A new breed of cat has been registered in the United States, called the Lykoi or werecat.

Brief history of the breed

Lykoi cats were bred in 2010 in the US state of Virginia. The history of the breed began with the fact that an ordinary short-haired female gave birth to babies with partially missing fur. The owner of the kittens, Patti Thomas, saw in the peculiar appearance of the newborns a resemblance to characters from horror films and began to call them Lykoi.

To understand the heredity of the unusual offspring, the American woman turned to the breeder of Canadian Sphynx dogs, John Gobble, for advice. He studied the issue in detail and found out that two similar kittens were born in Tennessee. This information gave hope for the emergence of a new exotic breed.

Genetic studies have shown that all four kittens have the same recessive gene in which a mutation has occurred. Breeders managed to very quickly consolidate the characteristics characteristic of Lykoi. And as a result of a special program, in which both pairs of the first cats participated, in the fall of 2011, kittens of the second generation were born with the same characteristic appearance. In 2012, the breed was recognized by American and some world felinological organizations.

Historical path of the breed

The Lykoi breed accidentally appeared in 2010 as a result of an experiment by a lady from Virginia (USA), who crossed a female American shorthair cat with a Sphynx. They hoped that the specimen would be strong in build and bald. The result was amazing - kittens were born with a coat of uneven length, completely absent in some places. Despite their originality, the offspring turned out to be healthy.

Studies were carried out that confirmed the viability of the mutants. In the process, it became clear that there was no genetic connection with sphinxes and other similar felines. The animals inherited the entire set of chromosomes from the short-haired parent.

Feeling threatened, the Likoi are ready to engage in battle with the enemy.
Without thinking twice, the breeders decided to breed such exotic species. And 2 years later they were officially registered as a separate breed of cats. They decided to keep the name of the horror movie character that the owner gave them.

Interesting facts about werecats

Despite the fact that the Lykoi have a short history, a lot of interesting things have happened to them:

  1. The name of this cat breed comes from the Greek word lykoi, translated meaning “werewolves” or “werewolves”.
  2. Due to their unusual appearance, which gives these pets a resemblance to fantastic creatures, representatives of the breed are often called werewolves, Licon cats or devil cats.
  3. Before Lykoi were bred, their characteristic color was found only in horses.
  4. Genetic tests have shown that representatives of the breed do not have the gene for hairlessness, which is characteristic of representatives of hairless cat varieties. Based on this, it was concluded that the Lykoi are not related to the Sphinxes and Devons.

Lika Star

(ABOUT PARENTS) “My Lithuanian mother is Tunkevichiute Aldona-Juosa.
<...> My dad named me Lika in honor of Anton Chekhov’s beloved Lika Mizinova, who was played by Marina Vladi in the film “The Plot for a Short Story.” Dad, having graduated from the directing department of VGIK, went into journalism. At first he worked at Novy Mir, and then moved to Izvestia: as editor of the agricultural department. Of course, he continued to yearn for cinema, wrote scripts on the table, but never made a single film... One day, on instructions from the editors, my father found himself in Vilnius. Mom saw him in a cafe and fell in love with the handsome metropolitan journalist at first sight. He was very similar to Alexander Blok. Mom was preparing to become an actress and studied in the same course as future movie stars. Her father, a member of the party and government of Lithuania, almost had a stroke when she ran away from home without finishing her final year. As a young girl, without education, my mother found herself in a strange Moscow in a rented apartment. For a long time, Lithuanian relatives could not forgive my mother. Only when Christina and I were born did they make peace.” (ABOUT A CHILDREN’S PLAYFRIEND) “In our yard gang there was, by the way, Mashka Golubkina, the daughter of Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov. <…> Masha lived in the neighboring “tower”. I didn't even know who her dad was. For me, he was just Uncle Andrei, just like, for her, my father. And the morals were different. Dad, approaching the house in a company car, went out of the block and walked through the yard. I remember Uncle Andrei opening the door for us in his dressing gown. They had a double apartment, connected from a one-room apartment and a two-room apartment. Masha nodded towards the one-room apartment and said: “He lives here.” I was surprised: “Why not with you?” <…> For us, it was not the famous artist Mironov, but a strict dad who would now give a blow to the neck for anything. “Come on, hurry up, let’s get out,” Masha hissed, hearing his steps, “before he leaves.” <…> Masha is a super girl, she’s just a wreck! Not far from our house there were the famous Seleznev baths. One day we picked a hole in the glass and through it we watched naked men. We didn't like what we saw. The hole was at the level of, let's say, the waist. The faces of the washing citizens were not visible, but their asses and other places were visible. “What is there to see here, Mash?” - I was surprised. Out of boredom, we started spitting into this hole. That was funny! Someone walks by with a basin and gets a specially twisted spit in his ass.”

