Wet food for sterilized cats from Club 4 Paws: reviews and composition overview

Sterilization and castration affect metabolism, so cats and cats after such an operation need special food - with a special balance of minerals, less calorie. Food for sterilized cats can be dry or wet; the latter provides additional protection for the urinary system due to the presence of purified water. Wet cat food reduces the risk of stones in the kidneys and bladder, which is especially important for neutered cats. Another advantage of wet food is that in hot weather it helps prevent dehydration and does not cause thirst, great for cats who do not drink enough drinking water.

Wet cat food Club 4 Paws

Club 4 Paws offers a wide range of premium wet food, which includes basic food made from different types of meat and fish for adult animals and kittens, as well as specialized food for adult sterilized animals.

A special place among wet food is occupied by the SELECTION line for gourmet cats.

SELECTION diets differ:

  • high content of meat ingredients (80%);
  • using the varieties of meat that cats love most (veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken, some foods combine several types);
  • exquisite flavors of sauces and jellies.

Wet food for sterilized cats from Club 4 Paws. Compound

Club 4 Paws food is made from chicken and other meat ingredients, the total content of meat products in it reaches 75%, they come first in the composition. In addition, this food for sterilized cats contains grains, vegetables and fruits (beets, tomatoes, ginger, banana and hawthorn), salmon oil, as well as a number of additives:

  • vitamins D3, E, B1, B5, B9 (folic acid), vitamin-like substance choline;
  • minerals – zinc, manganese, iodine, selenium;
  • amino acids – taurine, glycine;
  • natural antioxidant – a mixture of natural tocopherols.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Low price (both people with middle and low incomes can afford it).
  • Widely spread. This means that the food can be found in almost all stores in Ukraine and in many retail outlets in Russia. In addition, it is exported to 10 European countries.
  • All raw materials used are tested in Kormotech laboratories even before the start of cooperation, including the content of fats, proteins, calcium and other substances necessary for animals.
  • Antioxidants, despite the fact that there are synthetic ones, do not have a negative effect on the body. Their quantity is measured in accordance with European standards.
  • No harmful dyes, GMOs, antibiotics, or dairy products are used.
  • The range is varied: you can choose an option for an animal of any age category and with different needs. There is both dry and wet food.
  • Meat ingredients are in the first place in the list of ingredients, which means that there are more of them than others.
  • Club 4 Paws food is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.
  • The most significant drawback is the presence of wheat, corn and corn gluten in the product. These components are contraindicated for cats: they often cause allergic reactions and provoke the development of diabetes and obesity. But they do not provide any benefit, because vegetable protein is practically not absorbed by carnivores.
  • There is no pure meat in the food - there is only flour. These are dehydrated bones and meat of unknown origin to buyers. They may also include meat production waste.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Himalayan, Siamese, Canadian Sphynx.

Food for sterilized cats Club 4 Paws: benefits

The main problems that threaten cats and female cats after removal of the genital organs are urolithiasis and obesity. The risk of urolithiasis in cats after surgery on the reproductive organs increases due to metabolic characteristics. It is especially dangerous for cats, whose urethra narrows after castration, so the smallest stones, even sand, can completely block urination. A slow metabolism combined with decreased physical activity also causes weight gain. How does Club 4 Paws food help combat these problems?

  1. Wet food for cats provides the body with a large amount of purified water (humidity 82%), has a lower concentration of mineral salts, helps maintain water-salt balance and helps prevent urolithiasis.
  2. The calcium content is reduced to 0.25%, phosphorus - to 0.22%, which is almost 30% less than in basic wet food, while the food contains 0.013% magnesium. This balance of macronutrients reduces the risk of salt crystals forming in the urine.
  3. Chicken, the main ingredient of the food, is easily digestible and contains a minimum of purines, which also provoke urolithiasis.
  4. The food is rich in proteins (8.5%), but the fat content is half that of basic food, only 2.5%. The calorie content of the food is also reduced to 69.7 kcal per 100 g. The reviews left about the food for neutered cats Club 4 Paws confirm that pets who eat it do not gain excess weight.
  5. The food contains DL-methionine, an essential amino acid for cats, which regulates metabolism, helps maintain kidney health and promotes the restoration of liver cells.

The food also has other advantages typical of diets of this brand - a high content of omega acids, a rich addition of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, and the absence of artificial additives. And INTEGRAMIX - a complex of dried vegetables and fruits from 4 cardinal directions - provides comprehensive support for health, cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems.

Pouch Club 4 paws for cats stew with juicy veal 100g

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Food for castrated and sterilized cats Club 4 Paws: reviews

The food formula was developed under the supervision of Ukrainian and foreign veterinarians who know how to support the health of pets with special needs. Here are some reviews about food for castrated cats Club 4 Paws:

Review #1:

If you feed neutered cats and female cats with special food, you can avoid kidney problems and weight gain. Club 4 Paws has a good preventive food in its assortment; it helps reduce the load on the urinary system and is generally good for health. In summer, I recommend giving cats wet food.

Alexander Gornostal, veterinarian at the Doctor Vet clinic

Review #2:

Good inexpensive food “for special cats”, our Leo likes it. One and a half years after the operation, no complaints, problems with urination, weight is normal.


Preventative food Club 4 Paws will help avoid health problems after castration

Proper nutrition is the main component of caring for cats and cats after castration (sterilization). Food for sterilized cats Club 4 Paws, due to its low calorie content, thoughtful balance of minerals and the presence of useful additives, helps prevent obesity and urolithiasis, common problems that threaten animals after this operation. The manufacturer offers dry and wet food for cats with special needs, which allows them to diversify their diet and take into account the pet’s preferences.

Special cats need special food

If you decide to castrate (sterilize) your furry pet, take care of special food for it in advance. Unbalanced natural nutrition or basic food for cats with special needs usually provokes health problems. Club 4 Paws offers food at an affordable price that will help protect your cat’s vulnerable genitourinary system and control its weight, as well as strengthen the immune system, ensure shiny coat, and good digestion. The price of specialized food is slightly higher than regular, basic food, but the pet’s health is more expensive. Many cats prefer dry food, and it is cheaper. Dry food for sterilized cats in the 4 Paws Club assortment is also presented. But when feeding the cat this way, it is imperative to provide a sufficient amount of drinking water, and ensure that the water in the bowl is always clean and fresh.

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