Who advertises felix cat food. Who advertises felix cat food?

Every week we choose a pet animal, photograph it, and people who are close to it tell stories about it. This week's hero is Boris the cat, named after the same cat from the Kitekat advertisement. Boris loves hanging from curtains and eating quality cheese, and he is also famous for his phenomenal resemblance to the singer Luna.

Trainer Natural Adult Sterilized

Alena: Boris and I have been together since his birth. My parents’ cat, Anfisa, gave birth to four kittens from an unknown cat. She is a thoroughbred, Neva Masquerade. My parents said, “Well, we’ll probably drown them,” and I was like, “What?” In general, I decided to take care of their fate. I immediately placed the first two, but the last girl lived with us for another month and I cried a lot when they took her away. From the very beginning it was understood that Boris would be mine. He was named after the famous cat from the Kitekat commercial because he has a similar coloration. Surely, more than one Boris starred in this advertisement, but ours is not trained, so I didn’t think of offering him there.

His full name is Boris Anfisovich, he resembles his mother only in behavior, but not in appearance at all. A remarkable spot on the nose appeared a couple of weeks after birth and grew along with the cat. As I understand it, these are just some pigment spots all over the body, they’re just not very visible behind the fur. In general, he is such a vitiligo cat. But this gives him recognition.

He grew faster than his sisters and brother, the first began to crawl out of the box in which they lived, walk, and mischief. For the first six months to a year of his life, he only misbehaved and played, did not purr at all and slept separately. Gradually he became affectionate, now he purrs like a fat locomotive almost to the point of grunting.

Boris the cat and singer Luna

Alena: My friend was once scrolling through Instagram and she came across a post from Luna’s Instagram and a photo of Boris under each other, they were terribly similar. She sent me a screenshot and we decided to make collages. They laughed at it and forgot about it. And about half a year later, a friend wrote that she was terribly sad and we decided to have fun again, comparing photos of Boris and Luna, and then we made a public page on VKontakte to dump this whole collection somewhere.

And then hop, literally 2 days later they give us “Prometheus” (a tag for communities and users who create unique and interesting content).

At first, about 20 of our friends liked the page, but because of this “Prometheus” a bunch of people came running to us. Now there are 19 thousand subscribers. At some party I met the director of Luna, he, it turns out, knew about us and showed her the public. Luna herself even posted a photo of herself with Boris.

Technically, this public is done like this: I find some photo on Luna’s Instagram, and then look for something similar in my photos of Boris. I don’t specifically force him to repeat any of her poses; there’s nothing staged there.

In the public itself, sometimes there are funny comments, for example, someone wrote that this is a project of Luna herself in support of the new album. “Prometheus” was given to us four times, we had millions of views of the pictures, one for each.

But we do all this just to laugh. From time to time we post something there, but now less often. When one of us feels sad, we start making collages again. Boris also has an Instagram, but it was there before the public, it is a separate form of art. In general, I think his secret is that he has very rich facial expressions.

Once in “Pine and Linden” a guy came up to me and said, “Oh, hello, you’re the cat Boris!”


Boris the cat, known throughout the country for advertising cat food, in ordinary life is completely different from the TV star. He lives in the same cage as the rest of the tailed artists. Boris, together with 32 of his colleagues, works at the Yuri Kuklachev Theater.


The son of the famous cat trainer Dmitry spoke about the outstanding pet:

- Boris earns his own living. He receives fees for filming from the very food he advertises. There is enough not only for ourselves, but also for those artists who have not yet appeared on the screens. However, not only Boris appears in advertising. Some other cats of the theater also receive a royalty “ration” (the cat Betsy (“Whiskas”), the cat Behemoth (played the role of the cat of the same name in the TV series “The Master and Margarita”) - all of them are actors of the Cat Theater)


The commercial with Boris the cat has repeatedly taken first place in various competitions and festivals. Boris was selected for the role in it from more than 250 applicants. According to the plan, the cat was supposed to be simple, mongrel, but at the same time have a certain charisma and talent. The famous Boris came to Kuklachev from the street, before that he was an ordinary garbage cat. I'm used to fighting, fighting for my existence. But, having demonstrated his talent on the set, within two weeks he began performing on the stage of the Cat Theater.

Cat breed fed purina

Sometimes, when we watch a commercial about cat food or see a funny picture of a cat on the Internet, we want to know what breed it is and where to buy a similar pet.

Your friends gave you a kitten or you bought one without a pedigree. You will also want to find out over time what kind of breed it is, because... each of them has its own characteristics.

