What treats can you please your domestic cat?

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Pampering your favorite furry with a tasty treat is sacred for a cat lover. Is it possible to do without this, leaving your pet on its usual food, or do treats for cats have their own special purpose? A caring owner will be interested to know whether it is necessary to give the cat tasty food, at what age, and which delicacies are recognized as the best.

Types of treats for cats

It is better to pamper healthy pets with food additives; goodies are not recommended for kittens and pregnant animals. The attractive components of tasty food are, first of all, pieces of fresh meat. The increased caloric content means that the treat should be a small part of the daily diet.

Pet stores sell food in the form of:

  • granules;
  • dried slices;
  • straws;
  • pads;
  • snacks;
  • cream jelly.

All treats can be divided into three main groups:

  • wet - jelly, puree, cream soup;
  • hard – pieces, sausages;
  • liquid – puddings, drinks.

Treats are also distinguished by their purpose, the purpose of the treat. Owners typically want:

  • just pamper your furry pet from the bottom of your heart;
  • make the little predator hunt for tasty prey;
  • reward with a tasty treat for patient behavior during the hygienic procedures of bathing, trimming nails, and combing;
  • distract your pet from the dreary anticipation if he has to be left alone for a while.

Various goodies are used to reward animals during training in order to achieve commands.

Differences between products for adult cats and kittens

As mentioned above, when choosing a cat treat, it is important to consider who it is suitable for. Like complete commercial foods, treats offered on the market are divided by purpose: for kittens, for adults and for older cats. Any nutrition must take into account the characteristics of the animal’s age structure.

When buying products for kittens, you should pay attention that, unlike adult pets, their diet should contain an increased level of proteins and special fats containing fatty acids and amino acids. It should be taken into account that, like food, treats for kittens most often contain mineral salts that promote the formation of bones. Baby food also contains a high content of minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus to strengthen bones and teeth.

Therefore, you should not ignore the age of your pet. If you treat your kitten with products for adult cats, this will lead to a deficiency of protein and minerals. But if you give an adult animal children’s treats, then you should expect more deplorable effects - metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal tract function and kidney function.

It is also worth noting that any food for kittens is not available in the form of granules. Since until the small animal’s teeth have changed, it will not physically be able to chew the dry treat. But even after the teeth change and begin to grow, consuming the dry form of treats can lead to damage to the bite.

Healthy treats

Treats can not only bring joy to the animal, but also help. When purchasing, it is important to examine the components. Products enriched with vitamins are beneficial for cats with insufficient intake of nutrients and minerals. If the healthy balance of nutrition is disturbed, then exceeding the daily ration will lead to digestive disorders and gain extra pounds of weight.

Manufacturers of cat food have taken care of useful components to solve health problems in caring for pets. There are special groups of treats.

For teeth

Cleaning a cat's teeth is an impossible task for many owners. But it is possible to help prevent inflammatory processes with the help of nutrition.

Dry pads or solid granules containing plant fibers and antiseptics are designed to prevent the appearance of plaque, the formation of tartar, and strengthen the enamel. In addition to teeth cleaning and preventive use, food helps in treatment.

"Kisses" for teeth

It is recommended to give treats after feeding. You can purchase GimCat Denta-Kiss products.

For hairballs

Owners are familiar with the periodic regurgitation of pet fur accumulated in the stomach. Sometimes the animal naturally finds it difficult to get rid of the wool plug (trichobezoar). The problem is especially relevant for long-haired breeds, during periods of molting animals.

Treats made from grass, vegetables, and minerals help remove hairballs and improve digestion. Gimcat Malt-Soft Paste Extra pads are designed to help with regurgitation.

Cat grass helps remove hairballs

A green lawn with sprouted grains, which always attracts pets, helps achieve the same goal.


Basic delicacies made from ground meat and vegetables, enriched with calcium and vitamins, are aimed at regulating the digestive process. Combined ones are produced in the form of cream and pudding.

