The British cat breed is the aristocrats of the cat world

Metis, that is, a cross between two different breeds, is an unpredictable creature, because its genes can appear in the most unexpected combinations. Sometimes they turn out to be successful (for example, a softer character or good health appears), sometimes they are undesirable. Let's see what the consequences are and what kittens are born from two different breeds.

METIS is an animal resulting from the mating of two different breeds. With proper crossbreeding, the first-generation cross often exhibits the effect of heterosis (increased viability) for certain characteristics (milk yield, egg production, wool clipping, etc.). Unlike hybrids, crosses easily mate with each other and produce fertile offspring.

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Attention! Information about the possible origin of the mestizos presented in the article is approximate, because without having documents for the cat, it is impossible to say what breed it is. Roots can only be determined approximately by eye. Therefore, if we say that a given cat is a Scots-Persian mix, then there is no 100% guarantee that this is really the case. However, these cats look exactly like mixtures of these breeds.

History of cats and their breeds

Cats and cats are creatures of nature, and their preferences are natural. To procreate, they choose a couple based on certain criteria, where strength, endurance and health come first, and only then external data. The domestication of cats began about ten thousand years ago, and at that time all cats did not have a specific breed, but living in different areas, they differed in appearance and character.

As cats from different areas spread throughout the world, they crossed with each other and the first mestizos appeared, which, in turn, continued to reproduce. This is how modern cats appeared, which differed in physique, length and color of fur, and character. With the development of progress, the study of genetics began and the identification of the causes of differences in the color and character of pets began, as well as their unification into separate groups - breeds.

    Some arose naturally without human intervention, such as the Siamese cat. Others are bred artificially, through long-term crossings of different species. One of the representatives is British. In fact, this is a mixed-breed cat whose parents were English and Persian domestic cats. For still others, the main distinguishing feature of the breed is caused by a gene mutation, for example, in Scottish cats it is folded ears. Subsequent work was aimed at preserving such features.

Today there are more than 400 cat breeds.

Description of the breed

Appearance - what does a Russian Blue look like?

The Russian Blue cat looks like... A cat. She can be called an ideal representative of the noble cat family - strong, healthy, graceful, unspoiled by inventive breeders, fluffy, gray, phlegmatic, she seems to have come out of an illustration of some fairy tale about Kotofey Ivanovich.

Without metaphors, there are three different phenotypes of the Russian Blue cat.

American type

Characterized by a more elongated head shape. His ears are larger, pointed, and his fur is thicker, brighter (the color is rich gray-blue), and his bones are lighter and more graceful. This type is also called “oriental”.

European type

The head is flatter, the coat is silver. The undercoat and the coat itself are the same length, so the coat seems very thick and elastic. The ears are rounded.

English type

The head is shorter in shape, the coat is lighter than that of other phenotypes, with “silvering” - a slight silvery tint.

As for the proportions: the head should be slightly elongated, flat, the nose without a hump, the forehead without pronounced hills and roundings, but the brow ridges are well defined, and the chin is “strong-willed”, rounded. Large eyes, round in shape (not almond-shaped), widely spaced. The ears are large, thin, elastic, there is little hair on the inside of the ear. The neck and body are elongated, graceful, muscular, the legs and tail are long and strong. The paw pads of the European type are darker, purple, lighter, with a beige tint - those of the American type.


On average 60 centimeters in length from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Height is about 25 centimeters.


This is a long-haired breed. The fur stays well behind the body. One of the defects is considered to be a tight-fitting coat.


Bright blue, gray-blue, with a silvery coating (“silvering” or “tipping”).

According to the breed standard, the fur coat should be one color, but it happens that even a completely healthy cat gives birth to kittens, for example, with a white chest, with white spots or with yellow eyes. It is impossible to predict, it just happens even if the breeder is as decent as possible. However, such kittens are sold cheaper, but they have all the features of the breed for which their owners value it so much.

Mixed cats

Despite the fact that kittens from representatives of various breeds can be bright, graceful and funny, mixed breeds will never become the owners of a pedigree and will not take first places at exhibitions.

Mixed-breed cat - what is it? The answer to this question is known to every breeder, who mercilessly cull kittens born from different breeds. But many modern breeds appeared through random crossing. This is how the Broomilla breed arose from a Persian father and a Bruma mother. The first offspring was not considered a breed, but thanks to the work of the breeder, who continued to work on improving the new species, the Broomilla was recognized and included in the International Register of Pedigree Cats.

Crossbreed with Siberian cat

Similar problems can be observed in a hybrid of a Scottish and Siberian cat, which has a fairly large bone structure. In appearance, such kittens can turn out to be completely unpredictable: some will have fairly short hair, but an elongated muzzle, while others will have the opposite. But in any case, the Scottish child's face will definitely no longer exist. Kittens from a Siberian cat and a Scottish cat or vice versa - from a Scottish cat and a Siberian cat look more severe. In addition, they may develop unpredictable genetic problems. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to breed a Scottish cat with a Siberian cat is no.​

Métis British

Mixed breed cats have always existed, and the British are no exception. The history of their origin began with the islands of Britain, where imported Persians were crossed with local representatives - English domestic cats. The new breed was called British. She combined English intelligence and Persian proud stubbornness.

To obtain new colors, breeders crossed this breed with their relatives, the Persians. As a result of their labors, a mixed breed of British and Persian was born. The breeding of such mestizos continued until 2003, after which it was prohibited due to signs of degeneracy in both breeds. Today, a kitten from a Persian cat and a British cat is characterized as outbred and does not receive places at exhibitions.

Also relevant were the matings of British and Scottish shorthair cats, which were used to breed Scottish Folds or Scottish Folds. Since lop ears are caused by a mutating gene, mating of two mutants is prohibited due to the risk of hereditary diseases and skeletal deformities incompatible with life in the offspring.


My tartan was affectionate, but she stroked it anywhere.

She looks a lot like my cat as a child) she took a mongrel on purpose, roughly speaking, so that he would be affectionate, but in reality it doesn’t matter) you can pet him whenever he wants, he’s characteristic) but with the advent of the child he became calmer, he doesn’t touch her, he knows that they’ll piss off)

Why did you decide that the Scots are evil? I have a Scottish Fold - a very affectionate girl, she is only afraid of strangers and hides, but loves her own

I have a “yard” cat, but she behaves like a countess

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