7 Human Behaviors That Cats Hate

No matter how developed society becomes, a cat always remains something mysterious and incomprehensible for a person. And most of all, her ability to be independent, walking on her own, raises questions. Many people say that it happens that a cat does not love its owner. Is it so?

By the way, there are thousands of amazing stories about how a cat showed loyalty to a person and helped him out in the most difficult situations. Either she saved the owner’s family from a fire, waking them up in the middle of the night, or she pointed out the place where long-lost heirlooms were kept. And she even treated the most difficult human diseases.

Yes, it’s not easy to communicate with a cat. She decides for herself whether she can be petted, what and when she wants to eat, where she will sleep. In addition, she may not come when you call her. Or leave if she didn't like something. She may not be friends with your loved one. Or even worse: he may begin to take revenge on him or her for the fact that all the master’s attention goes to someone else. All these facts may really make you think that your own cat doesn't love you. And this is very upsetting or even makes you angry at an unsuspecting animal. And also distance yourself from communicating with him or punish him for “dislike.”

Let's figure out why the cat behaves this way and whether its behavior should be considered signs of dislike.

Ignoring needs and wants

People sometimes get cats (especially rare and exclusive breeds) as a means of expressing their wealth and level of social well-being. Like, this is the fluffy accessory I have at home. Moreover, such owners often have no idea that cats have any vital needs. And in general, what needs can we talk about in relation to a cat? Eat and sleep, that's the whole question. A fundamentally wrong approach. Purrs do not tolerate crowded, noisy places and cannot withstand loud, harsh and frightening sounds. If you managed to purchase an expensive breed, please invest in a full-fledged “cat town”. Or just give your pet the opportunity to jump and climb to his heart's content. Open access to a windowsill, some closet or shelf. Buy a couple of excellent scratching posts. Play hunting!

Cat behavior

Lies on his back with his claws extended

© ihorga

It's hard to resist a cat lying on its back. I just want to scratch his tummy.

However, be vigilant, because in this position their main weapon is their claws are always ready.

Pay attention to whether the ears are pressed to the head and whether the pupils are dilated. These are signs that your cat is on guard and might scratch you.

Tail drooping

Your cat's tail is the best way to understand what is going on in your pet's soul. Its location can indicate whether your cat is happy or upset.

In general, the lower the tail, the more likely the cat is to be in a bad or hostile mood.

If the tail is hidden under the body, your pet definitely cannot feel you, so it is better to step aside.

The cat leaves when you enter the room

Every owner knows the nagging feeling when you enter a room and your pet leaves.

Don't be offended because your furry friend is not used to standing on ceremony.

Many people are familiar with the proverbial independence and desire to have their own space, but if your cat doesn't regularly show interest in interacting with you, then perhaps she doesn't have the same warm feelings for you.

Often hides

© pixabay

Cats, being natural predators, are good at hiding.

However, if your normally sociable cat suddenly starts disappearing and hiding in dark corners of the room, this is not a good sign.

Your pet may be uncomfortable in the environment she is in and is trying to find a comfort zone.

Frequent games of hide and seek may be a sign of stress, fear or illness that she is trying to hide.

If your cat is nocturnal and not very social, you shouldn't worry if you don't see her during the day.

In addition, if a cat is in a new home, then it hides in order to get comfortable in the new space.


Cat bites are one of the obvious signs that your cat is agitated. Cats know what their fangs can do, so they bite to demonstrate their superiority.

If a cat persistently bites, then it is trying to show who is boss.

This should not be confused with playful biting, which is not intended to break through your skin.

However, if your cat bites you or others aggressively, you should not take it lightly. Cat bites can cause serious infections and should be treated immediately.

Doesn't use his own toilet

Few cat owners will be indifferent to this fact. A pet that systematically relieves itself outside the litter box is trying to annoy you.

You may want to excuse it as an accident, but don't underestimate your pet's intelligence.

He's probably trying to tell you that he doesn't like where you put the litter box, or that it's difficult and inconvenient for him to get to it.

