival nearby. Her partner likes her and has the qualities that he values.

Siamese cat

Someone who harbors a grudge against the sleeping person is ready for revenge. A signal that you urgently need to atone for your sins, perhaps confess.


Soon an unthinkable event will occur, seemingly impossible in reality, fantastic, which can radically change the life of the sleeper, and not for the worse.

Color and action

They just say that all cats are gray at night. In your dreams you can see animals of different colors. The interpretation significantly depends on the color of the coat, the actions of the tailed animals, and other factors. Such features cannot be ignored.

Taste and color

The astral color scheme is important in any illusion, not just those in which animals take part. Nevertheless, it plays one of the key roles among fluffies. In order not to have to catch an invisible thing in a dark room, the color can and should be taken into account.

Classic options give the following picture:

  1. White is a situation too dubious for reputation, from which a worthy way out is unlikely. An indicator of doubts at the beginning of some new business, in making a decision.
  2. Black is danger. It can be directly related to magic. If the other side of the conflict does not manage to achieve its goal with the help of damage, the evil eye, it will not stop, but will look for any other methods, even a direct physical attack.
  3. Green, green with a “spark” - too high an ego for which you will have to pay. The need to seek advice from a specialist in the field of witchcraft.
  4. Red - cunning, falsehood. The friend seems affectionate, smiles when we meet, laughs at jokes, and is ready to give her last; but in fact he patiently chooses the time to strike. A treacherous rival.
  5. Gray - boring everyday life, lack of time for entertainment, sucking life.

Even classics can be controversial. There really are no “comrades” for color. A white animal can sometimes symbolize a deceased relative who is trying to warn about something. Black - to promise a miraculous deliverance from a serious and even fatal illness.

War and Peace

The position, occupation of the tailed animals, their attitude towards people, human actions in relation to animals - all this is no less important for understanding the situation. It should be taken into account that the subconscious often transfers a rethought perception of real events into the night.

The overlap between reality and the astral plane provides rich food for thought:

  1. An unexpected attack, a rush from around the corner - an unknown enemy strikes from an ambush. He still wants to remain in the shadows, using dummies. The attack could also be physical, although most likely it will be an information provocation.
  2. The cat attack was a success, leaving traces in the form of scratches - a 100% loss. If the scratches ooze blood, the consequences of the loss will be felt for a long time. This can also mean jealousy and scandals associated with it.
  3. Bites - everything can turn out to be much more serious than it initially looked.
  4. Running after a four-legged animal, catching it - looking for unnecessary adventures in love on your own. Luck is slipping away, and a potential partner will soon show his true colors. You will regret the effort and nerves expended.
  5. Catch - a gossiper can be caught red-handed, but this will not give the expected effect.
  6. Ironing means experiencing doubts. A way out will be found. If the mustachioed woman resists and breaks out, this promises ingratitude and resentment.
  7. Sleeping pussy - there is time to upset the plans of enemies while they are confident in their superiority.
  8. Catching a mouse means tangible profit in the near future, a solution to material problems. A friend who will help.
  9. Fighting with a snake - close people are trying to avert trouble.

If a pet shits in a dream, then the owner will shit in reality. When traces of such lewdness are found in bed, this speaks of treason and betrayal.

Different situations

Many dream books pay great attention to the state of the dreamed animal. The emotional coloring of sleep and the mood after waking up are important. If the vision leaves a heavy aftertaste, this means trouble. If a person wakes up with lightness in his soul, they are surmountable.

Dead cat

This is an unpleasant sight, but it leads to positive consequences and means the collapse of the secret enemy. Also, such a dream may indicate that old troubles may return.

A cat killed in front of a sleeping person may mean minor losses or unexpected help.

If the sleeper himself kills an animal in a dream, then this is a symbol of liberation from an exhausted love relationship or the end of a bad streak in life.

Pregnant female

It may be a warning about still hidden problems or illness. In any case, this is a signal of something bad that has not yet become apparent.

Giving birth

The act of giving birth to new life is believed to be a sudden and unexpected event. It is precisely this type of problem that this dream warns about.

If you dreamed of a difficult birth of a cat or she was never relieved of her burden, then serious problems are approaching that will bring suffering to the sleeping person.

If the birth was easy, then troubles can be quickly overcome. The kittens are beautiful and healthy - the business can generally end in complete success and profit.