(HOW IT TRANSFORMED FROM LIKA MC TO LIKA STAR) “It all started with the popular song “BB Taxi” <...> In the “Class” studio, where I worked, they decided to make me a singer. Roman Ryabtsev and Leonid Velichkovsky wrote my first songs. And “BBC Taxi” was composed by Dolphin himself! It's funny, but at first the song was about the subway. The guys say: “Listen, you’ve never been on the subway! Let’s convert the metro into a taxi?” And my recording immediately began to be played on the only M-radio at that time, a hundred times a day. <…> Cassettes and vinyl of my songs were immediately released. It was such a success that two years later they were re-released on CD. I gave concerts at stadiums, “imported” stars Sabrina and Samantha Fox performed in front of me. And then one day I wake up and the idea hits me: “I'm tired of being an MC. I will become Face Star! Back then, no one in Russia had ever heard of any “stars,” but now everyone is a superstar! I remember that in the provinces they still couldn’t get used to my pseudonym. <…> “How, how? Lika Start? - “No, finish!” - I answered. <…> So I unwittingly introduced the concept of “star” into circulation among the domestic show business. The first thing I received from Arthur Gasparyan in the newspaper was an angry: “No! We won’t call her that! What does she think she is, this pimply teenager!” It turns out that I unwittingly made a revolution in show business! I remember at a party Zhenya Boldin came up to me and quietly praised me: “Lika, smart girl. You removed everyone!” I was surprised: “How?” - “Look, Pugacheva, in order to be called a star, worked all her life. And you named yourself! Well done!"

(ABOUT A ROMANCE WITH FEDOR BONDARCHUK) “Once Fedya Bondarchuk came backstage to a concert at the Olimpiysky. Volodya (Presnyakov - Ed.) brought his friend to my dressing room. I didn't even pay attention to him. Stands in the corner, shy. In a word, Fedya is wearing a coat! Then, when the producer and I decided to shoot a video, the name of Fyodor Bondarchuk came up, and I realized that this was the same Fedya in the coat. By the way, the video turned out amazing: scenery from Mosfilm, costumes, cars - all the most expensive things... <...> And so it turned out that he and Volodya became rivals. <…> I remember Fedya showing me a photo where he and Presny, wrapped in sheets, like in togas, are sitting in a bathhouse. And Fedya, pointing at Volodin’s figure, jealously says: “And you prefer him to me?” <…> The funny thing is that in both cases their wives were always nearby. They controlled their husbands. I wouldn’t agree to such humiliation... At one time with the Lantern, I went through the torture of jealousy and realized: I won’t live like this anymore. What kind of dog's life is this! We were friends with Sveta Bondarchuk. She said: “Fedya sees only two people on the stage: Bogdan Titomir and you. He doesn’t recognize anyone else.” It was she who took me to the photo shoot for Fedya’s video. Vlad Loktev did a photo shoot for Sveta and me. I remember Fedya took our slides and, comparing them, jokingly said to his wife: “Sveta, look at you and her! Where are you going!” We began a long and painful romance. Fedya appeared and disappeared. If you remember what he told me, you can write a novel! And how touching - you'll burst into tears. How he suffered, how he fell in love at first sight, <...> he insisted that I was simply created for him! One word - storyteller! I felt so sorry for him, I thought: poor sufferer! Everyone around is shouting: “Bondarchuk is a macho!” And he is, first of all, a master of words, as no one knows how to envelop you with speeches. <…> He’ll come and let’s be like a nightingale. Just have time to run to the balcony, where I had a five-liter bottle of whiskey, and pour it into his glass. Every time he promised me: “I’m going to get my suitcases. Wait in the evening!” He went to his wife to say goodbye and... disappeared. He appeared - and again promises and oaths: “That’s it! I’ve already packed my suitcases!”

(IS IT TRUE THAT THEY PARTED AS ENEMIES) “It was Fedya who decided that I was his evil genius. And it was like this. We had already broken up by that time. One day I was sitting in a restaurant with a fan, a very influential businessman. “I’m going to see my wife in London for a divorce,” he shares his plans. At this moment Fedya enters the restaurant. When he saw me, his face turned gray, and he tried to sneak past unnoticed. "I'm saying hi. “What, you don’t recognize?” “Hello,” he says to my companion, and then I understand that my gentleman is the sponsor of Fedya’s future painting. <…> After this dinner, my admirer suddenly disappears. I’m at a loss: “Is it even possible to call?” After a while, during a chance meeting, it turned out that Fedya then invited my friend to visit. And at dinner, he and Sveta decided to open his eyes, telling him a tearful story about how their family almost fell victim to “this sexual maniac.” And that Fedya had no relationship with me! Sveta suffered so much, was so worried that she almost got sick after learning the whole truth. "This is an evil genius!" - Fedya said about me with horror. <...> And at the end, my friend added that Fedya swore: from now on he will devote his whole life to ensuring that Lika does not have a foot in Russian show business! The enemy will be defeated and completely destroyed! But, as they say, I ran into the wrong thing..."