The selection of components is aimed at strengthening the cat’s immunity and normalizing intestinal function. Healthy treats, such as Edel Cat pate, will keep older animals healthy.

Rating of snacks for cats

The rating includes treats that owners choose based on their composition, as well as how much their pets like the treats.


In first place is the Canadian manufacturer Champion PetFood.

Natural ingredients are used for preparation: fresh meat, offal. The snacks do not contain any foreign matter.

There are several types of treats:

  • wildboar – based on wild boar meat;
  • tundra - includes deer and elk, as well as quail and trout;
  • ranch raised lamb – contains lamb meat;
  • original – chicken and turkey liver, Cobb chicken, flounder fillet.

Price from 280 to 350 rubles per package.


Snacks are prepared in the UK, with an emphasis on seafood. You can purchase one of two types:

  • tuna;
  • mackerel.

Fresh fish fillets, rich in protein and omega acids, are added to the treat.

The cost in pet stores is from 97 to 150 rubles.

Country delicacies

Produced in the Russian Federation and available in various forms (sticks, pieces).

For cooking, rabbit, duck, beef and lamb meat are used. But unlike the first two treats, this one has cornstarch added to it. Therefore, before giving your pet a tasty sausage, you should check whether it will cause an allergic reaction.

Cost from 114 to 142 rubles per package.


The treat is also produced in the Russian Federation. Tidbits come in three types, from:

  • tuna;
  • Chicken;
  • ducks

Helps strengthen the immune system and maintain the pet's energy.

For tidbits you will have to pay about 120 rubles.


Manufacturer – Russia. The product is pieces of dried meat.

Composition contains:

  • chicken fillet;
  • beef by-products.

Additionally, thyme, pol-palm, lemon balm, nettle and other herbs are added to the composition.

The treats are rich in vitamins and microelements (taurine, biotin).

The cost is approximately from 150 to 180 rubles.


The production is located in Italy and is produced in the form of sausages and snacks under a separate line - AzulIabel.

The first option is made from chicken fillet, and also contains beef, rice, chicken liver, egg, gluten, yeast extract, sugar, salt. There is no percentage on the package.

The composition of the snacks is identical to sausages, but tuna fillet is listed first.

Price from 50 to 120 rubles.

Bosch Sanabelle

The German company produces two types of treats:

  • Snack – pyramids with croquette granules. They are given to the pet for hair removal, teeth cleaning, as vitamins and simply to encourage the animal. The composition includes flour from fresh poultry meat, animal fat and cereals. There is no percentage of components.
  • Sticks are semi-moist treats. The product packaging indicates the composition containing meat and meat products of fresh chicken, minerals, fruits (pomegranate, lingonberries).

Pyramids start from 69 rubles, and a wet treat can be purchased for 224-250.

Composition and review of treats

Including a new product in the diet requires caution and a preliminary study of the composition of the feed. Certain ingredients (sucrose, beet pulp, corn flour, yeast) often cause food allergies and disrupt metabolism.

All competing brands have their positive and negative sides. The advantages include high quality meat, differentiation of feed by age, natural seasonings, balanced composition to improve health. The disadvantages are the basic use of by-products and questionable components.

Despite their attractive appearance, treats from many companies are unsafe due to the lack of detailed information about the percentage of components or due to the inclusion of impurities that cause an allergic reaction.

Forms of release of cat treats

Modern cat “treats” differ not only in taste and target characteristics, but also in the form of release. On the modern market you can find treats for cats in the form of:

  1. Pieces and sausages, which have a variety of shapes, are made from selected varieties of meat. In addition, many manufacturers use useful additives in the product - cereals and the amino acid taurine.
  2. Dried meat sticks that contain the same components as the product in the previous form of release. The significant difference between these types is the structure of the delicacy, which has a hard, crispy consistency.
  3. Dry pillows containing a soft filling with vitamin-mineral complexes and cereals. Thanks to the content of cereals, selected vegetables, special herbs and minerals, tasty pads are also beneficial for the animal’s digestive system.

