The best wet food for cats: rating from PetObzor

Wet food for kittens is a compromise between a natural menu and dry ready-made diets. Most often, canned food and spiders are used as an intermediate when converting to granules, since they cannot be the basis of nutrition. Wet food is more similar in texture to natural food, so it is less likely to cause gastrointestinal problems.

  • 2 Types of wet food for kittens
  • 3 Classes of wet food for kittens
  • 4 What is the difference between wet food for kittens and diets for adult cats?
  • 5 Table: overview of popular wet food for kittens
  • 6 Reviews from veterinarians about wet food for kittens
  • 7 Reviews from pet owners about wet food for kittens

Advantages and disadvantages of wet food for kittens

The key benefit of wet kitten food is that it saves time. Product recipes are prepared by professionals, taking into account all age characteristics and biological needs of animals. The owner just has to open the bag and fill the bowl. When eating natural products, owners have to calculate individual daily norms of nutrients. Ideally, you should take into account the breed, weight, age of the kitten and other characteristics. This forces the owners to update the menu from time to time as the kids grow. The worries don’t end there: you need to buy food and cook food from it. At best, it will be a mixture of meat with offal, which you can stock up on for future use and boil as needed. At worst, you will have to stand at the stove every day. You should also consider the time it will take to find reliable sellers and visit the market and shops.

If the owner is not confident that he is able to create a balanced menu on his own, it is better to use ready-made rations

Using wet food reduces the risk of infection. Natural products may contain viruses, worms and protozoa. You can partially protect yourself if you purchase certified products, but in practice it is either not possible to find sufficiently high-quality meat, or the seller does not have the necessary documents. And the threat of infection remains in any case, albeit minimal. Only those who have their own farm can afford to feed their pet high-quality natural products. In the process of preparing wet food, the ingredients are subject to strict control and heat treatment. Preservatives are used to prevent the development of bacterial colonies. However, it must be taken into account that wet food quickly deteriorates when exposed to air: even when stored in the refrigerator, you will have to get rid of the remains after 24–36 hours. Dry granules are safer in terms of safety.

When feeding natural products and wet food, it is strongly recommended to abandon plastic bowls or change them at least every month: the surface is easily scratched and food particles get into the damaged areas

Wet food is close in consistency to natural products, which makes it an intermediate link between the natural menu and dry diets. Pates and pouches are an ideal option for breeders. With such nutrition, future owners will be able to painlessly transfer kittens to both a natural menu and dry food. Pates can also be used as complementary foods for babies up to 4-6 weeks. The soft consistency prevents harsh effects on the gastrointestinal tract and subsequent inflammation, which often occurs when suddenly switching to granules.

Small kittens should only be given soaked dry food until their bite is formed.

The disadvantages of wet food include their high cost. Even economy class products have a significant impact on the budget. For example, 1 Whiskas pouch costs 20–25 rubles. The manufacturer recommends giving 3-4 sachets per day to older kittens over 3 months old. In fact, this quantity is not always enough: my neighbor feeds his kitten with economy class spiders, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The pet is very thin and constantly hungry. This can easily be explained by the low nutritional value of economy-class feed. Even if the animal has enough food, the owner will have to spend 60–100 rubles per day. In a month it will cost 1800–3000 rubles for a pet. For the same money you can buy a large (3-5 kg) package of dry holistic, which will last for 6-10 weeks.

It is strongly recommended not to purchase wet food with thick sauces: their production uses thickeners that can irritate the pet’s gastrointestinal tract

Another problem with wet food is its poor composition. If you can add not only meat and offal to the granules, but also a complex of herbs, vegetables and fruits, then in the case of pates the manufacturer is limited by the production technology. This creates a paradox: it is almost impossible to purchase a complete holistic diet, since elite diets should not contain vitamins and minerals in their pure form, and it will not be possible to include many sources of nutrients in the composition. At the same time, almost all economy-class wet food is complete. Manufacturers add vitamin and mineral complexes to them, which are poorly absorbed. As a result, theoretically there seem to be enough nutrients in the diet, but in fact most of them leave the body without being absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, kittens develop a deficiency and develop diseases of internal organs.

Without help, fistula formation, tissue infection and further blood poisoning may occur.

