Decaris instructions for use for cats – Human parasites

Dogs are often susceptible to diseases associated with the presence of worms. Especially those who have a lot of contact with street animals, eat low-quality and thermally unprocessed food, and do not regularly visit veterinary clinics.

Helminthiasis is a rather dangerous disease that carries more serious problems than one might imagine. Many people do not realize the danger of having parasitic worms, which often cause hemorrhage in the intestines, severe swelling, and headaches.

Composition and price

The drug Dekaris is an anthelmintic and immunomodulatory agent for humans. The main active ingredient in its composition is Levomisole. It is this that has a toxic effect on worms and stimulates the human immune system. The following excipients were found:

  1. Corn starch;
  2. Talc;
  3. Sodium derivatives;
  4. Povidone;
  5. Dye;
  6. Flavoring.


Supplied in the form of tablets with a dosage of 50 mg (children's drug) and 150 mg (adult drug). The drug for children is sold in 2 tablets per package, for adults - in one package. The cost of packaging (regardless of the configuration) is about 90 rubles. Available without a prescription.

Analogue in the form of a solution

Component composition of Dekaris

The instructions describe in detail the components contained in the tablets. The composition of Dekaris is presented:

  • levamisole hydrochloride;
  • corn starch;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • talc;
  • povidone;
  • apricot flavoring;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • yellow dye.

The medicine is made in pale orange tablets, packaged in blisters and cardboard packaging.

Medicines for the treatment of pinworms in children

Worms cause a lot of harm to a dog's health. They are especially dangerous for puppies. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get rid of worms forever. Re-infection will occur through contact with other animals through food or feces. But you can control the number of helminths; deworming tablets for dogs help with this.

How often should a dog be treated for worms?

It is enough to treat adult dogs two to three times a year. Each course of treatment consists of two procedures, between which there should be an interval of two weeks.

Anthelmintic drugs kill only adults, and their eggs remain intact. Therefore, during the first procedure, only mature worms die.

The treatment plan for puppies is different from the deworming plan for adults. Already at birth, puppies may have worms. They begin taking anti-worm medications from the time the puppy is three months old. The procedure is repeated when the puppy reaches five months of age and the dog is given an anti-worming tablet one more time before the second vaccination.

When calculating the dose, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and avoid overdosing the drug. Excessive doses can damage the animal's health and sometimes even cost it its life. Some tablets are intended only for adult dogs.

How to find out if an animal has worms

Properties of the drug

It is necessary to examine in more detail what the “extensive potential of influence” of the drug means.

  • Giardia;
  • roundworm;
  • hookworm;
  • pinworms;
  • pork tapeworm;
  • nekator;
  • dwarf tapeworm;
  • trichinella;
  • Chinese fluke;
  • cutaneous larva migrans;
  • echinococcus;
  • trichin;
  • Toxocar.
  • Types and groups of worms
  • Preparations for removing worms and lamblia
  • Folk remedies for worms and lamblia

How to choose deworming tablets for a person

All drugs against parasites, with rare exceptions, are synthetic. Herbal preparations are less effective and often cannot completely kill all worms in the intestines or tissues. The principle of action of anthelmintic drugs varies; they affect different life processes of worms or their larvae. Based on this, the doctor, when identifying parasites in the body, selects the best anti-worm tablets for a person.

There is a group of drugs that:

  • disrupt the functioning of the intestines of parasites and lead to their death;
  • provoke a block in the absorption of nutrients, especially glucose;
  • have a paralytic effect and disrupt the metabolism of parasite cells;
  • block the nervous system of worms, causing their paralysis and removal from the body;
  • combination products that combine several effects simultaneously.

Important! All drugs against parasites are always selected only by a doctor. The drugs are toxic, their dose must be calculated based on body weight, and additional therapy must be carried out to prevent complications. This is especially important when a large number of worms are removed at once.

In addition, certain medications have their own spectrum of action - some are effective against roundworms, others only against flatworms or tapeworms. There is no universal and safe remedy that would be effective against all known worms.

