Selkirk Rex (40 photos): temperament and habits of the cat, facts about nutrition with advice from breeders on choosing a kitten

Description of the Selkirk Rex breed

Popularity 17th place among 86 cat breeds


15-17 years old


25-28 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

25-50 thousand rubles


3-8 kg
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Key facts

The curly-haired Selkirk Rex is one of the exotic breeds that is attracting more and more admirers. The only thing that can stop it is the animal’s excessive molting. For people suffering from allergies, this creature is unlikely to be suitable as a pet.

Selkirk Rex cats are very loving, so be prepared for constant purring and attempts to crawl into your lap.

The unusual coat of an adult requires regular grooming. You can’t be lazy here, otherwise it will affect the pet’s appearance.


Skookum breed of curly-haired cats
In the wake of the current popularity of exotic pets, breeders continue to work on developing new curly-haired cat breeds. This, for example, is a skookum - a hybrid of a laperm and a munchkin, which is also called a dwarf laperm. The Manx Rex is a curly-haired cat without a tail. Maine Coon Rex is a giant with wavy hair.

However, as history shows, human intervention is not necessary for the emergence of new breeds. Take a closer look at your dog, and you will probably find many unique features that are not found in any other dog.

History of the origin of the Selkirk Rex breed

The Selkirk Rex is a relative newcomer to the cat world, first appearing in the United States in the late 1980s. The origin of the unusual pet can be traced back to an animal shelter in the United States, where in 1987 a litter of kittens was born from a mongrel mother.

However, one of the babies was so different from his five siblings that keepers were amazed. The little girl had curly hair, including wavy whiskers, and bright green eyes. It was a spontaneous fur mutation.

Animal shelter staff told breeder Jerry Newman about an unusual kitten. The breeder took the curly-haired baby home, and when the cat reached “coming of age,” he crossed her with a black Persian male. The result was six newborns: three had smooth fur, and the other three had wavy fur. Newman named the new breed of cat the Selkirk Rex.

In subsequent decades, he was engaged in the targeted development of this breed. The process of improving curly representatives continued until 2015. Until this time, some associations allowed controlled crossings of the Selkirk Rex with other breeds, such as the British Shorthair or Persian breeds. In 2015, uniform standards appeared that were recognized by international associations.

Curly fur is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, meaning heterozygous cats have curly hair. However, if two heterozygous Selkirk lines are crossed, this may result in kittens without the curly coat gene. Only when one parent is a homozygous carrier of the wavy hair gene do all kittens develop unique fur.


Selkirk Rex kittens may not be curly-haired, but smooth-haired.

An important indicator when determining the future “curliness” of a kitten is its whiskers. If the whiskers are straight, the kitten will grow up smooth-haired. Whiskers curled down indicate that the kitten will have wavy fur.

A young kitten's curls may straighten out, but they will reappear when the kitten is about eight months old.

What does a Selkirk Rex look like?

Non-professionals, looking at a photo of a Selkirk Rex, may think that they are looking at a charming creature with wet or simply dirty fur. Actually this is not true. Representatives of the breed are unique because of their coat, but in other ways they are very reminiscent of British cats with their round eyes.


The skull is round in shape with prominently prominent cheeks. The muzzle itself is wide, almost rectangular. The whisker pads are voluminous. The protruding upper lip and the tip of the nose are at the same level. If you look at the animal or a photo of the Selkirk Rex from the side, the stop line is clearly visible.

Large round eyes set wide apart. The color of the iris is allowed from light copper to deep yellow. Blue and green colors are acceptable for colopoint cats and cats with white fur.

Ears with curly hair are set wide apart. They are medium in size and fit into the contours of the animal's head.

Body type

Cats can reach quite impressive sizes. However, for the most part they are medium in size. The shape of the body of an adult specimen resembles a rectangle.

The hind and forelimbs are strong, with strong muscles. The paws are massive, round in shape.

The tail part is thickened at the base and ends with a somewhat rounded tip.

Coat and color

The most striking feature of this breed is its curly fur, which can be either long or short, although this is not required. Smooth-haired offspring can result from crossing curly-haired individuals with each other. They have all the same physical features as their curly-haired siblings.

By standards, almost any combination of color and pattern is acceptable. There are even photos of Selkirk Rex cats with colorpoint color on the Internet.

The only strict condition is that the coat must curl randomly and not have any characteristic pattern.

Disqualifying faults

The main deviation from the norm is the cat's straight fur. Animals with too graceful or, on the contrary, too squat physique are not allowed according to the standards and are rejected at all exhibitions.