The consistency of wet food is both a plus and a minus. With prolonged feeding of such foods, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract adapts to digest only softened food. In the future, this creates problems when switching to another type of diet. In most cases, digestive disorders occur. Wet food does not contain enough coarse fiber, which causes poor peristalsis. The kitten may have constipation or diarrhea. A friend of mine’s cat’s anal glands became inflamed when she was 9 months old. Normally, they are cleaned with dense feces, but with prolonged diarrhea due to poor nutrition, the secretion accumulates and clogs the pouches. The cat had to clean his glands by hand. Despite nutritional correction, they still periodically become inflamed in the pet. For this reason, even complete wet foods should be combined with dry kibble or natural products.

Classes of wet food for kittens

There is no single official division. Conventionally, there are 4 classes of food: economy, premium, superpremium and holistic. Let's look at each category separately.

Economy class food is the worst among ready-made diets. Cheap raw materials are used in their production. Most often this is waste: feathers, bones, beaks, etc. The proportion of meat is minimal, most of the composition is occupied by water and grains. These foods can only be called nutritious: they contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, but they are practically not digestible. Kittens should not be given such diets, as they can provoke the development of pathologies.

Economy-class food does not allow the kitten’s gastrointestinal tract to develop normally, which is why it cannot subsequently eat high-quality diets or has difficulty transitioning to them.

Premium food is not much different from budget products. The meat content in them reaches 20% instead of 10%, but this is still not enough. In general, the quality of raw materials leaves much to be desired, but there are some acceptable items. These can be whole chicken carcasses, fish oil or good offal - liver, lung, hearts, etc. However, premium food is also not suitable for regular nutrition.

A distinctive feature of premium food is aggressive advertising, due to which many pet owners mistakenly consider diets in this category to be the best.

Super premium diets are a more acceptable option. Among them there are grain-free pates and pouches. If the composition contains vegetables and fruits, then their variety is indicated. The share of herbal supplements is lower. Manufacturers use high-quality raw materials and specify their type. Super premium feeds do not contain such common names as “bird”, “fish”, etc.

The cost of super premium food often does not exceed the price of premium diets, but in terms of quality the difference is colossal

Holistics are elite diets that contain only the best products. If this is a fish, then it must be raised in the wild. If it's a bird, then it's free-range. No hormones are used in raising animals. Herbal ingredients are minimally processed. The information indicated on the packaging is always true, as confirmed by Roskachestvo research.

Holistic products are almost impossible to purchase in pet stores; they have to be ordered online, but it’s worth it

Composition analysis

When choosing, you need to carefully study the composition of the product. It should contain useful components to the maximum, and harmful ones - in minimal quantities.

Substances indicated in the composition, the presence of which is undesirable:

  • sugar, its analogues:
  • dye E12, which increases the likelihood of the formation of malignant tumors;
  • high content of harmful by-products (skin, feathers, beaks);
  • meat without indicating its source;
  • antioxidants that damage the liver: E320, 324, 321;
  • flavorings;
  • flavor enhancers.

The quality of nutrient mixtures of wet and dry consistency can be recognized if the ratio of healthy products in their composition does not differ significantly from the following indicators:

  • meat, with exact indication of name - 35%;
  • protein - 20%;
  • high quality by-products - 10%;
  • plant matter - 25%.

A whole complex of vitamins and mineral components should also be present.

What is the difference between wet food for kittens and diets for adult cats?

Wet food for kittens contains more fat and protein, as well as increased concentrations of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. The difference is due to the characteristics of the body: babies require nutrients for the rapid development of internal organs.

Kitten foods can be dangerous for adult cats. The latter, with poor nutrition, are at risk of developing obesity, diabetes and urolithiasis. Absolutely healthy kittens can eat high-quality wet food for adult cats without negative consequences, but with the slightest deviation from the norm there is a chance of worsening the condition, so experimenting is not recommended. There are universal wet foods that are suitable for both babies and mature animals.