Can pets be treated for worms?

Dogs cannot speak, and when the owners notice obvious signs of various diseases, it is often too late due to lost time. In this regard, more and more anthelmintic drugs appear on the pharmaceutical market every year. One of these remedies is the drug Dekaris. Attention! The most common type of parasite is echinococcus. They can live both in the body of a dog and in the human body. This type of parasite migrates with the bloodstream to the tissues of the liver and spleen, brain and spinal cord, kidneys and muscles. Provoked tumors and neoplasms can cause serious illnesses, including death.

The medicine decaris is effective against round parasites. It has a particularly mild effect; it is not only an anthelmintic, but also an immunomodulator.

Decaris helps remove toxins from the animal's body and acts as a hepatoprotector. In other words, it restores liver cells, which is why it is also prescribed in cases of diseases of this organ. This drug is not highly toxic.


The main indication for the use of Decaris in veterinary medicine is infection of a pet with intestinal worms. Science distinguishes two main types of helminths - round and tape (flat). Roundworms - nematodes - most often settle in the dog's intestines, getting there from raw meat or fish, or with water - if the dog drinks from open sources.

Levamisole exhibits maximum therapeutic activity against the following types of helminths:

  • roundworms - the danger of infection with this type of roundworm is that the parasites are able to migrate throughout the dog’s body, also affecting other organs, in particular the lungs;
  • hookworms are intestinal parasites that cause slow growth of animals, weight loss, and anemia;
  • Toxoplasma is a helminth that is dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. In dogs they cause fever, seizures, intestinal upset, and ataxia;
  • necator is another type of parasite, the main hosts of which are cats and dogs, and the disease is dangerous for humans;
  • strongyloides are parasites whose development cycle occurs in the dog’s lungs, which causes respiratory dysfunction;
  • trihurs are parasites that affect the intestines and other organs of the digestive system and can cause the death of a pet if the disease is not stopped in time;
  • pinworms. Domestic animals do not suffer from enterobiasis, which is caused by this type of worm, but they can transmit the parasites to humans.

All animals without exception are at risk of infection - even those that do not leave the apartment, and those that eat exclusively industrial feed. A person can bring worm eggs and larvae into the house on clothes and shoes. Therefore, regular prevention is necessary for all animals - treatment should be carried out once a quarter, and this must be done at the end of the summer season spent outside the city.

Worms can appear in both adult dogs and puppies - and the latter can become infected in utero or through the mother's milk, and for them the parasites are more dangerous than for adult dogs. With severe infection, even death is possible.

The danger of helminthiasis lies in the fact that many parasites can be transmitted to people, causing serious illness in them. You can determine that helminths have settled inside a dog by the following characteristic signs:

  • changes in the pet’s behavior and habits, in particular – decreased activity. Dogs become lethargic, move and play less;
  • deterioration in the appearance of the coat - it becomes dull, becomes stiffer, loses its shine;
  • manifestation of skin diseases - eczema and dermatoses, the presence of dandruff;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes, in some cases - the appearance of a blue rim on the whites of the eyes;
  • decreased or, conversely, increased appetite with noticeable weight loss;
  • bloating, pain;
  • changes in taste habits - attempts to eat inedible objects;
  • indigestion - diarrhea, the presence of mucus, blood in the stool; with severe infection, constipation is possible due to parasites accumulated in a ball. This is a dangerous condition as it can lead to intestinal obstruction and even death.


Not only live helminths are dangerous for animals, but also dead ones. When decomposing in a dog’s body, they can cause severe intoxication. In addition, after death they become rigid and can damage the walls of internal organs.

Therefore, it is important not only to destroy, but also to gently remove parasites from the body. Decaris has a hepatoprotective property - that is, it promotes the removal of toxins that are formed as a result of the mass death of helminths. It protects and restores liver cells.