Somewhere next to the sleeping person in real life there is an enemy from “high society” lurking, most likely a very attractive woman.


There is a deceitful person nearby who will try to win the trust of the sleeping person. Or is this a sign of imminent betrayal.


A dream in which an animal tries to scratch or bite is a very bad sign. If the cat succeeded in this action, then real problems in business and personal life can lead not only to moral, but also physical injuries.

In the realities of modern life, this may be an unexpected visit from the tax and security services.


This is a harbinger of money problems. Loss, theft, business collapse, unfavorable loan, even dismissal from work.


Warning about health problems, and hidden diseases; sexually transmitted diseases are not excluded.

Cat without a tail

Something did not allow the enemies to complete the work they started; the problems will most likely be resolved without consequences.

Other signs

If you know why many cats dream, you can get rid of many problems in reality. It is believed that a large number of animals simply enhances the underlying meaning. This is quite logical, but not always true. She, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

The following interpretations are interesting:

  1. A sick or thin animal that is losing its fur, skinned, wounded is the illness of a true friend, a loved one. The one who has always helped in everything will face big problems, serious trials.
  2. An ordinary cat for a trade worker or entrepreneur is a direct, arrogant, aggressive competitor. Conflicts with the criminal world, law enforcement, supervisory authorities, and representatives of the civil branch of government are possible.
  3. A pregnant cat is almost certainly a prediction of pregnancy. Most likely, the news will be unexpected.
  4. An acquaintance surrounded by animals - an enemy has found allies.
  5. A motley flock may call for a change of company, place of work, or lifestyle.

Whatever the signal, it makes sense to at least try to listen to it. There are cases where pets sacrificed themselves to save their owners from impending disaster. Do not irresponsibly assume that they are not able to suggest anything at night.

Actions with cats in a dream

The authors of dream books pay close attention to various actions performed by animals or those sleeping in visions:

  • If in a dream you manage to repel an attack and hit a cat, then in real life all obstacles to success will be eliminated.
  • Bathing a cat in a dream indicates that the sleeper will try to attract the enemy to his side. Or the person does not want to notice the betrayal.
  • Losing a stranger's cat in a dream means overcoming troubles; they will resolve themselves, without the participation of the sleeping person.
  • If your cat goes missing, this is a bad sign indicating separation from a loved one, even their death is possible.
  • Giving food to cats in a dream means successfully deceiving your ill-wishers.
  • Stroking an animal or playing with it in dreams means committing actions in life that will lead to empty troubles and disappointments.
  • If the sleeping person kicks the cat out of the house, then this is a sign of liberation from annoying problems.
  • A cat fighting with a dog means a clash between the well-wishers and enemies of the sleeper.
  • If cats fight among themselves, then the person will be drawn into other people's squabbles.
  • You dream of meowing, but the animals themselves are not there, which means they are gossiping behind your back.
  • Mating a cat and a cat portends trouble on the love front.
  • A talking cat in a dream is a warning about deception. The sleeper needs to be on guard and not believe everything that is told and promised to him.

Dream Interpretation - many cats

Seeing one cat in a dream is already considered bad luck, but if there is more than one cat, you should think about the number of your enemies, as well as your lifestyle. Perhaps so many enemies were acquired through the fault of the sleeper, and it’s time to worry about drastic changes in life itself.

Seeing a cat fight means troubles that will have a strong impact on life, seeing cat love games means acquiring new enemies, as well as new troubles that will grow out of old unfinished business.

Women's dreams

There are different interpretations in dream books depending on the gender of the sleeper. Since pets are most often the favorites of women, there are a lot of predictions for them:

  • A cat lying and basking in the sun's rays foreshadows the sleeping person's peace of mind and the absence of problems in the near future.
  • A good sign and catching a running cat. This means the girl will reveal the conspiracy that her enemies are weaving and will be able to protect herself from false rumors.
  • If a woman dreams of her pet being dead, then a break in the love relationship will soon occur. The partner himself killed the cat - he decided to abandon the sleeping one.
  • If a cat scratches you in a dream, it means they are slandering a girl. Someone else's - the owners harbor a grudge.
  • And Freud believes that if in a dream an animal inflicts a wound on a woman, then the latter is most likely of non-traditional sexual orientation.
  • A cat dreamed by a married lady means the appearance of a mistress with her husband.
  • Unmarried - a dream with a cat promises betrayal of a lover.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams of a female with her own, and not strangers, kittens, then getting rid of the burden will be easy.
  • To see a well-groomed cat with beautiful fluffy fur in a dream means in reality to indulge in empty dreams.
  • A snow-white darling in a woman’s dream is a sign of a new acquaintance, and if she brought a mouse, then this meeting will also bring financial well-being.
  • If an animal hides in a dream, you should not take on a new business.
  • A woman's dream of a black cat can indicate a high level of intuition; the sleeping woman needs to trust her premonitions more.
  • A pregnant cat means a quick resolution of problems.
  • Being homeless is not good. It doesn't matter what color it is, the new venture will fail.
  • A cat catches a mouse in a dream - soon good money will appear in the lady’s life.
  • If a cat bites in a dream, you need to check your health.
  • A girl feeds a cat in a dream - a meeting with her groom is ahead.

