TOP 14 best anti-tick collar for cats: rating, which one to choose and buy, characteristics, reviews, pros and cons

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The Best Flea and Tick Collars
1Bayer ForestoThe most popular
2RolfClub 3DMost Recommended
3BeapharBest price
4Bars (AVZ)Good performance at moderate cost
Best GPS Collars for Cats
1Pet GPS Tracker D79A light weight. Convenient charging
2TK-STAR TK911 Mini GPS TrackerQuality matches price
3Tractive GPS Cat (TRCAT1)The physiological characteristics of the cat are taken into account
Best Luminous and Reflective Collars for Cats
1Hunter NeonBest quality
2Trixie with bellBest Design
3Beeztees 730152/730151Bright reflective inserts

A cat collar is not a stylish accessory. As a rule, the strap solves very specific and very important problems, which primarily concern the safety of the animal. Today there are models with a wide variety of purposes: against fleas and ticks, trackers that notify about the location of a pet, about the presence of a cat in the dark, and much more.

Best GPS Collars for Cats

Collars with a GPS tracker are especially necessary for pets that walk independently. The devices allow you not only to see the current location of the cat, but also to study its habits, routes and behavioral characteristics. As a rule, collars are quite expensive, but provide the owner with ample opportunities: to issue a voice command remotely, set boundaries and receive a notification if the animal has crossed them, and much more. For correct operation, you need to install the application and purchase a SIM card for the collar.

How to choose a tick collar

To ensure that the product is truly of high quality, we recommend that you study the selection criteria presented in the article below.

  • Kinds. There are several types of tick collars for cats:
  1. Chemical - such accessories are impregnated with toxic insecticides. Toxic substances spread through the skin and fur of the animal, protecting it as effectively as possible from the invasion of uninvited guests. They work quite well and over a relatively long period of time. However, it is not recommended to use them for kittens, as well as for pregnant and lactating cats.
  2. Based on natural ingredients – the filling here is made up of extracts from various plants. Such accessories can already be used to protect children and weakened pets, since the filling in them is exclusively natural. Their service life is significantly shorter than that of chemical ones, but this is compensated by their safety.
  3. Ultrasonic - are in the highest price category, and therefore have little distribution. Such devices have earned very controversial reviews: some are distrustful of such inventions and consider such an acquisition a waste of money, but at the same time, ultrasonic collars also have defenders who are quite satisfied with the results of their use.
  • Lifetime. Be sure to check the expiration date of the product; stale products may not only not rid your cat of fleas, but also harm its health.
  • Constituent substances. The material should not contain substances such as amitraz, permethrin, or organic phosphates.

Consequences of flea bites

The dog scratches the affected areas, which often causes an allergic reaction. The substance that fleas inject under the skin has a negative effect on the hemostasis system, which is responsible for stopping bleeding. In addition, allergens contained in the secreted secretion can cause stomach diseases, as well as lichen and hair loss.

Ectoparasites carry tapeworms such as the cucumber tapeworm. It starts in the intestines of the animal and, as a parasite, releases toxic substances that can cause nervous disorders, nausea and refusal to eat. In severe cases, seizures and sudden weight loss are possible.

Sometimes fleas can lead to a deadly disease like rabies. You don’t have to be afraid of the virus if you get vaccinated in a timely manner.

Types of anti-parasitic collars

All anti-flea and tick collars are classified depending on the principle of their action:

  1. The first group is biocollars. They contain natural ingredients - plant oils that repel insects. For example, this is celandine, mint or lavender.
  2. The second group is insecticidal accessories. They are impregnated with a solution toxic to ectoparasites.
  3. The third group is radiating accessories. They transmit electromagnetic waves into the surrounding space that repel insects.
  4. The fourth group is ultrasonic devices. As the name suggests, they produce high-frequency sounds that can only be heard by insects.