Curly cats of the Laperm breed are large cats with thick short or long silky hair. Laperm curls curl into rings behind the ears, on the chest, and all over the body the curls are completely random. Short-haired LaPermas have a harder, more elastic coat than long-haired representatives of the breed. It is noteworthy that kittens can be born with straight fur or completely bald, but from two weeks of age they begin to acquire curls, the formation of which is completed completely by 12 months.

Since these cats do not have an undercoat, they are classified as hypoallergenic breeds. Coat and eye colors are not limited by standards.

These are very gentle, affectionate purrs, sociable with literally everyone who meets on their way, from owners to pets. They get along well even with dogs, and they always get along with cats. They love to spend time with their owners, purr loudly, demonstrating their affection, and are wonderful companions in everyday life and when traveling. They just don’t like loneliness, they don’t tolerate it well.

They can while away the evenings next to the owner watching TV, reacting vividly to what is happening on the screen.

Affectionate lapermas remain playful kittens until they are two years old. They happily support active games and are extremely partial to conquering all sorts of heights: they can sit on the owner’s shoulder and contemplate the world from the highest cabinet. They are free to learn to use a leash if this is done from the age of a kitten, and they happily walk, demonstrating their best qualities as a human friend. If a laperm is accustomed to big company, he will treat guests quite calmly. If the kitten’s social circle was limited during childhood, then the cat will behave quite reservedly and warily with guests.

Personality of Selkirk Rex cats

With an outgoing and affectionate personality, the Selkirk Rex is an ideal choice for families with children. However, caution must be exercised when very young children are around Selkirk Rex cats - any interactions should always be supervised by an adult.

They also get along well with dogs, especially if they grew up with them. Whiskers are incredibly sociable by nature, so they are friends even with small animals. But it’s still not worth leaving them alone, at least at first.

The mustachioed friend has a patient and loving character. He is obedient and good-natured, and the Selkirk likes nothing better than cuddling with his beloved owner.

Curly fuzzies are especially adept at opening doors. They love to play with their toes and also jump on people's backs whenever possible. Animals will literally pester the owner and his family members for attention. And, of course, Selkirk Rex cats do not like to be left alone for a long time.

Interestingly, rexes are not actually that demanding - they just don't like being ignored. After all, a couple of minutes of attention from the owner is enough for a house mustache.

Even in adulthood, pets love to play. Anything suits them to have a good mood: from a ball to a fly flying around the house. By nature, these cats are sociable and patient, making them ideal for families with children.

General characteristics of the breed

The TICA classification system gives the following description of “bear cubs”:

  • Head. Round in shape, large, with round cheekbones. All lines are smooth, the forehead is wide, voluminous, rounded.
  • The chin is strong, firm, rounded square.
  • Nose. Short and relatively wide, with a pronounced break.
  • Mustache and eyebrows. Curly or curly.
  • Neck. Short, strong, solid, covered with curly hair.
  • Ears. Medium size, widely spaced, large at the base, tapering at the top, smoothly rounded tips. The edge inside the ear is curly.
  • Eyes. Large size, round, set wide apart. The color is usually characteristic of the coat color.
  • Body. Strong, wide, muscular, squat, closer to the structure of a cobby.
  • Paws. Medium length, muscular, wide, strong. The foot is round and thick.
  • Tail. Medium-long, wide, slightly tapering towards the end and rounded out.
  • Dimensions. Medium and large individuals. The male is much more powerful, the cats are smaller, but “grace” is not acceptable.
  • Weight. Females - three to four, males - four to seven kilograms.
  • Wool. The main hair and small undercoat are curly or slightly curly. Soft and silky to the touch. Curliness is most pronounced on the neck, abdomen and “pants”. Straight hair is also found in the cover. Short and long-haired individuals are acceptable. With a short coat, the undercoat is dense, the coat is wavy, and the ends of the hair are strongly curled. Long-haired cats have characteristic curls.
  • Color. Any colors, spots, medallions are allowed. Eye color not matching coat color is acceptable.
  • Crossbreeding. Only intrabreeding is allowed.


  • excessively heavy body type;
  • refined oriental bones;
  • small, weak chin;
  • muzzle too short or long;
  • coat that is not wavy enough.


  • defects, tail breaks;
  • polydactyly;
  • cryptorchidism - failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum;
  • irregular eye structure - elongated or slanted;
  • lack of curls.

All systems have noted that individuals are always born curly, in a few weeks the hair straightens, and by ten months the animal again has a completely curly coat. The final formation of the animal occurs by two years. The quality and waviness of the coat is determined by the degree of spontaneous mutation of the dominant gene.

Individuals born with straight hair are called Silkirk Straights.

The character of the Selkirk Rex turned out to be unusual due to such a large number of breeds that participated in the breeding of these “teddy bears”:

  • silent;
  • they like to play, but in moderation;
  • affectionate, happy to be in the company of the owner and devoted to him;
  • absolutely good-natured;
  • make friends with other pets;
  • not subject to stress;
  • have a high level of intelligence.

