Features of Probalance food for cats and reviews about it

Assortment and features of feed

All Probalance cat food can be divided into 2 groups - for adult cats and kittens. Food for the smallest is limited to one line of complete food (crickets and canned food), while food for adult cats includes several lines of dry and wet food.

Probalance food for adult cats

All wet food of this brand for adult cats are available in the form of pouches and canned food. Each series of food is available in several flavors (salmon, chicken, veal and rabbit). Current assortment:

  • “Sensitive” (for cats with capricious digestion);
  • “Active” (for energetic cats);
  • “Sterilized” (for sterilized and neutered cats);
  • "Immuno Protection" (to maintain immunity).

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Dry food is represented by the following products:

  • "Immuno Protection";
  • "Sterilized";
  • "Sensitive";
  • “Hair and Beauty” (to maintain the beauty of the coat and healthy skin of cats).

These products can be combined with each other, but it is not recommended to confuse this food with a product from another manufacturer. For example, I buy Sterilized dry food for my older cat, and Active canned food for my younger cat (she is more active and spends more energy). But if I run out of crickets for a sterilized cat, I can safely give her wet food, since they are not mutually exclusive.

Photo gallery: Probalance food for adult cats

Probalance Active food is produced only in the form of pouches and canned food. 415 g cans are equipped with a convenient lid with a ring-opener. Large bags of Probalance food have a convenient cut line. Hair&Beauty food is produced only in the form of crickets. Probalance wet food is also complete ( no additional feeding required)

Composition of “adult” food

The content of food components may vary depending on the type and line of food. Ingredients listed:

  • raw protein (including raw meat);
  • crude fat, fiber and ash;
  • vitamins A, D, E, group B, H, taurine;
  • minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, selenium;
  • flaxseed is a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • lysine (responsible for the animal’s immunity);
  • L-carnitine (for weight control);
  • prebiotics;
  • phytocomplex Fitocare for cats;
  • Yucca Schidigera extract (reduces fecal odor).

Fitocare for cats is a patented set of medicinal herbs that has a general strengthening and tonic effect

Table: characteristics of food for adult cats

Type of feedNamePackagingThe presence of protein in the compositionEnergy valuePrice
Crickets"Sensitive"85 g bags (25 pieces), 415 g cans9%84 kcalFrom 70 rubles per can of 415 g
"Sterilized"6%75 kcal
"Immuno Protection"8%84 kcal
Canned food400 g bags, 1.8 kg and 10 kg bags30%375 kcalFrom 93 rubles for 400 g
"Sterilized"32%363 kcal
"Sensitive"375 kcal
"Hair and Beauty"

Food "Probalance" for kittens

Baby food of this brand is represented by only 1 line - Kitten 1`st diet. It can be fed to kittens of any breed. There are dry and wet complete food Kitten 1`st diet.

Baby food "Probalance" is available in only 3 packaging options - 85 g pouches, as well as 400 g and 10 kg bags of dry food

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Table: characteristics of dry and wet food for kittens

Type of food Kitten 1`st dietPackagingCompoundAgeEnergy value (per 100 g)Price
WetPouches 85 g (25 pieces)Components:
  • animal protein;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • natural antioxidants;
  • phyto-composition “Fitocare for cats” (set of medicinal herbs).
From 2 monthsAt least 84 kcalFrom 25 rubles per pouch
Dry400 g bags, 10 kg bags385 kcalFrom 95 rubles

Probalance for kittens contains the same components as the product for adult cats, only in a different percentage. Some baby owners are afraid to accustom their pet to ready-made food since childhood, so the Kitten 1`st diet packaging contains special instructions, including a table for calculating the daily diet.

When I introduced my kitten to store-bought food, I first went to the vet. He calculated the approximate amount of calories required for the normal development and growth of a kitten, and compiled an approximate feeding schedule for several months. I hung these recommendations on the refrigerator, so all feedings took place “on the clock.”

On the bags and 400 g bags there is a table of the daily diet and recommendations for feeding adult cats and kittens

Series of products for kittens

The line is intended for kittens over two months of age. The food is used to feed pets who have recently switched from mother's milk to solid food. The series is also suitable for adult animals bearing kittens and in the lactation period. The products contain minerals and vitamins, as well as proteins that are necessary for normal growth. Proteins also have a positive effect on maternal health.