Initially, this drug was developed as a synthetic immunomodulator for humans. It has a positive effect on the immune system, strengthening it and increasing resistance to infections. The ability of the drug to have a toxic effect on parasites was discovered only much later. Currently, it is prescribed (including for animals) for the following types of invasions:

  1. Hookworm;
  2. Ascariasis.

Thus, it is obvious that the spectrum of action of the drug is quite narrow. It doesn’t even help against all types of nematodes. A sufficient number of both human and veterinary drugs are now being sold, more effective and safer. Therefore, the advisability of taking such a remedy is unclear.

It is worth noting that the characteristics of the formation of immunity in humans and animals are different. Therefore, this drug will not have a significant immunomodulation effect on the animal. However, the anthelmintic effect can be quite significant.

Mechanism of action of the drug Dekaris

The drug Dekaris is a strong immunomodulatory and anthelmintic human remedy. The main active ingredient is levamisole, the toxic properties of which have a detrimental effect on the ganglia of roundworms:

  • helminths paralyze muscles;
  • after a short period of time, complete paralysis and inevitable death occurs;
  • Irreversible processes also occur in the tissues of eggs and larvae, preventing their ripening.

It is noteworthy that the synthetic drug was initially developed as a powerful immunomodulator for humans, increasing the body’s resistance to various infections. The antiparasitic effect was discovered later. Based on this, Decaris was never considered a veterinary drug and was practically not used to treat animals.

Pregnant or nursing

Pregnancy is a contraindication to taking Decaris. It is also not recommended to give this medicine to lactating females, as puppies may be harmed. It would be wise to wait until the birth period and the completion of feeding the puppies.

Are there any exceptions or special features, including for some breeds?

Decaris is acceptable for use by all breeds of dogs, with the exception of those with a body weight of less than one kilogram. In such cases, it is better to look for analogues and replace this drug with something else. It is best to consult a veterinarian on this issue.

Reception scheme

Animal owners who are thinking about whether the medicine can be used in veterinary medicine should know that it was once widely used to drive away worms in dogs and some farm animals and birds. However, currently there are more effective and safe veterinary drugs that will not have a negative effect on the animal, and which can be given to an animal of any type and breed (including cats).

For dogs

For dogs, the drug is usually prescribed for three days. Such a short course is enough to cure both mixed and specific invasion. Dosage is:

  • Adult Dekaris - a quarter of a tablet per 15 kg of animal weight;
  • Children's Dekaris - a quarter of a tablet per 5 kg of weight;
  • If the animal weighs less than 5 kg, then a quarter of the tablet should be crushed into powder, add 2.5 ml of water and give to the animal at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

The course of the drug can be repeated after three weeks. This will help get rid of parasite larvae and eggs.

For cats

Decaris should not be given to cats. This drug is toxic to them and its use can lead not only to serious consequences, but also to death. The active substance of the drug has a negative effect on the nervous system. A kitten or an adult animal may experience olfactory and even visual hallucinations, and coordination may be impaired. Sometimes appetite is disturbed and vomiting occurs.

The use of medication for cats is rarely fatal, but such cases do occur. Serious consequences develop in any case. If such a medicine is nevertheless given to a cat, then veterinary hospitals usually prescribe detoxification therapy and drips.

For chickens

This remedy can be given to chickens. However, there are also more effective and safe drugs for getting rid of roundworms in poultry. However, the dose for chickens and waterfowl is known. It is 20-40 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight of the individual.

Medicines for cats instead of Dekaris

Just one tablet, or even a portion of it, intended for a child, can lead to serious negative consequences in cats. An overdose of Decaris is especially dangerous, which can lead to severe intoxication. The more active substance in a cat’s blood, the higher the likelihood of death. Symptoms of Decaris ingestion in a cat or small kitten are:

  • visual hallucinations;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • problems with coordination of movements;
  • lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • weakness.

