Possible reasons why the cat is thin and the owner’s actions to solve the problem

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05/17/2021 owner reviews 1,

A thin cat that is not gaining weight is a cause for concern for the owner. Moreover, weight loss indicates a health or nutrition problem. Indeed, with the exception of a few naturally thin cat breeds such as the Siamese, Abyssinian or Turkish Angora, a healthy cat is slender but not skinny. Before you rush to the vet, find out below why your cat isn't gaining weight even though he's eating well?

  • Causes
  • When to worry about a cat that isn't gaining weight?
  • What to do
  • How to prevent and control weight loss in cats?

Other pathologies

In addition to the listed pathological conditions of cats, accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness and loss of appetite, the following painful conditions also occur:
disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

For example, after sterilization or childbirth due to hormonal imbalance, cats become lethargic and inactive.

Pets suffering from diabetes also do not want to move too much. In addition, such cats are constantly thirsty, eat a lot or very little, and often go to the toilet. They experience weight fluctuations, their vision deteriorates, their stomach enlarges, their muscles weaken;

oncological diseases.

One of their symptoms in cats is a lethargic state. Changes in the pet’s well-being are clearly visible: the cat hardly eats, lies down all the time, vomits, and experiences internal bleeding. Such animals have very unpleasant breath, and upon visual examination, swelling and ulcers can be detected on the body;

diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Even an inexperienced owner can easily recognize them. With arthritis, dislocations, sprains, osteochondrosis, fractures and other problems, animals become lethargic, try to eat and move less. Cats' affected joints swell, they limp, rarely sharpen their claws and wash themselves. All movements cause them pain;

complications after surgery.

Usually, in the first three days after the intervention, cats are very lethargic. This condition, in the presence of appetite and thirst, is considered normal.

But, if the animal’s temperature rises, blood or pus begins to ooze from the wound, vomiting or constipation often occurs - you need to contact the clinic as soon as possible. After all, these can be dangerous symptoms of suture dehiscence or suppuration, or the formation of a hernia.


Due to the fact that there are many causes of exhaustion in cats, diagnosis is aimed at first excluding the most likely diseases - parasitic diseases, chronic kidney diseases, liver diseases, and food digestion disorders. In addition to a general examination and history taking, the veterinarian will also carry out the following diagnostic measures:

  • Exclusion of parasites in the intestines using stool examination (for example, flotation).
  • Complete clinical blood test to rule out anemia and inflammation.
  • A complete biochemical blood test that will show the functioning of the liver, kidneys, levels of sugar, electrolytes and proteins in the blood.
  • General clinical urine test - helps assess kidney function, detect infections, loss of protein from the kidneys.
  • X-ray of the chest and abdominal cavity - to exclude a tumor process, foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract, free fluid in the chest or abdominal cavity and assess the size of internal organs.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - helps to evaluate the structure of the liver, kidneys, and examine the pancreas area. Ultrasound is used to search for tumors and foreign objects in the gastrointestinal tract, and to evaluate intestinal motility.
  • Trypsin-like immunoreactivity test - used to diagnose certain diseases of the pancreas that lead to impaired digestion and absorption.
  • Measuring thyroid hormone levels in older cats.
  • Measurement of bile acid levels to assess liver function.
  • Colonoscopy is an examination of the inner surface of the intestine with a thin endoscope, in which the condition of the intestinal mucosa is visually assessed, and sections of tissue are taken for analysis.
  • An exploratory laparotomy is an operation that examines internal organs to make a diagnosis that was not made by other, less invasive tests.

The main reasons for lack of appetite in a cat

What to do when the cat stops eating? First you need to find out what caused such changes in the animal’s behavior. There are the following main reasons why cats stop eating:

1. Worms.

Very often, cats stop eating if they have various parasites in their bodies, which can cause weakness and painful conditions in the animal. Worms absorb all the nutrients that enter the cat's body along with food, as a result of which it loses interest in food.

2. Low hemoglobin.

If your cat has stopped eating, you should find out if she is anemic. Very often, it is because of this that cats begin to refuse food. In addition, the animal looks lethargic and constantly sleeps.

3. Diabetes mellitus.


A characteristic manifestation is loss of appetite and thirst. The cat suddenly starts drinking a lot of water. Symptoms are complemented by frequent urination and weight loss.

4. Dental problems.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity can cause a cat to refuse to eat, as the pain interferes with normal chewing of food.

5. Kidney failure.

The kidneys are directly involved in the processes of purifying the blood and removing toxins from the body. Due to disruptions in the functioning of this organ, a large amount of toxic substances accumulate in the body. Intoxication occurs, which causes loss of appetite.

6. Problems with the pancreas.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which is often very difficult for animals to tolerate. They stop eating and become lethargic. Vomiting and diarrhea may also occur. Often cats that eat spoiled food suffer from pancreatitis.

7. Stomach diseases.

Stomach ulcer is a disease that is often accompanied by loss of interest in food. This disease does not occur very often in cats, but there is still such a possibility. Also, a pet stops eating when infected with intestinal flu.