What are there

Blood-sucking parasites cause itching and transmit dangerous diseases (encephalitis, piroplasmosis). Preventive protection and treatment are carried out with drugs contained in different forms:

  1. Shampoos – remove insects, not suitable for long-term use.
  2. Collars - contain natural essential oils (repel), chemicals (gradually released, accumulate on the surface).
  3. Drops - applied to hard-to-reach places (withers, between the shoulder blades, back of the head), are not absorbed into the blood, accumulate in the sebaceous glands, and paralyze.
  4. Tablets - have an attractive smell, taste, substances are absorbed and distributed throughout the body.
  5. Spray - sprayed over the entire surface, it takes time for the fur to dry, it can scare away and paralyze.
  6. Injections, injections - used in case of severe infection, lack of effect after other types.

For lactating and pregnant animals, products based on herbs and essential oils are suitable.

Sprays are convenient for treating rooms, bedding, and kennels.

How it works

It should be noted that anti-parasitic collars are no different in appearance and principle of operation. They are a flexible, most often plastic, strap that is fastened around the animal’s neck using a regular buckle.

The collars are impregnated with special chemical or herbal compounds that repel insects. Fleas, sensing a poisonous odor, begin to quickly leave their habitable place. If your pet has a lot of annoying parasites, then you will see with your own eyes their flight, which can last even a day. Then the collar will serve as a talisman for your shaggy friend against infection. Let’s say right away that the substances only affect adults; chemicals do not pose any threat to the larvae and eggs of parasites. Therefore, pet product manufacturers recommend using anti-flea shampoo first, and only then using an insectoacaricidal collar.

The validity period of the product varies from one to eight months, provided that it is used correctly. To achieve positive results in the fight against parasites, the collar must be on the animal at all times and removed only in extreme cases.

Tips for choosing

To choose a high-quality insectoacaricidal collar that will really help your pet get rid of parasitic insects, you must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Do not buy a cat model for your dog and vice versa, since the content of active ingredients in collars is noticeably different.
  2. Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommended age and weight of the animal.
  3. Read the instructions for use carefully.
  4. Consider your pet's health status and individual characteristics.
  5. Purchase the product only from a veterinary pharmacy.
  6. Always pay attention to the expiration date and sealing of the packaging.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any pest control product, there are pros and cons to cat flea and tick collars.

The positive aspects include:

  1. Ease of use. Before putting on the accessory, your pet does not need to be thoroughly combed or bathed. You just need to put it on the cat’s neck, adjust the length and cut off the excess.
  2. Safety. Cases of poisoning, which are rare but have happened to cats, were 90% associated with the wrong choice of collar. Each model contains a certain dose of insecticide, designed for a particular weight of the cat. The most natural option would be bio flea collars for cats.
  3. Models have been developed for pregnant or lactating kisuls.
  4. Range. In any pet store or veterinary pharmacy you can find an option taking into account the characteristics of the kitty (weight, age, cat health).
  5. Highly effective as a prophylactic agent.
  6. No smell. Odorless flea collars for cats will only act on parasites, without interfering with the pet and its owner.
  7. Some anti-flea accessories indirectly protect the cat from infection with any helminths: many ectoparasite insects are carriers of worms. And when scratching or picking fleas, helminth eggs can enter the cat's body.

If we consider the disadvantages of anti-flea accessories, we can highlight the low effectiveness as a therapeutic device. They are ideal for preventing infection, but not for treating it. However, at the very initial stages, you can rid your cat of ectoparasites using a collar. Other disadvantages are:

  • limited period of use. Once all the impregnation has evaporated from the collar, it becomes useless. Usually the impregnation lasts for at least one month. Some devices last even longer;
  • low but present possibility of intoxication. But it increases only if the accessory is incorrectly selected and used.

Side effects

The instructions for using collars always indicate possible side effects:

  • decreased visual and hearing acuity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • if the collar allows water to pass through, then swimming in it is prohibited;
  • not all products eliminate parasite larvae;
  • for long-haired breeds, collars may be ineffective;
  • The effect of the collar does not apply to the back of the back, so some companies recommend combining it with other products.

Allergic reactions

Collar allergy in dogs manifests itself as redness of the skin, itching, and then hair loss. The pet may simply be in a lethargic state. This may indicate an incorrectly selected collar, or the animal’s intolerance to the substance with which the protective strap is impregnated.