The appearance of any of the signs is a good reason to urgently contact a veterinarian. Full provision of information about what was given to the cat and in what quantity, as well as the nuances of its feeding and general lifestyle, will help in making a correct diagnosis. To remove toxic substances from the body, detoxification therapy is used, including intravenous infusions. To protect your pet from serious illness, and yourself from unnecessary expenses, you should not give Decaris to cats in any quantity.

Today in veterinary medicine there is a huge number of antiparasitic drugs that effectively kill helminths and have a gentle effect on the entire cat’s body. The most common of them:

  • Kanikvantel, Drontal, Febtal are drugs in tablet form, the use of which often requires an assistant to secure the cat;
  • Dirofen, Parasitel, Prazicide - antihelminthics in suspension;
  • Profender, Stronghold - in the form of drops on the withers.

Any of these drugs will be an excellent alternative to Dekaris, especially since their spectrum of action is much wider. They quickly and effectively eliminate roundworms, flukes, tapeworms and other types of parasites. In order not to be tormented by the question of whether it is possible to give Decaris to cats, and then deal with the terrible symptoms of intoxication, it is better to immediately give preference to safer cat anthelmintics.

Instructions for use


Decaris is available in tablets of 50 mg for children and 150 mg for adults. The children's version of the drug usually comes in two pieces, and for adults one. Available without a prescription in both human and veterinary pharmacies.

Before giving the drug to a dog, it is necessary to weigh the animal. Compliance with the regimen is very important: 50 mg of the drug per 20 kg of body weight, 150 mg of the drug per 60 kg.

How to give?

After weighing and accurately determining the dose of the drug, you can begin the feeding process. It is best to do this in the morning, during feeding or immediately after it. You can crumble the tablet directly into your four-legged friend’s favorite treat.

If the dog resists, you can crush the drug more thoroughly and dilute it with water and put it into a syringe without a needle. Move the syringe as far as possible to the root of the tongue and quickly pour it into the mouth with a quick movement of the hand. The procedure must be repeated over the next two days.

Then you need to take a break of two weeks and repeat the three-day course of treatment again. Usually this is enough for the dog to fully recover. But it is best to make sure that your pet is healthy, after this period, take the necessary tests for the eggworm.

Attention! Decaris is useful for preventing the presence of parasites in the body.


This drug has no contraindications or side effects, so you can safely give it to your dog, following the dosage. Typically, helminths are eliminated from the body along with stool within the first three days from the start of treatment. Also, you should not give the medicine to animals that have liver or kidney diseases.

In case of recent transmission of infectious and intestinal diseases, the administration of the drug should be postponed until the animal fully recovers from the illness. Problems with hematopoiesis may be an obstacle to taking this drug.

In rare cases of drug hypersensitivity, you may want to take your dog to a veterinarian.

Rating of the top 5 anti-worm tablets according to KP

We have selected the most popular and frequently prescribed remedies for the most common parasites - ascariasis and enterobiasis, as well as tape parasites.


Nemozol. Photo: Ipca Laboratories

Available in the form of film-coated tablets, chewable tablets and suspension. The active ingredient in the drug is albendazole. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. It has a wide spectrum of activity against roundworms, as well as tape parasites. The drug is convenient to use; during treatment they do not need a special diet or large amounts of fluid intake. Depending on what parasite was identified, the course of treatment can last from 3 days to 1 month. For enterobiasis and ascariasis, a single use of the medicine is possible.

After two weeks, a second dose of the drug is necessary to prevent helminthiasis. By this time, eggs from those parasites that remained during the initial treatment could have already hatched. It is important for all family members living with the sick person to take the medicine to avoid re-infection. The drug has a pleasant taste and does not cause severe side effects, but it should not be taken on an empty stomach.

People with liver problems need to be extremely careful; the drug can be toxic. Plus, it may be difficult to calculate the dose based on body weight. Prohibited for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.


Photo: Pharmstandard-Leksredstva The drug in tablets with the active ingredient piperazine adipate has activity against roundworms, including pinworms and roundworms. Indicated for the treatment of both adults and children; it is effective in eliminating only sexually mature individuals; it does not affect parasite eggs.