Reviews of Probalance food for cats during pregnancy and for kittens are mostly positive. The owners claim that animals expecting offspring and in the lactation period do not look emaciated. This means that the composition of the product provides the body with a sufficient amount of nutrients. The kittens developed normally, were active, and did not experience any health problems.

Feed range

The Probalance food line includes the following varieties.

Dry food

Optimal for feeding pets when the owner is absent from home for a long time during the day. Thanks to their dense consistency, they help strengthen cats’ teeth and clean them of plaque. Packaged in bags of 0.4, 1.8 and 10 kg.

Dry food is presented in 4 options, taking into account the different needs and preferences of each pet. Available with: salmon, beef, rabbit, chicken and turkey.

There are 3 types of food available, packaged in bags with different colors:

Yellow. Improves the functioning of the cat's immune system and normalizes motor activity.

Blue. Optimal for spayed and neutered pets. This type of food prevents the development of problems with the genitourinary system, minimizes the formation of stones and helps maintain the animal’s weight within normal limits.

Green. Is hypoallergenic. Recommended for feeding cats prone to allergic reactions, as well as those with problems with the digestive tract and its increased sensitivity.

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Cat breeds for which Probalance is optimal for feeding

The line of food is suitable for many felines. The manufacturer himself identifies among the recommended breeds: chinchilla, Burmese, Thai cats, munchkins, etc.

Composition of feed Probalance

The ingredients included in Probalance are as follows:

  • The base is chicken, rabbit, turkey or salmon meat that has undergone a dehydration procedure.
  • Additionally, the composition includes: rice, barley. They promote long-term saturation and are well absorbed by the pet’s body.
  • Plant and animal fats containing essential amino acids improve the condition of the skin and coat.
  • Beetroot extract normalizes intestinal microflora and increases the body's protective properties.
  • Taurine helps normalize the functioning of the animal's cardiovascular and nervous systems. It also participates in the digestion of fats and prevents the development of eye diseases in the pet.
  • Yeast with a high content of vitamin B12 normalizes the performance of all organs and systems.
  • Amino acid (L-carnitine) – is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, improves appetite and increases the regeneration of soft tissues.
  • Powdered eggs contain vitamins, proteins and minerals necessary for your pet's health.

The table below details the most popular Probalance foods.

CompoundNutritional value (kcal/100 g)
Immuno Salmon

Wet food Probalance

They are bags of complete, balanced premium food (in the form of wet pieces). The manufacturer recommends them for daily use, but experienced breeders recommend using them instead of treats.

Portion bags weighing 85 g are designed for one-time feeding of an adult. This is very convenient, since in open food, for example, in a jar stored in the refrigerator for some time, the quality of the product decreases, the taste deteriorates and the content of nutrients and vitamins in canned food decreases.

The table below shows the composition of spiders and their energy value.

Name% protein contentCalorie content

For kittens from 2 months


Types of goods

The products of the company “Aller Petfood A/S” are divided into the following groups:

  1. Wet food in soft packaging. This is a combination of canned food and dry mix. It contains a moderate amount of moisture. The product is produced in portioned packages. The weight of the package is 85 grams. It is designed for one feeding of an adult pet. After opening the package, the product quickly loses its beneficial properties.
  2. Dry food "Probalance" for cats. According to consumer reviews, the product is convenient for those owners who are not at home during the day. The mixture does not dry out during the day. Packaged food can be stored for 12 months. In addition, the product helps strengthen dental tissue and remove plaque from its surface. Dry mixtures are produced in bags weighing 400 g, 1, 8 and 10 kilograms. There are several lines of Probalance products. Cat foods are designed for pets with different characteristics.

Consumption rate, advantages, disadvantages

Each pack of Probalance food comes with detailed instructions. The product must be used taking into account the recommended dosages. The daily rate of its consumption is determined by the body weight of the animal:

  • less than 2 kg - no more than 60 g;
  • 3 kg - from 60 to 70 g;
  • 4 kg - from 70 to 80 g;
  • 5 kg - from 80 to 90 g;
  • more than 6 kg - from 90 to 100 g.

If the body weight does not correspond to the age category of a domestic cat or there are any doubts about the animal’s health, it is better to consult a veterinarian in advance. This will allow you to avoid the negative consequences of consuming Probalance food and achieve maximum benefits.