When the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you need to remove the collar, wash the dog with shampoo and give it antihistamines.

Questions and answers

What is the best flea and tick collar for cats?
It all depends on the age and health of the cat. If this is a small kitten, pregnant, elderly or sick cat, it is recommended to use natural biocollars. They consist only of natural oils. For healthy adult cats, you can buy products impregnated with insecticide.

Are there safe collars for cats?

If chosen and used correctly, any anti-parasitic collar will be safe for the cat. Poisoning and severe intoxication of a pet in almost 95% of cases occurred due to incorrect actions of the owner. It is very rare, but it is possible for a cat to develop an allergy. Therefore, before using any product, you should visit a veterinarian.

Comparison table of characteristics

For ease of choice, we offer you a comparative table of characteristics of the above-described insectoacaricidal agents.

ModelActive substanceLength, cmAnimal age from, weeks.Animal weight, kgValidity period, days
Foresto (Bayer) for catsflumethrin, imidacloprid387up to 8240
Fitodocplant essential oils358up to 560
Flea & Tick collar for Cat (Beaphar)diazinon3524until 6180
Ms.Kissnatural essential oils384TBC90
Foresto (Bayer) for dogsimidacloprid, flumethrin707more than 8240
Bars (AVZ)fipronil808large dog breeds120
Kiltix (Bayer)flumethrin, propoxur3512small dogs180

The principle of operation of the protective agent

Flea collars for cats work on the principle used to create shampoos, drops and sprays against blood-sucking insects. The flexible polyvinyl chloride base contains microcapsules containing insecticides and repellents that kill adult insects that parasitize the animal’s body and repel strangers. Once you stretch the collar several times before use, a white coating appears on its surface. This insecticide is partially released from the capsules and the cat flea collar is activated.

Flea collars

The insecticides that are included in a cat flea collar are organophosphates (tetrachlorvinphos, diazinon), peritroids (cyphenothrin, deltamethrin, imidacloprid and flumethrin), amitraz, fipronil and carbamate pesticides. But they have the same principle of action - when an insect comes into contact with an insecticide, the transmission of a nerve impulse through the presynaptic cleft of neurons is blocked. The muscle fibers innervated by them contract spastically and cease to function. The paralyzed insect dies.

The insecticides used are substances of contact-intestinal action. The drugs have a low (3-4) toxicity class and, if safety rules are followed, cannot lead to serious poisoning of the cat.


It is imperative to follow safety rules. Even though insecticide poisoning is very rare, licking and chewing of the collar should be avoided. To do this, you need to correctly adjust the product to size, the excess strip is cut off. The anti-flea cat collar should be stored tightly packaged so that the active substances are not destroyed by exposure to air or light.

Some developers add S-methoprene to the capsules, which damages the juvenile hormone involved in the formation of chitin. As a result, the insect at the larval and egg stages develops abnormally and dies.

Repellents are natural substances made from essential oils and plant extracts that repel cat fleas with their scent. The active substances “stick” to the surface of the fur, spread in the lipid layer of the skin when the animal moves, penetrate the hair follicle and the cavity of the sebaceous glands, providing a prolonged insecticidal-acaricidal effect.

Rating of the best flea remedies for cats and dogs for 2022

A review of quality products was carried out based on reviews from customers, users of online pet supply stores, and the Yandex Market platform.

There are 4 categories based on product type: sprays, drops, tablets, collars.


5th place RolfСlub 3D spray for cats 200 ml

Price - 511 rubles.

Popular Russian product.

The white plastic bottle has a label with information, a photo of a cat. Closes with a white and red spray. Capacity – 200 ml.

The combination drug contains three components:

  • 0.4% fipronil;
  • 0.6% etofenprox;
  • 0.2% pyriproxyfen.

Additional substances: isopropyl alcohol, PEG (polyethylene glycol), pine extract.

Suitable for kittens, puppies, cats after 3 months.

Efficiency – 1 month.