8. Irritable bowel syndrome.

Cats with this diagnosis eat very little. The mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract swell, which prevents normal digestion of food. As a result, the cat does not want to eat.

9. Poisoning.

When eating poisonous plants or harmful chemicals, the animal may vomit and, as a result, lose its appetite.


10. Castration.

On the day of surgery and for some time after it, the cat may refuse any food. As soon as the animal recovers from anesthesia and regains consciousness, the appetite will certainly return.

There is even a danger that it will increase significantly, so it is very important during the postoperative period to ensure that the cat does not overeat

11. Stressful situations.

Often cats stop eating due to stress (change of housing, the arrival of a new family member in the house, etc.) By identifying and eliminating the cause of stress, you will help your pet regain its appetite.

  • 12. Dirty dishes.
  • 13. Detergents and cleaning products.

If you use detergents to clean your cat's bowls, be prepared for your cat to stop eating. Your pets' sense of smell is much stronger than ours, so they can smell even the slightest scent.

Pathological reasons for a cat losing weight

A sudden change in your pet's appetite without reason is a bad sign. Gastrointestinal diseases, oncology or parasites cause terrible suffering to the cat. Without the intervention of specialists, the animal will die. Main pathologies requiring consultation with a doctor:

  • Thinness is often caused by helminthiasis, that is, infection with worms. It occurs through dirty water, during communication between animals, through dirty objects, the hands of the owner, and also from cats to kittens.
  • Cancerous tumors are a common cause of weight loss. The pet suffers, but does not have the opportunity to say about it. Unfortunately, many owners do not pay attention to their pet’s mood changes for a long time, so cancer is diagnosed too late.
  • Many diseases of the digestive system initially manifest themselves as a change in preferences or a complete refusal of food by the cat. For example, pancreatitis.

Genetic miniature

Experienced breeders build genetic lines so that one of the main characteristics of the breed - resemblance to a teddy bear - is well developed. The situation is completely different with pets that are bred without permission, pedigrees and prior training in felinological courses. From incorrect crossbreeding you can get Scots with an insufficiently dense physique and a host of other shortcomings. If your cat is not so much thin as miniature, there’s nothing you can do about it: genes take their toll.

One of the common reasons why a Scottish cat is thin, or rather too petite and slender for a Scot, is that its breed is unclean - there are some impurities. The kitten could have been sold as a Scottish one, but it did not grow up quite as expected, because... This kitten is a mixed breed. Or, perhaps, he was born from two parents, one or two of whom had other breeds in the family. If so, then there is no need to try to make the cat fatter. If her ribs are not visible and when palpated the cat does not resemble a washboard, then she has a normal constitution for her genetic type.

When to worry about a cat that isn't gaining weight?

A cat's thinness is a cause for concern if it is accompanied by other symptoms. Symptoms that should get on your nerves. For example, hair loss, dull coat, vomiting, extreme thirst, etc.

It is important to discuss this with your veterinarian to properly diagnose the causes. Moreover, the most common are:

  • diabetes,
  • infections of the gums or teeth,
  • gases,
  • hairball in the intestines, etc.

Digestive parasitism is also one of the most common pathological reasons underlying why a cat does not gain weight. In fact, skinny cats that eat a lot often end up with parasites. Most often by intestinal worms (roundworms, tapeworms, etc.), which deprive them of vital nutrients. Therefore, it is very important to deworm cats every month until they are 6 months old. And then every 3 months with a universal degwormer.

It can also be kidney failure caused by poor hydration, which if not treated properly can develop into a much more serious chronic kidney disease.

What to do to prevent obesity

After the operation, the period of adaptation of the body to reduced energy needs takes approximately two to three months, and during this time the cat can gain 30-40% of excess weight.

Therefore, after castration, in order to prevent your cat from becoming obese, you need to:

  • review your diet;
  • constantly weigh the cat.

The normal weight of cats is 3.5-4 kg. With obesity, kidney stones appear, the load on the heart increases, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, and other disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system develop.

You can assess the cat's condition by palpation, visually, but this method is difficult if you have a long-haired pet. Obesity can be judged when a pet's ribs cannot be felt.

As for the optimal weight, this indicator is individual for each breed. You can find out what the normal weight of a castrated cat should be from the veterinarian who performed the operation. The specialist will also give recommendations regarding postoperative care and further diet of the mustachioed pet.

When is it time to sound the alarm?

Cats begin to worry about being thin if:

  • the cat eats a lot and often, but does not gain weight, it is too light and small for its breed (thin cats do not gain weight);
  • the spine can be traced visually (the ridge literally protrudes outward);
  • the pelvic bones and ribs protrude, their movement is clearly noticeable when the cat moves;
  • the cat’s breath smells unpleasant (obviously, the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the kidneys and liver are not functioning properly, plaque or caries may have formed on the teeth);
  • there is no fat layer on the chest and back area, only bone;
  • the cat does not show usual attention to toys, sleeps constantly;
  • the animal has loose stools (if mucus, blood, or undigested parts of food are found in the stool, consult a doctor);
  • yellowness or excessive pallor of the mucous membranes is observed, they become gray in color (most likely, weight loss is due to problems with the liver and kidneys);
  • more fluid is released from the eyes, nose and mouth than usual, especially when an unpleasant odor appears, a change in the color of the animal’s tears and saliva;
  • the temperature rises (hot nose, the cat is lethargic, to check the temperature it is enough to use a regular thermometer);
  • the stomach is sunken, hard, tense.

