Which bowl is best for a cat - type, material, shape, size

Are you familiar with the situation when a cat takes all the food out of the bowl onto the floor and eats it? Or refuses to eat the leftovers of your favorite food and asks you to put in a heaping portion again? All this may indicate that your pet is uncomfortable with his bowl. In this article we will tell you in detail how to choose a bowl for a cat and which one is best to buy so that your pet likes it.

  • Rating of cat bowls from Petstory
      1st place – Set of ceramic bowls 200 ml and 320 ml
  • 2nd place — “Cats and Fishes” ceramic bowl, 380 ml
  • 3rd place – Petmax bowl, non-ferrous metal, rubber base, 240 ml
  • 4th place – Triol ceramic bowl “Snow White”, 180 ml
  • 5th place — VIPET silicone relief bowl (fish) for slow eating of food
  • 6th place – Triol metal bowl on a stand, 250 ml
  • 7th place - Ceramic bowl on a wooden stand, 400 ml
  • 8th place – Set: bowls and tray “Felix”, 300 ml
  • Types of bowls based on material of manufacture - their pros and cons

    Let's look at three types of bowls for pets:

    • plastic;
    • metal;
    • glass, porcelain, ceramic.

    Plastic bowls - cheap and cheerful

    Plastic bowls are sold in almost every store, including regular grocery chains.

    Their cost starts from 10 rubles, but there are also expensive options made of high-quality plastic.

    When I first got a kitten, I immediately bought a plastic bowl from the nearest pet store. But after a short period of time, I gave up such bowls.

    Let's start with the advantages of plastic:

    • Plastic bowls are cheap. This is indeed true. You can choose one for any wallet.
    • Variety of colors, sizes and designs. Perhaps plastic bowls can boast the most varied designs. You can choose any color and shape - from large and deep to miniature and flat. Including a large assortment of plastic double bowls, one for food and one for water.

    However, in my opinion, there are more disadvantages.


    • Not hygienic and short-lived. Plastic has a porous structure. Over time, bacterial plaque and scratches form on the plastic. The bowl loses its appearance and needs to be replaced. In addition, grease is difficult to wash off from plastic.
    • Plastic can release harmful substances. If you feed your cat hot homemade food, I especially don’t recommend using plastic dishes. However, there is also high-quality plastic, which, as a rule, costs more. It may be less harmful for food use. In any case, the plastic bowl should have a symbol indicating that the plastic is food grade.
    • Some cats have an individual intolerance to plastic. A friend’s cat fed from plastic bowls, and he constantly suffered from acne and bumps around his mouth. Two weeks after changing the bowls to ceramic ones, the cat’s problem disappeared completely and forever.
    • Light in weight. The cat was constantly moving these bowls.

    As soon as the first bowls I bought became unusable, I threw them away and refused to use such dishes.

    Metal bowls – loud and light

    After getting rid of plastic, I decided to try metal bowls.

    Metal bowls are often sold with rubberized bases to prevent them from sliding around on the floor. By the way, if you decide to choose this option, I recommend that it have rubberized legs. Without them, a metal bowl will slide even more than a plastic one.

    Pros of metal bowls:

    • Low cost. They cost more than plastic ones, but not by much.
    • The bowls wash well and there are no scratches on them. The option is hygienic and durable.


    • Not a very wide choice in terms of design. These bowls are almost always metallic in color. Not many shape options. Most often, such bowls are simply round. The double version is most often offered under a special stand.
    • Noisy. If the cat is on dry food, the croquettes ring while the pet eats. Some cats find this sound unnerving.
    • Cannot be used in the microwave. If you want to warm up your pet's food, you will have to heat it in a different container.

    Over time, I also gave up such bowls.

    Glass, porcelain, ceramic bowls

    I combined them into one group, since in general the properties of the materials are similar.

    For many years now my cat has been eating only from ceramic bowls. I have a set of four bowls. I have never had to change such dishes before.

    Pros of ceramic, porcelain and glass bowls:

    • Safe for health and easy to clean. These bowls are washed in the same way as human dishes.
    • Durable. A couple of bowls will last your pet's entire life if you don't break them.
    • They are heavy and therefore do not roll around on the floor. Most often, these bowls are quite heavy. My cat doesn't roll them.
    • All kinds of design options. This is especially true for ceramic bowls. You can choose different colors and patterns, including cool inscriptions. You can even order a bowl with your pet's name on it.