(HOW SVETLANA BONDARCHUK LEARNED THE WHOLE TRUTH) “From me... Bondarchuk and I were lost in the time period by that time. Yes, I already lived with Alexey (first husband - Ed. note). Suddenly Fedya showed up. On the eve of his birthday, he calls and invites him to the club: “It’s very important for me that you come...” <...> In a word, I come to the club. The whole party is assembled. Fedya pretends that I am not there. He waved his hand from afar, but was afraid to approach. I don’t understand: why was there an invitation? Is this a Muslim holiday where all wives and concubines are invited? I just wanted to shout: “Fedya, ah! You forgot your panties!” And suddenly such evil took over me. Especially when Sveta decided, as if nothing had happened, to start small talk with me. I interrupted her, saying very harshly: “We cannot be friends, Sveta. Your husband and I had an affair. Keep an eye on him, please. And hide the suitcases, otherwise your storyteller is trying to take them out of the house!” Sveta listened to everything attentively and remained silent... Then they told me that Fedya was terribly indignant: how could I say such a thing to Sveta? How could she break the rules of decency? And I’m so tired of all this falsehood around! It turns out that I should have cried out of happiness that such a famous prince fell on me! Bed - and goodbye. And it’s even better to forget about it right away, so that it’s easier for him to portray an honest and decent family man.”

(ABOUT A ROMANCE WITH VLADIMIR PRESNYAKOV) “These are his problems, not mine,” I thought, not suspecting that I was playing with fire. He very actively won my sympathy, and I preferred to pretend that we were just friends. I thought I could let it go. But Volodya didn’t just show me signs of attention, he did it demonstratively! He didn’t hide anything and this put me in great jeopardy. After all, he was the husband of Kristina Orbakaite, and therefore the son-in-law of Pugacheva herself! <…> It was me who was free. Although in the end she turned out to be guilty.”

(ABOUT KRISTINA ORBAKAYTE) “She is a wonderful person. And I was aware that a child was growing up there. At first we communicated very well, hung out in the same company. I remember she often pulled Volodya home: “Let’s go. It’s too late...” And when they started talking about our relationship with him, I very competently pretended that nothing was happening. Moreover, she was probably no stranger to his hobbies.”

(HOW IT ALL ENDED) “Alla Borisovna flew to America. In the studio, in the absence of the hostess, we had a blast. Apparently, there were video cameras installed everywhere, because Pugacheva knew everything! Even things that, in principle, she should not have known. For example, behind my back I called her “mother,” in the sense of “Mother of our stage.” She walked around the studio and, turning to her huge poster, spoke some kind of monologue. She later repeated it to me word for word... So, Alla unexpectedly arrives. I'm sitting and working. She comes in. Very angry. He sees me, but doesn’t say anything and storms out of the studio. The next day, a call comes from her subordinate: “Lika, pick up your material. You won’t be in the studio anymore!” - "Like this?" - “Pugacheva banned it.” These words made me furious: why was I scared? I pay money and they throw me out. It is technically impossible to finish an almost finished album in another place; it is easier to record it again. I remember coming to Pugacheva’s studio and, out of anger, kicking the computer so hard that it shattered into pieces! And Volodya immediately disappeared somewhere. Apparently, they tricked him so much that he not only stopped calling, but didn’t even answer the phone. His administrator answered the phone: “Volodya is not here, Volodya is on tour.” He simply disappeared. Silence! Well, he disappeared and disappeared. I won’t run after him.”

(ABOUT A ROMANCE WITH ILYA LAGUTENKO) “Our meeting took place when my mother got sick, and I was left alone, without any support. At that time, I was very friendly with the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Om” Igor Grigoriev, we were even credited with having an affair. Hilarious! They wrote that I gave birth to a son from him. But, unfortunately, for a well-known reason, we could not have an affair. He knew about my difficult situation and decided to help - he suggested: “Lika, do you want to go to Sochi for the New Riviera festival? You’ll be distracted for at least one day.” <…> And I flew to Sochi for two days. We lived at the Lazurnaya Hotel. We were introduced. Ilya smiled and said something very sweet: “Ah! This is the same Lika, the star!” And all evening we did not leave each other. The romance started in one day. It was so dark and gloomy around me, and suddenly these blue eyes, this smile of either the Mona Lisa or the Cheshire cat... <...> Of course, I still had no idea that this was another illusion... I thought he was not like the rest of the men in show business. And I fell in love, although by and large there was nothing to fall in love with! We started an affair, or rather, I thought it was an affair. I forgot the main rule: there is no responsibility for relationships in show business! Said - forgot, did - erased from memory... Of course, we were in an unequal position. Ilya is at the very zenith of his popularity, and I, on the contrary, disappeared from the scene. <…> He also had a family... A month and a half passed. We agree on a romantic meeting... at a Rolling Stones concert in Tallinn. I don't hesitate to eat. I don’t specify where and when we meet. The Stones performed in a huge stadium packed with fans. I still thought: “How will we see each other here?” Throughout the concert I tried to find Ilya in the stands, but in vain. <…> The next day, Tallinn acquaintances told me where Lagutenko usually dines. I come to a restaurant with a friend. I see Ilya sitting surrounded by his retinue. I go up to their table: “Well, hello!” He almost choked. He looks at me with eyes widened in surprise and barely squeezes out: “Wow... What kind of people are in Hollywood!” True, then he quickly found himself and stretched his lips in the famous smile: “Oh, how good it is that we were found! Where were you at the concert? I’ve been waiting for you for so long that I fell asleep under a bush!” By the way, it looks a lot like him. <…> This is how it turned out to be a romantic date in front of witnesses.”