I bring to your attention a guide to identifying cat breeds based on external characteristics. Not only popular cat breeds are collected here, but also unusual ones. The main criterion for dividing the breeds was the length and structure of the coat. By clicking on the desired link, you can use a diagram with pictures to determine the breed. And under these links there is information about the breeds of the most famous cats.

100% result is not guaranteed! Your cat may not be a purebred, but a mixed breed or outbred. The identifier shows which breed your pet is most similar to.

Feed release forms

The official website felixclub.ru reports that the products are produced in both dry and liquid forms, for example, in the form of soup, delicious juicy pieces in portioned bags (“Sensations in sauce” and “Jelly “Sensations”). There's also a delightful surprise - Felix Party Mix. Food for sterilized cats is not listed as a separate line. However, veterinarians allow Felix to be used as food, which can be used on an intermittent basis.

Dry food is not considered a complete food; it is positioned as a supplement or treat (in 20 g bags). Products in this series actually have neither preventive nor medicinal value; they cannot be consumed as the main food. His goal is only reward.

In addition, it contains up to 35% meat. The remaining contents are distributed between cereals, vegetable proteins, fats and oils, and fish components. In addition, the composition contains dyes, flavors, and preservatives of unnatural origin.

The main ingredients may be turkey, lamb, rabbit, chicken, beef and cheese.

Felix cat food deservedly conquers consumers. For many, a cat has become synonymous with home comfort. This animal, although with a pronounced freedom-loving disposition, is very affectionate. Psychologists

Breeds of the most famous cats

Cats from advertisements

1) Cat from Whiskas advertising

Perhaps the breed of this cat is of interest to most Internet users. If you use our identifier, you can come to the conclusion that this is an American Shorthair. In fact, the unusual color causes confusion, otherwise it is a typical British Shorthair .

2) Cat from the advertisement Sheba (Sheba)

The blue color, narrow muzzle and delightful green eyes - all this suggests that this is a Russian Blue . Yes, this particular breed was used to advertise Sheba.

3) Cat from the Gourmet advertisement

Well, it’s quite simple here. This pet boasts long, lush hair and a wide, short muzzle. That is, before us Persian cat.

4) Cat from Purina One commercial

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this pet. Some believe that this is a Maine Coon, others think that this is a Siberian cat. However, looking at the sharp transition of the muzzle, you can be sure that this is a Maine Coon , despite the absence of tufts on the ears.

5) Boris the Cat - Kitekat advertisement

Surprisingly, the newly minted television star Boris the cat is a mongrel . As you can see, you don't have to have an elite background to reach heights.

6) The cat from the Perfect Fit Active commercial

It would be strange if the Persian cat were shown as the standard for an active lifestyle. For this purpose, they selected a cat with short hair, similar in appearance to a wild one. In fact, this is not a leopard or a panther, but an ordinary Bengal cat.

Cats - movie characters

7) Garfield (films “Garfield” and “Garfield 2”)

Yes, this fluffy fatty already has millions of fans. Although Garfield was born thanks to computer graphics, he is based on a cat whose breed is an Exotic Shorthair .

8) Cheshire cat (film “Alice in Wonderland”)

And this mysterious beast, which became famous for its stunning smile, also has a certain breed. If you look carefully, you can see that this is a British Shorthair with an unusual tabby color.

9) Midnight (film "Catwoman")

Wild color and big beautiful eyes... Yes, this is what the symbol chosen by the authors of the film looks like. The cat Midnight belongs to the Egyptian Mau (I advise you to read the article “Egyptian Mau”).

10) Crookshanks (Harry Potter films)

A favorite of Harry Potter fans and not only the cat Crookshanks is Persian . The flattened muzzle and long hair confirm the pedigree of this fluffy beauty.

Cats are celebrity pets

11) Shanti - Ksenia Borodina’s cat

In addition to the dog Winter, in the apartment of TV presenter Ksenia Borodina lives the cat Shanti, who is a Scottish Straight ( Scottish Straight ).

Cats are Youtube and Instagram stars

12)Cat Maru (Youtube channel - mugumogu)

A Japanese cat named Maru has already captivated millions of Internet users around the world; a book has already been written on his mustachioed “personality”. And this animal belongs to the Scottish Straight .

13) Coby the Cat (Instagram page - Coby The Cat)

Seeing such beautiful blue eyes, people involuntarily become interested in the breed, so that after choosing a kitten they can take home the same beauty. Well, the Kobe cat is a British Shorthair .