    • It can be broken. But you can also break your household dishes. Because of this, we don’t eat from plastic. It is even more difficult to break an object that stands on the floor most of the time.
    • High cost compared to the above options. However, consider what is cheaper - change plastic bowls every 4 months or buy 2-3 cat bowls once, which will last for more than one cat generation. The average cost of ceramics, for example, is 200-500 rubles.
    • Some bowls become warm when reheated. If you feed your cat natural food and heat the food in the microwave, you need to wait until the glass or ceramic bowl has cooled down.

    Personally, I am for ceramics and against plastic. The metal option is also acceptable.

    By the way, by not buying plastic bowls, you harm the environment less, since you do not throw away excess garbage. And also protect the health of your pet.

    Characteristics of Maine Coon cats

    The Maine Coon is one of the most beautiful and large cats. She became famous thanks to the cat Mrs. Norris from the Harry Potter film. Coons are very loved by their owners. No wonder this is the first animal cloned commercially. Little Nicky was reproduced from the DNA of the cat Nicky, who died at the age of 19. An owner from Texas paid $50,000 to create a complete genetic clone of her pet.

    5 Maine Coon Personality Traits

    1. The Maine Coon has an opinion on everything . This cat will be your faithful friend if she wants it. And for this you need to try very hard. Coons can be gentle and affectionate, sociable, but independent. They like to be alone.
    2. Very vulnerable, but not vindictive, like most cat breeds. Chewed shoes, a puddle in a shoe - this is not about coons. If a cat has done something, it needs to be punished, but very carefully. Don't yell at her or run after her with the newspaper. Cats don't feel guilty. She'll just get offended and hide. The cat will remember that you hurt it and will be afraid of you.
    3. Coon will never hiss or release his claws. If he doesn't like someone, he will leave. The cat is very picky in communication. This aristocrat is always balanced and carries herself with dignity.
    4. Maine Coons are not selfish. That's why they are the best cat sitters. They love children and other animals. Of course, if there are mice or birds in the house, then the hunting instinct may awaken. What can you do?
    5. Maine Coons, unlike other breeds, do not get used to the house, but to you. This is a companion cat. They don't like it when you leave or, even worse, go away for a long time. And it doesn’t matter that there is water and food, that the neighbor visits them. Coons are sad. The cat feels unwanted and abandoned.

    These few days are an eternity for a cat. Out of melancholy and hopelessness, she can even cause mischief. Man, I can't live without you! Therefore, do not scold her after a long absence, scold her a little and that’s enough.

    Maine Coon intelligence

    Maine Coon is one of the smartest breeds. They take conscious actions. They have a very good memory and can remember many commands. For example, fetch, give me a paw. Can open doors and perform various tricks. Walk on a harness like a dog.

    But again, the cat needs to want it herself. Of course, you need to reward her diligence with a tasty treat. If you are angry, the kun psychologist will look at you with intelligent eyes, and you will feel ashamed.

    Habits and behavior of the Maine Coon

    For some reason, our red sun loves to sleep on the shelf above the computer or near the microwave, and not in his cozy crib. In the middle of the night he jumps into my bed and hugs me with his paws. At three o'clock in the morning he can rush around the room, chasing a toy. Maybe treat me to a chicken heart. And I understand that this is the best proof of her love.

    He loves to climb into the closet. Or better yet, in boxes and bags.

    He often sleeps on his back, exposing his tummy to me. In my opinion, by this she demonstrates her complete trust in us. Likes to butt heads: man, I love you very much. Never bites or scratches. Only sometimes he bites. It can rather be understood as a kiss. If he walks on me, he always hides his claws.

    The only thing I scold her for is that she likes to lie on the kitchen table or hob at night. Although I don’t leave food behind and wipe everything thoroughly. I recently read that you can wean your cat off this bad habit by wiping the surface with a lemon, spreading out an orange peel, or covering the table with foil. Cats don't like this. The foil on the table rustled, and the cat did not jump on the table. Progress!

    But there’s a problem with the induction hob: you can’t put foil on it and you can’t rub lemon on it. You need to experiment with orange and tangerine peels or use baking paper.

    Maine Coon activity

    Coons are usually active from morning to evening. For two thirds of the day, the cat either sleeps or dozes, periodically glancing at me to see what I’m doing. If I work at the computer, it just doesn't go away. It seems to me that the cat is trying to help.

    Coons quickly adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners. Even adult cats love to play like kittens. But if you want to rest, they won’t interfere. They'll settle down next to each other. If you want to take it in your arms, so be it.