(WHY DOES LAGUTENKO CONSIDER A TRAITOR) “I’m returning to Moscow. <…> Ilya still doesn’t call. Finally I call myself. His director picks up the phone: “Lika, is it you? Yes, Ilya has already forgotten you! He and the “Brilliants” are now swimming in the sea!” And then a newspaper comes out, where Ilya and his wife give an interview and the couple discuss our romance. <…> And his wife adds that Lika Star is one of Lagutenko’s fans and follows him everywhere with groupie girls. I even recently came to Tallinn... I was amazed: not only did he allow himself to discuss our relationship, but he also involved his wife! I understand that he was saving his own skin, but why set me up?! After this interview, Lagutenko began to run from me like a cowardly hare. And once again, unfortunately, I was convinced that there are no men in show business.”

(“Caravan of Stories”, April 2008)

Description of the breed standards, appearance of the Lykoi

Lykoi are harmoniously built, thin-legged cats with expressive eyes and uneven coat. A breed standard with a detailed description of these animals was developed in 2012.

Dimensions and weight

Lykoy cats are not heavyweight breeds. The average weight of an adult female is 3.5 kg. The weight of a male can reach 4.5 kg.

Anatomical characteristics

According to the TICA standard, Lykoi cats must meet the following description:

  1. The head is medium in size, wedge-shaped, with soft contours, a slightly elongated forehead, a bald muzzle and fleshy, smoothly outlined whisker pads. The cat's nose is rounded and slightly pointed downwards.
  2. The eyes are large, slanted, with an open, penetrating gaze. A cat's iris is yellow, green or blue-gray.
  3. The ears are large, set far apart, with a wide base and pointed tips.
  4. The body is flexible, slightly elongated, thin, with well-developed muscles.
  5. The limbs are thin, of medium length, with oval paws and a bare lower part.
  6. The tail is short, gradually tapering towards the tip.

We recommend the article – “Top Most Scary Cats“.

Color and coat type

Lykoi are covered with soft, loose fur that grows in tufts, the thickness of which depends on the time of year. Due to the lack of down and a very thinned spine, it seems that cats of this breed suffer from a dermatological disease. And the bald patches on the face form a kind of mask.

The coat color of cats of this breed in professional terminology is referred to as roan. Each hair has a light gray or white base and a black tip.

On a note. Lykoi kittens are born with black fur. The graying characteristic of the breed appears on their coats as they grow older.

Possible breed defects

Disadvantages, in the presence of which a wolf cat will not receive a high rating for its exterior:

  • limbs completely covered with fur;
  • absence of a bald mask on the face;
  • all color options except roan.

Price of Likoy cats

The number of Lykoi in the world is still small, their population is only a few thousand. In the USA, the average cost of such a kitten is $2,000. Although in recent years they have begun to be bred not only in America, but also abroad.

In Russia, the first such cats appeared only in 2022; they are bred in only a few nurseries and the number is still small. The price for a kitten of the Likoy breed starts from 100 thousand rubles.

Character and temperament of a werecat

Lykoi are endowed with a good-natured, flexible and sociable disposition. Cats of this breed quickly become attached to their owners, but are wary of strangers. Lykois have no problem remaining alone and do not become stressed from a long separation from their owner.

On a note. The specific nature of cats of this breed does not allow them to easily make contact with strangers. And if the Lykoi suspect a stranger of bad intentions, they will attack without hesitation.

Lykoy cats get along well with their relatives and with non-aggressive dogs. True, sometimes conflicts can arise between them. Due to their developed hunting instinct, Lykoi will not tolerate small rodents or birds near them. Therefore, having a hamster or parrot as a companion for a werecat is not the best idea.

Likoy: behavior and character

In addition to their interesting appearance, nature has endowed cats of the Likoy breed with an amazing character. You can often hear from owners of this breed that this is a cat with a canine character. They become incredibly attached to their owners, becoming full-fledged members of the family. They are very curious, trying to get into all possible secret spots in the apartment, explore the entire surrounding space, play with all the small objects that they discover. Lying on the couch all day is not about the Lykoevs. These cats take an active life position.

But Lykoi is wary of strangers, and if the cat feels a danger to itself or members of its family, it can attack with lightning speed. It is worth taking this point into account and informing guests in advance. No loud sounds, no attempts to catch and cuddle the cat. Only when Likoi gets used to new people and understands that he is not in danger, then and only then will guests be able to try to pet Likoi. And rightly so: his house is his rules.

Who is there?
Lika gets along easily with other animals, but with reservations. The fact is that the Likoi have a highly developed hunter instinct, and the Likoi will try to catch and kill any small living creature. So, if you have fish, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs or parrots, think a hundred times before bringing Lykoya into your home.

Likoy is capable of making friends and playing with other cats and dogs. It is enough to properly introduce them to each other and give them time to get used to each other.