14)Cat Cookie (Youtube channel - SlivkiShow)

Despite the unusual color, the cat Cookie, the faithful assistant of the SlivkiShow presenter, is outbred .

15) Snoopy the cat (Instagram page - SNOOPY babe)

Earning thousands of likes all over the Internet, this cute cat is an Exotic Shorthair .

16)Grumpy Cat - angry cat (Instagram page - realgrumpycat)

Grumpy Cat is a true example of how you can use your shortcomings to your advantage. Despite the malocclusion and congenital dwarfism, this cat has already become the “Meme of the Year” and continues to gain enormous popularity. And this angry pet belongs to the Snowshoe .

17) Cat Luhu (Instagram page - Maggie Liu)

The Pekingese pessimistic cat, which has captivated thousands of users with its unusual face, belongs to the Asian tabby . Note: this breed is not included in the guide due to its low prevalence.


Felix food range

The range of feeds is quite wide and comes in different types. Delicacies are present.

The Double Yummy range includes dry foods consisting of crickets and wet snacks. This food is available in three flavors (meat, chicken and fish). Portion 300 or 750 grams. Price (per 100 grams) 30 rub.

Double Yummy contains the following ingredients:

  • flakes;
  • meat products (at least 4%);
  • vegetable proteins;
  • animal fats and glycerin;
  • mineral components (essential metals);
  • dyes, odor and taste enhancers, preservatives;
  • sugar, sugar substitutes, brewer's yeast;
  • vitamins and antioxidants (A, D, E).

Felix wet food is available in 85 gram bags. This product comes in 5 series:

  • Sensations with an original crispy filling.
  • “Double delicious” (two types of meat cubes in thick jelly).
  • "Appetizing snacks" (standard wet food).
  • Feelings in salsa.
  • Feelings in jelly.

The Sensations range is the most unusual of Felix's products. The product is a regular wet food prepared according to a classic recipe. The manufacturer included three types of meat pieces with the addition of small crispy crickets (garnish) in a separate package. The food is sold in 267 gram packs (3 servings of 85 grams of meat pieces and 12 grams of crickets).

One package costs about 100 rubles. Sensations is the latest development from Purina, so there are only two mixtures on the market:

  • “Appetizing fish dish” with pieces of cod, trout and salmon.
  • “Assorted delicacies” including pieces of chicken, duck and liver.

Double Yummy is a classic wet food with double flavor. Sold in 85 gram bags, costing about 20 rubles. The series has several flavors:

  • beef and poultry;
  • lamb and chicken;
  • salmon and trout;
  • turkey and liver.

“Appetizing Pieces” is a popular series with the following flavor options (single:

  • flavored with fish (salmon or trout);
  • with meat flavor (lamb, beef or rabbit);
  • with poultry flavor (chicken or turkey).

This series includes a special line for kittens. The composition of these foods differs only in that they are enriched with fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Dishes from the “Double Yummy” and “Appetizing Pieces” series have the following composition:

  • meat and fish components (fillets and offal of beef, lamb, rabbit, poultry or fish);
  • vegetable proteins and concentrates of vegetables, legumes and root vegetables;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • polyunsaturated amino acids;
  • microelements.

Among Felix wet food there are two more Sensations series: meat cubes in sauce or jelly. They are sold in identical packs of 85 grams and also cost about 20 rubles per serving. Both are pieces of meat or fish. The only difference is the consistency of the flavoring component, which can be thinner (sauce) or thicker (clear gelatin). The sauce has unusual flavors and combinations that cats like:

Sometimes the channel name is used as a marketing ploy. For example, the food “Cod in Tomato Sauce” contains up to 4% fish products, and vegetables and tomatoes are not visible at all. The fact is that the sauce has a homogeneous mass, which contains food additives similar to natural ones.

There are several compositions in the Sensations Jelly series:

This series of Felix products is visually distinguished by the transparent color of the sauce, in which pieces of vegetables and aromatic herbs are visible. But the percentage of the main ingredients remains the same as the sauce.

Felix cat treats

The treats are presented by Party Mix products. The line includes dry food, which is not complete and can be used as an additive to the main dish. This is a variety of fragrant crickets in bags of 20 or 60 grams. 4 types of treats are produced:

  • seafood flavored with salmon, cod or trout;
  • cheese;
  • original with chicken, turkey, liver flavors;
  • grilled with flavors of beef, chicken, salmon.