The silhouette of an emaciated cat resembles an hourglass.

When the described signs appear, the animal is weighed (to do this, just place it in a bag and use a steelyard or in a cardboard box, cover the top with something and put it on a regular floor scale).

If the cat always eats well, but is very thin, weighs 1 kg or more less than it should, contact a veterinarian. It is first necessary to take weight measurements for several weeks in a row to make sure that there really is a reason for concern (cats are thin and do not gain weight for various reasons, but most often due to illness).

Normal weight

On average, an adult animal should weigh from 3 to 8 kg. Such a cat drinks a lot of fluids, eats, and leads an active life.

The doctor determines the degree of fatness based on the following criteria:

  • Exhaustion - the cat has no subcutaneous layer, protruding ribs, a retracted abdomen, and a thin, dense tail.
  • Disadvantage - bones and ribs are visually visible, but there is already a small amount of fat. The cat's figure resembles an hourglass.
  • The ideal is the presence of a thin subcutaneous layer, the ribs are not visible, but can be easily felt, the body size is proportional.
  • Excess – under a thick layer of fat it is almost impossible to feel the bones. If you look at the cat from above, the back appears broad.
  • Dangerous excess - bones cannot be felt, folds are present on all parts of the body.

The animal has been spayed (neutered)

There is an opinion that weight problems begin after surgery to remove the gonads. But this does not mean that it is worth torturing the animal and tolerating its behavior during sexual hunting. You just need to take some preventive measures:

  • feed the cat after sterilization strictly at the rate recommended by the food manufacturer;
  • Weigh your pet weekly and record the result;
  • if necessary, adjust the rate downwards.

Practice shows that with a normal diet and sufficient physical activity, most sterilized cats remain in good physical shape for many years. While with improper feeding and a sedentary lifestyle, even an animal with preserved reproductive function can quickly gain weight.

Causes of exhaustion

There are many causes of exhaustion that cannot be covered in this article. The simplest and most concise classification of causes is presented below.


Physiological reasons include weight loss due to circumstances in which the cat could not fully satisfy its nutritional needs. This applies to stray cats, cats in heat, and cats experiencing prolonged stress. Physiological exhaustion is also typical for cats that have fattened a large litter and given all their energy and nutritional resources to their offspring.

Both cats and female cats change their behavior during the period of sexual heat, sometimes forgetting about food

As you can see, the causes of physiological exhaustion are exogenous; they are tied to the specific environment with which the cat interacts.

Thus, a stray cat can be brought into order with the right diet, a cat experiencing stress can be calmed down. The mother, who fed the family, is fed back to a healthy state. Among other things, some breeds have a predisposition to thinness - Sphynxes, Ukrainian Levkoys are difficult to fatten, which is also due to their peculiar bodily constitution.

Some breeds do not need fattening, being thin by their constitution


Pathological causes include malfunctions in the pet’s body itself. No matter what comfortable and stabilizing conditions a cat with pathological thinness finds himself in, his condition will not change. The causes of such exhaustion can be both acquired and congenital diseases.

Refusal to eat caused by internal pathologies requires a diagnosis and selection of a treatment regimen.

To feed such a fragile pet, you must first undergo an examination with him at the veterinary clinic. The test results will show the cause of problems with weight gain and the veterinarian will develop a diet that is suitable for your pet. It is not recommended to act as a nutritionist on your own for cats with pathological thinness, since the likelihood of complications is high.

What should the owner do?

Every owner begins to worry when his beloved pet refuses his previously favorite treats. Bad thoughts begin to come into your head, and you want to somehow find out the reasons for this behavior of your furry friend.

In cases where there is no cause for concern, the owner simply needs to surround his pet with care

It is also important to be careful about what you feed your cat. Poor quality food will repel it, and the animal will go on a hunger strike.

If there is a sudden change in food and the cat immediately stops eating, it is recommended to try gradually introducing new food into its diet. It is possible that the problem lies in the dishes from which the pet eats. When the owner decides to please his mustachioed friend with a new bowl, he may not think about how convenient it will be to eat from it.

It is better not to traumatize the animal’s psyche by frequent changes of environment, at least the one in which it spends the most time. It is better to make the feeding area as comfortable as possible so that nothing blocks access to food.

When it comes to pet illnesses, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian. You should not self-medicate. This may seem harmless, but it can actually cause dire consequences. Without the help of a veterinarian, it will not be possible to give your pet the correct diagnosis, because he himself is not able to specifically indicate the sources of pain.