    Are the bowls separate or double?

    Many owners, including to save space, buy double bowls or stands for bowls.

    If your pet doesn’t have any problems with this, then why not.

    However, many pets, including mine, have some problems.

    For example,

    1. Food from the food bowl ends up in the water bowl, after which the water quickly spoils. This is especially inconvenient if you are often away from home. Cats are fastidious creatures. There is a good chance that the cat will not drink water because there are crumbs or pieces of half-eaten croquettes in the bowl of water.
    2. Refusal to drink from a double bowl. In nature, cats drink and eat in different places. First the hunt, and then the search for a reservoir. Therefore, some cats simply refuse to drink from a bowl that is right under their nose. A distance of even 8-10 cm between bowls often solves the problem.

    I experimented with double bowls, but ultimately decided on separate bowls that are a short distance apart. So my cat drinks much more willingly and more often. And food doesn't get into the water.

    Bowl shape and size

    The rules here are simple:

    • The bowl should be wide enough. It is advisable that the cat does not have to fish out food while eating. Narrow sides irritate many cats not only because of the inconvenience, but also because the cat constantly touches the sides of the bowl with its whiskers and whiskers. Whiskers and vibrissae are very sensitive areas.
    • The depth of the bowl should be medium. You don't want your cat to dive headfirst into the bowl. But an option that is too flat will be inconvenient - the food may spill out. 3-4 cm is the optimal depth.

    Do you need a mat under the bowl?

    I use a mat under the bowl because it's more hygienic. The floor will always be clean.

    If the food falls out of the bowl, the cat will eat it from a clean mat.

    It's the same with water - if it spilled, it spilled on the rug, not on the laminate.

    Buy a matte non-slip mat. A glossy, slippery rug is uncomfortable in every way. Bowls ride on it, and water flows from it freely onto the floor.

    What to choose?

    As you can see, the choice of specialized dishes for feeding purring pets is very large, but it is quite difficult to say exactly which model you should choose, because everything depends solely on the preferences of your pet.

    Generally speaking, it is better to purchase a set of two ceramic plates of different depths and complement them with a non-slip mat. Well, for pets who need a diet or small meals, an automatic feeder will be the best choice. It can also be installed for those who do not allow their owners to get enough sleep on a weekend morning.

    Water bowls

    The principle of choosing water bowls is the same as when choosing food bowls. However, there are some peculiarities.

    There are cats that are very difficult to get to drink. Optimal water consumption by a cat is very important for its health. Especially if the cat is on dry feeding.

    Some useful tips:

    1. The water bowl should be large. At least 250-300 ml. This volume will be sufficient for more than a day and there will be no risk that the cat will suddenly be left without water. Cats also prefer large bodies of water for drinking. A cat may refuse to drink from a small bowl, considering the water dirty.
    2. If the cat does not want to drink and the bowl is large, place it in another place , further from the food.
    3. Watch your pet. Does the cat not drink from a bowl, but does he drink from a glass, bucket or vase? This means he needs an even larger or taller bowl. I have friends whose cat drinks exclusively from a large glass mug.
    4. Don't forget about water quality. The cat may refuse to drink poor quality water. I only give my cat drinking bottled water. Mars does not drink other water. And when it happened that they gave him different water, he didn’t drink it well. By the way, frequent changes in the mineral composition of water in the drinking diet can negatively affect the functioning of the pet’s kidneys (according to the veterinarian).
    5. If your cat is a fan of exclusively “running” water, then it makes sense to buy a drinking fountain for him. The circulation of water in such a drinking bowl creates the illusion of a pond. I know pet owners who solved their cat’s drinking problem this way.

    My cat drinks from a regular 300 ml ceramic bowl.


    For those who work 10 or more hours or periodically leave for 1-2 days, automatic feeders and waterers can help keep their pets.

    There are two types of feeders: a round plate with a lid or a small tower with a jar for storing food.

    In the first case, there is a slot in the lid, and the plate itself is divided into sectors. At certain intervals, the lid rotates several degrees, opening access to the next portion of food. This is quite convenient if the period of absence is not too long, since there are few portions, and uneaten food becomes inaccessible.

    The second option is more universal. The jar on top is filled with dry food and closed with a lid so that its aroma does not erode. Periodically the lid is lifted and the portion is poured into the tray. Automatic drinking bowls look similar, but instead of food, the container is filled with fresh water. Such devices are much more convenient, as they can accommodate a larger supply of food and do not interfere with the eating of previous portions.

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