Party Mix candies have the following composition:

  • meat components (up to 35%);
  • fish ingredients;
  • flakes;
  • vegetable fats, oils and components;
  • minerals, vitamins;
  • dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives.

Does Felix have treatment lines?

Felix food has no therapeutic or prophylactic indications.

Differences between Felix food and other Purina brands

The Felix series is unique. It belongs to the cheapest class, but at the same time is of high quality. By comparison, this brand's foods are much cheaper than Proplan and specialty veterinary nutrition products, but contain more meat ingredients than Gourmet. You can always feed Felix to your pet. However, we should not forget that cats should have a variety of foods in their diet. Although some veterinarians do not recommend economy-class food for constant use.

The effect of Felix food on cat health

Cats are carnivores and should be fed a balanced diet. It is important that the feed contains a certain content of proteins and other components of animal origin, an optimal balance of micro- and macroelements, fiber, vitamins, and vegetable fats. In cheap feeds, as a rule, animal proteins are replaced with vegetable proteins (soy), which are in short supply. It does not contain all the amino acids that a cat needs to be healthy. This is why veterinarians do not advise constantly using economy-class products as the main food.

However, manufacturers claim that all ratios contained in them have optimal parameters. Regular consumption of these products may not adversely affect the health of the animal, provided it is supplemented with a varied diet with other Purina foods. In addition, it is acceptable to use Felix products for a long time if the cat owner cannot buy more expensive food.

Sometimes buyers complain about a change in the animal’s condition after switching to Felix food, which is expressed in a violation of fecal quality. But this, as a rule, is not associated with the quality of the feed, but with a sharp change in the feeding diet, which leads to a load on the digestive system, which is manifested by dyspepsia. In this case, adaptation time is simply necessary. But, if you have any doubts about your cat’s health or diet, it is best to consult a veterinarian who will give the most complete and qualified answer.

How to use Felix to feed cats?

If a cat weighs 3-4 kg, she has 300-350 grams of Felix wet food per day, that is, 3-4 bags. This amount must be divided into several stages. When feeding cats, it is necessary to take into account objective factors:

  • temperament and activity of the animal (active animals require more food);
  • health status (for some diseases and physiological conditions it is necessary to select special nutrition);
  • pregnant cats need additional inclusion of a number of vitamins and minerals;
  • kittens require more proteins and carbohydrates as their bodies grow and their metabolism accelerates.

It should be remembered that when feeding cats with concentrated food, they must have free access to water. Felix food can be combined with other Purina products, with the exception of the economy range.

What breeds of cats are featured in cat food commercials?

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The worldwide cat boom has also reached advertising. Perhaps, photos of cute kittens or other content with them have appeared in every person’s social media feed at least once. We watch videos of pets, like their pictures and leave comments under posts discussing them.

Why this happens, how cats are used in advertising and what to do to make such content effective, we will tell you further. Let's give examples of campaigns from famous brands and explain the phenomenon from a scientific point of view.

"Gourmet Gold" - Persian

The enormous popularity of Gourmet Gold cat food owes much to the Persian cat that was featured in the commercial. This breed was brought to Europe from Persia back in the 16th century, where such cats were favorites of courtiers.

After so many years, there are about 100 varieties of Persian cats by color. There are black, white, gray, blue, red, cream, red, and lilac cats. Most often, a pet's eye color is dark orange, blue, copper, and green. If the cat is of the same color, it should not have spots or shades. Cats with markings on the head, paws and tail are called color point.

The Persian breed has the following external characteristics:

5 creepy things you'll encounter if you get a cat

Fluffy pets are calm and friendly. They quickly adapt to a new place and get along well with other pets. Persians are not prone to aggression, although they can stand up for themselves. In general, cats are capricious and stubborn, sometimes even vindictive. Families often choose an owner who is loved and respected. Although Persians are considered “couch” cats, they are quite active and playful.


Over the course of several years of her career, the cat, which Internet users nicknamed Grumpy Cat, earned her owner $100 million. Videos with her participation on YouTube were viewed by almost 31 million users. Her channel is followed by over 200 thousand people, and more than 8 million users are subscribed to the cat's Facebook page - indicators typical of Hollywood stars.

“Cats attract people more than other animals due to their unambiguous positive emotional connotation,” explains psychologist Anna Mikhailova. — A bear or a dog can be dangerous to humans, cats - to a lesser extent. Birds are not furry or tactile creatures like cats, so they are not suitable either. This is partly fashion - some time ago ferrets were very popular, they were replaced by raccoons, and now by cats. Fluffy, cute and quite harmless animal.”