Used against fleas, lice eaters, ticks (sarcoptoid, ixodid), mosquitoes, mosquitoes.

Pressing the sprayer once – 1.1 ml of the drug. Dosage: 1-2 pumps (1.5-3 ml) per 1 kg of weight. Treatment of booths and bedding – 1 sq.m\15 ml.

Do not use: animals less than 500 g, after illness, nursing, pregnant, sick.

Store for 3 years at room temperature.

RolfСlub 3D spray for cats 200 ml


  • three components;
  • treatment, prevention;
  • large volume;
  • convenient sprayer.


  • not allowed up to 500 g;
  • only for puppies, kittens, cats;
  • specific pine scent.

4th place Bolfo (Bayer) insectoacaricidal spray 250 ml

Cost: 425-729 rubles.

The manufacturer is the popular German company Bolfo (Bayer).

A yellow-orange cylindrical bottle, closed with a white plastic cap. Capacity – 250 ml.

Contains one substance – propoxur (0.25 g per 100 ml).

Prescribed for dogs and cats after 3 months. Prevention, treatment for entomosis, ixodid tick bites.

Bottle feature: spray in any position. Use on the street, balcony (open air), shake the body before pressing.

Use: 1 time every 1-2 weeks (withers, base of tail). Put on a special collar and muzzle for 15-20 minutes (until dry).

Treatment of bedding, booths - 3-4 short sprays per 1 sq.m. Clean with a vacuum cleaner after 1-1.5 hours.

Shelf life – 5 years. Conditions: room temperature, dark place, capped bottle, separate from food.

Bolfo (Bayer) insectoacaricidal spray 250 ml


  • convenient bottle;
  • easy to handle;
  • preventive cleaning of beds;
  • Dogs and cats are allowed.


  • not allowed until 3 months;
  • periods of pregnancy, lactation after advice from a veterinarian.

3rd place Frontline universal spray 250 ml

Price: 1.483-2.132 rubles.

The product is manufactured by the famous brand Frontline (France).

The white plastic bottle has a circular sticker with information. The white sprayer is secured with a blue clamp. Volume – 250 ml.

Ingredients: main component – ​​0.25% fipronil, water, copovidone, isopropanol.

Acts on fleas, lice, lice, ixodid ticks. Effectiveness from 30 to 60 days.

Rules of application:

  • Carry out the treatment outdoors, with the windows open;
  • direct the jet from 10-15 cm;
  • distribute evenly over the entire body, apply cloth (muzzle, ears), rub in with rubber gloves;
  • repeat after 1 month (from ticks), 90 days.

Suitable for puppies, kittens from 2 days of age, lactating and pregnant animals.

Not absorbed, accumulates in the sebaceous glands after 20-24 hours.

Can be washed with shampoo two days after treatment.

Store for 3 years in a dark, dry place at temperatures up to +25⁰С.

Frontline universal spray 250 ml


  • low-toxic drug;
  • distributed throughout the sebaceous glands;
  • acts on many types of parasites;
  • possible from 2 days of age;
  • Suitable for cats and dogs.


  • high price;
  • allergic manifestations.

2nd place Bars (AVZ) insectoacaricidal spray for dogs 200 ml

Cost: 423-719 rubles.

Product of the famous brand Bars (AVZ).

Sold in a white plastic bottle, white and blue spray bottle. Volume: 200 ml.


  • active ingredient – ​​fipronil;
  • age – after 10 weeks;
  • only for dogs:
  • protects for 1 month;
  • repeat 2 weeks (mites), 1 month.

Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of entomosis, protection against lice, fleas, ticks, lice eaters.

One click – 0.5 ml of the drug. Dose – 0.5-1 ml of substance per 1 kg of weight. Directions for application: shake the bottle, spray from 25-30 cm outside. use the muzzle and collar until completely dry.

The term of admission is 2 years. Store in a dark, dry place at room temperature, away from food.

Bars (AVZ) insectoacaricidal spray for dogs 200 ml


  • non-toxic substance;
  • distributed throughout the fur, sebaceous glands;
  • broad effect on parasites;
  • convenient bottle;
  • treatment, prevention, treatment of litter;
  • affordable price for 200 ml.


