Is it possible to sterilize a cat during pregnancy?

Is it possible to sterilize a cat during pregnancy?

The answer to the question given in the subtitle is: it is possible, but it is very advisable to let her finish her pregnancy calmly, and first make sure that all the kittens are settled.
Only in this case will nothing threaten the cat’s health.

Unfortunately, such an ideal solution to this issue is unlikely.

The following is a list of reasons why a cat may be spayed during pregnancy:

  • If the cat is too old, i.e. she is too old to bear kittens. For example, more than 10.
  • The cat has health problems caused by pregnancy.
  • Some pathologies have arisen in the development of the embryo. Here - during the veterinarian's examination, it was discovered that they were dead or had some kind of deformity.
  • If the animal has an infection that requires very strong medications to eliminate.
  • If the cat is nursing recently born kittens, and is now again in the early stages of pregnancy.

Symptoms of constipation during pregnancy

The main signs of constipation during pregnancy include:

  • lack of stool for more than three days in a row;
  • incomplete bowel movement;
  • discomfort and feeling of fullness during bowel movements;
  • increased stool density;
  • reduction in the number of acts of defecation.

Stagnation of intestinal contents is often accompanied by flatulence, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, nausea, and increased gas formation. Experts distinguish between chronic and acute constipation. The acute form is temporary and most often occurs under the influence of provoking factors. For example, severe stress or changes in diet.

Constipation in a pregnant woman can manifest itself not only as stool retention. Thus, constipation is considered to be daily bowel movements if dense, fragmented stool is observed in a small volume, and the woman notes a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

However, most often constipation is the absence of stool for 2-3 days. Normally, bowel movements should occur daily, in rare cases it is permissible up to once every 2 days, if the expectant mother notes good health and the absence of unpleasant symptoms.

In addition to rare bowel movements, the following signs may indicate constipation: +

  • abdominal pain due to the accumulation of feces and gases;
  • false urge to defecate, in which a visit to the toilet ends without result;
  • the need for strong straining to empty the bowel;
  • dense, dry feces

Companions of constipation are hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other proctological diseases. The likelihood of developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy increases, and if stool retention also occurs, the risk of such a pathology increases several times.

Severe constipation during pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication: dizziness, excessive sweating, weakness, headaches, fatigue and sleep disturbances. This is due to the developing intoxication of the body due to stagnation of feces. In case of prolonged constipation lasting 3 days or more, a slight rise in temperature, nausea and even vomiting may be observed. Such symptoms cause difficulties in diagnosing toxicosis, anemia and other diseases that may accompany pregnancy.

How is sterilization surgery performed on a pregnant cat?

Scientifically, the procedure is called “extirpation of the pregnant uterus.”
It is usually done only for medical reasons. Most often, nothing less than to save a life. Such an operation, i.e. Sterilizing a healthy, pregnant cat is not recommended by veterinarians.

Reason: during pregnancy, the animal’s body (like the human body) undergoes very large changes both at the hormonal and physiological levels.

Therefore, there is a very strong possibility that the cat will lose a large amount of blood during this operation and will have to recover for a long time. Longer than after conventional sterilization.


It is advisable that the cat be vaccinated at least a month before sterilization. Then there will be no risk of getting a viral infection.

In addition, the suture after sterilization of a pregnant cat is much wider than that of one that was not pregnant during the procedure.

But if the cat owner is absolutely sure of the need for surgery, and is aware of all the risks to which he exposes his cat, then many clinics take this step.

Even a veterinarian with extensive experience will not be able to complete this task. Because it is impossible to remove embryos and at the same time not damage the walls of the uterus.

So what is the operation? The bicornuate uterus of an animal is large and can accommodate not one embryo, but several. An incision is made in the abdomen, the ovaries and uterus with embryos are simply removed.


Where is it better to perform the operation - in a clinic or at home? Of course, at the veterinary clinic. All the conditions are there. And it is possible to provide assistance if an emergency occurs.

But, at the same time, an important advantage of sterilization at home is less stress for the cat.

Difference between castration and sterilization

If we go deeper into the terminology, castration is the removal of reproductive organs, that is, the uterus and ovaries. Sterilization is the deprivation of the ability to reproduce offspring. That is, removal of the uterus while preserving the ovaries, “tubal ligation,” etc.

The practice of preserving the ovaries of cats is not used in veterinary practice, since this method has too many disadvantages: cats still go on sprees, can mark their territory, the ovaries are often affected by cysts, and the risk of mammary cancer only increases. That is, if you rely on terms, it is better to castrate a cat than to sterilize it. But people are so accustomed to the fact that sterilization is an operation to remove the uterus and ovaries that these concepts have long merged into one.

In the price lists of a veterinary clinic, castration and sterilization of cats often mean the same thing (removal of the uterus and ovaries).

Below, in the section on types of cat sterilization, we will discuss in more detail the methods of contraception in cats and the differences between them.

Why is surgery dangerous during pregnancy?