According to experts surveyed by vc.ru, photographs and videos about cats almost always outstrip economic or political news in terms of the number of views. Pets appear on the pages of even serious public figures or officials on social networks, causing more comments than important topics and questions.

“People are tired of politics and problems, they want to read something positive, simple, even devoid of complex meanings,” says psychologist Anna Mikhailova.

"Whiskas" - British Shorthair

This breed existed in Ancient Rome, but it was registered only in 1898. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed almost disappeared due to the popular long-haired breed. To save the British Shorthair, pet owners began crossing Britons with Persians.

Despite their dense build, they easily curl up into a ball - most often cats rest in this position in full view of everyone. The British are distinguished by their round heads, large round eyes and short legs. The most common eye colors are blue, green, amber. Like Persians, British cats have many color options: gold, white, silver, black, gray, red, tabby, etc. The most popular color is with silver fur. Such pets are affectionately called “Whiskas kittens.”

7 Reasons Why Your Cat May Leave Home and Never Return

Those with thick fur and abundant undercoat shed heavily. Veterinarians advise owners to brush their pets at least once a week - cats love it. The British cat is a calm and loyal animal that gets along well with children. They are playful, but at the same time lazy.

History of the origin of the British breed

According to one version, about 2 thousand years ago the ancestors of British cats came to Foggy Albion from Ancient Rome; according to another, in the 14th–15th centuries they served as rat catchers on board French merchant ships. In England, they continued to fulfill their direct duties - to protect crops and harvests from rodents.

Until the 19th century, the British developed without human intervention: in new climatic conditions they acquired a plush coat, became more hardy and strong. The breed was first developed by researcher and breeder Harrison Ware. At the London exhibition in 1871, he presented a 14-year-old British blue tabby named Old Lady, who became the winner. The breed created a sensation; many wanted to become owners of such purrs.

Harrison Ware portrayed his British Old Lady in the book “Our Cats and Everything About Them”

The First and Second World Wars took a serious toll on the British population. To restore the breed, they began to be crossed with Russian Blues, Persians, and Chartreuses. The breeders' efforts were crowned with success: soon the popularity of plush cats increased again, and in 1970 the first British cat club opened. Ten years later, the felinological association CFA officially recognized the breed and developed a standard, and in 2009 other organizations joined it - WCF and TICA.

The history of the origins of the popularity of cats on the Internet

2005 is considered the year when cats began their “offensive” on the Internet. The popular forum 4chan even coined the term caturday (from the English Saturday - this is “Saturday”). On this day, users shared funny photos of cats. This is how the concept of Lolcat was born (from Lol - “laugh” and cat - “cat”) - this is a picture of a cat, supplemented with a funny phrase, most often written with a grammatical error. The main Lolcat is considered to be Happycat (happy cat). Thanks to him, the most popular site in the meme segment, “I can have Cheezburger,” appeared in January 2007. The idea for the resource came to blogger Eric Nakagawa after he saw a gray smiling cat with a stupid misspelled inscription.

Reviews of Felix cat food

Review of Felix cat food, writes Elena. Good afternoon. I noticed this food immediately after it hit the shelves. By now the cat has already tasted everything and always eats everything. I combine Royal Canin dry food with Felix wet food. The second smells no worse than the first, although it is lower in class.

The appearance of Felix's food is satisfactory; if you look closely, you can see crushed vessels - that is, from meat, at least we have offal. You may also notice green beans, carrots, even chopped tomatoes and spinach. I love that this food is constantly adding new flavors. Please note that the cat is healthy, affectionate and very active! And there are no problems with digestion. My cat is always happy with tasty treats from Felix food!

Review of Felix cat food, writes Ekaterina Zhuk from Moscow. One day I bought a couple of bags of this cat food. It doesn't smell like meat, but the cat seemed angry at it - this suggests that there are a lot of additives. And anything that contains a lot of additives is far from healthy. After that I don't buy Felix anymore, only occasionally for indoor cats (it's always better for them than being hungry and I can't afford to buy them more expensive food). I do not recommend feeding your pet this food.

Review of Felix wet food, writes Ms. Irina from St. Petersburg. I have a British cat. One day I bought her Felikm Appetizing Pieces. The pieces looked very appetizing, and the cat ate with pleasure. If so, I decided to continue buying her this food. After some time, the cat began to gain weight and began to crave this food more and more often, even in the middle of the night she began to wake me up. I thought it was weird and that the food was probably addictive, so I stopped buying it. Now my cat uses the more expensive and higher quality Pro canned products.