This cat food has both pros and cons. The main advantages include an affordable price, a balanced composition and the presence of a large number of useful macro- and microelements. In addition, the Probalance product goes well with wet types of cat food.

One of the shortcomings is the lack of awareness. Thus, in some cases, the manufacturer does not indicate on the packaging what birds the product is made from. In addition, Probalance contains antioxidants. Despite the fact that these compounds can be beneficial for the cat's body, they can cause allergic manifestations and exacerbation of gastrointestinal pathologies.

Another drawback of the product is the lack of special additives for nursing and pregnant cats. Another disadvantage is the presence of peas in the composition. This product often causes bloating

This is not a problem for adults, but kittens should be given food especially carefully.

It was developed taking into account the characteristics of the cat's body and meets all necessary veterinary standards. Consumers love that the line includes food designed for spayed and neutered pets. You can buy food at any pet store. Its cost is from 18 rubles.

Composition analysis

We couldn’t find a clear photo of the recipe from the back of the package, so we analyze the composition based on data from the official website about nutrition “First Diet for a Kitten.”

Composition of Probalance feed

In the first position is dehydrated poultry meat, what type is not specified. The food included a product called “separated feed of animal origin.” What it is is unknown. The feed mixture contains a significant amount of cereals - rice and barley. Peas are classified as dual-use ingredients as a source of protein and starch.

It is unknown what natural flavoring additives the manufacturer included in the feed mixture. The food contains chicken fat and sunflower oil. The specialist who comments on the introduction of flaxseed into the feed mixture erroneously claims that it is through this component that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids enter the diet. In fact, they are found in abundance in vegetable oils and fish oils. The following is a list of a standard set of vitamins, microelements, and amino acids.

A distinctive feature of Probalance food is its inclusion in the composition of the herbal medicine Fitocare for cats. The exact composition of the biological additive is unknown. The developers claim that this product normalizes digestion and prevents urolithiasis. The drug Miko Carb is a mixture of low molecular weight organic acids that are used in animal feed to destroy microscopic fungi.

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Based on the data provided, it is difficult to judge the quality of the product described. Premium food manufacturers provide clear and understandable product descriptions.

Products in blue packaging

This series produces two types of products. The “Hair and Beauty” line is designed for pets with long hair.

When preparing for exhibitions, the diet ensures a beautiful appearance. The good condition of pet fur is explained by the presence of flax seed in the food. The component contains fatty acids, as well as other vitamins and nutrients. They make the coat thick, fluffy and shiny.

Feed composition

The ingredients of your pet's food are the first thing you should pay attention to when purchasing. Its quality directly depends on the quantity of useful components, so if there is a lack of micronutrients and vitamins in a particular product, it makes sense to look for a worthy replacement.

As for the Probalance cat food, the main component in its composition (according to the manufacturer) is dehydrated poultry meat (mostly turkey and chicken)

Its quality directly depends on the quantity of useful components, so if there is a lack of micronutrients and vitamins in a particular product, it makes sense to look for a worthy replacement. As for the Probalance cat food, the main component in its composition (according to the manufacturer) is dehydrated poultry meat (mostly turkey and chicken)

As for the Probalance cat food, the main component in its composition (according to the manufacturer) is dehydrated poultry meat (mostly turkey and chicken).

Premium food also includes Monge and Gina.

In addition to the meat part, the manufacturer added cereals (represented by rice and barley) to the feed. Like specially processed meat, they are quickly processed by the body and give a feeling of fullness, and rice can safely be called a hypoallergenic product.

Vegetable oil and chicken fat are equally high-quality ingredients that cats need to restore the color and shine of their fur and restore the health of their skin.

In addition, vegetable oil supplies the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids.

When carefully studying the composition of the feed, it is easy to notice the presence of beet pulp in it.

Find out also about the composition of the most popular cat foods such as Acana, Farmina, Felix, Whiskas, Our Brand, Gourmet, Kitiket.

Probalance food also contains many useful vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal functioning of your pet.

For example, taurine is simply an essential amino acid produced by the bodies of many animals.

However, cats are not among those who can synthesize it on their own, which means it must be supplied to the body along with food or other food products.

Taurine is an integral part of bile, thanks to which fats are quickly digested and metabolic processes in the body's nervous system and heart muscle are improved (in some cases, a sufficient amount of this component prevents degenerative eye diseases).