What dream books and famous experts say

Cats were considered sacred animals by many peoples. They were worshiped on a par with the gods. The tailed animals were also assigned the role of a link between the world of the living and the world of the dead. They listened to pets no less than to predictors of the future. And in the modern world, many are not indifferent to why a domestic cat or many wild cats may dream.

From Freud to Vanga

The magical nature of freedom-loving animals haunted witches and psychologists. Not only in fairy tales, tailed animals became indispensable assistants to people who penetrated the secrets of the universe. Experts are unanimous that mustachioed animals will not needlessly disturb their owners in their sleep.

But authoritative experts do not have a single interpretation:

  1. According to Freud, animals symbolize unquenched sexuality, which needs to be released as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the desire for love risks taking on the most unexpected, and even perverted forms.
  2. According to Miller, animals bring bad news. But if you can get rid of the messengers, drive them away, then in reality you will be able to either avoid negative aspects or minimize their consequences.
  3. According to Loff, mustaches make it clear to the dreamer that he needs to be more guided by his own premonitions than by hints from the outside. Intuition will help prevent danger, and your best friend can bring misfortune.
  4. According to Hasse, the fluffy predicts obvious danger and active actions on the part of enemies. But this is precisely a warning. The animal itself acts more like an ally, ready to continue to accompany a friend.
  5. According to Meneghetti, the selfish female image comes first. A powerful and insidious lady will take away the most self-confident man and make a laughing stock of both an ordinary housewife and a business woman. This is a warning about an extremely dangerous rival.
  6. According to the Wanderer, danger is foreshadowed by animals of any color. But evil can bypass a person. To ward off negativity, you need to pet the mustachioed animal. Such a step will have a positive effect in reality.
  7. According to Vanga, a group of tailed creatures surrounding a person foreshadows his personal shame. Some unpleasant story may come to light. All this threatens quarrels at home and at work, and lack of understanding on the part of loved ones.

Comparing the opinions of different researchers, we can say that four-legged animals remain a mystery to people. Without fully understanding mustachioed people in real life, one cannot clearly understand the symbolic system that they carry into dreams.

Interpretations of different peoples

You can dream about a pet or a street bully in different situations. The interpretation of its phenomenon often differs even in neighboring countries. The point, apparently, is that one or another people perceives four-legged animals in their own way. Indeed, there are noticeable differences in old fairy tales, modern literature, and cartoons.

This is how one can trace the national character traits of people:

  1. The gypsy dream book interprets a situation with a large number of animals as a warning about a major quarrel or serious discord in the family. Running tailed animals speak of the impending loss of a valuable item, loss of money, loss. While washing, they advise you to take a closer look at those around you: one of them is clearly planning something bad, deception, betrayal.
  2. English portends treachery on the part of business partners, lover or mistress, husband or wife. Losses are inevitable and very significant. You can literally end up on beans. This applies to business transactions, divorce procedures, and division of property.
  3. The East speaks of such a dream as a positive sign. Fluffies here symbolize friendship, reliability, and support. If animals quarrel among themselves, howl, hiss, it means that in reality a person will have to act as a peacemaker in the company of good friends.
  4. An old Russian dream book suggests that red pets portend money, while fiery pets guarantee excellent health and readiness for adventures and trials.
  5. French clearly foretells to the lady that an imposing cat means a quick romantic acquaintance. And if he jumped into bed, then the passion will be strong, sensual, pleasant. If the animal is hovering around like this, you can expect marriage.

It is significant that in dream books animals do not always differ by gender. But their behavior turns out to be an important component of prediction.