  • Not for sick people, after illness, nursing or pregnant women.

1 piece Beaphar spray IMMO Shield 250 ml

Price: 798 rubles.

Manufacturer: famous (Netherlands).

White bottle with a sprayer and a product information sticker.

The peculiarity is the principle of operation (mechanical blocking of the joints of parasites with silicone film).


  • dimethicone 0.38 g/l – silicone oil;
  • aloe vera;
  • perfumed fragrance.

The duration of action is 28-30 days. Suitable for rodents (rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs), cats, dogs.

Affects the mobility of mosquitoes, lice, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks.

Conditions of use: shake, apply against the growth of the coat from 10-15 cm, comb after drying. Process bedding from 25-30 cm.

Can be combined with other drugs against parasites (after 2-3 days).

Shelf life – 3 years, dry and dark place, room temperature.

Beaphar spray IMMO Shield 250 ml


  • harmless composition (silicone oil);
  • aloe vera – healing, bactericidal effect;
  • pleasant menthol smell;
  • litter processing;
  • Suitable for different types of pets;
  • compatibility with other drugs.


  • do not apply to damaged skin;
  • prohibited during periods of lactation and pregnancy;
  • price.


5th place Bars (AVZ) insectoacaricidal for dogs and puppies

Price: 270-310 rubles.

Manufacturer: popular Russian company Bars (AVZ)

The white cardboard box contains 4 plastic ampoules of 1.4 ml of solution. The drug has three components.

Composition (mg\ml):

  • fipronil 50;
  • diflubenzuron 1;
  • dicarboximide 5.

Suitable for puppies after 8 weeks, weighing more than 2 kg.

Affects the main parasites (fleas, ticks, lice, lice). After application to the withers, the substance is evenly distributed over the skin and sebaceous glands and is not absorbed into the blood. Has water-resistant properties. Duration of protection – 1 month.

One ampoule is suitable for an animal weighing 2-10 kg.

Storage period: 24 months, separated from food, children, at room temperature.

Bars (AVZ) insectoacaricidal for dogs and puppies


  • three-component drug;
  • four pipettes included;
  • convenient to calculate and apply;
  • affordable price.


  • only for dogs, puppies (over 2.5 months, 2 kg);
  • Not for breastfeeding, pregnant or weak people.

4th place Agrovet protection Drops against fleas, ticks and helminths Dironet Spot-on for cats

Cost: 370 rubles.

Manufacturer - common.

White cardboard box, green and gray font, main data on the front panel. Contents: three 1 ml pipettes.

Consists of two substances (mg): praziquantel (85), ivermectin (5).

Prescribed to cats for protection against fleas, lice, ticks, lice, and helminths.

Rules of use:

  • break off the tip of the pipette;
  • push the fur apart, squeeze the liquid into inaccessible places (shoulder blades, neck);
  • large animal - applied to 2-4 different places;
  • do not bathe for 3-4 days.

Dosage – 1 ampoule per adult cat up to 5 kg.

Use: prevention - 1 time per quarter, treatment - repeat after 10-14 days or a month.

Shelf life: 24 months, at room temperature, in a dark, dry, inaccessible place.

Agrovet protection Drops against fleas, ticks and helminths Dironet Spot-on for cats


  • wide functionality – helminths, ectoparasites;
  • convenient dosage;
  • treatment, prevention;
  • three ampoules included.


  • Not for up to 2 months, lactating, pregnant women.

3rd place Frontline Combo drops

Price: 390-590 rubles.

Manufacturer: popular brand Frontline (France).

Packaging – foil blister, transparent front panel, one plastic ampoule of 0.5 ml.

Composition: fipronil 9.8%, S-methoprene 8.8%, additional components (polyvidone, polysorbate).

Prescribed: lice, fleas, lice eaters, ticks (cheylitella, ixodid). Squeeze out the liquid onto several points (inaccessible places, spreading the fur). The drug is not absorbed and is distributed to the sebaceous glands. You cannot bathe for 2 days after treatment.