After taking the drug, worms are actively excreted in the feces, the course of treatment is 2 days, between taking tablets, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to take a laxative or an enema. The drug can be taken with food or after food, but not on an empty stomach. The effectiveness of treatment reaches 95%; to completely get rid of parasites, it is recommended to repeat the course after 14 days.

The medicine is used in adults and children over 3 years of age; side effects are not very pronounced; loose stools or intestinal spasms are possible. During treatment, strict adherence to hygiene rules is necessary to prevent re-infection.


Pirantel. Photo: Polpharma

The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions and is available with a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient of the drug, pyrantel, is effective against round and flatworms. It has a quick and pronounced effect, the course of treatment is from 1 to 3 days. After 2 - 3 weeks, you need to repeat taking the drug in order to completely destroy the remaining parasites, which at the time of the first dose may not yet have hatched from the eggs.

The drug is well tolerated, with minimal side effects from digestion. Taken after meals, does not require laxatives or enemas, suitable for children over 3 years of age. However, the dose of the drug must be calculated strictly according to the patient’s weight, and therefore there may be difficulties with dividing the tablet. This medicine must not be combined with other anthelmintic drugs; a sharp increase in toxic effects is possible.


Vermox. Photo: Gedeon Richter Romania SA

The drug is produced only in tablets, the active ingredient is mebendazole, and is sold only with a doctor’s prescription. It acts in the intestinal lumen without affecting its walls, and is excreted in the stool and about 10% by the kidneys. Indicated for the treatment of children over 3 years of age and adults; it is active against roundworms and nematodes, cestodes. Unlike many other drugs, it suppresses the activity of both adult parasites and larvae, but does not affect parasite eggs.

Take 2 - 4 tablets at once, depending on body weight, the duration of treatment is up to 3 days, so more than 1 package may be required. When taking the drug, you should avoid fatty foods, alcohol and laxatives. They may increase the toxicity and side effects of the drug.


Decaris. Photo: Gedeon Richter Romania SA

Available in tablets in two dosages, sold strictly according to a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient is levamisole, active against roundworms, pinworms and hookworms. The drug can be taken by adults and children over 3 years of age; there are forms for them in lozenges and capsules. It is important to swallow the drug whole, without chewing or splitting the tablet.

Take the drug once, the entire dose at once, repeated use is recommended after 1 - 2 weeks to consolidate the result. It is dangerous because fruit additives can provoke allergies; other side effects are rare.

Worms in humans

Symptoms that parasites have settled in your body


In some cases and to some groups of animals, giving the drug is strictly prohibited. The following groups of animals cannot be driven away with worms by Dekaris:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to give the drug to cats;
  2. Pregnant and lactating females are not recommended to use the product;
  3. Animals with kidney and liver diseases;
  4. When suffering from a viral infection and recovering from it;
  5. With significant weakening of the body, as well as in elderly animals;
  6. Puppies under 1 year of age;
  7. If you have problems with hematopoiesis, you should take the drug with extreme caution.

In rare cases, dogs develop side effects such as refusal to drink (especially water), olfactory and even visual hallucinations, and minor incoordination. In addition, the animal may be a little lethargic and sleepy. Typically, these complications are mild, but if their severity increases, you should consult a veterinarian.


Opinions on forums about the drug vary greatly. Some patients are dissatisfied with the side effects that have arisen, while others are afraid to give it to children. In other cases, there are no complaints about the effectiveness of Dekaris in the fight against helminths.

Doctors believe that accidental and intentional overdoses are the main cause of problems with therapy. Incorrect calculation of the required amount of medication becomes a predisposing factor for the development of cephalalgia, diarrhea and dizziness. Symptoms of intoxication occur less frequently with the exact dose of the drug and taken before bedtime.

Symptoms and methods of treatment of enterobiasis in children and adults

Worms often infect the human body, where they enter in various ways (contact with an infected person, eating unwashed vegetables, raw meat, etc.). Pets can also be carriers of infections.