Men's dreams

Dream books interpret the dreams of the strong half of humanity with a special meaning:

  • If a sleeping person dreams of a cat with wet fur from which water flows, then a meeting with an influential woman lies ahead.
  • A man dreams of an unreal red or bright red animal to signify a meeting with a girl from whom he will lose his head, a sign of fatal passion.
  • If a person sleeping pets an animal in a dream, then a date with a woman of easy virtue will soon occur.
  • If you dreamed of a cat without a tail, it means a crushing victory will be won over your opponent.
  • For a man, strangling an animal in a dream means breaking up with his beloved.
  • If a businessman dreams of a very large cat (it could be a tiger, lion, puma), then success in business in the near future will be fantastic. It all depends on the size of the animal.
  • For a farmer, such a dream means a good harvest or offspring of livestock.

Other dream options and their interpretation

In the interpretation of a dream involving a large number of cats, details are important. So fight in a dream with a large number of mustachioed and striped ones - in reality you will be able to tear off the masks of betrayal and vanity. If they scratch the dreamer, this is an indication of inevitable losses, and this may concern not only finances, but also the loss of trust of an old friend, the loss of a loved one. And to see an attack by a large number of cats - a dream predicts an attack by real enemies who will tarnish the good name of the dreamer.

Seeing a large number of cats washing themselves is preparation for a meeting with long-awaited guests, true and trusted friends. If a pack of cats runs away from a dog, the dreamer will have to deceive relatives and friends in order to achieve his goal.

You see cats playing among themselves and frolicking - your loved ones are playing a dishonest game against you. And if they fight, then this is an indication of the dreamer’s mental suffering and experiences, a difficult choice. Everyone meows together - a pointer to cunning and unfaithful, and most importantly, selfish friends who are weaving intrigues against you.

If you see cats catching mice, it means making a profit in reality. But if the furry hunt ends in nothing, you shouldn’t count on profit, you won’t get it no matter how hard you try. When cats are in groups around you, large and small, in reality, expect trouble, and they will do dirty tricks on you all the time.

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Interpretations of various dream books

The authors of numerous dream books often give diametrically opposed interpretations of the same dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

This collection contains interpretations of various esoteric schools covering a large historical period:

  • A white cat dreams of incomprehensible situations at work, when you have to choose between a clear conscience and financial well-being.
  • Black - calls not to participate in dubious transactions.
  • The redhead promises troubles that will have to be resolved quickly.
  • Black and white warns of a possible traffic accident or household appliance accident.
  • Blue indicates that the sleeper has unusual abilities.
  • Striped promises unexpected luck.

French dream book

This collection of interpretations has lost the name of the author; they are considered to be folk:

  • A white cat dreams of the betrayal of a close friend.
  • Black - to betrayal of your wife or lover.
  • In a dream, the dreamer’s girlfriend turns into a cat, which means she is dishonoring his name.
  • A cat fight signals that the sleeper will soon face a night robbery; care must be taken to ensure the safety of property.

Noble dream book of Grishina

This work was compiled in the middle of the last century by a descendant of an ancient noble family, Nina Grishina.

The author notes that when interpreting dreams, it is necessary to take into account the day of the week, date and month, and also compare the result with the lunar calendar:

  • Caressing a cat yourself means doubts of the soul.
  • The cat fawns over the sleeping person - unfortunately in the house or a visit from an insidious seducer.
  • The animal screams loudly - a request will soon follow that will be impossible to fulfill if it is not visible - the sleeper will be deceived.
  • A cat bites you - a disease or a conspiracy awaits you.
  • Cat fight - mental suffering ahead.
  • Cat games mean debauchery, followed by financial loss.
  • A dead cat means a person who is unpleasant to the sleeping person will soon disappear from his life.
  • To cause harm to a cat, to offend - to suffer from remorse.
  • If kittens play in a dream, things will soon get better; this sign is a promise of profit.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

This unique collection can be called a cultural monument, since it is a modern adapted translation of dream interpretations compiled by the priests of an ancient civilization:

  • Black, gray, or any dark-colored cat foretells a quick vacation to which the sleeper will be invited. It is advisable to take some fur from this animal with you.
  • A white or red cat portends a test of the sleeping person’s moral principles. And if you give up bad thoughts, then there will be troubles in business.

To neutralize the negativity of such a dream, you need to light a white candle, after pouring coffee on it.