Hisses at you

© Kamchatka

Your cat's hissing may be scary, but it's another reminder that you have a predator in your home.

This sign has no dual meaning. If your cat hisses at you, she is definitely not being friendly.

Friendly with other people

If your cat likes to warm up to other people, but is rather cold towards you, perhaps she has a personal score with you.

The situation can be improved by being more involved with her and making sure that all her important needs are met.

Cats know their owner and they depend on your care. Does your pet have water, food and a clean litter box? Does he feel safe next to you? Do you play with him to keep him healthy and stimulate his curiosity?

Scratches your furniture

If your cat destroys your furniture without blinking an eye, start wondering if she hates you.

In fact, most cats mark their territory this way. And if she looks into your eyes at the same time, perhaps she has a very difficult character.

Twitches his tail

A cat's tail is similar to the eyebrows of humans. He conveys a whole range of emotions without uttering a sound.

If your cat's tail begins to twitch rapidly, she is probably sending you threats. It's best to back off or stop doing what's causing her anxiety.


The issue is complex and controversial. A fierce debate has erupted on this issue both among experts and among ordinary owners. The cat rummaged in the flower pot and broke off the plant. And you doused her with water from a spray bottle. Scared off? Certainly. Next time she "shit" on your carpet. And you dunked her by the scruff of the neck and with all your heart... well, you understand where. Will such science benefit the cat? Hardly. The meaning of the punishment will not reach the cat. Especially if the “education” is based on exceptionally strong fear or fear. One thing clings to another, problems grow like a snowball. Yesterday the cat chewed plants on the windowsill, today she refused to use the litter tray. And you are her muzzle, muzzle. Isn’t it better to put repressive methods aside and act not with punishment, but with persuasion, affection and rewards for good behavior?


John Bradshaw, author of Cat Sense, explains to NPR that feline instincts can make you think a cat doesn't care about its owner at all: "They come from solitary animals who never needed social interaction." system."

Unlike dogs, which move in packs, cats, for the most part, are solitary hunters, accustomed to surviving on their own. But domesticated indoor animals don't need to hunt for food (although they do stalk prey in the form of toys and your socks) and rely entirely on their owners for survival. The cat needs you to satisfy its needs for food, water, health and love, but independence - as a trait of its character - does not disappear anywhere!

Internet exploits

To be honest, we’ve all seen Internet memes involving cats.
There are simply countless of them on the World Wide Web. There are also quite successful ones, causing, if not Homeric laughter, then a smile. And let’s think again: what tricks did the author of the photo go to in order to achieve such “success”? How many “takes” did he manage to do? A bad example, as we know, is contagious. Other people's laurels haunt potential YouTubers. You think over the composition, call your pet and force him to take completely unimaginable poses, which for some reason seem funny. And the question that you are going against the cat’s nature remains behind the scenes. Nowadays, likes are everything! Original: 7 Human Behaviors Cats Hate. Author: Mychelle Blake. Source: pethealthnetwork.com Photo: drasler.ru (from open sources)

The cat likes to sit in a shelter, hide, and only comes out when no one sees it.

This is how she behaves when she doesn’t feel safe. Check to see if there is anything new in your home or even someone new that is frightening your pet. This could be a new vacuum cleaner, a flower in a pot, or a neighbor's renovation, or a new boyfriend or small child. If you find the “source” of the cat’s worries, there is no need to forcibly remove the animal from its hiding place and forcefully introduce it to the “innovation”. Just give the animal time to get used to it and get used to the new phenomenon. And also get to know him, encouraging this acquaintance with treats and other approvals.

Connection with a cat

There are no people who don't care about cats at all. There are those who love these animals and those who hate them! There are practically no people who are indifferent to cats. Typically, cats are hated by alcoholics, as well as women with an unstable personal life. And also children who have been subjected to domestic violence. In a word, those for whom everything is so bad that cat stabilization is simply unbearable for them - this is the impact that they are trying to avoid. These are people who don't want to accept help.