Due to the high probability of developing helminthiasis, many people prefer to use Pirantel for prevention. Reviews from doctors and patients say that this is an effective and inexpensive anthelmintic drug that paralyzes worms, after which they are eliminated from the body.

  1. Review of the most popular drugs for large and medium breeds
  2. Review of the most popular drugs for small breeds
  3. Ways to give medicine to dogs
  4. How often to poison worms

It is almost impossible to protect your dog from infection with worms. When they get outside, they dig into the ground with their noses, grab unknown things with their mouths, and carefully sniff everything they come across along the way, including the feces of other animals.

How to remove worms from a puppy: drugs and folk remedies

  • 1 General information
  • 2 The importance of timely treatment
  • 3 Symptoms of infestation
  • 4 Is it possible to remove worms in 1 day?
  • 5 Ways to get rid of worms at home 5.1 Medications 5.1.1 “Mebendazole”
  • 5.1.2 "Piperazine"
  • 5.1.3 "Dekaris"
  • 5.1.4 Pirantel
  • 5.2 Cleansing with folk remedies 5.2.1 Worm fighter - garlic
  • 5.2.2 Onion infusion
  • 5.2.3 Pumpkin seeds
  • 5.2.4 Iodine solution
  • 5.3 Hygiene rules
  • 5.4 Diet
  • 6 How to quickly remove worms from a child?
  • 7 Prevention of helminthiasis
  • The problem of helminth infection is very common among adults and children. Not every person knows how to get rid of worms at home.


    Paralyzed helminths are eliminated from the body through the intestines naturally along with waste products, most often this process occurs within a day. Promotes the complex production of antibodies to all kinds of genetic foreign substances in the patient’s body. The drug activates T-lymphocytes, stimulates the functions of monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils.

    After taking the drug orally, it is quite actively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. One and a half to two hours after taking the drug, the maximum content of the active component in the blood plasma is achieved. The half-life is short, 3-4 hours.

    It undergoes a metabolic process in the liver, biotransforming into inactive metabolites, which are excreted from the body through the kidneys. The half-life of these metabolites is 16 hours. A small part of the drug - about 5 percent - is excreted through the intestines. The rest is along with urine. Of these, about 12 percent are excreted in their original state as p-hydroxy-levamisole glucuronide.


    Great care is required when combining Decaris with drugs that affect hematopoiesis. Thus, when combined with coumarin-like anticoagulants, the prothrombin time may increase, so in this case it is necessary to adjust the dose so that the drug gives the desired effect.

    This anthelmintic drug increases the content of phenytoin in the blood, so careful monitoring is also required when combining Decaris with drugs containing this substance.

    Decaris should not be taken in parallel with lipophilic drugs - carbon tetrachloride, tetrachlorethylene, chenopodium oil, chloroform or ether, since in this tandem the toxicity of Declaris can increase many times over.

    A parallel complex of Decaris and ethanol is undesirable, since in this case there is a high probability of disulfiram-like reactions occurring, and when combined with Warfarin, there is a high probability of bleeding.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles

    The drug has no direct contraindications against driving or operating machinery that requires quick reaction and concentration. But in view of the fact that in some cases its use can lead to dizziness and other more severe adverse reactions from this activity, it is more advisable to refuse the entire course of treatment.

    Decaris and alcohol

    During a therapeutic course based on Decaris, you should not drink alcohol or alcohol-containing drinks. With such an interaction, disulfiram-like reactions occur. A person experiences an increased heart rate, red spots appear on the skin, and blood pressure can drop significantly.

    special instructions

    Before starting a therapeutic course using Decaris, you should carefully examine the body for possible contraindications. It is imperative to conduct a peripheral blood test to ensure that all indicators are normal. It is especially important to monitor the level of leukocytes, which tend to decrease during treatment with this anthelmintic.