The excessive gullibility of “sheep” makes them easy prey for vicious dogs, so you should not let these pets out into the street alone.

“Teddy bears” can charm any person. Every year this breed increases its popularity.

Raising a Selkirk Rex cat

Animals with unusual fur have a calm temperament, so teaching them to obey their owner is quite simple. This is especially easy to do in the form of a game. There are a large number of responses from Selkirk Rex owners, where they talk about the unusual successes of their mustachioed friends.

For example, a cat can ring a bell to call people to dinner. Or closes a window or door with its paw. If you notice that the animal happily carries a ball or other object in its teeth, you can teach it to give small things.

The main thing when training a cat is to be consistent and patient. Remember: this is not a dog that wants to curry favor with its beloved owner. Don't forget to generously praise and reward your pet.

Animals of this breed quickly get used to the tray, and also do not mind a cozy bed. But the affectionate purr prefers the bed of his beloved owner or his lap.

Disease Prevention

Like other pets, the Selkirk Rex requires regular checkups with a veterinarian.

Otherwise, cats of this breed have fairly good immunity, so if the animal maintains hygiene and the owners regularly bathe the pet, then no health problems should arise.

At the same time, the breed is quite young and represents a heterogeneous mixture of many cat genes, so you need to be especially attentive to the health of your pet.

Selkirk Rex Breed Health

Possible diseases

Selkirks are generally healthy cats with only a few problems to look out for. Their average lifespan is 10 to 15 years with proper care and a balanced diet appropriate for their age.

Due to their unusual coat, cats may be at risk for hair loss. This is more common when breeders cross two identical specimens instead of one straight-haired with the other curly-haired.

Other common problems in this breed include:

  • heart diseases;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • hip dysplasia.

Because these cats have short muzzles, they may also develop some breathing problems. Brachycephalic airway syndrome is often diagnosed.

It is important to visit your veterinarian regularly to rule out any of these genetic disorders. Long-haired individuals are prone to weight gain, but this may be more difficult to notice due to the hair. Therefore, like any cat, it is important for them to receive quality food and regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

Reproductive health and breeding

Like other whiskered individuals, cats of the Selkirk Rex breed are capable of reproducing offspring only after full puberty. This usually happens by 1-1.5 years. Early mating is dangerous for the psyche and physiology of the animal. On average, a litter can consist of 4 to 6 newborns.

Features of feeding and diet

When purchasing a Selkirk Rex kitten from a specialized nursery, the breeder gives a feeding schedule for the baby. It's best to stick to it. It is equally important to feed your kitten the same food to avoid any stomach upsets.

You need to change your diet gradually. It is important to ensure that the cat does not develop digestive disorders. If any deviations begin, it is better to return to the original diet, and discuss all changes in the diet with a veterinarian.

Older cats are not known to be picky eaters, but this does not mean that they should be given lower quality food.

It is best to feed an adult 2 times a day. The animal should receive a balanced menu, which may include natural or industrial food.

Strictly prohibited:

  • tubular bones;
  • river fish;
  • berries and fruits;
  • sweets.

It's also important to monitor your cat's weight because if she starts to gain too much, it can have a serious impact on her overall health. Like all other breeds, the Selkirk needs constant access to fresh, clean water.

Features of keeping Rex

If you decide to get yourself such a pet, then you should not buy it at one month of age.

  • At this age, he must be with his mother in order for him to develop primary immunity, and this happens up to three months.
  • After that, you can think about purchasing. It has been noticed that kittens that have been with their mother for up to three months quickly adapt to the potty in their new place of residence.

To prevent the kitten from experiencing stress from being separated from its mother and from its brothers and sisters, it is better to buy it after three months of age and immediately receive the vaccinations it needs at this age.

At an early age, every animal requires affection and attention. Rex does not beg for it for himself, so the owner should know that if he has acquired a pet, then he needs to love it and play with it. If there is no time for this, then it is better to get another kitten so that the pet does not feel lonely.

  • The baby needs a lot of toys, which he chooses for himself. He doesn't even pay attention to some of them.
  • And after noisy games and running around the room, the kitten needs a place where he can hide and relax.
  • There is no need to prepare a warm bed for him, because his fur is very fluffy and curly, so he will not freeze in the apartment.

Do not forbid the little prankster from running around your home, because after this his nutrition, stool and sleep will return to normal.

Care and maintenance

The Selkirk Rex boasts a short, close-lying coat or a semi-long, loose, curly coat. Their care varies. Short-haired cats require less grooming than their long-haired counterparts. Weekly brushing is all that is needed to keep their hair in good condition.