Important: at the acquaintance stage, control the behavior of your pets. If an aggressive cat or dog approaches Likoi, there will be a fight! Only the owners can nip the conflict in the bud by separating the warriors to different corners of the apartment.

A big advantage of Likoy is his ability to calmly endure loneliness, despite the breed’s human orientation. The main thing is to provide your pet with enough water, food and toys. True, it is advisable not to prolong this cat’s loneliness for a long time. You remember that Lykois are prone to overeating and, as a result, obesity?

Beauty comes in different forms
But it’s difficult to say anything definitely about the relationship between Lykoi and the children. If Likoi has already fully adapted and got used to all members of his pack, including the child, then everything is fine. But even here problems are possible: the child unsuccessfully grabbed onto the cat, or accidentally pulled the tail. If the cat can suppress its reaction and does not perceive the child as a danger, great. Plus, don’t forget that the Lykoi have a highly developed hunting instinct. The only option, it seems to us, is under the supervision of adult family members at first.

How to choose the right kitten

Lykoi is a cat of a rare and small breed, so it is not so easy to buy one. There are only a few nurseries registered with TICA that specialize in breeding these animals, and all of them are located in the United States.

This means that you will have to negotiate with breeders to purchase a kitten resembling a werewolf over the phone, and choose your future pet in absentia.

Before you finally decide and conclude a deal, it is advisable to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • availability of documents;
  • compliance with breed standards;
  • conditions of detention;
  • behavioral characteristics;
  • health status.

On a note. Little Lykoi differ from kittens of other breeds by the presence of a bald mask on the face and hairless areas on the paws.

Kitten care

Little Lykoi go to new homes no earlier than 12 weeks of age. At this point, kittens that look like a werewolf are already accustomed to solid food, a tray and a scratching post, and also have routine vaccinations. To make Lykoys feel comfortable with their new owners, they are given a cozy bed, bought several toys and given a few days to adapt.

To prevent the inquisitive werewolf cat from being injured, his access to electrical wires, detergents, ornamental plants, small objects, large household appliances, open balconies and windows is blocked.

Exterior of the breed

Undoubtedly, this cat has an extremely specific appearance that is impossible to forget. The breed has a unique color, which, in combination with the tuft-like growing hair, produces a powerful aesthetic effect. The build of " werewolves " is of medium size, which is similar in build and dimensions to the Canadian Sphynx. Their body is characterized as elongated and lean.

The coat is distinguished by the absence of down, and the guard hairs are quite rare, and this gives the impression of a dermatological defect, or disease. There is no hair at all on the face of these cats, due to which a kind of mask is formed, which in turn brings to mind thoughts of werewolves.

The traditional coat color is roan, that is, black interspersed with rare gray hairs. The ratio between black and light hairs is approximately 50 to 50 percent. This color is usually characteristic of horses and dogs, but is practically not found in cats.

The head of the Lykoi is wedge-shaped, and the nose has a hump. The most disarming thing about the appearance of “werewolves” is their eyes. They are very large and expressive. Their color can be absolutely any, including gray. Most welcome is the golden iris. The ears of the Lykoi are also very large, pointed, have a wide base and are located almost at a right angle to the head.

Care and maintenance of werecats

Lykoi are unpretentious pets; they do not require special conditions. True, due to the partially absent coat, representatives of the breed must be protected from direct contact with ultraviolet radiation, because under the influence of sunlight, their bare skin temporarily becomes covered with dark spots or completely blackens. Otherwise, cat care comes down to simple hygienic procedures.

Hygiene procedures

In order for a cat with the appearance of a werewolf to have a neat appearance, she is provided with appropriate care:

  1. Lykoya's claws are shortened with a nail clipper as they grow. Moreover, only the transparent ends are cut off. To prevent a werewolf in cat skin from scratching the furniture upholstery, he is provided with a scratching post.
  2. Twice a week, Lykoyas brush their teeth with a soft brush and non-foaming paste. To prevent plaque and tartar, the werecat is offered special chewable treats.
  3. The ears and eyes of the Lykoi are regularly inspected for the presence of uncharacteristic discharge and gently wiped with cotton pads soaked in alcohol-free lotion or herbal decoction.


Lykoi are partially hairless pets with hairless areas on their bodies. Hairless skin of cats sweats, so it is regularly wiped with wet wipes.

Shedding in representatives of this breed does not depend on the season, so they can change their coat several times throughout the year. To make a cat's ragged coat look well-groomed, it is brushed several times a week with a special brush. During the period of active molting, the procedure is carried out daily.


The cat of this breed is very clean and quickly gets used to relieving itself in a designated place. Until the little Likoi grows up, he is provided with a tray with low sides. And for adult cats, they buy a litter box whose dimensions correspond to their size. It is advisable to use wood or mineral granules as a filler for the Lykoya tray.

Breed standard according to the TICA federation

Since the breed was not bred artificially, but was formed as a result of a genetic mutation, many phenological organizations did not recognize it. TICA is one of those federations that recognized Lykoev. According to their requirements, the breed must meet certain standards. It was developed in 2012.


Small in size, wedge-shaped, with rounded cheekbones. The frontal area is slightly convex, elongated, not particularly wide.