Aesop's Dream Book

An ancient fabulist interpreted dreams as a person’s internal dialogue:

  • A cat that has climbed onto a branch from a hound dog serves as a warning of impending problems.
  • If an animal hunts rodents, then the sleeper enters a restless period of life; there will be few good days ahead.
  • A cat boasting about a caught mouse speaks of the vanity of the sleeper.
  • If an animal grabs a person’s chest with its claws in a dream, his soul will be torn from suffering and grief.
  • If a black cat crosses the path, the sleeper overestimates his strength.
  • If you dream about cats and kittens, you need to pay attention to children.
  • A red pet means meeting a frivolous girl.
  • Feeding a cat in a dream is a reminder that the sleeper has forgotten about his responsibilities.
  • An animal fight means a difficult period of life ahead.
  • A caressing cat warns that there is a person next to the sleeping person who is misleading him.

Why do women and men dream about many cats?

The interpretation of a dream is largely influenced by the gender of the dreamer.

To a woman

  • Dreaming of a large number of cats means a pleasant pastime surrounded by men. The dream promises the dreamer a large army of fans and admirers.
  • A young lady saw a dream - a sign of betrayal. Perhaps a rival has appeared who is trying with all her might to take away her loved one, and she is doing a good job of it.
  • Dreaming of cats meowing loudly under the window means scandals in the family. If a cat's screaming prevents you from falling asleep, in reality such a dream promises obsessive suitors, whose attention will only be a burden.
  • Seeing white animals means beware of the machinations of enemies. They set up an insidious trap, once caught in which it is very difficult to get out.
  • Dreaming of beautiful, well-groomed pets means small but numerous troubles that will cause irritation. Often a dream promises envy from others and flows of negative energy.
  • A woman feeding cats in a dream means disagreements with a partner, troubles in a relationship.
  • If you dream about how mustachioed people surrounded you and pointed their claws at you - beware of lying friends. Their goodwill is temporary - they will soon show their true colors.

To a man

  • For representatives of the stronger sex, a dream involving cats promises attention from women.
  • For a bachelor, the dream promises a meeting with a girl. The young passion will have a strong influence on the dreamer in the future.
  • A young man in a relationship dreams of affectionate cats - this means numerous acquaintances with girls, increasing his own magnetism and self-confidence.
  • Dreaming about how representatives of the cat world fight for the attention of the sleeping person means rivalry between several girls in reality. Each will try to achieve your favor.
  • Seeing a lot of red cats in a dream, showing friendliness, means getting the desired profession. The dreamer will be able to demonstrate his abilities to the fullest, receiving in return a very good profit.
  • Black mustaches warn of emerging evil. The life of a sleeping person is filled with intrigue and troubles. People in your immediate environment act secretly and try to do harm.
  • Disperse the cats - get rid of temptations, refuse a dubious offer, protecting yourself from a lot of troubles, learn to distinguish bad from good and pay attention to the main thing.
  • Feeding a lot of mangy animals in a dream means aggravation of relationships in the family. Relatives will begin to set strict conditions and limit the dreamer’s actions.
  • Seeing sick cats that cause disgust means a deterioration in your financial situation and quarrels over the current situation.
  • Petting representatives of the cat world means meeting or having a relationship with a flighty person of the opposite sex.

Many cats of a dark color - the conditions that a woman will set for you will be impossible to fulfill; animals with light fur predict endless complaints and discontent.

Interpretation by days of the week

In many tracts, dreams are explained differently, depending on what day of the week they were dreamed.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

They are characterized by insignificant visions, you should not believe them, more often they are empty worries. Dreams:

  • From Sunday to Monday they do not carry any information; they can only indicate the internal state of the sleeper and be perceived as a hint.
  • From Monday to Tuesday, Mars controls. They do not come true, but are often alarming and require an analysis of one’s strengths.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday ruled by Mercury. More often we dream of past events that need rethinking. Visions of the future usually do not come true very soon; it can take from eight to twelve years. And if you have short and vivid dreams, like in a kaleidoscope, then there will soon be bright changes in your life.


A day dedicated to work. All dreams in which a cat appears must be interpreted from the point of view of a career, maybe financial affairs. The patron of these visions is Jupiter.

There is no talk about the soul here, only about material matters. Moreover, bright stories foreshadow career growth, while boring and monotonous ones speak of stagnation.