Long-haired Selkirks require more careful grooming. They need to be brushed several times a week to prevent tangles from forming. However, it is important not to be overprotective. It is also worth keeping in mind that some cats have oilier fur, which is completely natural.

To make caring for an unusual pet easier, you need to follow a few tips:

  1. Brush the coat twice a week with a wide-toothed comb.
  2. Do not use brushes with stiff bristles, which can damage the follicles and irritate the curly haired person's skin.
  3. When your Selkirk Rex's coat becomes oily, it's time to give your pet a bath. Always use shampoo specifically designed for pets with curly coats.

Like other cats, they tend to lose hair only in the spring and fall. It is at this time that more careful care and frequent brushing are required.

“ These cats are not suitable for people with allergies as they shed more than some of their cats.

It is also important to check your cat's ears regularly and clean them if necessary. If too much wax is allowed to build up, it can lead to an infection that can be difficult to treat.

Dirt on the eyes should also be cleaned regularly using a swab soaked in warm water. The claws of a mustachioed pet should be trimmed carefully. The main thing is not to cause pain to the animal. If the owner doubts his abilities, it is better to contact a specialist groomer.

Tips for choosing a kitten

Selkirk Rex kittens are best purchased from specialized nurseries. Private breeders who distribute their pets through advertisements in newspapers or on the Internet should be avoided - there is a risk of buying a sick or not purebred animal.

To examine the baby’s fur, it is better to buy an animal that is at least 2 months old. The appearance of a future pet can be determined by its parents. The fact is that in the first weeks all kittens have curls, but over time some of the cubs become the most ordinary, although very cute.

When purchasing, be sure to check the documents: pedigree, diplomas, veterinary passport. This will allow you to avoid purchasing non-purebred animals with hereditary diseases.

What is the difference between a pedigree and a passport?

  • The passport indicates: Nicknames, age, breed and medical vaccinations. There is also a photograph of the animal.
  • The pedigree contains pictures of the kitten's parents and their full data.
  • If at least one kitten with a defect was born from these parents, then this is also indicated. Therefore, subsequent litters are subject to castration and sterilization.

Remember that at a young age, purebred Rexes do not have curly hair from four to ten months. Curls appear before the age of two. Therefore, the absence of curls on the coat at a certain age is considered normal.

How much does a Selkirk Rex cost?

Due to the fact that the breed is not widespread in Russia, it is best to buy kittens in foreign, for example, American, nurseries. However, the price of a Selkirk Rex will be high - from 700 to 1500 US dollars. It should be taken into account that this will require additional costs for paperwork and transportation of the new pet.

The cost of a “Russian-made” curly-haired kitten is lower. Most often, you can buy a baby from 25,000 rubles. For this price, the future owner will receive a cute creature with some deviations from the standard, which cannot be used for competitions and matings. A purebred individual for breeding and exhibitions will cost from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles.

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Cornish Rex: English Curls from a rabbit farm

Officially, the first curly-haired cats appeared in England. Even the date of birth of a cat named Calliebanker, who became the first Cornish Rex, is known for certain. He was born on July 21, 1950 in the town of Bodlin Moor, Cornwall, and his mother was a tricolor mongrel cat.

Noticing an unusual red-and-white baby in the litter, farm owner Nina Ennismore wanted to castrate him. Fortunately, she was dissuaded from this rash step by a veterinarian, who explained that curly hair is not a sign of disease, but the result of a mutation as a result of which cats lack guard hair, so the cat could well serve as the ancestor of a new breed.

Breeding a new breed

It is interesting that the name was “shared” with the Cornish Rex by the Rex rabbits, which were bred on the same farm. Over time, almost all curly-haired cats received the prefix “rex” (which means “king”). And “Cornish” is a reference to the name of the county.

To preserve the rare feature of Calliebanker, which the cat had in a recessive form, breeders had to undertake a series of crosses close in blood, and then breed the descendants of the unusual cat with Siamese, Burmese and British Shorthair cats.

In 1967, the Cornish Rex was officially recognized in Great Britain. The felinological association GCCF was the first to do this, and a year later - FIFe. American breeders added lightness and sophistication to the Cornish by crossing pets brought from Britain with Siamese and Orientals, and the CFA recognized the new breed in 1962.

Now the Cornish Rex is recognized everywhere - they are very highly valued both in the countries of the Old World and in the USA. Cornish wool is often compared to broadtail wool - it has the same elastic curl, and it is also very thin and soft, reminiscent of satin or silk to the touch.

Thanks to careful selection, the breed is well socialized. But potential owners should take into account that these kind and friendly pets are very active and mobile - they are jokingly called curly-haired acrobats!

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