Often cats and female cats refuse to eat because they are stressed after sterilization or castration. In such a situation, the owner can do little to help his pet except to surround him with affection, warmth and care. This will help the animal recover faster, and then the appetite will return to normal.

Felines are very unpredictable; one minute they can actively sit in front of their owner and beg for a piece of treat from the table, and the next they arrogantly turn away without even sniffing it. You don't have to start panicking immediately after this. Perhaps the cat simply lost his appetite. But if this behavior continues for a long time, the cat owner should be wary. Animals can't talk, so they won't tell you what's bothering them.

The article is for informational purposes only. Contact your veterinarian!

Physiological causes of weight loss

Weight gain and loss are influenced by the animal’s conditions (microclimatic, psychological), seasonal changes in the hormonal status of the cat’s body, and the animal’s character (picky eating).

Nature is calling

During the mating period, animals, especially those who go outside freely, may forget about food and lose weight. This condition does not require correction. After a period of “partying,” the form is restored.

Cold requires fat, heat requires bones

When the body temperature drops in the room in which the cat is kept, or if the animal walks freely outside in winter, the animal gains weight. Then in the spring, when it warms up, the fats are absorbed. This is normal for four-legged animals.

Emotions burn fat

If an animal experiences strong emotions, whether positive or negative, it may noticeably lose weight. If this is not constant debilitating stress, the animal does not reach exhaustion and does not require treatment.

The Joys of Motherhood

Nursing cat mothers have a good appetite, but often lose weight when nursing kittens. If there are many cubs, the animal is not able to eat as much food as is required to cover the costs. The cat will become rounder when the feeding process is completed.

Not cat food

Genetic characteristics make some pets prone to an elegant constitution. Standards for some animal breeds require noticeable slenderness. These are Siamese and Abyssinian cats, Bengal and Siamese cats, Russian Blues and some other breeds. Before classifying a cat as an excessively thin animal with an excellent appetite, it is worth reading the description of its breed. Perhaps some bonyness is the norm for this beast.

Features of age

Young active cats that move a lot can indulge in various goodies and stay in shape. Older cats (over 10 years old) also lose weight. The animal’s body simply stops accumulating excess. Sometimes this is caused by illness, but even a healthy older cat can be lean.


If the pet's food is suddenly changed, the cat may not eat it or eat less.

This will lead to some weight loss. In this case, either the animal will adapt, or it will have to return to the previous food. In this situation it usually does not reach exhaustion.

Sometimes picky cats choose tastier pieces and leave the rest of the food on the plate. Such “harmfulness” rarely lasts long. The cat may lose a little weight. But it recovers quickly.

What to do

A pet will not lose weight immediately, and therefore the owner may not notice the changes for a long time. As a result, the problem becomes obvious when the cat has lost a lot of weight.

It is advisable to immediately show the cat to a veterinarian. If this cannot be done, then the animal is provided with a quiet and calm place. He may meow restlessly, then he can be given a light sedative “Cat Bayun” or “Stop-Stress”.

Do not try to force feed an animal. You can try offering another food, for example, baby meat puree. The owner should not rely on the condition of the nose. Even if it is wet, this is not an indicator of health.

You should immediately take your cat to the vet if the following symptoms occur:

  • heat;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • apathy;
  • frequent vomiting.

The veterinarian will examine the pet, do tests and prescribe treatment.

Important! In case of intestinal obstruction, urgent surgery is needed, since without it the animal will die

Why do cats get fat after castration?

On thematic forums there are often questions: “Why does a cat begin to gain excess weight after castration?”, “What to feed a castrated cat?”. Let's try to answer these questions and consider the reasons that lead to excess weight gain.

After castration or sterilization, the hormonal levels in animals change. Metabolic changes occur in the body, which can lead to overeating and decreased energy. After the operation, metabolism slows down, and after a while the behavior of males changes. The cats become calmer, more peaceful, and even, in some ways, lazy.

It is due to decreased energy and increased appetite that neutered cats gain excess weight. Overeating often provokes obesity and endocrinological pathologies.

At risk are cats that live in a confined space, do not go for walks, as well as pets that are prone to obesity or suffer from chronic endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus).

Owners often notice that after the operation, the active, inquisitive cat has become less energetic, lazier, and calmer. At the same time, the pet rarely takes part in active games, is not interested in toys and constantly meows, begging for the next portion of food or favorite treats. This behavior could actually be a consequence of castration.

Therefore, so that the pet does not gain excess weight and does not turn into a beefy fat hulk, after castration, in addition to proper care, it is very important to adjust the diet. Otherwise, obesity cannot be avoided in 65-70% of cases

Ways to fatten a cat

The word “fattening” itself allows for some ambiguity. It is necessary to distinguish between different understandings of this concept from the very beginning. If you want to fatten up your cat by increasing its fat layer, then you can easily do this - just focus on foods with a high fat content. Of course, such a diet will sooner rather than later hit your pet’s liver. Cats' bodies are not designed for such unlimited fat consumption.