The dangers of the operation are as follows:

  1. The uterus of a pregnant cat is literally pierced by a huge number of blood vessels.
  2. Blood loss will be much greater than after conventional sterilization. Therefore, the postoperative suture will be larger.
  3. The cat will take longer to recover. Still would! Her body is subjected to even greater hormonal and physical stress than during conventional sterilization.


It should be remembered that sterilization of cats, absolutely any, is a sign that the owner is responsible for the care of the animal and its health.

Preparing for surgery

Before surgery, you must be sure that nothing is bothering your cat. She has no vomiting, refusal to eat, fever or other signs of illness.

To reduce stress, you can gradually get her used to being carried. Lower it to the floor more often, let the cat sniff it, you can try leaving treats inside to reinforce positive associations.

We recommend scheduling the day of surgery on your day off in order to monitor the cat’s condition on the first day.

The doctor, depending on the age and breed of the pet, may recommend:

  • Clinical blood test;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart);
  • In some cases, abdominal ultrasound and chest x-ray.

Immediately before the operation, you need to fast for 6-8 hours.

How long does cat sterilization surgery take?

The operation itself does not last long - from 15 to 30 minutes. But this does not mean that the cat will be given to you half an hour after you delivered it to the clinic. First, the doctor will premedicate, that is, administer medications that will prepare you for anesthesia. Next will be pre-preparation - shaving the surgical field, sterilizing all surfaces, positioning on the operating table, connecting the necessary sensors to monitor the condition, and only then anesthesia and the operation itself. After this, a good doctor will always monitor the patient’s condition during recovery from anesthesia. When the cat fully recovers and the doctor is sure that everything is in order, she can be taken home.

Possible consequences

In addition to severe bleeding, if a pregnant cat is spayed, the following consequences are possible:

  • Cats can also experience stress and psychological problems. The cat’s body “knows” very well that it is pregnant. And therefore, a sudden interruption of this state can lead to depression and other behavioral problems.
  • High probability of septic processes. If the uterus is removed, which is filled with decay products of dead fetuses.
  • The worst thing is that in such a complex operation it is very difficult to calculate the dose of the drug. If it is insufficient, the cat may wake up during the operation. If it is too strong, you may not wake up at all.


You should not try to help your cat by giving it painkillers intended for humans. Most of them are not safe for animals. They are strong poisons for them.

Caring for a sterilized cat

Having decided on the question of whether it is possible to sterilize a pregnant cat, you will also need to study the intricacies of caring for a sterilized animal before carrying out this operation. So, immediately after the operation, the animal is placed in a dark, soft place in a warm place. Here it will have to recover from anesthesia.

This process is quite painful, and therefore the cat must be protected from all contact for the entire recovery period. Particular care must be taken to ensure that it is not disturbed by children or other animals. You need to check the condition of her sutures throughout the cat’s recovery. They should not be allowed to get wet or fester; they should always remain dry and clean. Normally, postoperative sutures heal within 7-10 days.

Normally, postoperative sutures heal within 7-10 days.

In addition, the animal is usually prescribed a course of antibiotics and vitamins for the entire rehabilitation period. You should also periodically care for your cat's eyes with contact lens solution. This is due to the fact that after anesthesia her eyes will have difficulty opening.

Attention! To make caring for the operated animal easier, experts advise putting a special blanket on the cat, which will protect the suture during the rehabilitation period.

The cat usually quickly gets used to such clothes and wears them quite calmly. As a result, the healing process of the postoperative suture will not last long, and the suture itself will heal properly.

Pattern of a blanket for a cat

If there is no choice, then when is it better: early or late?

As soon as possible!
Optimally, if this is a period of approximately 3 weeks from the moment of conception. But even in this ideal case, there is no talk of preserving the uterus. At a later date, sterilization is not recommended. And the ovaries, of course, too.

If you do without removing the ovaries, then very bad and terrible consequences are possible: problems with the glands and endocrine system are inevitable, and for this reason even oncology can develop.

Problems that sterilization solves

Sterilization will help save owners and their pets from many problems.

  • The purr will no longer bother the owner with various behavioral problems associated with the search for a potential partner.
  • With this step, the owners make a small, but still significant contribution to controlling the birth rate and the number of animals that are deprived of their homes.
  • Domestic cats will almost certainly become infected with some kind of infectious disease by having sexual contact with stray animals. By controlling the birth rate, owners also control the risk of their pets contracting infectious diseases.

Nutrition and care

Immediately after the operation, you will need to provide the cat with maximum rest. The first day you may feel slightly dizzy. It is better to arrange a warm bed on the floor for your pet. The hills that she likes to climb should be fenced off. Place pillows or thick blankets around sofas/chairs/beds.

The seam should be wiped with antiseptic liquids every 1-2 days.

Cats can be fed after surgery within a few hours. For the first feedings, it is better to use wet diets and feed in small portions for the first day, but a little more often.

Some time after sterilization, many animals' appetite increases. Therefore, it is better to switch to special food for neutered cats or reduce the calorie content in the diet.

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