Table: overview of popular wet foods for kittens

Name of foodClassTexture and packagingKitten ageCompoundAverage cost and weight of packagingAdvantagesFlawsOverall rating
Almo Nature Classic Cuisine KittenHolisticSpiders, however, also have food in cans. The pieces are relatively large, but not very dense. The best option for older kittens 2–12 months
  • chicken broth (42%);
  • chicken (40%);
  • rice (8%);
  • cheese (3%);
  • chicken liver (2%);
  • oil (2%);
  • dried egg product (2%);
  • Choline chloride (0.05%).
90 rub. for 55 g
  • relatively a lot of meat;
  • kittens willingly eat wet food due to the presence of flavoring and aromatic additives (dried egg product, cheese and chicken liver);
  • the food is complete, i.e. it can conditionally be used for systematic nutrition;
  • no thickeners;
  • the percentage of components is indicated.
  • high cost, especially considering the chicken broth content (42%);
  • the presence of rice in the composition;
  • the type of preservative is not specified;
  • the source of the oil is not indicated;
  • use of questionable flavoring additives (dried egg product and cheese).
The composition is relatively weak and does not correspond to the inflated price. Rice is supposedly used as a source of fiber, but a healthier ingredient could have been chosen. Bones and shell fragments have been found in food for adult cats, so be careful when purchasing these canned foods!
Royal Canin Mother&BabycatPremiumMousse in cans1–4 months
  • meat and meat by-products;
  • cereals;
  • plant protein extracts;
  • vegetable by-products;
  • milk and products of its processing;
  • oils and fats;
  • minerals;
  • yeast;
  • carbohydrates.
100 rub. for 200 g
  • food can be purchased at most stores;
  • canned food is complete.
  • the packaging is too large, a whole jar per day is given to kittens only from 2 months;
  • little meat in the composition;
  • offal and meat are combined into one ingredient;
  • the type of many components is not specified;
  • plant protein extracts are used to create an attractive balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • may contain potentially dangerous culinary yeast;
  • poor digestibility.
Despite aggressive advertising, the quality of Royal Canin food is low. Since the manufacturer does not indicate the type of cereal, it can be assumed that the composition includes the most dangerous ones - corn and wheat. They often cause allergies. Most likely, low-quality raw materials are used, since the list of components contains many vague names. The cost of food is very high.
Hill's Science Plan Kitten 1st Nutrition MoussePremiumMousse in cansFrom 3 weeks to 12 months
  • turkey (29%);
  • pork;
  • chicken (9%);
  • corn;
  • animal fat;
  • fish fat;
  • minerals;
  • protein hydrolysate;
  • vitamins;
  • taurine and trace elements.
70 rub. for 85 g
  • the food is complete;
  • mousse can be purchased at most pet stores;
  • the percentage of the main components is indicated;
  • contains fish oil;
  • The main meat component is turkey.
  • the manufacturer does not specify the type of some components;
  • the composition contains a protein hydrolyzate of unknown origin;
  • Corn is added to the feed.
Hill's wet food has a mediocre composition, but compared to many popular products, its cost is not so high. However, this is still a premium class, so the presence of the product on the kitten menu is undesirable.
Applaws Kitten TunaHolisticSmall pieces in a tin canNot specified by the manufacturer
  • pieces of tuna fillet (40%);
  • fish broth;
  • vegetable gelatin.
90 rub. for 70 g
  • no unnecessary ingredients;
  • the percentage of the main components is indicated;
  • using fish as a base.
  • the food is not complete;
  • There is a lot of liquid in the jar.
Wet food cannot be used as the main diet. It is given only as a treat. There is only 0.5% fat in the food, many vitamins are missing, so if you regularly eat canned food, there is a high probability of deterioration in health. Using fish as the main source of protein makes it possible to offer a treat to allergy sufferers. Russian labels indicate that the composition contains a gelling component, although this is not the case in the English version. This is most likely a translation error, since the consistency of the broth is very thin.
Leonardo Finest Selection Kitten PoultrySuperpremiumMinced meat in jelly, packed in pouchesFrom 3 weeks
  • poultry meat, heart, liver (70%);
  • poultry broth (29.1%);
  • fish oil (salmon family) (0.4%);
  • calcium carbonate (0.5%).
110 rub. for 85 g
  • the food is complete;
  • the product is suitable for small kittens;
  • the composition includes fish oil, which contains unsaturated fatty acids;
  • in production they use nutritious offal and meat without unnecessary additives;
  • To give it a viscous consistency, a natural thickener, cassia, is used.
  • the origin of meat, offal and broth is not specified;
  • offal and meat are combined into one ingredient, which does not allow you to get a complete picture of the composition;
  • the presence of a thickener.
Although the thickener in the food is natural, it would be better without it, since it does not provide any nutritional value for kittens.