Psychologist Alina Cherubini confirms: take any person who is satisfied with his unhappy life, and suggest that he go to a psychotherapist or take calming pills. But he will simply send you away!.. It’s the same with cats - we either accept help from the “tailed doctor”, or a helmet and him, so that it does not interfere with reveling in our suffering.

JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn reminds us that we wrote not so long ago about getting out of binge drinking, and mentioned the main thing: you can’t get out of binge drinking if you’re not ready for it! If a wife, for example, tries to feed her husband healthy pills, and the husband is not at all eager to stop drinking immediately, then at best, nothing will come out of this, and at worst, another outburst of husband’s anger and domestic violence to such a degree that it will end in divorce ... however, much more traumatic than if there were no attempts to forcefully help. Any violence is bad, and it doesn’t matter whether it is for the good or not.

So, don't force cats on anyone, but remember: a person who doesn't like cats doesn't want to be helped.

Play games she likes

Cats have a developed hunting instinct. At home, a cat can realize itself as a hunter only through games. Observe your cat, offer different toys and determine what she likes to play with best. Now become a play partner, answer the call to join the “hunt”. Kittens and young cats watch the fly with pleasure; they associate it with birds. They excitedly run after a bow on a string, trying to catch the “mouse”. Some cats may bring their owner a fetch: a small soft toy. Even if you don't have much time, playing with your pet a little will strengthen your partnership.

What not to do

Many owners have noticed that cats tend to those people who show less attention to them. This “reverse” effect is easily explained! All gestures with which a person tries to attract a cat, be it outstretched hands or kisses on the face, are very intrusive and acceptable only if the pet trusts you unquestioningly. If you try to do the same with an unfamiliar cat, you will most likely encounter a very harsh and unpleasant reaction.

While your relationship with your cat is getting better, avoid provocative behavior:

  • Looking eye to eye. In the wild, such behavior is regarded as a call for a fight. However, if the cat persistently glares at you and seeks eye contact, you should not pass. Throw something at the wall to redirect your pet's attention and leave the room.
  • Don't hang over. If you want your cat to trust, love and respect you, initial communication should take place on the same level. It’s better to sit on the floor, relax your shoulders, lower your arms and wait until the pet becomes interested in you. At this stage, even small victories are important; if the cat calmly walks around you, this is already good.
  • Don't raise your voice. Speech should be quiet, calm, but confident. Place emphasis on vowels, avoiding hissing.
  • Do not force hand contact. The cat knows very well that you can pet her and if she wants it, you will understand. If you constantly gesticulate and reach out to your pet, this will have the opposite effect.

Pet where she likes

One of the manifestations of love is tactile contact. Cats love to be petted. But every cat has its own preferences. Check what your pet likes best and stroke where he likes it best. In response, you will hear a contented purr. Over time, the cat may let you scratch its tummy - this is a sign of trust and love on its part. And if a cat licks you, this means that you have been accepted as one of their own, and you are now a full member of the cat family. Stroking a cat can be combined with combing its fur. A daily ritual will help get rid of dead hairs and avoid the formation of tangles in long-haired breeds.

Failure to respect personal space

Cats' moods fluctuate greatly. Sometimes the animal wants to be petted, and sometimes it doesn’t. If your pet scratches or breaks out of your hands, then you should not touch it.

A cat will love those who take into account his mood, do not interrupt his sleep, and do not touch him during meals when he is in no mood. Cats also like those who respect their personal space. Some pets are very distrustful, so you should not approach, much less pick up, an animal that avoids contact.

Cats value order

While it doesn’t matter to a dog whether the house is clean or not, cats prefer cleanliness. The apartment must be tidy so that the pet can choose a place to satisfy its needs, the dust must be wiped off, the tray must be removed. It is also necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the place where the animal sleeps. A person who does not clean up after a pet will bother the cat.

Cats are very capricious and choose people carefully. Naturally, a nervous owner will not like a pet. To win the love of an animal, you need to constantly monitor living conditions.

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