Furminator for cats: reviews from veterinarians and buyers

Pets bring a lot of joy to the home. But this is only possible if the pet is well-fed, well-groomed and healthy. A loving owner takes all these points into account, but sometimes it is very difficult to keep the animal’s fur in perfect order. In addition, shedding causes a lot of problems for humans and the pet itself.

People and four-legged creatures are susceptible to allergic reactions. A furminator for cats will help you help your pet, save furniture from scraps of fur and get rid of hairs flying around the house. Reviews show that the invention of specialists in the field of accessories for animals helps to successfully solve the problem.

What it is

Breeders, together with scientists from American laboratories, invented a device that allows you to efficiently comb out excess hair from animals. This product is not just a regular comb, but one equipped with trimmer functions. The Furminator resembles small automatic rakes that work like a hair clipper.

Fine teeth that do not have sharp edges help comb out the fur. This way the device does not scratch the skin. The special dissected shape of the teeth, which are not located very close to each other, also helps to avoid damaging the cat’s delicate integument.

The Furminator for cats, reviews from breeders confirm this, efficiently combs out only the inanimate undercoat, which is lost by the animal under natural circumstances. In this case, the main coat is not affected or damaged, but only the combing process occurs, which stimulates the growth of new hairs.

When creating the device, a special patented technology is used. Therefore, the product is suitable for both short-haired and long-haired cats. At the same time, the breed is also not always important, but there are several types of Furminators on sale.

Types of devices

Cat scratcher (Furminator), has reviews from ordinary cat lovers and professional breeders. It is the latter who recommend choosing a device depending on the type of animal’s fur. Pet stores can offer two types - classic and deluxe. The quality of both products is excellent, but there are some differences:

  1. Classic example. The fur that remains on the teeth is removed by hand.
  2. Deluxe. It is equipped with more ergonomic handles, and the material of the product itself may be different. But the main advantage is the button that allows you to remove hair automatically.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the width of the cloves and their location to each other:

  • For kittens and small cats, a product with a comb width of 3.2 cm is required.
  • For medium-sized cats whose weight does not exceed 5 kg, a product with a width of 4.5 cm is suitable.
  • The most common and popular furminator is a device whose width is 6.8 cm. It is used not only for combing adult cats, but also for dogs whose weight does not exceed 20 kg.

How the process works

A very useful purchase for caring for long-haired cats is the Furminator. Reviews show that the process does not cause the animal any discomfort, and some pets even really like it.

The process goes like this:

  1. To prevent long hair from getting in the way, you can lift it up using special clips.
  2. The device begins to move from the abdomen, towards the spine.
  3. Move carefully.
  4. After this, the clamps are removed and the back is treated.
  5. Lastly, you can comb the tail. However, not all cats allow him to be touched.

Furminator for cats, reviews note this, it is enough to use once a month. With short-haired creatures there are fewer problems and the process takes less time. The main thing is to follow the hair growth and not press too hard on the skin. Apply up to 7 times a year, as needed.

How does a furminator work?

Combing cats using a furminator is carried out due to the adjusted distance between the teeth of a comb sharpened in a special way. The operating principle of the furminator is to gently lift and remove unwanted hair without cutting or pulling out.

The tool does not damage the cat's outer coat (the outer coat slips through the teeth of the device, remaining intact), but it removes dead, lifeless hairs and undercoat.

It is believed that the miracle comb removes about 90% of a cat’s unwanted hair, and also reduces the duration of seasonal shedding by half (by the way, in some individuals, without careful combing, the hair can shed not even for weeks, but for months).

In addition, the use of a cat accessory promotes the uniform distribution of fatty lubricant, which protects the pet from cold and overheating, dust and parasites.


Comb for cats (Furminator), reviews are extremely positive. But, like any device for animals, it has special warnings. Before use, you must read the instructions, which, in particular, say:

  1. Do not use the product if your pet has skin lesions, wounds, ulcers or scratches. To begin with, dermatological problems are solved, and the hair is removed with a regular comb.
  2. If there are tangled hairs or clumps, do not begin combing. It is necessary to use a wide comb, and it is recommended to cut off the lumps.
  3. It is recommended to bathe the animal with a special shampoo that prevents hair from tangling. But the procedure is not mandatory. However, dirt from the fur must be removed.
  4. Even if the cat’s skin is in satisfactory condition, the Furminator cannot be driven with force, much less against the fur. In order not to harm the pet and not cause a lasting aversion to the procedure, it is carried out especially carefully in the area of ​​the tail and abdomen.

A comb for cats (Furminator) has a lot of reviews from ordinary animal lovers. But they all note that before and during the procedure it is important to communicate affectionately with the cat. Calm handling and a treat afterwards will lead to a normal cat’s perception of grooming.

Rationale for use

When a pet sheds, both the person and the animal itself experience many problems. If you use a furminator for cats, reviews confirm this, you can get rid of 90% of the “dead” undercoat. If the animal has long and thick hair, then in the summer you can use the device twice a month.