Premium food is recommended for feeding cats of such breeds as British chinchilla, Turkish angora, Siamese cat, Ocicat, American shorthair, Munchkin, Burmese cat, British cat, Thai cat.

The therapeutic and preventive properties of the food and its pleasant smell are due to the presence of 18 different herbs and plants in it.

Some of them stimulate appetite and normalize metabolic processes in the body, others support vision, and others have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Important! Despite the comparative safety of all components of Probalance dry food, the possibility of developing allergic reactions to individual components cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the safety of E321 antioxidants has not been proven, although there is no information about the harm of this component

Reviews from veterinarians

Most veterinarians speak positively about the Probalance line of food, although they advise owners to purchase super premium diets. There are also negative reviews.

Valery K. veterinarian I advise patients of the Immuno and Hypoallergenic series. Immuno contains lysine, which the dog’s body does not synthesize itself. Lysine helps absorb calcium and improves brain function. The amino acid is found in large quantities in fish and meat. The artificial introduction of lysine into food may indicate low-quality ingredients.

Hypoallergenic food must be selected especially carefully. The option offered for dogs with grain allergies also contains chicken. This is strange, chicken is the strongest allergen.

General characteristics

Although there is an opinion that Russian food is not of sufficient quality, the new animal food Probalance has a good composition and an affordable price. Its relation to the premium class does not mean that it is of the highest quality, it is a middle class food. Among the existing 4 classes, it ranks second. Probalance is in demand among those who cannot afford really high-quality super premium food.

Features of use

First of all, when buying food for their pet, owners pay attention to its composition. Probalance contains the following ingredients:

  1. One of the main elements of the feed is dehydrated (dried) turkey or chicken meat. The meat included in the composition has undergone special processing, during which all the liquid is evaporated, leaving flour containing all the nutrients. The digestibility of this product is 90%. The amount of substances it contains makes it quite nutritious. At the same time, there are no by-products in it. There is also food available that contains salmon instead of meat.
  2. The composition includes grains such as rice and barley, which cause a feeling of fullness. They are easily absorbed by the cat's body. Cats love sprouted barley, and rice does not cause allergic reactions and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa.
  3. The beet pulp contained in the beet pulp is not absorbed by the animal's body, but it is included as a nutrient material for the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestines, thereby ensuring good digestion.
  4. To improve the condition of the coat and skin, the composition includes sunflower oil and chicken fat.
    Oil is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Medicinal composition of feed
  5. An important component is taurine, an amino acid that animals, except cats, synthesize independently. Being part of bile, it ensures high-quality digestion of fats, helps improve metabolic processes in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and prevents the development of eye dystrophy.
  6. Probalance contains the necessary vitamin and mineral complex containing yeast, which is a source of vitamin B12.
  7. The high nutritional value of egg powder provides your cat with complete protein, as well as minerals and vitamins.
  8. To increase appetite and improve regeneration, the composition includes the amino acid L-carnitine, which regulates metabolism and promotes fat burning.
  9. Probalance contains 18 types of medicinal herbs, thanks to which the food has acquired a pleasant smell and therapeutic and preventive qualities: increases immunity, improves metabolism, has anti-inflammatory properties, supports the nervous system and vision.
  10. Probalance contains the additive myco carb, which prevents pathogenic microflora and mold from developing in the feed. There are no side effects and the nutritional value of the product is preserved.

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The main disadvantage of the food is the content of synthetic antioxidants – E320 and E321. They retain cholesterol in the blood and can cause kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract disease, and cause allergies.

Owners' opinions

There are mixed reviews about Probalance cat food. Some owners claim that the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of their pets. They eat this food with pleasure, quickly fill up, feel good, and do not have problems with the stomach and intestines.

The food is inexpensive and economical. It is not inferior in quality to elite varieties of pet products. However, some owners claim that their pets were reluctant to consume such products. In addition, there are owners who do not trust the composition of products due to the presence of artificial additives in them. After all, these substances can provoke gastrointestinal dysfunction and cause allergies.

What components are included in the products?