  4. The paste serves not as a treat, since it does not contain vitamins, minerals and other similar substances, but as a special complementary food to prevent the appearance of hairballs in the cat’s digestive tract. The product is especially necessary for long-haired cat breeds.
  5. Marmalade is a special form that does not have harmful substances and is used to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  6. Special cat grass, representing special cereal crops grown in trays. Its use helps enrich the body with vitamins and folic acid, which is necessary for the cat’s nervous system. It also has a cleansing effect, helping to eliminate hairballs that form in the stomach.
  7. Pieces of dry herb - catnip, which has a calming effect and an alluring aroma. Therefore, owners often use it to attract their pet to a scratching post or tray.

Despite the huge range of cat food in type and form, each owner should take into account the preferences and age of his pet when choosing it. For example, some animals enjoy crunchy pillows or meat sticks, while others are delighted with grass in a pot or ready-made vitamins in the shape of fish or hearts.

DIY cat treats

Many cat owners prefer to prepare treats for their beloved pets in their kitchen. You can pamper cats using natural feeding mode. Sometimes it is not forbidden to give a tasty treat to those pets who receive a ready-made diet.

Cooking options:

  1. Fish delicacies. Mix 130 g of small oatmeal, pieces of canned tuna, add vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), one egg. Beat the mixture in a blender with the addition of catnip. Make small balls and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
  2. Appetizing slices. Mix 300 g of liver, 1 egg, 200 g of oatmeal in a blender. Spread the mixture in a thin layer on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Break the pieces.


When you just need to pamper your pet or give a “yummy” for the sake of encouragement, it is better to choose soft varieties of complementary foods, such as gummies, jellies, balls or baked fillets.

It is advisable to give dry treats to cats with strong teeth; they also perfectly remove plaque and can serve to strengthen the jaws.

It is recommended that pets choose treats enriched with vitamins, but taking into account their age and living conditions.

Soft baits perfectly neutralize the formation of hairballs.

Is it possible to give treats to kittens?

You often want to feed your fluffy baby something appetizing. But veterinarians recommend not initially mixing natural and ready-made ones from the store. You should choose among specialized products, treats made for kittens.

Homemade goodies

High-quality baby food does not contain GMOs and contains up to 93% meat. On the packaging it is important to find information about the composition, quantity, and compliance with international quality requirements. Owners who know the calorie content of the basic diet are advised to calculate how much can be added without the threat of digestive upset.

Daily dose

On food packages from a reputable manufacturer, the recommended daily intake must be indicated; for treats, it is also determined by purpose:

  • To brush your teeth - about three times a week after meals;
  • For encouragement - 2-4 times a day.

Treats of proper quality, when used rationally, are not harmful to cats; on the contrary, the pet will become more active. You must follow the instructions and do not turn the treat into a full meal.

Reviews from veterinarians about treats

The treats contain ingredients that are attractive to cats, so they never turn them down even if they are full. Veterinarians do not encourage frequent feeding; they recommend paying attention to a number of important factors when choosing food:

  • an overweight cat – high-calorie treats will only harm the animal’s health;
  • feeding with ready-made food - it is better to choose treats from a series of one manufacturer for better compatibility of products;
  • pet illnesses - treats must be approved by a veterinarian.

An individual consultation on cat nutrition will help you choose the right healthy treat.


Any pets, including cats, just like their owners, need a healthy and varied diet. But to maintain the health of your pet, one daily food is not enough, so it is important that he receives various vitamins and microelements. But not every cat is ready to consume useful substances in their pure form, and here, to help owners, special tasty treats containing all the necessary components have been developed. You can also train your pet with the help of such treats and simply pamper him. As a rule, most treats can be purchased at any pet store. But some high-quality brands are not so popular and are not always available, in such cases they will have to be ordered through specialized online stores.

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