Breeders note that the advantages of use are immediately noticeable:

  • there is less wool on the carpets;
  • in people and animals, signs of allergies decrease - redness in the eye area, sneezing and nasal congestion;
  • The cat begins to lick itself less and, accordingly, swallows less hair.

Veterinarians note that excess hair in the stomach leads to stomach diseases. In addition, the entire digestive tract suffers. This is why experts advise using a furminator for cats. Reviews show that in this case the problem is not so global, the animal takes on a healthier appearance.

Many breeders notice that the product significantly improves the quality of the animal’s fur itself. It becomes silkier, gains shine and is less susceptible to tangles.

Rules for use and care of the instrument

When you first meet it, it becomes obvious that a furminator for cats is a device that combines different materials. But avoiding this does not become difficult. The simplest rules:

  1. There should be no foreign objects in the cat's fur - specks and tangles; they must be removed first.
  2. The device is used only on clean fur, so if the cat gets dirty, it should be washed and dried first.
  3. After combing is completed, the furminator should be cleaned of hair and the blades should be covered with a protective cap.

With proper use and care, the tool will last for many years (from 5 to 10 years). The main thing is to strictly follow the rules of use.

Important Details

Before using the product for the first time, it is important to keep a few precautions in mind. The principle of operation is described in detail in the instructions, but some details are worth paying attention to:

  1. You cannot use the product if there are tangles on the wool, much less comb them out. Such actions can cause pain to the cat and it will resist the procedure in the future.
  2. The blade should be cleaned every time after use. In the Deluxe modification, this procedure occurs when you press the corresponding button. If you have a classic sample on hand, then cleaning is done manually. It is convenient to use a brush for this.
  3. If you have no experience in use, then it is better to carry out the first procedure with a professional groomer. The specialist will show in detail the principle of operation, talk about the nuances and warn about possible problems.

In case of a detailed consultation, you can see the full picture in action.

In order to purchase the best option, it is worth studying the characteristics of the most popular brands. By comparing the pros and cons, you can choose the best one for each specific cat.


This is a fairly well-known manufacturer. It produces pet care accessories. Among the assortment of brushes, you can choose a product suitable for a short-haired pet and for a cat with fairly thick and long hair. When choosing a comb, you need to take a closer look at the technical part that distinguishes each furminator for cats, and reviews.

Scottish breed or long-haired pet - all this influences the choice of product. The FURminator brand offers a fairly diverse range of models. For each breed you can choose the most suitable one. Of course, the device costs a little more, but the purchase is worth the money spent on it.

What is the importance of using a furminator: Reviews and statistics

Cats' lives and your home comfort will improve with the addition of a brushing tool. Studies have shown that it helps:

  • Reduce pet hair loss by up to 94%
  • Improve the appearance of the coat
  • Do not injure living hairs in the animal’s fur, gently removing dead ones
  • Provide salon care for your cat at home.

Now let's talk about examples of using the device on specific breeds.

The Furminator for British cats is as necessary to maintain a beautiful appearance as the tea ceremony for the residents of the country of the same name.

The British are considered the cleanest breed of cats. They spend much more time cleaning their fur than other domestic felines. But all the same, these “plush cats” cannot do without the help of their owner.

Using a Furminator will make their life much easier and will bring a lot of pleasure, as the British simply adore these procedures.

Representative of the British Shorthair breed

Another fan of “scratching your back” are the Scots . Varieties of such combs for Scottish cats will become an indispensable assistant in combing and playing, and spending time with them will no longer burden the owners with the presence of their hair on their clothes.

Scottish Fold kitten

How to choose an original device

Due to the fact that the device is not cheap and quite popular, there are unscrupulous companies that produce low-quality fakes. Therefore, when choosing a furminator, you should buy it only in specialized pet stores or websites. At the same time, pay attention to some nuances:

  1. You should not consider devices that initially have a suspiciously low price. Cheap analogues may not differ at all from the original in appearance, but may not perform their functions or cause discomfort to the pet.
  2. A low price may indicate the use of low-quality components and metal components. In this case, the comb turns out to be completely inconvenient and can cause pain to the cat.
  3. It is important to purchase from a large specialized chain of pet stores. In such companies, product quality control is at a very high level. The more unpresentable the store, the greater the chances of purchasing a fake.
  4. When purchasing, you should pay attention not only to the product itself, but also to the packaging.

Without fail, all furminators have special markings on the blade, on both sides. The brand and serial number are indicated. The blade must be made of high quality steel, which has a matte shine and is completely free from chips and other damage.

The best furminators for dogs

In appearance, models for cats and dogs are practically the same. The only difference is the larger working area. Furminators are not recommended for grooming animals with curly hair, or if they have a soft undercoat or no undercoat at all. It is recommended to refrain from using the device if your pet develops a skin disease.

FURminator for long-haired dogs of large breeds 10 cm

Rating: 4.9

The original Furminator for grooming animal hair is produced by an American brand, but it is assembled in China. The device is intended for dogs weighing from 25 to 40 kg with a long coat of more than 5 cm. The blade is made of durable stainless steel, its length is 10 cm. The handle is made of rubber, so it will not slip out of your hands during the combing procedure. Thanks to its thoughtful design, the model effectively removes dead undercoat without pulling out the guard hair or scratching the skin. Dogs do not feel pain or other discomfort. The presence of an ejector ensures instant cleaning of the brush.