Felix cat food review: everything you need to know to choose the right food for your cat. Types and composition, prices and reviews will help you choose the best option.

"Sheba" - Russian Blue

The main character in the Sheba cat food advertisement is a Russian Blue breed. The origin of the cat is very vague, but it is known that already at the court of Peter I there lived luxurious gray-blue cats with an elegant flexible body.

Externally, this breed can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

This breed is a reserved, calm, independent breed. Pets are wary of strangers. To earn their trust, you need to try hard.

The Russian Blue understands the intonation and mood of the owner well. For her, the main thing is peace and tranquility in the house. If chaos, bustle and conflict reign in the family, the animal experiences stress.

Why does a cat lick his hands: 6 reasons for your pet's behavior

Cat breed in Whiskas advertising

The cute animal from the Whiskas food advertisement belongs to one of the varieties of the British shorthair breed. Nowadays, it is considered the most popular among the populations of furry beauties. The history of the breed goes back several thousand years, and its current representatives are descendants of cats that were bred in the Roman Empire, from where they were brought to England.

These animals have a spectacular appearance, and can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • round head with plump cheeks and wide cheekbones;
  • ears with rounded tips;
  • large eyes that can be blue, bright orange or emerald;
  • straight and short nose;
  • short and thick neck;
  • massive body on low legs.

The fur of these pussies is soft and delicate, and can be of various colors: smoky, blue-gray, tortoiseshell, Siamese, as well as bicolor and tabby. The character of the British beauty is soft and kind, but at the same time she is self-sufficient and independent, she quietly spends time alone and can always find something to do.

On a note. These animals are often attached to their owners, but do not always allow themselves to be picked up and stroked. The animal will not hiss and scratch, but will simply turn around and leave. Therefore, those who see a pussy as a “soft toy” should not get pets of this breed.

The success story of the Gloomy Cat

Grumpy Cat was born on April 2, 2012, and already in September it became popular all over the world. It all started with a funny photo on social networks taken by the brother of the kitten's owner. After this, a video appeared on YouTube, which today has almost 19 million views. Users liked this natural feature—the animal’s malocclusion—so much that the pet instantly became the hero of popular memes, which later became the decoration of T-shirts and souvenirs.

Realizing that you can make good money from the expression of a cat's face, his owner created an entire empire under the Grumpy Cat brand: calendars, notebooks, bookmarks, cups, clothes, coasters for hot dishes, posters, toys - this is only a small part of what appears on image of an animal.

In 2013, Grumpy Cat published the book Grumpy Cat: A Grumpy Book, which stayed on The New York Times bestseller list for 10 weeks and was translated into 20 languages. Now the cat already has two books in his arsenal.

Two years ago, the Friskies company invited the furry star for the first time to star in an advertisement for its brand - the cat food manufacturer's videos collect millions of views with the Gloomy Cat.

The popularity of the animal was so great that it allowed him not only to advertise well-known manufacturers, but also to create his own brand - the Grumppuccino coffee drink.

Now Grumpy Cat is featured in films, invited to the opening of charity events and film premieres, and presented with music awards.

"Purina One" - Maine Coon

The North American Semi-Longhair is one of the largest breeds in America. The Maine Coon cannot be confused with other breeds due to its wide chest, muscular body, and long tail. These cats are smart, affectionate and sociable. They are often calm and feel good around people and animals.

The Maine Coon has long, soft and shiny fur. Compared to other pets, these cats do not require special coat care - it is enough to brush your pet several times a week.

Scottish Straight: description of the breed

03/13/2018 1 review 89,

The Scottish Straight belongs to the category of popular shorthair cats. These are children of Scottish Fold cats, who, upon reaching the age of six months, remained straight-eared; recently they have become an independent breed. This division became necessary for the competent crossing of Scottish cats.

The homeland of these animals is Scotland. This breed was obtained by crossing with a Scottish fold cat. The lop-eared gene, which mutated hundreds of years ago, does not give all kittens curved ears; in some of them, the ears straighten after the first month of life, which forced them to be divided into Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights.

British character

If British kittens, like all children, are playful, restless and curious, then adult cats are respectable, intelligent, phlegmatic and leisurely. They will not allow themselves to spoil property, walk past the tray, impose themselves on others, or “chat” in vain. British women will not tolerate familiarity towards themselves and annoying caresses, but they will not take revenge or show aggression either - they will simply move away, maintaining their sense of self-esteem. This quality helps them coexist peacefully with all family members, including small children and other pets.

