What are they like, gray cats: what they bring into the house, character traits

About color

The solid gray uniform color of cats is usually called blue. This color symbolizes the intangible, spiritual world, and blue cats are considered its guides. They are recognized as the best healers and protectors of humans, bringing love and peace to the home. This shade of fur in a cat is determined by the gene that carries the black color B, diluted by the recessive allele d. That is, the “blue” color is essentially a lightened charcoal color.

There are many variations in the genotype of gray cats, it depends on the combination of genes B and d in a recessive or dominant, homo- or heterozygous form. That is why there are such gray colors as chinchilla, mackerel, tabby, solid, smoky, agouti. It all depends on the degree to which each hair is painted black and the alternation of charcoal and white stripes on it.

Also read: TOP 10 evil cat breeds.

Features and genetics of color

The blue shade of wool is a lightened version of black. It manifests itself when certain conditions are met, which is why there are much fewer gray cats than patterned or dark ones. To obtain blue coat color, the kittens need to inherit from both parents the lightening gene and the non-agouti gene, which is responsible for suppressing the manifestation of the pattern.

In addition to the completely gray color, which completely lacks red pigment, cats have a so-called lilac color. Individuals with this coat have a dominant “red” gene, which gives their coat a warm tint.

From a genetic point of view, gray cats have a dominant black gene B (Black), diluted with a recessive light gene d. Under the influence of the latter, the carbon pigment zumelanin is unevenly distributed in the hairs. White spaces appear between the sticky granules, which create a brightening effect. The more black pigment a cat's hair has, the darker the color and vice versa.

Sometimes a mutation occurs in which charcoal is concentrated in the lower part of the hair, and its tip is colored white and vice versa.

Common Breeds

Blue coat color is required only for some breeds. Usually all its representatives have bright green eyes; very rarely they can be of a topaz shade.


Sociable, energetic and talkative small pets. The short blue coat has no undercoat and lies close to the body.

A very beautiful animal with short and seemingly printed hair. But he has a rather capricious and jealous character.
Russian blue

One of the oldest cat breeds in the Arkhangelsk province. These pets are distinguished by their silence, restraint and deep love for people. Still one of the most popular varieties.

“Child of the Mists” is very similar to the Russian Blue in its behavior and appearance. They only have beautiful and shiny wool of the semi-long type. They differ in that they meow silently. They are almost never found in Russia. One of the most sought after and beloved animals in the world.

Cat breeds in which gray coloring is not required, but is one of the main ones:

British Shorthair

There are more than 200 shades, the main one being gray in various tones.
An uneven color distribution, presence of patterns, blue tabby, chinchilla, shaded color are considered defective. Temperamentally well-mannered, unobtrusive, independent. They tolerate loneliness calmly. Therefore, they can be given to people who are often absent.
Scottish lop-eared

A defect is considered to be uneven coloring of the wool, colored inclusions.
The color is blue marble, silver chinchilla. They are friendly with children and other pets. Mobile, friendly, unobtrusive.

Light-colored wool with uniform coloring along the entire length.
Blue marble, solid lilac, bluish-smoky colors are especially valued. Affectionate, gentle, but spoiled. Requires constant attention.
Turkish Angora

The blue color of the breed was recently developed.
Light colors are preferable. The hair at the base is darker. The paw pads and nose match the coat color. They prefer solitude and are calm. Suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
American Curl

It is characterized by a rich gray color: silver tabbies with marbled and spotted streaks, blue smoky and others.
Curious and devoted. They lead an active lifestyle and prefer frisky games. They love the company of children and treat other pets well.

Light inclusions in color are acceptable.
Yellow eyes and green irises are considered a marriage. Affectionate, balanced, friendly. They are devoted to their owners, love children, and get along with other animals.
Egyptian Mau

Silver-smoky color with a spotted pattern.
He has a closed character and does not trust strangers.

Thin, graceful with a long tail. They have slanted eyes. Usually do not cause allergies.

The color is varied: from cream to blue. There are spots all over the body. Because of them they resemble a wild ocelot.

Descended from ancient Egyptian cats. The Abyssinian has a slender, muscular body, arched neck and large ears.
Australian smoke

Wool has three components: background, dark pattern, haze.
There are marbled and spotted colors with spots and stripes. Friendly, affectionate. They are good with children and other pets. Rarely scratch or bite. Trainable.
Asian smoky

Belongs to the smooth-haired breed.
There is a light undercoat. The eyes are amber or yellow. They cannot stand loneliness and crowded conditions. Calm, affectionate, obedient. They know how to express gratitude.
British Longhair

They appear fluffy due to their thick undercoat and short limbs.
The Briton has a large muzzle with large cheeks and rounded eyes. Obedient, calm. They tolerate separation from their owners well.