A fat cat will never become a happy cat, even if it pleases the owner's eye

A view of fattening as restoring the health of a cat and bringing its digestion back to normal requires the development of a balanced diet, which at first will take into account the narrowed stomach of an exhausted pet. Otherwise, the diet of a fattened cat is no different from the diet of an ordinary healthy cat.

Additional help for the body

Since sometimes, with advanced emaciation, a cat experiences a pathological change in eating behavior, sometimes before fattening it is necessary to awaken the pet’s interest in food. For such purposes, there are several special recommendations:


Take care to provide your cat with the necessary vitamin complex, which will help restore balance to the body and accumulate nutrients that it has been denied for a long time. Pay special attention to vitamin C. In veterinary pharmacies it is sold in the form of pills. If your pet is neutral towards the tablets, you can give him the whole vitamin.

Cats consume vitamins extremely reluctantly

If the cat resists, you can crush the dragee into powder and mix it with water. The resulting solution should be drawn into a syringe and poured into the cat’s mouth. It is also possible to dissolve the crushed dragee in minced meat;

Beneficial bacteria

Give your cat lacto- and bifidobacteria half an hour before each meal. Thanks to lactic acid, these bacteria will cope with their harmful “colleagues” that have accumulated in the pet’s gastrointestinal tract during the period of dysbacteriosis.

Bifitrilak and other probiotics will help your pet’s intestines work

In addition, lactobacilli take part in increasing immunity, which is useful for both sick and healthy animals. Pribiotics that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and the body as a whole include Bifitrilak, Enterol, Zoonom, Subtilis and others;

Weight gain on dry food

Select your feed carefully. During periods of exhaustion, the pet’s digestive tract is especially sensitive to low-quality formulations replete with chemical additives. Therefore, it is advisable to please cats that are gaining weight with premium food and higher, which often already includes some vitamin supplements and coarse fibers that normalize intestinal function.

Dry food brands typically create special lines for pets that are gaining weight.

Specialized feed

High-end dry food has a line called Gastro Intenstinal - this is what should interest the owner. There are also canned food from the Royal Canin brand, called Rekoveri, which can be fed even through a tube in cases where the animal is not able to consume food on its own.

Royal Canin Cat Gastro Intestinal food

All these dry foods are close in composition to natural food, compressed and dried. Thus, the first places in food labeled Gastro Intenstinal include meat, high-quality offal, cereals, dairy products and carbohydrates - each of these components helps the cat maintain strength and immunity at the proper level. The pet can receive all these products in their original form on a natural diet, but dry food thinks out in advance the correct ratio of ingredients.

Canned Royal Canin Cat Gastro Intestinal for kittens

Each dry food manufacturer sets its own daily intake. As a rule, it is written on the packaging or indicated on the measuring cup included with the food. You should never increase the dose if you think your pet is malnourished and the doses are too small. The volume of granules poured does not depend on the degree of satiety. More doesn't mean better. All that is required of the owner is to comply with the limits and monitor the condition of the pet.

Excess food is more likely to lead to digestive problems in your pet than to weight gain

Gaining weight on a natural diet

If you do not have experience in creating a diet consisting of natural products, it is strongly recommended to use the knowledge of a veterinarian. We all know that cats willingly eat raw meat, drink milk and savor fish, but not everything is so simple. From allergies to parasite infestations, the natural menu has its pitfalls.

With a properly formulated diet, natural food is an ideal option for every cat.

But once you accustom your pet to a certain diet, you will be freed from the need to constantly make some changes. Cats are very strict when it comes to nutrition and tend to carry certain eating habits throughout their lives. They remain loyal to certain food categories, be it eggs or watermelon, and eat every portion with pleasure.


As already mentioned, emaciated individuals often experience a decrease in stomach size, which is why such cats may not be able to cope with the most standard portions. At first, give your pet food at short intervals, but in small quantities. This way he can gradually adapt his stomach to the new nutrition system.

Exhausted cats' stomachs take time to return to normal.

When creating a diet for your pet, use the following tips:

  • Any piece of meat, even beef tenderloin, is carefully inspected for parasite eggs and small scraps of bone, which the pet risks injuring its esophagus.
    It is advisable to avoid raw meat altogether, giving your cat boiled pieces. This way you will protect the selected pieces as much as possible; A diet of raw meat is not recommended in all cases.
  • It is advisable to grind the cereals thoroughly and cook longer, as this will make it easier for your pet to digest this product.
    You can read everywhere about the benefits of cereals for cats as the main source of fiber. At the same time, the fact is often omitted that various cereals are the most difficult foods for both human and cat digestion; It is advisable to introduce cats to cereals from a young age.
  • It is acceptable to give cats milk, but in very limited quantities.
    A huge number of myths are associated with cats’ love for milk, but cats’ stomachs are not adapted to digest lactose. Only kittens in the first weeks of life are shown milk (mother's milk). With excessive consumption of dairy products, cats may experience diarrhea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms of lactose intolerance. One bowl of milk per week is enough for your pet, if characteristic symptoms do not appear after drinking it; Lactose intolerance does not prevent cats from loving milk

Vegetables containing large amounts of B vitamins are reluctantly accepted by cats as food. To increase their interest, you can mix minced meat with vegetable puree. It is not recommended to stew vegetables, because when they boil, they release all their beneficial substances. Pay attention to tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini. Potatoes and beets, which are poorly digestible by animal stomachs, should be avoided.