Users note the high efficiency and ease of use of the furminator. You don’t need to make any special efforts to get a positive result. Up to 90% of dead hairs are easily removed in a few sessions. The owners have no complaints about the quality of the blade. Many note that even after 5 years of active use it did not have to be changed. Despite the high price, the model is considered one of the best; all respondents recommend buying it.


  1. quality of execution;
  2. removable blade;
  3. safety for the animal;
  4. ergonomic handle;
  5. ease of cleaning.


  1. high price;
  2. heavy.

Hello PET 42344L

Rating: 4.8

The curved trimmer comb from a manufacturer in Taiwan is equipped with a 44-tooth steel blade on a plastic holder. The rubber handle with a protector on the inside and outside ensures a reliable hold in the hand when grooming. The product helps remove dead undercoat, prevents the appearance of tangles, and reduces the shedding period by 90%. At the same time, the device does not damage the guard hairs and skin. The coat acquires a healthy shine. Suitable for long- and short-haired pets.

According to users, animals do not experience discomfort during the combing procedure, and there are no complaints about the safety of the furminator. A protective cap for the blade will help keep the teeth clean and protect them from mechanical damage. A minor disadvantage of the model is the need for manual cleaning, since it does not have an ejector. The quality of workmanship and efficiency of the device was approved by 100% of respondents.


  1. light weight – 100 g;
  2. average price;
  3. suitable for cats and dogs;
  4. ease of use;
  5. Protective cap for blade included.


  1. lack of ejector.

FoOlee One XL 13 cm

Rating: 4.7

This furminator was developed by a French company for the care of giant breed dogs with long or short hair. The model is produced in 10 colors. It is more curved in shape compared to the previous nominee. The inside of the handle is rubberized and equipped with a protector, which prevents it from slipping out when performing grooming. The stainless steel blade is equipped with a large number of tightly fitting teeth, the quality of which prevents injury to the pet’s skin.

The manufacturer claims that in 2–3 sessions the device helps remove up to 92% of dead hairs, so shedding is less noticeable, and the risk of intestinal blockage in a dog when swallowing hairballs is reduced. There are no negative reviews about the product; users have no complaints about the quality of its execution.


  1. effective for any coat length;
  2. compact size;
  3. blade durability;
  4. ergonomic handle;
  5. Ease of use.


  1. high price;
  2. manual blade cleaning.

Deshedder (furminator) self-cleaning with Petsy button (yellow) L

Rating: 4.6

One of the most budget-friendly options for a furminator for dogs. In appearance it resembles the FURminator model described above. The plastic blade holder is also available in yellow and the handle is black. In shape it completely repeats the original, the protector is located on each of the 4 sides. The main difference is the absence of the brand name on the holder. The device is designed for grooming cats and dogs with a coat length of more than 5 cm. Like the original, the design of the device includes a button that automatically cleans the teeth from hair.

Pet owners confirm that in 2–4 procedures the number of dead hairs on the animal is reduced by 90%. Thanks to the safety blade, the pet's skin is not injured, so he does not experience discomfort. Most users report high effectiveness when used on dogs with long and medium hair. There were no significant defects in the product.


  1. low price;
  2. automatic blade cleaning;
  3. ease of use;
  4. ergonomic handle.


  1. some users complain about poor efficiency;
  2. heavy.

Experts' opinion

To deal with a cat's thick undercoat, a regular comb is not enough. Especially if the pet has a luxurious and shiny coat, it needs to be taken care of so that it always has an attractive appearance. In addition, hair that is everywhere: on furniture, clothes and on the floor is annoying. It is the furminator that can solve the problem and remove shedding hair.

The product is easy to use. It does not harm the cat. On the contrary, regular brushing of dead hair makes the coat healthier, improves skin condition and relieves problems with the gastrointestinal tract. After all, only a professional furminator can help with excess hair. Reviews from veterinarians clearly show that the device is useful and effective.

However, it should be borne in mind that some cat breeds that have a weak undercoat, or no undercoat at all, do not require such drastic combing:

  • sphinx;
  • laperm;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Burmese;
  • Devon Rex;
  • oriental.

Furminator is completely contraindicated for cats like the Sphynx. In any case, if in doubt, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Advantages of a furminator for combing cats

Undoubtedly, the Furminator for British breed cats has many advantages.

Among these:

  • There is no discomfort during the procedure, and as a result, pets do not have any fear of the manipulation.
  • While licking, cats do not swallow large amounts of hair; all excess hair is easily removed.
  • With the help of the device, not only combing is carried out, but also massage, which the animals especially like.
  • Thanks to the device, you can painlessly remove dead hair located in the “pants” area, under the tail or on the stomach.
  • A reliable device will last for more than a year.
  • Using a furminator eliminates the need for people to constantly clean their apartment due to the large amount of wool on sofas, beds and even furniture.
  • The device is easy to use.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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