Protects from 3 (ixodid ticks) to 6 weeks.

Suitable for ferrets, cats weighing more than 1 kg, 8 weeks.

Shelf life – 3 years. Conditions: dark, cool place, away from children and food.

Frontline Combo drops


  • affects most exoparasites;
  • convenient to apply;
  • effectiveness 3-6 weeks;
  • cats, ferrets over 1 kg.


  • high price;
  • not possible until 2.5 months.

2nd place Advantage (Bayer) weight more than 4 kg, 4 pipettes

Cost: 903 rubles.

The manufacturer is the famous German brand “Advantage” (Bayer).

Beige cardboard box with green and purple elements. Inside there are four 0.8 ml ampoules.

The main component is imidacloprid 10 g. The principle of action is the effect on the conductivity of nerve impulses of fleas, lice, and lice.

Prescribed to cats weighing more than 4 kg, after 8 weeks of age. Effectiveness – 4 weeks.

Directions for use: remove the cap of the ampoule, put it back on (the protective foil opens). Squeeze onto the skin (back of the head). Do not wash for 2 days.

Store for 5 years at temperatures up to 30⁰C, in a dark place.

Advantage (Bayer) weight more than 4 kg, 4 pipettes


  • affects adults, larvae;
  • evenly distributed after 20-24 hours;
  • suitable for winter;
  • careful use in pregnant and lactating animals.


  • acts only on fleas;
  • Not for kittens under 2 months.

1 piece Beaphar drops IMMO Shield Line-on for dogs and puppies from 15 to 30 kg

Price - 454 rubles.

Popular product (Netherlands).

Packaging – white cardboard box, blue and red elements. Contents: three pipettes of 3 ml each.

Contains two components (g/l): dimethicone (silicone oil) 0.474, aloe vera 5. Forms a film that prevents the movement of parasites and breathing.

Suitable for dogs weighing 15-30 kg. Dosage – 1 ampoule for an animal 15-30 kg.

The period of effectiveness is 28 days.

Shelf life - 24 months, temperature up to 25⁰C, dark place, out of reach of children, separate from food.

Beaphar drops IMMO Shield Line-on for dogs and puppies from 15 to 30 kg


  • without chemical insecticides;
  • antibacterial, healing effect of aloe vera;
  • protects for 4 weeks;
  • can be combined with other drugs after 2-3 days.


  • cannot be used on damaged surfaces.


3rd place Nexgard Spectra XL Tablets against fleas, ticks and helminths for dogs from 30 to 60 kg

Price: 3,090-4,568 rubles.

Manufacturer: French brand Nexgard Spectra.

Three chewable tablets are packaged in a blister, blue cardboard box.

Tablets are rectangular in shape, brown in color, with the smell and taste of stewed meat.

Main components: afoxolaner (150 mg), milbemycin oxime (30 mg). Optional: Cornstarch, Soy Protein Meal, Flavor (Stew).

Affects endoparasites (helminths), exoparasites (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes).

Suitable for large dogs weighing 30-60 kg. One piece – 8 g.

Two ways to take: with food, as a supplement.

Efficiency – 30 days.

Store at temperatures up to 25⁰C, in a dry, dark place, away from food, for 1 year.

Nexgard Spectra XL Tablets against fleas, ticks and helminths for dogs from 30 to 60 kg


  • attractive meat smell and taste;
  • wide functionality;
  • can be given with food, separately;
  • well packed in blister.


  • high price;
  • drowsiness and vomiting are possible.

2nd place Frontline NexgarD (L) chewable tablets against ticks and fleas for dogs from 10.1 to 25 kg

Cost: 1.101-2.379 rubles.

The product is manufactured in France.

Three chewable tablets are packed in PVC blisters and covered with aluminum foil. Packaging: white cardboard box with purple and black elements.

The active ingredient is 2.27% afoxolaner, which paralyzes insects. Prescribed for dermatitis, acarosis.

One tablet – 68 mg. Absorbed into the blood, maximum concentration occurs after 2-4 hours. Death of insects – 6 hours (fleas), 2 days (ticks). Duration of protection – 28 days.