Not all vegetables are well digested by the cat’s body.

How to use diet therapy?

In veterinary pharmacies, clinics and pet stores, it is easy to find the following most well-known therapeutic diets:

  • Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Feline OM Obesity (Overweight);
  • Hill's Prescription Diet Prescription Diet Metabolic Feline
  • Royal Canin Obesity Management Dp42;
  • Monge VetSolution Cat Obesity.

Veterinary diets typically come in both dry and wet varieties, and you can choose whichever option suits you best or combine them. The main thing is to follow feeding standards and categorically exclude all types of food or treats from the cat’s diet. A diet is a diet!

When doctors are asked what to do if a cat is getting fat and nothing helps, then the problem in almost 100% of cases turns out to be a violation of the diet. Diet therapy is a treatment, and this is how it should be treated, seriously and responsibly. And remember: excess weight and obesity are not “figure” flaws, but a disease that causes suffering to the animal and can lead to dire consequences.

What to look for when buying a Scottish Fold cat

You can buy Scottish Folds through advertisement sites, at an exhibition or in a certified nursery.

The price of a kitten depends on many factors, including the region (in the capital the cost is often higher) and pedigree. The class of the animal also has a significant impact. So, “pet” is a cat for the soul, which has no chance of a show career or participation in breeding. The price for such animals is lower, and they are usually sterilized. The next class is “breed”. These cats are potential breeders from whom you can expect worthwhile offspring. And finally, the most expensive class is “show”. These animals have every chance to compete for prizes at exhibitions. Moreover, such a high status must be confirmed not just by words, but by exhibition certificates.

Another important point is the health of the future pet. Therefore, when choosing, you should carefully examine the kitten. Severe thinness, bald patches, fleas, and an overly swollen abdomen may indicate improper care and dishonesty of the breeder. In addition, some behavioral features of Scottish Folds may be signs of a genetic disease that affects bone and cartilage tissue. So, if the paws and tail are inactive, and the kitten itself cannot run and jump normally, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.

Pay attention to your parents too. One of them, and possibly both, must be straight-eared (Scottish Straight). If both the cat and the cat have floppy ears, their offspring are almost guaranteed to be unhealthy

If both the cat and the cat have floppy ears, their offspring are almost guaranteed to be unhealthy.

As for documents, upon purchase you must be given a sales contract, a veterinary passport with vaccination marks and a birth certificate. Based on the latter, you can draw up a pedigree yourself.

How to notice the “decrease” of your pet in time?

A cat is a relatively small animal. True, giant cats, representatives of certain breeds such as Maine Coon, Ragdoll or Pixie Bob, can weigh even 10-12 kg, but the weight of most domestic Murzik ranges from 2.5 to 7 kg.

With such a “featherweight”, it is sometimes difficult to notice the weight loss of a cat - we can easily lose sight of a loss of 400 grams. Although, at first glance, it seems that this is not enough, it is worth understanding that this is often up to 10% of the pet’s body weight! It's no secret that an early detected disease is much easier to cure. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor the weight of your beloved four-legged friend.

Deviation or norm?

Before taking any measures, you need to make sure that the pet is really very thin. Each breed has its own average performance. For example, outbred cats weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg, British and Siberian breeds - from 5-7, Maine Coons - from 8 to 12.

Lack of weight can be determined by palpating the animal's body. If the ribs are well felt and the fat layer is insignificant, this is a deviation from the norm. In cases where the physiological causes listed below are excluded, consultation with a doctor is required.

An alarming sign is if the cat looks thin visually, its ribs, spine and pelvic bones protrude, and there is no fat layer . The stomach is sunken, and the silhouette resembles an hourglass. Such signs indicate exhaustion of the body. A veterinary examination and serious treatment is required.

Why do cats get fat after castration?

On thematic forums there are often questions: “Why does a cat begin to gain excess weight after castration?”, “What to feed a castrated cat?”. Let's try to answer these questions and consider the reasons that lead to excess weight gain.

After castration or sterilization, the hormonal levels in animals change. Metabolic changes occur in the body, which can lead to overeating and decreased energy. After the operation, metabolism slows down, and after a while the behavior of males changes. The cats become calmer, more peaceful, and even, in some ways, lazy.

It is due to decreased energy and increased appetite that neutered cats gain excess weight. Overeating often provokes obesity and endocrinological pathologies.

At risk are cats that live in a confined space, do not go for walks, as well as pets that are prone to obesity or suffer from chronic endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus).

Owners often notice that after the operation, the active, inquisitive cat has become less energetic, lazier, and calmer. At the same time, the pet rarely takes part in active games, is not interested in toys and constantly meows, begging for the next portion of food or favorite treats. This behavior could actually be a consequence of castration.