The British are couch potatoes who prefer to approach life philosophically

An independent animal will calmly endure forced loneliness, but then can joyfully greet the owner at the door, keep him company in front of the TV, and even rub against his legs, showing special affection. It is impossible to force a Briton to do something against his will. A smart “bun” will easily remember his name, adapt to the rules adopted in the house, feel the mood of the owner, but will never play the role of a clown and amuse people with funny tricks. She will even hide from strangers in a secluded place, where she will begin hygiene procedures or indulge in sleep.

Outbred Cat Boris - Kitekat advertising

The most famous cat actor and the main face of Kitekat cat food is Boris the cat. The mongrel cat brings smiles to the faces of TV viewers. The pet is energetic, inquisitive, cheerful and very smart, like many other animals that live in Russian apartments.

As you can see, the hero of a cat commercial can be any pet of an elite breed or without a breed at all. And for advertising creators, the breed of a little actor is not so important. The main requirements are good appearance, temperament, energy and knowledge of commands. It’s up to you to decide which cat to choose for your home.

Features of the range

One brand offers a variety of forms and flavors of pet food. Felix cat food is presented not only in the form of disposable bags with different types of meat, poultry or fish.

There are several Felix channels:

Each variety has an internal division according to types and tastes. Nestlé recently released a new product called Felix, which combines dry food and delicacies.

Sticks for wet foods are divided into 3 flavor groups:

  1. Fish (salmon, trout, cod).
  2. Meat (beef, rabbit, lamb).
  3. Poultry products (chicken, turkey, duck).

This is not a complete variety of tastes, there are many more. There is also an auxiliary line of three main groups in combination with vegetables. An equally wide range is also available in the form of cans, which allows you to feed your pets cat food for more than one meal.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the line of kittens, or rather the availability of food in each category.

There are currently 3 varieties of Felix cat food in all flavor groups:

Felix Jelly has a smoother texture. Mouthwatering snacks are a classic type of wet felix food. The Double Yummy range combines 2 types of fish or meat in one product, such as beef and lamb, trout and salmon.

Complex taste is also characteristic of 4 types of felix delicacies. Such products are not the main diet of animals and should be considered as supplements.

Each of the 4 products contains aroma granules in 3 flavors:

  1. Chicken, turkey, liver.
  2. Salmon, cod, trout.
  3. Beef, chicken and salmon.
  4. Cheeses Edam, Gouda and Heder.

Previously, portioned cat food was produced in trays, but now it is difficult or even impossible to find on the CIS market, but other products are becoming increasingly popular due to advertising features.

The most popular cat breeds in advertising can be found in this article


But Whiskas' colleagues, who produce Chappi , have chosen a different strategy. Their commercials feature several dogs of different breeds “talking” to each other. The plot is always almost the same: the famous Irish setter advises his unlucky friends to change their food to “Chappy” and describes its advantages. This ad is colorful, fun, and the dogs in it are playful, cheerful, and active. At the end, the emphasis is usually on the taste of the product: “Chappy” is delicious meat dishes prepared according to favorite family recipes.”


How to determine the breed of a cat

Sometimes, when we watch a commercial about cat food or see a funny picture of a cat on the Internet, we want to know what breed it is and where to buy a similar pet.

Your friends gave you a kitten or you bought one without a pedigree. You will also want to find out over time what kind of breed it is, because... each of them has its own characteristics.

I bring to your attention a guide to identifying cat breeds based on external characteristics. Not only popular cat breeds are collected here, but also unusual ones. The main criterion for dividing the breeds was the length and structure of the coat. By clicking on the desired link, you can use a diagram with pictures to determine the breed. And under these links there is information about the breeds of the most famous cats.

100% result is not guaranteed! Your cat may not be a purebred, but a mixed breed or outbred. The identifier shows which breed your pet is most similar to.

Cat breed from the Sheba advertisement: photos and facts

  1. Website "Murlo"
  2. Articles about cats

Cats are loved not only by children, but also by housewives and many men. These cute furry pets will always find a way to cheer up their owner or please him with different “tricks”. Very often people get a cat after watching an advertisement, and the advertisement is not for the breed itself, but for cat food. So, previously the Internet was disrupted by questions about what breed of cat is in the Whiskas advertisement, but now many are wondering what kind of cat is in the Sheba advertisement.