    To prevent relapses, doctors recommend carrying out a thorough general cleaning of the house before taking the drug. Wash floors, toys, change bed linen. Before using the drug, change your underwear. Be sure to shower in the evening and in the morning. Change your underwear again. Bed linen should be carefully ironed with a hot iron the day before and for several days after taking the drug.

    During all days of therapy and thereafter, you need to carefully monitor your personal hygiene. Wash your hands with soap, cut your nails, and never bite them. Avoid scratching the anus.

    To prevent a relapse, everyone living with the patient should also take anthelmintic drugs as a preventive measure. Be sure to consult with a therapist about choosing a remedy for other family members.

    Dekaris - analogues

    The range of applications is slightly narrower than Dekaris. The basis of this drug is pyrantel. It is considered one of the most loyal to the body, and copes very well with intestinal infestations caused by roundworms. Allowed for use from six months. Available in the form of a suspension and chewable tablets. It has virtually no contraindications, so it is very often used as a preventive measure for the whole family. The cost is much cheaper than Dekaris - from 26 rubles per package.

    Decaris - side effects

    Adverse reactions may develop as a result of taking the drug. Migraine, dizziness may appear, cases of sleep disturbances, and a feeling of strong heartbeat have been noted. In some cases, there may be convulsions, nausea, and even vomiting. More often than others, abdominal pain and diarrhea are noted.

    As a result of long-term treatment, allergic reactions may develop - rash, itching. In most cases, all these symptoms are reversible and disappear immediately after stopping the drug. Glucosteroid drugs help minimize the consequences of treatment with Dekaris.

    Also, as a result of long-term use of the drug, there is a decrease in leukocytes in the blood, so a blood test must be performed every week. If tests worsen, treatment should be stopped immediately.

    Overdose symptoms and interaction features

    Consumption of large amounts of Decaris, in a volume of more than 600 mg, causes the development of acute poisoning. Intoxication manifests itself:

    • dyspeptic disorders;
    • cephalalgia with dizziness;
    • constant drowsiness;
    • diarrhea;
    • convulsive syndrome;
    • impaired clarity of consciousness.

    The patient needs symptomatic therapy to suppress signs of poisoning.

    The instructions focus on the following nuances:

    • the drug is incompatible with agents that reduce the number of leukocytes, alcohol and lipophilic compounds;
    • the medicine may increase the effects of phenytoin and medications related to indirect coagulants.

    Decaris is not intended to normalize the immune system in childhood.


    In some cases, an overdose is possible. The patient experiences nausea, vomiting, severe weakness throughout the body, diarrhea, severe or moderate headache, and may experience dizziness, which is extremely rare, but confusion is also possible.

    At the first signs of an overdose, if little time has passed after taking the drug, gastric lavage should be done. Allow the patient to drink as much warm water as possible and, by pressing on the root of the tongue, induce vomiting. Until it becomes easier for him to monitor all vital organs and carry out symptomatic treatment. If there are signs of anticholinesterase action, it makes sense to administer Atropine.

    Decaris for prevention

    Most adhere to a simple rule - they take anthelmintics as a preventive measure. At the same time, the majority neglect to consult a doctor and choose the means to take on their own. How suitable is Dekaris for the role of preventative?

    Due to the fact that this drug is quite toxic and has a number of quite serious contraindications, doctors do not recommend using this medication as a prophylactic.

    To select the correct prophylactic agent, it is still better to consult with your doctor. This will help avoid many problems in the future.


    If the treatment has caused intolerance to the drug or the appearance of severe allergy symptoms, then it is necessary to replace it with a more suitable drug. Popular analogues of Dekaris are presented:

    • Levamisole;
    • Pyrantel, Vermox;
    • Helmintox, Piperazine;
    • Mebendazole, Vormin;
    • Medamine, Biltricide;
    • Telmox, Nemozol, etc.

    The selection of substitutes rests with the attending physician. When making a choice, the specialist relies on the results of a diagnostic examination, the general condition of the body and the reasons that caused the need to change the medication.

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