Therefore, so that the pet does not gain excess weight and does not turn into a beefy fat hulk, after castration, in addition to proper care, it is very important to adjust the diet. Otherwise, obesity cannot be avoided in 65-70% of cases

Why is the kitten thin and growing poorly?

Immediately after birth, the body's systems have not yet matured and learned to work at full capacity. That is why any minor violation can lead to serious consequences. A thin kitten is not such a rare occurrence, often leading to developmental delays and death of the animal. For what reasons can a baby develop malnutrition?

Non-infectious factors

Thinness can appear from the first days of a baby’s life, or it can develop during the first months.

The reasons can be exogenous (external), which include insufficient supply of nutrients (the mother does not have enough milk, little food, poor quality food) and endogenous (internal).

If a baby is born weaker than his brothers and sisters, especially with a large litter, he may simply not get enough food. Sometimes a difficult birth results in the kitten simply not being able to suckle milk normally. In the absence of timely help from their owners, such babies quickly die.

Thin kitten does not gain weight due to helminths

The remaining reasons why a kitten is thin lie in the area of ​​diseases introduced from outside.

Here, the first place is taken by helminth infection, which occurs in almost all kittens whose mothers have not undergone appropriate treatment or the treatment has not been completed.

Such a kitten eats a lot, but is still thin, while its tummy can be dense and enlarged, and indigestion often occurs. Clusters of worms clog the small intestines, and intoxication due to their waste products can kill the baby.

Infectious causes of thinness

The second common cause is infectious diseases. The antibodies of the vaccinated mother are able to protect the kitten, transmitted through milk, and at 2.5 months he himself should receive the first vaccination. But the vaccination schedule may go wrong, immunity may not be fully formed, and there are not vaccines for all diseases. Viral and bacterial infections are a very common cause of thinness and death of kittens.

Characteristic symptoms of diseases

Exhaustion is only a concomitant symptom that is common to many diseases. In addition to malnutrition and internal malformations, weight loss in kittens occurs very quickly and can be caused directly by: - ​​frequent vomiting; - diarrhea; - refusal to feed; - general intoxication of the body.

All these problems are typical for almost any infectious disease. Moreover, not only is the kitten very thin and not getting better, but other symptoms are added to this.

This explains why the kitten eats poorly or refuses to eat at all. Lack of appetite is accompanied by a rapid deterioration of the condition - the baby stops playing, and his body temperature approaches 39°C and higher. Unfortunately, in this case there is a very high probability of death.

Chronic form

If the kitten is very thin - does not grow, lags behind its healthy peers in development, but the above symptoms manifest themselves weakly (the eyes are a little watery, slight discharge from the nose, etc.), then perhaps the disease is chronic.

The most dangerous cat disease with similar manifestations is coronavirus infection, especially when it causes infectious peritonitis. In its wet form, the kitten has a large belly and is thin when viewed from above or touches the spine.

The abdominal cavity is soft, slightly painful, and fills with fluid due to the inflammatory process.

How to understand why a kitten is thin?

Symptoms can develop rapidly, quickly leading to serious illness and even death. That is why, with any manifestations of exhaustion, especially if it is accompanied by other signs, the pet needs to be helped.


The diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after examination, temperature measurement and ordering a number of tests, which may include blood tests, stool tests, smears for polymerase chain reaction, and rapid tests for some infectious diseases.

Only after finding out the cause can we consider the possibility of full treatment of the animal; before this, a severely exhausted baby can only alleviate the condition with the help of infusion therapy and the introduction of nutrient solutions.

This is also a very important point, since nutrients in a small organism quickly deplete their supply, glucose in the blood drops sharply and can drop to critical values, which is dangerous for the life of the animal.

What to feed a cat to gain weight, how many times a day, basic nutritional rules

High-protein food is the main way to fatten a cat. However, do not rush to choose food from the economy segment: the ingredients in these feeds are of low quality (corn, slaughterhouse waste, etc.). They simply will not benefit your pet because they do not provide sufficient nutritional support and also affect how food is digested and how the animal feels and looks.

To avoid buying useless food, always read the ingredients on the packaging. The first ingredient listed must be a clean source of protein (chicken, salmon, rabbit, beef, etc.), but not organ meats or grains. Cats also need an external source of taurine, so pay attention to whether this element is in the food.

Some breeds (for example, Scottish) are prone to food allergies. In this case, it is advisable to select food together with a doctor.

If the cat is thin, the solution to the question of “how to fatten” may be kitten food. These foods are always richer in protein and calories and are usually used in the nutrition of kittens up to one year old, ensuring intensive growth and development. The quality of the feed, again, must be premium.


To prevent the development of infectious diseases, pets must be vaccinated. Even if they live in an apartment and do not go outside, they have a risk of becoming infected.

The veterinarian conducts an examination and prescribes additional examination.

Living conditions play an important role in maintaining the health of a cat. Adequate, high-quality nutrition is a guarantee of high immunity. Pets should not be fed from the table or given human food.