Likoi is a graceful cat with a penetrating gaze.
Bald in the central part, small in size. The whisker pads are fleshy and without hair. The wide nose is depressed at the border between the bridge of the nose and the forehead. On the same line is a rounded, well-developed chin.


Wide, far apart ears point at the tips. They are erect. The outside is covered with fine pile, the inside is bare.


Huge almond-shaped eyes directed upward along an oblique line. The look is open and welcoming. The area around the eye sockets is devoid of hair, and the whiskers on top are often absent. The iris is colored golden, blue-gray or greenish.


Lint-free, smooth and leathery to the touch. Located on the same vertical line with the forehead and chin, slightly directed downward. The pillow with nostrils is slightly expanded and round in shape.


The physique is of medium density, muscular and flexible with smooth outlines. The general impression is that the animal is slender and harmonious.


There is scanty hair on the paws, as on all limbs. The latter are not particularly long, slender. Paws are small, oval, with elongated toes. The pads are painted dark.


Shorter than the body, tapering towards the end. Covered with uneven shedding of long hair.


The coat is not particularly thick, silky, of different lengths (the guard hairs are longer). There is no undercoat at all or very short. The thickness of the fur depends on the season. This is the only breed that has hair that feels similar to human hair.


Acceptable color options depending on class:

  • show – roan (a mixture of black and white hair in a 1:1 ratio, dark inclusion can be from 30 to 70%);
  • brid – resinous or smoky;
  • outcrossing – pure black.

Likoi's kittens are born with a resinous color. The gray hair inherent in the breed appears gradually as it matures.

Feeding the werecat

Due to increased heat exchange, Lykois should receive larger portions than cats of other breeds. It is important to maintain a balance so as not to overfeed your pet.

Complete diet

Professionals recommend giving lykoia high-quality premium or super-premium drying. When choosing food for representatives of the breed, it is advisable to pay attention to expiration dates and composition. It is important that the feed does not contain soy, corn, wheat and other unhealthy additives. The following brands of drying best fit these criteria:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Hills;
  • Acana.

With a natural type of feeding, Lykoi should receive a sufficient amount of raw lean meat, ocean fish and offal. Also, the diet of werecats can be diversified with quail eggs, cereals, boiled vegetables and sour milk.

To maintain health, Lykoys are never given sausages, pickles, smoked meats, mushrooms, potatoes, pork, river fish, sweets, pastries or any food from the host’s plate.

Feeding frequency

The number of meals depends on the age of the werecat:

  • up to 4 months – 6 times a day;
  • 4-5 months – 5 times a day;
  • 5-9 months – 4 times a day;
  • 9-12 months – 3 times a day.

From the age of one year, Lykoi can get by with two feedings a day.

Vitamins and minerals

To prevent Lykoi from suffering from vitamin deficiency, special supplements are introduced into their diet twice a year. It is important that the selection of vitamin and mineral complexes occurs with the participation of a veterinarian familiar with the characteristics of a particular cat.

Breeding Features

First, the owner should purchase a pair of Lykoi, then join a special club for breeders. In the case of this particular breed, only entry into TICA will be possible. A mandatory rule is participation in exhibitions, since without this the female will not be officially allowed for breeding.

Choosing a partner

If the future breeder only has a female, he should find a suitable partner for her. The selection criteria are the same for all cat breeds:

  • pedigree;
  • health;
  • the possibility of concluding an agreement with the cat’s owner, which will stipulate all the points regarding the rights of future kittens.

Mating and birth

A cat is allowed to be bred at the age of 1 year, when puberty has set in, a cat - from 14 months. To give birth to high-quality offspring, it is recommended to skip the first heat.

Lykoia females tolerate pregnancy well and can give birth up to 5 times a year, but the cat herself suffers from this (her body only works for pregnancy and feeding) and her future offspring.

Therefore, it is recommended to breed 1-2 times a year to allow the female to fully recover after giving birth. At the first lambing, a veterinarian should be present to provide the necessary assistance to the mother cat, if necessary.

Castration and sterilization

The owner of such a rare pet as the Lykoi should not rush to spay or neuter him, since the number of representatives of the breed is too small. The owner is advised to continue breeding. Mating of a purebred animal is permitted only with a partner of the same breed.

Females of any breed are sterilized at the age of 7 to 12 months, males - up to 1.5–2 years. Young animals tolerate the procedure more easily. In any case, consultation with a veterinarian is required before surgery.

Raising and physical activity of a werecat

Lykoi are energetic cats with strong hunting instincts. Representatives of this breed love to walk on a leash and have fun with improvised toys.

To maintain good physical shape, the lykoyam is equipped with a corner with tunnels, ladders and multi-level platforms. And so that werecats have something to do in the absence of their owners, they buy several toys.

Lykoi are intellectually developed pets that quickly remember the rules of behavior in the house. Werecats easily get used to the litter box and scratching post and often surprise their owners with their resourcefulness.


The Lykoi body is completely naked or has multiple bald patches. They are somewhat similar to the Canadian Sphynx, although the genetic background of the two breeds is different. Lykoi's coat is uneven, tuft-shaped and resembles opossum fur. Initially, it may seem that the cat has shingles. Due to the lack of hair on its face, it looks like a werewolf.