The fur coat is rough, reminiscent of a dog's.
The body is strong with a long tail. The ears are large, the eyes are almond-shaped. Affectionate and playful. They are easy to train and have a pronounced hunting instinct. They communicate with all household members, but choose one owner.
California radiant

They have leopard print on a yellow or silver background.
The coat is pleasant to the touch, short. Conflicts are not typical for the breed. Calm and friendly.
Gobi gray

This is a wild animal, not a breed. In summer, the cat is grayish-yellow. In winter - gray-brown. There are subtle stripes and spots along the body.
American Bobtail

A special feature is the movable shortened tail.
The breed has a strong body and a square head. The most common color is agouti. The pet prefers noisy companies. Perfect for large families.
Norwegian forest

Large, muscular with elongated legs.
The wool is water-repellent with a pronounced collar and “pants”. Obedient, tolerant of children and other animals.
Ojos Azules

The color of the fur coat has more than three hundred shades (including gray).
Bright blue eyes of medium size stand out on the muzzle. They learn commands easily and are intelligent. They don't like noisy children.

Breeds for which only gray coat color is acceptable

Blue coloring is standard for some cat breeds. They must have a perfectly even, so-called “solid” coat color. Only in kittens are uneven colors allowed, which fade with age.

Breeds of gray cats:

  • Russian blue;
  • Nibelung;
  • korat;
  • Chartreuse.

Russian blue

The ancestor of the Russian Blue was the Arkhangelsk cat, which was brought to England in the 18th century. In its current form, the breed was formed at the end of the 19th century.

These are short-haired cats with almond-shaped green eyes, a flat muzzle and a gray coat with a silvery sheen. The paw pads are oval and have a lilac-pink color, and the inner surface of the pointed ears is a soft pink shade.

The Russian Blue cat is characterized by a muscular and slightly elongated body, long legs, a triangular head, and a tail pointed at the tip. Their coat is silky to the touch, erect, double - the length of the hairs of the undercoat coincides with the length of the coat. Because of this, the cat’s skin resembles plush.

Temperament and behavior

Gray cats have the appearance of aristocrats and their behavior is appropriate. Character independent, proud. At home they behave like owners. From childhood, calmness and nobility prevail in temperament.

British shorthair cat

Anger is not typical for animals. Some breeds have a playful nature, while others, on the contrary, prefer solitude. Blue cats are smart and curious. Loyal to their owners, they love to bask in their arms. Most breeds tolerate long periods of absence from people. At the same time, they don’t make a mess in the apartment.

Character of gray-blue aristocratic cats

Yes, yes, precisely aristocratic women. The manners, behavior and even the look of a gray cat are usually majestic and calm. These are the real queens (and of course, kings) of the cat world - equanimity, self-confidence and independence. If the owner does not have time to entertain the blue cat, she will perfectly entertain herself. And after that, you won’t have to put your apartment back together piece by piece, since the upbringing of such a cat is impeccable, especially if you spend some time on training at the beginning of its life.

As a rule, such cats are generous, love affection and attention, but easily forgive the neglect shown by the owner. They are smart, like all cats, are not seen in dubious adventures and are devoted to their owner.

Features of maintenance and care

Breeds with a grayish color are characterized by strong immunity. Animals rarely get sick and tolerate low temperatures well. The diet should be balanced and low in iodine. Your pet can be given homemade food (that is, natural food, not table scraps) or dry and wet food. Vaccinations are a must. Don’t forget to clean your ears with cotton swabs, your teeth with a special paste, and trim your nails with tweezers as they grow.

Our reader's Scottish Fold named Plyushka

In order for the coat to be beautiful (this is important when participating in exhibitions), the pet needs to be walked less often in sunny, rainy, or snowy weather. These weather conditions lead to unwanted red spots. With proper care, gray cats live fourteen to sixteen years. Read about the life expectancy of cats on our portal.

Signs and superstitions

Gray cats are considered mysterious and mystical creatures and for a long time there have been many signs and superstitions about them:

  • If such an animal crosses the road, there is no need to return, but just say the “magic words” - “happy path from the gray cat.”
  • The gray pet itself coming into the house will bring peace, prosperity, and remove the evil eye and damage from the home.
  • A gray cat living in the house protects the family from scandals and squabbles.
  • If you stroke a gray cat early in the morning, immediately after waking up, the charge of positive energy will be enough for a person to last the whole day.
  • If something doesn’t work out in the house, then you need to bring a gray cat into it and settle it - he will be able to come to an agreement with the brownie.
  • An animal with “blue” fur attracts money into the house.
  • If such a cat runs away from home or, even worse, is kicked out, then this is a sign of impending trouble.

We recommend reading the article about signs about gray cats.


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