This day is patronized by the goddess of love Venus. You should take a closer look at the color of the dreamed animal and analyze the dream regarding your relationship with your loved one. Women and men need to interpret visions based on gender - they usually differ.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday have been considered prophetic since ancient times; Christians especially highlight these twelve days of the week of the year:

  • the first in Lent;
  • before the Annunciation;
  • on Palm Week;
  • on the eve of the Ascension of Christ;
  • before Ivan the Baptist;
  • on the eve of Elijah the prophet;
  • before the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • on the eve of St. Michael's Day;
  • before the day of Kuzma and Demyan;
  • on the eve of the Nativity of Christ;
  • before Epiphany.


If you dreamed of a cat on Saturday, this is a bad sign. Dreams of this day are disturbing and often promise trouble. The influence of such dreams is negative, but they can be removed using various rituals.

Saturn, which is responsible for this day of the week, is the patron of fate. And all the visions of the past night do not come true exactly, but serve as important symbols and details.

Often they are not about the sleeper himself, but about relatives, household members, and friends. They must be carefully memorized, better written down, analyzed and removed the negative impact.


Sunday dreams are under the protection of the Sun. These are dreams-predictions. If they foretell success, then it will definitely come.

If you dreamed of a cat is not good, then you should carefully analyze the vision and be careful in the future.

When a dream is bright and joyful, then no matter what you dream about, it is always a sign of a bright streak in life. Any vision of Sunday is an interpretation of the future, the Sun never looks back.

If the dream is gray and dull, the sleeper is at the limit of his strength. We must try to relax and reconsider our attitude towards life.

Who dreams of a cat

And first of all, you should pay attention to the gender of the sleeper, since the same dream can have opposite interpretations depending on who dreamed it at night - a woman or a man.

To a woman

For representatives of the fair sex, dreams about cats almost always foreshadow the appearance of an insidious rival or a cunning friend, smiling in the eyes and doing mean things behind her back.

See also:

What does it mean to see a gypsy in a dream - interpretation for women and men

To a man

For a man, the image of a cat can predict the appearance of a spectacular lady, who in reality turns out to be a flighty person with several suitors at once. An unworthy party - this is how the old-timers interpret this image.


But for the expectant mother, the appearance of a large number of friendly cats, on the contrary, promises an easy birth and the birth of a healthy baby.

And a cat with kittens will be considered a particularly good symbol, since it promises not only a successful resolution, but also prosperity after it.

Should you believe dreams about cats?

Most of the interpretations of dreams about cats from any dream books and clairvoyants are bad predictions; almost 80% of visions lead to trouble. But, if you analyze the interpretations of various publications, you can see how different they are.

This fact alone can serve as a sign that the writer interprets it only according to his personal experiences, fears and preferences.

Whether or not to believe dreams and their interpretations, everyone must decide for themselves. But even dream books say that any vision can be explained in different ways; too many small details and nuances affect the decoding. And the attitude towards the animal and the mood after waking up are of great importance.

Before analyzing your dream, you should think about your attitude towards your pet:

  • Maybe the cat was offended by the household yesterday.
  • They forgot to feed him or locked him in the toilet.
  • It is necessary to remember childhood fears associated with cats.
  • The cause of an alarming dream may be from worries about your pet.

Usually dreams do not broadcast anything, but simply convey the general state of a person, his anxieties, fears, hopes, joys. From this point of view, they can only warn a person about his internal state, his experiences and moral reserves.

Cats - Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a cat in a dream is not good, especially if it is extremely irritated and aggressive, and also if it is preparing for an attack. The cat is an enemy who is lurking nearby and is preparing to strike a sudden blow. Also, the image of a cat in a dream can mean intrigue and hidden intentions of ill-wishers.

If a cat attacks or prepares to attack, hisses, releases its claws and displays aggressive behavior, then troubles are soon ahead, but if the cat is driven away, then there will be no negative consequences, but you still need to be careful.

If you hear a cat meowing, it means perhaps bad influence, gossip and slander that can cause harm.

If you dreamed of a dirty cat, it means you should think about your health, and also worry about the well-being of your family and friends. Perhaps, in this way, consciousness warns of impending troubles.

You should also be wary if a sick cat appears or has obvious injuries; such an image in any guise does not carry anything favorable, but warns that you should be careful and attentive to yourself.

Although the image of a healthy and beautiful cat also does not convey positive information, it means uncertainty in life and upcoming minor troubles.

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