The food contains the following ingredients:

  1. Dried poultry pulp in the form of a semi-finished product.
  2. Cereals (rice, barley). They promote rapid saturation and are well absorbed by the body.
  3. Lipids of animal and plant origin. Contains vitamin E, which improves the condition of the coat.
  4. Unprocessed fiber (beet pulp). The component maintains an optimal balance of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Yeast. Needed for normal development and well-being.
  6. Taurine. Promotes the absorption of lipids, maintaining the health of the eye apparatus, muscles, nervous system and heart.
  7. Egg powder. It is a source of proteins, minerals and vitamins.
  8. L-carnitine. Accelerates the metabolic process.
  9. Medicinal plants. Helps improve the functioning of the immune system, prevents the development of inflammation and infections.
  10. Miko carb. An additive that prevents the growth of harmful microbes in the product.

The food contains components that do not provoke allergic reactions. However, it must be remembered that each pet’s body has individual characteristics.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce food into your pet’s diet with extreme caution. First, the animal should be given a small amount of the product. Then you need to carefully monitor your pet’s well-being.

Then you need to carefully monitor your pet’s well-being.

Series of products in green packaging

This line is intended for pets with individual intolerance to certain foods or increased sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract. Rice cereal, which is included in the products, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines. Herbal ingredients prevent stool retention. To prevent allergic reactions in pets, manufacturers have excluded some components from the composition of the products. Customer reviews of the green series of cat food “Probalance” are mostly positive. It does not cause gastrointestinal disturbances (vomiting, diarrhea). Pets enjoy eating such foods. The goods have a low price. However, these feeds are not available in all stores.

The best grain-free foods for puppies

Under natural conditions, grain crops are not included in the diet of predators. Feeds that exclude grains reduce the risk of allergies or food intolerances. They are especially indicated for animals with sensitive digestion.

Farmina N&D “Lamb, Pumpkin and Blueberry” – the best grain-free formula


★★★★★editorial assessment

98% of buyers recommend this product

See review

Farmina N&D is a complete food without grain. The manufacturer offers small granules for miniature breed puppies and larger ones for medium and large breeds. They contain only natural products grown in Italy. The mixture is produced in bags from 0.8 to 12 kg.

In the first place is a high quality meat ingredient - fresh farm lamb. It occupies 48%. This is a high figure even for a holistic class.

The side dish is pumpkin, peas and other vegetables, fruits and berries: carrots, apples, blueberries, oranges, pomegranates, black currants.

Chondroitin ensures proper development of the musculoskeletal system, prebiotics help digestion, and plant extracts supply the body with fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.


  • rich natural composition;
  • complex of vitamins and microelements;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • possibility to choose the size of granules;
  • convenient packaging;
  • can be purchased at most stores.


high cost (2250 rubles for 2.5 kg).

Farmina N&D is popular among veterinarians and professional breeders, as well as amateur dog breeders.

The quality of the food is beyond doubt. The only negative is the high price, which is typical for all holistic-class feeds.

Acana Puppy Large Breed – for large breed puppies


★★★★★editorial assessment

97% of buyers recommend this product

See review

Acana Puppy Large Breed holistic dry food is designed specifically for large puppies. The granules are based on carefully selected ingredients of natural origin.

The pellets are made using proprietary WholePrey technology, which retains all the benefits and natural volume of meat, entrails and cartilage.

Thanks to this, the owner does not need to introduce additional vitamin complexes into the animal’s diet. The mixture is sold in dense bags of 11.4 and 17 kg.

70% of the formula is made up of high-quality chicken, turkey, flounder and chicken egg protein. The remaining 30% is fruits and vegetables.

The food contains neither grains nor potatoes, which will irritate the pet’s incompletely formed digestive system. This composition is the key to the harmonious development of muscles and skeleton, maintains proper weight and promotes activity of the puppy.


  • natural composition;
  • lack of “fast” carbohydrates;
  • ensures proper development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Animals like the taste.


  • expensive (about 7 thousand for 17 kg);
  • Strong smell.

To maintain the correct weight of your pet, the manufacturer strongly recommends adhering to the puppy feeding rate indicated on the packaging.

About the manufacturer

Probalance dog food has been created for over ten years. And the Danish concern Aller Petfood A/S, which also has production in Russia, is responsible for the high quality of these products. At the moment, the factories are located in Tyumen or in the Tyumen region, where the main branch of the concern in our country is located. It is the cooperation of Russian and Danish technologists that makes it possible to create high-quality food for pets. And the use of resources grown by local producers significantly reduces the cost and market price of all lines.

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