The animal has folded skin, especially sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. After several hours in the sun, scattered pigmentation appears, and daily such pastime leads to a continuous black tan. A similar situation occurs when a pet is lying on a heating radiator. Once the animal is protected from heat and sun exposure, the dermis will return its pink tint within 2 weeks. They also sweat in the heat.


Likoi is unusual not only in appearance, but also in character. An affectionate and docile cat can instantly become aggressive. This is often associated with the appearance of a stranger in the house, and the werewolf cat turns into the protector of the owner and his family. For her, this is a primary task, like a watchdog. Likoi is so fearless that he is ready to fight even with a large dog.

Despite the occasional wildness, they are friendly and kind in nature to their owner and members of his family. They quickly become attached to them and remain devoted for life. When alone you will always find something to do, which is good for busy people.

It is worth noting the high intellectual capabilities of the breed, which is given by nature. This is manifested in the intelligence and resourcefulness that they show during games.

Vaccinations and antiparasitic treatment

Lykoi are susceptible to standard feline infections, so they should be vaccinated as a preventive measure. The first vaccination against rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis and panleukopenia is given to kittens of this breed at 7-8 weeks.

After 28 days, little Lykoi are vaccinated with the same drug, but with an anti-rabies component. In the future, cats are vaccinated annually.

To prevent diseases transmitted by fleas and worms, representatives of this breed are regularly subjected to antiparasitic treatment. Anthelmintics are given to Lykoyas twice a year, repeated every 10-12 days. To combat fleas, werecats are treated with special drops or shampoos.


Representatives of the breed are distinguished by excellent health. During the short period of existence, it was not possible to identify any serious pathologies or abnormalities in them. But felinologists are ambiguous in their statements. The breed has not been studied enough; it is too early to talk about the complete absence of health risks.

No allergic reactions to foods commonly fed to cats, medications, or vaccines have been identified. Selective tests were also carried out to determine if the breed had a predisposition to diseases of the heart, urinary tract, and liver. All gave negative results.

It is currently known that Lykoi can be susceptible to the most common infectious feline diseases. Therefore, regular preventive visits to the doctor, vaccinations, and careful care are the key to your pet’s health.

Pros and cons of the breed

Lykoi, like cats of any other breed, have their advantages and disadvantages:

Extraordinary appearanceRarity of the breed
AgreeablenessDeveloped hunting instinct
Good tolerance of loneliness

Lykoi are extraordinary cats, they are very different from representatives of most other breeds and evoke conflicting emotions. But those who are able to see and appreciate their beauty will acquire a loyal and kind friend in their person.


Today the name of the singer Lika Star is somewhat forgotten, but not so long ago she was a mega-popular person in the domestic show business. After all, Lika Star is the first female DJ in Russia. Lika also became a singer, for whom the most expensive video clips were shot.

Lika Star, whose real name is Lika Olegovna Pavlova, was born in September 1973 in the Baltic states. He spent his childhood and teenage years in Vilnius. And the daughter’s amazing name was given to her by her father, who adored the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and knew the writer’s biography well. Remembering that the classic’s beloved was called Lika Mizinova, Oleg Pavlov gave the girl the same name.

Singer Lika Star

It was dad, Oleg Vladimirovich Pavlov, who had a huge influence on his daughter. My father was a bright and talented man. A graduate of VGIK, who graduated from the directing department, Pavlov did not work in his specialty, but chose journalism for himself. Carrying out an assignment for the Izvestia newspaper, where he worked in the late 1960s, Pavlov went on a business trip to the city of Vilnius, where he met the beautiful Lithuanian Aldona-Juoza Tunkeviciute and stayed there to live.

Lika Pavlova lived up to her dad's hopes. The girl grew up as an extraordinary, bright child. The parents chose a linguistic school for their daughter with the study of French, after which they dreamed of seeing Lika among the ranks of MGIMO students. But fate decreed otherwise.

Lika Star in her youth

The two greatest hobbies between which the girl was torn were sports and music. In the first, Lika reached considerable heights. The title of “master of sports in swimming” came to Pavlova in her teens. But at the age of 14, the future star gave up sports and concentrated on music. At the age of 15, after the death of her beloved father, the girl left home.

Personal life

At the age of 14, Lika Pavlova met Vladimir Fonarev. Then Vladimir was a rising disco star. The couple began an affair. Fonarev and helped young Lika take her first steps in the DJ profession. But the relationship ended in a painful separation.

Lika Star and Angelo Ceci

Lika Star’s personal life received a new impetus after a meeting with businessman Alexei Mamontov. The man, far from the world of show business, became a reliable support for the 22-year-old girl for some time. In 1995, Lika gave birth to her first child, Artemy. But after Mamontov was drawn into gang warfare, which happened often at that time, Pavlova, taking her little son, was forced to hide from her husband’s enemies. It was a difficult period in the singer's life. Then Lika's mother died.