Most often on television they show advertisements for Sheba food with Eva Longoria. In addition to the unsurpassed American actress and model, this video stars a cat of the Russian Blue breed. Graceful, smart, with magical fur and the same look - this is how the cat appears in front of the audience. It's no wonder that after this many people ask what breed of cat is in the Sheba ad.

Breeds of the most famous cats

Cats from advertisements

1) Cat from Whiskas advertising

Perhaps the breed of this cat is of interest to most Internet users. If you use our identifier, you can come to the conclusion that this is an American Shorthair. In fact, the unusual color causes confusion, otherwise it is a typical British Shorthair .

2) Cat from the advertisement Sheba (Sheba)

The blue color, narrow muzzle and delightful green eyes - all this suggests that this is a Russian Blue . Yes, this particular breed was used to advertise Sheba.

3) Cat from the Gourmet advertisement

Well, it’s quite simple here. This pet boasts long, lush hair and a wide, short muzzle. That is, before us Persian cat.

4) Cat from Purina One commercial

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this pet. Some believe that this is a Maine Coon, others think that this is a Siberian cat. However, looking at the sharp transition of the muzzle, you can be sure that this is a Maine Coon , despite the absence of tufts on the ears.

5) Boris the Cat - Kitekat advertisement

Surprisingly, the newly minted television star Boris the cat is a mongrel . As you can see, you don't have to have an elite background to reach heights.

6) The cat from the Perfect Fit Active commercial

It would be strange if the Persian cat were shown as the standard for an active lifestyle. For this purpose, they selected a cat with short hair, similar in appearance to a wild one. In fact, this is not a leopard or a panther, but an ordinary Bengal cat.

Cats - movie characters

7) Garfield (films “Garfield” and “Garfield 2”)

Yes, this fluffy fatty already has millions of fans. Although Garfield was born thanks to computer graphics, he is based on a cat whose breed is an Exotic Shorthair .

8) Cheshire cat (film “Alice in Wonderland”)

And this mysterious beast, which became famous for its stunning smile, also has a certain breed. If you look carefully, you can see that this is a British Shorthair with an unusual tabby color.

9) Midnight (film "Catwoman")

Wild color and big beautiful eyes... Yes, this is what the symbol chosen by the authors of the film looks like. The Midnight cat belongs to the Egyptian Mau (I advise you to read the article “Egyptian Mau”).

10) Crookshanks (Harry Potter films)

A favorite of Harry Potter fans and not only the cat Crookshanks is Persian . The flattened muzzle and long hair confirm the pedigree of this fluffy beauty.

Cats are celebrity pets

11) Shanti - Ksenia Borodina’s cat

In addition to the dog Winter, in the apartment of TV presenter Ksenia Borodina lives the cat Shanti, who is a Scottish Straight ( Scottish Straight ).

Other "stars" of the blue screen

As practice shows, popularity in the advertising business can be achieved not only by purebred individuals, but also by simple “mouse-catchers” - photogenicity and charisma in this matter are much more important than noble origin:

  • The Gourmet Gold commercial features a luxurious Persian chinchilla. She is wrapped in a fluffy, soft-to-the-touch white fur coat, dusted with “silver.” The cat's real decorations are blue or emerald eyes and a fluffy fan tail. An upturned nose reveals a capricious character that requires increased attention. Chinchillas are very affectionate, devoted creatures who adore children, but are quite selfish and jealous - they will not tolerate other cats. Persian beauties move around the house silently, without destruction, and in the absence of their owners they quietly mourn at the window;

The Persian chinchilla has white fur with a slight silver coating.

A lively mind allows Maine Coons to carry out many commands

A Bengal cat starred in the Perfect Fit Active ad. She has an athletic build and predatory plasticity. Its silky fur of an unusual color for a domestic purr is reminiscent of its wild ancestors - Asian leopard cats. From them the Bengali woman inherited a love of water and walks in the fresh air. At any age, these cats remain hyperactive, inquisitive and cheerful. They become very attached to their owner and love to chat with him about life. Bengalis are very observant, smart, self-confident and are ready to do a lot of mischief to achieve their goals;

Tired of his exploits, the Bengal fidget will peacefully fall asleep next to its owner under a warm blanket

The green eyes of Russian Blue cats are in harmony with the silver-blue fur

Color options, body sizes, eye colors in outbred cats can be very diverse.

In terms of intelligence and intelligence, outbred cats are in no way inferior to their noble brothers.

A cartoon cat was used to advertise Felix food.

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