To prevent the cat from getting bored, they constantly play with it and teach it different tricks. Such activities will tax her intellect and she will not get bored. If you need to move or create another stressful environment, you should first give the animal a mild sedative.

If a cat lives in an apartment, it is still treated for parasites with appropriate means every six months.

When you notice the first signs of thinness, it is better to contact a veterinarian. Only he will be able to correctly determine the cause of the condition and prescribe treatment.

How to help your pet get better?

If the cause of weight loss is a disease, then it should be treated under the supervision of specialists. In other cases, a selection of high-energy foods can help, which will help build muscle and a small layer of fat.

  • Beef meat.
  • Boiled liver (beef, chicken).
  • Chicken yolk – 2 times a week.
  • Boiled oatmeal.
  • Cartilage jelly.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • Energy supplements from the pet store - drops, pills, powders.

Low appetite

Do you offer your cat good food, but she still doesn't eat well? There are different reasons for poor appetite. These are worms, which will be discussed below. This is also stress. This includes teething. These are behavioral problems: read about them here.

But most often, poor appetite is observed in uncastrated cats and unsterilized cats during rutting periods: then the desire to eat fades into the background or may practically disappear. And if estrus is frequent or the cat’s sexual desire is not systematically satisfied, then the endless rut ​​can exhaust the body. If you plan to castrate an animal, then after the operation (about 1 month) the pet’s body will be rebuilt - and its appetite will become excellent.

My cat is obese: will diet help?

Against the background of increased physical activity, diet therapy is the only effective way to lose weight. No magical and safe diet pills have been invented - both for people and for cats. At the same time, unlike humans, cats are strictly contraindicated from starving, so the task becomes more difficult, but nevertheless it can be solved quite successfully.

It is best to consult a doctor and put the animal on a special veterinary diet, which is available in the range of some medicinal food brands. Such diets usually have the words Obesity or Overweight in their names.

They contain a reduced amount of fat (the main source of energy for carnivores), an average level of protein, but still sufficient to maintain muscle mass, and a large amount of fiber, which is not digested, contains no calories, but creates a feeling of satiety.

Also, such diets include a specially selected complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as additional substances that affect metabolism.

Why does a cat need grass?

An indispensable ingredient in the diet of a cat that is losing weight is green grass. This is a natural food that has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. The grass contains zinc, manganese, pantothenic acid and vitamins of various groups, which are necessary to rid the body of parasites and strengthen the immune system.

Constantly monitoring the weight and whether the cat is losing weight or getting fat is the right decision. This is an indicator of the development of the body, the appearance of symptoms of diseases and other problems. A well-formulated diet will help protect an adult cat and keep a kitten safe.

Fattening a cat if it is losing weight is deliberately dangerous. A fat and fluffy animal looks cute and even adorable, but for the animal it is an extra burden, decreased activity and the risk of various diseases that occur in a passive form and may not be noticeable at the initial stage.


Safe and dangerous symptoms of cat weight loss

If your cat is eating normally but is losing weight, then you should not worry. Loss of appetite may be accompanied by the following harmless symptoms:

  1. The cat moves a lot and plays often.
  2. A pet at an advanced age leads a measured and sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Diarrhea, but not more than two days, is a sign of mild poisoning of the animal.
  4. Stress caused by a number of factors. After a few days everything will be restored.

It should also be noted that many owners forget to check the weight standards for their pet, taking into account its breed and age.

Dangerous symptoms with a good appetite

The presence of blood in a cat's stool should alert the owner.

  • Lethargy and apathy;
  • blood and strange impurities in the urine;
  • absence of stool or reduction in stool;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • bloating.

As mentioned above, helminths, as well as internal and infectious diseases, may be to blame.


In case of physiological reasons, no measures should be taken . But if there is a pathology, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The cat must be shown to a veterinarian, who will order an examination, blood and stool tests, and x-rays. Once the picture becomes clear, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. medicines;
  2. vitamin supplements;
  3. change of diet;
  4. change of activity mode.

Complete refusal to eat

Complete refusal to eat, reluctance to drink water, constant lethargy of a pet is a serious reason to consult a doctor. But sometimes such symptoms accompany severe stress.

In this case, the cat should not be disturbed for a couple of days; perhaps the animal just needs to be in peace and quiet. If the cat's condition does not change after some time, the visit to the clinic cannot be postponed, otherwise the animal may die.

Algorithm of the owner’s actions in case of complete refusal of food:

  • Provide your pet with a comfortable, quiet resting place away from drafts.
  • Place a bowl of clean water next to the bed.
  • Organize regular ventilation of the room.
  • Protect the cat from contact with household members and other pets.
  • Monitor the condition carefully, and if the condition worsens, take it to a veterinarian.


At different periods of its existence, a cat moves differently. The resulting calories from a small kitten are spent on the growth of bones and muscles; the remaining calories are required for play.

The body of older cats may dry out due to age and for some other reasons, including:

  • illnesses and stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • lost teeth;
  • parasites.

Owners of older cats should closely monitor their condition and take them to the veterinarian if necessary.

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