Poll: best canned cat food?

Which canned food will you choose?


15.79 % ( 9 )

Almo Nature

7.02 % ( 4 )


7.02 % ( 4 )

Bozita super premium

14.04 % ( 8 )


17.54 % ( 10 )

Monge Cat Natural

1.75 % ( 1 )


10.53 % ( 6 )

Pro Plan

14.04 % ( 8 )

Brit Premium

5.26 % ( 3 )


5.26 % ( 3 )

Reviews from veterinarians about wet food for kittens

Royal Canin food is made from quality ingredients, but not all ingredients are suitable for feeding cats. The main disadvantage is the presence of plant proteins, which are digested 30% worse than animals. Cereals are responsible for the carbohydrate component, and soybean oil is responsible for the fats. The food turns out to be balanced, but not very healthy, not the most nutritious. The manufacturer solved this problem by adding vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. The result is food on which animals feel great and lead an active lifestyle at any age. It is interesting that according to Russian standards the food falls into the premium category, but according to European standards it falls short. It is better to buy food produced abroad. Despite the fact that in Russia they are manufactured under license using good equipment, they are inferior to the original. I would like to draw your attention to the availability of an analogue of cat milk for feeding kittens. In the future, they do not lag behind ordinary kittens in development.

Pavlovskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna

Hills is the true premium segment. I can’t call it very nutritious, the energy value is average. The specified daily allowance may not be enough; pets feel hungry. However, the food is completely balanced and complete. You can make it the basis of your diet without fear for your health. A significant disadvantage is the overuse of difficult-to-digest carbohydrates.

Pavlovskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna

"Aplaus" is a VIP-level food, the high quality of which can be judged by the fact that the recipe and manufacturing technology were developed by scientists from the Institute of Nutrition of Great Britain. The manufacturer’s strong point is the absence of cereals and sources of gluten in the feed, both dry and wet. Which causes in animals not only dermatoallergy in the form of dandruff and hair loss, but also swelling and ulceration of the mucous membranes of internal organs. There is no need to write about the assortment, it is wide, there is a diet for all age categories of cats. And not only healthy ones, but also those with problems with digestion and the genitourinary system. The food is optimally balanced and includes a high content of animal products - sources of protein, vitamins, essential amino acids and fiber in sufficient quantities.

Grechany Stanislav Sergeevich

What types of canned food are there for cats?

Canned food, although not a mandatory component of a cat’s diet, is quite popular among owners of cats of various breeds, as it has some advantages over dry diets, namely:

  • contains more meat and fish components, while the amount of grains in them is much less than in dry food of the same brands;
  • the moisture level in canned cat food is about 70-80%, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and kidneys and ensures the prevention of nephrolithiasis (in dry food the maximum moisture level is 10.7%);
  • Suitable for feeding animals with various injuries to the maxillofacial apparatus, which cannot thoroughly crush and chew dry food granules.

Canned food for cats is classified primarily by age: for kittens, for cats from 1 year to 7 years and for older cats over seven years of age. Also, almost all manufacturers produce special lines of food intended for feeding sterilized and neutered animals. Such foods contain less protein and provide prevention of urolithiasis and obesity - the main problems that owners of sterilized cats and kittens may encounter if their diet is improperly managed.

The store has a large selection of cat food.

Some companies, for example, Royal Canin, produce canned food for certain breeds of animals. For example, British breed cats often suffer from heart and joint diseases, so they need a diet enriched with high-quality protein and minerals. Especially for them, Royal Canin produces Royal Canin british shorthair adult canned food with an optimal protein content and a reduced amount of fat.

Depending on the type of packaging, wet food can also be of several types: pouches (bags of 50, 85 or 100 g), tin can or lamister. Some manufacturers package food in Tetra Pak cardboard packaging: it is considered completely environmentally friendly, and its production and disposal does not harm the environment, which may be important for those who advocate environmental conservation.

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