After the black streak, Lika Star again found herself at the zenith of fame and in favor with Alla Pugacheva herself. But after rumors about the singer’s romantic relationship with the then Diva’s son-in-law Vladimir Presnyakov, Lika disappeared from domestic show business. They say that the end of her career happened at the behest of Alla Borisovna.

Today Lika Star lives in Sardinia. The husband of the former singer is entrepreneur Angelo Ceci. The couple had two children. In 2004 - daughter Allegrina, and in 2011 - son Mark.

On April 20, 2016, Lika Star reminded herself. In the program “Alone with Everyone,” the artist admitted to Yulia Menshova and the audience that at the beginning of her career she had an affair with Fyodor Bondarchuk. According to Lika, the girl then openly told the director’s wife about this. At the same time, the star of the 90s claims that he does not feel guilty before Svetlana Bondarchuk and Kristina Orbakaite. Like, Lika was a free woman. Therefore, the blame for affairs “on the side” lies exclusively with men.

On behalf of Lika Star, there is an official group on the Instagram network, viewing photos and videos of which is available only to subscribers of the account.


Having met DJ Vladimir Fonarev (DJ Lantern), Lika Star became passionate about working at the console. Lika liked the duties of a DJ so much that the girl very quickly mastered the profession and learned the intricacies. Pavlova refuted the existing stereotype that this is a job for guys, and proved this with her own example, becoming the first female DJ in Russia.

In Moscow, Lika Star met future producer Sergei Obukhov. He liked the vocals and stage image of the young singer, and Obukhov began to “promote” the girl. At the very beginning of the 90s, in collaboration with producer Lika Star, she was able to release her first single called “BBC Taxi”. The song instantly turned into a hit, immediately followed by several more. The compositions collected together formed the debut album “Lika Rap”.

The popularity of the new singer grew by leaps and bounds. Having relied on outrageousness, the girl, with the help of the producer, quickly turned into a star. Possessing model parameters of appearance (the singer’s height is 173 cm), Lika was the first of the Russian celebrities who dared to appear nude for the Russian edition of Playboy. The effect was comparable to a bomb exploding in a crowded place.

A striking event in 1994 was the appearance of an unusually frank video for the song “Let the Rain Pass” for that time. The video was shot by a beginner and many unknown director Fyodor Bondarchuk. The clip ended up on the MTV channel, where it was broadcast for half a month. At the same time, the singer decided on her own pseudonym and began to officially call herself Lika Star. The musical composition was included in the singer’s second studio album, which was called “Fallen Angel.” The tracks “Thirst for New Illusions”, “Somewhere There...”, “Smell”, “Little Tramp” were also included there.

The fact that Lika Star's star has risen quickly and brightly can be judged by the appearance of the singer at Alla Pugacheva's Christmas meetings. According to Lika, the Diva invited the girl to her own theater, promising to make her number 1 in the country. But, again according to Lika Star, the singer refused such an honor, because she already considered herself number one in the country. And the girl didn’t want to turn into a puppet in the hands of Alla Borisovna.

Scandalous articles in yellow publications dedicated to the singer with Baltic roots followed one after another. The girl was presented with monstrous “sins”, most of which Lika did not commit. Perhaps this was part of the advertising strategy of the producer or the singer herself.

In 1995, Lika Star’s creative biography took a sharp turn. After the birth of her son, the singer decided to stop performing for a while and devote time to the baby. At that time, a tour was taking place in support of the album “Fallen Angel”. Huge amounts of money were invested in it, and the producer demanded intense work and a tight work schedule. The contradictions ended in a stormy showdown. Lika Star won, and received the rights to sell 5 thousand discs.

In 1996, the artist began recording her next album, “More Than Love.” As planned by the producers, the release of the disc was preceded by a nationwide advertising campaign. A year later, the premiere of the video clip for the hit “Lonely Moon” took place, in which the roles were played by the editor-in-chief of the popular OM magazine in the 90s Igor Grigoriev, Gosha Kutsenko, Masha Tsigal, Ivan Salmaksov, and the TV presenter of the TV-6 channel Tanya Semkiv.

In 1998, the star managed to open her own studio, calling it “AS Studio,” and began producing aspiring performers herself.

A new batch of “fresh” scandals did not slow down, which again brought Lika Star to the top of popularity. In addition to rumors about a romantic relationship with Ilya Lagutenko, the singer and producer added brush to the fire by appearing with two DJs – Groove and Mutabor – in the scandalous show “The Naked Truth”. Here the program's heroes shared with the country the secrets of the underbelly of the country's show business.

After the scandal, Lika Star left for the UK for a long time. Here in London, the girl began collaborating with the musicians of the Apollo 440 group.

In 2001, the artist pleased fans with the new album “I”, which premiered on radio “Station 2000”. The song “Fall” was played on air. The collection also includes the tracks “I’m Melting”, “On Fire”, “Wind”, “Ibiza”.

In 2003, Lika Star reminded herself of herself in her homeland by becoming a participant in the “The Last Hero” project. In 2007, the artist once again appeared on Russian television in the video clip for the song “Twist and Stir”, where she starred together with Vengerov & Fedorov.

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