Suitable for dogs weighing 10.1-25 kg.

Store for 24 months, manufacturer's packaging, room temperature, away from children, food.

Frontline NexgarD (L) chewable tablets against ticks and fleas for dogs from 10.1 to 25 kg


  • three jokes;
  • appetizing meaty smell and taste;
  • quick effect on parasites;
  • easy to give (on its own, in food);
  • low toxic substance.


  • It is impossible for the weak and sick.

1 place

Zoetis flea and tick tablets Simparica for dogs and puppies weighing 20.1-40.0 kg

Price: 1,150-1,870 rubles.

The product is manufactured in America.

Three chewable tablets are packaged in a blister and cardboard box.

The main component sarolaner acts on fleas after 3 hours, nine types of ticks – 12 hours. Operating time – 35 days.

Prescribed to dogs weighing 20.1-40 kg, alone, with food.

Storage conditions: 1 year, dark, dry place, sealed packaging, temperature 15⁰-25⁰С.

Zoetis flea and tick tablets Simparica for dogs and puppies weighing 20.1-40.0 kg


  • actively affects 9 types of ticks, stages of development of parasites;
  • effect 35 days;
  • pleasant taste;
  • starts working quickly;
  • few side effects.


  • price.


3rd place Inspector Collar against fleas, ticks and helminths for cats and small breed dogs

Price: 407-547 rubles.

Manufacturer: widespread Russian.

Collar – polymer tape, retainer, notches. Product length – 40 cm.

Suitable for kittens (after 2 months), small breed dogs, cats.

Contains three components: ivermectin, fipronil, pyriproxyfen.

Protects against insects for 120 days, helminths – 60 days, ticks – 3 months.

Features: moisture resistance (can be bathed without removing), special notches (increase the diameter in case of suffocation).

Storage conditions: 3 years in unopened manufacturer's film, temperature up to 25⁰С.

Inspector Collar against fleas, ticks and helminths for cats and small breed dogs


  • additionally affects ticks and helminths;
  • long lasting effect;
  • convenient to adjust;
  • there are notches, it does not tear;
  • moisture resistant.


  • individual manifestations.

2nd place Bolfo (Bayer) insectoacaricidal for dogs and cats, 38 cm

Cost: 547-675 rubles.

The product is manufactured by German (Bayer).

Yellow and red cardboard packaging, sealed plastic bag. Tape size – 38 cm.

The active substance is propoxur, which is slowly released and affects exoparasites.

Prescribed to small dogs, cats, puppies, kittens after 3 months. Fix it on the neck, leaving a gap of 1-1.5 cm. Cut off the excess tape, the remainder is 2 cm. For growing animals, you need to leave 3-5 cm.

Protection – 4 months.

Store for 5 years in closed laminated packaging, dark place, room temperature.

Bolfo (Bayer) insectoacaricidal for dogs and cats, 38 cm


  • long lasting effect;
  • protection from different types of insects;
  • one component.


  • price;
  • age up to 3 months.

1 place CElandine Maximum for kittens and puppies, 50 cm, black

Price - 175 rubles.

Manufacturer – popular.

Packaging – white cardboard box, red elements, photo of pets.

Two main substances: permethrin, fipronil. Additionally added lavender oil.

The black collar is used for small dogs, cats, kittens (from 4 months).

Efficiency – 3 months (mites), insects – 4 months.

Store for 1 year, closed packaging, dark, dry place, temperature up to 25⁰С.

CElandine Maximum for kittens and puppies, 50 cm, black


  • long ribbon;
  • two components;
  • lavender oil;
  • protection 3-4 months.


  • not for weakened, sick pets;
  • babies up to 4 months.

Precautionary measures

There are certain precautions that must be followed:

  • Considering that the collar begins to work after some time, you need to avoid walking until it is activated.
  • Use the product with caution in combination with other products.
  • Always read the instructions on the packaging.
  • Avoid any hygiene procedures for a week after using the collar.
  • Monitor for warning signs after starting use.
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